è THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1928 Willard's Famous Packagei rDeliejous Chocolates Special assortment in hard centres, nutd-iand creams, regularly sold at 60e lb. Special for Saturday only 49c Lb. CORBETT'S WHOLESOME BREAD Will be delivered right to your door fresh each day. Hail the driver or phone 3 and the wagon will cali regularly. W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville "Keep the Old Friends with the New" This is just wbat we are doing aIl the time, for every week we are serving new people along witb tbe same ones who bave been coming to us for years. THERE'S A REASON and we believe it ia THE SERVICE WE GIVE Our buying in co-operation witb over eigbt bundred of Canada's leading druggists enables us to give best values and new fresb goods. Let us quote you a few examples: Scotta Emulsion *:.49e and 98e Kimuscen Saîts ......... 69e Tanlac ................. 98e Keppler Malt and C .L. 0. 95c and $1.50 Dextri Maltose .......... 85e Abbey's SaIt ...49c and 89e 40 oz. Ruasian Oil..$1,50 16 oz. Russian Oil ....... 75c Ovaltine....5c, 75c, $1.25 Modessa.................49e Jergens Glycerine Soap 4 for 25e Woodburys Soap 25ce. or25 Woodburys Cream 5e o 6 Humbugs 1lb. 26e Humbga >2 lbs. 40e 21 Iba. Epsom Salts . ... $1.00 3 Iba. Genuine Saltpetre 50c Cod Liver Oil (vitamine tested and standardized), 16 oz bottie $1.00. These are every day prices at KERSLAKE'S P49N -THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- SALE 0F GLASSWARE On Friday and Saturday we will have on sale the following glassware at unheard of prices. If yot? require any of these big bargains buy them now as our supply is limited at this very special price. Round Glass Berry Bowls .........................IC Oval Glass Fruit Bowls ............................29c Glass Berry Sets (1 bowl and 6 dishes) ....... S Glass Table Set, .. (Spoons, cream, butter, sugar .............49c Heavy Round Glass Bowls ..................49c It is necessary to see these articles to realize the exceptional value. Watch for window display. Dustan's Cash Hardware 1- .-WE SERVE YOU WELU' LOCAL AND OTHERW!SE Mrs. Rd. Siemon le visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Russel Gilbert, En- niskillen. Mrs. Ada Dumas spent the week- end with *er daughter, Mrs. Jamnes Milligan, Oshawa. Mrs. F. M. Tamblyn has returned f rom four montha' visit with rela- tives in Toronto and Midland. Necklace of blue flat beads lost ins Bowmanville on Saturday. Finder please leave at Statesman Office. Mrs .E. Crossey, Toronto, who has been visiting ber daughter, Mrs.ý W. J .Culley, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dumas and son spent the weekend with ber mother, Mrs. Sauva at Hilton, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. McMurtry and daughter Kathleen, Toronto, recent- Iy visited Mr. and Mms. M. W. Tam- blyn. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott and Mine Freda Elliott, spent the Thanksgiv- ing holidays with Mr. S. Elliott, Ed- envale. Miss Dorothy Pickard, Sick Child- ren's Hospital, Toronto, spent the weekend with her uncle, Mr. A. W. Pickard. Mrs. L._L. Guy, Columbus, bas been spending a few days wîtb ber cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. B. James. Mrs.. Albert Cleinens, Tyrone, wiIl be At Home to ber friends on Thursday, November 22nd from 3 to 6 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Foster, Misses Vivian and Helen Foster were recent guestz of Mr. W. A. Foster, Cannington. Mrs. T. Froom, Mrs. S. A. Oke and Mrs. E. Taylor, Peterboro, were visitors of their cousin, Mrs. F. H. Morris, Elgin St., last week. Rev. J. U. Robins and the choir of Trinity Cburch excbange witb Rev. C. E. Cragg and the choir of King St., Oshawa, on Sunday evening. Mr. James Knight, Brooklin, is visiting bis cousin, Mrs. Jas. Court- ice. He attended the funeral of Mrs. John Bale at Osbawa on Satur- day. Wm. Mcellan, Mr. Fred T. Smye, M.P.P., and Mms. Smye, Ham- ilton, visited ber sister, Mrs. J. H. Cryderman who is iil in Bowmanville Hospital. Miss Dorothy Robins of the Tor- onto General Hospital Training School, spent Saturday witb ber par- ents, Rev. and Mms. J. U. Robins at Trinity Parsonage. Mrm. Thos. McMurtry and son, Mr Wm. McMurtry and daugbter, Miss Gertrude, and Mr. Wm. Crawford, Midland, visited Mr. and Mms. M. W Tamblyn on Sunday. Mr. James Hancock of the Bright Boys' Tuxis Square, Ebenezer, bas been elected by acclamation for West Durbamn to the Older Boys Parliament for 1929. Mr. W. J. Bragg, D. D. G. M., of Ontario District A. F. & A. M., paid an officiai visit to Lebanon Lodge, Osbawa, Tuesday evening. He was accompanied by a number of the brethren from Jerusalem Lodge. The Canadian Clubs wisb to an- nounce that it was a Beiby Grand Dominion Piano wbicb was used a.t the recital of "Songa of Old Can- ada", given by Madame Dusseau and Miss Gwendolyn Williamns. The piano was loaned fox' tbe occasion througb the *generosity of Mr. J. W. Alexander. A very fine likeness of Miss Jane Mason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.1 Clarence S. Mason, appeared in thel Radio section of the Toronto Globe on Saturday. Miss Mason wboi possesses a beautiful contralto voice bas been engaged to ing over CKCL station during the winter months. Her mnany admirers in ber home town wi]l look forward witb consid- erable pleasure to hearing ber sweet; voice on tbe air. Men tell us tbey get more genuine satisfaction for the money in Astoria Shoes than in any others. S.old only at Knox's Sboe Store. j! WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT GIFIS Conveniently Arranged to Make Shopping Pleasant Timely Suggestions for Christ mas We believe we can solve the annual problem of what Vo give and where to get it. We have assembled a large and var- ied stock of useful and novelty merchandise which is far Voo large Vo detail in this limited space. Make out your list, then visit our store ,and satisfy yourselvea as Vo quality and saving. SHOP EARLY FOR BEST CHOICE NELSN'S TORE0f Bigger & Bette, LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Ellen Gim-blett visited ber cousin, Miss Vera Gidmblett, Osh- awa. Mrs. Geo. Woods, Owen Sound, is visiting ber daugbter, Mms. Geo. W. James. Miss Marion Pickard, Bethel, spent the holidays with ber parents, Mr. and Mms.A. W. Pickard. Mr. Norman Taylor la home from Welland. Sorry to learn that be and bis wife are botb ill. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Comistock and Audrey apent tbe weekend witb Rev.i and Mrs. J. G. Snell, Foxboro. Dr. and Mrs. Cauffield, Dayton, Ohio, are enjoying a visit witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Percy.i Mrs. W. R. Cole and Mrs. F. Tbompson, Toronto, were recent guests of Miss A .V. Cole and Mm. S. Woodger. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Broad, Misses Pearl and Mari orie, Lindsay, spent Sunday witb ber cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. Mr. and Mrs. Scrubie and Mrs. Walker, London, and Mrs. Thos. Cmn- namon, Oshawa, were recent guests of Mms. Alex. Taylor.' Special Dress Sae--12 dresses,z some originally priced at $20 and over Saturday only will be sold for $10 eacb-only 12 at this very lowl price. Coucb, Jobnston & Cryder-1 man. BIRTHS POWELL-In Newcastle, November 1, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Powell. a son. MARRIAGES OSBORNE-POWER-At Mapie Lodge, Dariington, the residence of the brides parents, 0on Saturday, Novcmher 10, 1928,1 by Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.D., Mr. H.1 Bari Osborne, son of Mr. J. Frank and the' late Mrs Osborne, and Reta beola, daughter of Mr. and Mme. Trumnan Pow- er, both of Bowmanvilie. MANNING-AMOS-On November 10, 1928, at Oivet Church, Toronto, by Rev. George Hunter, Mary Dorothy, daugh-1 ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Amos, Toronto, to Robert Stanley Manning, son of the late Mm. and Mme. George Man- ning, and grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Manning, Bowmanville . DEATHS ARCH-ln Orono. Oct. 29, Hari Arcil. aged 71 yeame. STEPHENS-In Clarke. October Elizabeth Jane Perry, widow of th, James Stephene, aged 88 years. BALE-In Oshawa,, November 1928, Mary Jane Doldge, beiove< of Mr. John Bale, ln hem 55th yea LANSING-At Coesamea, Novemt Sarah Elizabeth Alldred ,widowo late Geo. Lansing, in hem 65th yea COLE-In Bowmanville, on Tu4 November 13, 1928, Dorothy Gmace beioved wife of Mr. W. C. Cole, 66 years. MCCULLOUGH-At Newtonvile Emriday, November 9, Jane Tiedale, 0w of the late Wm. McCuflougb,1 97th yeam. BOWERS-In Oshawa, Novemt 1928, Mme. Bowems, widow 0f the Trhomas Bowers, ln ber Blet yeam.1 ely of Bowmanvilie. WILBUR--Suddenly ln 'Tomonto Saturday, November 10, Clive W son of the late Mm. and Mme. Isxel bur, formeriy of Darlington,-Oft 74 years. i wî1 IN MEMORIAM In loving memomy of my dear husband, Thos. Vanstone, who passed away No-j vember 18, 1925. Thmee years bave paased dear liusband, Since you were caUled away. Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have beiiavea, Biessed are they who have not seen and yet the Christ recelve. Wite. Son, Daughters. Help Wanted WOMAN WANTED-Fom two days a week If possible. No washlng. Phone. 493 or Box 497, Bowmanviile. 46-tf To Let HOUSE TO RENT-On Carlesle Ave., bot watem heating, 3-piece bath. bard- wood floors. wimed for eiectmic stove. Possession December Jet. Apply M. T., ,Drawer B, Bowmanville. 46-t ROOMS TO RENT-Two bIght roome, furnished or unfumnished, suit quiet couple with email baby or 2 gentlemen, with or without board. Appiy Mrs. Thompaon, Statesman Block, Bowman- ville. 46-tf Articles For Sale FOR SALE--Collie pups for sale. Ar>- piy to Dan Burgniaster, Enniskillen. 46-2 COW FOR SALE-Jersey cow, just re- newed. T. Wesley Cawver, Bowmanvile. STOVE FOR SALE-Quebec heater, siightiy used, wiil oeil c1ieap. Phone 166J. 46-2 FOR SALE-Ram Lamb. J. L. Par-' sons, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, phone 176-6. j __________ ______46-1 BARRELS FOR SALE-Hardwood and f oak i)arrcls, 40 gal. sîze, only limited' nimler nt $100 each. W. P. Cobett'si Bakery, BowmanvIlle. 45-2l APPLES FOR SALE-A few bammels of good cooking apples, baldwins, $2 a t>arel. Apply Athur Belîman, Bow- manviiie, phone 474r12. 46-t STOCK FOR SALE-39 pige, ail ages: 2 Clydesdale fulies; 2 miich cows; 2 Hereford Bulle. Harold G. Macklin, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 308-21. 46-tf STOCK FOR SALE-One cow due to renew Nov. l2th: two Yorkshire bood eowe, and eighteen young pige. A. H-. Clemene, R. R. 8. Bowmanville, phone 237r3. 46-t STOVE FOR SALE-Heater. Happy Thought, three-in-one, movRble feeder, ln good condition, acs a quantity of Baldwin apples. Cali or phone W. J. Taylor, Simpson Ave., Bowmianville, Trank Fan), phone 391J. 46-2w HOMES MORE SEAUTIPUL-Our"New Tllustrated P'ree Catalogue w111aulet you ln selecting sutable Trem, brubs,.'Vine.. Roses, Etc., 70 yearu ln operation. Write to-day. Star Nureie., Ridgavflte. On- tarlo. 35-12 Lost or Fourni STRAVED-Bay mare, on Lot 22, B F.. Carke. Ownem may have eamp hy poving Identity and paying expenees. l-owell Rowland, Newcastle R. R. 3. Phone Clarke 1902.1 44-31 LOST-Between Brighton and Bow- manville. on Tuesday, October 30. th. worko and top of a grandfather. dlock. Valued sa a keepsalce. Reward for re- tumn ta William lrarvey. Ontario Bt.. Bowmanville. 45-2w* Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SAL.E-New brick bouse, corner George and Wellngton Sts., Bow-1 msnviiie, hardwood floors, ail modern conveniences. Appiy to owner on prem- Ises to Mrs. C. W. Bowen. 44-3w- NEW HOUSE FOR SALE-Rug brick, containing seven rooms with ail modern conveniences. Oak floors, French doors, aide entrance. On Wellington Street. Easy terms. Apply to J. E. Fiett, Cen- tre St., Bowrnanvlle. 41-tf FOR SALE-10-roomed brick house, 2 good building lots, on corner Ontario and Wellington Sts. Ail modern conven- encea, stable suitable for double garage, apple trees and small fruit Easy terme. Appiy to Howard Couch, R. R. 4, Bow- manviiie, or phone 146-13. 43-tf FARM FOR SALE-90 acres more or iess, Lot 18, B. F. Dariington townshiip, about 1%4 miles west of Bowmanviiie on Lake Shore, practically ail tillabie land; running epritig. Buildings Include arge barn with metai roof and stabling underneath, impiement shed, big hen bhouse, 7 roomed frame house. Wouid take bouse in exchange. If not soid would rent. Would also oeil stock and Impiements compiete. Appiy Silas Fost- er, Scugog St. or box 236, Bowmanviile. Phone .546. 45-tf Storm Windows Storm Windows ready glazed as 10w as $1.56. Send for freight pald price. H-aiiiday CompanY, 34 Haliiday Bldg., Hamilton. 44-4 THIS IS 'Radio Season Radio is at its best from now until Spring. If you are intend- ing to get a set this fail, mate your choice now, as deliveries canno't be made promptly on the popular models owing to the heavy demand. You wouldn't tbink of buying a car in a Grocery or Clothing Store-in otber words buy your Radio fromt solneone wbo knows Radio. We 9pecialize in Radio and bave tbe finest equipment out- side of Toronto for testing nets and equiprnent. Phone us if your set needs attention. Our sbop is open every even- ing. We invite you to make us a visit, look over our stock, bear tbe different sets and speakers in operation, compare tbem and learn tbat different sets and cir- cuits produce entirely different results. You are under no ob- ligation to buy because we want you to feel free to corne and go. Agents for LeForest, Spartan, Pbilco, Stromnberg-,Carlson and Westinghouse. Empire Sales Co. Ge*. L Hall C. E. R.hder Pbones 258 and 265 PAGE FIVU ELITE SHOE STORE CLAUDE IVES OLD STAND SPECI-ALS THIS WEEK Eacb week 1 will feature special prices on some lines, 90 watcb our windows for special off erings. May I say bere that every pair of sboes sold bere is absolutely new stock, are guaranteed for style and fit and to give Wood service for tbe money. You get bonest rnercbandise Look At These Regular Prices For Real Values 50 pair Men's Work Boots, in 50 pair Ladies' Paitent Leather Black and Brown leather witb one-strap sboes in two beigbts panco or leather soles. Solid alo esuanndpash tbrougb, o elcbnadsaib $3.65 Pair Special Price $265 Pr. Boys' School Boots, sewn and Misses' Patent one-strap. slip- pegged soles. Built sturdy to pers, ideal for sebool wear stand bard wear. Brown only, and a real bargain at the prie, At $2.95 Per Pair Only $1.95 Per Pair The Elite Shoe Store SHOES THAT SATISFY Pay Cash and Pay Lest Phone 200 NOT TOO LATE TO INSTAL A McCLARY FURNACE Owners of McClary Sunshine Furnaces have been a great help Vo us in getting others to select McClary Furnaces for their homes. We wish Vo thank those who have put in "a good word" for the Sunshine Furnaces. IV la flot too laVe Vo ini- sVal one of these popular furnaces in your home or office. Let us talk over your heating problenis with- out obligating you in any way. W., Len. Elliott Agent fore McClary Hot Air Furnaces and Hart 091 Burners Phone 348, Bowmanvile MONEY-SAVING OPPORTUNITIES FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 0F THIS WEEK 5 Dozen Penman'a Ail Wooî Shirts aud Drawers at $1 .39 Each .- A special purchase of the above lines,' sub> standards, heavy quality ribbed aIl wool under- wear, all sizes ,worth $2.00 garment. Our Special at $1.39 This Weekend MEN 'S WORK TROUSERS AT $1.95 Heavy quality Tweeds, Cotton Tweeds and Worsteds, well made, regular panting patterns, values Vo $2.50,....Our Special This Weekend $1.95 Each MEN'S WINTER CAPS AT 98c dozen Men's Winter Caps with ear bands, nice Tweed patterna, very heavy cloths, warm and conifortable, Regular values Vo $1.75, On Sale For Only 98c MEN'S WORK SHIRTS AT 95c Men'a Heavy Cotton Tweed Work Shirts in ahades of Grey and Tan. A good shirt for work.................................................. At Only 95C Each MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS AT $21.95 In this lot you will find double and single breasted mod- els. In Herringbone, Diamond Weave patterns and plain serges, snappy models, guaranteed cloths, Regular Values to $30.00, THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY $21.95 5- BIG GROUP SPECIALS -.5 Men's Overcoats MEN!1 MEN!1 MEN! Croup No. 1 at $14-95 Croup No .2 at $18.95 Croup No. 3 at $19.75 This is a line of alI Wool In tbis line you will find Heavy Our Big Leader, Navy 'Blue Heavy Blanket Clotb Coats, in Blanket Cloths, Worsteds and Overcoata. A big warm over- plaid and broken check designs. Tweed effects, in grey and coat for men and young men, Set in aboyasa, belted back, a fawn sbades ,ail wool and very Melton and Chinchilli Clotho, big warm woolly overcoat, beavy quality, in the popular of outatandlng quality. Belted values to $22.50. Specially pur- helted and slip-on modelo. and slip-on models. Regular cbased and specially priced Values to $27.50. prices $22,50 and $24.50, To Clear This Week at This We.k To Clear Our Special Sale Price Only $14.95 At Only $18.95 This Week For $19.75 T. B. GILCHRIST Dixe.tly Opfflit. Banks of Montreal Phone el, Bowsnanvlll. PAGE riva