tHE CANDIAN STTESMANBOWMANVLLE.1Trn1928 LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS HOSPITALNAL MEETING 1 BEVAIN AND OPINIONS OBEVTIN N OIIN M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Sm es g egv nti ueitneta Rpr otiaJ"eietre rwe" reads ai We welcome back ýto the weekly Barrister, Solicitor, Natary page some information on rules of Much Vaiuabl. Information and jheading in a daily nwppr ue il fjunls oadFeig Money to boan on Farm and Town health, xaking special mention of Interestin< Facto. 1flot! Government Control of publisher of the Owen Sound Daily Property. Royal Bank Building, the value of water i keeping the i____ liquor was supposed to b ee-SnTns h speieto Bownianville. Phone 351. skin in a healthy condition. We Mr. Pressidont, Ladies and Gentie. rent to crime. new company which has taken over ~.R TIEha've become an enthusiastic convert men' Allow, me to present the six- th e Cornwall Freeholder. C. J. 1 W. R. STRIKFta the importance of the daily teenth annual report ef]EowmanviIle One of the speakers at the annual McTaviish wilI be managing-director Succeasor to lat. D. B. Simnpbon, K.C. bath. It may very properly be Haspital. Patients in residence dur- hospital meeting said, "Everybody of the latter paper. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary asked: Why should active meni ing year were 386, outside patients speaks Weil of Bowmanville Hospit- Solicitor for Bank of Montreal take a daily bath? To be clean, 42-total number who received al except those who haven't been With the amalgamation of the Money to Loan phone 91 of course, says Dr. Edward Or- treatment 428; births 80, being the there". What better recommend Standard Bank by the Canadian Bowmanville. Ontario merod in The King's Own-a paper iargest number we have yet record- would yau want than this? Bank of Commerce, Boxwmanville ~.F.WRD . .for Canadian Boys. led. Surgical operations were 194 may now boast of having local bran- W. F WAD, B A.But there is a great deal more of Which 67 were major and 1217 Toronto Globe of late seemis ta. ches in its midst of the three largest Barrister, Solicitor, Notary than that to bathing. The Japaneselmiior. hv eoecnaiatdwt n ak nCaaaRylBnBn Mny taSa..ons or oae hae poebtofa th fetth aino The taf onsists 0" Superintend- of the chief charactersties Of its of Montreal and Bank of Commerce. Offices-Bleakley Block, King Staatae u f aht e sanee tafAsitant and a Night Sup- nearest fratenlniho, Te____ Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone:- thoughts with which hie entera it. ervisor. There are eight nurses-n Telegrm in that it delights i h:Lr ilndnms aebe Office 102; Hause 409. This opens a new viewîpoint, f or, training. The g -jta i iig oen- ga, go puliimn eadn h con fteeio' _____________after ail, bathing is a matter of much a two-fold need: In addition to car- mor imortncethn mre,"land-1 reaip thg estconanatedtorIs mor iporane taninee laud-ing for patients who are in resi- Waiting rooms in doctors' offices bis address before the Toronto Wom- DENTAL ering".* dence in the Hospital aur graduatej have long since been noted for; en's Lanadian Ulub last week the nures re arng or geatnuibe1 Magazines of uncertain vintage. We, Governor-General also recommend- DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Physîcians infori us that the skin of patients in the town and sur- however, know of two local profes-ied ta his audience ta "See Canada Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto of the body bas two opposite char- rounding districts who are ilI in their sional men whose reception tables i First". University. Graduate of the Royal acteristics or functions. It is an homes. I have the latest perjodicals each'_____ Coaeeo. ffie Kng tal ,urgon ofOne imhinatar f pase at tr fromhe The eiastf of the hospital month, and one who displays onlyolg fDna ugoso n lmntro at atr£o It takes a mighty clever speaker, taO f O fi o e K ig0 . ., o w m aph n v e 2 . p oith in w hcb p a ss f e u t th r o h th e a s t a r . ncal sa ffe u t a ye Offie pone40. Hous phne 2. oresin he orm of a as been greatly changed during the Canadian magazines. and particularly a politician, ta dis-1 X-Ray Equipment in Office. and it is also an absorber ofvr- Pas er n asn e utpyjcuas tarifis, frei.ght rates and othej iaus substances that may be placedia tribute ta the late Dr. A. S. Tilley Local citizens have always badlJparty issues of a usuai debatable j DR. J. C. DEVITT uo it. Wben we speak of bath-1who was a member of the staff frarn the reputation "that their word is nature, such as Mr. llsley, M.P., Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson ing for cleanliness, we refer ta, re- the ape,,ning of the haspital till bis as goad as their bond". This wasî touched an in his Canadian Club ad-1 Graduate of Royal Dental Clee oaofws mtrithfrmrecent severe illness. The remnoval again proven on two recent occa-idress, without revealing his party Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- af perspiration, that bas been passed oDrB.J alwoad :from ourisians-in the Hospital canvas wheni affilitos manville. Office hours 9 a. m. ta out and lies upon the body surface, town created anather vacancy on the 1 (ver $ 13,000 was pledged and paid1 itos 6 p. mn. daily except Sunday. Phone Sa that ail active workers who per- staff. We extend a hearty welcome 1 with the exception of $1.00 and ai West Durham Agricultural Sa- 90, House phone 283. spire freely during their daily activi-1 ta the new doctars who have corhe local church thankaffering in which ciety's Dramatic Contests have be-J X-Ray Equipment in Office. ties certainly need a daily bath, ta aur haspital. over $3000 was promised and since came a permanent feature. hey ***jSince our last report we have seenj paid in -fu. have nat anly been successful, enter- DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Here is a vary pertinent thought the apening of the new Nurses' i taining and popular, but have bean Hoo rdaea TrnoUie-in this cannection that should not1 Residenca. It has been occupied Several casualties were reported the means af bringing into actionI sity and member of Royal Collage of be overlooker: If, by chance, bath- since January 1927. '-conor- Friday as a result of theCadinltttletwch teriemgt Dental Surgeons. Licensed to ing is not frequent enough, and per- able and attractive and meets ailI Club banquet-not f rom the able ad- have been undevelaped. eracisa in Ontario and the Dominion. spiration is quite generous, sme of the requirements very well. We dress or the splendid fowl supper,ý Detigtry in ail its branches. Office- this waste matter will be sure ta be wisb ta thank most sincarely those but from the almost impenetrablei A rather remarkable incident at King St., Bowmanville, opposite re-absorbed into the bady. Since at home, and abroad wbo have help- clouds of second-hand sinoke whichi the Osbrne-Power wedding at Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. one af the funictions af the body ed so generously in the recent can- non-siokers were compelled ta mn- Mapla Grave on Saturday was that whîch we fin -d it necessary ta stimu- vas9s in this connection. bale. Surely, men, you can at least 1 the canibined ages af the three late frequently is this ane ai pass-1 Bequests have come ta our hos- rfanfo or"fe îie gadaet present was 256. Mrs.. MEICAL ing out waste matter, it is apparent! puf" wbile the speaker bas ardhebrneand Mrs Jon. C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. at a glance that frequent bathing i tal frain time ta turne which bave thR ichar sn e ntss on Graduate of Trinity Medical College, the part of wisdoni in this regard. been a great balp in carrying on the- Soiich are 86 yaars ai age and Mr. Toronto, formerly ai Enniskillen. ***work. We are ta receive in the1 An enterprising news syndicate bas, Gea. Power is in bis 85th year. near future a splendid bequest irornl offered us a serial featuring "«The_____ Office and Rasilence, Dr. Beitb'a When sucb distinguished physi- the late Thomas Montague of New-'lie of Princess Mary" in thirty n aytoduîatweksavst former residence an Cburch Street, cians as Sir W. Arbuthnot Lane, castle. It is very difficult ta ex- staîments. With ail due respect tao dtrelclstrsbir h B a w m n vi le. P o o e 2 9. 4 -t art , i bi T e n G ol e n ule of p ress u r g ra titu d e fo r su c b u p r R o y a lty w a tu xn ed th e p ro p o sitio n l c o u ld s c u re a c p y ai a W eil k n aw n J. LAK BLLHeaIth. Rule 8, says: in regard not alona for tbe financial aid but down believing aur readers are mare Canadjan magazine. Are we ta J.. h... CARK ELLto the importance ai the daily bath, alsa for the knowledge of nte1 interested in hearing about the suc-1 infer irani this that Canadian maga- (Sucessr t Dr A.S. il).PH it is aqually important ta the funce- sympathatiecoc-worker in the cause, cesses of boys and girls ai Bow-'iznsaei uhpplrdmn (Sceso oD. .S Tle) tioning of the skin that a daily bath of suffering bumanity. manville and Durham County, a they are sold out the week published flions. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- be taken, but real bot batbs should j home and abroad, wbam it is aurt or areCadanpiocasotkt deen University; Fellow of the Royal be takan only in the evaning on re-J Needs of the Hospital pleasue ta efer a and ammen I fo sale Collage ai Surgeons, Edinburgb. TeStateman from time to ie Office and Residence, Queen St., Having recagnized the very im- It might bc ai interest ta mention_____tue. Bowmanville, Phone 89. potnjatta hesi pasi a iaw of the needs ai the baspital. The retiring membars ai the Hos- Ofne ous:2 o p m. 6to8.0 . L ha elimination ai effete productel We. greatly need Operating Roani Wonder just what the Mail & pital Board bave earned the grate- W. H. BIRKS, M.D. from the body, a function wbich it equipment, an X-Ray machine and Empire meant in its editorial column fui thanks ai the cammunity for OffceHars 1ta ad t 80 haras with the lungs and kidneys, an elavator. We require an addi- on Friday when it commented on a faithiul services renderad while in Tefce leph:1 o4ne 7108 3. it is necessary ta keep its surface tion ta the building whicb wauldl Toronto by-law raquiring civi e ar- affice, and the ramainifig mambarsi Ofie n esîehna:1Dr. Hzeoo'lean, and ta avoid the plugging of provide suace for these. It would1ployees ta live withln the boonds aif and new directors daserve the ca- formerandresidence D.W azling oo te Itl rfcsa h ut itaseam advisable ta bave a separae 1te ias being "small tawn staff"? -aperatian ai public spirited citizens former Bowmadn vi Wllingon treet, thsealt andrceseofglandcs -n the idepartment for maternity work On bebaîf ai ana ai the sinaîl towns in cal-rying an the gaod wark ai this Bowmnvile.swby dir, r btare ad sineein aiwhare thasa cases could receive the in wbich the Mail & Empire circul- institution. DR.V.H. TOEYthose glands.dseretonofncessary care. jates We take strienuous exception ta Office bours 2 ta 4 and 6 ta 8 p. m.1 Aiter 8 p. m., by appoinment onîy. The reasoning la 50 clear and ty beda and six cota for infants. big city paper. Sucb an expression about Canadian horses winning at, Exception-Office will ha open 9 ta lagical that Statesman readers can The capacity in beda increasedi la typically Torontonian wbich city the National Horse Show at Madison 10 Saturday nigbt. 36-tf aasily camprebaend it. Dr. Lane by ana wben a raom was furnisbed. la knolwn ta the outside world as Square Gardens, New York City, DR. R. W. CL.ARK says that the result ai such plugging racently by Masonic Lodge. There "Hog Town". More than likely recalls ta mmnd over 20 yaars ago Phyicen Srgen f he ucs o teseglnd isden- reeij t e. in public wards, te e chap who wrote the item origin- wben the late Senator Robert Beith Office-Division St., Bowmanville. onstrated in the forin ai ittle lumps, prîvate raoms and two bada in garni- Jally came from a smaîl town, but ai this town carried Off the Grandj (next ta Trinity United Cburch> pustules or boins, wbicb may occur private raoni. j b's a city guy naw baving discardad 1 Championsbip at this international Office Haurs-3 ta 5 and 7 to 9 p,.m. on any part oi the surface ai the During the past year the rate ion b is bracas in invor ai a hait ta hnld show a coupla ai times with bis hack- Sundays by appaintment onîy. body,s butrewbich ara more conspic- public ward patients bas been in iUp bis trousars. ney. The writar was a ring-sida Pnoe 4..u ad rpulsive wben on the face. creased from $1.50 per day ta, $1.75. spectator on one ai these occasions Phone5-t We iancy some ai aur yaunger read- Provincial Government grant for The provincial governmant bs and well remambers the thrill thati 45tars wbo wonder wby tbey bave so public ward patients was increasedigranted Halton Caunty a crown came over us whan the award was j * DOCTORS' HOLIDAY many diafigurements on face, neck from 50e ta 60e par day. This in-Igama resarva in Trafalgar Townshipmaet-heorefm u ow" The Physicians ai Bowmnanville and lsawhara hava not tbought af ereasa was ta enab)e haspitals to J. L.More mads tftha brsa irm "aurtown" will close their offices Wadnasday ai- this prolific causa. This iurther meet the increased cos.t aifnainten- ed that rden blarsr ye br dacaT- eqeto sofe se ternoan and evening. advice is offered: ace. sanctuary be located in the intys mrbunes enwl no I case ai emergency at this tima cal Graduation Exercises wara held, ai Bowmanvjlle from Lake Ontario srei an cucl euy Dr. Bell the lat Wadnesday ai montb; To avoid this interierenca witb in Octobar and three nurses raceîved northward. Mr. Mordan daims Rava Jarifs. ai Barrie, who resigned Dr. Birks, 2nd Wednesday ai month; the normal fonction ai the skin, too diplomas. ideal conditions exist hara with lak ecetl bfre completing bis tarni Dr. Sleman 3rd Wadnesday ai mantb; much care cannot bc taken ta ash awibt1tak h ocol marsh, ponds and streams ta estah- ai office, gives the answar when haie Dr. Storay 4th Wednesday of month. thoroughly, and ta have at laast ana wbo have lectured and have enabladi lish a resarva whicb would outrival sy:" mcnicdta ui dai ly bath. If the bath is takan at tham ta attain the raquired standing.! Jack Minar's famous sanctuary at cipal Councîl chamber is no place night, it cen witb advantege ba veryf Wa wisb ta thank the membars aij Kingsvilla. No ane dara disputelfor a man inclined ta speak his I CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESSI bat, so as ta stimulae the skin ta ome' 1sia Axiar ho is pradiction, for haqn't Mr. Mord-, mmd, as I amn, particularly 50 if the THEROPY lctasefficiently as spassible, and sol1 oeIanopia for yyfrlma tre DURIN . SECKEY flsb he oct aithesavralgladstheir various activitias in the int e fr aars past attractad scoresiman us un 'business an the ansre hnrduRWIN ai Toronto Colag usdh kn ia h ah the estofsheai the hoanspia. Wocud f iwild fowl ta take up permanent a i a yutrne of he kin Aferthehotbat th et-sof he ospta. W cold otrasidence at the Craam af Barlev hera bava bort my business, and I ai Craracutc oilThaon thoegeow ividual can gat into a warm hedgtaonwibtthm Pond? Who is there in aur midst must now giveaail my attention ta manville Office Tuesday, Thursday land "0 avaid the risk ai chilI. Wa are graatly indabted ta the Ita belp Mr. Morden get tha aar a y troofoona" and Saturdey evanings, phane 141J.1I * * *1 Board ai Dircators and Secretary, the governinent ta make this district Ota eiiu eo iins in Residential cails made d uring fore- We iency what the distinguisbad for the very great intarest taken in1 a gam'e raserve? terlioudnmna noa)n. doctor says in tbis losing paragrapb Hospital effairs and for the splandid) considaring the welfare ai their - . Ja is comment an Rulas will set manner in which the canvass farj1 Faw public hospitais, if any, pay the od e a oplcial trad i npronit FNRLDRC RS many reeders seriausly considering fonds was parsistently carriad on 1 axpenses irom revenue race îvad tecd'fsca sadn n o FUNRA DRETOe mattar vary cammon in Canada as tilI the objective was reachad. 1 from paying patients, and Bawman_ duct a s draftad by the Seventh Dayl F. F. MORRIS CO. it is in Etupapean cauntries: We wisb ta thank ail who have in' ville Hospital isn' xepin h Adventists in convention racently in Completa Motar or As pointed aut in a previaus ar- any way contributed ta the succes' idaficits are mat hy grants îrom mon- Toronto whan they discossed sucb Hore quimat. tii h muta fesv atrif the Hospital. Signed icipal counicils wbase people are t suhjects as dancing, mioving pictoras, ( ~ ) Ailcarse qupm ptly elmintea b tof okfnie mattinIserved by the hospital and by dona-' patting, short dressas, chaperonaga, attended ta. pootio as the individuel is con-ForneS tbSutJ tions from generaus mindad citizens rcetasadamsmns 'h \~ f Private Ambulance. Istipaed, sa thet the presence ofai eLest yaer the local haspital admitted ofutheward p are",isad fernex \~f Bowmanville phone: Idirty, sptty skin is elivays evidence ---1386 patierns-170 irom Bowman- saithadnwed naure", rte a aa e- 10 and 34. aiadfectiva digestion. In fact, . fcen-o o eto te"n ville and 176 irom Durham Caunty.o res aki diea sufiStoretst-mntin1ha ,n-Yat when it came ta grants the rurala rs.poo h nte Orn ecsl. Most si dsassare the manifesta-, nual" ana sometimes bumorously mncplte n noprtdVl Orn ecsl.1tiaon aiseptic organisms inveding the jreierred to-as anough. if ane a cn lmsnpaites uand inaeporatvla_____- ALAN M. WILLIAMS awly vitalised skin ai a toxiec, on- manage a daily scru-e quert ai $15as0in Wetramgoav lsatha Embalmer and Funeral Director. stipatad subject. lIsoft water wiî do in a pinch-it wilt$1000.e.ea owanilatwn Cals given prompt and personal et-I Sa that ail soaeffictad shouId use he iound e well-worth-whilfpacd-concl adasla gradnt :ai $200.The U I etan. No trAmacg o -1pe nt b ewa en ordrwhnkirsen s i reas lanlines t o o hee cotibtagthi .irse. tac. MtrAblne t yoor; cbîefly btenmeals adwe e es f rs lalns tprudriates jmunicipalities bava cartainly not! service. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- tiring for the night and arising for 1 bot also in view af the actuel physical towacnrd haupkap ath airospitel manvil'e, Ont. 3-tf. 1the day's work. *d eta bteran ugesa onsid teratien i th servies tha PAGE TWO__________________ - .' Y*4fJjlL, o~il r:tir.~ ~ ;;.hî i ba ig!scnste tflinki- TlnoteV e hmtan iorgenizetion and active workersit Vve wf1ilot ask vou tobuy. op.. it 1 -il--,--ro,.,, wlhaurrsing what may ha ac-FAAÉuf Mcnié 101 1. , *** through day and evening sessions j complished. There is inany an hein- O I î1,,1 ûvîllîniîl,,î,m. iîîî. With tha inerpe in rb cnvenience, and home study courses. Through l oni and aId piace ai furniture DOMNIO TRD SHO b" bathilfailiti-s wbrh la a part ment, efinite assistance la afford. j heen sold in recant years in the HARRY C. ALUIN MedOfice6iO n gAD CHSt.W, Looto. ai oor rowinz undiergtandine. ai ed both Employer and Graduate. county ta antique bounds and secondKigS.Ws Lono en 1rnhs hodv care and hvIziane, we bardl y Write for calenclar. Head Offices: hand dealers which would ha invalu-KigS.Wt MLnonNontreai l ianiltan Ot.iaa look unon the weekly bath whicb us. Bay and Charles Sireets. able as apecimans fan a lacal 1ii115 Bowmanville W - d ta ha commonly considered as].*1aum.1 EMPTY COAL BINS ARE GETTING THEIR FILL They certainly are thee days-and the prefer- nce on past. performance seems to be for LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Cocrl Tat Satisfjs Our coal is ail freshly mined, dean and well creened. You take no chance-s when you ordrà the old reliable "Lehigh Valley Anthracite". , nakes warmi friends during the cold winer, nonths. 4 Order your winter supply of coal now-phone 153 or 202. Headquarters for Buildera' Supplies J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies ad Fuel 'hone 153 or 202 Bowmaavil.e MAGIC T IflS i.\N is putting p telphone poles. lari the morning hce is out making a Wax iV r the \vire that is ta corne. At. night whcn the gang gets back ta camp he is tired. Bot 1w likes it. There is zest in the work he is doing, for hie i in new contry. There have neyer been tclelîhones here before. Hie is blazing the trial . After him will corne families andI homes and stores and factaries to make another city. Over the w'ires on the pales lie plants there will ha voices and laughter, business wiIl hum, ahI the world will draw clo',er. Ile wiirks with magie. The xvire transforms tinie and dhistance. Todax' yiu can lift the tclephiine at v<iur elbuîw add withîn seven min- utes hecar the v lice oIf your friend in England sa%-: 'Are you tliere ?" T lIS A-GIC in thc telephone as not corne in a day. It las corne with year aftcr vear of exjieriment and improvement. The tclehohne (Àf todav is no more like the first telephone than a 'machine gun is like a bow-and-arrow. And the' telciphîne of trumcrrow will surpess the telephione fJ tQada. Tomnorrow perbaps, this tellione at yotir lbow will bring you., the face oîf the pers la von talk with, will hold new magic we now do 'nit (reani of. T 111 IS the urge to improve-to seek and Tta find soînething alwax's bctter-which has, heen the definiite policv of th e telephone busine'ss siýnce t1he first crode instrument ne- Prîîdueed the voice of its inventor fifty-odd years aga. 113vnfia ther policy cauld the telephone have ke1>t pace ,'ith h Ii coiinîrv oîr cîîntributed to its prîrlress as it clondîe in reîîucing Canada's wvide dl-tances and differences oif gcography. And bv fia other policy can the telephone now meet thc rcspansibility of serving Canada's future. ANAD..\'S FUTURE is at least twenty Cyears af unpreccîlcnted growth and pros- perity. AI the signs and barometers of busi- ness point to, it. I thc shrewdest prophets of business predict it. The signs and the proplicvs are so sure, and the future is so naimistakable, that within the ncxt five vea rs more muney w~ill bc needed for extension of the tulepho ne sstem in Ontario and Qoebec than xvas spent by the business in ail its first forty years. Hll -E MAN Pushing pales and wire into cauntry and the foresight whîch now is planning (iver one hundred million dollars of new plant ta mecit the needs of the next five yeers comae frîîm the same Pahicy and tha same porpose- to give Canadians aýcîlitics of communication wîn-thy of their country and its future. Plblish d by fTeh e rephone ComPa,,. of Canada tabEll WU 8cOmeth,,,0 abimî t.h, frlrhone bu4ineu oand th. e/e" i 223 ME CANADIAN STATUMA.N, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. NO'VFMRr-P- 1S lQ9Q