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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1928, p. 2

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PAGE TWO H CNAINSTEMNBWANLLTRDACTBR2t.128 LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS SOME SPLASH! THIRD PLAY IN DRAMATIC M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. What would we do without water? Lots of freak and stunt advertis- 1 CNETWELRCIE Barrister, Solicitor, Nitary Tru]y the mind that made it is div- ing scheines are appearing on the! Ebenezer Young People's Society Money to boan on Farn and Town mne. Cleanliness is next to Godji- market these -days, but une of the 1 Present "Arnold Goes Into Business" Property. Royal Bank Building, e. Could we keep dlean with- most absurd conibinations of givingi Bowmanville. Phone 351. out water? Then think of the away somiething "absolutely free"' functions of the skin that covers our with goods purchased appeared in a A capacity audience attested to the W. R. STRIKE bodies. It is said. we believe cor- numiber of papers last week. Here it popularity of the Draniatie Contest, Successor ta late D. B. Simpson, K.C. rectly that nu other part of the body is: Silk Stockings Free with-1 held by West Durham Agricultural Barrister, Solicitor, Notary is better adapted to the niany de- Plug Chew ing Tobacco. The advt. Society, on the occasion of the third Solicitor for Bank of 'Montreal nands made upon it than the cov- was attractively illustrated with a in the series, Friday night at the Money to Loan Phone 91 ering material .the skin. Think of striking pair of lîmbs garbed in a Opera House. Bowmanville. Ontario the functions of the skin: ipair of these free stockings of ex- Ebenezer Young Peuple are to be It covers and protects the body, cellent qua lity which conform tu the cungratulated upon the splendid W. F. WARD, B. A. guarding it against weather and Per- leg and retain their shape. Some high mianner in wvhich they put on the at-I Barrister, Solicitor, Notary mitting man to live in any climate. brow psycolugist miust have beenitractive play, "Arnold Goes 'ntu Money to boan. Bonds for sale. Not only does it keep wrong things wurking uver time to create a "buy- Business", which drew hearty and aI-' Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., from penetrating the body, but it ing desire" by associating silk stock- must cuntinuous applause from a Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones:- helps to eliminate poison from the ings and chewing tobacco. With appreciative audience. INr1.inanR Office 102; House 409. body. It helps the lungs, kidneys our~ fertile and imaginative mind welIM. Robertson cleverly impersonat-edý ---- -- - and intestines in their job of carry- can unly figure out two reasuns foriArnuld Miller, a yuung husband and DENTALing away the waste generated by our using such a comibination. One is, a penniless aristocrat, w'huse healtb DETLactivities. Water is nee.ded tu keep that the splash from cbeving tobacco' had alivays been the oject o>f cease- DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE the skin dlean. spit hitting the pavement ruins nianyl less care on the- part of bis frienýs Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto pairs of silk stockings in a year. The l and relatives. Between him and Ir- University. Graduate of the Royal Wbat a wonderful boon is rain other is. that now sume ladies have ma, hier sweet and charming daugb- College uf Dental Surgeons of 0,- water! The washer women know of' taken to smioking tobacco manufact-1 ter, Mrs. Marie Anna Kemp had con- tariu. Office King St., Bowmanville. its value. It dues not need a doctur uer are offering inducemiente; tu get' trived a marriage, believing that the Office phore 40. House phone 22. to tell'us. of its great value in our the fair sex into the habit uf cbewing combination of Arnold's position on X-Ray Equipmient in Office. daily baths. t)baccc)e as well. There's no limit~ the social scale and the plebian mon- The famous English physician Dr.Ito mode tendencies, it seems! ey-bags of hier own family would give DR. J. C. DEVITT Artbbutnot advises aIl people to take them the desired footing in suciety. Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson daily baths, and we aIl know that ab- HOPTLAUIIR er aims were shattered by Irma'4 Graduate of Royal Dental College solute cleanliness of the skia is the HSPTLAJIAR determination that she and hier buý-1 Toot.OfficeKn t Essw- flrst consideration. It is surprising band should psy their own way en tIi.,e manville. Office bours 9 a. m. to how much effort is required to cleanse The annual meeting of the Wom- world and that Arnold, in spite of his 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone the skin. It cannot be done by en's Auxiliary to the Hospital Boardimythical ill-health, should go into 90. House phone 283. washing it in a dab or dash of water. xvas held Friday, October 5th at thej business. Misses Frances Hancock X-Ra Eqipnent n Ofic. iIt requires quantities of water and Nurses' residence with a fairly good and Ver a Werry payed their parts elbow grease to do a good job. atednevtePeienMr y capably. Miss Alice' Arnold DR. R. E. DINNIWELL 1 A dlean, well acting skin will help W. Goddard, presiding for openingidisplayed great theatrical ability in Honor graduate of Toronto Univer-lyuu to live long and to be'happy exercises after which Mrs. J. Spencer the role of Marie. Irma's breezy, cap- sity and member of Royal College if while you live says another doctor. took the chair and presided wbile re- able, and tborougbly modern sister, is nt d or lean- Iports were presented and officers 1b nwwa hewnp n o Dental Surgeons. Licensed to ewcho.I cng Jhnny Priwnglthe and sh practise in Ontario and the Dominir-n. Water Isn;nl odfrcen-eetd it, iludin onyPige h f Dentistr-v in ail its branches. Office- ing innumerable tbings we use but it Miss Clara Allen, Secretary, boy", as bier mother conteniptuously King St., Bowmanville, opposite IVos in -ore general ase for presented her report as follows: caîîed him. Mr. C. E. Osborne took Bank of Montreal. Ponn31. idical purpuses than any ther nat- Auxiliary held 12 meetings, also 31h navr rdtbemne MDCLural fluid-of course, water bas been executive meetings. There were 17 r.R C Pearce, as Mattie Miller,j usICLed as a medicine from time im-mmes itanvegetedac was a typical maiden aunt. ki ndly j mortal. No better substitute bas yet of 9. Mrs. Smythe, superintendent disposed but prejudiced at first to-l C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.*M. been invented. Water bas been in'of the hospital, was present at al ward Irmna, as une of the Kemps. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, use from the beginning of aIl animal meetings and of great assistance in Mr. Frank Walter proved himself an Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. l'eadbsee cvrdtefc keeping the Auxiliary in touch witb1ats nth oeo itrde h n Office and Residlence, Dr. Beitb'a ofeadhsee cvrdtefcth edoftehsia. O Ot.1attinheolofKtegtei- former residence on Church Street, o the great deep". The mmid of 1t the n rsofte'hospuaital. On ct.'imitable English butler, who so ft Bowmnvile. Pone 59. 4-tman bas been ever busy with inven- 9th theldnursesraduing reercies laid aside bis dignity as to becomie flomavile. Fane259 4-ttions-cunsider the inventions of tbe wr ed fe bc ersmnsenamnoure{i by tbe charms of Auntl J. CLARK BELL past haIt century. The electrie were served at the nurses' residence. Mattie. Mr. Wm. Marshall sbowed M.D, C-B. F..CS.,(Edn),D.PH.light, the automobile and tractor, the, An inventory of the contents of cunsîderable talent in acting a dif1E- M.O.,C e ., F .. . S. (E ill), D.P.i-I and radio, the ' Ipan the hospital and nurses' residence cut Part, that of the suave and1 (Succeandrta Dr.dA.S. TtIley) telephoneaeroplane as taken and valued at about $13,- scoundrelly "village capita]ist", Who fions. Graduate in Medicine, Aber-j an.d avbn oteramakingd uicov 800. The books were signed and discovered on the Miller bomestead a deen University; Fellow of the Royal elst have be gven Annd wduhane deposited in the Bank ut Montrea]. 1depusit of l"complexion mud" and College of Surgeons, Ediaburgh. the last fifty years.e Andsewean Office and Residence, Queen St.,Just begun! "Everythiing man ha bIstma i xsidcer forov e uresOn concealing bis possession ut the Iust Bowmanville, Phone 89. made can be improved. But bow staf in residene awas proidayn formula bequeathed to Arnold by bis Office Hours. 2 to 4 p. m., 6 to 8.30 p. m. cou Id we improve the body in wbîch Mrh2t h nulbrha father, used it in manufacturing tbe reside the suaI and mind ut man? It party was beld, retreshments being beauty dlay whicb bie sent to Victor W. H. BIRKS, M.D. was perfect in the beginning. i suPPlied by the Auxiliary at wbicb Henri Rene Antoine Le Grande, a Ofic Hur:i o ad7 O .3.continues. to be regarded a pefcIod to the value of $40.00 snd beauty specialist. Ambrose was tus- Telephone 108. creation". Su itb water et to $5"Hospintashnay was ecei ved trated in bis scheme of getting bold Office and Resideuce:- Dr. Hazlewood's mýay be regarded as a perfect crea- "optlSns"wsosre of thbe Miller pruperty by Irma and former rsBoneW elitnî Steeetion on June lb ut Orono gave the1 despoiled ot haIt of the formula by residence iWllinto SretIl* rmaicClbbis sou Larry, who bad fled from i 1 Dr. Frank McCoy in une of bis ýplay "David Garrick." Icruelty several years before and bad DR. V. H. STOREY Healtb Talks states that the waterl. In Se~ptmber a sale ot home cook- returned, to be given a home by Ar- Office bours 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p. m. is prubably une of the most ancient ng andtternoon tea was heîd la the uold and Irma. Tbe part of Larry Afte 8 . m, b apoinmen ony. o al reedis ued y mn WI lecture room uf St. Paul's ctburcb. was played with ability by Mr. Harold Exception-Office ivill be open 9 toi.find reference to iti use in the ear-1 Supplies sent to the hospital were: Hartley. Aided by oaly baîf tbel 10 Saturday nigbt. 36-tf liest medical literature, and ia stud-' 12 pairs woolen blankets; 2 dozen fermula, Arnold and bis cumpany wbo DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS 1 ies utf the Assyrian and Egyptian re- table aapkins; 3 quilts; 6 surgeon'% also discoveredj the mud deposit, j cords. The ancient FEgyptians, He- guw-ns; 37 pstieat's gowns; 18 draw were unabl e to pruduce a satisfactory The Physicians of Buwmanville'brews and Persians all employed sheets; 28 sheets; 3 mattress covers; I product, su that Le Grande descended will close their offices Wednesday at-J water in the treatmeat of diseaqe. 30 pillow cases; 18 baby's vests; 6 upon them to flnd out what was ternoon and eveuing. ýThe Chinese have records ut usinr lbaby dresses; 2 gertrudes. wrong. Mr. James Hancock took the Ia case ut emergency at this time calwater ortretn ies tîat Ms .L ihls rauer- part ut the excitable and emotional Dr. Bell the lst Wednesday ut munth;, 700 years before Christ. During ported: Frencbman sPell. The roles ut Mrs. Dr.Biks 2d edusdy t onb;the zreaest years ut ancient Spar- Rcit Lavina Flower, a widow, greatly im- Dr. Slemon 3rd Wednesday ut muntb; 1cî btigwa aeobia-Balane o.n baud........... $120.44 pressed witb bier own cbarms, and bier Dr. Storey 4tb Wednesday ut motb IcoI aatigwsmd blgt orvby ansd we fiad trequent Fees............850 daughte rViolet, Larry's sweetheart, references to therapeutic batbs ilu Donati on................... 2.30 were capably filled by Misses Clarai VETERINARY Greek mytbulogy. Card parties............... 122.00 William-on and Sadie Muir. Messrs. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Hmpocrates, the Father ut Medi- Birtbday party.............. 57.00 Cedric Parsons and Harold Mu ir Orono1 cine ,employed watem in the treat- David Garrick.............. 89.80 j were a kindly, but self-effacing, John RoorGadat t niesiyof, ment of fevers, ulcers, bemorrbages, Home cooking sale..... 60.751 Kemp, Irma's father, and a stalwart Toronto. AIl cases given proptand a variety ut maladies, He evi- Itrs .5 policeman, Grogan. and careful attention OfficeDr.j dently understood the phenomena of$454 The climax ut the play came when McElroy's former office. Ph ones: reaction atter a culd plunge, and he 454 the villagers, incensed by Mm. Epps' Clarke 3921; Orono 18 1 prescribed friction rubbing to reeup- Exienditures treatment ut Larry and bis unfair - --erate. Caada Statesman....... $ 17.20idealings, mobbed bm su that lie lied CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS! Cuch, Jobaston, Oryderman 126.21 J to the Miller homne for aid, whicbh le THEROPYOther records that according toI S. W. Mason & Son.......... 89.14 received in return tom bis repentance 1HRP Pliny, the great bistorian, the bath ICo rbut & Cowley............ 40.80 and promises ut good faitb, ami the DURWIN E. STECKLEY 1 was used as the exclusive method of. Caldwell Linen Milîs......... 2.75 rest ut the formula. bonor graduate ut Toronto College 1 treatnient duing five centuries ut Christmas treat............. 11.94 Splendid vocal and instrumental of Chiropractie wil be in the Bow-1 Romes greatness. Under heRu-A Ti...............60 solos were rendered by Mesdames manville Office Tuesday, Tbursdayl mans, the bath attained a bg e A. L. Nichoîls.............. 8.131 George F. Annis, J. H. Stainton and and Saturday evenings, phone 141J, gmee ut development and became so David Garrick expenses .. 8.50 Mýiss Margaret Abemnetby. The solo- Residential cails made during fore- frequented by the peuple that thelW. T. Allen........... ~ .851 ists, were accumpaaied by Miss Hazel noua. pplmhyomteRma absbsC. H. Mason ............... . 3.25)Rnde - neyer been exceeded. The ancient Mrs. T. W. Cawker ......... .83..Rnde - FUNERAL DIRECTORS ruins ut Rome and Pumpeil show an F. F. MORRIS CO. 1 inteesting selection ut bathing de- $314 .201 Complete Motor or vices-cold water hsths, bot air and Balance un baud $151.24.J Horse Equipmeat. steam roumis, bot sud cold ablutionsi, Newly electad officers are: Presi- ( ~ > AIl caîls promptly sud beautîful loungiag and restiag dent-Mms. V. H .Storey; lst Vice- attended to. ooms.1 Mrs. F. W. Goddard; 2nd Vice-'c \U 7I Private Ambulance. Then later Arabian physicians,I Mrs. L. A. Tole; Treasurer-Mrs. A. \~/ Bownanvjlle phone. who were probably the must leaia- L. Nicholîs; Cor. Sec'y.-Mrs. F. J. B0ransd 34. cd men during the mîiddle ages, Manning; Rec. Sec'y.-Miss A. Pet-~ BrnLh Stores- were enthusiastic advocates ut water ers. Executive-Mrs. Spencer, Mrs Orono & Newcastle. treatments in curiug fevers and Bouasaîl, Mrs. Tod, Mrs. Best, Miss ALA MWILIAS nany other disesses. Allen. Representatives to, Men's * * * WLLAM Board-Mrs. Best, Mrs. Bounsaîl, Mrs Embalmer and Funeral Director. Very few ut unr modemn methods Spencer. Buyiug Committee-Mrs. Calsgiyen p rompt and persunal at-. j u employiug water are really u'\' F. J. Manning, Mrs. T. Tod, Mms. R.1j tention. No extra charge for dis- but the applications ut water today1 R. Bounsaîl. Auditors-Mrs. Boun- tance MotrAmbiulance, at yrur are just as effective as they %vere,1j all, Mrs. Warnica. servc- I hons) or 159, Bouw and can be more scientifically ap- The ncwly elected Presideot, nianvIlOn-. -tf. plied %ih our increased knowledge 1 Mrs. Storey, took the chair and coun- - _____ - ..~.outthe buman body. ,ducted tfhe eulrm-t0ymetn rpnt 'n rc ciý, vhPrp it âsonvad- The purest water obtainable .sbuuldJ visahie to brinLr about n bodily e- ho use<l, sud if any doubt exists ms, laxation. A clean brodv inside and! tu the purity ut the water it is aI- out caunot ho àn sick hbody. way.s a safe plan tu use distilled ***water whicb is eutimely free frum825 Now about drinIkiug wvater, Dr. mninerais sud bactemial micro-organ- 7Rq~ Mf'oy ,,savs: Odinr;v. 1 tbink ism.%. Asic our radio experts t WRIG a., l wise for a neron to drinký what.. One thing ut wbich Bowmaaville deos rat t o fvPr %water he is thirstv for, but dur- caa boast is excellent water and d r otday. is» CI si ing warmi weatber it seenis advisable families usiag Skinner'M Springsfo utda.a& la addition to yuur regular water water are strangers to typbuid. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Terma moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf TAKE NOTICE !f you are reqiring any cernent blucks, bricks or concrete or niason work dune I wilI gladly funsh you with stimn.tes for saine at your request. Work dunie promptiy and satisfactorily. L. Turner, Scugog Street, 1owmanjiiIe, r. o. i3ox 161, phone 170. Il-t It seems kardly fair JFathers and mnothers used to look forward bravely, but not always happiîy, to the time 'When the boys and girls would go away to schuol lu a distant city. It £0otten mneant a break In the habits of homne lite-a sare trial. Tlmnks to Long Distance- the boys and girls at sehoul or coîlege can stilI be kept within the family circle. But doa't expect theni to psy for Long Distance calîs out of their sle.-ider allom-auces. That seenis hardly fair. The demnands upon their noue toof fat purses are tua trequent and too insistent. Fix a day and boum when Yau wilI caîl them, and you'iI find themn eager Wo talk with you and welcoming the voice that can best cheer them on their way. 'Et'erij Bell Telephone <saa Long Distance Station." _____ M5 Let us Protect Your Good-wilI When dealing with Durchasers ut uncertain finacial ratig at home or abod the Standard Bank can e of signal service la approachiag the new or untried customeý' for ollec- tion. The Bank is la a position to protet yuor intrestq withut com- promising the goodwill ut the custom- c. Enist the services ut the Stand- ard Bank tu safe-uard your prperty by conducting dipomatic negtiations with ustoners whose standing is un- kown. TME S1ADAPD ]BANK %0f CIANAI, ESTABLSHED 18;13 D. L. WEESE Manager, Bowmanvulle Branch BTO,,ches al.o St Newcasîle, Newtonvilic, Orono, Oshaws For "sele 45 the" tional ai] $3,000 fi causes. $6,000 fc $30 perr for total -DoaPm? ability. W itho ut Medfical Examination ktmale risks" froml15to Specimx 'Excel" policy gives excep- for 1-round protection. - BENEFIS - Age. for death from natural 20 - 25- or accidentaI death. 30 - inonth and $3,000 at death 35 - 1ad permanent diability4 riàums payable during di- 4 - EXCE LSI OR. INSURANCE'LIFE COMPANY -MAMI TISTO- DAz ren Rates $3,000. Rate. - $52.05 - 58.14 - 66.00 - 76.75 - 91.35 - 110.85~ Send me fuU information about your "EXCEL" Policy. My * aixl...... j ao~ Would you like to have a mont hiy che que- Guaranteed to you for life? IHow Fifty Dollars a Manth 10ok t the Average Man Age 20-Happy on Fif ty Dollar a Month. Age 50-Things are not golns as wen ma tVil Laire. it wiII be ta secure your Penlsion S find out aIl about it now? -M, quiry blank wili bring you a conr Ag 5Srnehwths aeshv e C anada Lif e NAVERAGE deposit of only a few Adollars a month can be made ta yield $50.00 a month later on. Think what it wou]d mean to you ta be certain of an income riight up to the end of life, when 97% of people in thèir later yeara are partially or wh0ly dependent upon others for support! You knuw of men well up in years who are atill "drudging alung- They cannoi stop, but must go on ta the end of their days working for a living. When tliey wcre younger they did flot have the chance auw uffcred you. It was flot then possible ta secure such a convenient and cer- tain provision as the new Canada Life Pension Plan, which guarantees that upon reaching a certain age in life you wiII receive a monthly cheque for $50.00, $100.00, $200.00, $250.00 -or whatever amount you now decide-to be paid as long as you live. YOU CAN PENSION YOURSELF-.. 1WHY NOT? As a wise man you should - take stock" of your present financial position-..size up your personal affairs, and decide on a plan for the future. Why not dou it now?f plan, the easier n-so why not -e attached en- :lete proposaI. The erlie youstarton .is n preciated! Fifty Dollars a nsonth la good interest on $10,000, and not to be desplaed. Age 60-He tlnds Flfty Dollarir a mont!, pension. added to what Income la lefi, bringe happinea. unouiii» 1 1 v -qualir rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th., 1928. ow- 30 1 ý 3 1

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