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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1928, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4tb., 1928~PGEFV Use Your Telephone We are as near you as your phone, for you Mtay order your requirements by phone, and we deliver promp'tly. Sonte of these Mtay interest you: Scott's Emulsion .49c-98c Carter's L. L. Pilîs... 2lc Kruschen Salis ......... 69e Keppler's Cod Liver Oiî and Malt..95e-$1.50 Castoria ...............33C Rigo Nipples ...3 for 25e Rigo Bottles ...3 for 25e Johnson's Powder..... -.25e Abbey's Saîts ....... 49,:89c Bromo Quinine ......... 25c Laxacold ...............25e Buckley's (strong)...75e Milk of Magnesia, Nyali...........25e-5Oc Dextre Maltose .......... 5c Lydia Pinkham Co. ..$1.00 Fruitatives ........... .45c Dodds Pills ............. 40c Nyai Kidney Pils . .. ...25e Other prices and information gladly supplied on request. You're sure to get courteous and prompt service at KERSLAKE'S PHONE 49 -THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- ïHappy Thoughts For Happy People Is your heater or range giving you the satisfaction re- quired ? Are you wasting fuel? Do you require a huge fir% for baking? A new Happy Thought will cure these ailments and the baking satisfaction is a continuaI pleasure. When you buy a Happy Thought you buy the best, the ultimate, the acme of supreme service and reliability. ALL RECORDS BROKEN Our stove sales up to the present bave broken aIl records and we look forward to a banner year. If you require a heater or range we wiîl be pleased to explain the exclusive and everlasting qualities of the Happy Thought. Dustan's Cash Hardware "WE SERVE YOU WELL" >Men! Save Money -By Buying This Week AT THESE PRICES IT'S WORTH YOUR j WHILE TO BUY EARLY Men's and Young Men's Overcoats ,Navy Blue At $22.50 One of the finest lines we have ever shown in Plain Navy Blue Meltons and the popular Chinchilli Cloths, a big warm and comfort- able coat for men who like good clothes. Our Special This Week $22.50 Men's Fall Top Coats At $1 7.50 2 onîy coats left. These are in a deep rich Fawn shade of love-. ly mixed Tweed effeets. Srnart slip on models, a real coat for wear and appearance. Sizes 37 and 89. Regular Price $27,50, Clearing This Week For Only $17.50 Each lqrThe Two in One Coat at $7.45 This is a Tweed Top Coat wlthI rubber lining. In shades of Heather, Lovatt and Grey, a coat that wilI wear and that is also waterproof. 6 only coats left from last week's selling, Out They Go At Only $7.45 Each MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS AT $25-09 For men and young men, a wonderful suit il ges and Herringbone effects ,also diamond terned weaves, guaranteed in colors and xvi quality, double and single breasted model A Big Special This Week at $25.00 Eack A BIG SPECIAL IN MEN'S SUITS AT $1 25 only Suits, Tweeds and Worsteds, in shad Grey anjç Brown, some have small broken% .&ý,fterns while others are in wide and narrowi effects. These are in single and double bre ipodels, lines that are depleted .and broken Values up to $27.50, This Weekend on Sale For Quick Clearing Only $19.45 Each T. B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Bank of Mentroal Phone el, D.wM LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHS Mr. Fred Douglas, Oshawa, spent EVANS-In Clarke, on Sunday, Septem- Sundy atMr.J. E Eliottp 1ber 16, to Mr.tand, Mrs. W. C. Evans of Sunay t M. J E.EllottS. anetville. ontarlo, a soh.-Donald Col- Mr. W. S. Bragg was a successful ville. exhibitor of Shortborns at Port Hope Fair. Miss Eunice Sinc1apr, Lindsay, is FAH visiting ber aunt, Mrs. F. J.Mi-'ROB INSON-In Clarke ,Septemnber 30, cheli. 1928, Will tin John Robinson, aged 69 Port Hope I.O.D.E. raised $258.93 yeare. on tg dy fr wok i Notber On i-OOPgR-SuddenIy in Orono on Wed- on tg dy fo wok inNorhernOn-rcsday, September 26, 1928, Henry Hoop- tario. er, in bis 65th year. Mrn. W. E. Tilley bas returred CARRUTHERS-At Port Hope, on W yd- fromn an extended VISit With relatives nesday, September 26, William P. Car- in Toronto.. ruthers, In his 74th year. HARPER- n Rochester, N. Y., Tues- Mr. H. M. Foster csrried off a day, September 25, 1928, Ephraim Harper, number of prizes on bis Jerseys at former North Clarke farmer. Port Hope Fair. YEO-At Port Hope, on Saturday, Sep- tember 29, 1928. Eliza Ann Hall, widow of Miss Margaret Allun spent Sanday the ate James Yeo. In ber 78th year. in Port Hope and assisted tbe United MAUNDER-On September 2é, 1928, at Church choir in the musical services. 300 Sherbourne St., Toronto,.%Irs. Jane Maunder, widow of the late Thos. Maund. Mr. J. W. Borsberry and niece, er, Little Britain, Ont., aged 82 years. Oshawa, have returned front Eng- HALL-At the residence of her sister, ]and, where they spent the summer. Mrs. Albert Staples, Orono, on Thursday, September 27, 1928, Clara Ballagh, bcloaed Mrs. Win. Woodley ,Lindsay, and wif e of Mr. Bigbam J. Hall, Toronto. in- Mr. and Mrs. John Reid of Go.od- terred at Orono. wood, recently visited at Mr. W. S. RUTHERFORD-At the residence 0f ber Bragg's. daughter, Mrs. B. H. Chapman, 3 Yule Avenue, Toronto, September 28, 1928, An- Mr. Norman Elljott, College of Phar- nie Elizabeth Hallowell, belovîl wife of nacy, Toronto, spent the weekend David Rutherford, late of Nùweastle. In- with his uncle, Mr. J. E. Eltjutt, terred at Newtonville. Concession St. DRYDEN--On Frlday, Sept'mh)r 28, 1928, at the residence of her son-in-law, Miss Mabel SuIs, Belleville, is vis- Dr. C. L. Starr, 185 Teddington Park iting bier cousin, Mrs. C. F. Rice. fier Ave., Toronto, Mary Lydia Holman, wi(1- Mrs.C. Bdgly, Crbyille ~ow of the late Hon. John Dryde~n, Brook- aunlt, r.C ageCryil s lin. Interred at Baptist Cemet-ýrv, Whjt- also visiting hier. by township. Mrs. W. C. Rosevear and daugh- - . ter, Mrs. R. Walsh, Lakeview Beach, spent Sunday with the formner's IN MEMORIAM sister, Mrs. H. Brock.Inlvn eoyfThmsEit, Mrs. (Rev.) W. A. Bunner and In oving emorwy of Thnas EliotIr, Miss Vivian Bunner ppent the week- 1927. asdaa udny<cor end at Welcome and took part in the Time rnoves on and I'm rerinIf, Of that nlght my heart 'vas cruslwl Rally Day services there. Why God took you oh so (î3ikly A memorial window in memot-y of And we aIl In gloomn were thrust. the late Senator Mulholland will b e Time rnav corne and brlng us caunges, unveiled in St. Paul's Presbyterian Fresb wilth everv coniing ve.r. Church, Port Hope, on Sunday, Oct- But your memory will bechreî ober 28th. In the bearts that loved yoi Mrs. (Rev.) Herman McConnell s Ever remnemberel 1,N Lizzie. visiting hier son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Ingham at MOTOR AMBULANCE their recently purchased far-m near M.A.Wlim ise 0ifr b Port ope.public that he bas a motoqr ambulance for Mrs. John Harvey, daughter Miss service, day or nigbt. Pbone 58 or 159. Cors Harvey and Mr. Cyril Weyrich, 4- 263 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa,____ were calling on Bowmanville friends - ___ on Saturday. Mrs. W. Charles Werry, daughter Miss Audrey Wçrry, 109 Agnes St., and Miss J. H. Werry, 18 Alexander Blvd., Oshawa, cal]ed on their uncle M. A. James, on Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Spargo have returned from two weeks' visit in Toronto. Their daughter, Mrs. J. Fletcher Staples and daugbters re- turned hone witb them and are spendîng a few days here. Mr. and Mrs. Edwtn Spencer W.ood, 1 Bowmanville, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Marion Elean- or, and Mr. David James Chambers, Harrietsville, the ma;riage to take place tbe middle of October.......... Mr. Wns. Kavanagh wbo held an - important position at the local Good- year plant about 14 years ago, and is now with the Akron plant, was here on business last week and- received the glad hand from his many friends. Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., attend- ed a banquet on Monday evening given by Hon. John S. Martin at the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, in honor of the Ruling and Immediate District Deputy Grand Masters of the Masonic Lodge of Ontario when items of vital interest to the ment- bers were discussed Hia many old friends in Bowman- ville will be pleased to learn that Prof. C. C. Laugber, Sarnia, formerly organist and choir director of Trinity Church, Bowmanville, is filling a sim- ilar position in Calvin Uinited Church, Owen Sound. He was for some years organist of Central United Church in that city. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguison have' returned front a six weeks' visit with relatives at Toronto, Meadowvale, Goderich, Gorrîe, Wingham, Guelphb, Listowel and Fordwich. They are very grateful to the publisher cf The Statesman for forwarding The States-. man while away. It was like getting a letter front home they said. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Dickinson and baby of Toronto, xnotored to Stirling and spent the weekend, guests of High School Principal and Mrs. L. Hamel Cookie. Mr. Dickinson was formerly headmaster of te Boys' Trainikg School nt Bowmanvt1le, alnd at present is assistant pr-ocipal ofT h Parkdale Public School.-Stirling News-Argus._ __ WEST DURHAM FAIR The following corrections have been made in list of prise wlnners as appeared last week: Leicester Sheep-Ramn Lamb-W. R. Robbins 1 and 3. W. Glaspeil 2; Aged Ewe -W. R. Robblns 1 and 3, W. Glaspell 2; Sbearling Ese-W. Glaspeil, W. R. Rob- bins 2 and 3. Jersey Ml1lk Cow-Thos. Percy 2. Pillow Cases-Mrs. A. W. Aunis 1. Preserved Jears-lrs. Atex. Taylor t, Maude Rteynolds 2. in1 ser- CELEBR.ATES 80TH BIRTHDAY d pat- Mr. John Lyle, J. P., the venerable eanng Twn Clerk of Bowmanvllle, was show- ered wlth congratulations, good wishes is, and many happy returns of the day by his host of relatives and fiends over the weeksnd Monday being bis Sth blrth- kday. It doesn't sesmn possibe that Mr. Lyle bas reached sucb an age for be Is on duty every day and Is as lnterested, [94e active and alert as most men of 50 1945 years. No use disputing the fact for he was born at Great Torrlngton, Devon- des of shire, England, October 1, 1848. He check has reslded In Bowmanvllle ever sne In ail these years be bas neyer been out stripe of town more than tbree days et a time and seldom of those. He has been easteu Town Clsrk for 30 years and bas only mlused one regular meeting of town coun- sizes, cil, this absence being due te a funeral. Hle's a lifs member of Jerusalem Lodge, a past master and the oldest meniber In years and In membersbip of tbe lodge, gat bslng Inlied 57 years ago and for 37 years bas been treasurer. the council meeting Monday nlght aýrr Holgate and Counilîlors congratu- lated Mr. Lyle on bis blrtbday and In acknowlediclnc the good wisbes be treated the "boys"' to cigare. Beaides many relatives and frlends In town calllng on te octogenarlan on Sunday and brlnaIng good wisbes and gifts out-of-town visiters Inciuded Mr. and ýfrs. Ca. Gibbs. Hamilton, Mr. and moavifle rMe. Arthur Volces. rs. A. Campbell. Mrs. M. Tugman. Mrs. R. M. nIlîlott and cauxter Jean, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. K.Kingston and family, Pickering. Articles For Sale Building Lots For Sale STOVE FOR SALE-A Findlay Rajng, BIDN OSFRSL-On Odel witb waterfront. %frs. F. J. Allin, Suo t Apply Mise M. Horsey, Bowmanil St., Bowmanvilie. 39-1 87-4w* FOR SALE-Mc<'lary Electric Range, ln use one year. / NMrs. C. J. Smale, Scugog St., l3owmanville, phone 564. 39-If FOR SALE-Lloyd Wicker Baby Car- niage and babys go-cart, boih ln good condition. Pbone 303, Bowmanvllle. 40-t FOR SALE-One Hamilton B3each Mot- or, one Quebec beater. Apply to C. Mc- Feeters. Cherry Cottage, Cburch Street, Bownianville. 37-tf MARE FOR SALE--Good aged brood mnare, an exceptional bargain for imme- date sale, C. R. Dean. Concession St. E., Bowmanville, phone 559. 39-2 FOR SA L E-One Mitchell gramaphone, cabinet style, beautiful walnut finish, 35 records. Tbis machine la ln tirst class condition. Bargain. Apply Ernest A. Jones, corner Brown and Wellington Sf s.. phone 289J. 37-tf HOMES MORE BEAIJTIFUL-Our New Illustrated lPree Catalogue will assist you In selecting sultable Trees. Sheubs, Vines. Roses, Etc., 70 years ln operation. WrIte to-day. Star Nurseries, Ridgeville, On- tario. 35-12 BOARDERS WANTED-Two men board- ers. AIl convenle.nces. Apply Box 426, Bowmanville. phone 517. 40-21 WANTED-Cook general for small adoît famlly. Hlgbest wages. Apply Mrs. Joseph King, Phone 98, Wbitby. 41-1 HELP WANTED-Capable woman for general bousework, family, 3 adults. Ap- ply to Miss 1. K. Smith, Concession St., pbone 295J., Bowmanvillc. 40-tf WANTED TO RENT-House with 3 or 4 ledroorns in Bownanville, in vicinity of Goodyear Co. Henhouse also desired. Write Mrs. Nt. Beekt-r. "ourtice, c'o A. .. Armour. 40-1- To Let FARM TO RENT-125 acres. N. bal f lot 5, con, S, Darlinglon, known as thp lolin Tavp farm. Plowing possession at once. Full possession April 1, 1929. Ap- Iy f0 l3yron Parreil, R. R. 1, Tyronp, phone 191-14.38w BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Tliree of the finest building lots ln Bownianville, on Liberty Street, North, ReaI bargain for quick sale. APPly to Norman S. B. James at Statesman Office. Real Estate For Sale ' FOR SALE--6-room bouser Lt New- castle, Iocated on North St.. one block from the Main Street, large garden witb fruit trees, and good ian. Bargain price of $750 to close estate. Gst keyE from Mr. J. Coulson at Newcastle, and write to Mrs. Agnes Anthony, 120 Grant St., Turtie Creek, Pa. 38-30 BAVE iOW& SAF ETY .afYourilot Soc Klenzo Shaving Cream 5 Genuine Gillette Blades Both For 59c Flashlight Special Every family needs one of these guaranteed flashlights Special $1.0 Complets with batteries and bulb. Jury & Lovel When We Test Eyes It la Done Properly SEALED TENDERS WiII be re.celved by the undersigned up tilI 5 p. m.,, Tbursday, October 11, 1928, for excavating and back-filllng trench for approximately 5,900 feet of Sanitary Bew- er. Also for the construction cf Man- boles for the sanie. Plans, profiles and specifications niay be seen at the office of tbe Town Enirin- eer, Bowmanville. Lowest or any tender not ;.ecessarily accepted. FRED C. PALMER, Town Engineer, Bowmaatville. .a Renovating the House Wall papers of the fin- est quality are carried in stock. An extensive and complete selection in soft and lovable eolorings, as well as cheerful floral and patterned papers. All New Faîl patterns. W. T. Allen BIG 20 BOOKSTORE Bowmanville Ont. UI iMisses' anld Little Women's Sizes 14 to 201 u Women's Szes 38 ta 4 UConie Early and Save S. W. MASON & SON'S Mammoth Three Days' Sle A THOUSAND PHENOMINAL BARGAINS Sec The Circular Sale Bilis Delivered To Your Door Three Days OnIy --- Thursday, Friday, Sîtürday, October .4 -5 - 6 Se W. MASON & SON PHONE 106 BOWMAN VILLE Wanted PAGE PIVI

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