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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1928, p. 4

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?AG£ FOUR SUnusual Gifts For Christmas Most people have now learned the lesson oft repeated "DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY" A glimpse at the f ew suggestions shown in our windows and store will appeal to you as be- ing acceptable for home or far away friendý a "Gift Worth While", boxed ready for mailing, Prices Range From 25e Upwards W. T. ALLEN BIG 20 BOOKSTORE BOWMANVILLE Harry AIIin's Crocery News I've just been wondering what our customers expect us to write about this week in our "Store News". Christnias is drawing migb- ty close. When you inake your Christmes Cake use Quaker Cake Flour for best results. New Fruits have just arriv- ed, too. Very tasty Mince Meat et 15c pound is in great densand. For a hurry up ineal we wouid suggest a few tins of Pork & Beans in reserve. Then there's Macaroni-a meal in itself or jpopular as a aide dish. The despised prune bas been made popular by the Santa Clara brand-plump and meaty, small pit. We've sold barrels of Honie-Mede Saurkraut this fall-end stili have lots left at 2 Iba. for 15c. Witb meat so high in price Burford Peas is another big why not serve some of Our seller, tender, sweet ,only 10e choice White Fisb? tin. Our stock of fresb veget- ables is unliniited and satis fies every teste. We were going to say some- tbing about our delicious Tees -but we'll leave that for an- other Urne. HARRY ALLIN, Grocer PHONE18 BOW74AN VILLE THE CANÂDIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1928 ENFIELD DARLINGTON SOLINA Visitors: Mr. Roy and Miss Edith Base Lino Christmas Concert Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tbompson Hunter, Mount Forest, and Mr. and Wednesday, December 19th. 46-2 attended the funeral of the fornier's JMrs. Wni. Veale, Toro'nto, at Mr. B. brother in Port Hope last week. Ferguson's; Mr. and Mrs. H. Jar- Our League is invited to visit dine, Toronto, at Mr. F. Gilberts'; ZION Maple Grove League next Monday jMrs. E. Wright, Oakland, at Mr. E. night, Nov. 26th. Leaguers please Ormiston's; Mr. Lloyd Cochrane, A change bas been made in the note the date. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cochrane, tîme of our Sunday services. For Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundle enter- Bowmanviile, Misses Rowena and the faîl and wînter months, church tained a few of their friends to tea. Mildred Avery, Oshawa, Mr. Roy will be held at 1.30 and Sunday on Saturday e'vening, it being the and Miss Ada ffdwards arnd Mr. Ab- Scbool at 2.3 0 p. m. -..Sunday ser- thirty-first anniversary of their wed- bot, Toronto, at Mr. G. Cochrane's; vice were held as usual but owing ding day. Mr. Russell Reid, Grafton, at Mr. P. to the disagreeable weather not a C. G. I. T. meeting on Saturday Moriso's;Mrs Aex.Smnth sblarge crowd turned out...-- .Mr. A.' afternoon was beld at the ho<me of awaat sonsrs. Wl. adFrSit s T. Stainton had a successful sale Mrs. R. J. McKessock. Plans are awaat esss. . an Frd Sit s at week when he disposed of bis being mnade for our Cbristmas Tree Mr.andMrs GodonHeny, sh-fi ne Holstein herd,...Mrs. Tracy and Entertainment. The devotion- awa, at Mr. Bert Ferguson's; Mr. W Glaspell spent a few days with rela- ai was taken by Mrs. John Baker, Ormiston, Raglan, at Mr. J. Stark's;1 tives in Toronto recently ...Mrs and the program was taken by Mis- Mrs. R. Pascoe and Miss Mary HO- H. Flintoif bas been quite ill.... Mr. ses Helen Baker, Evelyn Tink, Ruby garth, Solina. at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's; and Mrs. J. W. Balson visited their Deweli and Margaret Scott. Lunch Members of the Ladies' Aid witb daughter, Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, on was served and a social time enjoy- their busbands beld their annual at Sunday. ed. home on Thursday evening at tbe League meeting lest week on borne of Mrs. L C. Pascoe wben a Tuesday evening was in charge of very sociable time was spent ............ENNISKILLEN the Missionary Vice President, Miss Mrs. Mervyn Hobbs is rvisiting at Ruth McKessock. The devotional Lindsay. .. .Trustees of the school Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Herring and period was taken by Miss Edna Rey- are investing in equipment suitable son Bobbie witb bis parents, Mr. and Iods. Mr. R. J. McKes9sock took for teacbing higb scbool work. ...1Mrs. Wm. Herring. .... Mr. and Mrs. the topic on Thanksgiving and Mis- Enniskillen C. G. 1. T. girls wilî giýeI Theo Slenion at Mr. Arthur Beec's, sions. Miss Ileen Balson favoured a concert bere in the neer future. 1 Haydon .. . Mrs. Jack Trimmer, Tor-1with a piano solo and readings were AilgroersseI Ceamof arly.onto, witb ber mother, Mrs. J. W. given hy Miss Margaret Scott and Allgroerssel Ceamof arly.Vîrtue ...Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson Mr. W. R. Westlake. and Allan and Donald visited friends TYRONE at Uxbridge. ... Mr. and Mrs. Herb- Visitors: Miss Vera Shortridge is [1 ert Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Elnierivisiting Toronto friends and attend- League withdrawn this Thursday Boyd, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Eo 'ing the Royal Fair; Miss Evelyn evening on eccount of Training Stevens, Hampton, at Mrs. Howard ton;kMritandMs Ed r Pascoe anp- School at Bownanville... .The Win Stevens' ...Mr. and Mrs. StanleytonMradMs.derPcoad One Cless are holding a bazaar on May, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Harold, Thornton's Corners, Mr. and pricars lateer Enniskillen wlf or omn, SMr. ira sTraal, AhtMrs. W. L. Pierson and Jack, Osb- Fridy, ovemer Oth Watb fr Roman ScgogMis Meu ,awa0 , spent Sunday at Messrs. J. T. paricuar laer...Ennsklle wil oroto Mr Ir TavalOshawa, Rud eand John Pescoe's; Miss visit our League on Wednesday, witb their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tucker and Miss Marion Barrable,ý November 28tb ...League Thurs- Elias Ashton ... Mr. and Mrs. JamesOrn atM.JhKie' day evening was in charge of Tuxis Flett, Bowmanville, Mr. Hugh Orna rjon iels r n Square. Prograin consisted of: Strong and son, Hamilton, Mr. J. Ms. L. C. MrSnoden, ;MrapeGrve reading, Lorne Annis; topic, "Whatý Strong, L. Hunter, Prince Albertinsitd a rmTBke'r and Mrs lak the Practice of Stewardship ineans and James Strong, Purple Hill,,ErstoaMr andT.familyBack- to the World," by Rev. J . rr-guest tM.JmsFebr'. istce r .T alrs r readig by larece HaherlyI aMr W r.lPoi e Victor ollgeand Mrs. Jones and family, Oshawa, pour; 'I ' yCarneHtely r ilPoneVcoraClee visited at Mr. Jas. Moorey's; Mr. banjo selection by Floyd Dudley... . wiIl take the service here next Sun- and Mrs. Norvel Wotten and Francis Mr. Newman of Lorneville gave a day in the absence of our pastor,an Mr.Aotiiedteatr' splendid address on Missions on Sun- Rev. J. M. Whyte, who is preachingan r.A otvsedheltr' day evening, taking for bis text, anniversary services at Heliburton. sîerin-lyiawnalJnt].ewoi John 3:16. . . The Cradie Roll Dept. League meeting was in charge of seroueslyiI siue meig ofteSunday Scbool will hold their 2nd Vice President, Miss Audrey mrs .E.n's In n ustiu meigat f special churcb service on Sunday at Doriand. Meeting opened with ternoon lest was welî attended. 10.30 a. mi A good prograrn will hymn, after wbich Rev. J. M. Whyte Plans were made for holding our be given by the children...The led in prayer. Bible lesson was nace ost in basement of church. amont ske fo a tb CbrcbReIread hy Edgar Wright; devotional After thse business was concluded opening and Tbank-offering services 1 reading was taken by Miss Reve Mc- Group 1 took charge of prograni and here a week ago was $700. Over 1 Gll; vocal solo was sung by Mrs. R. evdrfsh nta heco. $800 bas aiready been received. McGill; reading by Miss Anni sOe rved rrema entosaercloe Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mc-' A splendid topic was given by M rs. Normat eloeesRolaer Roberts, Bruce and Stewart, Oshawa, James A. Werry on Thanksgiving T e ouppeie. Rla- at Mr. S. McCoy's; Mrs. Levi Brunt and Missions, after which Rev. Mr. on ok«iingThginb s"; A uape and Miss Myrtie Brunt, Enniskillen, Whyte sipoke a few words on Mis- onelGilork",asdgoeon by rns Rus at Mrs. Laura Vitrue's; Mr. Arthur sionary work. Meeting closed with bysel J.beT. ande;on"Fitend ssp Brisbin, Lindsay, Mrs. Elizabeth the League Benediction. Kathleen Baker sang a solo, accomp- Brisbin, Yelverton, at Mrs. Wm. Lit-, Algoessl ra ofBly. nidb hrmteMs Jn tle's; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith' rcr elCemo aly ne b e ohr r.Jh and amiI, Rglan at er arens',Baker; Mrs. Will Baker gave a read- and amil, Rglan et er arens',ing, and community sînging was en- Mr. T. Scott. Mrs. T. Scott is re- HAYDON joyed by ail. Mrs. R. Y. McKes- turning homne with theni for a visit.- sock and Miss Lena Taylor are our AlI grocers selI Creani of Barley. Mr. C. Avery, accompanied by bis delegates to the Central W. i. con- sister, Mrs. G. Niddery, motored tC> vention in Toronto next week. COLIRTICE ,Toronto last week, Mrs. Niddery re- rnaining witb friends.... Mr. and The Dr. Hess Pan-a-ce-a out-sels Mrs. Ehi Obsorne and Miss Aura Mrs. H. Ashton visited with friends 10 to 1, alI other poultry tonics cons- recently visited relatives in Toronto at Mlbrook.. . Mr. and Mrs. E.lbî ned. W. W. Horn is agent. .... Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sanderson Bradley and children Sundayed witb Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr Mr. Walter Oke, Enniskillen.. . . Mr. POIEC and Mrs. W. R. Courtîce. .. . Messrs and Mrs. Theo M. Slemon, Enniskil- POIEC Gordon Osborne and James Hancock ien, vi-sited at Mr. A. Beech's on PrvdneSoowilhd te attended a Boys' Conference in Tor- Sunday .... Mr. Wmn. Hansford mot- PCroidea ncert ol i on We tne onto over the weekend ...Mission ored from Regina, Sask., and is vi-ristmberConct o enM Circle beid its monthly meeting at iting at Mr. C. Avery's.. Miss Metas ebe 9h. the home of Miss Aura Osborne_ and Mr. Fred Ashton and Miss Helen Program was in charge of Mrs. Walt-I Worden, Toronto, spent the week- er Snider's group. Bible lesson wasIen~d a t their homes. .Mr. and Mrs. taken by Miss Hattie Osborne; read-1 John Graham, Kenneth and Milton, W~ALI< ings by Mrn. Cecil Found and Missj Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. L. Grahami, Aura Osborne; a letter from Dr. Roy and Jim, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tabb Norman Found on bis work in Korea and son Fred, and Mr .Gordon Cowl- was read by Mrs. Herb Nichols; a îng were Sunday visitors at Mr. D. chorus sung by Mrs. Snider's grupGraams.... Mr. and Mrs. Couch, and piano solo by Miss Hazel Rund-i Mrs. W. Ridge and Margaret vîsited' C le; officers re-elected witb the ex- at Mr. J. Wright's ... . Mr. Thos. cenie~ng te Pecidnpls acel of Graham sunday h S chooî anrs.D ris t mi a . cudl epti n g telPestinMislacel o wfingaiam wi... bi.sster, Mrs l ad Mrs.Artur asco. AtertheChurch next Sunday afternoon-' meeting candy and popcorn was en-Sudy cbo cmecig t2 joyed by the girls. Misses Aura and o'clock and Churcb at 3 o'clock. ... Hattie Osborne were most enter-' ý~eague Orogram lest Sunday even- In our last week's write upv taining to their guests. .Although îng wes in charge of 3rd Vice-Pres. and greae o fr. At the weether was flot the best on Mrs. E. Mountjoy. Bible reedingIatr omot Al Sunday, the esrvices were aIl well by Mr. C. Avery; devotional, Mr. B. and varied, already we have attended. Our Pastor, Rv. J. H. Flaxington; topic, Miss Mabel 1il erV ie. Wewsht Steinton ,preached a fine sermon et Beech; reading by Miss Myrtle Cowl- erp cd. ewiht the morning service. in the even- ing; several selections were pleyed neededi ing he gave a very interesting dis- by the orchestra. course on the "Rainbow", its origin On Friday evening, Nov. 3Oth, et "THE FINEST ASSORTME and the promise of God which ac- 8 o'clock sharp, the Haydon Young companies it. A vocal duet was, People, under auspices of the sung by Mrs. G. F. Annis and Miss' Leegue, will present their play, "The Francis Hancock. After the sermonI Colonel's Maid," a comedy in 3 acts. that we intend using the wh, our pastor gave bis firat stry o Musical numbers wili be furinshed "Creation", iliustrating with lent- between acts. Lunch will be ses-v-1 McMurtry Block for that ern slides. Songs were also sung ed to al et the close of the progreni. on the sheet end illustrated by pict-j Admission:. Adults 30; Children 15c.j ures. Next Sunday evening the' Ah grocers seIl Creani of Barley. TH RS story will be "Mother and cildren of heathen lands", whicb will be il-1 ewl epnorodsa lustrated with lantern alides, also il- HAMPTONwewlropn urodsa lustrated songs. The haîf hour spent e ra li o mrý in this way after a short sermon is Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzoge ra lneo me most interesting and helpful and an TrulI, Gladys and Lewis, Miss Ruth Below are a few extra spe< invitation is extended to every one Johns, at Mr. W. McMillan's, Peter- to be present . .. .Quite a number borough; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mar- from here are ettending the Stand- tyn and femily spent Sunday with __________________ ard Training Sehool in Bowman'ville frienda in Bowmanville; Miss Grace this week. Hastings spent the weekend with 1000 GARMENTS-A furthe Ail grocers seli Creamn of Barly. relatives in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. E -- y;--aI Il I Chartran's For Prices 5OjOvercoats on Sale Friday and SaturdayOnly Plush Lined to Bottom, Reg. $35 Sale Price $25.00 S.G. Chartran 1 Door West Bell Telephone Office Phone 26 Cnarlton Mciiride and son Burton,ý Peterboro, et ber fether's, Mr. Geo.1 White's; Miss Marjorie Martyn, Bowmenvilie, at home; Mr. and Mrs. McGill et ber mother's et Pontypool; Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill, Enniskil- len, et Mrs. C. Langmaid's; Miss, Evelyn Tink, Soline, et Mr. L. T. Pascoe's; Mr. Wilbert Bailey end son, Kitchener, et Mrs. Chas. Hlorn's.l Every man in the district should avail himself of the opportunity of ~attending the Laymen's Banquet to be held in the church on Wednesday, Decemnber 5th, and heering Dr. J. H. Arnup, of the Foreign Mission Board of the United Church. Dr. Arnupi is an outstandîng speaker and the privilege of hearing him should isoti be neglected ....... Young Peop)le's I League meeting this week wvill be in' charge of the fourth Vice President, Mr. Wilfred Smale. Everyone wcl- cocu'..Mr. Norman Clemens is in Bowmanville Hospital having under- gune e seriou.s operation. Every- one wisbhes himn a speedy reccvery. ...The congregation was delighted with the services of the Young People's choir at the Sunday even- the service. .Miss Marion Orchard,I Enniiskillen, has been engaged by th e school trustees to teach music in the public school. Trustees are to be congratuiated on this progres- sive step. Meny country children have too long been denied this Pri .v- ilege. The Dr. Hess Pan-a-ce-a out-selis 10 to 1, aIl other poultry tonics com- bined. W. W. Horn is agent. More Hampton newa on another jpage. AIl grocers seil Cream of Barley. ts A Fact That Already We Have Had to Re-order Some Uines of Yardley Toilet Goods Notwithstanding that our shipment for the Christmas trade r this year is probably the largest single order of Yardley's goods that ever came to Bownanvile, we have sold out of some lines and have ordered more. Yardley's long experience (158 years), and their equipient enable them to, produce Powders, Lotions, Soaps, Creais, Per- fumes, etc., in such quantities and of unsurpassed excellence, that we have a very compreensive range soderately priced. Such fragrance as Jessaiine, April Violets, Freesia and Lavender are supplied on]y by Yardiey You must see to appreciate. Descriptive list free. Other suitable gift goods also on display. We have Gift Sets in great variety priced as low as 85e and up to $7.50 Shaving Bowl ................$1.00 Talc. Tins ........................ .40 Lavender 25 Lavender Soap ....35c, 3 for $1.00 Bath Saits, large botties.... $1.00 Gift Set No. 93 for men ....$2.50 Gift Set No. 83 for ladies ....$2.25 KERSLAKE'S 4 THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- HOM L The super- We have thE COK N. B.-Our C rain and POCAHONI Our1 J. A. 1 Bi Phono 153 or G~ATE & SON FEATUR, EHIGII VALLEY ANTHRACITE 77te Coal 77eat Satisflea '-heater-the World's Be ,e exclusive sale in Bown district. CE-The Very Best Domq Coke is always kept under snow do flot increase its TAS "ORIGINAL"-Aîsg Delivery Service is Unez HIOLGATE & jilders' Supplies and Fue r202 I 61 "ES est Coal! nanvlile and iestic cover where weight. io kept dry. ccelled P-SON 3owmanviIIe A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT DO YOUR .sSho pping Early we advised early Christmas shopping for best choice ,hough our stock of Christmas merchandise is large 'sold out of somne imported lines and these cannot, state that owing to the great amount of space to display what we think is "ENT 0F CHRISTMAS GIFTS EVER SHOWN IN BOWMANVILLE hole of our new and commodious premnises in the purpose. Here you will find gifts for the whole family. )AY, NOVEMBER 22nd id. in the "Horsey Block" where we will carry a chandise at very tempting prices. ýial values on Sale Thuraday, Friday and Saturday at botb store8. er sipmet o "Wasons Unerw a il caoliîc garments inlcuding Cotton-, Wool, Silk and Wool and Silk Lingerie-et Bloomers, Nightgowns, Slips, Stepins Pyjamas, Etc., ail bought at a diseount of 25% and passed on to you at a big saving. Many of these will make lovely Christmas Gifts. PRICES 39c TO $3.95 Wearwell SiIk Hose 40 dozen, in aIl the new shades seils regular]y for $ 1.00 per pair, sizes 8 i/, to 10, While They Last 59c Penman'a Hose 25 dozen Penman's Super- Botany Wool Hose that sells for $1.35 a pair. We were fortunate in getting this lot and pas.s them on to you, al sizes for For 88c Pair SiIk & Wool Hose 100 dozen Penman's and London lady makes, siik on top and wooi backs, won't wear rough. Values from $1.00 to $1.39, al si e . 79c P air NELSON'S ANNEX In the Horsey Block Re- opens Tbursday, Novem- ber 22nd With a Big REMNANT SALE During the last few weeks of big selling we bave accumuleted hundreds of remnants includîng all the wanted weaves and nsakes-,-Cottons, Silks, Woollens, Linens, Cretonnes&,Chintz, Print-. ed Seteens, Toweiiings, Flannel- ettes, Prînts, Gînghams, Sheet- ings, Pillow Cottons, etc-aIl to be sold et ridiculously low prices for a speedy clearance. Corne aarl0 Silk Scarves The best value ever offered in this town, 12 dozen in al styles and colors. Values $1-95 to $2.9,1). We offer thesge et the low prîce, $1.19 Perrins and Griffin Gloves Slip on style in fine wesh- able chamoisette, in aIl the wantei colors nad sizes, Regular $1.19 Pair for For 98C Sweaters and Pullovers Hundreds to chose froni for ginls, boys, womnen end men, in plain and fancy weaves et bhig sevîngs, R. NELSON'S STORE 0f Biger & Better LADIES--- WHEN YOU THINK 0F A NEW WINTER COAT COME TO THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE WOMEN'S SHOP IN TOWN. CLARENCE S. MASON N.xt Doaoe to F. F. Morris Co. PHONE 161 BOWMAN VILLE 1

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