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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1928, p. 1

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With Which Is. Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5e a Copy No. 38 I. ~i. .1 Spices and Pickle Mixture Are stili going strong. Many folk have gotten what they con- sidered sufficient, but having found how good they are Have cone back for more It is flot too late yet; These cool nights are chasing in the flies. Do flot be pestered with t.hem. Kil Flies With WHIZ FLY FUME Economical and sure death. We 'have Tanglefoot, Hanging Coils, Wilson's Fly Pads, and other fly destroyers. KERSLAKE'S The Dependable Drus Store k. Couch, Johnaton & Cryderman Ann The New Si For FaIl Wear This season lias broughtforth styles th,ý adimired for clever designs, beauty of colors, are durable and will be appreciated for their g, ties. We Have Already ReceivedI of This Season's Newesl Smartest Models Coats are being featured in imported suedes, luxurious fur trimmings of wolf, sabE sum, Persian andi baby lambs; linings of silk ci and marquise de luxe. It will be of interest f, Dresses have already been favored so greatly omers that purchases followed with greater eni Our selection is wonderful for misses and woi vets, satins and georgettes in black and ne'w brown. Our prices make it a pleasure to buy People who know appreciate the greater savini off ered by us, lower and greater than even ir centres. NEW CURTAIN MATERIA. New attractive curtain materials go a lo up the home. We have just placed in stock a the newer curtain nets, 1riced as low as 25e Men's and Boys' Depa Men'a Suits From $12.50 Men's FaIl Overcoats From $13.54 e Men's Winter Overcoats $1 6.50 Boys' School Suit8 From $ 4.95 Men's Suits or Overcoats, Made-to-Measi A look through our stock will convince yý that our values in clothing are unsurpassed. Couch, Jihnstoin & Cryc Bownianville Phoneo 14 No 0WReady For Busin'ess No store along front street bas had such a complete over-hauling and genuine improvement as out store. We are ail ready for bigger business than ever with a Larger Stock of Shoes Newest FaIl Footwear We can "boot" everybo<ly in the family frorn dad and mother to the wee baby. You'll flnd we have high quality sboes at ]owest prices. Lot of you folks have neyer been in our store. Corne in and get acquainted. H. J. Babcock Bowmanville's Oldest Shoe Store Rej uvinated--Opposite Balmoral ilote1 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES MORE GIFTS FOR HOPSITAL SEEING CANADA FIRST VANCOUVER MINISTER AT NOW FOR THE BOYS' FAIR _____I1 TRINITY UNITED CHURCH! Rally Day at Trinity Sunday School The hearts of the Hospital Direct-I The Editor Relates Some of Hi* Ex- rme egsn ilOfcal SunaySepembr Oth or wee ladene ths eekan th Iperiences and Observations on Hie Teinity congregation was favored Open The Show Trnt ntdCucRv.JUappreciation of citizens generally is j Furst Trip ta the Pacific Coast. ___ TRiniPty Uite Curch, seviceJ. U due two ladies of Bowmanville who1 Sunday evening with a visit front Rev. RIns. P.astor 0 . Sundayeat made additional donations to the (Number 7) Richmond Craig of First Church, Citizens should avail themselves of il . n. ad 730 . n. Snda Nuses ReidnceFun. Tis Now fr afewcoment abutVancouver, B. C., who bas been at- the privilege of attending the Boys' School at 2.30 p. mi. Nre'Reiec In. Ti only [Nwfr e omIt bu tending the General Council of the Training School's 2nd Annual Fal St. Joseph's R. C. Church. Mass goes to prove the oft repeated sayingI sonie people we met in Edmonton IUnited Church of Canada at Winni- Fair and Athletic Championship Meet 8 a m. Sunay chol 230 . n no campaign for money is put whom many Statesman readers know. peg whicbholi termed as the greatest on Wednesday, September 2Ath at 1 and en4c!on 7.3 p. m. across successfully without the as- This part of my letter will be sort of a church meeting hie had ever attended. P. ni. Lt is an opportune tumeta Seronan beEdxton7 p m Rv.sistance of women. These ladies1 "Local and Personal" column: Rev. Mr. Craig us a Scotchman and visit this unique boys' school te fully P. P. Butler. I earning that the objective of thisi Going over to the C. N. R. city though for 20 years lie has been liv- appreciate the commendable work and St. Paul's Clturch, Rev. D. W.! campaign, $10,000, badl not been ticket office to make boat reseryations ing in British Columbia lie bas not wonderful development in young man- Best, D. D., minister. il a. n.-1 roached made additional contribu- from Prince Rupert to Vancouver an bast bis native accent and is gifted hood being accomplished. Premier '1nSimle ays. .30p. i.- tins obliging official waited on me. When with a vein of humor wvbicb bie uses G. Howard Ferguson wull officially "To-morrow as part of To-day". 2.30ý Mrs. W. E. Tilley, Beech Ave, whc hle saw by my railway fpass that 1 wîth pleasing advantage as halieye- open the Fair at 3.30 p. m. Other p. m.-Sunday School. is at present visiting in To*ronto,! came from Boivmanville hie said bis1 sents bis interesting story of the good Cabinet Ministers will also be pres- Trinity United Cburcb will hold its, nmailed the Hospital President a check home wvas near there. He turned - work bing carried on by tbe United ent. Outstanding athietic directors Linnual Tbankoffering services oni for $200 with the *"hope the hos-l out to be Jos. F. Philp of Port Hope,j Churcb in Vancouver. His churclilOf Ontario will be in charge of the Sunday, October l4th., înstead of theý pital will soon be free of debt". This whose brother still lives in "the pret- i is surrounded by Japanese, ChîneseI atbleti chcampionship meet. Durhami frst Sunday in Deceniber as has been akes over $1700 the Tilley famulies tiest town in Canada." Joe us a very 1 and nîany otber people not Canadian Regimient Band, Orono, will be in at- the custom for many years. hv given to this fund. popular and genial chap and besidesi born. Speaking of ýBritish Columibia tendance. St. Andrew's Presbyterlan Church,1b Mrs. Maria Hobbs, Concession St., other thinga is secretary of the Rotary and its natural scenic beauty, lie said Last year a lot of people niissed coiner Teniperbnce ail Church Sts 1 who had previously given $200, called lu. i it was equal to seventeen Switzer- on(-,coý the bir features of the fair Rev.~~~~~~ R.M cenet . Ini-on President Norman James on Fni- nother prominent Rotarian 1 met lands. He advised every Canadian -he cne r, n rsnain o ter. Mornung worship 11 a. ni. Ev. day and said she had received a nice on the street whom 1 badn't seen for to bc patriotic and "see Canada first".j prîzes and awards at 8 p. m. in the enixhg worship 7.30 p. nm. Sunday i check that morning and bad decided. over 20 years, wben both of us work- Speaking of the problenis confrontingj Assembly Hall. If for any reason Scbool 2.30 p. ni. t o g ive $50 of it to help the Hospital ed for J. J. Gibbons' Advertising the United Churcb and how the Main-! Y11 can't attend the af ternoon doings St. John's Anglican Cburcb, Rev. R Fund. Agency in Toronto, was Henry J. tenance and Extension Fund was ho- come Out to the concert. An added J. Shires, Rector. Sixteenth Sunday1 The unsolicited and kindly spirit if, Roche, who ivas President of Edmon- ing used lhe said this cburch is carry-I musical attraction at the concert wil after Trinity, Septeniber 23rd. Har- 1 which these donations were given, no, ton Roar Club last year. He is ing on a great work in the Western be the singing of Signor Lamberti, vest Thanksgiving services. 8 a. nm.1 doubt, goos a long way to brigbiten the 1 head of one of the largest printing Provinces. He cîted several cases of' famous Italian baritone, who posses- -Hoy Cmmnio. l a m-Hoy a. nd igtenth respnsiilty fbouses in the city. wrecked lives and homes united that ses a fine robusto voice. Communion and sermon. 2.30 p. ni. the Hospital officials in their public Before 1 left tbe ticket office I Faee etbytedin rfic h i zand cor. l vThedis o th- -Sunday School. 7 p. n.-Evening spirited endeavor to serve this comn- pied C. Melville (Bill> Scott at the1 drug traffic and other causes. He 1Fi n ,n!r, Teei i d service. munity.I couniter getting transportation to send scored severely the Government Con-I mission fee. his son to Ontario for a holiday andr trol Act. The only way alI of these FALL FAIR DATES Nv______ ho recently visited in Bowmianville. evils can be cured was by the gospel- 1 ~Bill is the samne jovial chap When lie of love. He challenged the youngi RADIO INSPECTORS IN TOWN Port Hope............. Sept. 25-26"r asatuner bere with W. B Tapsoni people as to what use tbey wvere going1 I intheD. . &P. o. actoy, scre tomak ofthei lies utsde f nak- Find Citizens Without Licenses Port Perry............. Sept. 20- 211 NYS THA FUND GROWING inteD .&P o atrasoe 1 k fterlve usd fmk lackstock.................ýept. 26! o f vears ago. 0f course he's getting îng a livng. In closîng lie quoted Mes.R.GGodn adR.S Orno\saresuit of lte u:: giv,-n in r grey like the rest of us and bas put the words of Christ "If any man ýwill Meattrs .G Gorne n R . S.n Orn...................Oct. -11 TI, tae ina ast we,k t'10u,- lossb MWterGvrlvtRai n Markham................. Oct. 4-6 l,<f iott ~îs I~on. eigbt in the vicinity of "wberelcorne after me let him deny hiniself -6-_fi,"._o the \est begs ns-quite etc". Catch the vision, h Car the ispectors, are in town this week liter- _______îrsonal clothing of Sam Nys~iha and fain- h etbgn"-ut aldermanic, oie ally looking for trouble. 'Ebey found iy, I iitizns, as Nvas att'i re> as t ere. Do you remember the' 1oce nd God will niake your lîfo ai it: A few loose cut-outs and a reî,otic oby10th 'ttiytog olosbaiusBh hogea b1ssng1 piece of ordinary wire across a higb ci j ; ýtaI iitoverctio Mrt. Ny:stt t- or a isMosba's Üar those' ov. J. U. Robine the pastor, who i tension wire whicb set up sparking in ani- of ilonfreal. ît Nornan Ttîv._ days? Frank Kersiake a one ( gavea fine address- at the mrig and incidentally interferod witb clear liiortn(le a prsonal catîvas and sucur<,i theni. service in the interest of oui mission-I1 radio reception. $xr50O. Otters havt< rititer brouglit Fiîst along when the short skirt iaîy work, also bad charge of the 'v- But worse than this, they are filnd- o seul articles or pitono(Itrsi t ~tha t tIcýi vgemo adcnidrbening service. 'vilýgIdIygiv sonetinzif h, nte icme n vguemenhadconideabli !iîng a lot of citizens wbo are going. to 1t ariswililcoualin(] ninmate wviat -difliculty in knowing who -was wbb ofi Miss Hilda Curtis sang a solo ait!get into trouble for operating radios is nostneeed.thef einie se asthe wakedalog 1the morning service and Miss Doîothy without licenses. The fine is $50 A beautifu letter sitoîttîg the fnýte tre seBtx a as they wa g to Plummer inth evening in addition "-' and cost-so get busyf, spend $1.00 ffoiac c1risiansiirit o"An 0t1,1t)ownut.nville do îvith a man 1 recognized by bis the anthenis by the choir under dir- for a license and save a $50 fine be- Gila lit sr siro Sti-ttptin'as eîie'alko aprSreta esdection of Mr. F. Sutton ,organist. fore they get around te your bouse. by th, îetor gnfro lStf ita wa re1onJsprStetvslitds Hiollandte, %vho has chargeof th, catit-nie. Sure enougb it was Cassel Tait,- This aiso applies to Crystal radio sets. zLin rilo o hes 7osî)til, -otea.son ofMr ayTit wh was a Empire Sales Co. or F. C. Pethick sitett~otî hotitîrphrryn Tit, wb or i Mis. C. McGill, Mis. (Dr.) Hami- have licenses for sale or write to S. ea:potraerithstw fo ai-iy hly and Misses Eva and KathleenJ.Els eraRdiInpcoT - 1DWar "M\r. James:-Jîtst, rceived tite years. Cass. bas been in the saine M-ilo ootwr eetget no lttrnt. paîer titis mornîttgandi reaiirtg business until recently wben ho sold MGl fTrntwr'eet uss-ElsFdrlRdoinpcoTi zi tcîitliearned of i,»Nystlta fantiiy out bis studio and bas since acqut'-tdat i.RbRysoto having ltoir bomne destrrved ,and ieav- a neeti auatrn The regular meeting of the Woni-CUBTUNM T t ye sintent i ntost destituto andt lt Idona- bis iteresten's Canadiar '"a pur not know titis famiiy at ail, but they are secured the Canadian rigbts froinian Jh' aîbHlo ody et ]yrein n cd. andtIlîtî te part that English finm. His parents are i 24th at 3.30 p. mi. Capt. J. S. At- Bowmanville Tennis Club is coni- appeastma nd -,an ecsg a feeb)enatb'a ter, me, enteaenclosartiularly bisfather.ý kinson of the Bureau for the advance- pleting a successful season with a Cltefiue for $0.anatirut titis smal rchoer. wil itelp out son 0. God itas been 1I missed seeing Albert Tait wbo i, i ment of Canadian Music willgvea econd Annual Faîl Tournament. rool lo me, and t realize tat titis hs His witb a wholesale fruit fii'm thee I add rosi on CanadianMui.emrsEnt will be--Men's, Ladies' and Nvork, iand so a part or ?My Tent 1givelaermne htoigttei-Juo'sSgesndD be. Te t onli el 1 these ticar people in thieh tour D. Edgar Allin was tbe first Dur- aermne htoigt h n uirsSnlsadDuls h (if n.,ed. MaIv .od biss the., and ny hani Old Boy I called on. His office creased fee for affiliation with the As- Singles drawing bas been made and tnay esond t te cllfo is located in the e-o Building sociation of Canadian Clubs, becausei posted on the courts. TeDul at re ealy t beMr.Nycitale erygraefîi fr te wereoisbe efior nd d of the greater number of speakers to schedule wiîl be drawn up as soon as generosityan kindneis slitovnitis pyicas ciianim etbyteitati asfud entries are received. Members wisb- extend tiifiaearîfeil ihanke and appriciI- b essary to raise the fee for nien-i-ng te play doubles sbould select their and materials that in thpir hour of neeti and asktid ui tOwbich bis youngest brother, Dr. Nor- nci e$. ooden wraig ul- int ail t t ha b and way tprei man Allin, is associated with bim be.- rshi o O15 this year. tpartners and enter their names at once ornakcontriuions to icsttre their îng an oye spocait. A 1oee James Alexander Grant of Orono, wt .A elH apo .R honme. the door to the large reception room ivas, at tbe last meeting of the Son- James. .At itresent the family is living in a sitedj I found mysoîf facing more th an st te, awarded tbe Ontario Fellow- Club officials ask the co-operation on teir ireperty %vhic t tiey have con-wiio tertun hpfr12-. hsflosio of all niembers in playingan re- Shipmn ts vre ba eprr tm. - houghts entere'd my mind as I gazedI the value of $250, donated by the On- cîigtermthsa h ora at hisassmblge, tarie Dental Association, is awarded ment should be completed by end of frit was that Dr. Allin must have a annually te a graduate in dentistry nxonth. e f2ci akdfrec :an nîght bg pactcean th eteror any recegnized university appoint. jentry te defray expenses of prizes. wss that Edmonton is sureîy an un- ed as an interne in a heospital in On- Thebauiucpsyuwlr- healtby city in which te ive. As te tarie baving an adequately oîganized member were donated lait year by Ro a he te the first I learned fron iou dental service. Dr. Gran.& is dental jDirs.,B. J. Hazlewood and J. C. Devitt Roya The tre sources that Dr. Edgar Allîn is con- interne in the Toronto Western Hos- and Mr. F. C. Vanstone. These have sidened the beit and most successful pital, and was preminent in univeîsity1 been held for the ýpast year by M. A. broadcboths and Presenting The Finest In surgeon in Alberta~ and one of thei athletics during bis undergraduate Neal, Men's Singles; Mis, C. Rowani, ~l, American opos-Photoplays outstanding physicians in Westeri' aigbena noîolga Junior's Suigles, an llesarcups will t Phone 589 Caaa.jwester in the De34alb.ugby seand .in ho held by the winners in each of the ýrpbrocaded silk Tbrough the kindnoss of Dr. Edtm$theMok ere. na u Y aaisingle events for the nexi year. Courts reejgar Allin hoe took us on a meter trip Iý are in good condition, weather ii 'or you to see them. 25 nmiles into the country wbere wel cool, and the members havdt an oppor- got oui firît "close-up" vieîv of corne1 tunity of getting in 6 weeks of fine y by our manyceust- Friday-Saturday, September 21-22 ireal fertile prairie land wbich was a. menton Mirs. Melville Scott (nee Mag- tennis. thusasmthaneve. Zae Gey' Thrllig Prducion wonderf ul experience and an enjoy- 1 gie Young, f ormerly of Bowmanville) Please be prompt with your entries. :husasmtha evr. aneGre's brihin Prducion able ride. Edgar is certainly imbuedijgave a veîy delightful afternoon teal Every niember is urged te play. rnn eauig e-"THE WATER HOLE" witb the western spirit of optimiscu . in bonor of Mis. James. Wbile thel1Courts will stîll ho open for the usual Wmenack oît nd Nacy Crroi and bas great faitb in Ednmonton and ladies ivere chatting, supping tea andl WithJackHoltandNanc Caroll the developnient of Albeîta's unlimit- baving fortunes told, Mi. Scott (Bill prac1 tice games.. vfavored tones of Zane Grey's book opens into a ced natuisl resources. We passedias aforementioned, altho' I don't un- I H DTRSMI measter osait. acted a ntual Dr.Nornman Allin's farni, or section, denstand why they called hbu BillI INTHE _______ MAI matr at Paedi ntra stbey caîl it eut WVest. He had when bis name is Melville) took nie Mr'I. John Ehet .Afre ietting. Reproduced in natural otie of the niost prenîising cropa of 'for a nîotoî ride around the city when princial of BmAvilfe High in Bowrnanville. colore. One of the finent outdoor wpratiigcorpatlre ofi. loke upsom lts ar n he ut S-ctwe saw durnou nieti.1loe psmlosfrithou-Shoi tedn ateGnrl gs and lower prices pictures ever nmade. Retuiriing te theî city we drove i kirts of the city w'bich some of mv Süucbo f Ttenicedat ho Genera n te lrgebuyngMatinee Snîurday at 2.30 p. ni. ji ' tlir the bospital grounds and i astern friends had been payin i Cond ni oTeuni e Chur rb cfnieg n helagebuîngChildien 5c ,-n ( hureb St., wbicb boasts of 28 taxes on for a score of years. Myl Canada in ong Chumbrh, ninieg eliesC ) n the one ;treet and almos: hope is that tbey will bcse d long 1wrtesn eptenbero 12, a eryub Cbapted 6 of i uiany religious sects. IWe were enougb bo cash in on the investment. Ilisb a few paragraphs: Dear Mr. _____"BLAKE 0F SCOTLAND YARD" dîtuicir gue.,'s cof Di-. Fdgar that even- A pleasant nîenîony that wi11 longjJames-As you know fîem youn 3wn ISjand regular progiani ing at the Macdonald Hotol and af- linger wîth nie ivas the meeting of experience, it is a great pnivilege and LS teîrwards enjoyed meeting bis family Mins. (Dr-.l Robent Young, vho is liv-1 inspirationl te attend, a gatbering like abis beautiful home wbere bis sistei'; tng with bier daughter, Mis. Scott.; this. One hears se much that 'is got)d ýng way to brigliten ~l<.Anunie .Allin oif this town u Ia ýMary ocf ot- older citizens will ro-I ihe feels like wisbhinL, it rould be b ig assortment ofMonciay-Tuesciay, Sept. 24.25 ibuest and is still in the west. . nieinbet wben Di-. an<l Mis. Young distrîbuted over the year.knw f y igard. te o One of tbe gîcaîest pictures of WVe dropped into the potficeate d fanitilv ived on Centr~e St., (op- i neetyut yard.this or any other-season e Nanley R. (rydeuixan who was a, positepebplDrilIet.edicinetho bous n'eîibei. of tbe Bowînanvilil. 0.î'ttw occu'ed lw Mr. and Mrs. Wi. thone poptesIndit.a Icame trougvis ____________________Emnil Januiings In sîtuf for a number cf ',oars before: Hannis at the bond of Carlisle Ave. i the taNthsa D at awnwhIe I vis- "TH PARIO" g'lug wst Maleyhas't geda' irs. Merle Nol," of this town, is eld- Metbodist minuster, W .J. Medfland, WiTH FoeiE PVtRIOrLeistne 'bnd Wes t. santey hapy g i estdauzbtei- of Mrs. Young, and Mrs. WihFlrnerioteisSoe ieannt h anehpp olucky wh e~ o ho ad ns a boy attended the Wib an Ni Hîîi!o ,,ycf old, although lie bis one cf,. Clini MacDonald (Polly), of'itn High School unden Principal W. W. Lrtm nt ad Nel Haiiltn le îîîost respotîsible positions in the i- another daughter. Tamblyn, M.A. Mis father, a mian Newîpapers and Theatnical cîitics licî< office. Mrs. Young who is noiv 91 year spitheitesraiefo ng Up hewond verprclaniit m.s- 1 While îvalking tbi'ougb the botel 1 old, is blind and very deaf and lives land ai a boy in 1853 to Bowman- erpiece. Enîil Jauinings the star 'aotnda onue evening we niet Dr. F.' nuch in tbe past. Yet with these , ille He xvent te ichool -lt Court- e Up ~~in bis portrayal as the Mad Zar,1 I. S Lowei-y, foriîirîy cf this tonI afflictions there ivas a radiant smile, ire and renîembenod the names of Upwill thrill you Nvitb bis wNioi-d1Wh is a goveiuinient veteirinarin- on bier face anid a peaceful look in bier i Annis, Courtice, Osborne and others. i p character obses-td by fear, cun- sîîîîo r whose du ties take himn froni eyes of expectanit joy tha t inuicateu i In 'this ritv I visited a former 1ninc, denioniaral and bestial. iat ocai.jh e could -eet ho.eroiligb th-bCpstre y-s gno etr r& tic inan eoýz na lan

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