THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1928. PAGE FIVU If Your Equlle Head Aches 50e Klenzo Sbaving Crearn 50e package genuine Gileti Blades Both For 59c Permedge Rotary Strapper for Gillette Blades $1 .79 Phone 78-We Deliver Jury & Lovel Druggists & Opticians te Or if it strains your eyes ta read or wrk-or perhaps you may be doubtful as ta the real efficiency af your eyes-consult US. Glasses are intended ta make up far deficiency -in yaur eyesight. Jury & Loveli Wben We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly. The Red Indian Signl IS The "Welcome Sign" to Motorists In fact it's a real haven to rnany car drivers who get in trouble in and near Bowmanville. For we tow thern in, fix their auto as speedily and satisfactoriiy as possible and send thern away hap- py, feeling we have given them a good job. at a reasonable price. Then for the service station, we've sold thous- ands of gallons of Marathon Hi-Test Gas and Cyclo Motor Fuel, also Red Indian, Motor Oils, Seiber- ling Tires, etc. Next time you need a garage man or service station needs just try us. Cole's Red Indian Station and Garage Phone 54 Bowmanville Bell's "Where You Buy Good Clothes" It'Doesn't Always Pay to Save a Few Dollars on a Suit A few dollars means something taken out of the quality or the making. We neyer skimp on the quality or the make of our clothes, they are made up to a standard not down to a price and quality for quality we have the cheapest and best really tailored clothes made anywhere. "When you want anything in Men's Wear think of Bell's first". King St. West « A"Bert Bell Bowmanville A* je Right By CoI.'s Barber Sbop ,f' "The Clothing Man". h. Grade A, tag on every bag. Get omncc at Ha.mpton on the Flftekntb day of orde in ow or yur inte ~- Septenther, 1928, the 11.1 o! a0Ilpersans ore i owfryorwitr u-entitled to vote in the siff Municipallîy WM NV L Ew u ply. We will deliver for one for Me'tnbers of Parliampnt andîlnt Muni-EDA week at cipal Elections, and tbat sucb lst remains KING ST. $1-15 BAG Ant1here or insetipon al votera ta tate -PHONE 44G Money refunded and potatoes tak- Imrnediate proceculingB ta bave any erroma en out of yaur cellar if not iastis- orcomnIaBlons corrected accordlng ta law, the last day for appeal being the Sixtb fied. day of October, 1928. Phon 19r2 nnlkilen 38-2 Clerk of Darlington. FFELT'S GIFT SHOP Neyer B efore *f LOCAL AND OTHERWJSE BIRTHS Articles For Sale ResrveNovnibr 3th or t. TAIT-In Bowmanvllle, Septînîher 17th, ResrveNovnibr 3th or t.1928, to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tait, a son. FOR SALE-Two Durham cows. ApîuIy Paul's Bazaar. CHILDS-In Bowmanville, September W. T. Perritt, Hampton, phone 376-34.. Mrs. J. T. Trawin, Toronto, is vis- 10, 1928, to '.%r. and %Ira. Jos. <'iîlds, High -3___________ 6-2 iting Mrs. J. W. Knight. S. a son. BARN FOR SALE-60 x40 IfL 20 ft. CRAGO-In Bowmanville Hospital, on posts. Phone Clarke l902. Hlowell Row- You cannot build up a community September 15, 1928, to Mr. and l rs. Lloyd anld, Newcastle R. R. . 37-2w' by running the neigbbors down. Crago, Darlington, a son. Miss Sarah Anderson, Cobourg, re-' HOLDAWAYAt Willow(hile Rest SINKS FOR SALE-Two sinks, 16 x 24 cently visited Mrs. C. H. Mason. Home. Newcastle, September 1.,28, ~to in., with brackets and ail attachments, $3 Mrs (Rv.)Heran cConel ha.Mr. and ',ra. Alfred A. 1 10Pwî , ,, ach. Apply at Statesman office. Mr.(e. emnMCnelhsa son. FOR SALE-Chevrolet Coupe, 1924 returned from a visit ta Toronto. EDDY-In llowmanville Hospital, en xaodtei in good condition. Apply te H. Mr. F. L. Fartt, Kingston, is re- Friday, September 14, 1928, to Mr. and C. Brown, Second St., Bowmanvllle. 38-1. newig ad acuaitanes ~f.OI1 rs. Freeman L. Eddy, a daughteýr. (Joyce nwn l cuitneintw. L'ernice.) FOR SALE-One Hamilton- Beach Mot- Miss Darothy Barton leaves Thurs- KERNAGHAN-At Willowdalc 3tcst or, ane Quebec heater. Apply ta C. qe- day to attend Normal School at Pet- Home ,Newcastle, September 10, 1928, te Feeters, Cherry Cottage, Church Street, erboro. NIr. and Nlrs. Ralph Kernaghan, Newton- Bowmanville. 37-tf, Mrs. L. J. Henry, Hamilton, is villadgtr FOR SALE--One Mitchell grama ne, iting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. cabinet style, beautifuilnug a,1 Witerige.records.. This machine la In first ci«ass Riterie. dMs o .Rcad Jones, corner Brown and Wellington Sts., f Rv .an Mr. oyH RiadMR AGScniin Baai. ApyFret. 'Pickering, recently visited bis niother, STILL-McDOUGALL-At King St. Un- phone 289J.. 37-tf Mrs.J. G Ricard.ited Church Parsonage, Oshawa, Septcm ber 12,1928, by Rev. C .E. Cr eg,jaîr: HOMES MORE B-AUTIFUL Our---ew Mr. and Mrs. Rager Fisbt3ýigb, Tor- garet MeDoî)ýugalof Wiarton, ýalo nd Il8rte reCtlge llae o onto, were guests of ber sister, Mrs_. StilI of Bowmanville. In selecting suitable Trees, Shrubs, Vines, JonGigo udy Roses, Etc., 70 years In aperatian. Write JonGrg o una.WILSON-PIPER-At St .G,,orges to-day. Star Nurseries; Ridg:eville, On- James A. Werry & Son sold over Rectory, Oshawa, by Rev. Canon dce-Pn- tario. 35-12 75 bags of 'potatoes tbrougb an ad in cier, Xellie E. Piper, îiaugbter of Nfr. anid _________________ last wek's Satesma. '.%rs. Nelson Piper, I3owm:inville, and -- lastweeks Satesan.James Lyle Wilson, son of Mrs. Wilson A fire on Tuesday marning did and the late '.%r. . Wilson Of Division Wanted $5000 wortb of damage ta Bassett's Street, Osbawa. Jewelry Store, Osbawa. _______ GOOD GENERAL. SERVANT-No wash- ing. ApiY Mrs. C. Rebdcr, Wellington Mr. Leanard Wasbington, Toronto, S t., P3owmanville. 8t spent tbe weekend with bis uncle, DEATHS AT -Awmn oldlk ta Re. . . asinta.CASWELL-In Bowmanvýill.,, on Tiis.- sbare a home withba congenial person. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy and Mr. day, Supteniher 18th., 1928, Minnie Arnlýia E. W%., Post Ofie o 9%vomnvlc Jobn and Miss Eva Hellyar spent tbe Fleteher, h. ,loveil wife o!f Mr. William 38-2o 3,Bwmnile jweekend at Babcaygeon. Casi i,( arke, aged 64 year. - 38-2_________________ Fu, ral from the residenc.. of b er H ELP WANTED-capable woman forý Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Hancock, Col- broth,.r, Mr. A. Il .Fletcher. Qiî.n St., general bouse wvork, famIlv. 3 adults. A4p- ýborne, were guests of bis sister, Mrs. on T Sua taySetcmher 2ith i 27 .m. tîly t %ioasI. K. Smitti,*Concession St., I F. R Bron, a Sunay.DEVERELL-In WhIblty, Stme phone 293J., liowînanville. 18-tf 192S, Thomas (GitI Peverell, h lovy-t bus- APE ATDAvvrey îo * Mrs. Eric Boak and son John,, ianîl of P. K. Morey. APLEs WNE-n aias Victoria, B. C., are visiting ber GOHEEN-In Port Hiope, Sîtîh,r 17, t.ailer andi iam apples. 'Highest prices t ' Mr ~ Edalllot n',. frit oh en ctoeî lii ~ a i o vile Phon. J H1. McEwen, Bowmin- mother, Ms.S.S Esal Jli lf-1Ghefnh oe iil;r, r 133-2. 36-3w Mr. andr-ýThmso.vil M.adMrs. J. Scott, Toronto, HAMILTON-At Port 1-ope ilos'piuli, spent tbe week.end witb tbei daugbter, Si 1tteiier '12.2, NX.Ili.-, iaiiclit, , of the Mrs. H. Haîlman. King St. W. laIe Re-v Rotîcrt and Etiza itaniltoii. Mr. W. J. Bragg, :M.P.P.'%vas iný ROACH-At Toronto, Septemtî, ri3tti.. To Let Lintdsay on Wednesday judging veg- ý 192, -1141n iloachi, younirest son of Ptirick FA O RN-aty frihd etables and fruit at tbe VictoriaehPrHoinis2d Roomstel, y.fnihd County Fair. ~yiMr lic ottoinhe2r1 tilt with or wîttîottbtoard. SYMONS-Suddenly, in ISoi;.., on '.Ilon- Mrs. Dinniwell, Silver St., BowmanvIlle., More local nîerchants are using tbe t dav, Selîtember 17, 192q, Ethel 'Mtay izowe, Phone______84. __________ _______1 advertising ColunMns of Tbe Statesman bl oved iwife or Almon Eîtwîîr.î Synions, ROOS-TOR-N-utbefo 1ih tban ever. Several new advertisers inl1rIetyar ousekeeping or an old lady's home, mod- in tbis issue. BOUGHEN-Suddenly .11t \Vel,.-séyernc nveniences. Apply Mrs. M. A. 1 Hiospiitat Toronto, Sept. 12, 1928, Sarah ColeanBonnvle Kitchener and Waterloo Collegiate E',eiyn, belaved wife of WîEs Iouq_1 ecn o-avle 6t bil ave been advised tbat tbey must he anleidetauhter 0 .ams nHOUSE Ta RENT-"Hop)eland Quce éni girl Kaherne faurnceon.Street, Bowmanvllle, modern convenien- dress reasonably and nat attend EDMISOi8-O-n Saturday, SePtemnber 15, ces' in good condlition, painled titiseyear. scbool scantily clad. 1928, at bis lte resi(lence .78 Hogarth Apply te G. Gale, Coîborne Ont. 37-tf Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Elliott, Mr. Ave., Toronto, 11ev. John Hall Eàdnîsn and Mrs. James Ewart and sons, Boit:-1P.A., DPD. Sccretary af th,- Board of FARM TO RENT-125 acres, N. baîf Home Missions, United Cburch of Canada, lot 5, con. 8, Darlington, known as the on, spent Sunday witb the former's in bis 58th year, bclaved husbiand of Lil- John Tape farm. Ptowing9lPossession at son, Mr. W. Len Eiliott. lian Agnes Fitzgerald, once. Pull Possession April 1, 1929. Ap- Mr. and Mrs. Fuller and baby of PYt yo arlR .1 yoe Toronto, bave returned borne after pîhone 194- 14. 38-3w spending twa weeks witb Mr. and 'Mrs. W. J. Taylor, Frank Farm. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS Ra saeFrSl Mrs. I. E. DeGuerre ,89 Rowe St., Ra saeFrSl Osbawa, died on Friday, Septenmber There are a number of aur sub- O AE6ro os tNw 14tb in lber G4tb year. Two bours scribers who are carrying around acý9tF O SALe-6e-rthboSet.. ne -c later ber ssiter, Mrs. Andrew Moore, few dollars that belong ta, The States- from 'the'Main Street. large garden with Beaverton, passed away. man. We recently sent out notices frutit trees. an<l good barn, Hargaîn Mrs. W. J.* Taylor attended the ta somte of our subscribers wbo are in price of $750 ta close estâte. Oct key wedding of ber niece, Miss Tiz arrears, and in sanie cases -eceîved a from Mr. J. Coulson at Newcastle, and Thira pomptresonseforwhic weare rite ta Mfrs. Agnes Anthony, 120 Grant IMay Obnetb, Niagara Falls, N. Y., Pop$ennefo hcnw r t. Turtle Creek, Pa. 83 adM.HryMthnoNaaaMost grateful. Wouîd tliose wbo3-3 Falls, Or.,HarryMutchns, Niagabr bave overlooked this matter please - FalOn. n audaSptme caîl and settie, as mnney is requiredmui l5b.ta run a newspaper. We trust tbat MUS1 The senior editor was pleased t aail in arrears will pay us a friendiy MISS MARGARET 1. ABERNETHY, bave a caîl on Monday from Mr. Jas. caîl or send along tbe amouint. A.T.C.M., Teachem of Piano and Theory. McCullocb, 31 Hillsboro Ave,, Tor- onto, a pupii of ours at Enfield scbooi Bowmanville Pupils Prcpared for Conscrvatory exani- in 1867, and only surviving brother EDITORS AND EDITORS mnations. Classes open September 4tb. of tbe late Rev. Robert àMcCullocb. Phone 183-13 36-SW Tbe engagement is announced of (Froni Duncan, ýB. C., Leader)- Luella Beatrice, yaungest daugbter There are ail kinds of PeopleinMS of Mr. S. A. Ferguson, and tbe late every caliing. It is s0 witb thosJ IS JEAN RAMSAY, BOWMANVILLE e Mrs. Ferguson, Cartwright, ta Lieut. wbo conduct newspapers. The pub- la prcipared te take pupils in vocal, piano C. G. venning, Blackstock, Ont., mar- lisher and the editor of a vancouerCasspe and theory. niage to take place Sepytember 22nd. publication caIled "Informationý',Setmbrlh.Poe41 Mrs. E. Rickard, Centre St., will which once had sanne nasty untrutbs '8 bold a receptian at ber borne on ta say about certain Cowicban resi-I Tbursday, September 27tb frorn 3.30 dents, were arrested last week on a ta 6 p. m., and from8.00 ta 10.00 p m. warrant charging criminal libel. It PotatoesFo Sale Rer on, ev. oy . Rikardandla stated that the editar bas a po îceFo bride will be present ta receive witb record. I arn prepared ta fil] ail orders ber. Cantrast this witb Mr. M. A. James, witb Grade A Patataes. Will be Tbe engagement is announccd of wbo bas just celebrated bis jub îlee gadta suppîy ai d ut er Irn itra agtro h a of service as editor of Tbe Canadian gldI i utmr Mre n Victo eriada Gtergute, Sate Sae n omnilOntaro. and sny new anes who wish ta £av- Mr ad rs nr G Agu, a t ea, o nanie, arma. ty ormewitb their orders. Every lina, ta Nelson Frank Chapin, . Eghtyyeas ofagebe penttweny bFor one week burh, a. so o Mr FankChpint years on the farm, ten years as a pub- ag burbFa, onafMr Fan Capnlic seboal teacher, and now, after price is New York, tbe marriage ta takti place fifty years as an editar, is stili an in- $1.15 BAG quietly in October.1 fluence for good i bis cornmunity. Mrs. A. E. Garner, Wbitby, an- On August 17tb., Mr. John R. Z C.R nouncesr tbe engagement of ber'Dougaîl was 87 and at bis desk, 'writ- 1 q C.R Dean daugbter, Mabel Olive K. Garner, ing an editorial, far his paper, The Phone 559 Concession Street and Albert Mcllwaine of Lurgan, Montreal- Witness. He bas rarely Bowmnanville County of Arrnagb, Ireland, the mar- rnissed'this task for sixîy years past. inage ta take place at Port Wbîtby He was asked for a message ta tbe__________________ Anglican Cburcb the end of October., Canadian people. He said: "Tell Sunday visitons at tbe home of Mr. theni ta make Canada a ].and ta lîve. S .T. Dowson were Mr. and Mrs. R. Tell themi to seek first the s*iringdornM Webster, and the forrner's sister, Mrs. of God and His rigbteousneS and ail FAIR WEEK SPECIALS Jewell, Fenelon Falls; Mr. and Mrs. gaad thinRs will bc their.s". Brown, Bowmanville; Mr. Clare Allun, _______________IN Providence; Mr. and Mrs. Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. Noble and faiily, Osh- NOTICE NEW FALL FOOTWEAR awa. Mrs. Mark Jackson, Oxford Centre, Hiemstitching and picat-eîlglng done.A Work delivered fre In Bawmanvllle. Ail A Mrs. W. A. Kennedy, Hickson, Ont., mail orders promptly attended ta. Mr%.R j Mrs. T. E. Wasbington, Mn. and Mrs. Russell Hobbs, Liberty Si., Iiawmanville. L J ROVAN'S STORE Will Jackson and Miss Florence Phone 661. 30-tf O h unsd Jackson, Toronto, spent Moneiay witb ______________ nTeSn'sd tbe forrner's brotber, Rev. W. C. Washington. Mrs. Jackson is 90 Building Lots For Sale years f age.BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE--On Odellil James Pratt, telephone raad, Port st. Apply Miss M. Horsey, liowmanvilt. lHope, a well-known farmer, aged 62 37-4w* Bowmanvulle Alterations Completed SC. S. Mason's Little Shop With the New Stock IS NOW Open For Business WITH AN ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY 0F Fali Coats and Dresses Watch for announcement of formai opening next week. CLARENCE S. MASON Next Doooe to F. F. Morris Co. PHONE I1f1 BOWMANVILLE BUY 'EM NOW And Get a Full Season's Wear of These New Clothes Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suits*at $25.00 A wonderful showing of Navy 'Blue Ail Wool Botany Serge Suits, also fine hair line stripes in Worsteds, double and single breasted inodels. A suit you can be proud to Wear. Specially Pricéd For I Quick Selling at Only $25 Men's Tweed Raincoats or Top Coats at $7.45 A splendid Fail Coat, in shades of Browrn, Grey and Heather, with patch pockets, with or without beits, with a heavy quality rubbeT <?lining. Thoroughiy waterproof. A raincoat and overcoat coxnbined. Specially Priced To Clear at $7-45 Each SPECIALS THIS WEEKEND A line of Men's Work Sox-4 Pair For $1.00 Men's Work Shirts, khaki, dark and light blue chambray, worth $1.25, for 98c Each Men's dveralls, a special line of Union Make, blue stripe ,also black with bib and braces, worth $2.00 Pair-Our Price $1.39 Pair Boys' Fine Blouses and Shifts ,with collar to match, Regular $1.75 for $1.39 Boys' Golf Sox, grey and f awn, aIl wool, 69c Pair SAVE BY B4JYING THIS WEEK T. B. GILCHRIST Djrectly Opposite Banik of Montreal Phone 61, BownviIIo for, the Br-ide Elect Wbat bappier gift than a Tea Service wvbicb is prized above ail others. It is tbe ideai parental gif t. We bave rnany designs at varied prices- some surprisingly law, but ail of a quality that bas built Felt's good narne. THREE PIECE TEA SERVICE FROM $1000 UP A few of the Gents' Watches that we bad on Special Sale iast week, while they iast 15J White Goi6I $6.00 Watcb tbis space for a wanderfui announcement. It wan't be lang now! That watcb can't be new, said tbe punster, I guar- anteed it, exclaimed the Jeweller. Well if yau look closely, you'll see it's second hand. FELTS JEWELRY Phone 33 e ~ King StreetB W. Teach Your Watcb To Tell The Truth Stiti Preserving and Pickling? But it must he done-or the family would raise a rumpus when winter cornes if there was no preserves for supper or pickles for dinner to coax the appetite. So we keep on selling fruit and vegetables to can foi' the meals that are to be. . If you run out of jern jars, top rings, etc., we've got lots. Just let us know your wants and we'll deliver the goods 4icker than you expect them. With our new delivery motor truck and the ,4reets paved deliverin' is lots of fun. Try us with your next grocery order. H ARRY ALLIN, Grocer PHONE 186 DOWMANVILL.E PAGE FIV»