PAGE TWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1928. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Natary Money to loan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank 'Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor to late D. B. Simpson, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for sale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanvjlle, Ontario. Phones: Office 102: House 409. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Siuson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, BoW- nianville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipnent in Office. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL 1 Honor graduate of Toronto Univar-1 ity and niember of Royal Collage if. Dental Surgeons. Licansed ta practisa in Ontario and the Dominion. Dentigtry in aIl its branches. Office- Kin.g St.. Bownianviile, opposite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. MEICAL C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. Graduate of Trinity Madical Collage, Toronto, formeriy of Enniskilien. Office and Resi'lence, Dr. Beithsa former residence on Church Street, Bowmanville. Piione 259. 44-t J. CLARK BELL M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P.H. (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley> Éoans. Graduate in Medicine, Aber-j deen IUniversityv. Fell0,5, of ithe 1 .,,,l i THE EDITOR TALKS THE EDITOR TALKS COUNTY SCHOOL FAIRS BACON HOG SHOW Are We Educated? Cuntinued. 31. He is democratic in bis atti-I Lit of Special Prize Winners The first County Bacon Hog Show Since w-e wrote the introduction tudes. The prejudices of class, na-I for Durham County was held at Or- ito Dr'. H. H. Horne's verv able ans- tion, or race hee bas laid aside. Therel 'More successful than ever' is tbe ono, October 26tb., with a very fair ~ver tothe boy qustio, Te ae superior and inferior men, butItern wbich bas been applied to the attendance and a goodly' number of Christian Herald of October 27th races are flot so. There are strongertwelve shool fairs held in Durham exhibits. There were flot as nianyl came te, band, announcing Tbe Gold- and weaker nations, but tbeir nat- County in September and the Cham-' entries in the market classes as hop,1 en Jubilce of that splendid religious ural rigbts are identicai. Democrac pionsbip Scbool Fair held for West ed for, tbis being due cbiefly to the weekly foi- the Home and a "New is the touchstone of social adjust-Durbani at Orono in October. Not failing prices for bogs. The exhibit- Birth". ment. only bave these fairs increased in ors wbo did take part, bowever, With'this issue The Cbristian Her- 32. He can play with children and attendance and in number of entries, were very wvell pleased witb tbe re- Said appears as the pruperty of The have a truly fine tume. He is not but the interest and entbusiasnx of sults and are boping that future sm- Christian Herald Association, incor- hopeiessly grown up. Thus he bas parents and chiidren showed greater ilar shows may be heid in the coun- porated as an organization-not for social adaptability and fiexibility. this year than ever before. In 1927 ty. profit. But its Fiftieth Anniver- From the standpoint of cbildren exhibits were 20% more than i It lis ta be regretted tbat more sary or its "new birth'", and in en- theniselves there are just two classes 1926, and in 1928 there has been an farmers did not show in the market tering upan its new administrative of parents, tbose wbo play with their increase of 6%/ over that of 1927. classes, becausa the prize monay was and aditorial association, a greater chiidren and those who do not.Ne inrsin ad istuiefotilaen pan avry ig Christian Herald will appear. Dur- features and classes wera introduced price was receivad by those wbo did ing the greater part of the past 50, 3,. He senses bis, kinsbip witb ail li the prize iists and many of those market thair bogs that day. Tbe years we have been a reader of this maen and with tha Reality of w-ich înterested stated that the Schoolichief value of the Fair was the adu- f grandl reiigious magazine that bas they are an express part. Religion lFairs this yaar were the best everlcational features. It was clearly been a welcome w-eakiy visitor in is not a maaningless word to bim * haîd. It is to be boped that thase Idamonstrated to tbe farmers that if manythouandsof hmes.His adjustment in tbought, feeling, fars 1ii continue to be beneficial! thay are raising goo.d type of swine * * 0 action, embraces bis relationshâo to in interesting the boys and girls at1 that tbey should demand a grading As we stated in our last week'sithe aIl of existence. In une way school in doing things for thenisal-lwhan tbey are sold, instead of iseIl- issue, Dr. H. H. Horne is of thei or another we aIl have religion. It 1vies. Departmnent of Agriculture! ing on a flat basis as tbey are at School of Education, New York j iS the most comprabensive of ail tha Lok for continued co-operation and presant. It is aiso in the interests University, and in this article dis-i adjustments made by the educated asistance of school teacbers in thig of the shippers and packers that thisi cusses w-bat it is ta be educated from soul. work and it is expected parents will method be adopted as nothing elsal an entirely naw angle. Last week continua to encourage tbe cbildren will raise the standard of hogs pro- we publishad 16 of the 33 answers Our advica to Statesman readers to do tbeir best duced as quickly. Dr. Homne gives ta bis question and1 now that they bave ail of Dr. hrehaebnmaaysoe The fair was beld under tf cp the other 17 ai-e now published for Homne's answers, is ta read again tbargeanys f ha axhiits r nabdeaupiesofMr.L.Persl1 cosîertin y Tbe Statesman's from the first, thoughtfully, daiib- preparad by the chiîdren, but durinti Chief, Dominion Rog Gradars; Mr.' thoughtful readars. Any une wish- erataly and witb- full concentration1 hsps esnwe eea aeI.B atn ieSokBacTr inga ampe opyofTheChistanof i.were investigatad, it was found1 onto; Mr. D. McKinnon Hog Grader Heraid, tbe address is 419 Fourth*** that the childran bad made their ex- lof Peterboro; and Mr. H. Maybee,î Avenue, Newv York City. Dr. Homre in conclusion emarks:1 bibits and demonstratad clearly thatIHog Grader, Toronto, and Mr. J. Y. ***This, you wiil notice, my friends,î Kellough, Agricultural Representa- Continuing Dm. Rorne's answers: bas not been an academic but a they could do su again. Itv otHp.Tapiewnes 17. Ris ioyaity extends beyond REAL TEST. It gues ta the root Several parents bave stated that te or uner 1Teraidewne family and friends ta good causes.I Of the matter-man's ahility ta ad- tha Scbool Fai aBh iattigltGore dE BaIl Sosl$1d O Iaht a ir a h is hn s-ereE l&Sn..1.0 Man is great through the causes hie just hinise f a ifaad anhiasn ilade thair chiidren take an 2nd-N. P. Olsen............ 8.00,i reprsens- f t ieadraiyi l interest in tbe fanm. Thus tha 3rd-R.H.Bon .....60 He asesth casetheir worid orms, maerîalpaMon- remains. His monument is not bis ai, social, spiritual. This is i holFrispangavy 'n-4 -A .Clwl..... .0 tombstone, but bis acconiplishmant. ever-proceading, never-endir¶ po oratprti ig mresj fi B.A. Colwl...........4.0 Loyaity is aur devotion ta the good cess of becaming educated. and intelligent boys and girls on aur lst-.-R. caue e av eprssd. Accord- The question: How welI adjustedOnaifas 2nd-F. Cornish............. 6.00 inz ta Professor Royce it is the surn are You? This year a Toronto finm gave ta 3rd-G. E. Bail & Sons .... 4.00 of tbe virtues. . Christians are not left without a each Schoal Fair a valuabie Silver 4tb---G. E. Bail & Sons ... . 2.00 18. He is seif-contralled without concrete embodiment of the ideal Cup, ta be won by tha boy or.giril Champion Boar-R. R. Brown being inert, and active with out be-1 ed ucation. Jesus led an adjusted making tbe bighest number of points, So 2yar iorve in evu. The crocodile is an lif e. Ha was adjustad witbin and 1 who had not previously won this cup.1 lst-G. E. Bail & Sons . ... 1D.00 inert creature, the niankey is a rest- without, ta Hiniseif, tai His fellows, As a second prize tbey are giving ai 2nd-R. H. Brown........... 8.00 less creature; mian may be either, ta Ris Father. Ris tumes were out set of books wvritten by Peter Mc-; 3rd-N. Andrews............ 6.00 but, if adjusted, bath within hiniseif af joint, not Ha. t wns because of Arthur and as a third iscize a set; 4th-A. A. 'Coiwili........... 4.00 and beyond hinisaif, hae is neither His supeior adjustment ta God that of books by' Archie P. McKishnia. At! Sow over 1 and under 2 years aId To be -active without being fidgety He was wiiiing ta lay duwn His lifa sanie of aur fairs the -boy orl . tMlf 1hrwn.....00 and ta, be quiet without being îist-Ifor Ris friends. Ris adjustmentlwith the higba'st numbar of points 2nd-G. Lane............... 8.00 les hwsdliae dusien. wîns for us aur beepio. lad won this Cup last year and thisi 3rd-N. P. Oisen............ 6.00 * * * I year they will raceive the secondl4th-R. R. Brown - sa - cc""" 19 Ha loves nature. The davnoyai prize, whiictîis the set of books, and College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. 1. H lve atre hedas IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL 1 the boy or girl who is second will ne- Office and Rasidence, Queen St. procession of the hours, the nîghtsi ceive the cup. List of the speciai Bowmanville, Phona 89.- procession of the stars, tha year'sl Writing froni thair daugbtar's homet priza winners at the various fairs: Office Hours: 2 lta 4 P. m., 6 ta 830p.M procession of the seasons, the eturn in Sumas, near Runtingdon, B. C., P.n.of vagatatian in spring, its summeri- Mrs. Samuel E. Soucb-neRat- MAPLE GROVE FAIR-Siiver W. H. BIRKS, M.D. bloomi, its fali fruitaga, its winter1 tic Bmadley-who with Mr. Souch cup-H-oward Wight, 2nd-Ada An- Office Rours: 1 ta 4 and 7 ta 8.30.seph in-iieiiladtai~ bas spant the sunîimer thare, ais; 3rd-Bassie Blackburn; School Telephane 108. finite, the heauty of landscapa, sea, r equesting us ta send The States- winning shiald for highest numbar Office and Residance: Dr. Hlazlewood's sky, clouds and mountains-thesef man ta Stettier, Alberta, their of points par pupii-S. S. No. 5, fomr eidneWllnto treail ara nat iost onthei -etialk lProvidence. forer esdaneWelingonStret adjusted mian. thàshtial home address says: Alon g witîî the Bowmanvile. res of your friands, aid and new, we I20. He piizes the creative muora cnrtlt o nyu er HAMPTON SCROOL FAIR-Sit - gault o o orfifty ne, lydRor;2n -ordanj DR. V. H. STOREY than the possessive. Ris measurc e dia. Weedre1 h ver lcup>-Lly or2n- n Office hours 2 ta 4 and 6 ta, 8 p. mi. of value is nat possession To pas-j things that have been said, knowing' Bret; 3rd-Lela Waish; School Aftar 8 p. ni., by appoinnient only. sass and ta apprcaiate tbe creationsitait b rean aldeevd inning shield---S. S. No. 10, Beth- Exception-Office will ba open 9 ta of anothc-r are gaod as a mneans cfi utndni noes 10 atudaynigt. 6-flgowt; t crat onsel e-beterroad in B. C. and Sumnas on _. S..- TYRONE SCHORL FAIR-Silver lOTR HLDY for tharaby the worid's store of val sida. The country is loveiy an both 1 cup-Lorne Annis, 2rd-Lorna ua isenbaned aswell s naS nisides of lina. In sanie respects Il Rooper; 3rd-Adelaide A n n i s; The Physicians of Bownianville dividual growth seciired. will close their offices Wednesday af- * ** oefer Canada bacause there is very School winning sield-S. S. No. 18, taroonandevnin. 2. is ntelecua hoizo ~iittle regard for -the Sabbath hera in Tyrona. In case of emergancy at this tue cS. con.Sta ntîy expand ing. Ha bas noat nd tS. Faimst ar heds on prSns BACSO COL AR Dr. Bell the lst Wednesday of month ceased ta gmow mantally. Ha is not and the larges t ruwds ara prasent Dr. Birks, 2nd Wednesday of mionthtla d3. Slsaeh nSn Dr. lemo 3r Wadesdy of~ 'contant itb w-bat ha knows and the on batnd a es falratbeld an un- ivn u-ldy atn; 2d Dr. Steoey 4t Wednasday of mon1h; lapse of yaars stili finds bu egr asan ae o i srs ictrRobent Smiith; 3rd-Leslie Taylor; Dr.______________________ nth.__ eror niovie shows, taa. Than, again, School winning shield-S. S. No. 5,1 in the pursuit of knowladga.. To the B .C. sida of uine is Liquor Con- Cadmus. CHIROPRACTIC AND D Iearn whiie we live is ta, remiaîn trol cailed guverfnient control. Thae LEWO SRO AR THEROPY 22.i pnosaa bsda v--wats here can run across the lina Silver cup-Dorothy McGiIl; 2nd- 22.Hisopiion ar baed n ei-and camte back drunk, sanie 'do,, Rawana Veais; 3rd-Earl Lathangue; DURWIN E. STECKLEY dence, nut on emiotional attitudes.1 jea pardizing the livas of 'inn ocentI coiwnngsed-.SNo11 honon graduate of Toronto Collage1 Evidanca is objectiva, ematian is sub-i peuple by driving cars w-ban in tatFranklin. of C hiropractic wil ha in the Bow .lactîve. Opinions ara unverifiedcodtn. Eeyperlrba manville Office Tuasday, Thursdav1 ideas about fact. That nian whn acc>ndit of Evznan papal- heLTUme basFAI-Sive and Saturday evenings, phone 141.j. thinks wbat is congenial or agree- bootleg whiskey ,also of accideîts. cup-lsabel Sisson; 2nd-Razei Fnl- Residantial calis nmade during fore- lable or prefarable or aven expadient- and daaths front druaken drivers on!lis; 3rd-Murial Hanna; School win- florin. for him ta tbink instaad of what the' liquor froni B. C. 1 ning shild-S. S. No. 4, Galiaways. - -- facts seani ta -arant lives witbin Th W.C.T.U. are active bera, de-j FUNRALDIRCTOS irniseli ,and is unndjusted ta thaermndta h lt mnmn ORONO SCHOOL FAIR-Silver F. F. MORRIS CO. . ngretwmds.,d i rna shal flot ba revoked. Ministers of cup-Elmer Hobbs; 2nd-Mary à" Completa Motor ornre. *** the Protestant churches are alive ta Taniblyn; 3rd-Lloyd Clysdale;i Horse Equipment. 23. Haý is caeful inepesn the dangers of eiecting AI. Smith and School winning shild-S. S. No. 22,1 -. if exresîn are preaching very vigoorusîy againsti Clar*e Union. AI ca Is promptîy judgmen s. The wise man wilil attended ta. guard bis judgme-its carefuîly lest bel hini as a wet, aiso Roskob as a w-t.- WELCOME SCROOL FAIR-Sil- Privata Ambulance. not only betray bis own Iack of i As an aid friand of aur fanîily ver cup-Murwin Austin; 2nd-Ed- Bowmanville phoine: tellectual a<justinent ta reaîitv but you will be interested in knuwingigar Nichais; 3-d-Audrey Ougb. 10rand Sores in doing su mislead thosa as mut-hj that I have visited my brother Lin-j Schooi winning shield-S. S. No. 1, Orn &Stoecst-a out ai toucb as hinisaif. coin, near Seattle, on Lake Wasb- Port Bitain. Orno& ecatl. 24. He is good company ta him- ington, a înot beautiful spt e GARDEN HILL SCOL FA.R ALAN M. WILLIAMS self, Wben alune hae is nut lana- bas a luvely hume surrounded with SiiaCcp-Ia ai;2nd-A,'n- Enibainier and Funeral Diractor. somai. This ajeans hae bas masources trees, sbrubs and fruits-penchas, na Sowden; 3rd-Relen Gray. Calîs givan prompt and personal at- wi th in. Tbeî-e ara always interast-I plunis, pears, prunes, gapes, br Schooî winning sied-S. S. No. 12,1 tention. No extra charge for dis- i ing things lie can do, anjay, or tbink rîau-rod, black and white-and Panrytown. tance. Mtor Ambulance at your aver. iovei3' fiowers. This is a country MILLBROOK SCHOOL FAIR- service. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- ** of ismail homes, mostly- of bungalow, Silvar cup-.-Joe Armstrong; 2nd- manvilia, Ont. 3-tf. 25. Hi.- i. a happy lifa. Ha bas typeannd peupla liva outsida mostly Dorothy Armstrong; 3rd-Harold not issd te wy. appnes isit .-emns ta me. Lincoln bas thrae McCamus. School winning sbield-- the feeling that accompanies beig, service fiags and thnee madais, aisoiS. S. No. 15, Cork. ndjusted. It is an affect rather than' lettars of appreciation froni head n cause. It means a man senses bis 1 iuticials at Washington frsevcs IA COLFAR ivrcu I Ilife an<I bis wvoîld somehow fit each Itagavamnmant during the war. Tua --osepb Palmer; 2nd-Dorothy othe. I ad ta go overseas hae did wbat hae Cabley; 3rd-Danis Tinney; Schoul 26. e cn ejoya vaatin j ceould at home. He is nlso Hon. winning sild-S. S. No. 7, Mat- 26. a ca enjy avacaion.HajPresident of Boy Scouts. 1 visitedij ha1 s 9 ~is flot tied ta bis; work. By.hbis vo-1 brother Thomas' grave, niso bis NEWCASTLE SCROOL- FAIR-ý cation hae as-ns ta ]ive, by hi.s vncn- 1 wifa'sý; The cametary is on al Si Iver cup-George Buckiey; 2nd- tion hae leamas to live weIl. Th!s beach an a mountain sida. We Ruth Roumes; 3rd-Annaballe Rend- 6 ~meanas be bas a ýsense of values and' cimîe4 about threa miles by car ta ry; Scbaal winning sield-S. S. No. perspective, and that bis lufe bas nat reacb it-a ionaîy, ioveiy spot. 1 2, Lake Shore. i; -et hecome necbanizad an.d nautiniz- faitsaIinedasIvwa t-_____ - an Memory carried me hack ta chiid- CR FTAK 27 e rfesthtusfl ricebood day-s in Darlington and on thru CR FTAK I a27.Hapraerstht uefu aticesthe yenrs, and 1 thought ai thefaly omnvlwihttan 28. al a s the courage ta ds o.rt Wllamin-stwl. Wrbv .uiand Mis. L ewis ei s acind b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~in lousehoid". Brother Stepheaagi1s'etetcthteiy nt n orso ha onn"u rva f rseadsMsfrted w vLe s-n saeing, beaaing, bandling things of slaaps in Iowa. Catherina, Mary, ptl nusesDr. the Bow anilMa Has beauty. Beauty is the highar util- father antd mother in Bowmanvillepiias DrSamn nd Ms ty. - emetery , ihbie~ in Poirt Pi-rry and Lamb for thair attention and cane Y/oimthe agaiast adds. That the igbt niay bel 1iucb foir which ta ha thankfuî, 45-1w* ,dnghtSUP OP unpopular de not daterhbu; that (laod bas been gond ta us ail the wny. idnighttue tb wrong mnay bc popular dues not 1 bave enjoyad your son George'si rr ntice bum. Ha knows that indi- latta rs "Seeing Canada First". Gad vidual variation sometimes initiates ý Notice to Creditors A fter bridge or the theatre, a eidohrges ieago as been good ta you in yaur faniily, aguesta toe machans ikai bis too. 1 tbink of yau aiten in your, in The Estate et Samuel McCabe, late serve yeur get with %vatch, th ehns fhs con- liîneiiness, andl aga. Mrs. James was of the Townshhp of Manvers in the stenming OXO. Its rich science is adjusted, and keeps timea odru fendmtr1.avy Cut fDrh ,Mrcn, cae. eqalY el i te ayofaproalgrpat help ta you. su wise, kind and mhil iwirsiiis hiivii claiiiîis-guinsî ¶ i- beef hiavour just "hits the or the nigbt of unpopulanity. tbnîugtful. :i îî1miiit2c'aî,i.i-,i.*i h, spot." Nobother -nofuss * * * . dit oai or :îhîîîi h,- 2? zly i. Jii- 2.le feels ateanse in the pros. M~~ 15 ary îu.llhitasini I, ii\V.îîr -and no sleeplessncss t o<f those greatar than hinisoiPf. jnd he iist and Gîrn, iî~ut afterwards 1 ihex. may knaw' more, crante mare,1jL 1as Nnr, ai. U-1tanliht 1%-(1more, do more, ha mare, but hiet1 rr l fsiW.i, 101i lîîKutN' ,ilii-n, I6-oz loaadt(. tr hemnind appreciates them' , 1vvuuI iiý.u a is,4andîl iiiirsstri]full '11141. Flika 11,Coî 'tlnL5iahcd in their presvnelA p e near i,r .ffas i r cia.. ins and hi-t- port- Tinasof4arîdl0Cubea 0tbiîte .ani5.av he is nait ane ta r. f rit-î-î i(f unihi-tiI h1,yltimon ~-nbautuis.s t; ie who îifeel theniscîves itnîi ii at,-iv .aft,-r thi- sahl lth îhîuy or he9patbhlm. il(, t-. rcinlly adî- For peeling purposes at N1iit~.929,;thei aItq( Elotf. lid~ Ii ju.ed il along the- scalo,. I mdia sîi il rhhîî ilmong th 30f. UHet-an riake saaîathing witb the evaporator after Oct- j its nhhî- phreto a ling regard 1oniy a hotle elalnut of whlth It shîtîl tîen ht.s hanuds. like an aîtist or a crnfts- ober 3rd. hiuv,, notice. ma n. Tbe baa<l is man's greatest Duhid Octoher 17th., 1929. exective Nnîman hoiid ha"ailMARY McCABE. CH-ARLES W. KERR thumbts"; but tbe two lhe bas, thru John A. H lae&Sn LIMITED, opposition ta the digits ,shouloi -make Exertitrra state Samuel McCabe, Jt'"MetanDrnk'oyo hbm ï4 moulder or shapar or build-er Phn 5 ow avle (harle, W. Kerr, K. C., *y of things. Thus hiea adusts bis an- 71n Lumeden Bluilding, Toronto 2, ___________________________viroamant ta hiniseif. j.Saol àiir, for the said Erecutore. 43-3 . a under . y car. i lst-Milfred Sherwin........ 10.00 2nd-R. H .Bro-wn........... 8.00) 3rd-G. E. Bahl & Sons .. 6.00 4th-G. E. Bail & Sons .. 4.00 r5th-A. A. Colwili........... 2.00o 6th-Rarold Hooey ........1.00 Champion Sow-G. E. BaIl& SonsI Gat of Sire lst-R. H. Brown .........00 2nd-G. E. Bail & Sons ...,. * 8.:00 Laad of at least 6 Bacon Hoga Ist-G. Lana............... 15.001 12nd-A. A. Gibson........... 13.00 t 3rd-F. J. Coper.........11.001 Pair of Biacon Rogs 1 lst-Milfred Shenwin .. .. ...16.00, 2nd-G E. BaIl & Sois ...8.00 3rd-N. P. Olsen.......... .. 6.00 4 th-F. J. Cooper........... 4.00 5th-G. Lana................ 2.00 6th-N Andrews............1.00 Chamipian Bacon Hog-M. Sherwin ;Notice toi Creditors1 In The Estate of Alden D. Wheeler, the rYouniger. Deceased. NOTICE Is iiereby given ivursuant ta the Statule ln that behalf tlîat ail per- sons h.îving dlairrs agaînst or entitled t0 snren tin hc-ie state- 0f Alle D. W-.t l -Yoînitr. late o r the Villge of N w cstle-in lii,-e naior Durham. n ho lIion or aioiî 1he- :iotlî davyof Juîly. 1928. at Newýc;tstl,-, are r'cîiîir-, ,0 -,i"" stin 10 1 he- iflilrsi nd Ex-cii- tr, yd v î r il- .fi wirh 1,ni îiiljarqof lthe s rnt- if ainY , idi 1,N - iin on or be-I fore lc i d:lî I rîxofNov-min-r, 1928.'and' afb-r s-ilst n-rioi i ll ie E xeculorsl ivn Il an i 0 I -riit- lc etl aînong tle partiýs enulil ,Ilerato hs- i r-zcari only 10 hi- elalriis ofwhh 1h. ,v t111,0shall lia vi 0011e. DfllilaI Tor .010 thîs 11th day ofi Octoli(r, A. P1. 1928. 1 THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS] CORPORATION,I 253 liay St., 'roronto, ICaxctutors. Matone Malone, Si-igewick andNi ont-I 4~-4 gomaery, SalieHtore. Hoôw one mother keeps young «How splendid, that w. can run away for a few days te visit your motherl Without Long Distance it would be of course quita out of the ques- tion, but it iasos easy te eaU up our homes by Long Dis- tance and iýiake sure al ia well that, neally, there is no excuse for danying onesel." "I suppose you use Station- to-Station caîls. 1 do. By asking for the numben I get the cheapen rata, and the Evening rate aiter 8.30 la really most reasonabie." The rates to nearby towns, within a radius of say 25 miles, are sa low that it ls now possible to keep up a wide circla of friands at very aligbt expense. "Everu, Bell Tele phone i<a Long Distance Station." - BENEFITS - $3000 for death froni natural causes. $6,O0 for accidental death. $»0 per montb and $3,0M at death for total and permanent disabilty-no preminnis payable dur-. ing disablity. No Medical Examination for "select EXCELSIOR INSRACE IF COMPANY' 'MMTHS TO-DAI W. BLAKE McMURTRY, District Agent a3i Bowmanvhhle. Ontario Send me fulliniformation about your "EXCEL" Pohicy. Specimen Rates for $3,000. Age. Rate. 20 - $52.05 25 - 58.14 30 - 66.00 35 - 76.75 40 - 91.35 45 - 110.85 EMPTY COAL BINS ARE GETTJNG THEIR FILL They certainly are these days-and the prefer- ence on past performance seems to be for LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHIRACITE 77e Coal 7hat Satis fie Our coal is ail freshly mined, dlean and well screened. You take no chances when you order the old reliable "Lehigh Valley Anthracite". It makes warxn friends during the cold winter months. Order your winter suppiy of coal now-phone 153 or 202. Headquarters for Builders' Supplies J. AX HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies aund Fuel Phono 153 or 202 Bowinanvill. !2M - PAGE TWO