0tatenn * With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THUIISDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 44 .1~ Canadian Wallpapers Are Good Wallpapers That is why we stock thein and advise our customers ta huy thein. We have exquisite modern pat- terns in the newest designs and at prices that will suit every con- dition. What more cauld yau ask? We now have the 1929 pat- terns in stock. W. T. Allen BIG 20 DOOISTORF. BowmanviII. Ont. Style Anti - Freeze Cet Your Supply NOW SPECIAL PRICES Zero weather .... gaI. 15 degrees below . . OcgaI. 30 degreos below $1.00 gaL FREE SERVICE Duing the winter we will test youm Anti-Freeze at any tume free of charge aimd tell yau just how many degrees of frost it will stand witbout freezing. Jury & Loveli Phone 78-W. Deliver Your Cough Needs prompt treatment at this season. Allowed to bang on it may trouble you ail winter. We have a mast effective remedy. CREOPHS Creophas relieves9 deep-seated coughs and branchial troubez. It also builds streng'th and increas- es your powers of resistance to disease germa. Try it and be convinced. $1.00 a bottle at KERSLAKE'S The Dependable Drus Store- Have you tried those delicious Sugared Fruit Jellies at ouly 35c a Pound? 1 -6-j1 - m m Individuality Quality m Economy In Winter Coats A quartette of noteworthy features that go hand-in-hand in our grand display of Women's Winter Coats. STYLE-Authentie fashions sponsored by foremost for- eign and domestie designers. INDIVIDUALITY-Exten-sive assortments-mostly one of a kind models-but few of any particular style. QUALITY-Couch, Jehnston & Cryderman quallty has been a by-word for nearly haîf a century. ECONOMY-When good style is allied with finest quality and moderate price, the resuit is resounding economy. Searching Comparison la Welcomed-Unusually Fine Coats For Women and Misses Coats of a beauty and smartness out of the common. Every detail of fabric and fur-design and development-tailoring and trimming-proves their superority. Ail are exquisitely lined throughout and interline 'd. Complete range of fashionable col- ors. $15.00 to $85.00. BEAUTIFXJL NEW DRESSES Just arrived Wednesday morning, a beautiful assortment ofnew Dresses in Jersey Cloth, Silks and Crepes-Styles, shades and prices to suit every demand. SPECIAL VALUES IN HOSIERY Penman 's Best Silk and Wool Hose, all the new shades, only 95e pair. Silk Pointex Hose, full fashioned ,every shade desired, for $1.50 pair. WHAT LOVELY CURTAIN MATERIALS You will say so, too, when you see these new curtains. They are truly lovely and include an assortment of designs and materials which will satisfy every demand. Men's and Boys' Department Men'a Suits From $12.50 Up - Men'a Fali Overcoate Froma $13.50 Up Mensa Winter Overcoats $16.50 Up Boys' School Suits Froma $ 4.95 Up Men's Suits or Overcoats, Made-to-Measure at $24.00 A look through our stock will convince you, as it has otheMs that our values in clothing are unsurpassed. Couch, J qihnston & Crydermnan. Bowmanville PhonO £04 Limited j! MINISTERS A14D CHURCHES RECEIVED 50 YEAR JEWEL PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT LOCAL AND OTHERWISE St. Andrew's Preshyterlan Cburch, Medal Prejented te M. A. James onl Reports of pupils' standing will Mms. A. E. Garner, Whitby, is Rev. R. M. McDerment, M.A., minis- I instead of montbly. Too mucb tinie Misses' Oxfords for only $1.85 ter. Morning sçice at il a. mi.1 An event of cansiderable interest was being spent in the writing Of this week at Knox's Sboe Store. Evexing service'fp. M. Sunday. ta local Oddfellows was celebrated at1 examinations. The naines of the M.adMs .Mroa pn Schol 2.0 p.ni.Florence Nightingale Lodge, 1.0.0. highest pupils in the variaus roonis the weekend with friends in Toronto. Trinfty United Church Rev. J. U. F. No. 66, Wednesday evening, Oct.. are as foflws: Robins, Pastor. _Sunday services at 24th., when M. A. James, P.D.D.G. Room 1-Sr. 4th-M a d e 1 i n e. Miss Ethel Best, Toronto, recently il a. m. anmd 7 p. m. The pastor M., was presented with a Golden Jones, Ruby Hobbs, Frances Clarke, visited bier brother, Rev. D. W. Beat, wiîl preacb. Sunday School at 2.30. Jubilee Jewel in commemoration of Sidney Dillick, Leonard Wilson, D.D. p. M. Open session Tempemance his coxnpleting 50 years' service in Mary Towns, Hilda Simnîck, Harold Mms. W. W. Dickinson is visiting prograin. Everyone invited. Oddfellowship as a member of Flor- Cohner, Ferne Smitb, Ruth Pumdy. liber daughter, Mrs. Andrew Devitt, St. John's (Anglican) Chur- ence Nigbtingale Lodge. J. H. Jobnston, teacher. Cadnius. Twenty-second Sunday after Trin- Well on ta one hundred members Room 2- Sm. 4th-Editb Sellers, Mm. and Mrs. Jas. H. Scbell, Ot- ity, November 4th, 1928:-.il a. m. n. d visiting bretbren fromn Cobourg, Audrey Prout, Betty Rice, Jean Hem- tawa, were guests of his sister, Mms. -Holy Communion anmd Sermon; Port Hope, Peterboro anmd Toronto ring. W. J. Hoar. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Scbool; 7 p. mi. were present ta witness sand partici- Jr. 4th-Vera Lonsberry, Chester Mm. and Mrs. Tha. Pingle have -Evening Prayer. Preacher, Rev. pate in the ceremony of honoring Jury, Greta Pearce, Eileen AIder, been visiting relatives in Brantford Sidney Childs, MJA., D.D., Extension their venemable brother. It was Alice Pumdy, Betty Tamblyn. and Oshawa. Secretary, Tinity College, Toronto. also .very gratifying te the members C. E. Brunton, teacher Mr. Clemens Percy of the Stand- _______ta find Mr. James able ta attend Room 3-Jr. 4th-Eiîeen HatelY, ard Bank, Belleville, spent Sunday 'this meiorable event in persan, as Hubert Hooper, -Bilile Dunlop, Dori with bis parents. PORT PERRY PASTOR & CHOIR it is over three years since bie bas 1 Taylor, Charlie Richards, Maryl Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gillispie have AT TRJITY UITED HURCHattended or taken part in any public 1 Allin, Eugene Connars, Russel Oke.goe ouhoteianultpa funetion owing te declining bealtb. Thomipsan, Arletta Maynard, Sam 1 Pic-rida for the winter. An exchange of ministers and' Richard A. Sudds, Noble Grand, Miss Minnie M. Jeunings, teacher. 1 is ra M SetTon, choira for a Sunday evening who presided in a most capable man- Room 4-Jr. 4th--Jean Morris, pnthewknd ih Miss CoaM.lotTmao service has met 'wkth general accept- 1 ner, caîîed an J. H. Cryderman, P. Gertrude Hooper, Helen Mlason, setteweedwt isAm ance anmd approval by many through- N.G., wha received bis Jubilee Medal John Sbires, Doris Bennett, Bill AI-' Pollard and other friends. out this district. Trinity United about 2 years ago, ta make the pre- lin. Mrs. Albert Colwell is visiting bier Church eongregation was favoredg sentatian. This was dane in a few Sr. 3rd-Alex. Lyle, Brian Leigh- mother ,Mrà. W. Stewart, and ber Sunday evening when Rev. R. T. brief and appr<ypite remamks. Mm tan, Hugli Smale, Frank Mitchell brother, Mr. C. Dunham, Seeton. Richards and his chair of 30 vices James expmessed his tbanks snd ack- Misa Marjori. M. Robins, teacher. Dm. and Mrs. Frank C. Trebil- came fromn the United Church of miowedged the presentation in a rem-1 Roon5-Sm. 3rd-Neilie Mutton, I ock, and Mm. A. J. Tmebilcock, Tor- 'Port Pemry and took charge here. niscent address which was chamact- Grace Rundie, John Morrison, Helen! onto, spent Sunday 'with their Rev. Mr. Richards' subject d55 eristic of the zeal and forcefulneas Pritchard, ýBoyd Slemon, Ada Clark,inmother, Mmm. P. C. Trebilcock. based an the words "Ye cannot of his public utterances of thirty Mary Mutton, Fred Wood, Clamal Mm.,and Mrs. L. Barmabaland serve Gad and Mammon" Mlatt. 6-24, years aga. Bellman, Semis Bartlett sand Tommy Miss abel Tuckem, Orono, weme anmd was vemy forcibîy presemted In a memberghip of 330 theme are1 Dustan, equal. among the guesta at the Chambers- ehawing the dangem te the present seven members now living who have Miss Helen G. Morris, teacber. Wood wedding on October 1Bth. -generation, chiefiy fromn three Stand- receîved Golden Jubilee niedals. Roomn 6-r. 8rd-Marion Jewell, Bowmanville merchanta are cer- points--money, pleasure sand relig- Tbey are: Nathan Horne, C. M. Caw-i Sybil Mutton, Violet Osborne, Fran-'tainly making a -strong appeal for a ion. Mr. Richards is a vemy eamneat ker, John Lasby, (Michigan), Neil, ces Diliick, Alfred Allin, Ian Bell shame of yc-ur business thru their speaker sand the congregation was McDonaîd, (Alberta), J. H. Cryder-' and George Somerscalea equal, Dom- ad-vta in this paper. Be sure te very plessed with bis message. man, Geo. Baiden, (Toronto), anmd othy Richards, Douglas Blunt, Doris read theni. Thse choir under leademship of Mm. M. A. James. Archie Tait coi- Wright. M.E hîpTleedrsno B. B. Stouffer rendemed a fine musi- pletes bis baîf century nextînh Mise Greta M. Wic tta i.the-late Dr-. and Mrs. A. S. Tiiley, cal prograffi of anthenis, duet, vocal when the occasion wiil be duly re- Roc-m 7-Jr. 3rd-Audrey Eîliott,:was among the îist of law students and organ solos. Miss Helen Mel- cognized. Bea Rice, Dorothea AIder, Jini who graduated ecently fri Os- low, A.T.C.M., the organlat, handled The records show that o ver 700 Thoniopson, Clarence Witberidge, AI- goeHl n a aldt h a the organ very clevemly in liem argan bave joined the lodge since it waa ton Richards, Doris Tri b1 uiea a full-fledged barrister Con- numbers and aleo un leading the organized in 1871. The charter Thonis, Bert Jobnston, wnd Nick- gauain hlp chair in the service af sang. The members have alî passed ta the Iighi- erson. l"gats' iosPalp 1 anthemns rendered were Hand- er ladge and include Rd. Fife, Uc-bt. - Miss Lot& L Bragg, teacimer Mrs. W. J. Ward, Owen Sound, el's Large, The Earth is the Lord's Adair, Daniel Weim, E. Martin, WTm. Room 8--Sm. 2nd-Marion Scott, bas been visiting bier mother, Mms. and Gloria in Exceisis ,all very Pirie, J. K. Orr, S. T. Gates, A. J. Joey Cavemly, Margaret Wood, Ruth John Grigg. Pleased to see by the creditsibly Sung. A duet "Ever ho Kelly, S. J. Hoskin, Jos. 'Bryant, WSm Ives, Walter Hall, Dorothy Bradt, Owen Sound Tmes that "Mms. Ward, Near" by Dr. Snell and Mm. C. C. G over, Thos Yellowiees, John Har- Marlon Hum, Greta Toîlinson. the graciaus head of the Girl Guides, Jeffery waa also weil rendered. Mrs. ley, P. W. Consaul, W. Cherry, Wi. Jr. 2nd-Damotby Barton, Vers has been unanimnously returned te Harold Emmerson besides taking the Luke, Thos. Ts.pson, W. P. H. Head- Allin, Donald Masan. . office. Fine reports weme present,- solos un the first two anthems sang lamn. Miss Edna E. JewelI, teacher. ed showing good work for the pat with splendid expression and un- At the meeting Wednesday even- Room 9-Sm. 2nd-John Cowle, year". affected clearneas the solo "Face ta ing a banquet f oilowed the presen- Jean Rundîe, Elleen Halîman, Clair A very delightful afternoon tes IFace". The violin solo by Mr- tation wben short speeches were Wakelin, James Martin, Helen Glan- and sale of useful articles, under jStauffer wass onsîd*tii-e by the muai- madle by Messrs. DE. MeKinnon, H. ville, Domtby Tapsan. auspices of the Women's Hospital cal critjcs te be exceedingly fine- Hrcock, Dr. G. M. Ferris, Ccbourg, Jr. 2nd-<hnmery Mitchell, Rutb Auxili&ry, was hold Ssturday sfter- The whole musical prograini was ve1 R. Brown, F. Flac-c, Port Hope, May- Crydermnan, Noirzman Baldwin, Bill noon at the home of Mms. (Dr.) suitable simd equaily appreciated by or T. S. Holgate, Reeve W. H. Thick- Weekes, George Da>idson.1 Slemon, Churcis St., wben a large those present. This la the second vis- son, Rev. J. W. Bunner, F. C. Pet- Mis* Vivian H. Bunner, teacher.1 nuniber of ladies availed theniselves It of this chair ta this chumch. hick, Norman S. James, Gea. W. Room 10--Sr. ist--Jobn Living,~ of the opportunity to help in this At the close the Ladies' Aid serv- James and others. Vocal solos were H.elen Cotton, Marjory Morris, Les-I wortby cause. A splendid prograni ed refresbments in the school-mooni contributed by Messrs. G. E. Clisse, lie Pbillips, Theodore Lambros. aof vialin salas tby Mm. Francs Sut- when a social boum was aient. The R. M. Mitchell sand C. S. Hailman. Jrlt-oseCxHlnlie- ton, readings by Miss Lea Osborne, appecitio ofthevist a Patar On November 7tb., Caîpbellford.Iy sand Olive Ward, equal, Terranco vocal solos -by Mms. G. E. Reamnan and choir was vaiced by Mr. T. C. Degree Teai will visit Florence Dustan, Helen Williams simd Bill simd Mms T. W. Qawker, instrument- Jewell, -Dr. J. C. Devitt simd Mm.W. ihigl ode ad eepifyBon qaJc ihr lti yMsM .N ,Ms J. Bragg, M.P.P., sand respanded t Ngte gl oge sm MepoyBowreulJc ise.a riosbyn'MmM. A. Ne al, Miss by Rev. Mm. Richards sand Mr. R. B. the Initiatory Degree. Miss F. E. Moore,' teacher. Mnorrs d Mml. A-utton, wasul Sa%,n.Roî il1-Jr. lit-George Mor- nenjoed *by sîl. a outsa0le. jris, Georgina Lambras, Mabel Har- nte mmtssm ae COMING EVENTS ris, Louise Hoimbs. The Ancient Order of Foresters desire Jr. 'Primer-Blain Eiliott, Charlie an organtzer for Bawm-anvlle and vie- Music Study Club wili meet un St. Hoar, Orville Berry, Leslie Dach.Iflly r ndustrAply nLoife nck e Dawer R y lTheNvatret .m Cnvnes eon mea ad Paul's Lecture Rooni on Wednesday, Beginiers-Grigg Morden, Mary IBr, Stteman.î4con ce 4-1 Royal A££epam Cwnes:Leon rnstred Mmi. H. D. Clememisimnd Mrs. F. H. Miss B. M. Sargent, teacher. I Presenting The Finest ln Moody. Topic: "Local Musicians". Room 12--Sm. Primer--.Hay-ward POPULAR MUSICAL RECITAL Photoplays Make youmr çsemvation today at Moody sand Doris Moses, equal, Elva Mitbel's lru Stre or opusrPotter, Hamley McCurdy, Eta Kon- Of Canadian Folk-Songe te be Givon Phono 589 Musical Recital of Canadian Folk yar, Harvey Gibson. Hoob1aono rit sangs un Oipera House, Mondsy, Nov. Jr. Primer-Margaret Osborne, 5th. Aa abyDrs yl, Ruthj Great initerest is being taken by On uessy nex at3 .i Woolner. trict in the ecital of "Songs of Old Friday-Satumday, Novomber 2-3 Miss Jamieson, Genemal Secetary of, Mise Nellie Montgomery, teacher. Canada" tW ho presented un tho the Dominion Board, will give an Il- Tii McCoy in lustrated address on Africa at the South Ward Opera Hanse, Monday, Nov. 5tb, at "THE BUSHRANGER" W. M. S. meeting un Trinity Sehool-, Roaî 1-r. 2id-Editb îtowo,, 8.15 p. i. The artists are Madame room. AIl ladies interested are un- Ils Sutton, Flamence Shotter, Ber-1 Jeanne Dusseau, fommerly of Chi- Wilder than any west-the out- vitocl. nice Muttan simd Rois Rice equal. cage Grand Opera, sand Bowman- lwofthe great Australian bush Soldiers' Club is holding an An-'Sm. lat-Dorothy Nickerson, Char-1 ville's talented young rccampanist, sand a draina of aime wbo didn't istico Dinner at Balmoral Hotel, lie Somerscales, Vlia Woodward, Ms wnoy ila.M hs Nov. lOtb, at 7.30 p. i. Get yeur~ Robert Woodward, Leon Connors. gifted musicians are tours.ng Canada belong. tickets frein Gea. Crombie. Speak-ý Jr. lst-Kenneth Nercoèmbe, Jack lunder auspices of Federation of Matinoe Saturday at 2.30 p. m. er-Capt. Rev. S. C. Jarmett, Oâh: Colville. Canadian Clubs with a view tW pop-. ,awa. Miss M. H. CoIIacott, teachor.1 ulariziimg good old Canadian folk Chiimen5c alioma Hotl Bwlig Aley~ Rom 2Jr.lst-Maelie Cllae. Wherevor tbey have appear- hhlrn5 a l ora petelyBolnovae s vr Pllis2Blr, Rt-ali Cae oCl-ed the press notices have beela vemy Lait Chapter of hv encmltl eoae niePylsBar ap oe oc glowing simd exceedingly campli- "Blae ofScotand ard" naw presont a very attractive ap-' Large. 1mnay "Blke f cotan Yad" pearance. Special prizos are leîng Sm. Pr.-Louise Wilson, Florenre me si1 and regular pragramn. offered this week. Came alang aimdCaver, Jean Rice, Orme Sutton. Siepople have the impression enjoy yaurself. 44-1 Jr. Primer-Kennetb Davies, Mar- that ther rn ogra wilsbetoo higli jreWiseman ,Clifford Blunt, cla ssfrodnrnirasV no -~~ Jane Miss . E MG'grAand tappeiate, but îucb la not the SOLINA MsM.E crg.teaeCr. cs. eir nuibers include sel- Monday-Tuesday, November 5.6 J. H. Johnston, Principal. ections whicb will appoal simd chari Visitors: Mr. and ýMrs. A. J. any audience wbo loves good *iusic.« The dramatic spectacle famed Renlssm is dmMseiCome to the Opera Hause Monday the wold aven Rilda and Lizzie Hockadsy, spent ST. PAUL'S ENTERTIN 'night pepared -ta enjay a real genu- Sundy a Mr.Thoas âboresi me musical treat simd we are sure "NAOLEN"Whitby; Mr. sid Mrs. A. Hogarth, The Junior Missiaiary Society ofyou will net be disppoiited. Ambition, romance, tnssgedy, the Mrs. Lelia Fletcher, -Hampton, Mmi St. Paul's United Churcli entertain- . Malte your reservation witbout stirring frenzy of the mvolution Bootbroyd, Detralt, at Mr. J.- D. ed the staffs of the Purblic Scbools, 'aelay at Mitcheli's Drug Store, no evey eotin ad avénu,, Hogartb's; Mm. simd Mrs. Narval High Scbool simd Training Scbool, 1 extra charge. Tickets 50c. -evey oatin sid avdnure Wotten anmd Francssimd Mrs. Arnot also the boys of the Training School .f bistory's greatest ian of des- in Toronto recontly; Mr. sind Mmm. that attend St. Paul's Churcli, siongi tiny, truthfully told. James Hotop, Port Perry, Mr. simd witb the Boys' Interiediate classes' SH093 THAT SATISFY Mrs. Stanley Mfiller simd family of St. Paul's Sunday School simd tho I Sunderland, at Mr. H. E. Tink's' C. G. 1. T. anmd officors ta a Haliow-1 Such isl the motta adopted by The - Mr. Arthur Wotten simd friend', e'on paty on Thumsday evening last.1 Elite Shoe Store un îaking its open- an -an