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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1928, p. 7

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VHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BUWMANVlLLJ~, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1928. PAGE SEVIIN Mustard Pickie Suice los tmail 244'2mr anid I ,Jur .rsmaU oiou. l'ut in aneld disis ni la yers Iwth sait bctween. lui a hcavy woaht above and Ict s'and ovemighh l),c-a,;f: Lieuid. Mix 1 U,,,e celery , seel.t% lb. M ustard serd. 4 lb. Ace-ý's Mustard, 1 table- spotii black pepprr, ail in wihIpint olive,,al atri:'ni 2 qLs. tniegar - i-rTal or ic 'kfra.Mix uwell and acal initerilizod jars. Write for FREE recipe book onO pwkî. r,:d. tI 4dr'!sing, sandwich /ings, tic. COLNIAN KEEN (C.,nadaý' Limited iiII 107DY AMHERST STREET MONTREAL ~ l¶I KEEN't5pMU TARD Aids -Digestion 7 lI'E]) ROSE 'T'EA is ood tes' Red Rose Orange Pekoe is supremne In clean, bright Aluminum. This Ever Happen To You ? A child at play, runs directly in to the path of your car. Sbocked breathîess, you jam on the brakes. Thank God-you didn't hit him. BUT-supposing you had? Though cleared blame, nothing to preveat that child's parents from suing you for heavy damages! And then-the possibility that it might take your LAST DOLLAR to either defend yourself or "PAY S UP"'! LIABILITY INSURANCE protecta you in such a criias Conipetent attorneys defend your interests and ail costs are paid by the Insurance Company! For comploe information consutI J. J. MASC-ON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bownianville 0f Interest To You If You Desire Solid Comfort Next Winter and at the Lowest Price Place your order now for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Fuel for ail Cooking and Heating Equipmt.nt Until further notice prices will be Egg, Stove, Nut Sizes $ 15.00 per ton; Pea $ 12.50. Alberta Cole (Rosedale Lump) .............$14.00 Oto Nut Coke .................................... $12.00 Delivered to ail parts of the town. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES We have also a full stock of Lumiber and Builders' Supplies and are always glad to have the the opportunity of furnishing estimates for any- thing required. Cali and inspect our stock and prices McClellan & Co. Ltd. Cooks Regulating Comnpound ammApsl.A rehabla.ue a# .dwe,.SoId in Mqýý geeof etyength-No. 1, Su 'o 283- o 3 5 per box. 4SeIdaidn eouptaofCi Boe. pmhe.Addressî 1H! COOK MEDICINEC06 V7roEsNTe,.omT.elamertywlmhaoe WOODS PHOSPHODINE.% The Great English PIeparation. a ITones andf invîgora tes the whol. iervous system. makes new Blood i aid Veins. Used for Nervaus MI)eNityMental and Drain Worr for $5.9 Soid by &Ul druggisis, or ie n p'.3p Pkg. on rea'eiPi of prt* Na.'pasapAfrý aaied ,--m m u1 cu CJOONO,'W For Home Made Pickles Follow the lead of representative women everywhei'e and make )rmustard pickles in your own home this year. You will be able to select the particular combination of vegetables you desire, please your family, and practice true household economy. Birdie Gibson, Porey Hulbert, Marie 1 Estimates gladly furni- sponsible? Trewin, Leslie qut. Many cilîdren die froni the assaults Collection of woods-Robert Smith, shedo eus of worms, and the first care of moth- Lloyd Brown, Leslie Taylor. ors should ho to see that their infants Collection of insects-Anson Tay-M CELA & CO LT are free froni these pesta. A vefmni- lor, Glenn Gibson, Leslie Taylor, McL L A &C .L D fuge that can bo depended an is Mil- Colectn Tyor.od ed-~no Phone 15 Bowms.nville ler's Worm Powders. They wl not Collection__of____________________oaly expel worims froni the systera, Taylor, RumeII Brown, LealieO Taylor. but act as a health-giving medicine DrawingTH ETTASM D and a remedy for ýmany of the ail- Poster-Lottle Brown Sidney Hlem-I N* S RA E" monts that beset infants, enfeebling ington ,james Allen *allis, Violeti thein -and endangenlng their livea. '4 CARTWRIGHT SCHOOL FAIR White, Leslie Taylor.I ORONO 1Map of Durham-Ivan Thomps, i Held at Blaclcstock, Sept. Ilth. i Sidney Hemington, Arnold .Iohnston, (From The News of September 13th) 1 ______, Birdie Gibson. Glenn Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Allen have re-I Grain and Corn Drawing, showing life history Of turned from a visit to Toron to. 1 Wheat, 1 ouart-Mario-n Stinson, corn borer-Lottie Brown, Violet Mr. Allison Cowan la home from' Harvey Thompson, Ivan Thompson, White Arnold Johaston, Jean Wright,Mska hrhepntheumr Anson Taylor, Vincent Archer. Maron Stinson .Thelma Ms'les. montbs. Wheat, sheaf Marion Stinson, School Parade 1 aodLn fMin lm van Thompson, Harvey Thompson, Mahoods, Cadmius, Blackstock. Jens, M:Ich.., spent a f,, days at -home Anson Taylor.j Physical Culture thý eek. Oats, 1 quart-Robert Smith. Blackstock, Cadmus, Mahbodi', Dev- Misses Freda Wilson and Vanda Oats ,sheaf-Robert Smitb.noj itts. Bradley spent the weekend with Barley jl quart-Orval Stinsn Public Speaking Contest friends in Oshawa. Leslie Beacock. Barley, sheaf-Orval Stinson, Ar- Arnold Johnson, Marie Trewia. Orono Lodge, A.F,&A.M., resume nold Johnson. 1 chool Singing their regular nionthly meetings on Ensilage corn-Jean Wright, Hazel Blackstock, Mahoods, (admius. Tlwrsday, September 27th. Wright, Anne Griffith, Andrew Mar- Live Stock Judging Crntest I Mrs. McClenchie of Irvington, N. low, Mamie Brown. 1 Donald Graham. Robert SmithIJ., spent a f ew days at Mr. Len Sweet Corn-Lueille Hyland, Rus- 1 Ivan Thompson, Arnold Johnson, Les-i am sby's and other friends bere. sell Brown, Zetta McKee, Jini Falls, lie Taylor, Edgar McKee. Mrs. Karl Katz and family of Seat- John Carlaw. ArtdFrut tle, Wash., arg visîting hier parents, Vegetables 11obert Smith, John Mar-w, Mr- Mrs. . H. Brown who is il ii h Potatoes, Green Mountain-Allan inStinson, Clara Mountjoy, 'ýlawMell Ms . .Arsrog Beacock, Sidney Hemiagton, Rogeri Fi-ilis, James Allen Fahlis. hawl eer me ttackof.grippe tTrodnb Dorrell, Lewis Stiason, Ronald Tre- i The Shield was ý%on by S .S. No. hetothr.r.W îbrTrn win, James White. il 51 t q-dmus. M r. Wilfred Bigelow, former stu- Potatoes. Irish Cobbler-WalterI Directors in charge-Bruce Mount- dent Orono Continuation School, is Wright, Percy Hulbert, Merlin Phiip,Ijoy, Archers; Biobby Smith, Black- continighssuisa nsyCl Dorothy Williamson, Harold Craw- stock; Edgar McKee, Devtts; Ivan I inghs tdisa LdayCl ford, George Corter. Thompsoa, Cadmus; iBirdie Gibson I Mangels-Ralph VanCamp, Elsie Mahoods, Viola Bradburn, Egypt j Mr. and Mrs. Richardson of the Venning, Harry McKee, James Allan______ Provincial Fishery Departmeat, Tor-ý Fanis;.Elme Archer, Maxwelli Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, on1 pa udyls eka r Fallas, Perey Powell, Bruce Mountjoy, opne its 55th year wîth an enroîl- G.M.Lanton's. EloSals, Toron-j KethJonson iment of 135 tdnt.ToDrham M ho spent a f ew days of his 'holi- Beets-Lottie Brown, Viola Brad- girls are on the teaching staff, Miss days at bis father's, Mr. William Stap- k.urn, Gladys Datten, Toa1McQuade, Helen Bunner. Music, and Mliss Mý. les, left last Thursday on a inotori Lorna Trewin. Anale 1nn Pryor, Higzh School. Rev. C. R. trip to Montreal. Carrots-Mab-el VanCamp, Marion Carscallen, B.A., D.D., is the new Mrs. James Nixon, Clarke Unioni Argue, Edythe Powell, Birdie Gibson, Principal. s1ection, Darlington, and bis mother,ý Gerald Stinson, Eva Graham. Mr. Gillard Darling, Port Hiopeý, won Mrs. Nixon, who have been ilI with Parsnips-Viola Brown, Greta Hul- the gold miedal at the Cana(-iýin Na- grippe, are reported to be slightly bert. tional Exhibition, Toronto, in the ten-limproved la health. Onions-Billie Hanna, Vera Pow-.or competition. He will be rcmenI- 1MT. John Tamblyn who ist recog- elI, Doris Wilson, Dorotby Brown, bered by Bowmaaville citizens asoit011, nized as one of the foremot stock-' Muriel McKee. of the soloists of Port Hop United, men of Durham County, offcated as Pumpkin-Elsie Veaning, John Churceh Choir led by Mr. T. W. Stan-i1 judge on dairy cattle at SouthOntr- Carlaw, Roger Dorrell, Anale White, ley when they visited this tjwn the io Agricultural Fair at Oshawa last Frank Woodard, Keith Brown. past Spring. week. Tomatos-Annie Ashton, Harold Ail Night with Asthma. Everyone i If you have not received your copy Crawford, Marlon Argue, Frank knowsý how attacks of asthma often of the Agriclutural Society prize Wrigbt, Gerald Stinson. John Carlawv. keep their victims awake the whole list, notify the Secretary, Adolph Cabbaze-James Allan FalliS, nigbt lorg. Morning find.s himi whol- Henry, Orono. Tell your friendsl Clara Mountjoy, Marie Trovin, Keith ly unfitted for a day of business, and. how good our fair is and ask them ta Bro-vn, Robert Smith, Donald Graham ye-t, business must still bc carried exhibit.1 Flwethroug'h. Ml thi- aight suf7'ý2ring Mrs. Cowles of F'enelon Falls, who 1 Flowers and lack of rest can be avoided bv l is visiting lier niece, Mrs. A. A. Asters-Walter Wright, John Car.! the promp~t use of Dr. J. T). Kei loggVl Rolph, was givcn a birthday party on law, Thelma Myles, Harold Crawford, Asthnma Hemedy. which positively~ Wednesday evening, and receivod Harvey Tbompson, Anne Griffith. ' (loecs drive away the attacks. congratulations froni a number of Zinnia-Hazel Wrigbt, Marlon Ar-______ friends. gue, Greta Hulbert, James White,, ~ - Mr. W. A. Waddell, former mana- Sidney Hemington, Percy Hulbert.I ger of the bank bore, now mranager_ Afrian Mrigld-Gorg Carerof the Harriston branch of the Stand- Elsie Venning. lard, and Mrs. Waddell, have been French Marigold--John Cnrlaw.spdighidyatbsohesanI Marie Trewin. oter finhlds a n Calendula-Viola Bradburn, Keith, te red ee Brown, Annie Ashton, Elva White. The Orono Women's Institîte will Salpiglossis-Annie White. iveet in the Council Chanîber, Friday, Cosmos-Lottie Brown, John Car- September 2lst at 3 p. mi. Rall Cal- law, Muriel McKee, Gladys Batten, Uses foi' raisins. Program co.imittce Lewi StisonAnal FaIla.-Mrs. A. A. Rolph, Mrs. Wannan, Lewi StisonAnni Falis.Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Mrs. Harris. PoultryI The engagement la announced of Cockerel, B. P. Rock-Roy Werry, jMolriel Ana ,daughter of Mrs. Robert- Norma McQuade, Ross Bailey, Donald T rso son and the laVe John S. Robertson, Graham, Lloyd Brown, Carl Devitt. O A O DGrg to John Russel Marks, cnly son of Pullet, B. P. Rock-Roy Werry, O A RDGrg Capt. and Mrs. Marks, Toronto, the Ross Bailley. Donald Grahami, Lloyd Size 8ft. 6in. x 6ft. i rarriage to take place quietly the Brown, Norma MeQuade. 1 Odmegpm d siso sutany ned22n.] of September. Pen, B. P. Rocks-Norma Mc-1 IRE-PROOF, ready-cut, com- Mr'. E. C. Dyer and bride, and Mr., Quade, Ross Bailey, Lloyd ýBrowF, act rso arages are and Mrs. Alexander Walsh of Port, 2iee JHeasfon. gssple a12 perfect in design and a source Hope, called on a aumber of old 2 esfomegssppid n197of rosi satisfaction. friends la town lest week. Mr. and -Marion Argue. 'rhey resist thieves. .. at. Mrs. Dyer leave shortly for Battie Live Stock are handsome in appearance Creek, Mich., bier former home,1 Cot-Russell Brown. .. lwin ot where they will spead the winter. Caîf, beef-Ro y Werry, Donald Writ for frS garage fold Mr. Wallace Sterling was taken ser- Grahami, Keith Jo hnson, Ivan Thomp- iously ill two weeks ago witb throat son, Leslie Taylor, Arnold Johnson. Uafsn~eJ4 ~ trouble and rushed to a Toronto hos- Caîf, dairv heifer-Robert Smith, "flrje tîtf I4e pital where hie uaderwent an Opera- Benson Archer, EImer Archer. 1~-.- tion. His condition was so much im- Market Lamb-Robert Smitb, AI- PRESTONONT. prnved that lie left last week to re- lan Beacock. Toronto . Montrea.l sume bis duties as teacher la the Re- Apple$ Suceasor to gina College. Spy apple-Violà 1Bradbui'ni, Metal Shinab & Siding CO.LIt& Inl the Bicycle Carnival for safety Walter Wright, Marion Argue, Maur- unaler Mr. St. Ange, lectuyr on Safe- ice Samells ,Keith Johaston, Gladys. ty froni the C.C.M. Bicychs Ca., Batten. Mister Grant B(,al. son of Mr. and Snow apples-Roger Dorreli, Leslie Mrs. Alfred Beal, formerly 4)f Orono, Taylor, Clara Mountjoy, Anson Tay- carried off the prize for children, 6 lor, Kathleen Taylor, Carl Devitt. for*E e yta 10 years, for tricycle riding, receiv- Talman Sweet apples-Cari Devitt, ing a handsoine prize. Leslie Beacock, Maurice Samelîs, The Shiloh Ladies' Aid will hold ýMuriel Fallas, Marion Argue, Clara their Anniversary services on Sept. 1Mouatjoy. 23r&. Music provided by Newcastle Cooking choir and services conducted by Rev. Graham Muffin-Glenn Gihson, W. W. Jones. B.A., Millbrook. On Aileen Werry, Robert Smith, Harvey i Monday ovening a hani supper will Tbomupsoa, Anson Taylor, Anae Gri ho erved in the basement of the flth. church, followed by a good prograin. Apple pie-Muriel Falis, Marlon Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Carscadden, on Argue, Gladys Batten, Thelma Myles , the r holiday trip ta Collingwood, vis- Frank Wright, Lulu Wright . ited bier brother, Mr. J. Finlay, an aid School Lunc-Robert Smith, Bird- Kendal boy and bier cousin,, Herbert le Gibson, Glenn Gîbson, Betty Pow- ~LSFinlay formerly of Leskai'I, bath of ell, Elsie Venning, Donald Graham. whom have prospered. Tbey viewed O-atmeal Cookies-Gladys Batten, CS,WM&t 0m'ny beautîful scenes in Colling- Robert Smith, Aiheen Werry, Donaldh wood, Wasaga Beach and Parkview, Graham ,Birdie Gibson. retu rning home by Toronto. Plain white cake-Elva White, El- h nai oermn' pca sa enig lnn Gbon il commitUeo on the preservatian and Br,)wri, Marie Trewin, Marjrio(,aI- propagation of game and fish spent ai hraith. day ast week at the Forest Station Maple Cream--Marie Trewin, Gladys ooking over the feasibility of estab- Batten. Johnnie Werry, Elsie Von- hîsh ng rearing ponds there for speck- ning, Lottie Brown, Marlon Argue. f' l I~ e.~ led trout as conditions are snost fav- SewingILf Unife-etened or hi The committee is underth Doll's quilt-Dorothy Brown, Mar- cbirmanship of Hon. F. G. Macdar jorie Galbraith. Min ngegtinofPak tre Darning on Stocking-Anne Gri- _______- hucongSunday morfiPgrkaStrewas ffith, Annie Ashton. Cu Wonina mriglli, as Serviette-Birdie Gibson, Anne C( .aWillmsFor Grfft,àlaaMonto - naeA-% - -- f thi For-l We selI the well-known Goodyear Tires and Tubes Ce A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville [rigureofn GYP, FrY-m;iîS-iî Homue G YPROC walls and partitions wilI make your suminer cottage much more attractive, comnfort- able and fire-safe. Gyproc takes any decoration-a perfect material with which to ine your summner home. Write for free book, IlWalla That Refleet Gocd Judgment," on home planning with Gyptoci Rocboerd and Insulez. CAN4ADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTIN, LIMITED pars acana"a 47 For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son - Bowmanville, Ont. cie4ui 122 211/2 to ç minutes r viation Gasoline] We seli them BATTERIES at a price that will please you. TIRES ME GANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,1928. PAGE SEVICN

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