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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1928, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN ýSTATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1Sth., 1928. PAGE EIGH'1 o *1 The hands of the weather clock are moving steadily forward toward the days of cold and having built storage and installed a new scale at the uptown C. N. R. siding arn now in a position to help you prepare for these times. 1 arn handling the FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE pro- duced by the Philadeiphia & Reading Coal & Iron Co. of Philadelphia, Pa., which has proved itself to be a dependable fuel and also the SEMET SOL- WAY COKE. Ail orders will receive careful and prompt attention and 1 solicit a share of your patronage. Henry Lathrope Phone 520 Liberty St. Bowmanville THIS IS NATIONAL Pharmacy Week When ýyour bring your prescrip- tions to us, you are protected in every way. They are compound- ed exactly ass the doctor ordered and with pure fresh potent ingrad- ients. They are checked and ý e checked by a system that positive- ly prevents errors. And the price is as low as possible consist- ent xith the best perscription ser- vice it is possible to give. Jury & Lovel When We Test Eyes It IsDone Properly Be Made-to-Measure "A young lady from Oror Said 'm single and air But she inet Tommy Toot Nowv she's married and ba That's one thing ab( ure Clothes-their snapp tracts favorable attentior from that old worn-out, mnade" habit and join thi better dressed men whc Measure Clothes. 81.75 Men's Hercules Overails, $20.00 Men's Overcoats, Sale Price $12.95 $1.75 MenSalercPriceve$1.19 $2. en' OeralsorSocks, e $.1 Sale Price $1 .49 $2.00 Men's Strong Work Pants, Sale Price $1 .49 250e Grey Wool Soks....Sale Price 19 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS double bed size, white or grey, Pair $1.98 Sale Price 68c 25eGirs'or oys CttoHSae Pic $6.5 Bos' -pat SrgeSlets, c 19C Sale Price $4.95 $7.50 to $1000 Boys' Overcoats, Sale Price $4.95 and $5.95 I - - - . -,-1.~ *.- Mrs .A. F. spenCer 15 aule bu )are wearing Made-to- Order pour Winter Overcoat now. cost no more than the old-fashioned way, $22.50 TO $75-00 King St. West Bowmanville It will A.J. "Bert" Bell Furnishings Right By Cole's Barber Shop 71 People are again showing a ~ preference for McClary Sunshine Furnaces. There's a reason. Ask any owner. Then corne and see me. W. Len. Elliott Agent foxr McClary Hot Air Furnaces and Hart Oil Burners Phone 348 Bowmanville ail and New I J Purchased Lack ofa $2.25 Misses' Patent Oxfords, size 11-2 Sale Price $1.59 .$4.50 Ladies' fine Shoes, Sale Price $1.89 $3.50 Ladies' Patent Shoes, Pair $2.19 $3.50 Ladies' Patent Oxfords, Pair $2.49 $5.00 Ladies' Patent and Satin Slippers, and pumps sp1ike or cuban heels $3.29 .4,00 Ladies' Patent or Kid Straps or Oxfords ............................... $2.98 85e Ladies' Fine Rubbers, Sale Price 69c $4.00 Men's Work Boots, Sale Price $2.78 $4.50 Men's Fine Boots black or brown $3.29 $5,00 and $6.00 Men's Oxfords, Good- year welt,.............Sale Price $3.85 $1.25 Men's Fine Rubbers, Sale Price 98c CHINA WEDDING CELEBRATION Thei it ri Avery stinevenng was NThei t e I n diep nd t the hi fMs aeObre Eeeethe twentieth wedding a T U S AY C OB R lth,12 niversary of Mi. and Mrs. Hierbert H R D Y OC BE 18h, 92 F. Osborne. Guests numbering about seventy arrived in time for ýspe hnciknpie and many, NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE A c i n S l other good things xere served. After this social hour was enjoyed, ala- Ms Janie Singer, Toronto, wvas ai Mr. and ,Mrs. James Douglas, To- A cn S l sembled in the drawing ýroom when weekend guest of Mrs. Earl Walton. Ionto, were weekend guests of ber Mr. R. E. Osborne, chairman for the Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Martin, Bel- aunt, Mrs. Catherine Coulter. The undersigned bas received instruc- evening, called on Mrs. Jesse Arnott leville, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. F. M.and Mns. Dowson, Por, Perry, tions from who read the following address: Spencer. and bis mother, Mrs. George DowsGn FRANK MeINDOO Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Osborne-* Miss Rae Clark has an office posi- wvere weekend guests of Mr and Mrs. Dear Winnie and Herbert-N o to ihBritrW .WrW .Bakun osl yacno doubt you have been surprised toi tonlic h arristeBr W. Fil. Wad, . H . B Crn, Vn ase o seICoby 4,Ct larko meet these friends at our old hoeb o lic Mr.adisate B o anville. Mrsn.iH. L.sHospCa, Pssed ot2, onr, la tc-night but xve wish to congratulate M.adMs ead acc wyi ihlsHsiaPtroo Renwick's Corners you on attaining your twentieh wed- have closed Crest House for the sea- on October 9th. Mrs. Wlfred Cav- 'ding anniversary. Although yo son and returned to Toronto. ano of tbis village, is a daughter. on have shared joys and sorrows, -we Mr. Bill Jackson, Toronto, formerly Relatives hiere bave received w ,rd Tuesday, October 23rd know that your twenty years of mr-' of Ingersol. visited his grandparent.s, that Arthur Bragg, Will I-bar ýnd The followung raluable f arm stock, ried life have been happy one. Yor rsT.W ckn. Harold Gibso'n, nead cf returnnng ipeetec home bas been one where w' N e Mission Band of the United Church h-me from the Saskatchewan -wh-,eat impleniby rent, 9etc: ; a welcome awaited us a-id werv will meet at the bhome of Mro. Co. fields, have tripPed wes;t'.vard to Brwit- Hre- a os,9yas al are happy to go. Heaven hasj Gray on Saturday at 2.30 p. mi. ish Colunmbia. grey mare, 12 years, supposed to be faoe o y giving you three Mr. - Robt. Walton, baritone, won Mr. and Mrs. John Lord, Lake fersol; tndr rd ae sons, which we hope wvill do erediti the silver medal at the Musical, Shore, accoripanied Mr. and ?ý .J. Cw- uebe osencw tc, the training :fou have bestowedl Festival in Peterboro Tuesday night. H. Jose and sons to Toronto on Sun- Cw- uebe osencw Jus tocoveyou god wshs t 1Mr.W.E. Bema fnihe ik day to see Mr. Lord's sister, Mrs. '%c- bred Holstein cow, 5 years old, niilk- Tou o s: o ccaeiouiw 3' o his 600 barrels of Northern Spies last Cutcheon, who is convalescing from a ing good; 1 pure bred Holstein, 5 vou n tis ccaionwe <~ Oiitoi xeek. Tbey are of good calor anff recent illness.yeroduei Dce erire taet yth ilsi avner set, hopny fine quality. Next Sunday, October 21, Rev. W. cow, 9 years, due in November; 1 tharst yuse it n hti ill hae an ehpp Misses Evely-n Toyne and' Kath- i P. Rogers wiIl conduct aeniversarY red cuw, 8 years, milking good; 1 remind you of the frîends who are leen Spencer, and Mr. and Mrs. services at Welcomne and a mixed roan cow, 5 years, xilkung good; 1 with you tonight. Signed on be)(haif Hollis Hurlbert, Oshawa, spent Sun- 1 quartette from the choir, Messrs. Har- grade cow, 2 years past, milking ofyu in Toronto. old and Howard Allia and Misses good. These eows are ail supposed ofs yorrelative n md hl r n r.G .Wih n Beatrico and Grace Bragg, will assist to lie with calf dates made known at presentation of the china set. Mrs. daughter, Toronto, accompanied byl the Wloi 1gaebie af ot (Rev.) Stainton rendered a solo their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas,____ old; 1 grade heifer caîf, 6 months' whlcb was very suitable to the oc. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs ., . old; 1 pure bred H.olstein caîf, 4 casion. Speeches were made bylJ. R. Fisher. ENNISKILLEN months. Mve.sars. Thornley Pennington, larn- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Richardson, Pig-i large brood sow; 1 smail ilton, Otis O. Worden, Toronto, Rev. Misses McCullough, Ina and Ella Mr. and Mrs. Theo Slemon, Mr. brood sow; 1 shoat;3wendpg Mr.Stantn, ouric, A L Pacoe Saw ndMiss Rutb Richardson, John Slemon, Sr., Mrs. Thomas Mc- Machinery-1 Massey-Harris Bind- 1 Solina. Andrew Pennington, l3owman- Pontypool, motored to Newcastle and Gili, attended aniiiversary services er, 6 ft. cut; 1 McCormick Mower,5 ville ,and Miss Peanington, Port visited friends recently. in Row.manville on Sunday ..Dr. ft. cut; 1 dump rake; 1 Frost & Hope. Mr. Kerr, a guest at the par- Mîrs. Hollis Hurlbert, Oshawa, wasI Ferguson and Rev. J. M Whyte made. Wood boe drill; 1 Spring Tootb cul. sonage, favored xith a ,plendid- solo soloist at the chicken pie supper at la trip to Toronto on Saturday and tivator; 1 set harrows; 1 Cocksbutl and the programn was concluded with Orono Tuesday evening. Little Miss attended the rugby game. . Mr. and plow, No. 21, new; 1 Orono plow; 1 a panodue b MisezHael unde atheenSpnce, eoctioist a-o Mrs. Elmer Beech and daughter, Kid Kangaroo, No. 2 twin ploxw; 1 an iaouet by Mie azl ule Kart n tperocut nstma-oBlanche, Mrs. Fred Smith and son, ligbt Bain wagon box and sprng andLouseO~brn<. ookpat o th pogrm.Claude, spent Sunday with Mr. and seat; 1 light Bain wagon; 1 sel - -St. George's Churcb, Rev. E. R. Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Oshawa... boster springs; 1 set knee sleighs; 1 SINGS FROM CFCA STATI'ON James, Rector. Sunday, -October 21,seilsrcew hdSuaye-Mse-Hrsetin bo, ery Harvest home se«rvices. Rev. A. G.seilsriewshl udye- asyHri utn oaa Chrhenîng when Rev. J. M. Whyte baP- new; 1 pump; 1 long ladder; 1 scu- His host of admirers in Durham Emmett, M.A.. of St. Jobn's hr, tized Marjorie Jean, daugbter of 'Mr. Mfer; 1 band scuffier. County and elsewbere were delighteà Port Hope, will preach at il a. ni. and Mrs. Francis Werrr, and Donald Harnes-1 set teani harness; i set to hear the rich baritone voice of , nd 7 p* Sunday Scbooî at 2.30 Gordon, youngest son of Dr ad ro pe harness, new; 1 set single bar- Newcastle's popular vocalist, 'Robert P- in' Ferguson ...Our 'commniity xas ness; some odd collars. IWalton, over CFCA radio station on Uriited Cburch, Rev. W. P. R,.gers, shocked to hear of the death of a Ha-2odswetcvrha Friday evening. Bob deserves a str udaOtbe it former resident, Mr. Ezra Hanna of n od tmtyhyi barn the praise and crrdit given him when- a. m.-Morning worship-Rev. W. Durand, Mich .. . .Mr. Herbert Smith rn 2 aatimty hain bgan. ever and xherever lie appears on the E. Honey, B.A,, Wehcome, in the pul- and Mr. Wallace Stainton, Toronto, Cra-Qatt nxd gi- concert platform or at churchi ser- pit. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School. speat the ýweekend with the latter's somie barhey and soine wheat; quan- vie. oonoEveaung service withdra-wýn owing to sisters, Mrs. W. H. Moore and Mrs. tity buckwheat. ThceSaroStrdyhatniersary services at Clarke at 2.30 Howard Stevens ...The service Furniture--1 Queea beater; 1 coal imakes this comment of Mr. Walton's and 7.30 p. ni., to be conducted IDY bere next Sunday will be taken by heater; 1 box stove; 1 cook stove; performance over '-hle radlic: Rev. W. E. Honey, B.A., Welcom-e. Rev. H. W. Foley, B.A., B.D., Bel- 1 Happy Thougbt cook stove;4 At 9.00 p. ni. CFCA <Daily Star) Male quartet of the Uniterl Churc.,j by, our pastor, Rev. J. M. Whyte is cots; 4 mattresses; 6 diniag-room presented Robert Waht -î, baritone, of sang at Pickering Tuesday evenin.g at preachung anniversary services at Sel- chairs; 6 odd chairs; 1 couch; 6 setE Newcastle, Ont., and medalist. C.N. the supper of the United Churcn by, a former circuit ..Mr. and toilet dishes; 1 barrel chura;1 E., 1926-28, from the studi3 of Mr. there ,of which Rsv. Roy H. Rickard Mrs. Roy Hlood, Lawrence and Hamiilton incubator; 1 chemical Arthur Lynde. Mr. Waltan's vQ.îce is pastor. The members are W. J. Joyce, Mr .and Mrs. Win. Heron and closet and pipes; 1 DeLaval creani possesses great charmn, and n. clear S. Rickard, W. D. Bragg, Mark Allun son Bohby, Blackwater, visited Mr. separator; 1 lawa swing; 3 hawil ringing quality whicb brungs his gift- and Harold Allia. They were a!ýcom- Orr Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher seats; 3 rockers; 1 Ford touning car: ed ;'ersonaiity into ful play. H is panied by Mesdames Rick.ird, Bragg Dix, Mr. an<l Mrs. Marks and child- forks, shovels and other articles toc numbers ncluded "Sylvia", by Speaks and Mark Allun and Miss Marion ren,.Litthe Britain, visited Mr. John numerous to mention. the IlLamplit Hours" (Penný "Dawn" Rickard, pianist. Slemon'.%... Miss Audrey Dorland ' Fowl-About 40 year old WbhitE (Curran'>, "Rolling down 'ùo " ecsteiaateCu init spent Sunday with Miss Annie Oke. . Leghorn liens; about 100 White Leg- (German,) "The Long Ago" by Nigt- NewcaTtle.Dakantictu oN. _t League meeting was in charge Of hora pullets; about 20 Rock pullets. ngale, and a special requ est r.umber ing -ofTW.JconDietrN.L 2nd Vice-President, Miss Audrey Sale at 1 p. in. See, bile. Allisens "he ord.s1ti Ilgt Rickard, Clareace Allin, Ia-win Col- Dorland. Lesson was read.hy Miss Hlien a ThebLycordipa nhby LMn. -wîll, H. R. Pearce, W. F. Rickard, Anale Oke; devotional was taken bv Term-Grain, poutry, furniture He as blyacopaie byMn.L.Mrs. P. Hare, Mrs. W. F. Riekard, Miss May Werry; topic was welî and aIl sunis of $10.00 and under >M. Fisher.. Mrs. Ewart Clemence and Miss Win-~ given hy Mrs. Orr Jeffery; an instru- cash; over that amount 8 inontbs nifred Rickard went to Zion, Dar- mental was geivea by Miss Reva Me- credit will be given to purchaserý lington, Friday eveaing and enjoyed GuI; vocal solo, Miss Maude Ashton; funnishing negotiable bank note! ________________________ the supper and chicken pie and its meeting cîosed with League bene- bearnag interest at 6 per cent per an one bundred and one delectable ac- diction. num. companuments and afterwards put on ! A. J. Staples, W. J. Challis, their play "The Dust of the *s'rth". « 1 Cherk. Auctioneer Harvest Thanksgiving services la NEWCASTLE L connection with St. George's Church, Ia the United Church on Sundaý (Newcastle), mliii be held on Sunday, COMMUNITY HALL monning, Mr. A. A. Colwill and Mr eClothes Shop October 21st., the Rev. A. G. Emmett1 under auspices of J. E. W. Philp gave good reports o of St. John's Church, Port Hope, be-I Younu People's Society the great convention of laymeîî à __________ing the speaker at both services. the United Churcb of Canada l cld ii n aMonday, Octoher 22, the annual bar- Harllowe'en Masquerade Toronto, Oecber 5, 6 and 7. 201: )n avest supper will be held in the Parish 31S registered delegates froni the cor ingle l'Il atay, Hall fromi 5.30 o'clock on. A delect- Wednesd&y, OJctoDer ferences of Ontario and Quebec wer ts wearing one of Bell's suits able spread is being prcpared for this at 8 p. m. present, and the far reaching- import app thy sy".occasion by the ladies of the congre- ance and significance of which, a iapy heysa".Parade, Prizes, programn. Rev. W. P. Rogers intimated in hi out ell' Mad-to- eas- gation and the tickets are 50c and Refreshments Sna vnn emn 1eTrn )out Bll's ade-toMeas- 25 c. Followung the supper there Sna vnn emn 4 eot eaaceawysa- will be a programme in the Parish Adulte 2.5e Children lOc daily piapers, refiectuag the Toront py appeaacjawysa- Hall. 4?i Those in costume please mask. mmdn, utterly failed to grasp, so lit )n-Why not get away Crtr of Barley keeps you fit. I ________________the space did they give to it. unsatisfactory, "Ready ______ L I .-. n r nx! vffI of 3 n- 'e rt- as it- out againafte.r be ilîneas Mrs. Chas. Langmnaid, Hampton, who spent the weekend w;th Mlr. and Mrs. Norman Allun, will flot ý;o>n for- get this particular visit. Saturday evening while driving intoj the vVIlage with Mr. and Mrs. Allun with the horse and buggy, and when. opposite Mr. Frank Allin's, a ear c ' north swerved across the road, hit "lie horse, injuring it severely and causing it to break the shafts and liarness, and then went past on the left side of the road in the ditch instead of on the right side as it ought to hav- donc wben meeting a rig. hcahia telephone post and splintered it In the process but the diriver neyer stopped. It was a terrjrying exper- 'ence for the occupants of the buggy. Then on Sunday afternoofl, Mrs. Langmaid was -with Mrs. Allin when they wer.t to visit Miss Treleaven and found ber lying dead on the living- room couch. N[otice .to Creditors In te tto CAie,,DWeitrs h NOTIC is hereby given pursuant to the Staýýtute in that belialf that ail ver- sens havillg ciainis agalnst or entitled to share ln the estate of Alden D. Wiîeeler, tiw vYotnger, late of the Village of N,.wcastie in the County 0f Durham, who died on or about the 30th day of ui,1928, at Nevcastle. are required 10 sendsane to the undersigned Exxecu- tors, duly veriled with lymrticulars of the securities if any heid by themn on or be- fore the 19th day of November, 1928, and after said st :narned date the Exer rtors wili proceed to distrihu te the gý".tte amorig the parties entitled thereto, hav- lng regard only to the ciabims of whlch tiîey then shail have notice. Daied at Toronto this lOth day of Octoher. A. D. 1928. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, 2,1 Bay St., Toronto, Executors M,%abone .%alone, Sedgewlck and Mont- 42-4 gomery. Solicitors. Mrs. Baglow and Mrs. Jarreil, OFk awa, visited Mrs. A. F. Spencer ~ ceistly. It Isn't Necessary to Spend a Lot of Money TO SECURE A GOOD LOOKING COAT are offering ent styles of Stock you a selection of almost 100 differ- Coats priced from $15.00 Up. Don't. get the idea that because our Coats and Dresses are so good looking that the price is high -Remember we absolutely guarantee our price to be as low as any store in any town or city in Ontario selling the same garments. CLARENCE S. MASON 6 e s s y $20.00 Men's Overcoats, Sale Price $12.95 $18.00 and $20.00 Men's Suits, Sale Price $12.95 $20.00 Mens Latest Suits, Sale Price $15.95 $30.00 Men's Suits, with 2 pair pants, Now $22.95 15e Men's Socks,.............Sale Price 10e Drawers.................................. 69c $200 Men's Combinations, Fleece or M erino ......................... Now $ ..J $1.925 Men's Work Shirts, Chambray or Khaki................No 85C~ $1,50 Men's Tweed Flannel Shirts, Sale Price 95c The Clothing Man Winter Merchandise 'I 1direct froin manufacturers enables us to offer Seasonable Goods this week at unheard of values. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF space prevents listing everything but these items will give you a slight- idea of the bargains: A.D1L LIC K, Bowmanville. FELT'S GIFT SHOP Our Christmas goods are starting to arrive. We have the newest Brassware fromn India and China, Chinaware fromn England, and the newest Fashion Jewelry from Paris for Fall and Winter Wear. A TWENTY-ONE PIECE TEA SEt AT $10.00 A NINETY-SEVEN PIECE DINNER SET AT $25.00 For this weekend only we have bought a special order of Alarm Clocks that we can guarantee for a year, SPECIAL AT $i.00 A small deposit will bold any article tilI Christmas. Dont forget your\Personal Christmas Cards. Phone and we will send the book so you can select them at home. FELTS JEWELRY Phon 3 King Street Bownianville W. Teach Your Watch To Teli The Truth Next Door to F. F. Morris Co. .. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 161 18C 50e Men's Police Braces, Sale Price 29c

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