f HE CANADIAIN STATJESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 1928. PAGE TWO LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS thoroughly employed. The alert in- BOUQUETS FROM THE PRESS MASONIC FRATERNAL VISIT _________teil igence of modern mothers basi M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. No place is equal to the country nevel been so hizh as now and theiri (Elmira Signet) On Wednesday evening. September Barrister, Solicitor, NDtary for bringing up a family other condi- infl.,,encc may be depen eld jpon ta 1 One reads quite frequently in the l2th., Worshipful Master AlberL J. Moe e ono an n ontosbigsatisfactory. A very sustain in the last a~ i. Ther resofteclbaonf Walker, officers and brethrcn of Ash- Moe obn nFr ndTw grbeing ldeenson the parents Is less obedience ex:,cld ofanchildren jpreofe weingainiof a golLodne A.F. A.M. 247 G. 1R. . Property. Royal Bank EBilding, weee children are brought up. through fear of ps'-cnts, an oe I eventbeingdconsideredworthy, and Toronto,paida fraterna 2 ii to.R- . Bowmanville. Phone- 3ee 1.centlystruck by the fact from motivpý; born of their com pan-1 rightly so ofspeialmention, but a aemLgeo.3,B mnvl. W. R. STRIKE mentjoned in a versy successful and ionship". God bless the mothers of jolejbieclbrtn faweyPsT W. M. wvas accompanied by these respccrtolat Ded Smfanrmer'swsppe eobit- sffcibol -ars.stMasters Rt. Wor. Bro. E. W. E. SuccessorolicD B itor, on, K.C. vry thighly newbutper editrcis sufficiently rareSaunders, Wor. Bros. Frank G.' %,c- Barser oiitr oar y t hbis sons al left homte on jThis la flot universally truc, per- to ebeeofsout-standinig prinence in Kay, HarrgeJ. arhnadM'ateorsH. the farmi to go to town and city posi- jhpbti stuKoalre xen h esclmî n ae.O ad,Gerge B. airronadatorK. Solicitor for Bank of 'Montreal ions and when their parents were. than many pessimists imagine. Great- Aug. 1, Mr. M. A. Jamrcs celebrated Lyon and 20 brethren. Money to Loan Phone 91 old they sold the homestead and rnov- er social free dom does not mean fifty years' continuous service as edi- Bowmanville, Ontario cd to a nearby village. too. Man',y greater license where ýthere bam been tom of The Canqdiin Statesman, Bow- The degree womk vas exemplified such instances are occurring in Can- sound home training, and wheme there mnil.Truhotalteeyas ytevstn rtri aavr W. F WAD, B A.ada and the United States. 'are wisely directed school interests. Mr ae a e noaet~ impressive and inspiring manine.- af-I BariteSoictrNoay n hi oneco w aeled to ask,Th home and school are co-orera tlng h ouhEsaendnin . ter which ail adjourned to theMban BarseSlctr oay Iwhi osecon etoo h n m we are fo reen-ayte Fut saeada npiration que tting hall where the Ma ronic Money to loan. Bonds for sale. 1 os aymn fo tei mc odwr o rsn-a to bis fellow editors to live up to th e Toasts were duly honored: Toast Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., country" win(l un ln the chief execu-1 youth. ;ihiel bc ebsepesd~l ~ "igadCat or. Br. BomavllOntario. Phones: tive positions in industry and ln public We must not expect old heads oitL is famous coluima, "The EditorE.H Bon.WM.jeuac Office 102, House 409. office? , young shoulders-chidren must have Talks". odE.;H.rawn. WodM.e ofCaada". Probably because they develop a years to deveîoio. Let us remember Lkthfai donwslowLypoed bGandWo. ro o asadK., DETLstronger physical constitution and a that ail true progress is, by the law ketefmldoornwSOI1poos bWr.B.Th asK DENTALbroader education of many and varied of Nature necessarily slow. An but surely passing into oblivion, Mr. 1 Wade responded to by Rt. Wor. bro. DR. . C.BONNCASTE lnes of human endeavor and activity. acorn does not in a few years gro James functioned as a citizen; flotiE. W. E. Saunders. Rt. Wor. B-o W. The average man raised la the city ito a gigantic oak, but rather re- nytruhheclmso Tei.BagDDGMVr W *o! Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto does not have the samne oppru .t qies hundreds of years to reach Canadian St.atesman, but also beehas.T. Annison; "Visiting Brethmen";, pro- University. Graduate of the Royal for miental and physical growth. matumity. Growth is imperceptible been part and parcel of every move-1iposed by Rt. Wom. Bro. G. C. Bon- College of Dental Surgeons of On- Th mnbhugintbi eoe the less certain. The law ment in bis town that made for the nycastle and responded to by Wor. tario. Office King St., Bowmant'ille. f ema hoginh iserll h wold is evolution, but it can- betterment of the community in whicb Bros. L. G.' McKay, Geo. Barro*n, Bro. i Office phone 40. House phone 22. triigaaIo racnrsnot change over night. Teachers hie lives. He bas been and continues ho.WbyndAetJ.Walker, X-Ray Equipment in Office. vso of uagnealy asn a boaderI and parents who have to do with to be the friend and counselor of the1 W. Mi. vminoe mnta affatck irs, and a et t er oung boys and girls must, therefore, unfortunate; bie bas rejoiced in the- Newly initiated candidate proposed DR. J. C. DEVITTan mea "yrdstick" wiit oithehsee paience. success of Bowinanvilie citizens, atiby Wor. Bro. L. T. McLaughlin and Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson antueasm . osblte o h'hv a home and abroad, and bee has watched1 responded to by Bro. W.M .E.Oms Graduate of Royal Dental College,** A little book caiied Ears and! The with joy and pride the progress, mor- 1 ton. Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- As we remarked on this page îast Man bas just been issued by F. A. aily, industrially and educationally, of; Wor. Bro. H. J. Knight rendere d manville. Office hours 9 a. ni. to %veek, Boys differ greatly in their Davis Co., Philadelphia, which is the his own home town. Itwo splendid solos and community 6 p m daiyexcptSunay Phne tcnprschracer an ativities. outgrowth of social service on mod- Verily, the veteran editor is to be singing was indulged in with Francis p.m.Houslyexpt udyhone 283 wchecmi of to boysdwbo ern medicine and particularly on pre- congratulated on bis exceptional at-. Sutton at the piano. A very enjoy- 90. Houla Office.83alînghaveongndaostreetbogsethoer e ventive medicine. It deals princi pally tainment of fifty years in the editor's able -evening was spent ending withi X-Ray Equipmcent i fie vingaogasre oehrwen wt efesa oilpolm tad with deafnessaas a social problan-.chair and the Signet hopes that lhe Auld Lang Syne. DR. . E DINIWEL j heydiscverd a mal bilboad -Aftcr digcu.ssinL- the different types may be spared for many more years-_ ___ DR. . E.DINNWEI vertising an entertalament for some of deafness and taking it on an es- of service to bis paper and the town Have you started back to churchi Honor graduate of Toronto Univer- public cause, which hat f allen over on tablished fact with the patient, they of Bowmnanville. after your holidays? R emenmb er sity and member of Royal College of, it' face. On of these boys had ai then 'consider diff erent aids te, leara -_________n he ow a Dental Surgeons. Licensed to hlpful spirit, and hbe pcked up t ho n. N ext follows an excellent dis- 1 v1 hmh atetw advcnt . cr ndg. i nis Ic2 is holding its regular services. Dont practise in Ontario and the Dominioni. badadou ti1t5pa- cussion of the relationship of the un- (Aylmer Ontario Express) put it off. Becomne a regular at- Dentistry lnaail its branches. Office- Then bis compan-n, filled vwith the fortunate individual to bis station la A recent issue of the well-knowni tendant at the morning or evening King St., Bowmanville, opposite spirit of mischief and the desir'c to doj lfe. for instance the deaf child and Bowmanville Canadian States man services. Ban o Motral Phno30 . s,methinz funny, thirneçd it upside is play, suitable work for grown-ups contains a record of the activities1 of ____________----_____ down. But bis compnonr ll< ah n<l particularly the education of per- the chief of that paper,.1M. A. Jaimes. -- MEDICAL lowvn. ani pcrsisted in straighteainiz sons whose hearing is scriously im- For fift yyears Mr. James. bas control -________________ C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. up the szn and ;vouî.d not Icavd t ipoires! or entirely gonte. The boo0k led the destinies of bis paper, and Graduate of Tîinity M.\edical Colboge, utlh vssr temshflvn is verv readable and full of helpful while for some years, bis t'o sons Toronto, formerly of EnniFkillen. royhus nthe ovetpe d eoit ex.s-sugestions. Anything that wil bave been the activo e mbors of the Office and RshdencetDr.es o.ad not vertuined affonr -more pleagure te, deaf persons staff, bis interest bas not ahateý. formerandResidencenCDrc. Beith's :tî,g in or cnimuni.:i-s were revealed i,5to ecm nd, for they live in During haîf ace t h te editor formr rsidece n ChrchStreet,! at an early age. Some arý alxvays j ho coed id. e.u ml-on e'i a on Bowmiaaville. Phono 259. 44-t helping out the good causesad fini- avr ml olide.c mi-onwel a on J. CLARK BELL i eauo*icopri2,a Just a we were*closingl this week's is probably no melIum 50 powerful as MD.,Ch... ROS (Ein) D..")Ille kc thi.ts ofer rn'! ake n ûe i mclwe took Up The Witness and tbe newspaper of ztoday, and wvile- M.D, C.B. FR..S. (dir), .PH. ,nkic tin,7 ver,.iýlmak fn o, endanarticle hy Margaret Moore rn.ny cdaimt that tbe snalal paper bas (Successor ta Dr. A. S. TiIIey) the efforts f-, those wlio are tmyinz to he'cades! "Pleasant to Live With" and pa4sdit dyofuefins, b Hoa. Gadute a Mdi me Abr- ù-fulthng-. Kns!reoeronh"re is one paragraph of special in- people of the smnaller I ,Caliuies istill den nierit; c.los f heRoalv.kw ~iear*vn?* *t1rest to homemakers and mothers renad tbem ,advertis-e la tbem, and Collego of Surgeons, Edinburgh. * *wbo should ail be "pleasant to live wb;en tbey move tu anotIecr district V IL1 L Office ad Residence, Queen St.,ý This bit of boy opinion recently< witb": tbcv keep in toucb wl-h the "dos!0 " caeintrnoie n ers t d onpr'sd-udcsei.rs t Bowmanville, Phono 89. cam.t1 nr otie an! w pas i We who are house-mothers, home- ai home tbrougb the s'ial paper. A Tlpoevsto Offiee Ilours: _"to 1i1).m., 6 10 8.30 P.M. in laeboy ea may rs tan bn ak ors., are s50 sedwith duties jd ose4-rcon do iiiucb for tbe Tlpoevsto w. H. BIRKS, M.Dn ooy welareis saendr. Mandthr Ab-ans! ambition,; la these days, 50 cager conimunity th'rougb thc. nouldiný of cus niaelti W. H. BIKS, M.Dott, whoaster f the Lr. ar Abceviîle befficient in every way, so afix- a heai-y and heal'hy ->pin un . NoN,j talks once a week - at Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 to 830 school near Trenton. N. J., ought toi ious ta help pay for our homes; to pu-.blic opinion niltrea'ed and îl- Telephone 10S~ awby tywl. Rcetl eeds our cildren tbe correct amount îLsed, can hie the \vor us vrd- a vrage cost of ow1y Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's knt o y th e ty wClub of bis home of eacb vitamine; to make our home x iss! ymn.btif rfvetlses! it 40-an cet! former esidence, Wellington Street, town some of "hi, helief about thelgav %vith aew paint and fabric; to)! can be the salvation of the people. Bomnil.present younzrr eneration. Put our children tbrough college andi That is the duty ans! aim of a news- When the sisters were DR. V H. SOREY havebeen a 100basinss ofgive tbem ail the advantages we bas!1 paper, and now htre can it exert the i frtsprtd hr teVHSORY" achegbys 30y e sn eofatnu;thosenterainands be dnetaie; Thee theeditorknowsbis sujcts Office boums 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p. m. ie rzby 0 er n ae ans! ;tosnerour pardeent ol!nt 1 influence that it can ila asmall place. 1 were long letters, then After 8 p). m., by appointmient c.nly. peet ne m hrgI4 o (Ioo our dutv as citizens in the comn- 1ho is intimately acquaiated witb their shorter ones, then an Exception-Office will hc open 9 t.iol ce rom nearly every Stato i mua itv ans! Christians la the church;1jprejudices, and byIa skilful use of the ocsoa nt ewe 10 Saturday night. 36-tf thsUin.aIhveoernona! it is small wonder we sometimes, printes! word hie can mako those rr iis _____________a more truthf ul, dlean-living, honor- i get overwhelmed. , people consider the public goos! as rr iis able set of young gentlemen, diff erent Iforhat osno iewy1php c oohrmn. H cn VETERINARY f rom my youth as the suai is fom thoe forbat osntgv aypraacnn to a. H a But now - they visit moon; full of nonsense, fu of pas- j under it ail, our nervos, wbicli we rat- if hie wishes start a revolution or E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. sohasrn, iciflva ,h er stupidly thiink of as somiething1 qucîl one. He can drive mon to regularly, because they Orono ýso the 'OdHr', mbut filv imes as different, break, ans! as for being ami-' drink, or hoe can go a long wav ta- have discovered how in- Honor Graduate of University of decet, d as rthfut ans! asmnl as able, pleasant, kind,-why,-well,- wards stopping all drink, ln short exesvadsts- of1 eenastrtf l adasmal a lj hotob! i can make the public behave itself, epnie adstsy Toronto. Ail cases given prompt the boys of my youtb". Pretty fiae mentobo rosper ans! progress in a manner ing, Long Distance calis ans! caeful attention. Office-Dr. testimony boys, eh? i1 nqabs yayohrifune rad hw qik McElroy's former office. Phonos: * * * Inqaldb n te nlune radhwqik Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. There is a tendency wc f ancy now-I READERS CAN CO-OPERÂTE For fifty years Mr. James bas kept especially Station-to.- a-days to regard the former days as 'Bowmanville a promineat ans! thriv- Station cails after 8.30 boîter than these ad boys and girls Readers of The Statesman are in- ing town in Ontario. It is a ovely frmingt AUCTIONEERS of our youtbful years as more re-1vites to, assîst in snaking our col- town witb modern people who ar .e p.m. fe mingt THEO M. SLEMON lable, trustwortby ans! better behav- umns inteesting to ail. Lot us ever alive to the needs of tlie comn- the rates are even Iower. Auctioneer i cc than those of the present time. bave the names of any visitors you munity.. Ans! much of this progree- Far an! Hus Saes Secilty jSome one may remark on reading are entertaining; or if you or any of sive spirit may safely ho lais! at the Only 40 cents a week to Terms md oe. enskailbon p. 0.1 vbtti I ýaggsy htpryour friends are taking a trip wci door of the editor's saactum. Wbat keep this family United!1 Phone 197r3. 1tf, haps Dr. Abbott, liking boys, is alwýays shoul approciate it if you wouid let modemn Ontario, wbat modemn Can- Isn't it worth it? - . pirous!cr of the curreat group under us know. Many people at borne1 ada necds is a souns! guidance of pub- i is charge than of any that have gono and! at a distance reas! these colunins 1 lic affairs ,and if editors take their CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUC.LESS bofor . N evertbeless, it is reason - wiith interest each week. 'With the duties to hcart as bas this man during THEROPYi able to believe that ho wouls! note 1 co-opora tion of all our readers it will bis baîf centupry of public service, the fact if the presont 540 ,vûre act-iho stilI more interestng. We are i Ontario ans! Canada will ho better DURWIN E. STECKLEY ually worso than any preceding t hankful to those wbo regularly cal! j places in which to live. bonor graduate of Toronto College g'oiP.j up our phone 53, drop into our office, ______ of Chiropmactic will ho la the Bow-1 Humans are undouhtedly human in' or mail their contributions, ail of femothatw mnhs f mnanville Office Tue.sday, Tbursday any age, ans! boys, are boys, but which help to make your paper more Afemoetatw mnhs f and Saturslay eveniags, phono 141j.! sur-ely the efforts of parents ans! cdu- interesting. enovation Port Hope United! Churcb Residential calîs mode sluring foe cators to train youth la feedom ans! Camas e-openes! on Sunday. Rcv. G. no~~~~~ oo epniiiyshus esoire-Canpbelîford officially openes! its A. Sisco is pastor of the cburch. The sults. Deceacy, tuthfulness and aewv pavements ibacertonnwmmrawisovgenoth mraaliness among youngsters are prob- on Friday cvening. Counties ans!1 chumcb by the late Mr. and Mirs. Wmn.02 FUNERAL DIRECTORS ablIy more commonplace than manv provincial officiaIs were present, ans! i Parsons will ho unveiled Sunday, 'Sep- F. F. MORRIS CO. olz -totmr e. two bands fumnishes! music. i tember 23rd. ________ au Comiplote Motor or i ial knowledge such as a schoolmast- Horse Equipment. jor must have after long years of se r- i Ail calls promptly vic.* Fiattendes!t.icie ote ta too rivate Ambulance. WeiciVote notion ta o 10 ans ~ ~. manv people are skeptical about other llo-wnianiville phono: peuîî's chilsîren and! often say nasty 1 andh 31o.s- jinir about their boys e».peciIly. Br-ný_h Sore- ut fohebrs bols! <iffeî-ent views and! Oî ou &Ne;casle. .ay, poor lîttle gou<l boy! Nobody ALANM. WLLIAS - bcicves in him: everybody distrustsý Emblmr ndFuera Dhlmo. s suspiciousîyS A F E T Y ' b ni . .-th per ai edctusan! Coiýs given pi ,nipýt ans! persoaal at- ,ans! solemaly announce that he can'1t versus tontion. Nu extra charge for dis- «posý-ibly lie approves! of. If hoe is taire. Phronos 5S or 159, B usmian- tractall ans! obesient tbey shakoý vill, Ot. 3tf hei es~sAmul n!pohs________________ at it wu)n't last; that he'll dol H IG H-1 IN T EIE ST àsomoi-thinz dreas!ful lator in life toij fanîllies be ' idc- our own, andl aft'r t - a rare fuI Con.-idcî-atioa of the foie. g'îing paragraph i-omebw-v, w<- ca't,* help wonde](rinr if it's puits as bas!.asi il! that. We alwavs ha<l a saneak- i ion that the l<u'i ans! girls who I < sthe were tub! ami! got into nu i( mi u-' nischief grew up ta ho the aiiea ans! womien who Ido the bnlk of '~i~ ~G LEYr ,'of t hbom may ox.sn bavele Ie The oolcomfrtin flaor -r-islents of bonk5z or raiîroaL.s or: T! e ool crnforing faior methiag. l'robablv w'e wo of WRIGLFE 'S Spearmmnt n 1-its a rrmfr'alethum, av is a lasting pîeasure. 'tans! we sit l like "Ib' It cîcanses the mnouth after * * * eating-g. v-s a cleattaste and i11- Dr. Ahbott andi mony ubq sweet breath. ieaheîofutwide experience wr it is refreshing and cI maand!vîigp<,bProf. I1h digestion aiding. ber, Work, adlrcssintt, a e-aui of' tui1n!'a' -i a a U e 'mmn ,ls i mo' (Icw ord'sf connî,ndation ans! f'that th(, vouag peule 'f tuaaie Ugthboarted ans!(] a . ncmonars, to our institutions Tbeic avmnv iidlç EVRY. voilais folk seen in puiblic plao art M*L011Cli n"lotindicative that ihere iun- nMt graer numbers honie-traines! ans!d STOBIE, FoRLONC STOCKS BONDS Head Office: Reford Bui Bay and Wellingtonl Sts., 7 S. F. EVERSON, Local IV Private Wire System il King Street East, Osbawa-Abovi Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calls At Our Expens &Co. GRAIN ailding Toronto Mlanager re C. P. R. Office 4 nse lU ILAIIR /Pevdrdnç Vew &II coIessful ,six A WAYS a great car . . always an outstanding P.value . . always a "Siecesbful Six" . . Pontiac Six now caras its right to even more spectacular success. Swecping nese refinecrîcts in the sturdy Pontiac Six-c ' linder engine . . for examplo, New Marvel carburetor, iinnsrovc-d nanifolc!iug.. add new and greater smoothness to eontiac performance. New, smarter, smilicr wheels, %vith larger tires, further enhance the sparkiing beauty of Pontiac's "Body b>'Fsîe You con dri,ýe Pontiac Six as far and as fast as you wislî sith perffect peace of mind and security. AU! of Pontiac's famDuii stamina is there . . and aIl the quoli.y feanîmres which won Pontiac its amnizngt 500.wss - past . . the famous G-M-R Cylinder-head; the foot-controlled headlights; the Lovejoy HYdrauîic Shock.Absorbers, etc. Spectacular success could flot help but reward this most recent evi(lencc of Pontiac's progressive policy. Corne ia and learn why Pontiac is winning ini- creased popularity ffroughout Canada. Ask ,o,. deder iboathe G.M.A.. Dftý,d Paymnew. Plm is ch -,,k-,b.Y..,g -aY. Corbett Motor Sales PHONE 248 A BOWMAN VILLE IPUNIFIAC s l x PRODUCT 0F GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LUMTE Sold In Bowmanville By T. B. GILCHRIST rule to reniber is the higher the interest, the greater the risk PUT YOUR SAVINOS INTO A SAVINGS ACCOUNT in the BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 There they wiii earn a reasonable interest and Ie safe s J