PAGE SIX To safeguard the chi]d from dam-i age that wortns cause, use MiiIer's Worm Powders ,the medicine par excellence for children. The.qe powders will clear the system en- tirely of worns, will regulate and stimulate the organs injuriously affected by the worms, and xiii en- courage hea]thful operasiion of the digestive processes. As a vermni- fuge it can be relied on for its eff ectiveness. Requisite on the Farm.-Every farmer and stock-raiser shouid keep a supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil on hand, not only as a reacly remedy for ils in the family, but because it is a horse ind cattl? mnedi- cine of great pote.-cy. As a sub- stitute for sweet oil for h-irses and cattle affected by colii it far sur- passes anything that can be admin- istered. N T C M oisif chinz an'l picot-e]cin,-d"n". Work ,Iojvî - r re in Boo nian iIle. Afi m il o?1r- i pro)mpit I attende(Il to. Mrs. nl!ssmIllin,,,).,LbetvS;., Bowmanvfile t0t Pasteurized Milk and Creamn have food values that shoulci be a part of the growing child's ineais. Watch youî- boy's diet at the ages of six to fifteen years-it nieans so nmuch. Help the grow- ing boy grový-with plenty of Pasteurized Milk and Cream. It's the best nourishmient and a great body builder. Phone us to double your order. Remember -here's a difference in mjlk. Pasteurized MiIk seils at same price as ordinarv milk. BOWHN VILE DAIJIT -HONE 44G MIL.Kr TIRED, V<EAK, NERVOUS WOMAN BENEFITED Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Asbestos Mines, Quebec.-"After the birth of my second child, 1 was always feeling tired, nervous and weak ad had headaches, backaches and ter- rible pains every month. I suffered two years before I Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. I got four botties at finst and it did me a world of good. 1 would not be without it in the bouse now, and have another six botties in. I recommend it to every woman I know."-Mas. T. BARRiTT, Box 114, Asbestos Mines, Quebee- IMay Be When yoimr Children Ciy for It Cso ia i a comfort when Baby is fretful. No sooner taken than the little one ie at ûase. If restîes, a few drops soon bring contentment. No harm doue, for (astoria is a bal>y remcdy, meant for babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest infant; you have the doctors' word for tîtat! It je a vegetable pro. duet and you could uses it every day. But it's in an emergency that Castoria meane ruost. Some aiglit wlîen constipation mnuet bc relieved-or colie pains-or other suffering. Neyer be without it; sorne mothers keep an extra bottle, un- pened, to mako sure tîjere will always LeCastoria in the bouse, k le effective lor older children, too; read the book that cornes witb it. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th., 1928 CARTWRIGHT FAIR H. Nesbitt. Hostein-Bull, 2 year -Earl Dorrell. Cow-O. Smith1 r Featured By Large Exhibits and a 2 and 3. Heifer, 2 years-O. Smith Record Attendance. and 2, Earl Dorrell 3. Heifer- 1 yea _______-O. Smith. Caif under 1 year-C Although there were other attrac- Smiith 1, 2 and 3. Ayrshres.-Coi tions on Wednesday fo draw the -C. Mountjoy. Heifer, 1 year-C *people, the reputaition of Cartwright Mountjoy 1 and 2. Special-Be.9 *Fair bas become an estabiished fact 4 dairy cows-O. Smith. Best dair that there is no better township faîl cow on ground-O. Smith. Grade- fair in the distrct. So that as usual Cow-Jabez H. Wright, Rupert Wei the crowds flocked to this annual ry, Eari Dorreil. Heifer, 1 year- "little world's exhibition" to see the Jabez H. Wright. Caîf under fine-st the country produces in farm year-Jabez H. Wright, A. W stock, field and'garden crops, pro- Wright, Rupert Werry. Baby bee duce and domestic harndiwork. An *-A. W Wright ,Rupert Werry, Jabe outstanding chariýcteristic of this H. Wright. agricultural soeiety is the co-opera- SHEEP tion and loyality 'of its oembers t o Jde onBkr apo 1the fair which accounts in no smali ugJh Bkr apo degree to its continuous success for Cotwold-Ram-F. B. Glaspell iveil over haîf a century. Shearling ram-F. B. Giaspell. Ran Carwriht griulura Soiet ILarnb--F. B. Glaspel 1 and 2. Ewý Cartrigh Agiculura SocetyF. B. Glaspel 1 and 2 .Shearling Ewi officers for 1928 are: Hon. Direct- -F. B. Glaspel 1 and 2. Ewe larn ors-J. H. Devitt, Ex-M.P.P., R. Philp, -F. B .Glaspeill1 and 2. W. J .Bragg, M.P.P., F. W. Bowen, Leicesters-RLan-W. R. Robbin I.P., John Wright, Mu. and Mrs. W 1 and 2. Ram Iamb-W. R. Robbiii C. Ferguson, L. P. Werry; President 1 an d3, L. E. Mountjoy 2. Ewe- I-Carl Wright; lst Vice Roy Fer- W. R. Robbins 1 and 2. Shearling ew g uson: Zd Vice-R. R. Bycus; Dir- -W .R. Robbins land 2. Ewe lam] ectrsJs. H. Forder, Isaac Whit-1 -W. R. Robbins 1 and 2. field, W. A. VanCamp, Jas. Marlow, Shrapahire-Rano-H. Skinner W. B. Ferguson, Fred Taybu), R. J.Shaln ram-H. Skinner 1 and2 Parr, *Wes. Campbell, R. J. McLaugh- R har ling-H Skinner 1 and 2. Ew4 lJ. J. JbEarI DrrelR. iHamam--H lin, Job, Drre, Hni--H. Skinner 1 and 2. Shearling ew( iltonN. H . Marlow, L. E. Mi fljoy, -H. Skinner 1 and 2. Ewe lamb--f C. Deitt, *L. aByeus, R. Taylorn,, A. Skinner 1 and 2. lWright; Lady Direct j i --Mesýdames Oxford Downs-Rain--J. W. Bal. S Jeffery, Jas. Byers, R. J. Cro7ier, son. Shearling ram-J. W. Balson1 John J. Jobb, I. Whitfield, Roy Fer- and 2. Ramn lamb-J. W. Balson 1 and guson, P. VanCamp, Mi1ss .\ggi'e 2. Ewe-.J. W. Balson 1 and 2, Swain, Miss Florence Parr, Miss F. -S hearling ewe-J. W. Baison 1 and Stinson; Auditos-S. Jeffery and 2. Ew-e lamb---J. W. Balson 1 and 2. L. H. Corner; Secetay-Jas. By- Market lamb-F. B. Glaspeil, J. W. ers; Treasurer-EdXva'-d Montgom-BasnH.Sier I SWINE Lst of Prize Winners Judge, John Baker, Hamipton Yrkshire-Sow-J. A. Johnston. Horses Sowounder 7 rnonths-J. A. Johnstai W. G. Boag, Judge, Penetang 1 and 2. Duaught brood mare-O. Edwards. Special-Three bacon hogs-J. A. 2-yeau old colt-O. Edwards 1 and 2. Johnston. Foal-0. Edwards. Light Draught bîood mare-W. H. Mcbaughlin, J. H. Forder, Roy Feuguson. 3-year old colt.-W. A. VanCamp, Loune Guiffin. 2-year do-Harold Beacock. i-year do-Chas. MeGill, O. Edwauds. Foal I-Roy Ferguson, J. H. Forder, W. H. McLaughlin. Teain to wagon-Muî- ray Byeus. Express or wagon, buood mare-Muruay Byeus. 2-yeau colt- Muray Byers, Loine Griffin, C. HilL Cochrane. Foal-Mu-uay Byeus. Team-Lorne Grifin, W. B. Fergus-1 on. Roadsters, brood maie-George E. Wilson, O. Edwaîds. 2-year colt -O. Edwards. Foal-O. Edwauds, Geo. E. Wiison. Roadster, team-I Geo. Cochrane. Singe bouse over 1. %5' hands-Geo. Cochrane, C . Ev- ans. Single bouse 151-- hands and[ undeu-M. Emerson, Ed. Harris, D. M eMillan. Carrnaze. brood mare- C. Evans, Geo. Cochrane. 2-yeau colt -Geo. Cochrane. Foal-C. Evans, Geo.1 Cochrane. Teami in harness-R. R. Byers. Single bose-R. R. Byeis 1 and 2, Geo. Cochrane 3. Gentlemnan's turnout-Geo. Cochrane, R. R. Byei-s, Ed. Harris. Lady driver-Mus. T. ' W Cawker, Miss E. Sheppard, Mrs. R. R. Byeîs. Lady in saddle-MîssiJ Vernon ,Miss May Graham, Miss" Gracie Mountjoy. Conibination horse -R. Vernon & Son, R. R. Byers. j Farmeus trot, open-Geo. Foîder, N. j strutt, H. McNeill. Farmeis trot, Cartwvright only--J. Everest, H.. Buown, M. Griffan. Guirs' driving con-1 test-Grace Mountjoy. May Grahanm, Tronc B. Grahami. Best horse on ground-Geo. Cochrane ist-silveui cup hy Standard Bank. CATTLE Judge, A. Howden, Columbus Shorthon-BulI, 1 year-Jabez W. Wright. Cow-A. W. Wright, H. Nesbitt, Jabez H. Wright. Heifer, 2 yeau-A .W. Wright, Jabez H Wright, I A. W. Wright. Heifer, 1 yea- Jabez H. Wright 1 and 2. Caîf, heifer -Jabez H. Wright. Caîf, bull-H. Nesbitt. Herd-Jabez H. Wright, Varicose Veins Reduced ORM11E AK1 Simple Home Treatment That la Giving Arnazing Resuits t POULTRY Judge, Dr. E. W. Sisson, Bowmanvile Plymouth Rocks--H .Nesbitt, Mus. Leith Byers. Minorcas, black--J. W Balson, Chas. McGill. Wyandottes, white--J. W. Balson, 1. Whitfield, Leghouns, white-Chas. McGill, Mis. M. Mountjoy. Leghorn, brown-J, W. Balson. Rhode Island Reds- Keith Brown, I. Wbitfield. Paix Turkeys-Keith Brown. Pair Ceose- R. C. Buown, J. W .Balson. Pair Ducks--J. H. Fouder, Geo. Cochrane. Cbickens ,Rocks-R. C .Brown, H. Nesbitt. Chickens, Black Minorcas Mis. M. Mountjoy. Chickens, White Wyandottes-J. W. Balson, I. Whit- field. Chiekens, White Leghoin- Chas. MeGill. Chickens, Brown Leghorn-J. W. Balson 1 and 2. Cbickens, R. I. R.-I. Whitfield, Keith Brown. Special-Best Cockerel and 3 Pullets-I. Whitfield, R. C. Brown. DAIRY PRODUCE AND DOMESTIC SCIENCE Judge, W. P. Corbett, Bowrnanville Ton pounds butter, pail-Mus. Jas. Paru,'Mrs. Norman Taylor, Mus. Jas. Nesbitt. Ten lbs. in pint-Mrs. Jas. Paru, Mus. W. E. Beacock, Mis. Jas. Nesbitt. Five Ibs. in print-Mrs. Leslie Collacott, Mrs. Leith Byeus, Mus. C. Cook. White bread-Mus. Earl Dorrell, Mus. J. A. Jobnston, Mus Edgar Gibson. Brown bread-Mrs. E.aul Dorueli, Mus. Edgau Gibson, Miss F. Fair. Buns--Mrs. Earl Dorroîl, Mus. Jas. Paru, Miss F. Fair. Biscuits -Mus. Jas. Pari, Ms-s. Leith Byers, Mus. Norman Taylor. , Cookies- Mus. F. Cuozier, Mrs. Norman Taylor, Mis. W. A. VanCamp. 'Gizger Snaps -Mus. George Nesbitt, Mu--. R. Ham- ilton, Mus. Norman Taylr. Apple pie -Mus. W. A. VanCamp, Mus. R. Ham- ilton, Mus. F. Cuozier. Pumpkin pie -Mus. J. Elford, Mus. R. R. Byers, Mis. Jas. Nesbitt. Can.ned Fruit- Ms-s. G. Bowers, Mus. Newton Taylor. Picklesý;-Mus. Edgau Gibson, Mis. Mervin Mountjoy, Mus. G. B-aweus. Honey in comb-Ed. Armstuonîg. Maple Syuup-Mrs. M. Mountjoy,- Mus. F. ýCuozier, Mrs. Newton Taylor. Special by C. H. Porteous- Best display of cooking-Mrs. J. A. John- ston. Mus. Eau] Dors-el]. Mus. James Parr. Special by N. S. McNally-Best loaf buead-Mrs. Earl Doriel], Mus. F Cuozier. Victorian Women's Institute-Po- tato salad-Mrs. W. A. VanCamp, Mus. Chas. Smith. Tes biscuits- If you have varicose veins or' Mus. Leith Byeus, Mus. R .R. Byeîs. bunches you can start today to bring Drop cakes-Mis. Chas. Smith, Mis. themn back to, normal size, and if you W. A. VanCamp. Light cake-Mis. are wise you will do so. R. R. Byeus, Mrs. Percy VanCamp. Just get an original bottle of Dauk cake-Mus. R. R. Byeus, Mus. W Moones Emeuald Oji at any dispen- E. Beacock. Apple pie-Mus. R. R. sing pharmacist and apply it night and Byers, Mis. W. A. VanCamp. Table mouning to the enlarged veins. Iu is bouquet cut ,floweis.--Mrs. Chas. veuy poweuful and penetrating. S~mith, Mus. F. F. WilIan. After a few days' treatment the GRAIN AND SEEDS veins wil] begin to gîow smalleu andj Jucige, Mr. A. Wilson, Burketon by regular use will soon ueduce to Faîl Wheat, red-R. R. Byers, normal. Leslie Collacott. Faîl, white People who want to reduce Vaui- -Ed. Armstuong, W. B. Ferguson, cose veins, ou get id of eczoma, ul- Geo. E. Wilson. Spring wheat, bard cers or piles in a few days should not -L. W. Swain, Cocil Hill, Roy Feu- hesitate to get a bottle at once. It is guson. Spring Wbeat, soft-Rich- such a powerful, penotuating antis- ard Williams, F. F. Willan. Peas, eptic oil that a small boule lasts a small-Ed. Aumstuong, Wm. Fouder. long time. Any pharmacy can sup- Oats, white-M. Mountjoy, Chas. Mc-: ply you. . Jury & Lovel selîs lcts GuI, L. E. Mountjoy. Oats, black--l of it.I Chas. McGill, M. Mountjoy. Bailoy, ________________________ -rowed-Chas. McGill, L. W. Swain,[ H. Nesbitt. Bauley, 2-rowed--Wm. Fordeu, (Cbas. McCill, Roy Ferguson. White Beans-Ricbaud Williams, Ja. FOR ASNesbitt, Chas. McGill. Fanning FOR GASeMill R. Dickey. VEGETABLES AND ROOTS Judge, N. S. Plummer, Bowmanvilîe ,ACI STO ACH Potatoes, white, carly-Ed. Artm- ACJDsSTOMACIR. Wall, Leslie Collacott. l'o- atoswhielate-Ed. Armstrong,. J. II1 I~ E3IUI ~Rn PsllM.Mountjoy, Chas. Me î; INDIG STIO tTuripsfeed-R. Hamilton, Ed %r\n- stuong, J. J. Jobb. Turnips,t-b Wm. Venning, R. Hamilton, IL. P,,r Bisurated M agnesia &>SonsRaoy F,,.,on ('arrots, tale-Chas - Is Safe and Reliable Fuin , ci. oh ,Williams Tale 1f you are a victim of Stomach ning. IL. Ne-hit. 1'- Trouble, -Cas, Sourness, ACiditY. Pumpkins No'-m-' Pain or Bloating after eatingIi.--ninu-, Pov Fc'rir" ,- uratod Magneqia is nmade fou you. <t r Pu10 'v_ Q At the nearest duug stoue' get ai Nesîîitt. enh- I)ottkc-powder ou tablets-take a 1.WhitfiP1d. M- ' litle and get instant relief. 1white Mus. M 5- Keepe your stomacb sweet anIC;l]. vo,. ",1 stuong-diges;tion perfect. Il ok Ca.M-<'ill O.- like a chaumrim.s.Mm:. 'M -.~- "i c Csi ,el ,e2 Teas of f mner quallty are unchanged ln price. An avalanche of the cheaper grades has made possible a slight reduction ln that class of tea. "~SALADA' Ma Gill. Mangolds, red--J. J. Jobb, cloth-Mrs. Percy VanCamp, Misi 1, Cecil Hill, Wm. Venning. Mangolds. Vera Cook. Nightingale- Mn. F. 1 yellow--Jas. Parr, J. J. Jobb, R. Stinson, Mrs. C. Cook. Whisk hold ar Hamîilton. Tomatoes-Mus. W. E. eu-Miss F. Parr, Mrs. C. Cook. Plair 0. Beacock, Mrs. J. Elford, G. B. Bickle sewing-Mrs. A. L. McDermott. Mus ýw & Son. Watermlons-R .C. Brown, Chas. Smith. Plain patching-Mrs kL. W. Swain. Citrons-Mrs. Nor- A. L. McDermott, Mrs. Chas. Smith st man Taylor, O. Smith, Mis. R. R. By- Home dyeing-Mrs. Chas. Smith. Lad. y eus. Coin, Dent-W. A. VanCamp, ies' Nightgown, fancy-Miss E. Hoo -J .J. Jobb, H. Nesbitt. Corn, sweet ey, Miss Vera Cook. Ladies" costuni r-Ed. Armstrong, W. A. VanCamp, H slip-Mrs. Percy VanCamp. Bes -Nesbitt. Collection Vegetables-G. piece fancy work by lady over 6( 1 B. Bickle & Sons. Mrs. Newton Tay- years-Mrs. J. J. Jobb, Mrs. Jameý V. lor, Mrs. J. Elford. Byers. Cross stitch in cotton-Mrs efFRUITS Percy VanCamp, Miss Veua Cool DZ Vanity set-Mis. Edgar Gibson, Mr, Judge, W. J. Bragg, Bowmanville F. Crozier. Rug, homemade, hool- Spys-Le-slie Collacott ,W. H. Car- ed-Mîs. R. R. Byers, Mrs. F. Croz- rL-thers, Roy Ferguson. Russets-- ier. Braided floor mat-Mis. Geo Wesley Weruy, Leslie Collacott, G. B. Neshitt, Mis. Chas. Smith. Il. Biekle & Soas. Snows-G. B. Bickle FINE ARTS n & Sons, Leslie Collacott, Wesley W ci- re ryPadîsWseyWry ele ainting in oil-Mrs. A. L. M<- ey Collawott, Ms .Elfor Mann-R Dnnmott, Mus. Newton Taylor. Paint- b ilans ele Collacott, Wesley med in water colors Mrs. J. J. Job], ibWilliam, BnDiLeslie Collacott, se Miss F. Pair. Pajnting in china- ~ elWerry, W.n H. ýeseCoarutes Miss F. Pari, Miss Vers Cook. Penci "s Talman weets-W. H. Carruthers, drawing-Miss E. Hooey, Miss G Weley ýWerry, PrcyH VCamp. esFerguson. Carving in wood-Mrs se y StusW. H PrVaC. R. C. Brown, Mus. I. Whitfield. Sketcý be Lear slie.H Cauiuthers, Wesley from nature-Miss G. Feuguson, Mis. ibWeruy, Lsi Collacott. Kings-G. May Graham. B. Bickle & Sons, Wesley Werry, W. ~H. Caurutheus. Wealthys-W. H. PLANTS AND FLOWERS 2- Carruthers, Wesley Werry, Leslie Bouquet of asters-Mis. Chas, le Collacott. St. Lawrence-W. H. Smith, Mrs. Jas. Byers. Dahlias- le Cairutheus, Wesley Werry, Earl Dor- Mrs. R. C. Buown, Mus. W. A. Van- relI. Alexanders-W. H. Cauruthers, Camp. Sweet Peas-Keith Brown. Wesley Werry, Mx-s. W. E. Beacock. Gladiolas-Mus .W. A. VanCamp, Mis -Celverts-Wesley Werry, .H a- F. Cuozier. Collection cut flo-wers- Iruthers, L. E. Mountjoy. Rhode I. Keith Brown, Mis. W. A. VanCamp. d Greening-Leshe Collacott, Wesley Collection bouse plants-Mrs. Jas -Werry, W. H. Caurutheis. McIntosh Byeus. d Red-Leslie Collaeott, G. B. Bickle Horse-Shoe Tournament-Doubes -& Son, W. H. Cari-uthers. Faîl Pears -MeLaughlin Bios., Burketon, Ames G. B. Bickle & Sons, W. H. Cauuuth- & Lambert, Bowmanville. Singfle-G. eun Mrs. W. E. Beacock. Winteu Walwin, Janetville ,R. Glanville, Or- peais-Norman Taylor, Mis. W. E. ono. Beacock, Roy Ferguson. Collection List of prize winners in Field Cuop of fruits-G. B. Bickle & Sons, W. H. Competition in potatoes in Cartwr-ight -Carrutheus, We.sley Werry. A. S. 1928: n AIE9DEPARTMENT L. E. Mountjoy. Dooleys. .95 points LDE'R. Nesbitt, Dooleys-...9 t point. -Judg.-, Mr&. W. J. Hunter, Brampton C. H. Porteous, Dooleys ... 93 points Baby's bonnet, knitted-Mrs. F. Geo. Nesbitt, Dooleys .... 92 point. Stinson, Mus. A. L. MeDermott. W. Camipbell, Green Mountain, 91 pt. eBaby's bonnet, crochet-Mus. F. Ed. Hanna, Green Mountain 90 points Stinson. Baby's Bootees-Mns. F. S~ Malcolm, Green 'Mountain 90 pts. Stinson, Mus. Chas. Smith. Baby's _____ duess, fancy-Mrs. W. A. VanCamp, Mis. Geo. Bowers. Baby's jacket,i BLACKSTOCK *crochet-Mus. F. Stinson, Mus. Chas. *Smith. Baby's jacket, knit-Mrs. F Mu. and Mus. O. L. Th.ompson of Stinson, Mis. A .L. McDeumott. lied- Tarnwoutb uecently called on old ac- r room slippes--Mîs. 1. Whitfield, Mis. quaintances. -F. Stinson. Bedroom towel, embroid- The W. A. of St. John's Chuuch was rered-Miss 9. Hooey, Mrs. F. Stinson. held at Mis. S. McLaugblin's on Sep- Bath towel, tuimmed-Miss E .Horiey, tember 2Oth, with good attendance. *Mis. F. Stinson. Guest towel-Mrs. A very inteuesting paper on "Africa *F. Stinson, Mis. F. Croizier, Tea towel, and its Peoples" was given by Miss hand finished-Miss F. Pari, Mus. F. Evelyn Devitt, followed by readings Stinson. Bedioom towel, crochet by Mrs. John McLaughlin and Mis. R. tiimnxed-Mus. Leith Byers, Mus. Fer- Mahood. Mus. Powell read a report cy VanrCamp. Sufet set-Mus. Edgar from Toronto showing that the Black- Gibson, Miss Vera Cook. Bloomers, stock Branch of the W. A. took fit fancy-Mrs. Peucy VanCamp, Miss class honors in the recent examina- Vera Cook. Button holes on finished tion held on the "Study Bocok." The gaîment-Mus .A. L. McDermotc, 1Mca evening clored with the seuving of Chas. Smith. Collection, fancy lunch. work-Mrs. A. L. MeDermott, Miss Rev. P. G. Powell attonded the Vera Cook. Crochet work in rot- Alumni meetings of the Wycliffe Col- ton-Mrs. Percy VanCanîp, Miss E. lege, Toronto, September 20tb. Hooey. Child's play dress or rompers Mr. and Mns. John MeLaughlin, -Mus. Perey VanCamp. Cut work Mus. Robt. Crozier and son Arthur emboidery-Mrs. F. Crozier. Center- motoîed to Toronto on Sunday. piece, embroidery ,white--Mrs. Percy We are pleased to welcome back as VanCamp, Mis. A. L. McDermott. residents of oui village Mus. Wm. Centerpiece, 14,ftbroidery, coloured- Pari and daughter, Miss Mary Jane Mus. Leith Byers, Mus. R. R. Byers. Paru, of Toronta. Centerpiece, knitted-Mrs. J1. Byei-s.______________ Centerpiece, crochet-Mrs. F. Stin- son, Miss Vera Cook. C Mtis.'M fCnd' edn hand-made-Mrs. R. R. Byers, 1îs ayo aaa edn Newton Taylor. Darning on linen - social andi sporting clubs use Mis. Chas. Smith. Fancy te a'apuon Redi Rose Orange Pekoe Tea -Miss Voua Cook, Mis. M. Mountjoy. exclusively. The a di d e di Fancy pin cushion-Mis. Jas. Pari, strength and inimitable Mis. Chas. Smith. Fancy handkeî-'flavr of RedRoeOag chiefs-Mrs. F. Stinson, Mus. F - avkoe a Roilse lornge Cuozieu. Hem-stitching on linen orPkemaei as ogr cotton-Miss F. Fair, Mis. W* A. go farther andi taste better. VanCamp. Kitchen apron-Miss E Packed in damp-proof alumi- Hooey, Mus. F. Stînson. Knitted Sox num. 13FW Mus. Chas. 'McGill. Knitted niitts, men's-Mrs. Wm. Foîder. Knitted - mitts, women's--Mrs. F. Stinson, Mns________________ A. L. McDermott. Luncheon cloth and seuviettes-Mus. Edgar Gibson, Mus. F. Stinson. Pillow Cases, embîoid- oed-Miss Vera Cook, Mis. G. B. i Biekle. Pillow -Nses, lace tiimmKd -Mis. A. L .McDermott, Mus. W. A. VanCamp. Pillow day slips-Mus. Percy VanCamp, Miss Vers Cook. Patch w ork quilt, wool-Mrs. W. A. VanCamp, Miss F. Fair. Pieced quilt, cotton-Mîs. D. C. Ferguson, Mus. W. A. VanCamp. Quilt, applique- Mus. F. Stinson. Bedspread, Cm- ThsPrso broidered-Mus. G. B. Bickle, Miss E. Hooey. Quil't, crochet-Mrs. R.F RAFOR.D Garage Williams. Quilt, knitted-Mrs. G. B. Bickle. Comforter, home-made- Size 8f. 6in. x 1 6ft. Mus. F. Crozier, Mrs. Percy Van- Omtp n i osi n » Camp. Set table mats-Mus. Edgla,' FI POOF, ready-cu, or Gibson, Mus. Jas. Byers. Sideboard F act, Preston Garages are scauf, white-Mis. Peucy Van Camp, eet lin design and a source Mrs. Leith Byers. Sideboaud s3carf, of reai satisfaction. colored-Mrs. W. A. VanCamp, Mr.s They reaset ieves . .. last . . A. L. McDeîmott. Sofa cushon ~i are handsome in appearance silk-Mrs. A. L .MeDeryoet. Sofa - ... low inl cost cushion, fancy-Tfus. Peucy Vani- Writeforfregaragefoldev Camp, Mus. Chas. Smith. Sofa plo~E se te -Miss.. Paru, Mis.M.1 Mountjov Poultry Wante( Pay bighest cash Don't sel] bill you ;- Ste Phone 81 Ur gré! UMM____ Am0 i4~ Id- n rs. rs. - ff- st rs. )k. rs. cZ- it- 1b, il rs. eh iss IS. - ,n. Vs s s ts ts CANADIAN QOIL COMPANIES, LTD. The 011 o a Million Tests F. W. NELLES, LIBERTY & KING STREETS, BOWMANVILLE 'y- Fi i TEA A Tea of Fluer Quallty Worms feed upon the vîta]ity of ebjîdren and endanger their lives. A simple and effective remedy is Mt ber Graves' Worm. Exterininator. Useful in Camp. -Explorer,;, sur- veyors, prospectors and hunters \vill find-Dr. Thomas' Eclectri.- Oi very usefu] in camp. When tt)I~ feet and legs are wet and coid it is well mo rub them freely with the OHl and th.' '-e-,ult will be the preveîîio,î of Pains in the muscle,;, and should a cut or contusion, or spran be .-us- taincd, nothinz couldI!,e betttî as a dressing or lotion. CORN SYRUP nu.330 Aunt Jemilma Flour (Euekwheat) 2Z@ Panoake IL e Maple Syrup Plat Bot. 30 Pure Honey No. 3 Pal 670 IBISCUITS aokg6 £or 25 CAMPBLL 'S ROLLED OATS- 5 Ibn. £or 250 TOMA TO RICE Blue Roue. 3 Ibn. for 25e SOUP WRITE BRANS-.3 Ib.£r: 29 TIN 11,0 PINK SALMON --20. Tn o Z_7_1SHRIMPS Wet Pack - - Titi 21. Cand> Spolal [cze ICrystalCreanhîb 0 HjbS @b.21 CoIFFEE TEAi Riohmeîbo Blond ~~ ~Richinello Tin Tait>' Blond lb. 790 59- 33o BREAD Dominiolb69 l.55 Loat 90 D. S.L. l. speelal0 9 Bulk M.590 Blond - Ib*4 SLICED PINZAPPLE - Tini 14: DN SWEET CORN - 21Ti 5e KETCHUP Clark'& PORKan BEANS Tini 230 Large .210 Bote STELNA CORNED BEEF Tini 23c __ XILLXXX 1- ---- XX a um id 2. Ï. n. ýn L )f c- is p- e. !a 3s rt c- 3t 1- e 7--17