PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMkNVILLE, THURS])AY, NOVEMBER 15, 1~28 Herbs to Heal Those Sore, Sick Bronchial Tubes Gallagher's Indian Lung Rernedy cornes right from the Heart of Nature Dontlhemiserableal Winter. If you'ré eubject to Bronchitis or sirilar juls- apt to piclk up a nasty, chngîr4g cold or cough, be, sensible, strt nov taking Gallagher's Indian Lung Remedv. It is coraposedi solely of liealîng hérbý. A natural rernedv. Pe.fuet fo~r killing off a nasty cough or cald or brom-hial ailment. A genuine hlood criricher and body buder. This and other reliablc Gallagher Herbai Househiold Ricnedies now for sale by 30 JURY & LOVEL, Bowmanville For NVouir Achlng Head Tae. one ZUTOO TABLE'!'and in 20 minutes,thoe pin l &one and you 1.01 &ne.. ZUTOO will @top a"y Headache Sick Nervous, Dympeptie or Monhly-in 26 acinute, by the look. 25o et dealiers. "PINKHAM'S COMPOUND 1$ WONDERFUI"Y Read This Leu«r from a Grateful Woman Vanema, On.-1 tiink Lydia E Pinkhax's Veg"tabhe Comound is waadrfu. Ihave whc our aredv- fromit.! urge y r.« ttk e iL IteMayàBe Umnt l When tourwei Children Ciy for It Castoria ie a comfort when Baby is fretful. No sooner taken than the little one is at eaee. If restless, a few draps soon bring contentrnent,. No harm done, for Castoria is a baby remedy, meant for babies. Perfectly safe t.o give the youngest infant; you have the doctors' word for that! It la a vegetable ro. dut and you could use it every day.B ut it's in an ernergency that Castoria mneans mnoat. Some night when constipation Mnust be relieved-or colic pains-or other suffering. Neyer be without it; some inothers keep an extra bottle, un- opened, to inake sure there wilI always lie Castoria in the house. It is effective for oider children, too; read the book that cornes with it. CA S R1A OSHAWA PRESBYTERIAL Executive Meet at Whitby Executive meeting of Oshawa Presbyterial of the Bay of Quinte Branch of the W. M. S. of the Unit- ed Church of Canada, was held in the parlors of the United Church, Whitby, Thursday, November lst. Members were present froni Bow- mnanville, Port Ferry, Brooklin, Claremont, Oshawa, Hampton, Court- tice, President of the Pres- byterial, Mrs. J. U. Robins, Eow- manville, wasý in charge of the meet- ing. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL October and November Meetings Members were aIl present with Reeve F .A. Hyland in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Communication froin Ag-icultur- aI Representative, Port Hope, for grant to Young Men's Judging Con- test was received and fyled. Orders were signed as follows: J. G. Marlow, roads...$1273.21 Wm. Dryden, sheep killed 12.00 S. O. Torrence, grant to Shady Acres road .. .. ...100.00 Pedlar People, 3 culverts. . 180.69 At noon a very enjoyable lunch- F. Giýbs-on,-,Sec'y.-Treas.S. eon was served by a Committee froinj S. No. 4.........300).00 the local auxiliary, and the visiting IR W Pbilp, selecting Jurors 2.00 ladies expressed tbemselves as de-1 Clerk, selecting Jurors. 2.00 lighted with the hospitality extend- J. G. Marlow, roads .....892.99 ed by the Whitby Auxiliary. After 'F. H arris, grave Devtt's devotional service, Roll caîl, min- Cemetery for Mrs. Ed- utes, correspondence, etc. Oui Fin- waîd............2.00 ancial Outlook was presented by Mrs. W. M. Pringle, Whitby.. Re- Wm. Beacock, Clerk. ports of Vice-Presidents, Mrs. Max- well, Oshawa; Mis. (Rev). J. R. Every issue of the Family Herald Bick, Hampton, were interestinglyj5fld Weekly Star of Montreal îa prosented. Devotional was taken by, worth the year's subscription price Mrs. Maxwell and Mrs. Bick at aiter- to the farinera of Canada, and faim- noon session. ers' familles rejoice in getting the Report from Departmental Secre-i addition of a superb magazine. taries: Young People's ,Miss Vesta ______ _____ Spargo, Bowmanville; C.G.I.T., Mis Tait, Oshawa; Bands, Mrs D. Scott, Claremont; Strangers,' Miss New Kind Oliver of Bîookin; Supply, Mis. W.1 Adams, Bowmanville; Literature,' Mrs. Osborne, Courtice; Montbly,i of Spectacle.% Mis. A. L. Nicholîs, Bowmanville;1 Thousanda of Pains Offored Fr.. Press, Mrs. Christy, Port Perry. Re- j port of Corresponding Secretary, Toronto, Ont.-A new, clear-visie>n Mrs. Geo. Jackson, Port Perry. spectacle bas been created, which la _________guaîanteed against breaking or tarn- ishing and is a great improvement BLACKSTOCK over other makes, as they will enable _______almost anyone ta read the very Miss Kathleen Proenix, teacher,1smallest print, thread the llinest spent the weekend at ber home in nrede n e a o er ud Greenbank. . .. Miss Lillian Venning aid o thousands of thein are al- ls visiting hem sister in Detroit.... îready being worn. Dr. and Mrs. Graham and Mr. and The manufacturera, SelIf-Test Optic- Mrs. Herbert Parr, Toronto, visited al Company, 29-33 Melinda St., Dept in the village Sunday week. . ..miss NW112, Toronto, Ont., are affering Margaret Swain and Miss Susie Van- to send thousands of pairs free. If Camp spent Sunday with Rev. and you are net amazed and delighted, if Mrs. Milton Sanderson of Birch Cliff you do flot think their spectacles at only $3.98 equal to those sold else- Mis. Jas. Marlow bas returned where at $15.00, you can send therm home from a trip to Ottawa ...back. You won't lese a cent. Tbey Wednesday evening the young peop1 will aIse tell you how ta get a pair le of the United Church held a bal- 1 for yourself witbout cost. Write lowe'en party in the ýbasement afilthem to-day. - (Advt) 46-1 te enIurenif. -ine v C Ving assper in gaines and story-telling. Prizes were awarded the folawing cost- umes: Miss Margaret Swain, the Stoxnach Troubles, ma Miles, as the Gold Dust Twins, That Are a gru being the most original; Miss Mar- garet Proutt, "Old Witch", being (CUT THIS OUT) the most like hallowe'en. ... . Glad ta see Mr. Lawrence Mountjoy out Lame faims ai atomach trouble, if again after his recent illne...... Mi. neglected, often lead ta dangerous Alvin Bell ai Toronto University, conditions-ulcers or cancers-then, spent the weekend with bis parents a surgical operation la about the on- A very pretty double wedding ly hope. was solemnized at the home oi Mi.. For this reason, even the masti and Mis. W'm. Henry, on Wednes- simple stomacb ailments âhould be' day Octo'ber 31, when their twin given prompt and careful attention. SaugtrFrean aehcm Sa, don't neglect acid stomnacb, saur- brides, Rev. J. E. Griffith officiated ness, gas or bloating, And don't at the ceremny, wbich made Miss waste ime with unknown or unre- Ferne Henry the bride of Mr. John liable treatments. At fthe very and the laLe Mis. Wilson ai Nest: drug store and obtain a few cents' leton; and- Miss Faye Henry becamej worth oi pure Bisurated Magnesia. the bride of Mr. Francis Wilson, son This special Magnesia Compound is of Mi. and Mrs. Chrus. Wilson, safe and pleasant ta take-quickly Myrtlej almost instantly, effective and doesY. Mytl.not act as a laxative. Be ure and Given in marniage by their fat- I ask for BISUR.ATED Magnesia for' ber, the ;brides looked chaiming stomach troubles. dresse dalike in ebin chin blue crepe _________________ witb blonde hase and shees. The brides were attended by ýtheir sis- o D ters, Misses Rassie and Mary, who H w t i.educe were aiso dressed in blue. Mr. Grant Wilson was best man fer bis brother Francis, and Mr. Laine Mc- V rc s en Kee ably supported Mu. John Wil- aios en son. The bridaI party îemained Rub Gently and Upward Towmrd the under the arcb ai eveigreens after Heart As Blood in Veine Flow& the ceremany ta receive the goad That Wmy wishes ai their many friends. Many peaple have become despon- After the signing ai the register dent because tbey bave been led ta a baptismal service was beld when believe that there la -no remedy that Merril Louis, son of Mr. and Mrs. wilI reduce swollen veina and Louis Henry and William Robert bunches. Roy, son ai Mr. and Mis. Gardon.1 I you will get a Lwo-ounce original Henry, nephewe of the brides, were bottle of Moone's Emerald OiI (ful [baptized. A very dainty weddîng strengtb) at any flut-lass drug store supper was then servxed ta eigbty and apply it nigbt and mamning as di- guests. Aiter supper the happy uected you wiIl quickly notice an un- couples left amid sbewers ai con-i provement wbicb will cantinue until fetti and good wisbes on a moterj the veins and hunches are ieduced trip te Toronto and other points. On Ito normal. their retuin home, Mr. and Mis. Moone's Emeîald 011 is a haimless, Francis Wilson wiIl roside near yet most pewerful germnicide and twe Myrtîe, and Mi. and Mis. John ounces Iast a very long turne. Indeed, Wilson at Nestîtean. 50 powerful is Emerald 011 that old The deep sympatby af the coin- cbranic soies and ulcers are aften munity gees eut to, Mrs. Jos. entireîy bealed and anyone who is Gnn in the death of e disappeintod witb iLs use can have mother, Mis. Isaiah Iîwin, whe pass- their money îefunded. Jury & Loy-1 ed away on Sunday, Octaber 28, at elI selîs lots if it. Mis. Ginn's home at Cadmus. Fun- oral service Tuesday was canducted by Rev. J. E. Griffith, assistod 'y E a d r W a n s Rev. P. G. Poweland the reinainsBId er W kn s weie laid ta rest in St. John's Cerne s rT a teîy. The paîl bearers weue Mess- jetting-U l-iIOfts is. John McLaughlin, Robert Pari, Gibson Heoey, John Larmer, James i uc l eiv d Byeîs and Daniel uc l Re ev d You Can Quickly Limber Up Sore, Stiff, Swollen Joints Even Chronic Rheuniaticý Swelling in Knee, Elbow, Shoulder or Finger Joints Yield to the Mighty P erful Influence of JOIN1ýT- EASE. It's bore ,right 10 tawn and Jury & Loveil and eveiy live sîiuggist bas i. I's a Iow price remedy, tc, ho soie, but that doesn't stop it from taking the kinks, Ianieness or tortore eut af your troublesi joints. Jcintý-Ease is the name, s0 called because it il, compoundcd solely fer the purpose %of elieving aIl joint ail- miente. Jost îub it on the tommented, lame j,,int., andI in just a few seconds iti wili penetrate to the banc and biessed confort cornes quickly. Il boh instantly and is so cdean andi tinless that you can rub it on f en and gelthtemeby resuits much more <îickly, wbon the joint is in- flanied ai the agony intense. Being sucb a powerful counter ir- ritant, il cannot bolp binging speedy and heiptol result.s in congestion, sure throat, coids, lumbago and neumaigia mucb quickei tban aîmost any rmredy you can boy. But you must remember that it ha for joint afflictions that it is mostly dispensed and its helpfulness wiIl as- tonish you aiter al adinary lini-1 ments and other treatments have failed. Pleaaant Home Treatment WorIca Fine; Uaed by Doctosr For Many Years Wbat a wonderful comiait it is te sloep al nigbt and not get up once j frem Biaddeî Weakness and Irrita- tion. The daiîy annoyance, restless nizht.s ofaimisery, backacbes and ner- vous irritability that result fîam Blad- dem Troubles are wrecking the lives ai thousands wba nigbt ho in the best oi health. To he at youm host ,you must bnve peaceful, health-giving sleep nnd freedem fîomn daily iriitatien-that's why Dr. Seuthworth's URATAUS pive sucb wondeful satisfaction. Made fîom a special formula and used in the Decter's succpesýful private practice fer nearly 50 years--URA- TABS, now nbtainable fron youi druggist fer inexpensive bhone use, bave hiauglit quick help and com fort ta many thausands. No matter what yaur age mnay ho or haw many medicines you have used without succesq, if you want va foîget you have a Bladder 'and rjay the rest of peaceful, unhioken mleep, tiry URATABS taday. Your dr-zggist will refund tbe anal cot if you are net well pleased. Pep Up your Hens!Your hena need the eKtra vigor and strength that corne from a real feed -especially they need the cod liver meal, the molasses, and the fine minerais that are in Quaker FUL-O *PEP EGG MASH This marvelous ration has an est. meai base-used according ta the Quaker znethod, wîll get you the moat money from every bird. Don't waste your time and money en poor layera. Corne in and geti asupplyOf Quaker FuI-O.Pep HARRY ALLUN, Crocer The happy merchant Neyer before in the histary ef the womld hàs iL beeîî pas- sible for a merchant in good credit ta do s0 much business wjth se littie capital Iocked up iii stock. One impartant reasan for the pi-osent prosperty is, that in- stead af baving te boy a big .tock at the begirining of eiich spason, he w neîv able Io boy small stocks and re- plinish thero procnptly by I.ocîg Distance. Keep youîr customers fer mile> aauîid coming te you for wlhatevcr they need In vent ways of induciiig them ta visit your store, or ta oi- der froni yeu hy Long Dis. tance and tbey tell us - you wîilnqt be seriously bu h iî y competitien Long Distance is makinîy, happy merchants in some toîves. Don't overlook its great pessibilitîca. A Pricelees Doon for Fatin Homes 1 House work is naturally harder on the farni than in the towns... there are fewer conveniences. But no farm need be without that greatest of ail modern convenience8 . and adornments ... hardwood floors. Estimates gladly fur- nished. a McCLELLAN & CO. LTD.,1 Phone 15 Bowmanville1i ORONO (Prom The News of November 8) iMrs. Ridout aud child af Toronto, recently visited Mrs. Hunter. Mr. James G. Tamblyn who bas been ill for several weeks past, is out around again. Rev. and Mrs. A. K. Edmison of Little Britain, called at her father's, Mr. William Cornish, last week. Mr. Dave Elliott, Miami, Florida, visited bis sisteiw., Mrs. James Tam- blyn and Mrs. Robert Fowler recent- 'y. Young People's League held an enjoyable Hailowe'en Party on Oct- aber 3lst and in the schoal on No- vember lst. R.t. W. Bro. W. J. Bragg, D.D.G. M., Ontario District, wiIl offcially visit Orono Lodge, A.F.&A.M., at' regular meeting November 22nd. Mr. F. W. Bowen, M.P., attended the fowl supper at Lotus last week, and reports a good supper, a splev- did program and a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barstead of Tor- onto, visited in town recently. Mr. and Mrs. James Eagleson and her mother are spending a f ew weeks in Peterboro. Mr. A. W. Gamsby will occupy the late Wiilam Conneli farm house for the winter, we understand, there be- ing prospects of a fairly good ses- son for game, trapping and shooting. Mr. Isaac Winter returned home recently from the Prairie Province where he went at the time of the harvesters' excursion to look after his interests in his big farm at Mountainside, Man. Messrs. Roy Winter and Bill Glan- ville, who went west with the har- vesters, expect to spend the winter in Alberta. Roy is employed ona farm near Grand Prairie, a short distance from the homestead farm of our former townsnian, Mi. A, W. Carveth. Durham Regimental Band new officers are: Bandmaster-M. J. Tamblyn; President-A. J. Tamblyn; VicePres.-Gordo n Power; Secret- ary-Treasurer-Carlos Tamblyn; Dir- ectors-0. Sandercock, C. Duncan, Charles Gay; Auditors-Lew Wood, F. Tamblyn. Services at Park St. Church Sun- day evening were under the direct- ion of thte C.S.E.T. Interesting ad- dresses weîe given by four visiting members from Oshawa, Messrs. Sanderson, Riding and Sewell. Dur- ing the service a quartet comprsing Messrs. W. Mitchell, Wyvan Reid, Colin 'Tayor and Dr. Kerslake sang with splendid effect "Wandering Child Corne Home", and a quartet comprising Messrs. Norman Winter, Howard Linton, Kenneth Neal and Stanley Bruton sang very effectivsely the old time po>pular melody "The Church in the Wildwood". A so- prano solo was rende-red by Master Trewin Scott. A foimer well-kn.own resident af Kirby section, Mis. Henry ,Birch, following a stroke of paralysis. pass- ed away October 22nd at Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mis. Birch for some years after their marriage, lived on the faim west oi Kirby, formerly known as the MilIs faim. Some 30 or more yeara ago they went ta Tor- ,onto, wbere lie conducted a barber shop, and about a year ago moved ta Richmond Hill. Deceased whose maiden name was Mary Rowlinson, spent ber girlbood days at Leskard where ber parents resided. She is suîvived by ber husband, Lwo sons- and a daughter, the latter being with j ber during ber illness. Mr. and M rs. Alf. Chaipamn and ber brother, IMr. William Rewlinson, weîe pies- ent at the funeral. Worms, however generated, are found in the digestive tracts, where they set up disturbances detrimental ta the healtb ai the cbild. There can be no comiort for the little ones until the huitful intruders bave been expelled. An excellent prepara- ion for this purpose can be had in Miller's Worm Powders. They will immediately destroy the worns and correct the conditions that were fav- orable ta their existence. OBITUARY Mr*. Jas. A. McKentie, Columbus. Mrs. Jas. A. McKenzie passed away at ber home near Columbus on Sun- day evening, October 21, after a long illness. She was a daugbter ai the late Charles and Susan Rundle, and was born in Dariington 51 years ago. For the past 27 years since ber marriage, she lived at ber late residence. She was a memiber ai the United Cbhurcb at Colunb us and was beoved by aIl who knemtw ber.' Rev. J. F. Clugston, ber ipastor, paid tribute to her courage and cheerful- ness in spite ai failing bealtb and the noany floral offeiings and large number at ber funeral spoke ce- quently of the place she beld in the hearts ai ber fîiends and neighboîs.1 lHer busband, thice sons, David, George and Allan, one sister, Mis. S. Penfound, Courtice, two brothers, Mr. J. T. Rundle, Solina, and Mr. W G. Rundle, Toronto, survive. The paîl-bearers were six nep- bews: Cyril and Will Rundle, John, Roy, Clarence andI Allan Penfnun<l. The floral offeiings were as fol- lows: Wieats-Mrs. S. Penfound andI family: Chevrolet Test Dept.1 G. M. C'.; Sprinys--Mi. and Mis. J. T. Rundle, Mr. and Mis. W. G. Rundie, Mis, S. C. Run<lle and farn- iîy, Mr. and Mis. J. E. Penfound, Mi. and Mis.. C. L, Penfound, Mr. îand ,Mis. John Ratcliffe and family, Mi. and Mis, 0. MrCulugli, Mr. and Mis. H. King, Mr. and Mis. Charles Rundle, Mi. and Mis. W. Rateliffe, Mr. and Mis. M.. hepbhurn, Mi. and Mis. Roy Hepburn, Mr. and Mis. Robeitson and Jean, Young People's Class, Columbus, Ladies' Aid. Columbus, Teacher and pupils of S. S. Ne. 15, Daiîingtnn, teaclici and pupIls ai MeKenzie's School, Mi. and Mis. M. J. Hnhbs, Mr. C. Sleep and Mr. I. Cllacutt, Mi. J. Reeson and girls, Mis. E. Hpddon and family, Mr. and Mis. W. Feund, Mis. A. Martin, Mis. -McMuIIen and daughteis, Mr. and Mis. S. Bray and family, Miss K. Stark, Mi. and Mis. W. J. S. Riekard. AVIATION GASOLINE Did You Know? The world's longest Air Mail Route was re- cently opened, using undoped Shell Aviation Gas- oline and Shell Golden Oil on this flight of 8600 miles. Give this high grade, easy starting gasoline a trial in your car. You wiIl be pleased with its per- formance. Sold by C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville ' REDROS TEAs good tea9 Red Rose Orange Pekoe In clean, bright, is supreme Aluminum. ASPIRIN Proved safe bv millions and Drescribed by physicians for Neuralgia Colds Headache Pain Neuritis Lumbago Toothache Rheumatismi DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Acce t 2nly "Baer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also botties of 24 and 1O-Druggiste. Aupirin 10 the trade mark, registered lu Canada) or Bayer Manufacture of bionoacetie- acIdeater of Salleylleacid (Aeetil Sailcylle Acid. "A. S. A."). Wbile Il la well known that Aspirin mea,,, Bayer manufacture, to suint the. public allainst IiItations, the Tablets or Sq., opurw Uh b. $tu"" ~Wtth thel, uaSri U40 Mark. the. 'Bq.r rOMs" c____________________ _______ 1 1.1 1 PAGE BEL ------ ---- -- - - 19-- THE BEST THAT'S MADE] IN EVERY GRADE . - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, M8 1 0 0