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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1928, p. 6

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FAnU 5 rH AAIN TTSA, OMNILE HRDYSPEBR 0 98 V'rinds ell riens 1WHAT THE DAY WILL BRING Y~nd TD rind0 "The day will bring ., ovY Z I> Q Q . say it over each new dawn; T Some gay detru hn ool S tops Headache And se I rise or z ome Ph',yee, jZUTO wai ~ The day. with wings upon niy feet. uknon l Canda.I corne upon it unaware- To-day, tboeadMa and thousands of menSnnme sudden beauty witihout namie; #nd womendepend ontheze littie harm- A snatch of song-a broeVh ef pine- lestableta for cuck relief trom Head- A poemn lit with a golden flanie; $chez. High tangied bird notes-keenly thin- T am. biis as gone from friend to ned- ic d--from towfl to towfl-from lCoast Life flving colour on the wind. toCoast. Whrever the"e a" e&daches, the" No day has ever faiied me quite- boudb ZUTOO Tai We&--hey relie" B efore the grayest day is done, or b7 mnfl tpaid, B. N. inalOf& ,O lat, lune .1 crim'i3n un, c». kw, ZÜC-k Q-E ach night 1 pause-reýmemibering Somne gay adventureus i-ovciy thing. 1 ______________---Grace Croweii. MEDICINE FOR YOUNG GIRLS Mothers Endorse Lydia E. Pink- bamn's Vegetable Compound Sydney, N. S.-"My seventeen year old daughter took Lydia E. Piekhamn's Vegetable Compound for weakness and pains. She could net go about much wNith the other girls as she was net strong enough. We got six bettles and it did bersa great turn. Sheis werk- ing eut now in a store and walks three miles every mrning and back le the evenng."-M-\Rs. MARY VANCE, 44 Lingan Road, Sydney, N. S. Pineweod, Ont.-"I constantly had pains in my back and ide and spent twe days in bed every rnonth. I have taken three boxes of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Tablets. They have done me good and I always have theni le the house. I have recom- mended yeur good medicine te several friends and have given it te my 17 year-old girl."-MRS. AîýRm ~OuE- LETTE, Pinewood, Ontario. Are4eou Ready,, When youàr Children Ciy for It Baby has ltte upFets at times. Al yeur care cannot prevent tbem. But you casa be prepared. Then yeu can de wbat any experienced nurse wouid do--what most phYsicians would tell you te do- give a few drops of plain Castoria. No sooner done than Baby is soothed; relief la just a matter of moments. Yet you have cased yeur clild without use ef a single doubtful drug; Castoris. is vegetable. Sc) its safe te use as eften as an infant lias any lttle pain you cannet pat away. Anl it's always ready for the crueler pangs of colic, or constipation, or diar- rhea; etrecl iic, tre, fo~r eider children. f n nl cim ilio. bof fIes wre iojaght l. MOST people keow this absolute antidote for pain, but are you careful te say Bayer whcn you bey ik? And do yeu always give a glance to see Blayer on the box-and tic word genuine prinied ie rcd? It isî't the genîine Aspirie without hIt A drug- store always lias Bayer, with the proven directions tucked in every box: Simple Home Recipe For Bad Stomach Gives Swif t Relief 1If vou arc a victim et Stemnachl T-.î,ules-Gas, Sournes. Pain or, lic(,iting-ycu may have quick and crtain relief by followiag this goodl Artificial (igestants and starvatien diets ai-e seldoni needed. Withia rea- sn. most folks may eat what they lieif they will keepthoir stomrach, or pa.ialyze, the work of digestion.1 And the best and en-siest way te de i this i-s te tollow every meal with ai Iittle Bisurated 'Magnesia-a pleasant, harrnlesternioet Magnesia that sWiftly neutralizes acidity and keepa youi- stomach sweet and dlean. A tew days' trial et Bisurated Magnosia (powder or tablets), Nvhich -in gcod druggist can supply at trifiieg cost, sheuld quickly coavince you that fully 90%7o cf erdinaryi stomnach distress la abaolutely unnec- e.sary. Try BsrtdMgei o day! BsrtdMgei e Bladder Troubles Bother Many Past 40 Seven out of Ten Are Victims But Writer Tells How "Uratabs" Bring Swift Amazing Relief With Renewed Vital Force. "No onec knows better than 1, the horror of joyiess days and sleepless nights. There have been times wheni 1 toIt hopeiess and helpless--and when my weakness caused nie the most in- tense humiliation. Only those who have gono through such tortures can possibly realize my great satisfaction when Dr. Southworth's URATABS brought mie quick relief. URATABS are truly wonderful ,and I give themn full praise". Such amazing evi- dence serves as convncing proof of the pover of URATABS to relieve those distressing ailments seo oten a handicap to those in middle lite. Overworkedl, sluggish Kidneys, Bladder Weakness, 'and Prostate Gland Trouble bring on se many dis- tressing ailments which so otten lead te serious diseases that every suferer f rom Lameness, Pains in back and' dewn through groins, scanty but tre- quent urination, "Gettinig-up-Nights," Nervous Irritabilit v and Lack etý Force-should try the amazing valu e (f Dr. Southworth's UTATBSat c'Ilce 1 Any good drug'gist vl u ii, you on a guarantee of satsaio or money back. Bad Legs Read This! If You Have Varicose Veins If you or any relative or friend are worried or sufer becauses of vani- co-e veins, or bunches, the best ad-j vice that anyone in this world caný give is te get a prescription that lit- erally hundreds ef people aIl over the country are using with complete sat- isf action. Simply ask your druggist for an or- gzinal two-ounce bottieetfEmnerald 011 and apply night and morning te the swollen, enlarged veins, ruhbing zently upwvard and towards the heartý as the blood in the veins flows that Iway. Soon you will notice that they1 are growing smaller and the treat-1 ment should be centinued until thel veins are of normal size. Em ier al1d Oul is a powertul, yet- harmies gr- micide and results are guarantec-d hyý Jury & LovelI and ail good druggists. Poultry Wanted Pay highest cash price. Don't sel i l you see me. 1. Stein Phnne 81 Whitby1 M A SAFE AND SURE REMEDY FOR AILING CHILDREN MILLER'S WORM POWDER S IN4E »OT ELICATC OvutEM. PS SWFEKTASmUGA NORTH DARL'TON SCHOOL FAIR BLACKSTOCK KENDAL Held at Tyrone Monday, sept. loth. Miss Laura Bailey has comimenicedi The opeîn air worship service li teaching at Holstein. the Harvey Jackson Menora Park Grain and Corn Miss Evelyn Cowling has quite re- on Sunday, September 9th at 2.30 Wheat, 1 quart-Adelaide Annis, covered fremi her recent car accident. p. m., was an event -)t reali nterest. Francis Thompson, Harold Ashton. Me's .VnapadT mt The preaching service xvas in charge Wheat, sheaf-Francis Thompson, i recently visited Hamilton and Tor- cf thre pastor vat.n ate mus- Harold Ashton, Adelaide Annis. ente. erndfinvctoadtem- Oas,1 uart-Donald Thonipson. r.Js acln otPry ic under the leadership of Mr. J. .1Oatsa.,acom PrtPrrSwarbrick. 'The nmassed choîrs ef Qats, sheaf-Don-ald Thempson, Marshall and Eunice, visited Smith Kendal, Shiloh and Newtonvil, pro- Clarence Avery. Brothers o udy ie utbeates oa r Barley, 1 quart-Susie Thonipson, o udy ie utbeates oa ro Lora eopr.September meeting et the W. A. were rendered by Xessrs. J. Swar- Barley, sheaf-Susie Thonipson, ef St. John's Church will be held this brick, and Mark and Harold Allun, Lorna Hooper, Eva Cllacott, Norman (Thursday) evening. Newcastle. The hymen selectier.s Avery. Howard MeRoberts. Anglican Young People presented were "Oh for a dloser Wl," Ensilage corn-Harry Collacott, "When a Feller Needs a Friend", at "Breathe on me, breath of Ced", and John Watchern. Bethany, on Monday evening. "More Love te Thee". These were Sweet corn-Robert Wilson, Gren- Mr. Osmond Wright teck a truck sung heartily by the congregatien fell Trumpour, Roland 'rhexpson. load et W. A. memibers te the "Dean- present which was estimated at be- Vera Grifrin, Earl Goodman, Kenneth ery" at Fenelon Falls on Friday. tween four and five hundred persons Greer.LvicGlr.Jh who flled the grand stand and sat Mr. andMmLv Gil Mr . oh in their cars, parked in semi-circular Vegetables Smith and Miss Florence Parr, bave formation, facing the platform. The Potatees, Green Mountain-Fred returned from a metor trip te Tor- people w.ere led i n the openng prayer Trewin, Ruby Greer, Edna Cameren, ento and the States. by Mr. John Stewart, aIl joining in Edgar Wilsen, Carence Hatherly, Mr. Thomas Barton and nephew, unisen in the Lord's Prayer. The Bruce Ashten. Maurice, have returned home froni responsive acripture reading was Potatees, Irish Cobber-Flerence St. Joseph's Island, after spending trem Matthew 4:1-18. The sermon, Campbell, Ada Beech, Roy Trewin, some time with the tornier's sister,' based on Ps. 84 :2, wvas an affirmation Ted Woodyard, Myrtie Cowling, How- Mrs. M. Smith. cf the insatiable desire in the human ard Oke. A large number et friends and heart, which cannet possibly be sat- MNanzels-Fred 'Beech. neighbors met at the home ot Mr. and isfled by xvorldly famne, and the Turnips-Merle Stinson. Mrs. Frank Harris ,on Thursday ev- 1 preacher in eloquent terms offered te Beets-Harold Wilsen, Ursul Mc- ening and showered their son Harolid1 the people the splendid panacea stîli Neil, Verna Pethick, Verna Cochrane, and his bride with good wishes and1 prescribed by the GallIcan. Fromn Verna Stacey, Vera Stinsen. gitts, among which were two beauti-i the cail te worship te the benediction, Carrots-Viola Parkin, Marie - ke, fu irs there ivas a manifest interest shown Efrie Avery, Clarence Goodman, Glad- cais i hhu twrhpudîteoe ysMatin, Percy Greer. . Victorian Woman's Institute meet-!ithouofwripnd hepn yasis-em tnoMldigws held at Mrs. Chas. Smith's on sky. Bradley, Eanl Treivin. Xednesday ,September 12th., with an Onions-Bert Ashton, Renia Brad- attendance ot 70 miembers and visit- MUST CUT WEEDS FOR GRANT ley, Helen Hall.- ors. It being grandmothers' day, a ____ Pumpkia-Lorna Hooper, Effie splendid program etf readings and! onhp wihdIotke hi Avery, Doreen Byaxn, Clifford Pet- thesga ,tonzwspovddb municipal roads proporly cieared ot hick, Alice Stevenson, Eva Collacott, themoannothers. The principal weed face a likel;hood et having Tomates-Bernice Stainten, Fred itation the programn was the presea- 1 their proincal grants for road main- Trewin. Roy Trewin, Grentell Trum- Jton of a plcasing little gift te Mrs. i enance withheld l'y the_ Depar:meat pour, Doreen Byam, Viola Baly Jh Wright, she being the grand.'0o Highways, according te the revis- Cabbage-Clarence H Bhrly. mother ith the largest number ofet dN~osWesAt hc a Hodgson, Doreen HyathryNn grandchildren. gene into effect. Byam. s Mothers can easily know when Under the terms et the revised act Sweet Flawers~ their children are troubled vith ap nmn twe npcesi SetPeas-Grenfell Trumpour, worms, and they lose ne timoe in ap- tonshipo Le netsi Verna Griffin, Freeda Bradley. pîying a reliable ronuedy-Mother levery owshp s comI)ulsory. Asters-Fred Trewin, Donald Graves' Wormi Exterminator. 1Th Noxieus Wecds Act %vas first Thompsea, Bernice Staintea, Evelyn inrdue as provincial legisîntion. Greer, Velma Stinson, Myrtie Brooks. - - last year and in 192S it has heen ne- Zinnia-Myrtie Cowling, Edgar vised in sev'eral respect,-. Wilson, John Oke, Ruby Greer. Thompaun, Fred M cLauglhlin. This \'ear it is necessary for al Afnican Maigold-Clarence Brad- Rope Halter-Francîs Thompson, tow-nships te keep the weeds down oný ley, Ida Fergusea. Donald Thompson, Howard Oke, their roads. Road commissioniers are French Marigold-.Lloyd Thompson, Lorne Annis. held responsible under the act for the Lorna Thonipsen. Window Stick-Garnet McLaugh- cuttng of weeds and the cost is +o be Calendula-Fred AMcLaughlin, Ursul lin, Robent Cameron, Norman Thomp- included in the cost et roaci upkeep. MeNeil, Gladys Martin, Earl G,,d- son, Howard Bradley. If the work is net attended te, the man, Vera Griffin, Susie Thonipsea. Nature Collections j province w-,ill wîthhold ils grant te- Salpiglossis-Cameron Oke, Mîld- Collection of Weed.-Edna Camer- j wards maintenance cf ceunty roads in red Bradley. on, Adelaide Anaîs, Lorna H eoper, that township untîl iweeds are satis- Cosmos-Roy McLaughlin, Eileen Myntie Cowling, Donald Thomps. t actorily cut, the act specifies. This ('owling, Joyce Trumpour, Grace Me- Collection of woods-Lorna Hoop-le laiusýe is an addition te the act this Coîl, Howard McRoberts. er. Adelaide Aoinis.1 year. Collection et insects-Myrtle - Poultry Br oks, Donad Thompson. ~ t.dy fCowl Cockerel, B. P. Rock-Lorne An- Collection et weed sees-Lona Intedy ofC mwl nia, Alice Thenipson, Albert Carter, Heeper, Adelaide Annis, Gordon Stev- fine quality tea cost as much FRyeaadli. Donald McColi, ens, Donald Thompson. 'as thirty dollars a pound. Frlet.a Bd..Rc-onlMCl, Drawing To-day, you only pay a few Lere Aai, Jyc TrmporAibnt Posten-Gladys Martin, Franr1s i cents more for Red Rose Carter, Freeda Boaey, m oy M lber Thompsoe, Myrtie Brooks, Alice Ash- Orange Pekoe thari for ordi- Lautrghlin Badey.Ry ce ton, Grace cColl, Veinia Stinsen. Peuhln. BM.RcsVem ndee Drham-Heien Trimin. nary tea, but you get the Donald McColl, Alice Trumpour,maSnsn MytePokVfhgetuatyad rett Lorne Annis, Joyce Trumpoun. maSisn Merle Stinson, Lonna ' value. Put up in cdean, Hens, t rom eggs supplied in 1927- Hooper. ,F ¼t~ bright aluminumn packages. Lorne Annis, Harny C ollacott, Edna Drawing showieg îe historv of8- Camenon. Renia Bradley, Hanry cern borer-Edna Cameron, Hielen_______________ Campbell, Donald Thompson. Timmn, Myrtle Brooks, Adelaide A- nia, Clarence Bradley, Grace McColl. > Live Stock .. School Parade Cot-Lerne Annis ,Bobbie Camer- No. 17 Union, No. 15 Enfleld, No. on. 19 Tyrone, No. 21 Haydon, No. 1 Caif, beef-Denald McColl, Deug- Enniakilien. las McColl, Clarence Hathenly. Pisysical Culture Caif, dairy heifer-Francia Thomp- No. 21 Haydon, No. 17 Union, No. son, Clarence Bradley, Lorne Anais, 18 Tyrone, No. 15 Enfleld, No. 16 Edna Cameron,. Donald ThoTnpsen. Ennia .killen. Market Lamb-Nina Hodgson,PulcSekn Clarence Bradley, Robert Canieron,PblcSakn Lonne Annis. Donald Simipson, Myrtle Brookslm T )L6 os Hee pl ALore, Annis, Lorna Sho Cou Snigroofs -Lastîn,nexpens«v H pe, Adelaide Anais, Alice No. 16 Enniakillen, No. 17 Unon, ROOFi'your bouse or cottage Thompsea, Eva Collacott, Clarence No. 18 Tyrone, No. 21 Haydcn. wih bRol Hndoieta Hatherly. Live Stock Judging Contest lookat ... increeses velue of Snwapls-uh tvesnA- Lorne Annis, Bert Ashton, Earl clean rs wae, aia elaide Annis, Eva Collacott,, Harry Trewie, Harold Stevenson, Lloyd leks..iete frhossle, Colacott, Lamne Annis, C arence Thompsen, Athur Trewin. barns sheds, warehouses, Hatherly. TeSi.daadd eteacol .hool", churches. publ1, Talmanheweeteaples-RuthdStevtghthechîghe bildings. Givesizeofrooffor enso n Edgar Wils Lomne An inning h ihst average nunl er free estunate. Write Ae ThoaneoEd Ear Clon, ott, e-ni, et points per pupil in al acheol fair tePu* Alic Thmpso, Ea Colactt, de-werk was won by S. S. No .18, Tyrone laide Anis. . Directors la charge-Edgar WVil- MdIntoah Apples-Lonne Annis, son, Burketon; Helen Stark, Enfield;I1 PRESTON, ONT. Adelaide Annis, Alice Thonipsen, Grace Werry, Enniskillen; Leslie Clarence Hatherly. Wotten, Union; Lomna Hooper, Ty- I Ma Successor ta Wealthy Apples-Doreea Byam, rene; Lloyd Thompsoe, Haydon. I Shie & Sdn Ted Weodyard, Lerne Annis, Alice ifl6 Thonipson Harryr Collacott, Eva Col- lacott._______________________________________ King Apple-Lorne Annis, Ade- laide Annis, Edgar Wilson, Clarence Hatherly. Golden Russet Apples--Alice Thomp- son, Edgar Wilson, Ada Beech, Jack- ie Trimm, Ursul McNeil. Baldwin Apples-Adelaide Annis, Harry Collacott, Lorne Annis, Ursul MeNeil, Jackie Trimni, Eva Colla- cott. Cooking Graham Muffins-Lorna Hooper,' Bernice Stainton, Alice Thenipsen, Dorothy Stacey, Nina Hndgson, Helen Apple Pie-Alice Ashton, Edgarl W ilson, Verna Cochrane, Heleni4 i-o. dlid niEnCae Pn lain White Cake-Bernice Stain- ton, Velma Stînsen, Marie Oke. Lomna Hooper. Edna Camecron, Edgar WVi- .son. Maple Cream-Lorna Hooper. Hel-. en Tnimni, Alice Thompson, Edna Cameron, Grace Werry, Velma Stin- son. Sewing Dr)ll's Qult-Susie Thompson. Flor- nCe ampbell, Bernice Staînton. Merle Stinson, Ruth Stevenson. Darning on Stock ing-B er-nice Stainton, Susie Thompson. Srviette-Soisie Thonipson, Merle Stinson ,Greta Stinson, Bernice Stain- ton. Laundry Bag-Nina Hodgson. Lor- n H1oper, Bemnice Staieton, Myrtie Brooks ,Velma Stinson.. Kitchen Apron-Adelaide Annis, Iorna Hocerer. Veima Stînsen, Myrtle Brooks, Nin-a odgson. Guest Towel-lorna Ilooper, Nina, Hlodgson. Patch on Grain Srck-Donald Thompson, Edgar Wilgon, Jack Trimm, Rohert ('ameron, Harry Col- lacott, I.orne Aneis. Manuel Training Bird House-F-rancis Thompson, Donald Thompson, Billy Savage. Hay Rack-Lorne Annis, Francis Here's how you pay for neglect AN under-inflated tire soon gets into real trouble - broken side walls, a punctured inner tube - often a blowout. Under-inflation is one of the chief causes of premature tire failure. Tests h-ave proven that every 10%7 dro from the cor- rect inflation causes a 20%0 drop ini mile- age. Cail ab a Dominion Tire Depot and have your tiresexanuned. You avre neyer far away from -a DOMINION TIRE DEPOT JAMIESON BROS. King St. West Bowmanville1 *f Mlainalade J25 PRUNES Yor25 LIBDY'S DEANS wWahPorvk 3 TINs 25- ]REGAL ROLLED OATS a a a 5 ibn. 230 SALTvodIedWNEATLETS . . . 4 ibn. zs Drums eRIEanoyF 1lue Ro» - 3 Ibn. 250 lot ROLLED WIEAT - - 3 Ibn. 250 BAYSIDE NIGH QUILITY FRUITs AND VEGaTA»LMs PEAS, CORN 2 Tins Peaichez OR 25 Pears or IIlU250 TOUATOES Cherriea Pure Plokling Sp1oe - lb. 250 sigapore llo.ed Rubbev Jar Rings 3 Pkctu. 250 X<11k Carnation orUlit.ChmWIOu 2 TinsU25e Pimeapple Ginger Snaps « Honey Bau TI u Candy Speobd Choloo CaMoijoa Soodiesa EXCELLENCE JELLY* sQuARES RAISINS DATS 25 lb. 2 bs. orZ21Sk.2 Great Car IF beauty possesses an appeal for you, you will admire Chevrolet's long, low Fisher Bodies with their fine tîphoisteries and ap- pointments. If comfort attnacts you, you will revel in Chevrolet's easy-niding seats. If you delight in performance, you will ap- preciate the power, speed and smoothness of the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet engine. If you value dependability and endurance, you will note Chevrolet's ruggedness. If you check maintenance costs, Chevrolet bas an economy-record that will interest you. The "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet is a "great car" any way you look at it. Ask for a demonstration. No obligation, of course lhd.aoe $625, Toarint $625, CouP. e740, Co&ch 0740, Seda 5535,I-.-lSada.n 890 Co,nible Cbrio. 86,Commrcial !l.a.s747O, k.uadu.c l >.liry 0625, R.ate $pra 630. GoveramenU Ta,.,, Bwmri. SP- Tire andBodyExtra. CHEV/ROLE¶' ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Oshawa, Ont. H. D. CLEMENS, Bowmanville WM. DAVEY, Orono PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITUD Fine tea Is always the most-desired. The silght falllng off In price of cheaper teas cannot enticO the tea-lover from hIs discrimInatIflg clîoice "SALAA TEA_ The Finest of Mi Ruie Te»s THE CANADlAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,1928. pArIv. Rtx

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