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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1928, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1928. ?AGI, EIGRI OSHAWA FAIR BIG SUCCESSNECSL West Durham Exhibitors Awarded MssE. 1.ockhart la visitiflg Miss Th Many Prizes in Varjous Classes. O hre oot._____ ________Mi-.M'alter Haig spent the weekend The wea-hornian favoured Osh awa at home in Nextonville. H RD Y SE T M R20h,1 8 Fair w hon %;stosnoun't{I to il re- [,Mr'\vnin is visiting hier son, 'Mr.T U SD Y SET M R2Oh,1 8 cord attorîdanwe. Patron%;, diroctor'>! Eal î ynn at Port Hope. and e\iihit0i' s join heartily inl pr- M . o rckz- spent the weekend nouuicit)lr the fair a decided f-.UCCOss5 wth his famiily in their summner Ct- NEWCASTLE ROAD ACCIDENTS CONTINUE NEWCASTLE W. M. S. ENTERTAIN. from týheir individual s:atýndpoints.'taoge. ST. PAUL'S AUXILIARY, The rse races on Thursday after- Re.ER.aesatdd th Several of bier girl chums tflioycei MoU1,read more is it becoming aBO MNIE and he xhiitin e lie Lw. 's as eek. highway or te make a turn on to or The regular meeting of W. M. S 1rovel te be of special interest the RrlDLey etn tPotHp irtds prt tMlsMretarsythn ecrs h poica 1,Kautifui and bountifui dislavs ,of I ri isMni artBwanvillc, off of it, as the cars speeding along of United Cburch, was held ia S. S. floor fritan veetble ~rei M Sll i.oTeao, wii~ as a weekead guest of 'Mrs. E. C. 1t at any rate ni) to 60 or 70 miles Hlall September 6th at 3 p. m. Ms mayadmiring eyes; the exib .of L aetsho'\r. adMs .a.Wlad Miss Emima Beman. an hour deemi they have the right Of Norm1an Rickard presided and con-~ th ulesehooi ldrehibithe, son, akWSoe.Co cripple the feet and make way and seem te stopfrntig ducted the devotional period, assisted w enswerk caused rnuch f:\.eur 'Misses Marion Al1ia and Nora Cow- aknatoury serlifn that is somne of them. Mr by Mrs. (Rev.) W. P. Rogers. able comnîený. Ail past records -r Ji'eft oni TuesdaNv for Peterboro t an to rtrytsr eifi sîîs, he lotfour- score1 begin their Normîal School course. the shape of Holloway's Cern Remov- Last Tuesday evening week M reoRts were given by the varloUS. plump infants, watched overlbvanax-I Cern wa-q the main item on the e swti ec f i.To.Mfats awiemkn t rtrease iapeon Hoehaif usadpreud niother ai ur- menu, on a social evening enjoyed by Mesdames J. R. and Laura Fisher, turn on the road at M.%r. Herb. Brown's of the Victor Redempte oei rous nd b aprig nlàcn S.Gog'5AYPASls ens and Carl, visited Mrs. George Wright was hit nearly broadside on and quite Toont, being made by M'vrs. J. C. frontdedand daughterke s on-i t.GeHaze .Y..ARuthed e in Tor- badly smashed by a heavy American iHaacock, requestirig those desircus othe d ayued n eb it Sho.dy n agheH lRtcar which shot up over the hbillf ro~m of donating fruits and vegetables te the iijýa udsn teby Show. day 1NI. (e-)Jms et o-onto, on Wednesday hast. the east. -Mr. Moffatt wbo was driv- leave saine at Mr. J. R. Fisher's store attrheuul hogso a-1 Mr. (eo. lJa er went te To- M~r, and Mrs. Mervin Thomipsea, ing was injured in the side and ' a a ary at. Mrs. Rickard thon tieno deens h sultrng grof hapdp-go ono st ek h earNoruter ler Mich., isitJ.dRthishwee, ceived a cut la the forehaad. 'Mc. and graciously welcemed St. Paul's Aux- lucy.caefre unaniy. Th r-lies at Mavry, w eg euigbrsu-wibhranMs.J .FseMrs. Brown -whoni he had been giv:ng iliary, Bommanville ,who, having ac- ternooan e elanrdtad pr- h sat HvrgameswColliegOa wbile on their wedding trip. a lift home freim Frank Gibson'slcepted an invitation te be with us on. teapplatise and approbation of the long distance cail saying that Mrs. 1vl hr hyhdbe epn ihti cain rsne eyitr Reents.c etDra onHrihrduhteras quite, ml young bride of Detrit, were weokend the apple harvest, were aIse bothi esting and helpful pregram. Vocal tributýed in ne small degree te the and oMAlstr, aura. u sts ohsrer bbemplYO5 ibdy utMs.Bom s1càly5,soles were given by Mrs. C. Arthur - an Mc. Lrne obbediklier injuries necessitating her romain-1 Cawker and Mrs. A. Colvillo, in most -ucs f hsehiiinad mnlCotatrPennington of Port Miss Margaret Thorne, who bas ing in bed for several days. iecletfr. Apriual the successful prize inner>s are these H pe , is hastening on wit b the brick exeelntn r . b M bthrl h lp na e: Jo n A hon s ad o - eering- of '.\r. James Robînson sbee vistng wth Mrs. Galrait and A god deai et comm int has ensued 1 fui address was given by Mrs. ( e . anG.S. Cocnhr ou kn w . C stat'eny wbos n i t other friends bore, returned te her from the fact that Traffic Oflicer, jGeorge NMasen and a splendid story anG '. CTh r a er Lou okn F.W . MChs . Da n ose andllSh ome la New Y rk on Saturday. Halick, prmptly reieved M . Moif- lby Mrs. J. C. Cairnis, Mca. W. Adams, Lovekin. 'Mrs. W. Couch.. Mrs. A. F. Florida, who have been visi cbr Miss Cooke bas returned to Pîtts- att of his dcivec's licease. Worse than wbhýo onoaother occasions bas delighted Runle Ms.Thnî.~Pecy . S . J aunt, M. r.> Frcrb Ee burg aftor having spent a few weeks this is the fact that the accident bas a ecatle adecfvore wt Jacknan & Sons Mrs. .J. E . AnIder- Hou se, left for home this week. jwitb bier brother, Mr. W. H. Cooke. jeopardized the chances of the rink in1 two readings. At the close of the son, Harold Skinner. John Baker. F. Mr. and 'Mrs. P. F. LeGresley witb ý Mrs. Cooke accompatiied her te Tor- which Mr. Moff att bowls and cf which1 programi Newcastle Auxiliary served Wilbur, Jas Clarke .%Mr. and Mis.M. and 'Mrs. C. C. Grubbe of W"est-i onto. Mc. W. F. Rickard is skip, of -wýin- refreshments te ahl. Mrs. G. A. GiI-1 C. Snowdon, W. H. Carruther, & on, aîtered te Haliburten and vis St. Geerge's Cburch, Rev. E. R. ning the John Douglas Silver Trophy, lispie meved a cordial vote cf thanks, 1 Sons, Mis- Eleanor Shepherd, R. J. ted bis sister, Mrs. LeBoutillier. James, Rector. Sunday, Septeiflber whlch is being se keenly competediwhicb was seconded by Mrs.F.R Smith and others. - inra 23rd: S a. m.-Holy Communio; for. Owing te Mr. Moffatt's dis- Birawýn, for the kind tboughbtfulness Mrs. Dr. Carveth gov dner 9.45 a. m.-Sunday Scbocl; il p. ni. ability and the absence cf 0cao-ot11e1 that had prompted Newcastle Aux- Ciest House last wNeek, te a number -~ona ryr .m-Vn fM.Rcadspaeste rink iliary la thus inviting St. Paul's te WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION of lber friends frem Toronto, and af- sn.jwhhch was standing Up well lest a be present wlth thorm on this occasion. tecard wa hotes atbrige art. -At a special meeting of the Officiali game by default last Thursday aïen- Thus was brougbt te a close a pleas.- The Wemans Association cf New- 'Mr. and Ms Arthur Roçland- ad atrte1evc, c .Ai ng.anadprftbe ftcon castle United C urccbheld its m ethly Toronto, wvho are hid yi'a B ar d fe h evcM .A .ýn n rftbe atr o niectin on Sepember 1, at Mi.h.l.dctage ner Picke irg,1 Cclwill and Mr. J. E. W. Philp wcce Then on the Wednesday evenng _____ eetingc os eptCbur 1St, wtb r. th e n es rothcer n, r i entiv y I apponted te rpresent the church at while turning inte Mc. Geo . AlIiis, President. Mrs. l>ercy Hacerin the 'Mr..HOwell Row-!1 a laymnsmeeting te bie held la Tcr- west cf the village, a car mnaiiîtc Mr. MrHolAlabsben iedn enelioncin undi nlte ic.Tedmg the anvil at Asbburn foc Mc\I. George' chair. Irs. <Rev.) W. P. Rogers M r Arthur Bell was a guest of Mr.. Fund. tvas ne br inokte wbeel t h aredj et bsfomremlyewil h off eced the epening lraver and the, and iMrs. Ernest Hawke, Orone, on TelugPope:Scey arc n rknwel u aod1Wst i omrepo-r hl h pianiSt miracuThelyYscnpgdPnouple't.tooklatter mas enjoying a holiday at Lake pinsMs icplydfrte .,rday on teo ainof te I oieyaemrclusyecpý njr.I okCtîihi Mca Rnc, laedfo te te cc-.ii th Cii.-holding their ficst meeting la the form l adEmre Fserýd te thymins. ors.uC R. Caeetngad.[g o herdaughter Gertrude, to i of a punmpkin pie -ocial on Mcnday, beperan mro heur shdea andlathe r Cr n vinrc, r o mnuTreas.ef AuguIst eertoingan M. Aeerr-enotorJiSeptember 24th., la the S. S. R th resruMr.He>. o,,pe Ciil'uilitv Hall is playing "Track-J Fine progran , ganos ndi fb sh t put the car right side up. the order of fie day. On Thursday, senzed tbe financial report, Mca. (Dr.)cees And on Satucday evoiuîîg wheni September 13. Miss BeftuvamidM-.%I Bu' er of the flower conîmitteec and' ud hy Police", a Bmn Tin Tin Dog imonts la preparatica. Evecybody turning on te t'oier sldeoead on their Wn. Lake. Jr., entertained a large Mr.I.R ereCrepni ini on Saturday, Septemnber 22ad.,Iwelcome. .way hQme freni the villaze. M\I. an<l'nuinber on Haîîley's Point and laterl Sere. 1.R. Prearce, Crsofrredîn- ai.. tc arln",faui ~Lettors received fronm Mr. E.H.I rs. Geo. Rohliasoci and family hid i hi wi optb1 m.O Si-e:ry, cers an kr o appra-11 i Cselo nSpenbr2 Joll's f amily mn tion the fact that the narrcweet escape ocf thoir livosMna igt heby f c ar and frein Mca. S. Baskorvihle and Miss Bey. E. R. James is attending the, six of the young men, wbe went when thev andl thîir car wr'neac1V J~oý(, class ti-uatt-4l these"î-(S . l aîi Ethel l lia.for flower ecîe ndr n.î ual -\Iuiiunnîeting of Trinity-.frunm bore un the barvester's excur- sntt knglm 'mebyaUnîiends te corni, bot ugs nnd i i h i iln . e rs ce ve u niveoni'y, Turent'-', hin')yek H d o n m u î pe a î i d .np lr r ing ilnesses UnivrsityToront, -,hs week 1-\_sien, are at Glidden helping Mc. JolI uelixwihthey dlaim was rvl1pnkipearinda aillreol Mr.W.F BcorSertay rOial Convocatieon xill be beld fero adb iibrs tvitb their big grain îing westward at the rate of 70 per. the hu'uîîh at the hacheur. On the Truasucer, of the parsnage em it-'e cnferrng cf degrees hy Acch hasetinbyere rtuporgg on eveîiing. Ms, tee, presented a report of ce cent ah- Ibol) p Mathe-en, primate of ail C -Hrl isn a rwTmsN' class of girls, Tu teratiens and improt'ements made te1 ada. 1 Brown, Charlie James and Bill Hoar. Rev. W. P. and 'Mrs. Rogers aie Gleaner's", ixere hoste.;,e, at A le;cinerj the arsoageand presented ac- Mr. and Mni.Aex aî and sens,I spending frein Monday to, Fciday fras. Cnymdceis\eOuli consfr uhwrk rud 30iHrold and Bill, and daugter Edith, jMr. and Mrs John MeGill and sonl this week in Tronto. prvided ami enjoyed byail $2,50 of which xas for plumhîng by Toeronto, wvere recent guests ef Mr. Boy ,and Mr. and 'Mrs. Gee. Hamilteon Len Elliott of Bowmanville. and Mc.. A.- F. Spencer~, -itb -hn and fanîîlyPtyeMcadMi Misses Dorothy and Evelyn Rick- 'Mrs. Wai. Menas and daugbter Doc- Hecaian McGill and' famiily, Fleet- ard contributed a vocal duet andotbv of North Bay, aise speat a day Nvood, and Mc. and Mrs. T. McGill, M-'.a illuhoznsl at'w. Jaaetville, Mr. andiMa en c toi C the thmr-i .l li-r ek Iii ani habe, Osbawa, Sundayed %with totemusical part of the program, Genoral Johnr Hughes, Bownaa-M.adMi.Cs. iloLk arcangeri by Mis. A. Covan. Mi-s. and11Mrsc.(abasMrs.CocsoFergake GoEibck, Mrs. Staples, Mca. J. anl 'Sidney, Burton, Mr. and Mrs. I~ee H. Jose, Mrs. Wm. Parnali, Mrs. 11. Gavin 1)avidson, Osbawa, and Mr~. R Dr. Boyle, Rector of St. Pet- R. Peacce and the hostess, -Mca. unln. .A ency, O reno, were er',Coog, bihcebadth Rinch, provided and sorved lunch cf1 uayuet M.and Mca.A.W..F. obounvrary of h e brb th sandwiches, cake and tea under direc- pRiekaird, Tbe Grange. Coscain nie h Irgy of tion of the convoner of the lunh Harvet Homo oîvices cfeSt. tholunm'Humittvi es oft- the D eanody te a banquet la the Par - Mca Jon ohison IGeorge's Chuccbh will ho held on Sun- R s al ey. Dr. Cody was the MR.A. - dy October 21, ,,when Rey. Mc. Em- i speciallspeaker on this eccasioni and LLED A-E. fYSt. KJohn's Churcb, deliverod aagnificent lecture on the E. SYMONSYKI in o ',.A., o t."(ie \, IPort Hope, %vill preach both moining -Weaitb of the Nation". ofth-irauSl Oili 0Oins . and evening. Supper %,iIi folloxx on ui i 1 lh 111,Ili4îîy-MndyeangOtoe 22nd. 38-1 Mc. Horace and Mc. Eric Walton- t'. . Z~i 1011 i lîîi-i ,tiî,l- rs. B. E. Moise w-be bas suff ered BaIl have been bachne tatHri siçu,k toM11-'r'iy 11. ;ctr 1'.t-cribe .vocal I)unx1 -n)scf astb anmd wbe Lcdge the past week or se and assist- slî,ur. ' i. i.iv i lii' *- ,Ifî ~ l i iliir.Smi.nN,îus-,i1fw weeka go passed succesful!l' ing gardener Hermeon Porcin ini the t II' l r..S'nî irI'.rsoo of OiI rb rougb al criais of tbe disease, wvas hacvestîng of the early fall vegeabe El-'. i i',flS~i dm Wlueîi; liitaken te the General Hospital Toron- growa in the Lodge's productive gard- atl-i Z,n n tiiî--ft-ri""0. n, î ".'.fltîî eatment ast Wedneu-day. ens and which in quantity or quality 1 t iI hi isluiîîiît-rn M. and -Mrs. H. S. Bîitton, acent- a.oulld compare favorably with some bu-' nuIii. rlîî,uiîe thou anied by Mr. Moise, motored br p.Of tbe best suburban commercial i t O1t, Y ' 1 i:Oitete i rngttrain j gardons. lu, fnîtirlîiî- ,~ni-l.<îîau ti at Collins Bay o)n ?MleuuuY, United Cburch, Rex'.W..Roes i-î t-nuu-oc' iî nro-suiti shen .so many sbeep anîd cautle t.ire Paster. Sunday, Septeniber 23rd:/1, ihult O\ins. S ilO '.I ii.isimîiniJ lled, the evenirig iiuiitrain frem ,11 a . -~Morning 'W oc-iP 2.30 e//I! st.imlvai Oi 5nîlu w ~ j;ni 1, 1Iontnu-al tas 7 2heui .ie n i . m.-Sunday Scoocl;7 p. ;m-Ev- /lI "lI'-. llosputal. Thelr itt1- I' *ughtt-r' W. J. Hockin, mail -arrier ,n i P0t ing service; ficat of a secies of four r--i-i culs- n ne injure--s ; 1i s' i)ý aster Geo. Jamiesoin, stayed at the taîks on The Apcstle Paul-"Palil's k.7<- . by li?.iîîs rit Nir t'y li, tinutil 4 a. nm. t>1put (on ',heo lc ogthe Apostls"hT the W' t li!\lsnt uas s,,I, Iîly Imirî îîî-îî t ieutgoing and take off the inceming Pastor. Next week-Paul the Auth- I1l ' l. ill 1".-coi ~c:. r miail, or; thon Paul, the Seer, and lsstly, liiii-ne b-n w;.trisl iii,- fiil.: Mrs (Rex.) Scott Hov,ýinuI ami Paul the MissionaTy. i i--i ,h-n n I n s 1, l il,. -hri- m rS. 105S ieo is ibrdlgtd tbe en- J .Hgit' u frîhi-'I.lil i - 11125in' i,.riii tIl- gregatici) of St. George.'Sndy v-' .e. ogCto5autin sale Sept. 27 miis- Oon5" Ot 0 îliîs Onur ' nini- w ith îbeii' duet, '"One SweetlyI 11-t-li mnc 2- ln ..îîmnm m-JSîletan Thou'ght.'. Miss Kimber i. LAWN BOWLING STANDING Mi'- \l-s Iem' ,-i-l . "fm t- r uca nm{îibeWl)7fSt. Mattbew's Cburcb I P. O, - I ,îîmis ic- i-i' foi i îîn (ein 'r nt o, w bicb recetlty '-\V a I<t h-mn 1t'1î -t î i- i , o ui r hIr " i.N 1 .,-\i i - - e \ .!,to d N t-w c a t !Lt . R o t', E . R . .la m e . s n lu. . . . i.. .2 1- il ,?in ir- wc i t tr,, toub-fl -eora" a ' 1 l Fn--I ist î ' ~M is.. (bue. Cîulter i-turrned la-t w..'..... ...... r1q~-' ' ' ' - - - - - --vl, s' ou-tu fneni hei' ton w ek'journey tV In5 i Sau-kutchusviui)and llniti.-h eSll 1110 Lwi LAUNDRY WANTED a. 1-t;' ' ' hingt an.Cali-- tîmî~ f a" 1c uoismo Ooiui- mnaiuand INosew mc.Shie .iI-o t"ily ocdl11Y , s-nl fminds n avork'uSOIlu)pT)is r-~~,~ ~ i~S e 8 S MO - Pc.! iff- 0-, '. n cilltir , (;nnpr--n;rip alvp-ric-icdio, W cio -mmi.RowiSOVll" ,' \~-kî saui is. t Bowmanville Ont.Gi'Ofidptn Bu ote .uîntCn". e NEW FALL FOOT WEAR $1.98 ycu need hi u-s îd cinAT the'Word Cîi's"wIl6th gistuý yoUan pprtlîîiY f wnn gi R. J. ROVAN'S STORE A. valuable prize. On The SunnysideKngOn iiso t. iBowmaflvilîo nt Boys' Training School at Bowmanville wil1 hold its Second Annual Fali Faleý AND Athletic Chamnpionship Meet ON Wednesday, Sept. 26th Çommenciflg 1 p. ni. sharp (afternoofl & evening) The Fair Wl1 be officially opened by Premier G. H. Ferguson in the Assembly Hall at 3.30 p. m. Hon. Lincoln Goldie ,Mr. H. C. Scholfield, M. P.P., and other Cabinet Ministers will be present. Messrs. Harry Price, W-alter Knox, John Me- Garry and Bill Duncan, Toronto, will assist in run- ning off the athietie events. DURHAM REGT. BAND IN ATTENDANCE 8 p. m- Concert and Distribution of Prizes and Awards in Assembly Hall. Mr. H. MV. Robbins, Deputy Provincial Secretary, Chairman. Prizes will be 1)resented by Mr'. H. C. Scholfield, M.P.P., and Mr. J. H. H. Jury- Solos by Signor Lamberti, Bariton'e Soloist at C. N.E. Public is Cordially Invited Auction Sale 01 Good Used Automobiles S ATURDAY, SEPT. 22114 Starting at 2 clock p- me Daylight Savlng 'lime ýFATT Sales etimne of sale. Balance on Jelivery. >mce or 5-days §romt date of sale IRIESIERVE BIDS CARS 25 Ail M4akes and modela h A LICENSED AU CTIONEER 1 tor 25

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