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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1928, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmanvifle News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publh&ers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1928. $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 46 ____-________1_ I - q g Why Take Chances With Your Eyes Many people sufer from eye strain without realizing it. It is flot generally known that defects in eyesight very often exist in peopIe Who are able ta 50e faxrly well. (In these cases headaches give th.e first warning generally.> The mnuscles which control the sight may be causing your troub- le. Have Your eyes tested today. Jury & Loveli When We Test Eyes It In Dane Properly A Festival of Seasons St. John's Parish Hall Friday, Nov.,23 Beguning at 3 o'clock Spring Booth-Aprons, Dusters, Bulbs, Flowers, Fancy Articles. Summor Booth-Medley of Reas- onable Bargains. Autumu Booyth-Anything froni Lateat Navelties ta Fruit sud Vegetables. Winter Booth-Christmas Gifts sud Wamn Woolly Garments. Yum Yu.n Booth-Home Cooked Delicacies of aIl Kinda. Fish Pond-With Excellent Fish- ing for the Chldreu. Afteraooa Te&-Brown sud White Bread, Sandwiches sud Cakes--25c. COME TO THE Supper and Concert. under auspices of Ladies' Aid in Trinity School Room on Thurs. Nov. 15 at 5 P. M. MENU: Cold Dressed Park Scalloped Potataes Pickles Salads Pumpkin Pie Bread snd Butter Jellies1 Lemon Pie Tes At 8 p. m. s good progrmn will be given consîsting af solos sud quartettes by local talent. Resd- iugs by Mrs. Lenore Best, Toron- ta.1 Admission 60c g h Stu nning Winter Coats. Since the Mode looks to its fashionable fur collars and cuifs for smart distinction this season, the first thing that attracts in our coats is their lavish shawl and pillow collars, deep borders and novel cufs of fine fur. The smooth, richness of their soft- ly-napped fabries and broadcloth requires such good-looking furs as mink-marmot, beaver-dyed lapin, sable, skunk and musk- rat. All the new blues, Winter Beige, Grey, Green, Brown, Navy, Black. Our stock of Ladies' Coats are gensibly priced from ................................................... $15.00 to $85.00 12 BEAUTIFUL DRESSES $10.00 EACH For Saturday only this group of Dresses which originally were priced at $20.00 and over will be marked down to $10.00 ea BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESSES Just arrived Wednesday morning, a beautiful assortment of new Dresses in Jersey Cloth, Silks and Crepes-tyles, shades and prices to suit every demand. SPECIAL VALUES IN HOSIERY Penman's Best Silk and Wool Hose, al] the new shades, only 95e pair. Silk Pointex Hose, full fashioned ,every shade desired, for $1.50 pair. WHAT LOVELY CURTAIN MATERIALS You will say so, too, when you see these new curtains. They are truly lovely and include an assortment of designs and materials which will satisfy every dtemand. SPECIAL VALUES IN MEN'S OVERCOATS Afier a very successful weekend selling of our Bargain Overcoats we still have a limited number left at most attractive values. Men's Navy Blue Chinchilla Overcoats, Regular $37.50 FOR $29.50 Men's Navy Blue Chinchilla Overcoats, Regular $33.50 FOR $27.50 .. Men's Tweed and Cheviot Overcoats, Regular $28.50 and $29.50 FOR $23.50 Men's Tweed and Cheviot Overcoats, Regular $24.50 FOR $19.50 Men's Blue Whitney Overcoats, Regular $22.50 FOR $18.50 Men's Blue Whitney Overcoats, Regular $27.50 FOR $22.50 Men's Heavy Grey Ulsters, Regular $29.50 FOR $24.50 A number of the above plush or leather lined. coats are AUCTION SALE ARMISTICE DAY SERVICES Saturday, November 1 7tb-Havel The beautiful weather on Sunday received instructions froni Willard was conducive ta the large gather- Caldwell to seli househould furnituret iugs of people who asaembled in the at his residence, Temperance St. various churches of the town on Bawmanville, including Parlar Suite, Armistice Day. Very approipriate 3 Bedroom Suites, Diuing-room Fur- services were held iu coenmemora- niture, Rockers, Sinaîl Tables, Sec- tion of the signing of Peace ten retary, number Rugs, Curtains, Oi years ago. Lamp and other articles. Sale at A public service in which a large 2.15 p. m. sharp. Wm. J. Challis, nme o xsrvcmen iiens Auctineer.and others participated in, was held the Soldiers' Monument at 2 p. i. - ---Mayor T. S. Holgate presided and WOooSAL conducted the prograrn which apen-j jGbd, Our Help in Ages Past." Adit. Tuemday, November 20-Robert L Chittenden read the scripture les- Rahm, South Half Lot 5, Con. 4~,sou, John 15:1-15. Very beautiful Manvers, known as John McRobert's Plae, illsel 1 aces f sandngwreaths were laid at the monumenti Pacewo i soî inacreseof t yreatives and friends of those Saaood imerinc k ace who had given their lives in the Sal a io'lok. T. M. Slemnon, Great War. Auctineer.45-2 Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rector af St 1 jFriday, Novembes 30-Mr. Thms John's Church, gave an address very:l Baker wll sellI-on Lot 29, Con. @ suitable ta the occasion, after which Darlington, a qusntity of hardwood, Rev. Dr. Best ofered prayer. The beech and maple in U acre lots. singing of "O Canada" sud the Purchasers will bave te ApelI 1 National Anthei lasod a brief but 1930, ta reinove timber. sa;le8,t ï fitting momorial ta chose wha gave o'clock. Ses dodgers. rheo. M. their lives for the cause of freedara. Slemon, Auctioneer. 46-2w1 MUSI STU Y CL B cyDr. snd M s, W . J. Hall, M imico, Sunday mamning the devatianal Bowmanville Music Study Club with hier parents, Dr snd Mrs. J. C. ceremie a s coued u rtcte d y hmet Wednesday, Navember 7 in St.j Devitt. meiniewscv. dm. Bed the * p~aul's lecture roora. Progrminwas Mr. sud Mrs. Alex. Haddy and minustersilencD -e stbse e t il in charge of Mrs. F. H. Moady sud Wesley, Toronto, at Mr. J. W. R iut ienewa bere a 1Mrs. H. D. Clemeus. Kuight's. o'clock. The music which wasap- Mr. J. H. Bateman, President, Mr. sud Mms. Chas. H. Haddy and propriate included a well rendered was iu the chair sud after the open-. son Jack ,Toronto, ait Mr. Chas. H. authern by the choir sud s fine tenor n xri cleonteovn-Ms'. solo "Give us Peace" by -Mr. C. S.,îne orciescargdoe tecnyn sns Halman whehwaspariclary e-,Mrs. H. Clemens, in s few weîî1 Mm. Duncan McConnachie, Toron- joyed. The evening service wa chosen words iutroduced Mr. Lorne' tawth his sister, 14ra. (Dr.) J. conducted very acceptably by the J0 .inwh ctd schi-mniSewer Rev Jon R Trmpor o-Tyone avemy efficient sud capable manuer.1 Mr. snd Mm. H. M. Farrow, New whons sermn was suited ta theMr. Jaclaman in tumu intmoduced thelToronta, with his uncle, Mr. H. A. Thausgling ay. The authem. "Core t myheat no Jeus"wasartistsansd biefiy discussed each!Farrow. "Cae tainhan prt n awesus orscomposer represented. 1j'Mr. sud Mms. S. W. Mason, Jr., gven n n p ring heocaionwhi s orin Three Toronto artists were heardisnd daugbter, with bier parents iu evemyone presonttheocain W5 persans of Miss Mae Barber, Taranto. made memarable by Mr. B. S. Long's L.T.C.M., pupil of the late Arthur Principal sud Mra. J. H. Johustan, twa groat salas "The Promise of Bligbt, Mms. Winuifmed Stock, pupil Bout sud Eleanor, with fiendà lu Lif e" sud "There is no Death'. of Dr. Broome, sud Dm. Brome. Tarante. Miss Barber passesses q very fine Miss Sybfl Burk sud Miss Jessie COMING EVENTS soprano voice, bier numbers were MeDougaîl, Toronto, witb Mrs. H. very pleasing sud well received. w uk Every advance natice of any kiud, Mm. Winnifred Stock accampauied r. ud r. W.PCo tsu where the abject la the benefit or by Dr. -Broome at the piana, sang . adMs .P obt n convenience of any persan or nuni- sevemal of Dr. B'rooniels own coin-Bob, with relatives et Newunamket ber of persoa, is advertisiug, sud positions in splendid voice. oer isud Barrie. will bie tmeated by The Statosman as numbers were much appmeciated. Dr. Mise Marion Warder, Feversham, sucb. If na instructions accora- Broosue is a musician of note, hav- Ont., with hier parents, Mr. sud Mme. pany the notice, advising us ta wboni iug won recognition in the sphere of R. H. Wardei'. ta charge it, it will b.e charged ta mzusite, su:d the club were vemy for- Mri. D. T. Morris, Misses Ethel the persan pboning or sending it lu. tunae tahave hlm present. sud Helen with Mr. sud Mms. G. W. Nothing sont lnunusigned wfll io lu-1 Local artists wh alosua ssisted an Garner, Oshaws. serted in future. the prograin included Mr. Fraunci Mr. Lawrence MeDougail, HaLmil- Higb Schoal Oratomical Cantest Suttau, Mms. F. H. Maody, Mies jtan, with Mr. sud Mm. Robt. Green- will lio held on Tuesday, Novme Hazel Rundle, Mms. T. W. Cawker. fed nai t 27th. j Mr. Win. Prower, Bank of Mon- Reserve Fridsy, December 7th fanl TRINITY UNITED CHURCH 'treal, Toronto, witb bis aiter, Mms. St. Paul's Bazaar sud Supper. Please. j W. B. MeMurtry. note change of date. 45-21j Services in Trinity United Church Mr. aud Mms. F. C. Vanstane sud High School Commencement Ex. on Sunday were in keeping witb family with his mother, Mm. J. C. ercises wlll bie held in Opera Hause,! Armistice Day sud Thanksgiviug. Vaustane, Toronto. Friday, December 7th. I At the .morniug service sfter the Misses Elsie M. sud I. Irene Bragg, Owing ta dates conflicting theltwO minutes' silence had been ahb- Toronta, with their parents, Mr. sud Beau Supper iu St. Andrew's Churcb' servod, "0 Canada" was sang by Mr. W. J. Bragg. bas been pastponed. Watch for Messrs. A. W. Pickard sud S B. Mm sud Mm. Norman Creoiper, annauncemeut Ister. Leggott sud Misses Marlon Picksr ailawihbspaet, r u Musicians of Bowmanvillesu adDrth Puner Mrs. H. L. Creeper. district attend s meeting af Music- At the proper time the pastar ro-ý isus at 2.30 p. ni. Sunday, November quested the cougregation ta stand Mr. sud Mrs. E. R. Freeman, St. 18th inRegnt heareOshwawhile Dr. J. C. Devitt, Secretary of i Catherlues, with bis mother sud lsthge e ganentThateOsa-1 the Trustee Board, placed a wreathi other relatives bore. stae etrace.46- Iof laurel sud poippies an the memor- Mr. sud Mms. Norman Hauiley sud The regular meeting of the White l aI tablet. The choir sang Tbe Jean, Peteirboro, at bier mother's, SbieId Club will bie held an Tuesday, Receesianal, Mms. W. J. Morrison Mms. P. C. Trebilcock. Novmbe 20 198,in St. Paul'si taking the solo. Mr. sud Mrs. B. S. Long sud fani- Lecture Roora at 8 p. ni. sharp. AI1 Rev. J. U. Robins' sermon on ily, Toronto, at Deputy-Reeve W. H. good attendauce hoped for. "Pesce" was moat appropria bse arruthers', Scugag St. ou etords "nThhatfas 1t ion Miss Lonore Quick, Wellesley Hos- Rev. J. U. Robins conducted au-bne aten htfa he e, tba T wthheCprets n ivemsamy services at Kimhy on Sun-i it may lbe displayed because of the pital, Toranta, wt ir prn day afternoon sud evening. truth". Pa. 60:4. Mm. sud Mms. W. Quick. Mrs H W.Fote isviitig rs Young People Conduct Se *Mr. sud Mms. W. I. McTavish sud Mm. . W Foser 8 vsitig M.1 an, Taranto, witb bier parents, Mr. W. Downiug, Tomante, sud other The eveniug service was in charge ansd Mrs. F. J. Msnning. fniends and relstives lu the city. of t ho Young People's Society. Mr. Mmsu Mm. .R.trk sd Miss Loua Cancilla, is send. iMerrill Ferguson presided. A quar- Mran s.W R.Sik ad two~~~~~ wok wt hmmthr r. -Messrs. Pollard, Holgate, Sie- nrs. Kate Wight spent the weekeud twsudeTapson sangea selectian.. witb relatives lu Ottawa. Sar. Cniavad r. e.SymuPartdope Mies Helen Cryderman gave ai Mr. sud Mms. Byron Y. Haddy sud Mr. ud rs.Gea Semou su splendid address on "'Gratitude for 1 etty, Miss Agnes K. Haddy, Tom- -cri Ceirge, sud lber mûather of AI Material Blessingst", touching on1 onto, at Mm. F. A. ýHaddy's. laudale. were callers on Rev. and; freedoni fromu slavemy, justice, edu- Mm. sud Mms. R. S. Virtue sud Mrs. W. C. Washington au Sstumday. cation, business, medical science, Darothy, Oshawa, with hem parents, ansd the prospect of peace being an Mm. and Mms. C. A. Johnston. s permanent basis, with numerous Mm., (Rev.) J. F. Chapmau, Lon- other blessings.1 don, with bier mother, Mrs. Levi The chair saiig "0 Clap your. Morris, sud other relatives home. bauds Together", Miss Margaret Ai-1M an r.EgnW htM. AtraS es lun takMmisugMthelgi WoltoMm A storiarShHkinW. Pointeu gave an ad- and Ürs. Gardon Wight, Mm. James i dress ou "Spiritual sud Religbous wthfins uPtmoo for M eni Blessings. He 'commenced bis re-' lMr. Eardley Allin and Mr. Elliatt marks with an emperience of an ol unu of Toronto University, w'lth Christiau veteran h0 had met in the! the former's aunt, Miss Annie Allin. West during the past summer. Ho Mr. sud Mrs. Hamley Perey sud ref ermed ta the early Christian niart- Shirley, Toronto, sud Mme. Patch, Men, buy Astoria Shoes1 yrs, the founders of aur religion such Pittsburgh, with Mr. sud Mrs. Thos. as thy dotheirfavo i as Luther. Knox, Wesley sud others, Percy. as heydo hei faorie Ishowiug what a gloriaus bemitage we Mrs. M. Verstmaten and son Mol- bran ofcigrs-y nme.are enjoying because of their splen-i vin, Mr. Aunesley Richards sud Miss bado ias-ynm.did womk. Audrey Clarke, Tomante, at Mms, T, The hae larnd truGimblçtt's,t Tep hve e ahat thr u ~MINISTER$ AND ÇHVJRCIJ93 1 Mm. asud Mmi, C. Garfield, Harold expeiene tht tere g 1andTed, Stmatfamd, Mmi. Marjorie more genuine satisfaction ISt. Paul'a Churth, Rev. D. W.- Thuraton, Toronto, witb Mm. sud Mrs Best, D.D., Ministen. Suuday ser- W. F. Quick. for the money in Astonia vices: 711 a. m.-Moruing Wor- Shos haninan oter. hip. 7'p. m.-Evening Wamship. Mm. and Mms. Gea. H. Davis sud Shoesthan n anyote ..3 0 p. a.--Suuday Sehool son Gearge, Mr. sud Mrs. John Blck- St. John's Anglican Chureb, Rev. ell, Landau, weme guests af Mr. sud Men's Black Caîf Ox- R. J. Sbires, Rector. Twenty- Mrm. G. H. Bickell. ford in he nw lats ad fortb uuday after'l'riulty, No- M.sdMs lr iyo u fords in ingwle tand vembter 18, 1928. l1a.m-Holy Mdau ndtM, wsudlak Dor an sd patterns, i ige ad Communion sud sermon. 2.80 p. n~ Ie Hughes, Taanot wibani --Sunday School. 7p. m.-Even- Gjuat heMs. AexTylor, ih i double soles fromn ing Prayer. mteMs lx alr $7.00 to $850 Trpe ¶bi»d bh*uMh, Rev. J. U. Mm. sud Mms. Arthur Doney, Robin l'astam. Suudsy services: Adele sud Margaret, Miss Stewart, i1 a. n.- Pastor wlll prescb; 2.80 Miss Hawkeu sud Miss Phillipg, p. mn.--Sunday Sebool; 7 p. m.-Rvi Toronta, at Mr. R. R. Hoskiu's. Knoxs Shoe Store C. E. Cragg, B.A., B.D., Pastor of' ring St. United Cburch, Oshawa, Mr. sud Mrs. G. A. Ed'mondstono Phone 120 Bowmanmville wLll "' b Kn St. Choir witb sud Miss Dinginan wleth their aiter, their orgaist, lf libe lu charge of Mn.. H. Brut, Rochester N. Y.,and th uical servce. Publie cord- wlth Mr. sud Mmi. R. 4.wllllas, *ially Iuvited. Niagara Palle, N. Y. Miss Ruth Armstrong, Toronto, spent Thursday last with her par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Armstrong. Can Yom See As wb Well As You Should ? Do you know whether yau strain your eyes in order ta see clearly? Don't jump at the conclus- ion that your eyesight is nor- mal because vision is clear for distance and type is quite dis- tinct at &bout- 14 inches. There may be a latent strain that may be robbing some other organs in the body of nerve force. Only a SCIENTIFIC EXÂMINATION of your eyes will reveal this. Consult aur Regiatýred pamt4 R. M. Mitchell and "Have Your Ey.a Exasined" Re M. Mitchell & Co. Druggios .and Optomotristo Phone 92 JBawmanvile Ont. Royal Theatre Presonting The Finest la Photopisys Phone 589 Friday-Saturday, Nov. 16-17 Dorothy Mackaill and Jack Mulhall lu "WATERFRONT" A human love story with lots of laughs aud a romantic back- ground, where the fun of the shore and the thrills of the sea unite in a beautiful romance. Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30. Children 5c chapter 2 of "The Haunted IlIand" and regular program Monday-Tuesday, Nov. 19-20 Harold Lloyd In "SPEEDY" From start to finish Speedy lsaa whirlwind, hilarious, novel coin- edy. Every funny situation is a laugh special which will tickle your f.unny boue. "Speedy" was made for laughs only. Special matinee Mouday, Novein- ber 19th at 4 o'clock shaxip for "Speedy". Childreu 10c. Ev- ening 25c to al Wdednday-Thsaroday, Nov. 21-22 George Bancroft, Evelyn Brent and Clive Brooks In **OBEY THE LAW" The eternal atruggle between uuderwarld and police and among the gangsters theniselvos! How two ci4oaks fought for a woman-,who laved samneane euse! Another glant thriller fromn Para- Mount. Noveipber 24-27 "Legfn of the Conamn.d" DR. DEVMT NEW PRESIDENT 0F CANADIAN CLUB oral Member From Nova Scotia Fod al on the Maritimes. Over 90 members were present at the annual meeting of Men'a Cana- dian Club at Balmoral Hotel, Thurs- day evening which was also the last meeting of 1927-28 series. President C. A. Cawker presided. A very gratifying report of the secretary-treasurer was given by Principal W. J. Morrisan in which ho made favorable comment of ses- son closed. He aiea relported a substantial -balance in the treasury. Officers elected for 1928-29 are: Hon. President-C. A. Cawker; President-Dr. J. C. Devitt; Vice- President-Rev. R. J. Shires; Sec- retary-Treasurer-W. H. Hill; Aud- itors-R. F. Aitchisan, G. E. Chasse; Executve D. R. Morrison, A. M. Hardy, Alan Campbell sud Past Presidents. The address of evoning was given by J. L. flsley, M.P.,' Nova Scotia,I who spoke on the problems of the Maritimes. A calumn repart of his interesting remarks apipears on page 7. j THANKSGIVING VISITORS Miss Hawley, Peteiýboro, with Miss tMildred Downey. 'lMrs. R. Missan, Moutreal, with LMrs. J. F. Horne. Miss Cors M. Scott, Toronto, with Miss Almna Pollard. Mr .and Mrs. A. L. Hagerman with frienda in Toronto. Miss Hilda Curtis with her sister, Mrs. J. Colo, Toronto. Mr. sud Mm. Gea. E. Chase with her mother in Brighton. Miss F. Vann with friends at Lake- port aud Campbellfard. Mr. sud Mms. L. J. Henry, Hamil- ton, with relatives heme. Mr. and Mms. S. T. Dawson with relatives at Victo>ria Road. Mrs. F. R. Brown with ber mather, Mms. Geo. Hancock,. Newtanville. Mïss Doris Courtice, Toronto, with hem uncle, Mr. R. E. Osborne. Mrs. J. W. Asxandem, Part Perry, witb ber brother, Mr. Wm. Painton. Rev. sud Mrs. G. E. Reaman aud Aileen with relatives in Newmark- et. Mr. aud Mrs. W. S. Percy and Couch, Jçhnston &Cryderman, Bownianvllle Phoneo 14 Lîmited .2 inn ï t dis man

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