VAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1928. COURTICE SAI.EM SOLINA Miss Edwamds, Dunbarton, was' Report of S. S. No. 9, Darlington Mm. Chas. and Miss Addie Elford, guest of Mrs. W. H. Nicbol.s, on for October. Honora 75, pass 60. Islay, visited their cousins bere. Sunday. Sr. IV Marian Honey 78t, Doris Scores of Ivisitors from far and Mrs. A. E. Clemens and Misa Mar- Collacott 77, Ross Richards 74. near attended our services Sunday garet Pollock were Sunday guesta of Jr. IV-Lorne Foster 72, Bert and visited friends. .Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Courtice. Foster 65, Elmer Strutt( absent#. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reynolds, Mrs. (e. tito n oad Sm. 11-Doris Dudley 84, Audrey Granby, Quebec, have been visiting wee it er mStoeadMrsJonson Cowling 7.5, Beatrice Cator 68, Hen- friends and old acquaintances bere. la Wbwitby oer mther, eekeJnd. ry Francis (absent). Remember the Institute meeting in Whtby ver te wekend Jr. III-Lela Welsb 78, Marie etTusaafrnoNvmr MNr. Ed De Nuir and Miss Mar.J Collacott 76, Willie Darcb 68. nx hrdyatenoNvme gare: Abernethy were guests et Mr. , Sr. Il-Viola Francis 76, John. 15, at the home of Mrs. S. E. Wer- an<l Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Sunday. iFoster 6.5. ry, n chge e goup 1s. Rolcî Mr nd rs. Will Shortt and fam-1 Jr. IL Isobel Brown 82, Charlie OshaksawnaTout" ily and M. and Mrs. Jack Baison, Foster î79, Beryl Tbompson 76, Hil- Rev. F. J. Maxwell ofOhaa and tamuly were Sunday visitors at' (a Richards 73, Bert Francis 68, will conduct the Dedication service MmI. Jack Shortt's.1 Harley Cowling 28 . of the new Sunday School Room on Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne, srissI Names in order of menit: Sunday afternoon at 3 p. mi., after Louise, and Master Nelson, Bow-1 Si. Pr,-Margaret Imwin, Oscar'the regular Sunday School session. manville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Con]lin. Everyone welcome. Mrs. Chas. Osborne. Jr. Pr. A-Byron Foster, Brent-ý The community was étbocked and Messrs. Jack and Cordon Pickell on Dai-ch, Elvie. Wright, Frank Con-J1 grieved at the sudden passing away and Mr. .Masillia, De-,roit, are spend- 'in- hK of two of our well-known and much ing a fe's days with Mr. Dean Pick-lIr Pr. B-Hîîlda Tompsen, Kath respected citizens. Mrs. W. N. eil and other relatives here.i leen Cowling. Rboda Wright, IrenelPa.scoe took seriously ili on Thurs- Mr. illamHarisofCowling, Lily Cowling. I day merning and passed away in Detroit, who have been visiting in iCea LaeneSertce. Bowmanville Hospital before noon. Ontaio n teirhonymonoe Barley makes bone,11Hem funeral took place on Saturday are again guezts of Mr. and Mrs esh and mnuscle. Try a package., afternoon to Hampton Cemetery. Kenîîeth Courtice. Mrs. L. T. Pascoe of Hampton and f ormerly of "Highfield Fanm," Sol- Young Peaple's meeting on Thurs.ý HAYDON i day evening, was well attended and' _____ina, passed away on Friday evening and was laid te rest in Bowmanvillc after the program the Pre,,ident, 1Mr. James 'McNeil has eturiied to cemry nMna ftrnn o Mis Hattie Osborne, treated the! Toronto. eeyo odyatron o crlowd te bot dogs.vM. Theron Mountjoy visitcd rela-ivme t. Bt ueaswr On Tuesday evening our young1 îe in Hamlton on Sunday. vemy largely nttended showing the people presented their play, Arnold Standard Training School, at Trin -tie dstee inw ich tbeighwer bed in Gees ie Business," in Elizabeth-1 ity United ('hurch, November 19-23. hsadsmonin*egbrios ville, te a full bouse. The people M .%essrs Earl and Roy Thompson.Outheraedelts.mah osott were veny appreciative of the play Bwavheee oeo udy also the mnusic that was given and Miss. Ph jehe Beech spent Sunîdny A very enloyable masquerade and a-, the close entertained jur crowd1wiîth ber cou.-in, Mrs. G. VanCantap concert was held in the Sons' Hall on to a hountiful lunch which çvc did Laz;e Line. Thursday evening, November 1, un-ý justice te. 1Mn. and Mrs. Howard Bowen and der auspices ef Solina Division, Sons Sunday was our Thank-offering day Xelrna, Oshawa, visit-ed ber father, et Temperance .Mr. R. J. MeKes- at Ebenezer Churcb. Rev. Andn-w1 Mr. John Martin. sock, who acted as Master et Ceme-1 McLaughlin et Grafton, prea ched Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grahami and me nies, called on the numrneous twe very fine sermons. In the soný. and Mr. H. Ashton visited Mr. grotesque figures te parade for in- mrighssbetwas "What the i CrrAho',Crwib.spection te rmusic rendered hy Miss nmniong tis subet epcs Imte JrsAstnsCrwrihIleen Balson. Mesdames B. G. manon he tret xpetsfroite Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Bradley andiStevens and Roy Langrnaid made Church", and bis discourse was tamilyvivsited ber mother, Mrs. Ed- fiin ugs n loe h most inteesting and helptul. During gerton, Pontypeel, on Sunday. prizes as f ollows: Best couple, the service Miss Margaret Abernethy Misses Adeltha and Aima Graham 1 "The Hikers"-Mis;s Edna Reynolds sang "The Stranger ot Galilee" very ln r ilGaaMutA- adRt Jesc;Bs av sweetly and witb rnuch expressiý;on. andtMn. ill Gt rbai, ouSlmnt AI-Theand Rh Mcessck; estladyes In the evening the subject was J ertvstda m hs lmns"h md"Jsi elwes 'What the churcb expects froiniber recently. Best gentleman, "The Highland er"--, own People" and was dealt thna Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountioy and GeorLeJms etTe-g,"h splendid mannen. The choir rend. Donald, and Mm. and Mrs. Jas. Cross dude"-Maurice Baker; Best Juv-( emed two anthenis and a vocal duet man Sundayed at Mr. Herman Sani. eniles, "Gold Dust Twins"-Maryj wa sung hy Mns. G. F. .Annis and elîs', Cosarea. Milison and Nomma Yellowlees; Miss Francis Hancock. Menday Our young peoplo3 are planning (-n Boc>by prize-Toin Westlake. Mm. evening a bot supper waz sei-ved by presenting their play "f-he Colýýnel,., A. L. Pascoe, W. P., of Solina Divi- the young people in the ,schoolroom.1 Maid" in the near future. Watch sien then took the chair and the Potato pies, pork & beans, different for tunther paticulars later follo-wing progrmn was given: Reci- kinds of cake and pies weme the1 League on Sunday evening in tation.-Miss Evelyn Milîson; Instru-' menu, and it was certainly a fine charge et lst Vice President, Mm - mental music-Mrs. A. J. Balson, supper. Wben aIl were semved a R. Cossrhan. Prograin wasm as fol- Alla n and Ileen; Recitation-Mar- play "Wrecking Robert's Budget" lews: Scipture lesson by Mjti gamet Scott; Instrumental-George was put on by Little Britain peep- Ashton ;devotional, Mrs. E. Bradley- Werry; Reading-Mr. R. J. McKes- le, wbich was entertaining and topic, Mm. John Wright; rcadicg by lcted sve.aG. ntevetngstnton caused some meriment. Piano duets Mabel Beech. Sevemal selectiens dce eea neetn tns were played between acts by two vere played by the young :nen's or- The first round of stepping stones Little Britain ladies. The wbole chestra. was won bv Mrs. A. Milîson and Mm. evening was a fine success and the Miss Marjorie Niddemy, town, R.J cesc rMs ey procedset he ban-oferig Su- ~is~E. id.e.-, NghtLangzmaid and Mm. W. R. Westlak-, proceds ofthe hank-fferiz Su- Mis E. Ndv-ls-y, iUhtthey finally lest eut te Evelyn day and Monday were a good deal et Bowmanville Hospital, Miss Mary; Tink and Alan Mceesock. A livelv even $500f. Niddery and Miss E. Beols, o issgm f"rvligtruhHo,ý Thank.sgiving Social at Hampton, in-training at Whitby Hosiptal, Mm. tga tin c "Tave elltimoghinHaos" Noveber 2th.H. Sbelby, Mr. A. Smith, Mr. W. for S.E. Wermv's sie ever Harold Standard Training Scheol, at Trin- Esseir-, Oshawa, Mrs. H. R'ahm, Pas;coe's sk»ie. An abundance cf nie ity United Cburcb, November 19-23. Buketon, visited Mns. Georgina and anples hmought te a close a very Infants' Huribut pussy-foot boots Niddery and Mm. C. Avery'.9. excitinL- eveninz. at $1.50 at Knox's Sboe Store. Mm. Thos. Greers buse and part Tbanksgiving Social at Hampton, Creani et Barley makes bonie, et the contents- and the stable se-uth November l2tb. flesh and muscle. Try a package. owned by Mn. Russell Aungcr were _________ destroyed by fire on Tîieday attel- Take a pride in your footwean and noon. Fine is supposed te bave yeu will wear Knox's Shees of QuaI- lorngins ted froni the cbimney. 0w- ity. ANNIJAL SHOOTING MATCH ing to the bigh wind prevailng at School bonour roll for October: the tme, it was with great liiliculty Sm. V-2 papers-4leen Balson. 4 Sbooting match te be beld Mon- the neigbboring bouses weme sî'.vod papers-Bruce Tink, Maurice Bak- day, November l2tb., (Thanksgiving and mucb credit »:s due te the people c, George Wery, May Westlake. Day> at 1 p. ni. sharp, on the farin et the village as welî as ficn'îs frmr ISm. IV-Vera Kerslake, Jean Ho- et A. E. Billett, Scugog Road, 1/2 Enniskllen and the neighboring; gamth, Ralpb Wilbur. mile nortb of Hampton. Ammuni- country for their good work. Jr. IV-Percy Westlake, Stuart tien free. Good geese for pnizes.. Hogarth, Russel Balson. Eveyboy cýmean enoy he -pot. Our League were invited te loin Sm. III-Audmey Ayre, Tom Bak-I Evcrbod cone nd njo th slmt.the Tyr<,ne League at their mnasqluer- cm, Jes.sie Hogarth, Hazel Merwen, ade held in the hall on Halowe'en RoScoe Baker Kathleen MacLean, WOO SA..Enight. Atter the prizes %veme awa-d- Rubv Parker, Jin Parker. WOOD ALEcd te those in the parade. games Sr. Il-Bruce Hogarth, Wesley TuesayNovnibr 2-Roentwere played atter which a bouniteous Wemmy, Roger Shomtidge, Alan IVil- Rahrn, SouthHaIt Lt 5, on. t lunch was semved by the Tyrone bun. Pr- Rah, SuthHal Lo 5,Gon 4,yonng people. Our Leaguers wcte Jr. I1-Hamold Balson, Billie Pr- Manvers, known as John McRobert's right noyally ententained and appre- cm, Ralph Taylor, Downer Parker. Place, will selI 10 acres of standing ciated the wonderful bospitality Jr. 1-Harold Potten. hardwood tumber in 1/- acre lots. shown theni. Those winning frorn Prirner-Mike Elizuk, Louise Bak- Sale' at 1 o'clock. T. M. Siemon, our Leagup were Miss Viola Brad- cm, Auctioneer. 453-2 l ey, Miss Annie Tewin, Miss Meta R. J. McKessock, teachen. _____________________ Ashton and Misses Phoche and Standard Training School, at Tria-1 Mahel Beecb. iyUie hrh oebr1-3 ENGLAND FOR CHRISTMAS? Creain of Barley makes bonie, iyUie hrb oebn1-3 ChItmas are planning te pn flesh and muscle. Tmy a package.1S L Crsmsin the 'British Isîca let us ~ CARD 0F THANKS A C INS L book youm passage direct by rail and 1 __ boat. We epresent aIl the leading Mr. and Mns. John Wright, Hay- Wedneday, Nov. 14th.-H. M. stearnsbips lines. Make you i-es- don, desimç te tbank thein neigbboms Foster, Manvers Road, Bowmanville,1 ervations early and get choicest le- and fiends for the splendi<l ssist- will ýscI 35 tully accmedited andj cation. Date et sailings and other ance gziven thein la saving theirlr egitered Jersey cattle. If inter- information may be bad at The bouse and contents on Tuesday froin ested write for sale list. Geo. and Statesman Office. M. A. James, the fine which totally destroyed thelTed Jackson, Auctioneers. General Steam.ship Agent. 44t Green bouse. ENNISKIILLEN Mrs. Thomas Gilders is visiting frienda in Oshawa and Toronto. Mrs. George Preston has returned home with her son to Port Huron. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb on the arrivai of a baby boy. Hallowe'en passed off very quiet- ly in our village ,no harm done tc anyone. Mr. and Mrs. Tneo M. Siemon and son John, apent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley May, Tor- onto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Elias Ashton. Fred Smith and son, Claude, visited ber brother, Mr. Herbert Stainton, Hampton. Miss Frances Taylor, Toronto, Mr. Harvey Davis, Oshawa, Sundayed at Mr. W. H. Moore's. Misa Jean Spry, Bowmanvilie, is visiting witb ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson and dau.ghter, Elsie, Uxbridge, 'visited their son, Dr. Ferguson. Mr. Gordon Werry and Mr. Lloyd Ashton have gone deer .hunting north west of North Bay. Mr. Albert Stainton and son,, Clifford, Tornoto, sperit the weekend witb ber mother, Mrs. John Pye. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith and son, Rosa, Oshawa, spent the week-1 end with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs.1 Fred Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J1. E. Virtue and daughter, Laura, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnson and son, Bobbie, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. W. Virt- ue. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and family, Mrs. Andrew Knox, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, MrsI H. J. Werry Sëxndayed at Mr. W. J. Stainton's. Our- Young People's League spent ,a very enjoyable Halowe'en party at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Orchard on Wednesday nigbt. The home was prettily decorated with pumpkins, black cats and witcbes. Misses Elva and Veina Orchard were dresaed in yellow dresses witb hallo-we'en trimmings. Most of the Leaguers were dressed in costumes. Prizes wvere given te Miss Marion Griffin as best dressed boy; te, Mr. Jobn Siemon as the modemn flapper; Misses Marie Oke and Alice Ashton, wbo were dressed as old ladies, re- ceived tbe booby prize. After the guests unmasked, Misses Audrey Dorland and Reva McGilI led in games and contests. A very dainty lunch was served to aIl] and a pleas- ant evening was* brought to a close by joining banda and sibiging "They are jolly good Fellows" and "Good Night Ladies". Tbanksgiving Social at Hamipton, November l2tb. Standard Training School, at Trin- ity United Cburcb, November 19-23. HAMIPTON g Mrs. W. C. Rosevear, Lakeview Beach, visitcd her brother, Mr. W. J. 1 Clemens, and Mrs. Clernens. Mrs. C. Langinaid attended the funemal et ber sistcr-in-law, Mrs. R. Gimblett ot Oshawa, on Monday ....- Hem many friends bere extend con- gratuations te Miss Ida L. Joncs et' Wbitby, former school teacher beme,l on ber recent marmiage te Mm. A. L. Wilson et Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson intend taking up esidence at New Toron to .... Misa Ruth Fergus- ,Io, owanile, s lindngaHem n on, Bat hmve .isr s.EdHng afn- loaded another car load et wheat at Tyrone station this -------.. .Ir and Mrs. J. L. Johns and Mr. and' Mrs. Harold Salter spent Sunday I ,with relatives at Oroo .... A large number froni bere attended the church m-epening services on Sun-ý day. .. - Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Wilcoxi *and tamily and Mrs. J. Clatwom:hv J visited frienda at Fenelon Falls ne-I cently.... Miss Marjonie Martyn.I B1owrnanville, spent Sunday at borne. Hampton Women's Institute held a very intercsting meeting on Thurs- day, Novemben lst, at the home ot our President, Mrs. H. E. Rundle. Meeting opened by singing "O Can- ada" and repeating the Lord's pray- cm. Atter the business an excellent prograni was given. The musical numbers wcrc given by Misses Ev- elyn and Mac Brent, w-ho gave twe 1 instrumental duets and a vocal solo l by Miss Evelyn entitled "It's flot J the bouse that makes the home, but' the love that la inside." These numbers were much appreciated Mns. Jas. Jebson gave an interestingj talk on hem trip te England. Miss Lulu Reynolds gave a talk on Eng- land and English lite which was both interesting and instructive. A pap- cm, "Suggestions for borne pairties and evenings with oun triends," %m.asl given by Misa Sadie Virtue. A short. î talk was given by Mrs. J. Colwill. Roll call-"Hot supper dishes" wasý esponded te by a nuniber et the menihers. Mms. C. J. Kerslake and Mrs. H. E. Ettadle weme appointed delegates te the provincial conven- tion at Toronto. Mrs. L. Cryder- man and Mrs. W. J. Cleninatr nates. Attendance 55. Meetingz closed by singing Ged Save Ouri Ring. Lunch was served and a soc- ial boum enjoyed by all. The e cemben meeting will be beld at the borne et Mrs. C. W. Souch. The i delegates will report the convention at Toronto. Tbanksgiving Social at Hampton, November 1 2th. Standard Training Sehool, at Trin- ity United Cbnrcb, Novemben 19-23. It pays te buy good quality shees. Sec theni at Knox's. Creani ef Barley makes bone, flesb and muscle. Try a package.f "Keep the OId Friends with the New" This is just what we are doing al the time, for eveiy week we are serving new people along with the saine ones who have been cornlng to us for ycars. THERE'S A REASON and we believe it is i THE SERVICE WE GIVE i Our buying in co-operation with over eight hundred of Caaasleading druggists enables us to give best values and nwfehgoods. Lt squote yua wexamýples: S.cotts Ernulsion ..-49c and 98e Kruscbcn Saîts.......... 69e Tanlac------------------.98c Keppler Malt and C .L. O. 9,5c and $1.50 Dextri MaIltos;e--------. 8---5c Abbey's Salt ... .49c and 89C Ovaltine ....50c, 75c, $1.251 Modessa.................. 49e Jergens Glycerine Soap 4 for 25e Woodbumys Soap 25ec or25 Woodburys Cream 15e or25 Humbuga }1llb. 25e 40 oz. Russian O11..$1 -50 21 lbs. Epsonm Salta . .. . $1.00 16 oz. Russian Oil........ 75e 3 lbs. Genuine Saltpetre 50e Cod Liver Oil (vitamine tested and standamdized), 16 oz hottle These are every day prices at PHONE KERSLAKE'S 49 THÈ DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- Why Pay More?7 When we can save you money on every item listed here as well as lots of others in our big store: Clover Leaf Cup anîd Saucer ........10e Lunch Kit and Vacuum Bottie . ... $1.00 Toilet Papeî', 7 large rolls ..........25e 5 Electric Bulbs, 40-watt ...........95e 2 pairs White Canvas Gloves ........25e Hawes Floor Wax ..................37c Above specials are f eatured for Friday and Saturday Only. Dustan's Cash Hardware "WE SERVE YOU WELL" THE ELITE SHOE STORE Of~~'ThiEirikagivitig sPeckdsaLl For The Many Good Things of the Past We Give Thanks. So We Say Now, Thank You Folks For The Splendid Reception Given to Our Opening Display Last Saturday. This weekend being a boliday period we know theme are many wbo want to step out in new footwear. May we have the pleasure of making your feet happy witb very little strain o .n tbe purse strings? For tbis weekend we are giving you tbe advantage et special purcbases at big savings to yeu. Men's Fine Black Caîf Oxfords in blucher eut with No. 1 oak soles and rubber beels, a $7.00 value, Thanksgiving Price $5.75 Men's Black side caif leather Ox- ford, roomy and conifortable. A real buy. Thankagiving Price $3.95 Women's Shees for street and atterneon weam in Patent, Leather and Black Kid, tic patterns and'.strap slippcrs. It la im- possible te list heme the varieus kinds, but let us say you can he outfitted in tbteae shoes at prices ranging frein $2.65 to $5,50 Per Pair Boys' Scbool Boots in Brown leather. A solid shoe. A real Thanksgiving Price $2.95 Mi.e'Patent one-strap sboes, good shoes for school wear Thanksgiving Prices .. $1.95 and $2.25 Beautitul Quilted Satin Bedrooni Shees in varieus colors. THANKSGIVING PRICE $1.50 PER PAIR. A FULL STOCK 0F RUBBERS1 THE ELITE SHOE STOF PHONE 200 SHOES THAT SATISFY HEADQUARTERS FOR GALOSHES PAY CASH AND PAY LESS Why Pay MoreP* Clae n ce se. flason IS5- Holdhfig A Speciat Sale FUR i The Only Exclusive Women's Shop In Bowmanville TR ED CG TS One Door West of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 161 0f THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1928. ÇAGE POUR