VAGE FOUI jALNGO BURKETON HAMPTON COURTICE HYO Base Line Christmias Concert: Mr. and Mis. C. W. Rabm and Visitors: Miss Edna Cryde- Mr. Walter Snider is holidaying Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. Me- Wednesday, December l9th. 46-2 Betty, Weston, Mr. S. J. Pediar, man, Belleville, Mr. Frank Cryder- at Mr. W. H. Nichols'. Comb, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. ,_____Clarence and Kenneth Pediar, Swan- man, and Mr. Albert Allun, Toronto, Mr. B. O. Young spent the week- Henry and faniily, Lindsay, at Mr. SOsNaMrJeandBor. anvlerCo.ranei at Mr. A. B. Cryderman's; Mr. and end with relatives in Toronto. E. Mnuntjoy's; Mr. and Mis. Wnx. George abn, wAnilenMrand HleMrs A ew ndfm'y o- Miss Arnold attended the Powe- Lumbers, Toronto, at Mr. Henry S O LI A G org R a in, ile n a d H len, M rs A . D e w ll a d f ini y, O W - O sborne w edding on Saturday. A shton 's; M is. R euben A shton Son t rpor tatMr.E.~.Mr. and Mis. Cecil Rabrn, Florence, manville, at Mr. Chas. Johns'; Miss Mrs. Johnson, Whitby, is with hier and son Cyrus, Port Hope, at Mr. Black is under the doctor's care. Wl Esie and Ada, spent Thanksgivirig Grace Elliott and friend, Dr. J. H. daughter, Mrs. (Rev). Stainton. Leslie Graharn's; Ms wihfr ped eovr. with their parents. ý Elliott, Toronto, at his sister's, Mis. Miss Amelia Lear wss with Mr. Theron Mountjoy visited her mother, wish for a n p edy basec overy.yp p la oeme a orA t C. J. Kerslake; Miss Bernita Wal- and M s. A. J. Gay over the holiday. M i. J. Rutledge, Salem, on Sunday; Mr. ill an eat as sld ias hB o pulwar vtem e ndfav o A to lac e, Toronto, at home; Mr. and M s Mrs. J. H. Hicks, M s. C. W . Cur-IM s. Publow and child en, M . and farm to Mr. Howsam of Port Perryl aSos-eite ad yulFiank Cole, Toronto, at Mr. Howard ian, Toronto, were Thanksgiving vis- Mrs. Grant and childien, Toronto,l We welcome Mr. and Mis. Howsam~ know why. Knox's Shoe Store. Cole's; Miss Laura Virtue, Toron- itors of Mrs. Jas. Short. visjted at Mis. Wm. Cieepeî's and to this curnmunity. Mother gîves us Cîeam of Barley.1 to, at Mi. J. J. Virtuels; Mis, W. J. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Worden, Misses Mrs. A. MeNeil's; Mi. and Mrs. Seldorn has Eldad Chuich seeni Ranton and Margaret, Trenton, Mr. Patty and Dora, Toronto, spent the Disney and childien, Oshawa, visit- I such cîowds as gatbeied for the,- and Mrs. Lorne R&bbins and Pauline, holiday with relatives here.1 ed at Mr. J. Wright's; Mi. Earl and roast fowl supper on Wednesday ev-J at Mis. W. Virtuels; Mi. and Mis. Mi. and Mis. Jesse Arnot, Miss Mr. Roy Thompson, Bowrnanvi]le, at ening. Some 700 people partooki TYRONE Lloyd Williams, Solina, at Mi. Silas Beinice and Master Jack, North Osh- borne over the weekend; Mi. and of the splendid repast furnisbed byl Williams'; Mi. and Mis. Hairy awa, visited Mis. Eli Osborne onf Mis. Thos. Greer and faniily have the ladies of Eldad. Oui newl Holiday Visitors:-iMr. and Mirs, Smith and faniily, Toronto, at Mr. Sunday. nioved to their new borne at Oshawal baseinent mnade a splendid supper Jas. Souch, Bowmanville, at Mr. A B1ruc Fiusns; Ms.C Pl .. oLege at uday evenn roo an th bautfultabesloa- Hwky's Mr an Ms. . Bd ru rd Sae at Mis. Chas. Lang- The Tuxjs boys bad an inteiesting owing to special services at Tyrtne' ed wanthe as t ike, ht allop- ad Do ro.and Mis E.mBeford Mi.and Mis. oly at.meeting at the cburch on Fia v and Enniskillen ... * Mis. J. Wright edpttes upin pe, and B ornile iand Mis. mesn nn hnMse in gs'; Mi. and Mis. Milton Slernon, eig bn at rary Gay wasbas îeturned borne afteîvisiting e ot eaies provediniti, n MBoo and JleM.andTornto, is ings and daugbteî, Mi. Frank Hast- nitiated. fîiends in Oshawa. eve th poîes apettes to Jaez ooe, nnikilenatMr: ings, Toronto, at Mi. Chas. Hast- Miran tMa, aW. B.sPo l a ev. J.e M. WhyapeitestorofEnns-BronMoore, s; Msi. an Mia T A oyd and Gordon, Haydon, and daughte Grtad Ms IaMte gvsu rano aly kilen United hurc, adr fe a moa Andon, M ioes;. and Hor, Toron.Miss Nancy Jobns ,Toronto, at Mr. Pollard, Bowmanville, were recentj killn Uite Chrchmad a ostAndeson Mr. Anie oar Toon-C Johns,; irs. R. Katerson, Missiguests of Mr. Jas. Short. efficient chairman for the concert to, at Mi. Sid. T. Hoar's; Mi. Mil- iaîy Katesnad .2ornn i.R E son, Miss MAPLE G andn hdiMr.indmay h.uaorMraddedE.mObcrneOVE and is indy huor dde uh to ton Findiey, Miss Velma Findley, Katerson witb fîiends in Port Hope; Louise, Masteî Nelson, Bowrnanville, the enjoyrnent of the evening. Mia Mr. and Mia. Howard Findley and Mr.anMAAletClBw n-nd i s He O nd Drs Vios: r.nd r.Abrt. Win. Adams of Bowrnanville, proved Ibabe, Unionville, at Mi. T Richards'; ile and M s. eitCoe Bowan- and MtIises Helentok ereandaDoris isitd or i nGodnM i.gsbtonHR. veiy enteitaining with ber liteîaîylMi. Lloyd and Kenneth Bail, Les- illea Mi and Mis. enneti Cver- 1 Gutie Tono. eeSudyAinadsnGdn intnR. numbers, while Mi. Abert Hiîcock, kard, at Mi. Win. Virtuela; Mi. and'i' n agtî wnoido, isget f Mi. Chas. Osboine. East, with bier sister, Mis. Chas. Bowanill, he amtonOrhes Ms. . dgtt Whtb, a MAnmnill, Ms.iss Eva Souch, Bow- Next Sunday at the close of tbe Hone.; Mi and Mis. George Laird Bowmanvile, the Ha pton Orch s- Mrs. . LidgetJohniPye, tEnniakil-ilsermon. aohsocialEnhaîf-houermoitbsociaus-lfandudaughtells- aadniltonlt witbit bisi I tra, and the Composite MaeQui Laura Virtue's; Miss Hazel Hodgson, lna i ehs Suhs r rae oo og n ti,"h rother, Mi. Alfred Laird; Miss tette of Whitby, piovided an abiu-, Coibyville, with her parents, Mi. andi Mia. Fawcett, Mis, J oy, Sir.,1 Heies ol bo, lsd Tstment"The och ece, jbbr ohra ance of splendid muisic. and Mis. R. J. Hodgson; Mi. and Trnoa1i.Go Bro' .,is be d b ofOrohe Mu. adeMismtuatt Mort The total expense of building and Mis. Ia Erbe, Carsonville, Michia,,Trno t r e.Bro' .j s 1b onducted by astor Stainton 1 rn;M.îjid r. Sur otn wee ehian.Barron ietuined to Toronto withl who will also have charge of the son John, Cobourg, wîth lier parents, ienovating amounted to about w r . er on their wedding triP vis- them; Mi. and Mis. Gilbert Wilkin-, rnorning service. Mr. and Mis. Truman Power; Misses $3000 btth enîaiyof ýiting her ister, Mis. Otto Vrtue;j son, Toronto, at Mi. .E. Tiull'a; Mi.1 A seiious accident occuired in mannieS. tand ruiesairwiH.te. people and frienda was such that, Mia. Fallis, Toronto, Mis. Peikins and Mis. John Colwql1, Jr., wit Cour tceSatusy ngat ooc parents; Mi. and Mis E. R. Free- afteî the canvass and sperw'and family, Unionville, Mi. and Mia. 1frienda in Port Hope;2 Mu. and Mis, issChrsse, r. il were able to pay off all but $1000.00is. ThabesToronto, Mi. and John Wakeley with teGwe h atbu on atfo anbS.aCth ri esrgeMis. H.ToS. M rsJohn Findley, Thoinhill, visited at iA thur W akeley, O shaw a; M . nd er ff a ca o i ito he s aine ngi- wFr e e i s bC her , M i. WH. l On Sunday, November i, a very eadPryCwi Mr.E. ite's; Mi. and Mis. Bent- Mis.. W. D. Shoîtt, Bowmanvilhe, ection ian into the back of the bus witreaforme.'Co rotherioMs. H.MGss ley, Cherry alley, with Rev. ndMesrs. Hariy and Pîc.C-în Rean.PowerCongirtuari toMss impiessive dedication service was gu but not injuiing any of its passeng- held in oui new Sunday School rooni. 1Mis. J. R. T -upour; Mi. and Mis. Toronto, at Mi. John Cowling'a; Mi. es Two Toronto genl1emen in Reeta ower. lObrnge hast Rev. J, R. Bick, oui Pastor, opened W .Sees i n i.E n i.J ila, sa a t eh car were badhy cut up and onewek Mi.s a ElSesdlab e Town.e the service and gave a few minutes'lStevens, Hamupton, Mi. W. H. Tay- Mi. A. Peters; Mu. Chas. Burroughs was unconcous. They weue tak- Miss M t abet, dgae to hed îeviw 0 th wok. Ii.A. . p.. oiBowanville, Mi Norman Steen, of Oshawa, at home; Miss Leonaî en into Rundle's store wheîe Mia. IO .E .a at aeaslni eiwo beaîfof theMrust.e.Boadis- o=aDms i adMs a-Stainton, Oshawa, at Mi. 1L T. pas-I1 Rundle administeied fa i n1 report at Sunday School last Sun- thanked the friends who had sol lyle Stevens, Mis. H. A. Stevens, coe'a; Mi. L. T. Pascoe, Misses the ambulance from Oshawa was dyPso titnpece geneiously assisted in the work. Mi. 1Mi. and Mis. E. G. Boyd, Toronto, Marjorie and Edith, in Oshawa; Mi. Isn o n hy eetknt s-veîy appropriate sermon on Sunday Alan McKessock, Supt. of the S. .,1 at Mi. Robert Burges'; Mi. Lewis Thomnas Sykes, Toronto, at Mi. L. D awa Hospital. Their car was badly ta bouisti e nd T asiing" read the Bible Lesson from I Kinga Parson, Mi. Cedîic Parsons and Sykes' ... . Young Peophe's League damaged and athougb they saw the to ar.fuinose Heas assisted. 8. Mia, John Baker very fittingly Miss Pearl Pausons, Daîington, Mi. 'apent an enjoyable evening witb En- bus was stopped, the pavement be'ing EyM. Mn fBthn....Ms sang "Kiplinges Recessional"; R.ev. Anderson, Oshawa, at Mis,. Euretta niskihhen Leagueis on Friday even- sipprte cudntstpterE Phippa, Gwen and Reginahd, Mi. F. J. Maxwell of St. Andrew's Unit- Woodley's; Mr. evi nnis Toronto, îng when the District Banner was car in tirne to ipievent the accident. and Mus. J.L.ooM.adMs ed Church, Oshawa, formally dedi- at home; Miss Cora Scott, Toronto, handed on to Enniskillen ...The Sunday services were well at- .R se and liaLcut ui] vted cated oui new Sunday School rom Miss AIma Pollard, Bowmanvihle, at sympathy of the wbohe community is end. ntemoigurpast- and Ims. F. saHll,.. isseDoua. to its use among the young people, Mi. R. B. Scott's; Mi. and Mus. extended to Mi. L. T. Pascoe and tne, I h onnor adMs .Salw isDr after which lhe delivered a fitting Dodds, Si., Hugli Dodds, Raynie, famihy on the death of Mis. Pascoe ouellent J.Htaiinon seamdo n AnsTwn it rina ee and instructive address on the sub. Patsy and Douglas, Lambton, Mi. who was behd in such high esteem the etfudiPsm11,vrsMoh ge s Ca fBrly ject suggested by John 2:17, "The and Mis. Milton Weiry, Oshawa, by bier many friends here... Mr. 12, 13,t1f.uAdi salce 116,erses ohrgvsu îanodaly zelof thine bouse hath eaten me Mi. and Mis. George Coleman, and Mis. McGihh, Oshawa,, are oc-anafethtomius' ilc, Ilodtck i rd oenn n uyngpr1f u .Tuhhs bouse. n fouteri ints slne Wosok Mr edColeman and LosOsaw, inMGihpisrt oyr.E.tteuer prayer and short prayer by or report was enjoyed by ail present. Visitois: MissolAuaa anndLeis,.OMiawadMMis.eGeorgesMoîrison and tactouyter pastor. Mis. Stainton sang "The1 Miss Louise Courtice gave a reading N., Bowmanis S.uC.Rundle,R.Mrg anret, eorgel, tMori. L.nd J. r.. ..Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy ac- Recessionai" in good voice. Sunday! in keeping with Armistice Day and N. omBvle rS.C unt, Eiargrî rneila r ,J companied by Mus. Theron Mount-. School in the afteînoon was quite Mis. G. F. Annis sang "Thanks Be Ebenezer, Mia, Levi Brun] e'a; ia. Goodmnan's; Mn. and Mis. Janqil'jy Haydon, 'visited the formner's an inteiesting session. The leason To God'. Sunday evening oui killen, at Mi. J .Rnls . and farnily, Garden Hill, at Mi. C.* mother Mrs. E. Brirnacombe, and was taught in the assembiy roorn by Pastor preached -on "War and Thosam on, anM.d. .M iks ; Bigeiow's; Miss Sadie Virtuellier sister and bioither-in-hawMMu.MMi W. R. Courtice. Miss Hazel Pec" at the chose of bis sermon Sidney Wight witb his brother in to, at Mi. Wm. Staphes'; Mu. and ton. London; Mi. and Mis. J. G. Lang- Mipeortotadchlin O-Moe u ra o al f the Sunday Scbool Conven- pictures of the war, mad saa r .T aceadono, at Mi. T. SeotHazr.T.el'i madOaaw, i.L.T.Paco.a Scott'snd Mi. T. CuOr t rgives u ra o aly.1tion held in Gaît recentiy. s laMothen gives us Cream of Baîhey. Misses Majorie and Editb, Hampton, visited fiiends at Whitby; Miss Miss Leona Stainton, Oshawa, at Edith and Mi. rvan Smiith, Bowinan-1 Mi. R. J. McKessock's; Miss Sadie ville, with their mother, Mis. Viola Brodie, Toronto, at Mi. W. J. Rey- Smith; Mi. and Mia. Fred Moore,' nolds'; Miss Lillian Hoar, Toronto, Proidnce, Mr. Theodore Down, Mi. and Mia. Wrightson Wight and Bowmvan,,vihîe, at Mi. Wm, Mooue's; famiîy, Bowmanvilhe, Mi. and Mia Ms. W. F. Park, Eva and Shirley,I EC.Hoar and family, Newcastle, andMis Ivy Park, spent a f ew days hr r n s Sl f C at Mr. E. R. Tayloi's; Mi, and witb friends at Sutton; Mi. and Mia. Mis. Geo. Boutillier and Miss Aud-Wn Lite Osaa viedhi rey, Toronto, with Mi. and Mis. A.m. Lith, OahaWa, vtI; istedubi J.Blo;M. HDoldsPascoe witi Z t ide a . Lit.e; i s s ur hi itr r.DulsMcLaugblin, Mi.A.&-hMs Toronto; Mr, and Mis. A. L. Pas- Cradle Roll Dept. of the Sunday J Save $5.00 on Y our Suit coe, Mi. and Mia. S. E. Werry, Mast- School will hold the annual special ers George and Wesley, spent service on Sunday, Novemnber 25th, j Thanksgivng Monday at Mr. J. A. at 10.30 a. m. .Mi, Wm. Newman 1 Werry's, Enniakillen; Mu. Hilton of Lorneville will take charge of Q 1n.rsw Tink and Miss Myrtle Vice, at Mi. next Sunday eveniag service at 7 O E C A Sm 1 Harold Jebson's, Brookhîn; Mis. o'clock....League Thursday even- 1 John Baker and Kathleen visited ler ing was in chage f Miss Lois Rich- I 25 Men's vrot, e.$00 for $25.00 30 Men'a Su. parentsMi. and Mia. W, J. Bragg, aida, Vice Puesident; reading by Mr.Oerot Re.$0 0 Bowranile% Ms Mary Hogarth Clarence Hatheîly; topic, "Thanks- 2 e' o 0M nsS and Mis. R. Pascoe at Mi. L. C. Pas- giving and Missions," by Mia. Rus-O ero sRe.$50 $0 0 c o e 's, E n fie hd ; M . J a c k W a ]k e u , se l ] W ig h t; p ia n o d u e t hy M is . T . 1 5 B y ' O e c a , R g 1 . 0 f r $ 2 5 0 M n s S Port Hope, with his parents, Mi. and Barr and Miss F. Gardiner; îeading Mis. Peter Wahkeu; Mu. John Mc- by Miss R. Virtue..The church 3 e' Cean, Toronto, Mi. and Ms. Jack îe-opening and thank-offeuing son- 3 e' vrotRg 4-0fr$50 Soane andchiluenMis.Ernest vices weîe a qplendid success. Rev.Oero sRg$4.0fr 35 0 Soanes and Doiotby, Oshawa, at Mr. D. W. Best, D.D., of Bowmanville, jIteIretadbs n o E. J. Black's; Mn. and Mus. John preacbed excellent sermons in the' carry telretadbs assortnt of Men'a andBo Ashton and Miss Vioha, Toronto, Mis. afteinoon and evening., the choir in this town and m prices are Iower than others Just Jas. Hancock, Courtice, Mi. and Mis rendering good music. m M o ley C ook and fam ily, M aster e f o y ur l . Nelson Wilson, Columbus, at Mr. Tyrone Women's Institute andsefo oref Jas. Mooiey's ;Mi. Perey Holstead, Ladies' ,Aid wil meet at Mis. Arthur T, Columbus, at Mir.Haivey Haidy's; Ann n Wednesday, Novemben V IHM VINJW O J Mis. MeGilI ,Mr. and Mrs. MeMul- 2st at 2 o'clock instead of the regu- len and Mater Carl, Mu. and Mis. lau tune 2.3 0. note the Bert McMullen. JaneVville ' at Mu. clbhanfge. Roll Caîl to b. answeied Lloyd Wîliamis'; Dr. and Mis y soup suggestions. Good pro- Broad, Lindsay, Mi. and Mis. John 1gim n store for you. Eveuybody Sleightholm, Whitby, at Mr. Chas. eione. Se G a CH A RTI Blanchard's.*1 S ad r Trii g S h oa rn1 o r W s Bel T ep n O fc ita nitrd TChniguch, oeinber 9-3ity United Church, November 19-23. ta nidd Tîai Nin ool, at r- Sadr3.iin1col tTun orW stBl eehn Mother gives us Cneam of Barley. Mother gives us Cneam of Barley. FURNITURE For the Home Consuit with us as __ ,~ ~.. o your Furniture re- ~Wl) ~ ~ quirements. We shall be glad to discuss your needs and will gladly give you any information we can as regards construc- (7/! ition, materials, finish, I/I .~ 4etc. <j You may be inter- ested ina CHESTERFIELD j SUITE We have s o me '~~splendid suites. 1V e s easy to select when QIL you see our lines . A well constructed suite in Tapestry $140,00 One Suite-Sani-Bujit in a beautiful Jacq- uard, reversible cushion at .............$150.00 One in best Mohair, Walnut color, reVersible cushion and walnut frame for ..........$200.00 Also Suites at $225.00, $240.00, $250,00, $260,00 SEE THESE SUITES See our range of Floor Lamps from $4.75 up 'We have some splendid Card Tables at $3,00 Just arrived, some splendid Cedar ChestÉ, talso chests in Walnut, cedar lined from $10.00 to $25.00. FE F, Morris Co,, Home Furnishers Bowmanville ats and Suits J and Coat EN 'S SUITS uits, Reg. $25,00 for $20.00 uits, Reg. $30.00 for $25.00 us, Reg. $35.00 for $30.00 vs' Clothing and Furnishings Spay this store a visit and kAN Phone 26 w Have You Bought C I a oe n c~e EXTRAORDINARY Your -New Winter Coat Yet? COAT VALUES THIS WEEK Broadicloth-Cashmere Duventyne-and Camel Hair Coats with Shawl and Paquin Collars of Opposumn-Stone Martin-Mande-Thibetene-Alî ined and warmly interlined Colors Blc-ayBehntIdpnec Blue. Ahi sizes. th roughout. 24 styles from which to choose at this price $25.OO Remember-We always have what we advertise and do flot exaggerate the values we offer. Other Coats at $30,OO i - The OnIy Exclusive Women's Shop In Bowmanville m $35.OO m $40.Oo Clarence S. Mason m $45eOo M $50000 On.F'DooriWstO'fhnl 6 S. Ni5aitc>n Offeýrzç THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. T-RTTR.QnÀV le 'a RICES One Door West of