THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1928. PAGE TRREE Il.- _____________ - ____________________________ -~~----------- We 've Hung Our Sign in a New Place in the old "MeMurtry Store," King Street West, right opposite The Bowman Hotel Nelson"s Ureat Extension Sale Commencing Friday, Nov. 9th. Store Closed ail day Thursday bo Arrange New Stock BED ROCK We intend building this business on the bedrock principle of buyîng for Cash and selling for Cash. There is no substitute for cash in modern business. The best every-day values are secured by the cash customers from the store that fixes a "Cash Price"~. Our small margin of profit does not allow our giv- ing extended credit. Consistently selling "Better Merchandise" at "Lower Prices" bas made "Nel- son's" the busiest store in Bowmanville. Corne in and compare. Lingerie Specials WATSON'S SILK LINGERIE Is well known to you and needs no boosting on our part-you can always depend on getting the best when you buy Watson's. We have some extra special values and offer thema at the following big price savings. VESTS In ail the newest colors and in sizes to fit ail. Reg. Price 98e foi~ 69e BLOOMERS In colora to match the vests so that if wanted you can buy the set. Regular Price $1.19 for 88e SLIPS In ail sizes and ail popular colors, the value of these slips are $1.98 for $1.69 NIGHTGOWNS In lovely colorings such as Nile, Pink, Peach, Mauve, W'ite, Etc., thest make darnty Xmas gifts. Regular Value $1.98 for $1.69 LINED BLOOMERS For ladies who want something real warrn and durable we reeem- mend the Fannelette Lined Broadcloth Bloomers in alI colorsansd sizes, Special per pair $1.19 CREPE PYJAMAS For Misses' or Women's wear-these make an ideal Xmnas gift or buy them for your own wear. Small, medium or large $1.69 YAMA CLOTH PYJAMAS A good heavy quality that will give great warmth and comfort, al the new colora3 and sizes, per pair $1.69_ BATH ROBES These are made f rom a soft reversible velour and will give excellent wear. Nothing will gîve more satisfaction than one of these as a Xnuis gift. Lovely colora to sélect frc>m $4.50 CORSELETTES We carry a big assortment in ail sizes and at prices to suit every purse. Size 30 te 40, Prices 88c to $2.98 CORSETS For Misses, Women and Stouts, in splendid values that range in price from 98c to $2.98 BRASSIERES 41 We have them in aIl shapes and szes. at prices that mean a big On t.he occasion of the opening of this big "Extension Sale" ini our new and larger premises, we wish to express our appreciation to the people of Bow- inanville and district, for their wonderful reception. Just nine months ago we opened our first store in Bowmanviîle. Our business has grown stead- iîy week by week until to-day we are obîiged to move into bigger and more suitable premises. Our week to week off erings have been such that hund- reds have become regular customers, availing themmelves of the wonderfuî values we have given from time to tîme. In this "Extension Sale" we cast precedent to the winds in an endeavor to set up new records of value and economy. By the dramatic presentation of the outstanding values offered on this page, we further hope to emphasize the f act that this is with- out a doubt-THE STORE 0F BIGGER AND BETTER VALUES WALK a BLOCK and SAVE a LOT 3 Outstanding Hosiery Values NO. 1 50 Doz. $1.50 SIÎLK HOSE at 59c- We took advantage of a manufacturera overstock of this high grade Silk Hose. This is without a doubt the best value we have ever offered iu this line. The shades are ail new and we guarantee you excellent wear with every pair. Colora are Guninetal, Champagne, Vanity, Rose Mite, Misty Morn, Pearl Blush, Dorade, Evenglow sud Black. Buy enough for your future needs. Buy them. for Xmas gifts. Sizes 8%, 9, 9%, 10. Regular Value $1.50 for 59c. NO. 2 75 Doz. Penman's Silk & Wool Hose at 79c. You aIl know this poepular Silk and Wool Plaited Rose. It has a silk face snd a wool back which is a guarantee that it -will net wear rough or knotty-you pay $1.19 fer this hose in the regular way-we bought these for this siyeciai Extension Sale at a big saving and have cut the price right down for quick turnover, ail the new Faîl colora, sizes 8 'hte 10. While they asat per pair 79c. NO. 3 40 Doz. Penman's Reg. $ 1.35 Wool Hose 88c This is Pennian's super-quality fine ail wool Cashmere Hose-you can't buy a better grade and the saving is wor'th while. This quantity should ail be cleared the first day of the sale-se don't delay-made from finest selected pure betany yarns and the colora are aIl the newest Faîl tenes. Sizes 8% te 10. Regular Value $1.35, Sale Price 88c. 5 Du 5W' Ail Pure Linen Luncheon Cloths Mauve, Blue or Rose Check Pure Linen Lunch- eon Cloths that seil regularly for $1.49 each- a real snap while they Iast at 10 Doz. Silk Scarves Regular $1 .95 to $2.95 for $1.19 We bought ail they had and offered them at a price that is only a fraction of their value. In the lot are fine Georgettes and Silk Crepe de Chenes in bovely printed designs, also ip)ain Crepe de Chenes, Iovely coloringsansd they will make ideal Xmas gifts. Reg. up te, $2.95 value for $1.19 Handkerchiefs We have purchased hundreds of dozens of beautiful hankies ,suitable for your -own use or for gift purposes. Every imaginable make, design and color in the vast assortment. We cannet give you any ides of the beautiful creatiens, s0 drop in and look them over while the range is complete. Many of these we cannot duplicate. We have them te sui.t every purse and priced £rem 95c I Here's Real Value 50 Doz. Heavy School Hose Boys or girls extra heavy every day school wear hose, ýblack only, a desirable quality that retails for 50c pair. We made a good bargain and paso them on te you. Sizes 6% te, 10% at per pair 37c *1 1 COMFORTERS* 25 ONLY-A large size 72 x 72 in fine chintz covering, gives extra warmth without undue weight. Well worth $3.95 each. We offer this lot at 12 $2.39 12ONLY-Better grade Comftorters in nie contrasting panel effects, lovely color combina- tiens. Regular Value $4.95 for $3079 Crepe Luncheon Cloths 3Dezen Multi-Colored Luncheon Cloths, print- ed on fine crepe cloth, sand celer with cen- trasting colored designa and guaranteed fast color. A regular $1.39 value. Special Fer This GIFT DEPARTMENT Don't fail to corne in and see our new "Gift Dept.," you will be surprised at the varied as8ortrnent of useful novelties and the very moderate price. We advise early buying of your Xmas requirerents- when the choice is best and you can shop in com- fort. Many of our lines shown are imported and therefore, cannot be replaced when sold out. You will find a fine assortment, suitable gifts for Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, or somebody else's sister or brother. We advise you again to do your XMAS SHOPPING EARLY Ne w York Samples in Millinery You ail know the supreme values we have always given yeu in this department, but on this occasion 'we eclipse anythilig ever offered before. We have kept these Hats speciaily for this Opening Sale. 3 Dozen1 effects. where. New York Sample Rats-no two alike, in rich metallie Rats that you would pay from $5.00 te $7.00 for else- We have priced thes" fer eue day's seling $2.19 stunning chic shapes, k~orth $7.50, Special Price $3.19 75 only Hats that we have been selling at frein $2.95 te $3.95. Every hat goes out this weekend at $1,49 50 Women's, Misses' and Children's Ratsý, Regular $1.95 value, Te Clear 98C Sweaters and Pullovers Hundreds to choose from in aIl the diffrent styles and weave- clearing lines from several makers ail priced far belo'w their real value. Corne in and look them over. You can flnd ome to suit any of the family. Prices froin $1.29 to $4.95 Every garinent guaranteed ail woel Watson's Samples of Winter Underwear Many thrifty people have availed theinseies of the big values we mwe offering here-We stili have a good assortrnent left in Vests, Bloom- ers, Conibinations, Etc., aIl at 25 Per Cent Off Stamped Goods W. carry a large and varied assortment of these popu]ar good in- cluding Aprons, Pillow Cases, Vani.ty Sets, Buffet Sets, Runnera, Towels, Etc., at prices you can't duplicate elsewhere. Corne iu and look< them over. Prices frein 19C to $1.39 Gloves If you are wanting anything in gloves, don't fail tesee. oui big range. We have them in aIl the newest styles anddmakes includ- ing Chamisette, Suede, W<sol, Si1k aud Woo], Kid, Deerskin, Etc., ail sizes. Priced fri 'savnto you. lzes 3t 44Prices 5c to $1.00 sale 39 to $2 98 W Live L.' Ne lson's Store of Bigger and Better Values The McMurtry Block Phone 595, Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1928. PAGE TERBE