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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1928, p. 3

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TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1928 PAGE THR~I The Personal Element in Banking Affairs Between the curtness and coldness of printed bank forms and the human element for whose use they are designed, are vast opportuntties for the banker ta give valuable personal assistance. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, thru the members of its staff, is anxious ta use any opportunity that arises ta demon- strate its value in offering personal advice on fin- ancial rnatters. The local manager of the Cana- dian Bank of Commercewill be glad ta give intiinate counsel upon money mattes pertaining ta your bus- iness TUIE CiXNADIN BANK 0F COMMERCE rlFtF STANDARD BANK OF CANADA MEATI IsAn Essential Part of a WelI Balanced Intelligent Diet. The best meats are available at our shop where good service and economical prices prevail. Tempt- ing, deliejous meats for your table that turn a meal into an event. Health-giving fresh and pure pro- duets are our stock. Just give us a trial. HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville WIHIEN YÙU EIIJYA ILAIDIC Look for the Rogers SA/ C TUBEý With the Top Clips T HI is ourmeans of positive idetiictio o aRogers Bat- teryless Radio, as this tube is found only in the Rogers and is made and controlled ini Canada exclusivèly by Rogers for their Batteryless Receiving Sets. Thousands u p o n thousands of these tubes have been in active daily use throughout Canada for years and most of those now in use for the third year are as good as new. The A/C tube is the heart of any electric set and the Rogers is the only A/C tube in Canada that has proven its ability to give 'maximum service for years. Fully Guaranteed Moreaver the Rogers A/C tube is absolutely guaranteed Vo give satisfactory performance. You take no chance af, heavy tube expensel Moe P uuu .4ctud Size of Tube The phenomenal success of the Rogers Batteryless Radia (it now enjoys the greatest sales of uny radio in Canada and more than ail other "electric" radios combined 1) is based largely on the quality, power, and durabiîity af the Rogers A/C tube. Yet a Rogers Batterylees Radio costs no more than ordinary electric sets. Prices are as follows: $165 and $275 for Sets complete, except Speaker. $250 ta $395 for Console Models, Complete. Phanagraph Combinatian Higbboy, $325, Complete Convenient terms arranged. Phone 152 or Cali For Denionstration ~W.J. BAGNELL., King St. Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE SOLDIERS CLUB DR. HUGHES' POEMS IN DEMÀND MEDDINGS For Frost Bites and Chilblains. HOLO ARMISTICE DINNERI____ -Chilblains corne from undue expos- _____Dr. James L. Hughes had a pleas-1 McMullen-Dickey ure tea luah and cold and frost-bite Clijf Santis EI.cted Prosideat of ant surprise recently when, without The home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert from the icy winda of winter. In Club. any previaus carrespandence or any Dickey, Nestieton,, Ont., was the the treatinent of either an excellent _______suggestion on bis part, he received isene of a pretty wedding an Wed- preparation is Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Saturday evening, November 10, a letter from the Stratford Pubish- nesday, Octo~ber 3lst., when their Oil, as it counteracts the inflanmma- members of the Soldiers' Club held ing Company of Boston, requestifl nly dalughter, Elva Sophia, was un- tion and relieves the pain. The their annual Armistice Dinner at the bim to give them the right ta pub-1 ited in marriage ta Mr. David Wil- action or the ail is prompt and its BalmralHotl. ixt exsericelish bis book of poems entitled ý bert McMulen eldest son af Mr. and application is ex±rernely simple. Bamowr r esHoe.t, andejoyedrtie ,Life's Glanies". The book will bel Mrs. Thomas MeMullen, Janetville, reun w lrea ery app jyemanner published at once. Rev. V. Walker of the Presbyterian CeoradeJ.a0'eill ocpied ther Two days later he received a let- Church, Janetville, officiating...... ComadeJ.O'Nil ocuped heter from a New York gentleman, Mr. Promptly ait balf past two o'clock too president's chair. Gue;;ts included CLnsrt Mayor T. S. Holgate, D. R. Marri- *Lnsrt Betts, requesting him1 the strains of Lohengrin's wedding son nd ev.Capt S.C. arrtt send hum some .poems that hejm arch, ýplayed by Miss liva Shaw of snana, eho was theS.Cie spaer wished ta publish in an anthology of Po.ntypoal, cousin of the groom, the of the evening. Canadian verse wbich he is prepar- rharming bride entered the draw ei ng.-Toronto Globe. ing raom, whicb was prettily decor- Uu-m After an excellent dinner, elv ated with evergreens. bells and rib-if7o itsed ened by many of the sangs sucig on bons, leaning an the 'arm of hier fat- active service ,the toast of "The iher. The bride was attired in a i t King" was drunk ta the accompani- Unless worms be expelled fran Ib eautiful gown of honey-dew gear- -' Major W. J. Hoar proposed the Mathen Graves' Worm Exterminator'W gee red tih radium lace.shes rt orPMSPuTu oRF is an excellent medicine to destroy )ware awet fOag lsos tos o"u ale ords n al(soh groom's gift, a nope of Pattu Food Company of Caada.Limtted in very graphic words pictuned the wonms peanîs and carried a bouquet of 5028 C..... 7--Oâ warriors passing as into the light of~ - Chrysanthemums. The bride and m the setting sun ait eventide, usng gom wr ntedd h their own happy phrase "gane West"' -groom'wert e uthe ined.T hes ta descnibe their transition from i strg silven vanity pianiet as a active service here ta higher service YOU CANT congratulations a sumptuous wed- beyond. Very impressive indeedj ding luncheon was served. ý was the silence in which th e toast' PUT IT OFF The happy couple left for an ex- ALREADY was drunk, and memories of noble ed mtrrithogMcian friends who bad paid their all crowd- MUCH LONGER tendedAmoThea ritd thrugh Mihia ed in ta make the silence -more elo-1 j trso h a n h oebiefokwt leca rm quent tban any verbal tribute. i Wne'no h aindte rs ed ige furockd witbuoath.Thim After some more of the soldier ai od boy bas a way of md it fr ndba t mtc. heT O V E 1 songs, the speaker of the evening withaut giving advance notice. nany beautiful and costly gifts. was introduced by Comirade, R. J.1 Get ready for bim now. Be neady Sbires. In a spendid address Ca'pt. ta touch a match ta the aid heat Osborne-Power Jarrett outlined the four special'0A1 nots f rmstce ayprde hn- factory in tbe cellar the hour A very pretty wedding was sol- Ve have prepared fo nurscofmradestipe ad preae. n- tetemmte rp. Fl emnized on Saturday, Novemben 10, The large range we have ourcomadehipandpeae. m- 1thethemomterdros. ili at the home of Mr. Truman Power, phasis was laid on the demand whicb' your bin with Maple Grave, witb Rev. J. H. Staint- sible for you to select or must be made for peace, the peace on officiating, when Reta Leola, eld- purcbased by the blood of aur coin- et daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Tu quiremnents and your purç rades, that we may have as a per- Aman Power, was united in marriage includes: nament possession the fruits of the w ith Hilliard Earl, second son of Mr. HEATERS dead. At the close a very appre- J Frank Osborne and the late Mrs. the speaker. Tbe bride entered the noon an theC OKSO The toast of the Canadian Corpstbteahrcolfm te arm of her father ta the strains of OIL STOVES was proposed by Comnade G. C. Bon-1ta lnhrco ro te Mendelssahn's wedding march play- ELECTRIC SI nycastle ,and replied ta by Conradei beart of the Pennsylvania Hilîs ed by Miss Margaret Paynes. Sbires, whilst "Canada and the Em-1 tbat burns brigbt, lasts long and Carrying a bouquet af Sweetheart Don't buy your stove pire" was proposed by Co.mrade L.J gives good besat. roses, the bride looked cbarming in T. McLaughlin and responded ta byl a gown of white geongette and net our display. Comrade F. H. Moody. We also selI veil. Miss Vera Power, sisten of the Mayon Holgate thanked the Club j SEMET SOLWAY COKE bride ,acted as brîdesmaid, while Mn. for tbe kind invitation ta attend the Hubert Osborne, brother of the dinner ,and spoke on the arrange- Stanage sheds and new scale groom, acted as .best man. M A SO N ments for the Meniorial Service at at uptown C. N. R. siding. After the ceremany the wedding P'c.15oparHdw the Soldiers' Monument on Sunday. party entened the dîning-noomn which Phn 14 oua ada Itwsagreed that aIl ex-service was decorated with yellowanwht men would salute -or raise thein hats H-enry Latnrope streamers, yellow muns and wedding in passing the Soldiers' Monument, Phon 2 iet bells wbere they pantook of a sumpt- as a mark of respect ta their fallen an 2 ie t . uous repast served by Miss Greta conrades. It is hoped that other Bownianville Oke, Miss Alice Arnold, Miss Greta citizens would adopt the samne cust- Munday, Miss Eileen Souch, Miss am which is so flttingly and gener- Grace Bragg and Miss Tberesa Mc- ____________ ally observed in otber places. Neil, fniends of the bride. Election of officers resuted as fol- The bappy couple left by moton lows :-President--Cliff Samis; Vice- _______________ for Bell eville and other eastern President-L. T. McLaughlin; Secre- p oints, the bride travelling in a navy tary-Treasurer-T. Annison; Coin- Ail Canada at thse Royà » blue dress and coat witb 'powder mitte e-G. C. Bonnycastle, F. C. blue bat. Palmer and George Crombie. On thein return they will reside on their fanm east of Bowimanville. In replying ta a very hearty vote* I Anothen interesting featune of tbe of tbanks and congratulation on the ocsinwste apsnofJh success of bis past twa, years' work ocso a h ats fJh as President, Coinrade O'Neill ex- Power Morton, son of Mr. and Mns. pressed bis appreciation of the loyal Stu nant Mortn, man o wegrn.s and kindly support given hin. o r n r. rmnPwr Mr. Dave Monison was cordially f thanked for his services at the piano Red Rose Orange Pekoe has and bis general interest in the Sold- earn.d the patronage and Cors' Club. ja dlegt good will of more tea drink-Ol ComadeAniso ws dleate Aers than any other high- l .I - -I ta place the Clubs' Memorial 1.. ,a ~îI at the Monument on Sunday on be- quality tea in C..anada. 41jW, haîf of the inembers . Judges of good tea gladly It was uoted with regret that TORONTO, CANADA give more for Red Rose whilst most scbools in other places i~ Orange Pekoe because they had made arrangements for an Ar- N o0v. 2 l - 9 know that the value they re-T i.S mistâce Cammemoration, no sucb ev ewrt hn ie plan bad been undentaken in Bow- - lAH iosaT thf~ eve aexr ts ~atmes a.B hm s nanville schools. It was unani- BIGHT SPECIA Ath fe etrcnsthyp .LEho ei n Shool Boards bc petitioned te pr- 20 acres of atrcio sT apes neitiieran vide for a remembrance of this kindNoie f in future years. 14 g ShJîows tOtbIfled o pliain o ioreataeyDeoi A splendid evening of happy con- WORLD'S GREATEST A piainFrDvreaSft eoi radeship was brougbt te a close by doors of our vault. the singing of Auld Lang Syne. UN DOOR EXHIBITION Notice 1. hereby given that Carence Spurgeon White, of the City of Oshawa, uo»D ui___ Md ln the County and Province of Ontario, Your personal mns ma" ofzbo"sChauffeur, will apply ta the Panliament sODblc&l¶!A.EE.swDMR.VM of Canada, at the present session there- ThFe ony sit l1aefor DIAMOND WEDDING yOMXý),D0o8,0LTtytmNpgroe.M of, for a Bil of Divorce fromn his w4fe, ______PANCor Y=.PRODUX9 1F 0 le Irene Mary White, now of the City 0f pîiis famiy pape DAYAM OECHAM. Oeicm s Ohawa, ln the County and Province of Mr. and Mr". W. Elford, Carman, YWZ VIPjLpLY& Ontario, on the ground af adultery. M&n., Celebrate Sixtioth Wedding- DATEýD at Oshawa this 28th day of Oke M Greakgs JOSEPH P. MANGAN, IIeR~ For the third time this yean Car- H'O RSE S HOW 44-5Solctaor for Applicant. c81aolC man bad the distinction on Monday iiuDveAsba BoeI.Th of a diamond wedding anniversany,M eh mei DvsAtmaBfr I.Te when Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Elford at- S«tomat 33 KigSL-WTasmo moke or vapor fnom Dr. J. D. Kel- taiedth sxtithyer f tei mr-A BIG IME FOR AUL1 logg's Astbma Remedy gvies astluna Bowmaflville Branch 1 niage. As some members of the no chance ta linger. It enadicates 1049 family could net be present no cele- B rini he cuse. Ourexpe1e1c0wit13, bration was held but those wbo are P ----bdeandEdlouAeta- nelief-ivng nemedy shows how set- near enough vsited their panenti MltsMusal d a-CanadionRs.. SC.. Bt-PU.A.-T ~ ual and positive is the succor it some time during the day. coaoe Bnd. gives. It is the nesult of long On October 22, 1868, William H. RAIN, SHINE or COLD study and experiment and was not Elfod ad Mry horsy Wbstr sbmitted ta the publie until ita nmak- Elfrd manrd lM ary tonby Wet.,an Eni.,,' IN DOOR Fair ers knew it would do its wonk well. settled on the Elford bomestead AdiTOs" neO whene .they lived until 1883 wben Reducd Fa1es-o-I2ai Ila Since xnoving inta town in 19i12 -Hîps keep teeeh eau. terna in stock. Mn. Elford, stilî very active, has be- te v corne well known ta Carman nesi- dents but Mrs. Elford's extreme MG deafness bas prevented ber partici- ACI pation in social life and she is naw in W . T. A llenA RI l feeble healtb. Mn. Elford la a nepbew of the late BIG 30 ROOKSTORE. Phone 65 John Elford. Bowmanville. aTheir numenous relatives lu this distict BowmanvllI. Ont. join in heartiest congratula a to V this worthy couple.11 FOR A BIG SEASÔN or a big season in stoves. , in stock makes it pos- ne which suits your re- se. Our assortment rES 1TOVES until you have first seen & DALE are Store Bowmanville vi Way io place for valuable is your office. For a have the protection of Box behind the steel spection is mnvited. , ilis, bondfs, stocks, deeda. pars, smal awlsy.etc. Val BanIk inada R. F. Aitchison, Manager b MILERS1 Rm.SEVU TUE HETLE8CNIION BRouGHT ON DV TrHE PRESEROS 09 WONUh £50 NESrORE 'nIE OHILD TO'NORLiAL IIEALTH. j NO NRCOTCS-LEASNT A SU a .roceries îtended in our big ex- oor quality or low grade iost expensive in the long 7ays buy the best in food ir and reasonable prices. goods at dependable grocery order-and see ed. [ER SETS ked several new sets of e newest in these gooda. t. TAIT Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1928 PAGE TEMM

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