~'AGE FOUTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1928. DRESSMAKING AND FUR WORK TYRONE1 ENNISKILENi ENFIELD1 HAYDON and th Dmae srrun ing cou tfor their F ssF.air r n rtevs. H. HjlMr. . S.1Recent visitors: Mrs. E]len Han- Miss Nancy Ormiston and Miss Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Yeo the ladies of Bowmanville, Oshawa, Virtue's, Oshawa, and attended the cock, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Verna Ormiston, Bowmanville, were and children, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sop- andthesuroudin conty fr tei Far... M. nd rs.H.Hils, r.and daugbter, Toronto, at Mr. Levi visiting Mrs. Edwin Ormiston. er, Oshawa, Mr. Fred Cowling and patrofiage of the past 12 years. Brunt's; Mliss Myrtie Brunt with Mr. and Mrs. A. Nidd ery and lano- son Freddie, Purple Hill, Sundayed af She is prepared to alter and reline and Mrs. S. T. Hoar, Lloyd and Alden, friends near Oshawa; Mr. and Mr8. ily, Toronto, spenlt the weekend at Mr. Rd. McNeil's; Miss Marion Gra- fur and cloth coats at ladies' homes spent a couple of days at Niagara Coats, Rochester, at Mr. D. Burg- Mr. J. Hepburn's. . . .Mr. and Mrs. T. ham, Toronto, at Mr. H. Ashton's; Mr or at the residence of -Mr. F. J. Cole, Falls. ... Mr. and Mrs. Powers and master's; Mr. and Mrs. James Aiken- Adams, Burketon, visited at Mr. T. Eugene Beech who bas had charge of Corner King and Ontario Sts., Bow- Miss Helen, and Mrs. Stutt, Oreno, head, Toronto, (nec Miss Eulalie Henry'.% .. . Mr. . Heatle, Layton, a Mission field in Daupin, Man., dur- mnanville, phone 339. 38-3 J visited at Mr~. H. HuIls'..Mrs. Pat- Pascoe), at Mr. Gordon Werry's; Dr. and Mr. M. Johrion Blackwater, vis- ing the sumnier, is bolidaying at _______________________terson .Sunderland, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ferguson and Masters Allan ited at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's. Mrs. home, bafora resuming his studies at IAwde, Mr. and Mrs. Hutton and son, and Donald, visited a former teacher, Alex. Smith has gone to Oshawa to Queen's University, Kingston; Mr. AU TINSA E Toronto, visited at Mr. L. Wigt's . .. Miss Laura Andrew, Pickering; Mr. reside. She will be mucb missed Milfred Brotz and friend, Detroit, Mr ________SAL Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephens and fam- ad Ms alce Sane n as she was a bighly esteemed mena- and 'Mrs. Jas. Bradley, Enniskillen, Thrsay Sptmer27h-. .ily, Miss Editb Taylor, Keswick, Miss daughters*Eleanor,, Toronto, at Mr. H ber of the Ladies' Aid and churcb Mr. Bert Ferguson and Elva, Enfield, THg arth,ete4, Con.t5 Darlington and Mr. Walter Park of Blaydon- 1 ,vens';B.Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Cook here .... Miss Helen Pascoe bas gone St Mr. E. Bradlev's. ..Don't forget wHoigath ng L pt f4rCng, Dwi eilon -Tyne, England, visiting at Mr. and son Bbb ie, called on friands on to Patarboro to attend the Norma] League is holding its corn roast on puic uction his horses, te, ixby Wal ter F. Park's.... .Mr. William their way to Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. School there ..Messrs. G. Cochrane, Thursday (to-nigbt) in the cbirceh pubie uctonhishorescatle im 1Staples spent the weekend in Toronto F. Ogilvie, Mr. and Mrs. Duffie of Tor- Jas. Stark and W. J. Ormiston were shed. . .. Churcb service on Sunday plements, bay, cern, reots, etc. Sale' M. 3r. H. Burgess and Mrs. Laura ente, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spry, Miss among the successful exhibgitors at affernoon was well attanded. Our att1 p. m. standard time). See bills Burgess spent Sunday at Mr. Robert Jean, and Master Lyness, Bowý.man- Oshawa Fair. Mr. C. Cochrane had Pastor speaking on "Solomon", his for coniplete list. Win. Maw, Auc- Burgess', Oreno...Mr. and Mrs. ville, guests at Mr. and Mrs. G. A. some priza winners aise at Port Per- address heing very interesting and tioneer. 32AlnAnsadfmlOhwvs oks r.n r.SalyPct ____________ad______Osaw,_is-______rnd__s SaneyPrst ry .. . .Our school -won second prize instructive... .Mrs. Emily Bradley is ited at Mr. A. W. Annis' ...Miss on with bier mother, Mr. Thomas Gild- on marching- nt the school fair at under the Dr's. care ..League on Margaret Meore bais returned home er's; 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams, Tyrone. Sundi evening was well attende-L. 1 ,tr having hier tonsils and adenoids Nestleton, visited their aunt, Mrs. After opaning eecssb rsdn A uction Sa e s remeved in Bowmanville Hospital. . 16 ee. Reid, on Sundai Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogartb's auctien sale Sept. 27 C. Avery, Mrs. E. Mountjoy, 3rd MisEdythe Clemens bas secured a W. A .Wrigbt and Miss May Wrigbt,ViePsdnt a chre'ote postonadioe' ollheae Qut cronvSuned M.and MH.MFTaNkprogram. Miss Muriel Tbompson I have been autherized by the Exe- Whb- Ladies'______ read..the seripture lesson. DavotHAonaO cuters of tbe Estate of Wesley Coucb, inumberthttended the cern roast on I I decase, t sei y actin, t 1p.ni.Tubrda eveigd r the on aspices J. D. Hogartb's auction sale Sept. 27I Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Bick were in wvas taken by Mr. B. Flaxington. Top- ef Y. P. L. and report a geod time Wooler recenly attending the Dor- lce s ie b r. .Cvsmn WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd.,~ The C. G J. T. girls entemtied land-Terrill wedding.AvoadutbMissnieren at premises mentioned below tbe the Tuxis beys on Friday evening St1SLN The many friends of Mrs. Georgina ahnd M ountjoy ;radigss F rda real estate coînpesed ef propertv sit-J a \veiner and cern roast... .Severall____ Niddery ara glad te knew that she is Bradley. uate at the cerner ef Welling-toin and frmn oe tended Peterboro and porsigfvual fe e p OntrieStretsin he Ifncf o 'sha a's. h rg1r etgBRecent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. persigfvual fa e p Ontario treet.,in the own of ow- O.,a,,P.Ierady,.,LindsaThyeguestseeofn BradanLinerayionesin fBMr.anvilletinHis ital.nvJ.e Dospotl.rt. D Houart' nnasalen Sept.ept 7 2 manilat,~gthr wthîîi'cll n o f the W. M.5 a edi etvo Mrs. J. T. Rundie; Mr. and Mrs. T. Congratulations te Henry, son of collection cf beusehold furninsin-tiîecburcb Tbursday, September 6tb.,OsonWib M.JhnCal 'radMs HbetSitn nb- cluding chairs, tables, bedroem suites, when the Enniskillon W. M. S. visitedOsbre Whby Ms.JnChli radMs.Hrrttatonb-J kithe ad cekngutesis.capets:us After opening exercises, the and Miss Mabel, Bowmanville, with ing the lucky guesser of the weight of MAPLE GROVE kithe ad ooin uenil. a MsL.J.Godmnwe- isesHockaday; Miss Bernice Wer- the sixtean aides of bacon in the Wil-____ stoves, washing machine and wringirry, Pren Mesr.lent, TnnyMrsm.avL. omJ.y xhbotadmanMis ilel-d M. Ewad Fls biuggbugyan and ttvofbad amn te istigofcetyan tonry ,drn,,,lrs AymrtTnn- iai aves oman ehiitat or MssHidaanndr Ewad olv Wood.1 calle<l on Mrs. S. Trewin te take son,. and BoLke, Toro ndoatMr. ent Exiiton. M.an spent the weekend with friends ini Terms are cash for al chattals. 'charge c f the splendid program given 1 l MKescks M.anars acn vstossM.an rs. Oshawa ... Mr. and Mrs. C. Ge uldl Rea Etat 1 csh.baanc a 3 bvth laie: eadng "Pavr" ao and Miss Jean, Peterboro, Mr Lorenzo Truil, Miss Gladys and sens Walter and Russell, Mr. and dav ad uhec t roere ld 1 r H.an Mrs. Reginald Somerville and Master Lewis Truil, attended Peter- Mrs. Bacon, daughtar Eleano*r, Ux. Lloyndd Ashton vcalandt Mrs.R.rmtn daughes agaret, Joyce and Mary, bore Fair on Saturday; Miss Winnie bridge, spent Sunday atMrR. . Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer.,aslnddppe'n"TeP.e ~ Cherrywood, at Mr. W. J. Reynolds'; Cryderman, Toronto, at Mr. A. B. Sees isEet rsoX i 3'S-2w 'Prave,,r" by MIrs. Gilhert; vocal solo Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, with her Crydernoan's Mrs. Richard Kater- cerne, spent the xveekend with Miss ".eu .ovecr of mi Seul" hx- Miss parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Pascoe; Ison, MisMr1Ktro, r o-Vers Power. Miss Carnie Walter, Palmer; an interesting readin«-b Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hockaday- and Mn.1Iman Katerson and Miss Mabel Tay- Redlands, California, Mr. and 'Mis. Hl Mr.Lloyd Ashton, and a piano duet, Ernest, with Pickering friends; Mr. '1cr w.ith friends in Toronto; Mrs. R. Forster, daugbter Irmna. Locust FARhE PCA SIv Misse~s Dorty Pascoe and RhlyHarold Pascoe with Toronto friend~ Charles Hastings it rea Ive n Hill, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Birks ind Smith. After the pregnam a social br n r.Cas. Grills and famri Oshawa; Mrs. McCartney and Miss family, Bowmanville, spent Sivida:. INtime wvas enjoyod by al. Refresb- Toronto, 2Mrs. Sanbury, Be wnanville, Mcartey Toronto, guests St the with Mr. and Mrs. F. SwalloW montsq were served by Mrs. R. Hodz- Mr. Leslie Robbins, Macese, tPrsonage;- Mr. Morley Hastings andMrEniLad, rsJckn, is AR soc s group and meeting closed with Mýr. Jas .Moorey's; Mr. Melville Gri- baby Mýildred, Toronto.' at Mr. C. Jackson, Toronto, spent Sunday w ith NEW FA.LL FOOTW'E "ris o fo bo ilbesi fin, Blackstock, at Mr. Nonval Wet- Hastings'; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert the forne' aetM.adMs Flow", and the Mizpab Benediction. .' ten's Mr. and Mrs. Newton Stacey, Wilkinson, Toronto, with bier father, Alfred Laird ..Congratulations te AT ,.Mrs. (Rev.) J. Wilkinson andi Muriel and Allan, Oshawa, with Miss Mr. E. TrulI; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mr. Lou Hoekin on -winning 2nd daugbtor. Victoria Road. have been Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe; Robbins and babe, Leskard, with Mrs place on bis driver at Oshawa Fair R.J.R VA 'S SOR pending a week with bier sîstor, 'Mrs. Mr. and NIrs. Carl Wilhun visited W. J. Virtua; Mn. and Mrs. R. H. last week. R... OHu'SSTs. s'friends at Greenbank recently; AIr. Warder, Bowmanie Sunday guests .,Iil.Fred Jamieson, Ottawa, at Mr. Arthur of Mr. and Mrs. A. Petons. The re-oponing services cf thel On The Sunnyside J'. D. Hogarth's auction sale Sept. 27 i Millson's; Mr. and Mrs. John White J. D. Hogartb's auction sale Sept. 27 Maple Groe United Cburcb will Le iand Miss Doris. Mr .and Mns. Herh ra fBre sanrebid ,do udy etme 3da Cream cof Barlay is a nerve build- Murray and Miss Mary cf Oreno, at ri a o Barle sha nervemuclde. ld onm. ndy p tembestn 3rd ti0 r-it makes bonie, flash and muscle.' Mr. Peter Walker's; Mr.and Mr, arltmaesboe.flshan msce.r m o ns7 pim. (tandrdtioy w-ha semon wil h prached hy J. BD-own. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Miller Rev. P. L. JuIl, B.A., of Brioklin and wiGon oshawa, at Mislterioes;PONTYPOOL special music will be rendere<l by the ______shw,___rate Vces choir. Offerings in aid cf thebud Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask enjoyed A mest eutstanding bit cf Christian ing fund. On Wedneisday, Septem- a trip te Muskoka last weekend; Mr. work and endeavour bas taken place ber 26tb., from. 4.30 p. m., a ch:cken and Mrs. S. E. Werry witb Ebenezar in this community that is bard te Pie supper will ha served afrer wbicb S frieni Mr .and Mrs. Neil Yellow-- duplicata in any part cf Ontario. For a grand concert will h furnishoul hv lacs, Bowmanville, at Mr. Jack years thera bas been a dehi on the the following bigb class artists. Miss Smals ad fmil andMr.N W ortage, Mr WaterPorerwho Miss Maud Hopes, alocutionist and Yellwles a MuselansTýùe. M ids nrthof he illge. The ontertainer, and Mn. John Huhbard, i Eldad S. S. Rally will be observad interest itsalf appaared te bc a burd- tenon soloist, of the Bluelird Quar- N ew t all C oats ana D resses this Sunday September 23rd St 2.30 an. The daht renîained from the tette, Toronto. T iceke ts-A d l ts, p. ni. Everycce ce.me and make this eraction cf the church, wbich was suppen and concert 75c; c.onee.et enýv rally a grand success. flnished lass than teln years ago af.. 40c; cbildren, supper and concert W>- ConistontheReady meeting ~on ter a ire and at war prices. Mn. Ed- 50c. suppen or concert 25c. Sp.2 Corn totheRea y;.t -W e r Tursay ateroonlas at rsB.. CainCanbuildingof heJuiliHogartb'sart'sauctionsle esale7 ,i G. Stevens' wa well attended. Ourlcommittea, was positive that the det' Creani of Barley is a nerve build-I D epartrrent F ia ana I instîtut, is trying the group systerni could bec iped eut and proclainied r-lt nmakes hone, flash and muscle. AIIL~J fer next year and the leaders and bis views until in July a genaral can- Saturday I igroups were chosan. Somne good re- vass was taken. The commuflity was ________-____ roll cal. Our slogan for naxt yean vassed hy teams cf twe-. The men THE NEWEST 0F THE NEW FALL COATS "Lot ne member merely answer pras- taking part were Messrs. J. Payne, ARE HERE AND THEY ARE SIMPLY ent, but eacb respond te the subject Rennie, E. Masters, W. H. Hooper, cor with a suitable verse or sugges- E. Bewins, E. Cain, T. Webb, W. ELEGANT tion". Mrs. E. R. Taylor gava an H. Richardson, J. Richardson, R. 1 excellant paper on "Current Events'". Baggs, E. Youngman and Rev. W . H. IS S E N Luxriusy rime wih urdeelpe 1 Music on the victrela was greatly an- Boomhcur. The respense froni Luxriosl trmmd wthfurdeeloedin oyd. The hostasses serveJ ne-l outsida sources was remai-kable and P the paquin coîlars and the deep fur cuifs made in a freshments and a social time was lis worthy cf mention: T. Eaton Co. B le i g Beaver, spent. Ltd. $10, F. W .Bowen, MýP., Or-ie ng variety of weIl chosen furs in Oppossum, Mink, oi 10, and a promise cf ton more Gre LabMusrat bautfuly atced J. D. Hcgarth's auctien sale Sept. 27 if the debt is vanquisbad this fal; Would you believe the evi- Beavr, reyLamb Mukra, beutiull mathedTheCanada Grain Co. who bas an el- denc. of your 0w» eyes if you on the rich, supple materials that are in vogue. 1 -eae oe î,M.R dmCn knew that no effort was featon ier Aent, BoR.AdmaCnv-e, eing made ta decoive you? Hea'ysof coth fom li & li of Frnce CURTCEi $10, and A. . Williams cf the samne Thon this will interest yu beautiful broadcloths from England in colors of ilon 5,adaprms fmr ae I aq amar ne, the ew late blue , t e EnMis Wii~ alter. Snider, Wallaceburg, t w , 5 n a po is f m reltr W e &hallplace before every- J aquamarine, the new slatTe blus h nls n h oider cf the mortgag-', one interested, honestly and vi lto Nn felkr.. . irginia, aiidMr. Porter, promisad $100 te elear n al mceiy FAT greens ,the deep rich browns, dleep rich wines and 'John Fetn oflVriiadit o0. Thene i.s still about $60C. to inelli why ity a waSte also our oîd friend navy blue. Jt's welI Worth Oke ... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hancock idonc this fal. So fan $1950 h,-- needing cye treatment to go J you whle o crn totheclearten an trithm , ha,, been visiting his mether, be en raised. It waq enly with zen- out of Bowmanville for exam.. on, as many as you like. Examine these outstanding i Horace Hancock, have neturned home sfa irasbeenaccputiheojd îonu]bat E x p e ro e ern r1te Winni.peg. . ... Mrs. Johnson, Whit- J. D. spinithwil ut theohs"ctiSe.'c2e7, angleE periencead introductory prices for Friday and Saturday. by, is spending a few days at the .D oat' uto aaSp.2 Knowledge, Quaity of Lens, Engîish Broadcloth Coats trirnmed with (Rev.) J. H. Stainton. Su.nday ser- WEDDING and Service after Delivery. large coîlars and cufs of oppossum ,all colors, al vices swere gocu]. In the morning In________ex wekw szs e an co prour pastor, Rev. J. H. Staînton, Wilson-Piper shal elcoe neuaictions w sîzes, see and compare, ~preached an excellent sermon. During fo n *aq:iiain OUTSTANDING VALUE $29.75 tesrie r.G .AnsadMs The marriaga was solamnized in St. Knowledge of Optometry" Frances Hancock sang a duat. Sunday George's Roctory, Oshawa, on Sat- standpoint. Watch for it. A cmplte ang ofBrodcîth oat, a School session in the aftarnoon was urd ay, Septamber 15, cf Nellia, a Aorrnntof latrgesiesg e l rirnd ith ota 1 fairly well attended. Ladies' Berean daugbter cf Mr. and Mrs. Nelson deep cetollrs adcuis, elt med ihlarge Class ware in charge cf the openîng Piper, Bowmanville, to James Lyle, RM. ich l& Co deep collars and cuffs exorcise, cf the sio. T'le Presli- son cf the late Robant Wilson and.1.M th l & Co (lentMrs.W. R Couticepresde, .M r. Wilson, 220 Division Street, Osh- M OUTSTANDING VALUE $2500 with' the Supeintendent in bis usuai' awa. The yeung couple wPrc at Mitchell, R. O place. Mis.s Sa<lie ýMuirpianist, tended y Miss Vera CclwilBc-Poo9 COAT THA PREENT pencu] the session hy piayinga ele- anihonendMr92 . yme, sb INDIVIDUAL CdTSf thPREENita eh e-vmnil UNUSUAL VALE AYI T $375otien on rpiano and aten te fnst vm. 'aw. ____ Il d aeo aetoodrb isLl JowI1s. I neet andl was a most faitbful wife A Il I ami mother in bbc home, always tbink- ~ i 1 ~ ~ T ing nof the comfort cf othersq. Mc.W uL n li t S .lWPhair and Ofamily havao thiscoi ncene Agent for McClary Hot Air Furnaces and Hart Oil Burners Phone 106 Bowmanville J. D. Hlogartb's auction sale Sept. 27 Phone 348 Bowmnanville ___________________________________________________ I Creani of Banley is a nerva huild- i--a1r-it makes home, flash and muscla. New Fali Merchandisel Stili Pouring In Every day brings something new-have you seen the NEW PULLOVERS-In aIl the new color tones to blend with your butterfly skirts. NEW FLOWERS-To wear with your new dress' or Fali coat-a beautiful range to chose from. NEW GLOVES-In Suede, Chamoisette, French Kid, Pure Silk, and Washable Doveskin, in fancy c uif or slip on styles * NEW HANKIES-The most comprehensive range ever shown in this town-at big price savings- buy them now-either for your own use or Xmas gifts. NEW HOSIERY-A1I the new Fail shades are now in stock and you know the savings you secure by buying them here. 0f Bigger & Better Nelson's Store Vle Stoves Ranges Don't buy your stove from a catalogue when you can corne into our store and see what you are buying. Complete line on display at prices that will surprise and please you for their reasonableness. Dustan's Cash Hardware "WE SERVE YOU WELL"O Appetizing Bakery Goods Mother may pride herseif on baking delight- fuI Cakes, Bread and the like, but, even she... once she's "nibbled" on our wholesome oven offer- ings ...will gladly admit she "neyer baked any better!" No idie boast that. Your own taste will tell you! If you haven't tried our cooking do it now. The B3owmanvilie Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville Specials at Chartran 's FRIDAY AND SATURDAy ONLY 50 Men's Suits, single and double breasted models including plain blue and ùrey serges, blues with fancy stril)es, Regular $35.00, ON SALE $25.00 25 onîy, Men's Over- coats in Navy Blues, plain and fancy cloths, plush Iined to bottomn, Regular $35.00, ON SALE $2500 Don't miss this oppor- tunity to get your Winter Suit or Over- coat or you miss the greatest bargain of the season. S. G. CHARTRAN I Door West Bell Telephone Office Phone 26 41 dep VAGE POUR 1 -ý Heaters