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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1928, p. 4

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?AGEFOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. OCTOBER il, 1928 -- I - e The banda of the weatbnc dlock are moving steuilily f orward toward the duys; of cold and baving built stocage and installed a new scule ut the upfown C. N. R. siding am now in a position f0 hclp you prepare for these fimes. I arn handling the FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE pro- duced by the Philudelphia & Reading Coul & Iron Co. of Philadelpbia, Pa., which bas pcoved ifacîf to be a dependable fuel and also the SEMET SOL- WAY COKE. A41 orders will ceceive cureful and prompt attention and 1 solicit a share of your patronage. Henry Lathrope Phone 520 Liberty St. Bowmanville OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE Friday, Oct. 19t] ut 8.15 p. m. This is the third play in th secies w'icb is cceafing such in tecest in the contest foc pcize arnounting f0 $135.00. 35c for single tickets Rese.'e eats without extri charge ut Mitchell's Dcug Store BelI's Made-to-Measure Clothes Shop "There was a young man from Tyrone Who said "I can't live alone l'Il get a New Suit and xny horn I will toot Then l'Il bet l'Il win Peggy Mabone". If you want to win the good things in life, whet- her it be Business success, Social prominence, or a wif e. Good clothes will help you, they create a favorable first impression and that's what counts. Better order your New Suit or Overcoat now while the ranges are unbroken. $24.00 and Up. King St. West Bowmanville Right By Coi's BarberS A. J. "Bert" Bell "The Clothing Man". Shop B efore the Cold Weather Arrives Prepare for Winter Comfort New glass foc the sash. Roof Paint for leaky roof. Weathcrstrip (eusily put on) for doors or windows. Electric Bulbs or Coleman Lampa for brigbtec nigbts.. Happy Thougbt Heafec or Range for cosy nights. Qe Splitdocf Radio for longer nights. Wc give pecsonal service to messages or phone culîs and our delivery service ean be as prompt as you require. Our cash prices make satisfied customers. If is our desice to compete with catalogue prices and we fhcceby invite a greater ahare of youc trade. Evccy purchase la guaranteed f0 bc satisfactory, otherwise we cefund the amount puid. When you cequice hardware necessifies if will be our pleas- are to serve you with the best value that îs possible. Dustan's Cash Hardware "WE SERVE YOU WELL" Fine Cakes and Pastries No need to spend hours in the kitchen mak- ing your own cakes, pies, cookies, etc. Just phone 3 and our driver will caîl and show you our deli- cious lines of Cakes and Pastries. You'll say you neyer tasted anything so good. They are made of the same p)ure ingredients you'd use yourself-and in the real "home-made way". Our assortment is so large that we can satisfy the most exacting taste-we ask you -to try our- Cakes and Pastries and know their goodness. Ice Cream For Ail Occasions Wedding Cakes Our Specialty W. P. Corbett Phone 3 Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville DRAMATI( CONTEST Under auspices of W. D. Agricuiturai Society Ebenezer Young Peoç wiIl present the play Arnold Goes mIn Business Elizabeth Bizelow; M rs.GoIodmn Jury & Loveli 1 ruve the 1sf chan. of the newvýtd 14 doz. Boys' and Girls' GolHIose, al szsRg book: and Miqsa athleen McCuilloilmh Phone 78-We Deliver ieRg7 rendpred a pleasinz piano solo: Mr«.N_ A. W Annis gave a readng "'Tf ('s Be faone". Meeting clospd withNE S NS TO E fBigradB hymn.and henediction. N L O P TOREOjige , B One cap of Creant of Barley makes King St. West pan cakes fluffy and of a delicious fiavor. -.HAYDON ENNISKILLEN MAPLE GROVE JVîiitors: Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Van- Mrs. Goldmith of Palmnyra, N. Y., Mr. Wjlbert Bell, Vancouver, B. C., ~ ls'one, Mr .and Mrs. W. Hobbs,Mr- is 9iitn ber brother, Mr. D. Burg- setteweedwt r n * .W AO O 1 .y and Kenneth, Whitby, at Mr. R.~ master. Mr .and Mrs. D. Burg- C .Sodn n met a number ofS.W AO &SNA] McNiI' onSunay;Mr.andMrs H.master have returned from a very bis mother's old school chunîs. .Miss anipbell spent the weekend alt Mr. Pleasant visit with relatives in i\ewl.\Iary Birks, tnxvn, spent the weekendD J. Wright's; Mr. John Grahaîm, Mrs York State,.M.3rs. (Dr.) Ferguson I witbh ler cousins, Misses Betty and Re mlarlcable C J. Mlletanddaugbter Sarah, Osli- and sons, Allen and Donald, are vis- iMildred Snowden ..Miss Mary Fol- awa, Sundayed ut Mr. D.'s; iting with ber parents, Mr'. and Mrs. -cy, Garden Hill, spent the weekendj FOR THURSDAY, FRIDA Mrs. J. Wright has returned froni Silversides, Mt. Albert..Much svm- wjith lier cousijn, Miss Mabel Stevens [roronto after spending two ecks patby is extended to Mis. Wells De-. .Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morton, son iv ith relatives; Mr. and Mrs. W. .i long, Whitby, and daughter, Vera, John, Cobourg, Miss Vera Power, v r 70Ye . ,pie ai Velma, Orono, Mrs. !Mglerton, in the loss of a loving husband amd Newcastle, spent Sunday with theiriO er ~ e. Pontypool, at Mr. E. Bradley's; Miss father, whose death occurred on Wed- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Power to Cainadiari Rilda Cooper, Toronto, hofdav;ng ut nesday, October 3rd .Mr. Delong. .Mrs. H. S. Freenian, Miss Chris- MNir. H. Ashton's; Mr. and Mrs. bas been ailing several years from sie Freeman, Mr. Will Galbraith, to E'vrett Beech and habe, Bowrnan- high blood pressure but dcath came toxvn, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grant, Tor- i ville, Mr. A. Larmer, 31alacst cî, al sudden at last. The funerai took onto, visited the former's son, Mr. H. i Mr. A. Beech's; Mrs. H. A<sh'on vis, place Friday, October 5, from bhis G. Freemait, onSna....r0n îted relatives in Toronto lust week late residence, Wbitby, to Union Mrs. R. R. Stevens, Miss Dorotby, 1 and attended the Laymri' Conveýn- Cemet.ery ..Miss Bernice Stainton spent tbe weekend witb friends at ti'on in Mu'ssey Hall; Miss Helen took some of ber school fuir prî'ze Uxbridge. .Mr. and Mllrs. E. WV. Wý%orden, Toronto, spending two weeks tbings to the cbampionship fair at Foley, Miss Hilda, Mr .Edward Foley, at home .. .. Don't forget to attend Orono and carried home more prizes spent Sunday with friends in Osbawa the program u on by tbe Young - Mr. Joe Martin attended the fun- . . . Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden, Mrs. Laies l& rdyeeir oa eral of tbe late Mr. Wells Delong at Jas. Worden spent Sunday witb tbe tion s in aid of piano fund... Tbe Whitby.. . .Mr, und Mrs. Herbert the former's brother, Mr. Be't Wilk- yongp .oleisent a very pleusant Slemon, Toronto, visited bis parents, j s, Ebenezer... . Mr. and Mrs. S. me icat the home of Mrs. Hl. Asbton Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Siemon...Mr. Snowden and Messrs. John and Tbom- th 1 o Tuesday night ... . League programan Mrs. Oldfield and twvo daughters. as Snowden attended Norwood Fair Sudyin charge of Mrs. R. Cross- Toronto, visitedj at Mrs. John Pye'.s.. on Wednesday. ... Rev. A. Edniison, ý a. Bible reuding, Mrs. Theron. . Mrs. John Briniacombe, Bowmun- Little Britain, occupied the pulpit ie 1 Mountoy; devotional reading, Mr. ville, Sundayed witb 'Mrs. Thomas very acceptably bere on Sunday and Ilarld ree; tpicwas well given McGill... .Attendance w-as gond at preacbed a very interesting sermion es- hy Mrq. H. Ashton; vocal solo by Miss tbe Sunday evening service. Sacra- oalrecnrgto nte"o RlaCooper wvus much enjoyed; ment service was held and over 80, hood of Jesus". Rev. Mr. Edm ison reding. Miss Viola Bradley... . New partook. Nex't Sunday Rev. J. M. will be welcome again. sidewalk and other improvements are] Whyte will give another sermon in Miss V.C.Rutb Armstrong has e 'a in maea j hsfe on Jb. ... Leugue was dre '. Weak o anaemiechcildren tbrive on charge of lst Vice President, John Toronto, baving spent a f ew days at Cream of Barley. Slemon. Meeting opened wthhome. .an Mrs. Fe Foster hynin, repeating the Lord's Prayer and so*.n* Byron, and littie Margaret, SOnU NAn Bbl lesson was ae Sunduyed ,IhMr. and Mrs. R. H.*£ SOIAby Miss Annie Oke; devotional, h., Armstrog. r Miss Revu McGiII; topic %vas splendid-i 0 Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mac- Iy given hy Rev. Mr. Whyte on "Does Ki kenzie and Mr. Alan, Columbus, Mr. Deabh End Al"? Instrumental IlPON[ W. G. Rundle, Toronto,an Miss duet was given by' Misses Elva and_____ Luceti Peaî, Prt ery, uess elm Ochad. Meeting closed Congratulations to Mrs. Thos. Pu.ý- of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundle; Miss with League Benediction.. coe wbo celebruted bier 88tb birthduy Doris Fielding, Port Hope, Mr. 1 es The C.G.I.T. are giving a concert on October 4th. Her fumily gatb- lieThoue, obur, t M. . 1. in the basement of tbe cbucch On ered at ber borne on Wednesduy ev- i McKessock's; Mr. Albert Gild ers,I Tuesday, October l6tb at 8 p. In., ening and celebcated the happy occa- Mr. and Mca. Geo. Reynolds, May and consisting of playlets, musical nuni- sion witb ber.... Young People's Wilbert, Port Percy, at Mr. J.- J. becs, recitations. Admission 25c League of Maple Grove will visit our i Brown's; Mr. Bert Luke and Miss and 15C. League this (Tbursday) evening... Olive Luke, Miss Alice Edmondson, Knox's Sboe Store offers more Miss N. Heyes, Toronto, spent a few Toronto, spent the weekend at Mr. ceaI dependable values in footwearldays witb Mcs. Tbos. Puscoe .............W 5 A. L. Pascoe's; Misses Ruby De-1 and hosiery this week.I Miss Sadie Victue spent the weekend well and Muriel Baker at Mr. Frankj Dewei's Pikerig; c. i anMc- --Li Toronto and uttended tbe Lay- KeelsckiatengMr.eLaymnMCo- cen's Convention of the United vention itndorote La eek; Cor-COURTICE Charcb as delegate from Y'oung venton i Tornto ast eek;Mr.People's Leugue... Mc. and Mrs. Harold Williams, Hampton, al Mr. T. Visitors: Mr. and Mis. Otis Word-t Edwacd Pascoe, Mr. Harold Pascoe, Bake's; Mr. E. J. Black attended en, Miss Patty and Doris, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Pascoe, Mr. and the funeral of bis cousin in Peterboro Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Mrs. F. Whiite and family, Mr. andSLu i last week; Mr. aind Mrs. W. N. Pas- Rundle; Mca. Wm. G. Rundle, Be- Mrs. Wîll Pearson and Jack, Osbawa, e¶ s MMEU ISU coe, Mc. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe and thesda, visiting bier daugbter, Mrs. Mrs. Dye and Donald of Shannon- 'O U Gordon ut Mc. Frank Webber's, Esl Oke; Mrs. Horsburg, Cleve- ville, visit.ed at Mr. L. T. Pascoe's. Sbaw's; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, land, witb bier sister, Mrs. A. F....Mr. and Mrs. Norman Doidge Rusel and Doceen, Mr. and Mrs. Rundle; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sander- and children, Oshawa, spent Sunday Carl Wilbur and Alun, ut Mc. Wil- son, Toronto, wece witb Mc. and Mrs. ut Mr. Gilbert Adcock's... .Mrs. T. bert Gluspell's of Uxbridge; Mr. and W. R. Courtice over the weekend; Gîmblett, Maple Grove, visited with Northwway Made Coats ,elab( iMrs. W .J. Reynolds witb Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rundle are witb Mcs. Charles Langmaid recently .. . " rea posm u ol n friends; Mrs. W. T. Taylor and Miss their son, Mr. Elmer Rundle, Toron- Mc. Frank Hastings, Toronto, was elOpsufrclasa Lena are expected home this w.eek to; On Tuesday evening, October 2, borne over the weekend .. . .Mr. and 14 to 22, 'Women,"s sizes 34 t after a pleasunt visit in Detroit, our y'oung people held their firat Mrs. John Cowling, Master Jack wanted shades. Western Ontario and Toronto. . . Mr. meeting alter a short holiday, with Cowling, Mrs. M. Robbins and Mcs. Chas. Shoctridge bas returned from the President, Miss Hattie Osborne, L. D. Sykes were Sunday visitors in the West wbere he went on the Har- pcesiding. Mca. Blake Courtice gave Toronto.. .. Mr.and Mrs. W. W. Horn THREE DAYS C vesters' excursion..League Rally tbe bible tappceMiss Huzel Rundle and Mrs. Richard Avery motored t0 was held Monday evening with a played a piano solo and Mcs. (Rev.) Buffalo on Sunday.... .Mr. and Mrs. $ 9 verS> good attendance. The printed Stainton sang. Rev. H. Bowles,îC. W. Souch are visiting their$2 5 pcogrums were followed. Mr. Jobn returned missionary from Chengtu, daughtec in Windsor.. . .Dr. and Mrs Baker gave a talk on the "Case China, gave a ivery intecesting address Davies, Oshawa, were gue.sts of Mr. Against Alcobol", Rev. J. R. Bick on bis work there tfelling some vel-y and Mrs. J. Il. Wilcox on Sunduy. . took the "Challenge to youth" and encoucaging incidents wbich happened . . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf and S. W . M A SU F Miss Ruth McKessock took "Youth's during bis stay there. Aftec the children, Base Line, visited ber par- Pon 10 Reply" ...... Leugue meeting next programn games were enjoyed and ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Trenouth.... Phn 10 week on Wednesday nigbt in charge pumpkin pie servedl and a pleasant Mr. and Mca. Luffman bave moved of the 3rd Vice, Mr. E. R. Taylor baîf-bour spent socially.. .. .... The into the bouse recently vacuted byl ..... Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Chapin, young people's meeting wilî be held Mr. E. Lutz. ... Maple, Grove Young1 (nec Irene Argue), of Pennsylvania, this week on the regular evening, People's Society will visit our League U. S. A., .apcnt a few days here on Thursday, and program is in charge on Thucsday evening. their way home .... The families of of Miss Arnold .... .The C. G. I. T.___________________________________ Messrs. H. G. Pascoe, A. L. Pascoe, beld a weiner roast in Mr. G. F. An- R. J. McKessock and H. E. Tink vis- nis' woods Sutucday afternoon and ited their mother. Mrs. Thos. Pa- ad a .iolly good tim..... Our regular coe ut Hampton and helped celebrate monthly W. M. S. meeting is being her 88th bîrfhday. lheld on Tbursday afternoon ut 2.30 Creamn of Burley will save you lard ut the home of Mns. R. E. Osborne,I or sbortening wben baking. 1Bowmanville. Meeting in charge of Ij day mocning Rev. Alex. Edmison of TYRONE Little Britain, occapied the pulpit de nS î ________and .preached a very fine sermon. Visitors: Mc. and Mrs. W. Sherwin, Ducîng the service a solo wasang Mc. Wilfced and Mc. Milford Sr: b y.Mcs. W. R. Couctice. In the ev- wîn, Orono, at Mc. R. McCulloug's" ening, Rev. J. R. Bick, Hampton, was Mc.andMrs T.FineyTbonbil, ~1 with us and gave another fine dis- it. .- Mr. ad Mrs T. inley Thonhill atlFriday and Sktuda u v e ouuent Sale Mr. Russell Wigbt's; Mc. and Mcs. 1 course. Next Sunday evening ouraraT Wo m Jas. Byers, Toronto, Mc.'and Mrs. J.l W. M. S. is having the service and hv oetruhorsokadtrw u l h Byers, Bowinunville, Mc. and Mrs. i cs. (Rev.) Irwîn, North Os;ha"a. aegn hog u tokadtrw u i h Saunders Findley, Eva and Nelson, will give an address. A ladies' and broken lin'es and we are going to make a drast Thornbill, ut Mr. Ed. Virtue's; Mr. ronre is ived tecbe pmusec n e andMr. . J GodanandFrdchronir wi ived esepecalmsicnd e to ensure a clearance. We must do it--new fali Clarence and Earl Goodman, spent hv had Mca. Irwin uddcess our W. is pouring in daily and we have no room. THATS TI Sunday witb Mcr.and Mrs. E. B utler, M S. meeting befýore and she isaa Toconto; Mc. and Mrs. Wilberz Snmith most interesting Hpeke. -. .Ouri We enumerate a few of the many bargains you wil] adMaster Ross ,Oshawa, Mc. and Patr Rev. J. F Stainton, B.A., Mcs.A.. Pcescott and Ruth, En- B.D., preached in Little Britain on are hundreds more of which we have not the space field, vstda is .Sot ;Mr. unday, and Mca. Stainton and Ron-___________________________________ and Mca. Chacles White and furnily, ald accompanied him and they visited Woodville ,Mr. and Mrs. 31. Lilliccapp, DMr. and Mca. Downey's. Mca. 5dz ny ais alW ih lo es ie3 Cunnigtonut Mc F. LByan's; c.owney is a sister of Mc.. Stuinton.5dz.oyL ie' aî W igtB omrse36 and Mcs. E. G. B.oyd Toronto, Mr. In making gems use one cap of eua 9 o.............. and Mrs. E. Stevens, Humptîn, visif. Creani of Bacley to one quart of fioucjrrnrDeao otB ~ ~~f"~ t cd ut Mr. R. Burgess'. .Mr. Howard and see the improvement. 5 ony, Drs rCotBg, made fongSI Strlpeu 1Brent is ut home convalescing ufter hold 8 garmens, Regular $ 1.49 for ............... having bis tonsils cemoved in.Bow- i 5 , Pre -inenee uceo o s5 x Mrin u d c J ol il, Hu pon 'Prc $ . 9 o aie days We )dd numbers stic price eut merchandise 'HE STORY. .find-there ;, 38 and 40, ........39C 1 chintz, will ........98C 52, Reg-ular ........9 1k s for 95e ........49c ;alue, an ex- ........39C Price $4.95, .......$2.95 s, Regular ......$3.95 89e for 59c .39 for 88c ........98C 54 for $3.29 it, eg-uar ...l19c Each 1C for 49c etter Values Bowmanv1Il j -~ ~1 .1. VAGE POUR

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