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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1928, p. 6

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PAGESIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, 'THURSDAY, NOVEMNBER 8, 1928. ÂX\ k~handy packs for Here is a treat that can't be beat! Benefit and plea. sure in generous measure! ci 30 Pepperm. !nt Flavor Entireiy Herbai WorksWonders on Peevish Stomachs and Lazy Bowe!s The old, relia ble Gallagher's Tonije and System Buider AIl the goodîiess and healing xirtues et herba, Natures own mtdirint. ame in this tenir. No mineraI druga. Sets everv o r-.9n iorki:g 10'2Brngs bark t he olIjoyoetliving. Good for the ne-vts. (loars up skin troublf--es ,ve Lireýma. Blijîda von up. SoId, pg other Callaghc-'s 'Herbai Household Remedies are, by 2 JURY & LOVELL, Bowmanville WOMAN $0 SICK COUID NOT WORK HeIped by Taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Grainland, Saffk.-"I amn gad that 1 heard of that god ydaE. Pink- harn's medicine and Iwlnte iith- out it again. I was asick that I could nt work at ail and culd flot aew on temachine. My ant told me of Lydia E. Pink- am'a Vegetabie Compouridandnow 1 amn telling ail of friends how -tiand lwall answer al iet±ers 1 get from women." -Mas. Màay SoeuL'rx, Grainlaid, What Wi11 efO"; When iyour Children Cry for It There ta hardly a household that hasn't heard of Catoria! At least, five millior homes are nover without it. Ifterar children n your family, there'. alms daily need of its comfort. And any night may find you very thankful thereq n bottle in the bouse. Just a few drop8 and that colic or constipation is eliv or diarrhesa checkod. A vegetable. pro dut; a baby remedy meant for vounp folks. Castoria is about the only thinp you have evor hiard doctors eudvise giv ing te, infants. Stronger medicines art dangerous to a tiîîy baby, howevei harmlesa thay rnay hc te grown-ups Good old Castoria! Renember the naine and romember te, buy it. Tt may spart you a aleeplesq, anxious night. Tt ih always ready, alwuys safe to lise; ir omergencies, or for evervday ailments Any hour of the day or niglit thiat Bah3 becomes fretfu!, or restless. Catoria wat never more popular wjitlt rntthtris thian il la today. 1-xery druggist bas it. M ,rk,1 y-4 PAGE SIX Our iBoards ofetlvangliîsnt and Torento, Ont.-A new, clean-vision Social Service and Religions Educa- spectacle bas been created, whicb is tien brougbt befone the Council a guaranteed againat bneaking or tr- resolto eisu al1ea]mm îshing and is a great improvement i bons and ministers of the Cburcb te over other makes, as thoy will enable gîve tbemselves more than ever te almoat anyone te read the very communion with God, to. prayen andi smallest pnint, tbcead the linst the reading of the Word, to more neeýdle, and see fan or nean. Hund- bereic practice of the Gospel in every- reda of thousanda ef them are ai- day life and the endeavor te win te ready being wern. allegiance te Jesus Christ those wbo, The manufacturons, Self-Test Op'tic- bave not yet accepted Him as their al Company, 29-33 Melinda St., Dept Lord and Saviour. ,NW111, Toronto, Ont., are offering "Your Moderator, since his election te send thousands of pairs free. If te that office, bas bad upon bis heart you are net amazed and delighted, if the words of our Lord, in His great yen do net tbink their spectacles at prayen for His disciples, 'For their only $3.98 equal to those soid oInte- sakes I aanctify myseif.' Wby our whene at $1500, yen can send tbem. Master foît this, on how it could ho hack. You won't lose a cent. They possible for Him, 1 do net know; but wiIl aIse tell yen bhow te get a pair I foît my own gerat need to wboliy for yourself without ceat. Write censoccate mysoîf that 1 migbt give them to-day. -(Adv't) 44-1 of rny vemy beat for te Kingdom otf ________ and oun great Cburcb. The saine desire was evdentîy in' teminds et the members ef the thera not cl] uon th este dot 'Varicose Veins Genenal Cnouncl] In thr od whtwe would net do uslean Reduce OR MONEY BACK that this caîl to censecration came home te us fint t fail. With de.ep Simple Home Treatment That and earnest feeling and with soemn la Giving Amaming Reaulte prayer, the Council, by standing voe, ________ jbotb consocrated themseives and en-1 If you have varicese veina or dorsed this cail te ail members of the bunches you can start today te bring Church for greaten censecration, tbem back te normal size, and if yen more beroic lives, for spiritual ad- ane wîse yen will do se. vance and greator effort te win others Just get an original bottîe oetot Jesus. MNoone's Emeraîd Oil at any dispen- "We cannot organize a reviva-j sing phanmacist and apply it night and but by the grace et Ced we can beginj mocning te the enlarged veina. It iS, one. Whenever one earnest beant veny powertuî and penetnating.j turns te God for purîty -of lite and Atter a few days' treatment the power, there a flame is kindled and a veins wilI begin te grow smallen and revival is bezun. by negular use wiIl son reduce te "Without waiting fer onganization normal, or meetings, wiII eacb et the meinhers People wbo want te reduce Vani- cf oun Chuncb, and especially the cose vo ins. or get id et eczema, ul- youn g people, je in witb the meinhens cers or piles in a tew <laya abould net et their Genenal Counicii and their hesitate to get a bottie St once. It is NIModerator in new conseccation et our .sucb a powerf ul, penetrating antis-i live, te the service of oun Savieur? eptic oil tha, a ,mal hûttýe Iasts al ot ui go ftorward with Christ. long time. Any phanimacy can sup- 1 of- it. JrI oo el tt N THE SILENCE f MEDY IoR ALL THE COMMo% 11'SHOULD ALWAYS BE KEPT T BE FOUNO. OLT A BOTTLE TO-DAY AND H-AVE IT REAOY FOR Speak settly tonight dean, Tread light on your toees Tbene'q a spirit ahnoad, Cîaiming death as,;ho gees. Poldinz tiprht te hi.q bneast The seul when the body Would fain ho at rest. A spirit of k;ndnec,.q, In oîîb't wlcorne, To it'ad the tired wandenen, Back te bis home. Speak softIv. tmpad lizmttiv Theno'q a ,;nirt ahmead. While the soul of a aeeper Returmate bis-;(Yo. -anna RZ-LOR Wff i D M ...Rý,00 Gettlng ThronàlmSah t auv uauc WVhy worry? edy is sosimpl it with hardw( Nothing could or in better ti it banishes the bugbear. . . wears out.. costas golittiel Really, it'sv investigating. McCLELLANi Phone 15 Bedell.' I BLACKSTOCK KIRBY FIFTY YEARS AGO F r S oln J it Miss Grace Mountjoy apent Sun- Kirby, fifty years ago contained Fo________ oint (iweek with Ms Vera Powell.. the Methodist Episcopai Church,I Most remedies faîl but Joint-Easel vcoinWomen's Institute meet- Wesieyan Methodist Church, Publicisucceeds. ing wvas hcld at the home of Mrs. Schooi, Lang's carpenter shop and It's for joint troubles only, Fred Willan, Wednesday afternoon. residence, Thornton's carpenter shop whether in ankie, k,,e,, hip, elbow-, November 7th . . Y. P. A. of St. and residence, Jackson's geLneral I shouldor, finger or spine-w hether John's Church heltl the October store residence and post office, Hen- rheumnatjc or not. meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ry Powor's residence, Mrs. Winter's IClarence Par-r, wîth an attendance of residence, William Pride's residence, It lijibers up stiff, inflamed, pain- 45 niembers- and visitera. Presîdont. Frank Scott's blacksmith shop antid fuI, creaky joints so quickiy you'Il be astonished. Mr. Fred Hamilton, presided, and1 residence, John Gammage's resi- devotional exorcises wero conductod dence. Two seconds' rubbing and aw-ay it hy Rev. P. G. Pow-ell. -Mrs. WmI.1 The prosent public schooi building goes through skin and fleshrih Crawford and Miss Ivy Wall hadi was erected in 1878 by Richard down to the bone and ligamet- charge of the proz a, hch con- L ang, contracter. The achoolth'shyisucd. AkJîr& sisted of reading by Master B ohhie trustees wero Rev. James Carscad- Loveli or any reliable druggist. Smith and Ms T. Smith, and threeldon, John Clemonco and John Gal- - interesting centeats- for wbich suit-ibraith. The teacher was W. C. AI- able prizes were awarded the win-ilin, who had just graduated fromRt h ners. Sandwichest, pumpkin pie andIthe Ottawa Normal Scbooi-recalled J s coffee wero served..Bazaar of: Mr. Allun is at present retired and J s i h the W. M. S. of the United Churcb living on Division Street,, Bowman- ' T on Friday of iast week was a spien- ville. The names on the roll dur- Mds. cS . PDets vr $tu0ned ing the year woro 91-46 boys and Foru pset Stom ach 1d.d MsuccSA. Preedt asover 17 45 girls, as foiiows: Wallace Lang, Gas Pressure fromn a Sour, Acid, home from Tbonbury where she Arthur Powers, iÀai Powers, Isaac Upset Stomach is not only hîghly un-ý spent some weeks with hem brother, Cbapmnan, Richard Scott, Richard comfortabie, ,but some day may, Mr. A. Foster, who was ill. .A form- bang, Ulysses Thornton, Frank prove fatal! ai openîng of the new rectory waslThornton, George Schmider, Eliza held on Monday ovening, NovenberlTyerman, Mary A. Clemence, Har-i Wben yotir meals are foliowed by S5th. Special service in thte cburcb niet Scott, Louie Thornton, Elizabeth bioating, a feeling of fulîness and conducted by the Bishop of Toironto, Birch, Louie Winter, Rachel McQuii- pains around the heart-you may be was foll&>wed by a eception in the len, baura Powers, Ada Chapman, sure that STOMACH GAS is pushing Rectory. IAIbert Chapman, Alex bang, John and crowding upwards. That's the TIhe 1ùamily klerald and Weekly Cooney, Isaac Chapman, Wesley reason for the shortness of breath Star of Montreal with its wonderful1 Camsell, John Winter, David Gibson, and sharp ,shooting pains. improvements is recognized as the William J. Ciemence, Samuel G. greatest money maker for farmers Clemence, William Gatnmage, Hel-1 To quickly banish this Gas, nout- in Canada, whiie its magazine aec- ena Chan)man, Bernice Thornton, ralîze the acidity and cleanse andi tion is a gemn unrivallod. Cora Thornton, Mary A. Gammage, sweeten the stomach-nothing isa Lizzie Gammage, Victoria Chapman, btter than the simple use of Bisur- IWilliam bang, George Lang, Alfred ated Magnesia (powder or tabiets),. PRESENTATION AT VALENTIAIM cIntee-r, Dwight 'Brown, Martha which gives almoat instant relief.' i Chapman, Lizzie Scott, Eliza Lang, Pleasant, harmless and inoxpensive A very enjoyable evening wasî Aibert Carscadden, Ettie Cooney, Bisurated Magnesia has been used spent at Mr. and Mrs. S. Bowen's on Maria Ciemence Thomas Scott, Wil- and recommonded by Doctors and Thursday, October 25, wbon a large lie Scott, Eddie Scott, Herbert bang, Druggists for miore than llfteen nurnbor of noighbors and friends Fietcher Chapman, Thomas Clem- yoars. Any good druggist canc gathored te apiend a social eveningi on.e, Thoms Gmae(li suppiy you-try it today! hoforo they moved from the com- oney, ophiGaagow, Emnie_____________ munîty. The foilowîng address was Brown, Ettie Thornton, William read by Mrs. F. A. Stair and the Nichois, Martha Thornton, Mary G. v ld e presontatien made by Mrs. J. R. Clernence, Ida Clemence, William ld e Troubles Peogue: .BwndFml: McEriteer, Elîza Robinson, JuliaBoh rliaÎDud lf Mr. and Mns.S.BwnadFriy Clomence, Enos Woodward, Frank B t e a ny Pa st 40 R'. Dean Frienda ;-Wo, your noigb- Woodward, Alox. Davie ,Fred Brîm- 1ý bors and frienda, have mot to-night acombe, Uzzie Clemence, Beatrice Seven out of Ten Are Viectimi But i to express in some smali way our Davie, John Lang, Ruth Woodward, Writer Tells How "Uratabs" Bning S regret that you are about to mOve Fletcher Cainseil, Sarah James, Ida Swif t Amazing Relief With out of our neighborhood. Chapman, Minnie Camseil, Annie Renewed Vital Force. , For a number of years we have Scott Amnelia Brown, Rebecca Har-e lived ide by side as neigbbocs and mon, John Brown, Annie McEnteer, "No one knows better than I, theA friends, a,nd those of us who have> Emnna McEnteer James McEnteer, horron of joyless days and sleeplos lived closest to you have found that Annie Lunnio, Robert Alexander, nights. There have been times whon we culdalwys ely n yu i ytulJenieCleenc, Edth hapanI feit hopelesa and helpless--and whenE wcould rn alw y rerovyifce. u enneCe-ec, dt hpamy weakness caused me the most in- coldredo ay eric. eMillie Brown William Amney, James tense humiliation. Oniy those whoa womon aIl remember how Mrs. Bow-1 Amey, William Cooney, Ellen Nick- have gene through such tortures can f on bas so cheerfully deiivered us a, îy oison, William MeConneil. -possibiy realize my great satisfaction favor she was evor asked. Mr.whnD. otwrt' URT S Bowen bas always been willing tl breughtrme quick relief URATABS help bis neighbors at any t*mo. MODERATOR CALLS CHURCH are truiy wonderful ,and I give them t Thus in order te shcw - ur grati- TO "SPIRITUAL ADVANCE"1 full praise". Such amazing evi- s tude for your helpfuiness we would dence serves as cenvincing proof of ] ask Mr. and Mrs. Bowen and fam- The following statement by Rev. the power of URATABS to relieve iîy to accopt this table1'set, censist- William T. Gunn, D.D., recently elect- those distressing aiimonts se often- a ing of i linon table clotb, a dinner ed Moderator of The United Cburch handicap to those in 'niddle hife. t set of dishes, 1 dozen stainloss of Canada, indicates the aim of much knives and forks, boping that as you that will be attempted in The United Overworked, stugg.ish Kidneys. usethe frm tmeto ime itvýil hurh dri-g te exttwoyeas- Biadder Weakness, and Prostate t usethe frm tme e tmeit iI Chrcbducng he exttwoyeas: Gland Trouble hring on se many dis- t remind you of the friends yeu stili "'To the Members of The United. trossing ailments which se eften lead have behind at Valentia. Church of Canada, Greeting: te serious diseases that every sufferorl S We aIl join in wishing yen succoas "The first Genenal Council of The from bLamenoas, Pains in back andi in your new home. United Churcb had for its keynote, down througb groins, scaity but ftre-I Signed Valentia Friends. 'unity.' The second Council was quent urination, "Getýiing-up-Nights, " 0 Mfr. Bowen made a fitting reply necessariiy concerned with 'organiza- Nervous Irritabilitv and Lack ofD and a]l joined in siicring "For He's a tien.' The third Generai Council, Force-should try the amazing value JoIIy Good Fellow". just bold in the city of Winnipeg,1 of Dr. Southworth's 1J[hATA Bq ut --_______. while dealing aise with the comnpie-"'ce' Any good drug',isttwil SU',- tien of organization, was led by the Puyuo urne fstsato Spicit of God to turn with happiness or money back.A New Kind te the deep things of the Kingd'om,-----M I and it is sending out te the Churcb a U of Spe taclesca Il for 'consecration' and spiritualN Thousands of Paire Offereij Free. iadvance. le vt b d p c hà bg ný p Ci ti hi o1 n. bi ol y( fi iti of Je fi te rn of Harvest Thanka-givingSservices, ni St. Saviour's Cburch on Sund ay last1 The rem- wece weIl attended. SmaII sheaves ýle. Replace of grain and xt'getahîes and fruit, I witb wbicb the cburch was decomat- ood! cml, were a striking exemplification et the hounteous barvest necently 1 U prettier zarneî'ed. Rev. Thomas MeKim of aste . . . e lhorne, conductcd both services, ie sweping n the evening taking foc bis subject e sWeping the words of the Psalmist, "What is *it neyer MNan that Ced caretb for bim," *.and it pceaching a most interesting sermon. The negulan churcb choir took the ýtong service. A soprano soie by Mfaster Trewin Scott was eceived wve1 worth wvith much pleasure. 1 For Spnains and Bruises-Tbere is notbing botter ton aprains and & CO.LTD.,contusions than Dr. Thomas' Ecet- & CO.LTDnic Oul. It will neduct' the %welling BoWManVlDe that toilows a sprain, wil cool the j inflamed flesb and dnaw the pain. ' " will take the ache eut et a bruite IATS MADE hy countenacting the inflammation Y GRADE- 'A trial will convince any wbo ob 1 ts Power. dut 1 ORONO (From The News of November 1) Mr. Albert Harris, Kirby, is nmev- ing into Orono. Mr. E. Davey bas n-eturned home from Rice Lake. Mliss Rusk, Toronto, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. Frank Peate. Miss Hilda Gamsby, Oshawa, was home for a fow days recontly. Mr. and Mms. Crease of Toronto, recently visited ber father, Mr. Fred Ce wan. Dr. and Mrs. John Chester ef Toc- o nte, recently visited ber father, Mr. T. Smith. Mrs. W. E. Seymour and Mrs. Jas Moffatt, visitod Mrs. Geo. Seymour, Oshawa, last wook. Mrs. Stanton, w-be bas been con- fined te the bouse sovenal weeks, is able te be eut again. Mr. D. J. Gibson bought recently from Mr. R. L. Osborne the welI known Osborne farm. Mca. T. C. Bradley bas returned from Peterbero wbere she bas been nursing the late Mrs. Byera. Mrs. William Coram is roportod cri.ticaily ilI at the homo of ber daughter, Mrs. A. J. Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. White attenîd- ed the funeral of ber mother, Mms. H. Byers, at Peterboco, last week. Rev. Wm. Sterling took the ser- vice at Pontypool on Sunday even- ing, excbanging witb Rev. W. H. Bo.omhour. Mns. W. C. Rutbven, Starkvillo, bas retucned from a visit with ber daughtec, Mrs. J. A. Duthie, Hart- ney, Manitoba. The Ladies of St. Saviour's Church purpose holding their annual sale of woýrk, and supper on Satur- day, November 24tb. Mn. and Mns. Bort Smith and two children, accompanied by Mn. and Mrs. John Snmith, Toronto, recentiy visiýted ber aunt, Mrs. Robt. Cooper. Mn. and Mns. Joe Phillips of Ton- ente, and Mr. G. A. Galaspie, ex- M.P. of Peterbome, were recent vis- itons of Mrs. E. A. Fowler, Centre Street. Rt. W. Bno. W. J. 'Bragg, D.D.G. M., Ontario District, wilI pay bis offi- ciai visit to Orono Ledge, A.F.& A. M., atL next regular meeting, No- vember 22nd. Mn. and Mrs. Stafford and family, Detroit, Micb., Mrs. Frank Batten and Mn. and Mca. McCartney and famiiy et Toronto, nocentiy visitpd Mn. John Gibson. Corns are caused by the pressure of tight boots, but ne one need be troubled witb them long wben se simple a remedy as Hoiloway's Cern Remover is availabie. A deer hunting party comprising Messrs. John J. Gilfillan, M. G. Lin- ton and Carnet Gamsby, left Mon- ulay for the oid hunting grounds in the nortb country. We wish them the beat of iuck. The Young Peupie's League, Park St. Chucb, are preparing te give, early in November, a biblicai drama, 'Queen Esther," and aise a humer- ous pi.aylet entitled, "Silence Under Difficulties." Watch for date. Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Ruthven an- nounce the engagement of their 30ungest daughtem, Edna, te Mn. Alfred H. Dobson, son of the late Mrs. Dobson ef Dunchurch, Ontario,j bhe marriage te take place eariy inl 'Jovember.1 Miss Edna Stutt, Toronto, bas. been appointed teacher of Wesley- -ille achool, Hope townmship, in suc- cessien te Mr. Fred Lycott, resign- ed. Miss Stutt Ieft yesterday te ake charge, after apending a few laya at home. The new officers et the Young People's League foc 1928-29 are: President-Conlin Taylor; lat Vice Pres.-Edra Best; 2nd Vice Prs.- Miss Ewing; 3rd Vice Pres.-Law- oence Allen; 4th Vice Pres.-Miss Cole; Secretary-Alden Haw; As- istant Sec.-Jamnes Tantblyn; Pian- ist-Eileen Sterling; Assistant Pian- it-Elsie Rowe. For Buns and Scalds.--Dr. Thom- as' Eclectric Oul wilI take tbe fine eut tf a hurn on scald. It sbouîd ho at and in every kitchen so that it may oc available at any time. There is o prepanatien nequired. Just ap- ly theo iî te the hum on acald and thie pain will abate and in a short me cease altogether. Mr. M.acBurney Couch wbo had is Ieg tractured in a basebail game n the grounds bore a couple of nonths age, returned hast week te is duties in the Standard Bank bore. Four young mon of the Y. P. A.* ýf Oshawa ,took charge et the sen- ice Sunday evening in the Park treet Church. A numbor e joung mnen et the local congregation jrihed the music. r Tastes Good and After taking 1000 ZUTOO IABL!IS Says they are Ilarmless, i. (Dr.) Shurtieff, of Coaticaak, mye "Il nîust have taken 1000 Zutoa Tabieta. Lite r trying every nenîody within reach, 1 discarded them all four years mgo Wo EUTOO, wb ich I have taken ever sines. 1 find the tablets abarnkeasand fficAM remedy for aIl kinds of beadache."1 15 ct uts per box-at ail d«elr Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Rheumatismn rDOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART ~4 b Accept2ol "Bayr"package which ccntains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 table"s A»Iirin la the trade ark (rogfatared fiCanada) of Baerc Manufacture of Momooee- aecdster of Salicylicael,1 (Acetyl SalicylUc Acid. "À. a. À."). Wbileil e tll w,)mu thet Aupirtn means Bayer amufacture. to amatît the publice a"but Imitations,te TabMete et Bayer Comepany wLII ble stamjîed wtth Uneir guierai trade mark, tM "Bayer Oins." The London Hunt and Country Club is widely known for the excellence of its afternoon teas. For sey- oral pears this progressive club bas used no other tea but Red Rose Orange Pekoe -a blend that leads all others ini flavor and full- bodied richness. Put up only in bright, clean aluminumi packages. ISEW AVIATION GASOLINE It Makes No Dillerence 1WHETHER THE MARE HAS A WHITE NOSE Whether she is sorrel in coior, whther she cornes from Kentucky or Texas. The question is: Can She Run? So with gasoline, the fact that it has bcen dyed a pretty color does flot prove that it is good gasoline. But the question is. What Can It Do? We consider that the steadily inereasing gallonage we are selling proves what Sheli Produets w.ill do when gîven a trial. traGet your tank filled at our Service Station and give it a C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville That piquant, mellow smoothness of a fi ne Japaii tea cannot be appreciated unless it Is trled Un the cup. Try this dellghtful green tea. frm the. Gardens 1 i \\f l< 1

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