MHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1928 LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LLD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan on Farmi and Town Property. Royal Bank 'Fuilding, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor to laste D. B. Simpson, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 91 Bowrnanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for sale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmnanville, Ontario. Phones:- Office 102; House 409. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto University. Graduate of tbe Royal Collage of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowrnant'iIle. Office phone 40. House pbone 22. X-Ray Equîpment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Collega, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office boums 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment la Office. THE EDITOR TALKS Canada is anjoying great prosper ity. Wa are told that this Dominier bas not been in sucb fine fettle foi many, many years. Tbat timas ai4 looking up tbere are rnany evidenc from coast to coast. Every Pro. vince bas soma bopeful signs of iný proved business conditions. We haý been planning for more tban a weel te give tbis week's Talk on Canada'. improved business conditions and to. day, September 18, one of the firs articles te meet our eyEz in TbE Globe was this: "Neyer More Pros. perity Tban Today in the West", and the first two paragrapbs read tbusly: "In the wbole history of tbe West I do net think that prosperity bas aver reacbed a higber or more promising point", said D. G. McKenzie, member of the Advisory Board on Tariff and Taxation, and the man upon it wbo most intirnately represents and under- stands Western conditions, as he was bora in the West, and bis fatber be- fore birn. Roderick McKenzia, wasa pieneer in various farmers' more- mea ts. This view was axpressed toa representative of The Globe wbo wa anxieus te get a close-up picturae:o the immense activity from a mai wbe bas been in the middle of it, is stili in the middle cf it, and yet, be- cause of bis officiai position bas been lifted upte the point of greatest vantage in Canada for studying Westý cmn problems as a wbele and getting a bmoad survey of them. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL . j Recantly a relative in Danville, Ill., Honor graduate of Toronto Univer- 1 sent ns a markad copy of The Lit- sity and member of Royal College ,jerary Digest of September lst., con- Dental Surgeons. Licensed te taînîng this acress-tbe-page beading pratie i Otaro nd heDominiwn. "Prcsperity and Financial Freedoni Dentistry in ail its branches. office-foCad". We u nars King St.. Bowmanvilhe, opposite aeighbor says nîce things about Bankof Mntrei. Pone 01. Canada and Canadians it bebooves us Ban ofMotrel. hoe 31. te "sit up and take notice". Here MEDICAL is the first paragrapb of The Digest's C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. article : Graduate of Trinity Medical Collage, tweenose adr hNeothmn e igsbor Toronto, fermerly of Enniskillen'.tenu n u otenniho, Office and Residence, Dr. Beitb's that recent reports of Canada's pros- former residençe on Cburcb Street, ont prosperity and coring financiail Bowmnanville. Pbone 259. 44-t1independence arouse near]y as mucb J. CLARK BELL M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P.H. (Successor ta Dm. A. S. TilIey) iffons. Graduata la Medicine, Aber- dean University; Fel]ow cf 'te Rya Collage of Surgeons, Ediaburgb. Office and Resideace. Queen St., Bowmanvila, Phone 89. Office Heurs: 2 to 4 p. ni., 6 te 8.30 p. mn. W. H. BIRKS, M.D. Office Heurs: 1 te 4 and 7 te 8.30. Telephone 108. Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's former residence, Wellington Street, Bowmanville. DR. V. H. STOREY Office boums 2 te 4 and 63 te 8 p. m. After 8 p. m., by appeîntment cnly. Exception-Office wilba open 9 te 10 Saturday nigbt. 36-tf VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono ilonor Graduate of IUniversity of Toronto. Alil cases given prompt and careful attention. Office-Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Omeno 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farrn and House Sales a Specîalty. Ternis moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESSj' THEROPY îmîterest on tnis sidaetfune Uanadîan border as on the other. Here we bave an expert of our ewn Depai-t- ment of Commerce predicting that Canada will, "at ne very remote fut- ure", join the United States as oae cf the creditor nations of the world. And this is backed up by the announ- cernent of the Canadian Miister oif Finance that goverament boans mat- uring this faîl will be paid off eut of tbe treasury, instead of tbroughbobr- rowing fmom the Amecican market. * * *1 Then cornes soe furtber testi- mony: At about tbe same traa Toronto dispatch appears ia the Ne York Evening Post, beginninga fl lexvs: Unprecedented mining and build-1 ing activity, increased ernpioymeat, a notewotby volume of axtamnal trade, beavier car-loadings, and, most im-1 portant of ahi ,tbe prospec t of a bumper wbeat crep, ail contribute teo an unusuaily bright out]ook for the second baîf of the year in aIl fiva of Canada's economic ameas. ICanada's record cf prosperity dur- becc equalled in any similar periodi in the Derninion's bistery, deciaresi J. C. Royie, in one of bis financiail dispatches for the Conselidated Press. Te a large extent, ha explains , "tbis is due te the production cf grain, ,nid the pi spect fer the remaindie cf the year is exceediagly briglit". bndeed, this autbority bears that in the wbeat-growing prairie provinces, "lempicyment bas reacbed a peak of 127.3, taking ont. bundred as the five- year average from 1922 te 1926". -Ferbes Magazine is one of New DURWIN E. STECKLEY Yorks Iead' -ng ..,Înal and hu.iness, honor graduata cf Toronto Collage 1jumnai a!nd ecscprgabfo of Chiropractic will bc in tbe Bow- 'Se fer as tne future is concerned, rnanvillýe Office Tue- day, Tbursd ay aai %tig petlAie and Saturîlay eveningz;, phione 141J.Caad as .situin prbet"s: ic nesien;e uig oe ts mo-st serius problem of ahi con- - oon. nues te ho spamsity of population aînd the lack of an inmmigratien policy FUNERAL DIRECTORS ,hcu geu.s inmnigrants ,but the people F. F. MORRIS CO. nù%v esdent in Canada arc, by the Conîplete Motor or lar~ge, tnjeying caniedemate but seund Herse Equipment. prosperiu'. 'The exodus freni tbe in- ~ aîî.Y .~' dcal centersto the United States, Privia e Amibulance, licences a f(, cgc, appears te Bo.wuîanviîie pho av: pe:er-,ed eut. Labor conditions[ 10 nd . re býetier today than tbey have ,been Banli Store- ini years, the tide of industmis î Oî ono &Newcastle. cnd almesu cvery siga "I",mtb noticg points te a conîtinuace f bus ALAN M. WILLIAMS rs.Zliettemient witb ourNrhr Emblcenr and Funeral Director. niighhcm. 1 C.ails given pm",pt cc persunal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- taince. Phones 58 or 159, Bownian- ville, Ont. 3-tf ~' handy packs Here is a treat that can't be beat! Benefit and plea- sure in generous measure! ci!80 peppermuint Flayor * * * -jrtaw- natemiais furnish the key tei i ('ancda's future greauness, w rend, "for there are fcw coiitries in - 'ii wurîd with access te such a colos- >aI treasuro cbest of undevelopcd me- sources". Ameican capital i; helin Cnaa evlop these reseur- ces, we rec mnided. It bas hen cstiiated that $3,03 1.000,000 cf Uni- ted State.s is ncw iaxc.sted in Canada as agaînsu British investmnts cf $2,- 110,000,000 . N criy baif a billion -lîlars cf American money went into Canadian invcstments ast year, ccd, "'during the last five years a single New York financiai bou.e hb acrket- id (anadian swcui-itie.,ilinNew York wortb $1,200,000,000". Then follow these interesting fig- c res: One American financial gmeup accemding te Mm. Sbaw, is planning te .pî.nd $50,000,000 in whait bas hitbeî- to boî'n rcgai'ded as a barmen streteli cf wildernss-tbe so-calIed- Flic- Flon iniiiing amen in nortb<'mn Mani- toba. Muîch cf the Doiiinion's e- cent prospemity is lue te its mine.s. la faet, "the value cf the country's, -r - utput was $240,000,000 ini u10;t bas tebled sinca 1907". But aadc's mining development rnakesj i l ucg story by itself, and Mm. Shaxw eon te note the extent te wbicb V-, cul S',tes <dollars are beirig iave.s:t- -fi ic Cacaula's pîîlp and paper indust- Tt is i'nuraging wben sucb in- formation lis ibis appears in U. S. publications: An ucnamed Cana- d;,in business mac is quoted as say- ing: We ovill in a few yearms ha the lead- ing mvold-predccing country in the world. We are already th-e dominant fact- or ln the wold wbcat market, and supreme in the production cf pulp1 paper and several other commodities1 1WEST DURHAM FAIR NOTES 1 WHAT DOTH IT PROFIT? HOUSES FIND READY BUYERS ýr- The indoor exhibits were one of I Eldad Aist Stage First Perform-] Mr. A. M. Hardy has just completed n the chief attractions and the crowd ance in W. D. Dramatic Contest two fine bouses on Wellington Street, r was centered in the big main build-i east of the Moorcraft property wbich e ing, the adjoining tent and thei On Fair nigbt, in the Opera House, hie purcbased about one year ago. The s poultry show annex. The classes in under thè auspices of thè West Dur-. much admired bungalow on the corner o- fancy work, cooking, fruit, veget- ham Aricultural Society, Eldad q as been sold to Mr. Elmo Anderson! n- ables, etc., were exceptionally well Young People presented the play who has already taken possession. id filled but we noticed tbat the displays "What Doth it Profit"? This wasj1 The 2-storey brick east is a fine struc- k of local merchants were fewer than the first of the series lîsted in the' ture and has been sold to Mr. Alex. s usual. Dramatic Contest and if it is an ex- Honeyman wbo takes possession be- 0- Entering the nortb door, we per- ample of what is to corne we may look fore the end of montb. Mr. M. W. t ceived on tbe rigbt the office of S. J. forward tel a very interesting season's Tamblyn was contractor for thesel e Jackrnan & Sons, fiorists, coenfort- entertainment. Tbose who were ab- bouses, Mr. Norman Pingle doing the - ably furnished and decorated witb sent missed a lot and we advise thero brick work. The contractor baving Id fiowers. to be tbere on the dot wben the next done a very satisf.actory jopr y: Singer Sewing Machine Co's bffth Play is given on October 5tb. chasers are well pleased witb bes t banded out in generous quantities, il- Col. L. T. i3cLaughlin, President, structures. ýr lustrated folders and Singer Drawing in welcoming the audience, announced Almost across tbe road. Mr. J. E. g9 Books "to take borne to the baby". the plays in the contest, and intro - Flett is putting up two 2-storey build- r h mpr Sales Co. bad cbarge duced Mr. A. E. O'Neil, Principal 0f!l ing of rug brick. The corner bouse of the EmrrbohasweDe Oshawa Collegiate, Chairman of the b as been sold to Mrs. Bowan of Nap- Foes tecorneRaobandswed Deat Judges' Committee, whicb includes ianee, wbo bas already taken posses- SFrcetlarse Rawds io Setsrabico t-M~essrs. McGurr and C. M. Ewing, al- 1 sion.' These modern bouses addsi -S programs. Mrs. C. S. Halîman won so of Osbawa. ý 'la mucb to the appearance of the street, Tbe interest of tbe play "Whatwhicb bas recently been paved. tbRe $&5 odspaer. arwae Doth it Profit"? lies in the masquer-I More bouses for Bowmanville are -ioem Rîe to'sdia ohrdwe, ading of James Russel Jepson and hi s1 badly needed. We hope other citi- was as artistic as an art exhibit, witb niother, as office clerk and housekeeip-1 zens will build modern bouses on va- aits barmonious patterns and coîour er respectively, of John Sheldon,l cant lots wbicb are now available and, wbo like al bis acquaintances,1 fil tbe mucb needed dernand for more 's insnd also tbe Jepsons, bas lost money h ousing accommodation. ýf W. A. Kribbs Co. bad an attractive 1tbrougb the f ailure of the Barnies' [sbowing of "Miss Simplicity" elect- Realty Co. whie.h nt tbe endI of the - rî wasingmachnes ncldingtbeplay turns into a success. Jepson is nnew 1929 model, wbose special at-ivery mucb interested in Grace Sbeld- tributes are speed, simplicity and on but ber father endeavours to -tborougbness. break up tbe friendship tbougb knows g The Brookdale Nurseries' exbibit notbing of bim and bas neyer seeni wvas arrayed in ail its glory the floral bim. The deception, practised byl products of cultivated and natural Jepson and bis Imother, is suddenlyl beauty. As if upon tbe summit of disclosed wben Sheldon decides to * * * *a bill, a clump of evergreens stood wéd bis bousekeeper on the samne ev-j - igb in the corner lending a fitting ening tbat Grace and Russel are plan- Zbackground for tbe loveliness bestow- ning to be married. Sheldon sees tbat j q ed below. An anchor, a parasol and if be takes th.e mother, be must ahso. t acair, cleverly fasbioned from flow- take tbe son, so forgives Grace's lover[j ters, added to the interest of tbis ex- for being "a Jepson" and stands tbe b ibit. costs of a double, wedding. Eý Dustan's Casb Hardware sbowing Elgin Taylor played the part Of 1 W anst sof Happy Tbougbt ranges, Rotarcz Jobn Sheldon, an obstinate fatber,' sweepers ,Splitdorf radios, etc., tbe exceptionally well. ohsessed by finan-i an Extra genial warxntb and glow of a Coleman cial worries and (lomestic troubles, gasoline beater-a contrast to tbe and very proud of bis office clrkedr@ @i?1 cold atmosphere witbout-tempted "Jim Russel". wy ntr-lo many to s.end a great deal of their Rutb MeKessock made a verv, Then wyntr-lo 1tîme admîring tbis attractive dispiay. cbarming and demure Grace, wbo bad that upstair store-room 1 Tbe exhbition of women's work la will of hem own and used it in spite and art extended to. tbe far end of of ber fatber. with hardwood? the building. Tbere seemed to be a Myrtie Vice toek tbe part of Mrs. o a ak twn * sligbt improvement in the "personnel" Jepson, alias Helen Langtry, wbo Yucn m k twn of the "Fine Arts" exhibit, inasmucb proved to be se accompiisbe-d and at- derfully attractive and as were noticed a few specimens neyer tractive that ber emip:oyer fell in love seen before. The sewing and fancy witb ber, bis bousekeeper, aîmost at comfortable, and it will work, etc., was very skilfully done fist sight. cost you so littie 1 Fand made large and effective display. James Reynolds, as Russel Jepson, The tent adjoining tbe main build- alias James Russel, captivated the Let us show you samples ing was well filled witb tbe produce audience by bis clever enactmnent of a'v o netmt of orchard, field and garden. Many a dificuit role, se that tbey instinct- ngv o netm t lingered long over tbe appetizing and ively responded te bis every emotion. based on actual measure- bountif ul varieties of fruit and veget- Alan McKessock looked and sound- ment&. ables and the 'freaks of nature" in ed bis part, that of Dr. Jefferson, the the general assortments; and care- minister wbo tbroughout the play en- fully inspected in admiration and en- daordt ose pSedn cLLA O T . vy the choice collection of vegetables fitdieavo rnes' boesty.u hlonsM C E L N O T . ý;pecialiy exbibited by Mr. R. S. Mc-j Mt i arre'plaod by.Jc akr Phone 15 Bowmanville Lauglin Osbwa.w as a Chinese laundrymian wbo also Tburston's Fur Sbop display of the lottruhBre'fiue u nwsfu otfrmTapper toi th rougb Grace's generesity was en-1 a s iWearer", witb a background of bro iabe t rigbi fîlyt Aiàîa cade bangings and tapestries, were a Jean Mif]lsen and lu~ ~ Hardy nîadc feature -vbieb appealed te the femin- bini a typ;cal littà, ( hlinese wife an(l mne fancy. baby. Bert Bell, "Tbe Clotbing Man", David Wilders and Thomas John- sbowed samples of the new cioths us- ston, friends of Sheldon were aiso ed in miaking bis "-skil craft" andsi saeholders in .the Realty Co. anîd "DrEtss-Well" ready-made men 's wear. doubtful of Barnes' goed faith. Hlt-in There were many admired the new rink ani Perey De-,vell played theset faîl styles and received a ticke worth par s. $1.00on a st or overcoat. Mr ofu Ahi Th etdslywsetrl fMilison for ber careful directing and - Quaker Mfg. Co. products, neatly ar- coacbing of thbe players. ranged and sbowing everytbing from Between acts, piano duets. and trio,~ Quiker flous to tbe finisbed product. were rendered by Misses Mr:Ian:i a fluff y and tenpting' white layer Helen Baker and Mrs. Clh1i. cake. A printed placard proclainîe' an Irish fol', (ance by 'Misses Ma~rv to ail that these products were so01(1 ani Jean 'Milîson; vocal solos îy Ms 1w Harry Allun, the popular grocer. L.ena Taylor; aînd elacutionarv îîui Folder. containing "Quaker"rei e sli MsEvelviMilli-on .Ac- we re f reely han ded ou t and samonir conipa niists were Mrs. A. (()e a nd M Im of flour i'ec., sold to willing custoniRobbi~ Or iO(,. er.s. If it hc true that thbe way teaa nia'shertisthouhbis stonin:-h we onine that tbeme weme many beartsi u m nT r coeingexhbiton airDay iRa . *in each of Show's i welve Scho, As have we seen sogoodly and Cnt 'CO la nw i 1 iouni ix c 'em j nx ci ix fuî i culurnni ic I on re- an array of appetizin P pies, ek quost. Wlite 1130 Biay S,,.. or- "Today"-bcas just a butl anlaltbings nice toeact as. e "hown lv saine of the 1etco: t to W.R. Shaîw, Rgisti ar. lcarning bis "A B C@ the cou-nty~__________ 'Pwo, out of the usual four, s'iî --________ e\ji5of bonie-cooking by % onien Fniztitiîte of t hc (ounty were niiý4n- ,iiw the Inelibîers of 'he Ierý1.111vlovi ilSnasocietics <d hoir shai n hrwing products c(f i.beir.-kPli, and kitchens ,worthy te lie placed On th,' roya boad. . Goodeare i Tre & Rulb'r Coi. l:u anî exien-ive showicg cf rmcx îitiii ici, rubber ini the haif xvay stage, ani the many pril ccts mn~iufacture4l i n 'heir fîti-i-. sucb as ruliber -. 'tc. The bootî w as adorîiei l1, festo,<ms o f rubluer bise, evergrecr and iorangietcrepe lîlpir. Two vrung nien w\ho 'rtt¾I awvay" at a great ,q)eedl on a t YT> w% îiteî' and iii shortharîî, and wv.- ipassed out the pamphlets- ' the 'w were the adIvert isemelt of the P e' le-.. Bsine ('llege, Oshaw,ýa. Beatty Broîz. lisplaîye4l wtî-h i miachines, wingers, etc., whichh bel:) theù bouseNife on wa-.h ilay. Tho are so 1< in Bowmianviile liMa n& Dal1e. zThe <lisplay of S. J1. Jackman & Srns, which occupiedithe sp,'. fommierîr uscîlfor vegetabl(e, ,was n miarvel if flor-al perfection in ever - dletail. A skilfully designed picke - ecl fence furimneîl a -.uitable se-itimi t for the maseof exquisit-e fl<îwcr iii every hlending shaîle an(i foi-ni, :against a lackground cof evemgrevn,ý In tht. centre w~as placed the A. J1. Il Eckamt Silver Tropby to be avardu.,( the person scorîng the largç,.st nîînî- h4em of points at the Faim. A vase with flowers, and an Aeolian bai-i Oopsi f Pink andl white bI1osý;orn, stîîod onc on either îide otf the Ti-'îî b y. This <lisplay won firs- prize h the pofessional class. of increasing importance to burnanitv. No wondem Canadian invea--trents; are popular in tbe United States to-dav. Furtbem evidence of Canada's in- c'reasing economnic importance is S ! 'lown as follows: 'In 1914 Canadian citizens owned no ggvernent securities; today a large percentajge of Dominion andl Provincial govemniment bonds are beld- 1 iv the people. Tbese condition.3 are aincmeasing prosperity, and Die et Sparagmaphs are equally sound "Tomorrow'"-ha wilI be a man, op the threshold of hi C.H. P Dear Sirs:- - Please es My Narne is.. My Addressi 1 was born .. An Oul that is Prized Everywhere. -Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul was put upon tbe market witbout any flourisb over fifty years ago. It was (put up te meet the wants of a srnahl section, but as soon as its merits became kaewn it bad a wbole continent for a field, and it is now known and prized tbroughout this continent. There is netbing equal te it. An Oil that is Famous.-Though Canada was net the birthplace -of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, it is the borne of that farneus compound. Froni bere its good name was spread to, Central and America, the West Indies, Australia and New Zealand. Tbat is far afield enougb te attest its excel- lence ,for in ahl these countries it is on sale and in demand. STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reforci Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calis At Our Expense IDelicious Cakes and Pastries jý MOST APPEALING TO THE TASTES 0F YOUR 1 GUESTS Corhett's Cakes and Pastries wili give your table that mcci appetizing appearance that your guecsts will ad- mire and after they bave partaken of youm bospitality thev xiiiproclaim your lunch most delicieus. Step inte our store, and select the require- ments for yecr social event-or phone 3 ccd otir driver w iilcall et the door. Bread Cakes Biscuits RoUls Buns Pies Cookies, Etc. Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. P, Corbett Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Phone 3 He'a just a " baby " now-but somne day you'1I want him ta go ta college-for this ~ reason: When he starts out on his career the best ob wii go ta college-bred men,bcueth standards of education are constantly being el raised. You want him ta succeed,- We can help You to help Him It costs money ta secure a good education, but every dollar invested in that way multiplies a hun- dred fold. The Canada Life will plan with 'ou to supply that rnoney as he needs it, when the collage course starts. Even though you are not here we will pay him the nioney-eay, $250.00 evemy three months, or what- ever amount you now decide will ha needed ta corn- plete the course you wish him ta take. Each day. as thls Canada Life -Educational Plan" becomes better known to fathers, more and more are taking advantage of it, and this is how the plan 'works out: A father ie willing ta save a littla money each year -ta provide an educational fund for his boy. If the father lives, die funde are available-to be paid out, aay, each three montha for four years. If he should dia hie savings - cease, but the Canada Life will Malte the full payments ta the boy at the specified time, as praviously diracted by tha fathar. No"lig can deprive the boy of bis education, if this plan is adopted and carried out rN If you start on this plan whila your boy is still ( young, dia outlay will ba easy ta make because it will ha spread over a period of years. if you dalay until dia money muet ha found, you 4 -. will be faced with a financial problen- which may à gron-up strain your rasourcas ta the limit-and ha May flot hie creer. get hie collage course. USE THIS BLANK TO GET INFORMATION. NIASON, Local Representative, Bowmanville send me full particulare about your apecial "Educational Plan". ............................................................. ....... . is..................................................... ...- .. . . ......... . . .-. .......... of ......... .......~ .. ............ (Da,> <Month) >r au à' PAGE TWO these gooda at once" "IVe rmust rnake rocm fui rxew sftîck," said the Chie "wClear these gooda at once." Bo Brook, a mani of words, started a long letter to his best account. But RhII, the maxi cf action. had already givexi Long Dis- tance a distant telephône number. A few persuasive words . .. and Hil had niade a sale, bof ore Br'ook' letter vas Iiniahe<L Mmn of action - and women too, use Long Distance They keep a last cf nunm- ber frequently called, anid gtve the operater the dp tant nnrnbr. Thi eed= up a service that la already wonderfufly qulck. For quick resulta m Lâong Distance. Éz%, !1 -l