_______With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publizhers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8th., 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 45 Il -' ~I I COME TO THE Supper and Concert under auspices et Ladies' Aid in Trinity School Room on Thurs. Nov. 15 at 5 p. mi. MENU: CoId Di-essed Pork Scalloped Pttatees Pickles Saiads Punipkin Pie Bread and Butter Lenion Pie Tea At 8 p. mi. a good proranwll bu gîven coasistiag et oý,les and quartettes by local talent. Rtead- inga by Mrs. Lenore Best, Toron- to.1 PROCLAMATION TENTH ANNIVERSARY 0F ARMISTICE DAY Sunday, November il th, 1928 Two Minutes' Silence In compliance with the desire of his Majesty the King I do Iiereby request that two minutes' silence be cbserved in Bow- manvile at the hour of Eleven O'clock a. ni., so that in perfect stillness the prayers and thougbts of everyone may be concentrat- ed on reverent remiembrance of the glorious dead and of the Victory by God's grace vouchsafed to the Empire and its de- voted Allies. A COMMEMORATIVE SERVICE will be held in front of the Soldiers' Monument at the hour af 2 'clock P. M. sharp, (20 minute service). to give the citizens an opportunity of perpetuating the memory of those who lost their lives in the Great War. In witness -hereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused this proclama- tion to be made public. Noveber6, 128.T. S. Holgate, Mayor. i j' Stu nning.Winter Coats Richly Furred, Combine Style and Smartness with Economy Since the Mode looks to its fashionable fur collars and cufs for smart distinction this season, the first thing that attracts in our coats is their lavish shawl and pillow collars, deep borders and novel cufs of fine fur. The smooth, richness of their soft- ly-napped fabries and broadcloth requires such good-looking furs as mink-marmot, beaver-dyed lapin, sable, skunk and musk- rat. Ail the new blues, Winter Beige, Grey, Green, Brown, Navy, Black. Our stock of Ladies' Coats are sensibly priced from ........................1........................... $15.00 to $85-00 BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESSES Just arrived Wednesday morling, a beautiful assortment of new Dresses in Jersey Cloth, Silks and Crepes-Styles, shades and priées to suit every demand. SPECIAL VALUES IN HOSIERY Penmnan's Best Silk and Wooi Hose, ail the new shades, only 95e pair. Siik Pointex Hose, full fashioned ,every shade desired, for $1.50 pair. WHAT LOVELY CURTAIN MATERIALS You will say so, too, when you see these new curtains. They are truly Iovely and include an assortment of designs and materials which will satisfy every dexnand. FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY QUICK SELLING Men's Navy Blue Chinchilla Overcoats, Regular $37.50 FOR $29.50 Men's Navy Blue Chinchilla Overco ats, Regular $33.50 FOR $27.50 .. Men's Tweed and Cheviot Overcoats, Regular $28.50 and $29.50 FOR $23.50 Men's Tweed and Cheviot Overcoats, Reqular $24.50 FOR. $19.50 Men's Blue Whitney Regular $22.50 FOR, Men's Blue Whitney Regular $27.50 FOR. Overcoats, $18.50 Overcoats, $22.50 Men's Heavy Grey Ulsters, Regular $29.50 FOR $24.50 A number of the above coats are plush or leather lined. ]Boys' Suits with two bloomer pants, sizes 33 to 36 at Haif Price. Separate Bloomer Pants, sizes 33 to 35 at Haif Price Couch, Jq)hIstQÇI & .Cryderman, Bowmanville Phone 104 Linilten COMING EVENTS MINISTERS A14D CHURCHES HOS3PITAL ANNUAL MEETING ELDAD) CHURCH RE-OPENED .P BazaaFrianDecupper. 7th for Rev. R. J. Shires preached in Ail Objective in Canvas Reached by Services Featured By Inspiring Ser- St. alsBza n upr Please Saints Churcb, Ottawa, on the oc- Donation of $2000 From Mr. C. mosad Large Congregations. note change of date. 45-21 casion of their 29th anniversary. H. Carlisle-Four New Directars_____ Plan tto take your Thanksgiving Rov. Sidney Childs, Extension Secre-1 Appointed ta Board. Eldad Church proved far too Dinner Sunday and Monday at Bal-itai-y, Trinity College, Toronto, had, smralltno aàccommodate the crowds 'moral Hotel. See menu in another charge of both services in St. John's It may well be said that Bewman- that gatbered Sunday afternoon and colunin. Church here., ville Hospital bas completed the most evening for our church re-opening Soldiers' Club. is holding an Arm- St.. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, successful year in its histery regard- services. The church was crowded istice Dinner at Balmoral Hotel, corner Temperbince an] Church Sts., 1 ing its efficient services te suffering to its lumit and many were unable to Nov. lOth, at 7.30 p. mi. Cet your'I Rev. R. McDerment, M.A., minis- humanity and f romi a financial stand- get in in the afternoon. tickets frein Geo. Crombie. Speak- ter. Merning service at 10.45 a. m. point. These commendable condi- The aftern"on service was la er-Capt. Rev. S. C. Jarrett, O)Sh- Mr-. H. M. Gilchrist will preacb at tiens featured the reports presented1 charge of the Pastor, Rev. J. R. awa. evening service at 7 p. mi. Sunday at the annual meeting of the Hospit- Bick. Rev. J. U. Robins Of Trinity The regular meeting of the Home School 2.30 p. ni. j aI Board d in the Council Rooni United Church, Bowmanville, was St. John's (Anglican> Church, Monday night. ithe special speaker. He spoke on and Sehool Club will be held in the1 Rev. R. J. Shires, Rector. Twenty- Mr. Norman S. B. James, Presi- 1 "The Church of the Living God", Public Scbool on Wednesday, Nov. third Sunday af ter Trinity-Armis- dent of the Board, who preside<j, i ki as his text, "I will build my i 4th at Il p. m. sharp. A ge tice Day-Nov. llth, 1928: 8 a. mi. thanked alI who had assisted bum inj cburcb and the gates of Heil shal rorahmni il egve oo db -Holy Communion; 10.45 a' m.-I hospital work during bis three years net prevail against it". It was an rfemes. AIl parents interest- Armistice Memorial Service, àRector;j as chairman. He made the an- excellent sermon and everyone was ed in the schooi are invited te at- 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School; 7 p. m.1nouncement thatthcavsfrhehgldeitdwthhemsg. tend. __~~~~Evening Prayer, Rev. A. C. Mc-INurses' Residence had realized oveR e.W P.R erofN cste Trinity Young Peoples' Society Calluni. $13,000. In an interview Mr. AI- e.W .Rgr fNwate are holding a concert on Friday, No- St. Paul's Cburch, Rov. D. W. exander and hie had had in Toronto spanke in ater eveing on "Inocence vermber 3th at 8 p. mi. in the' Best, D.D., Minister. 10.55 a. ni- on Frîday with Mr. C. H. Carlisle, 1 ohC1:, "1ter"takint ahstxt, chuch. Mis Jsse B Titel Armistice Day Memorial Service. Managing Director of the Goodyear! should'st "Ia ry lo thao t o thu Reader, Albert College, Belleville, Please note that the service begins Tire & Rubber Co., Mr. Carlisle said wrdbtta husol'tke and Mr. R .J. T. Staples, benor solo-1 before the usual hour in order trat that hie would send the bospital a thni ronibu evil". His sh dsgeewa ist in Dovercourt Pre8byterian the two minutes' silence may be Ob- check for $2000. Ti s ufhigalo ell romeeive. imesgw Cburch, Toronto, assisted by local served at il o'clock. 7 p. m.- Mr. Carlisle's promise at the start Thcoi neteladripf talent, will give the prograni. Ad- Evening Worship-the Rev. John R.j of the campaign that hie would give Thcoiudetelaesip f mission 25C. Trumpour of Tyrone wiil preach. 20 % of the amaunt raised 43y the Mrs. John Baker, with Misa Margaret .. M-.B.S.Logteorsooit fcanvas. This is a very magnani- MeKessock as pianist, provided The second Standard Training MrWBS.niinster enrCurh oon- o usgffhchtedrctr ntsuitable music ,and was ably assist- Sebool will be held in Trinity United WsmiserCnta Cucitorn " izesft etd the delfrsadofIed by Mr-. Albert E. Hircock of Churcb, Bowmianiville, freini Mnday, to, wxll sing. 2. 30 p. m.-Sunday ct h* itî fte i te .lar o Bowmanville, who aiso rendered November l9th to Friday, Noveinberi School. 1te hospial gi-esy apprecia. beautiful solos at both seiyvices. 23rd. Instructors in various cour-, Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U.1 The detailed reportc as presented ses, Beginners and Primary Dept- Robins, Pastor. Sunday services1 by C. H. Mason, Secretary-Treasur- The services were 'pro>fitable te Miss Muriel Winchester; Junior at il a.mn. and 7 p.mn. Sunday er, appears on another page, ald i-e- aIl as both speakers delivered able Det-Mrs. J. J. Eaton, Young School at 2.30 p. ni. Pastor wi lfects -etceionhspasak and powerful addresses dealing with People's Dept.-Rev. Manson Doyle. 1 preach in the morning. The con- ing offier for the tlioroughness withidfentpas of he crhs Let ver SudaySchol rrage e gegatiOn is asked te be in their which lhe has outlined the finances of w.ork in the community. be represented. places promptly at il a. ni. that the. this institution. 1*Mr. R. J. McKessock presented a two minutes silence may be observed. Mrs. Florence Smyth aise present- brief summary of the work under- HAMPTONEvening service will be in charge ed bier report as Hospital Superin-I taken, the cost and the plan for lift- HAMPONof the Young People's Society. This tendent, which wiil be published in, ing the debt. v%'I bu a service of Thankagiving and full next week. This stateTent isi1 Our Paster, Rev. J. R. .Bick, in the Yeu are invited te the At Home re-dedication by Young People. repletu with facts about the hospîtal: atternoon gave a brief reminiscencu under the auspices of the Yeung Worsbip service will be conducted -by which prove eXCeedingly interesting.1 talk on the former Eldad Church and People's Society on Thanksgiving Merrîli Ferguson ,and short address- Trh, report of the Women's Auxil- cengregation. He said in part: nîgbt. The prograin will censist of es by Miss Helen Cryderman, H. W iary was published several weeks "Sunday, Nevember 4th., niarked plane numbers by Miss A. MeMaster, Pointon and others. An appeal ago. the 73rd ariniversary of Eldad Unit- A.T.C.M., Zion, solos by Mi-. Fred will be made foi- congi-egational as- A complets list of those making' ed Church, Solina. During the IHarris, Baritone of Dovercourt sistance te their missionary and dntest h u0s eie summer months the church bas un- Chureh, Toronto, Mi-. Harold Allia, maintenance allotmeat. Special Fund appears on another page. A mdrone extnysie repar. A cern- Newcastle, violin selections by Mr'. music by the choir. monetrug h itreel h die teus S ua Shoouldrin, sbeng Wallace Herni-eadiags by Miss Jean The rugular montbly meeting of gacethrough y ctenîist easthen-asade ete churc heuilinstruet- Milîson, Solina, short sketch by Trinity W. M. S. which was alse a tacbtethtem th cien i d neal At cen- asrafine en tac t of he0main.strct yeung ladies,'.JThe story ot the fi-st Tbank-offering meeting wass eld On thu canvas e loe there isaa urnaIatacte 3200.t Thankgivin". h as i osed s a aainterestiag te note that the land Thnsiig. Refreshmeats at Tuesday aternoon ia the Sunday an potny and a need te Iup close ot prograin. Admission 25e Schoel rooni. On account of thelport the hospital with your gits as was ouhhthefron Pter errye and15e Soiet beng avo-edwit t ers- lit la still in debt as the financial grandfather et S. Edgar Werry, in ence of Miss Jamiesen, General Sec- statement shows.th eay5'afr210 hilns retryoftheDoinon oadth, Messrs. W. R. Strike, C. T. Roaa i($12.00). The fi-at church was a WALK A BLOCK--.SAVE A LOT business was taken up as quickly as W. j. Dudley sud Jos. O'Neill were white trame structure. Mrs. John possble A eryapprprite oloelected te the Board te fIll the va- Cornish -of Taunton, one et the tew Tbe above is a very snappy and was rendured by Mrs. J. Eme An- cancies et those retiring. Remnain- who aurvi've, remembers how she apprepriate slogan suggested iby L. derson, after wbich Miss Jamieson ing members include Mayor T. S.lwent to Sunday School when it was W. Nelson in bis big annouacemeat gave an iilustrated address on Holgate, Messrs. J. W. Alexander, Peld in this church, which in 1855, on page 5. In moving into his aew "Africa." Her talk was, indeed, F. Morris and Norman S. B. James. gave way fof the pi-usent brick edi- premises ia the McMurtry Block, instrufctive and inturesting to ail Directors will meet in the nearftI fice. She recalis that among the King St. West, Nelson's store of those present. Many members et ure te appoint their efficers. ledr1tteeerl as'e- d Biggei- and Better Values makès a St. PauI's Auxîliary took this op-.leadrsote e, rn dah er e A. very strong appeal te thrifty shop- portunity et hearing Miss Jamieson. wr Pascoe ouphRends, Winof . Ld pers requiring dry goods, etc. Read A bearty vote of tbanks was render- aceJophRyldWnLn- bisadt. ndye'llbesue t vsitedth spakr. Mrs. T. W. Cawker "SONGS 0F OLD CANADA" er, Simon ILee, Thomas Broad. The bis new store, gave a fine vocal solo, atter whichl GIVEN BY FAMOUS SOPRANO mmese h iuteBadwr the meeting closed. Offering ____ John Tremeer, Jonathan Eltoi'd, W. amount-ed te $162.i Madame Dusseau Heard in rogamWhite, Wm. Eltord, Jr., Wm. Souch, 1 ai Folk Sangs Under Auspices of Thos .Werry. This congi-egation was TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Canadian Clubs. originally Bible Christian. The 1 minister in charge when the church Roya Th atre Pla Tras-Oean ripBy Aro. Those citizens of Bowmanvillu and 1 was buiît was Rev. Henry Ebbott. vieiitywholov and appecitýeThe pi-esent cenigregation comprises Prauig h ies 'nPlane--Off t Good Start. good music enjoyed on Monday ev many descenants of tose fne fl Pr«etingThe ines,11.ening in the Opera House a teast of of English stock who are happy te Photoplays The experiment with group meut-i song by Madame Jeanne Dusseau, share in perpetuating the traditions ings in this organization has been I rendered more effective by the skill land spiritual success of the past. Phone 589 geing along splundidly. The muni-!et the accempanist, Miss Gwendolynl bers bave voted by a large majorityi Williams, daugbtei ot Mi-. and Mrs te continue them. They teel thati Alan Williams, Town.i HOW MANY BOTTI.ES HAVE moi-e personal bunefit is being de-' aaeDseu h speet Friday-Saturday, Nov. 9-10 rie rn hsitesv td hnied by the Association of Canadian i Y Bebe Daniels and Neil Hamilton by the regular type et general pi-- Clubs, in ce-oeration 'vith the Na-i oki h elr atekthn ingrasm. lsdi tinaoMskn tiandaatdheî la e lyor prines where -TAKE ME HOME" In the meantime the gi-oup la-Ti-etonalM serv f anaa-y nf Mus la the gai-age, in the back yard or any Somebin ne fo Bee Dnles cs ae bvin tewor vey hi-dcame te Bowmanville under the tee is~l likely te be a 'oottle--.an Somthig nw dramée a elve. kep up witb their subjects and joint auspices et the Women's andiempy .mlk lyottle belonging te oee -a back-stage dan flv. abead et the memburs. Eacb gi-oup Men's Canadian Clubs. The pur- iemtyedie tBwavue hs Replete witb many bearty laugbs. bas now chosen a color toi- their ps n onfrn adm*Du- athfu e rvas o et the pple hs Se Bebe and Neil at their best auroplane and a trans-ocean course seau in "Sangs et Old Canada" is ti deliver t e oui- homes, 365 days in the in "Tae Me ome."will bu laid eut for the race as soon. popularize amontg modern Canadiansi year, one of the greatest food comi- Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. as the aeroplanes ai-e ready. The teodmloisadfoksnsw ichýmdte r aigaaeilaP Child-en 5 a~y nst s gou ut ithe usdo-;were an inherent lpai-t etthe lives or campaiga te get their customers Chaptr et 5cayandM usç>iet beur atnacethe let ofthe original inhabitants ad the 1 te turi-n aempty milk bottles prompt- CurentEvets i-s seties e ou- cunty. y and regularly. It's a serions "The Haunted Island" Ctizensbip and Cret vnsand T h htmo hs ogI-1polmwt h oa ike.Ra With Jack Daugherty and Helen the Dramatic groupa will have te Toteryb ethsesnI-pobeiittelcamik n.Ra Foster. bning eut their members betoi-e dian mothers lulled their papeoses tei their viewpoint which is a reason- these leading greups get eut of sleep in the deptbs et the Canadian i able one in s ceeperative advt on sight. foi-est; fi-ce painted braves set out paire 7. 'Pheir demanda should meet Leadrs o thegrou areto bloody war; stately chiets smojcedi with a huarty respense. Nov.12.3 Leder etthe rou ar-Music, the pipe of peace in counicil oer ha g-I Monday.Tuesday, Nv 21 Mr. F. %utten; Citizensbip and Cur-1 gled oeur the price et turs with' Maiion Davies and William rent Events, Mr. Smith Ferguson; giizzled French-Canadiaa tr-aders; THANKSGIVING DINNERS Haines in and Mr-. Loi-ne Jacknîan; Missionary,j the "habitant" tillud bus fields, emri AT ]%ALMORAL HOTEL "SHOW PEOPLE" Miss Helen Cryderman; Dramati,îfished and paddud on sbadowyl Bebind the screen et Hollywood Mi-. W. R. Strike. There is a w.el- streanis; gay youths and maidens A. J. Wadhams, proprietor et Bal- this astounding galaxy ot talent came uach Monday evening toi-aIl dancud and i;ang and loved. imoral Hotel announce special menu takes5 you ini a daïzling picture veung people who care te come. Ru- et filmdom's lite, loves and -reatien la in charge et Mr-. Loi-ne These were the scenes te whicb -foi- Tbanksgiving Dinners on Sunday lauhs.Plummer whe bas new stunts up bis thu audience weru cai-iied in imagIand Monday froni 12.30 te 2 p.m. laq1.'eeve for every meeting. iniation under the spell cast by Mad-1 at $1.00 eacb. Make yeumr eSÇ>M"~ Matinee Monday, November 12tb aeDssa2wbn i-5 a splendid and tioni arly,' - at 3 p ni. sarp. icharming exponient ô-0 the beauty of jMNU Evenng entnues tam ~, ~.TYRONE these song, pesaessinig a voice et, Monday only. marvelleus iange and .power, as wvell FutCcti Modyol.Church Re-.Opeaing,. November 11 th as a surpi-ising' and rare sweetnesseîr uarPile Tuusday fi-st show at 8 p. ni bc i h utward expression et secon sho at .35 p ni. Tyroe Unied Curcbwll a ru' a iagnusthc ersnlt.S _________ openud onTTS -Adyu .t e _T e risi tub__utls tc--ran omt.Q se 'I Admission 60c Jellies je re man inn