PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1928 LEGL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL-D. Barrister, Solicitor, N3tary Money to boan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor to late D. B. Simpson, ILC.. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 91 Bowmanville. Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan. Bonds for sale. Office-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisan Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow-, manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone~ 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Univer- sity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to p ractise in Ontario and the Dominioni. oentigtry in aIl its branches. Office- King St., Bowmanvi]le, opposite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College,, Toronto, formerly of Enniiskillen.1 Office and Resi.-lence, Dr. Beitbhs former residence on Cburch Street, Bowmanville. Pnone 259. 44-t J. CLARK BELL MD.. Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (EdIn), D.P.H. (Successor ta Dr. A. S. TiIley) iffons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; FeIlow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office and Residence, Queen St., Bowmanvi]le, Phono 89. Office Heurs: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 to 8.30 p. m. W. H. BIRKS, M.D. Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.30. Telephone 108. Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's former residence, Wellington Street, Bowmanville. DR. V. H. STOREY Office hours 2 to 4 and 6 te 8 p. mn. After 8 p. ni., by appoinment only. Exception-Office will be open 9 to 10 Saturday nigbt. 36-tf DR. R. W. CLARK Physicien & Surgeon Office-Division St., Bowmanville. (next to Trinity United Church) Office Hours-3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. ni. Sue-days by appoîntment only. Phone 24 DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS THE EDITOR TALKS Beware of the Flu-or Influenza! It is very infectious. Avoid it. Dr. Hastings in his Weekly Message isays influenza now covers the great- er part of this continent. Boîvman- ville Public Schools were dismissed Monday morning-four teachers re- ported sick and only haîf of the number of seholars were present in some of the rooins. Influenza and common colds are rife during the late faîl and earlY winter months. In fact, the re- cords of all respirato -y diseases for years back show ý,u- little variation so far as the number of cases is con- cerned, with the exception of 19181 and 1919 when the world--wide cpi- (lfucof influenza of a \'ery severe type prevailed, and )-ne or two years s:nce we have had probably an un- usually large number of cases, but %xhether it bc influenza or 'he cern- mon cold is a maitter of indifference, and we should not concerfi oursel-~ vcs materially about that ï3oth of ýhüse discase., are ex- tremely cont'ugious, quite as~ much so as smallpo:x. Thoey both con- stitute a decided element of dai ger so far as preparing the soil for more serious diseases such as broncho- luneumonia and pneumonia. In fact, there are verv few, if any, in- stances of de:&th from the comm un cold, or frori simple influenza. TIhe death recordls in the vast majority of case.s, whten carefu!ly analyzed and intelligently ,iterpreted, reveal the fact that the individtal died from pneunionia or 'bron hc-penumonia, following a severe cold or grippe, as the case may be. We have repeatedly drawn the at-I tendion of the citizens to the fact, that during the late autumn, wintcv and early spring we are more or lessj carriers of the germas that are ra- sponsible for ýthe common cold, in- fluenza, pneumonia and broncho- pneumonia. If the mucous mem- brane of our nose and throat is in a fit and healthy condition, it sirnply constitutes a pitched battle in which nature -wins out in the vast major- ity of cases. However, should our resistance of the mucous ,nembrane of the nose and tOroat Fpconîe .ow- erd,* the genms that have been heldi at bay, gain the ascendency over, these natural defending forces ofý the body and inflammnatory condîi tions develop. which are known as, codi mehead, the comnion cold or coryza, or influenza. 1'* * * The majonity of these dîseases ifi not treated properly, spread rapid.lyl down to the bronchial tubes, result-i ing in broncho-,pneumoniv or iuneum-ý and the natural resisting powers cfi our bronchial tubes and lungs, per- mitting the gens of pneumon ia, which we are carrying more or less aIl the time, to gain the ascendency,l and hence the disastrous results. Therefore, ît is quite obvious thati if we are going to safeguard oursel-1 ves, we must look upon the coeiniîîin cold, as ýwe have repeatedly enîphas-1 ized ,as one of the most îenious dis- eases that we have te contend with,I and certainly one of the mogt costly,l as it is responsible for mure loss cfl tue than probably anv o>ther haîfi The Physicians of Bowmanville' dozen diseases that we have. have agreed te close their offces 1 Wednesday aftcrnoons. In case of UfruaeyteZrso h emergency at this time enquire co ftat cues nthenza hms;'r t fh o a doctor lehoeoperatorlyet been discovere<l aîmd solated;' for a dctor. conaequently we are workin;.,murel oless in the dark, and ne reliabla vaccine or serum i.-Las eus yt been! CHIOPRCTI AD DUGLSSi discovcred. There have been vac-1 CHIRPRATICAND RUGESScine- prepared from the organisis THEROPY i that have been fouuid that serin te DURWIN E. STECKLEY have donc goed in a .ýrtain nunîber honor graduate of Toronto College of cases in fortifynr the naturai ro- of Chiropractic wilI be in the Bow- si.ztng powers of those witîm 'vbom manville Office Tuesday, Tburdavthese yaccines hav" been us('d. How-i and Saturday evenings, phone 141j' ever, n a large number cf cases Residential cails made duringfore there has been ni evîdence cf aimy nofore-advantage wbatcvcr,. Therefere, we liave te faîl back -- .. on the best ways and means of pro-,I tecting âurselves against the con-1 FJNERL DIRCTORS tracting of the corrmon cold, or in- F. F. MORRIS CO. *lena àà Complete Motor or Horse Equipment. This charge is not new--Note it Alil caîls promptîy well: One of the greatcs. predis- attended te.» posng causes that we have te con- Private Ambulance, tend with is our over-heated homes,j 10 and 34. able the fear that pe'onle have of Branch Stores- letting a litteu cool air int i the Orono & Newcastle. house. If it were po-ssible f or j e% ery h,,me in Toiruntou to flot permiti ALAN M. WILLIAMS the tempera"Lure (f the Eývi«1-1'ocoîs Embalmer and Funeral Director. to cxc Ced 68 e aes,,nd for be;i: Calîs given prompt and personal at- sleeping room.s tii range aIl the wayi tention. No extra charge for dis- from a few degrees abive thu' i tance. Motor Ambulance at your freezin g point to not highum than 630 service. Phones 58 or 159, Bew- to 65dge.,thesnodu'ttt manville, Ont. 3-tf. there a ould bu a treiiînul 'us r'duc- tic n in the numbt r if camseŽs-f u.'ulul --- andifluenza. AUCTIONEERS* THEO M. SLEMON IHure i.s another -,!d theorv uboun Auctioneer ca,:î.g c'.lîs: Tht- contiinlueul er- rer in regard to <Incas. It is mos:t Farm and House Sales a Specialty. regrettable that notwiths;mn4lbng Ternis moderate. Enniskillen P. O. thit at have been writing on thîs Phonme 197r3. 1-tf Suiject o'f prevxention of the cin- ____________ mon cold ana of influenza severali times yet a large numixir (if puople VETERINARY aie , iii wearing heavy un<erwear. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. <hich i, a practical demniunstmation of tht' fart that, as Carlyle uuinîteul out, Orona "ýonly one person out uof fve 'lîr,u.-1 Honor (iraduate cf University of and thioka;". Whcn at re iii tue Toronto. Ali cases given prompt offices, in our homnes-, in ulur vaious and crieful attention. Offie-Dr. industries, we are practically in I %McElroy'.u former office. Phones: sumrmer temperature, that is a teni- Clarke 3921 ; Orono 18-1. p)eram jre ranging i)etwei-n 65 and -7-, .iu~.Why should wa t nujui ny ,ht'aier clothing in that tmu ai uru then than in the ,surninortliime'? * * 't Vuh , u requiii the ex!rae'h g iaugo out of et\Orl r'ooi.,mand re cixpou d tri wuatbur al! t he %n n.frin Se"o 20 1r :" l e' rees b)ouiv e. If wue pe;t in o n:h"ýy arvudr'u i] Ihi'av oer clohinuig, on this *uimnîî'r te'îîrne atun', in or hooimes and dfPre.,, we kuu.p oi-rskin:s l>thed in prpia ,on, whicli, %hen a e g ) 'out, evapor- a*te'ý rapidly and c )nýeqaeitly unduly loaors the temperature f the sur- fare if uur bodies and rendu 'ns us vu'ry îîîuch n-e susceptible to the contraoting cf colds. THE EDITOR TALKS The germs responsible for the coin- mon cold and influena are found in the mucous membrane of the nose, throat and mouîth, and therefore, %when we cough or sneez.e, if it is not muzzled by a handkerchief held over the face, we spread 4-ie droplets. They may be inhaled hy others who) e re nearby arnd thus infect them. Fvery ýone of these droplets af in- fected persons containis myriads of the germs that are responsible for the disease. Do not cough or saieeze into any person's face, nor permit any one to cough or sneeze into yours. Avoid overcrowded public places and if you have contracted a cold or iniluenza, let ius again enîphasize as forcefully as we can that the mnost strategic fi_,hting grouuîd that we iave for this d'sease is in our beds Good advice for evt-rylîndy and4 here is more sane suggeutions, too7 If yoîî have the syniptonis of a col<l 1 r influenza, zo haime, take a hot bath, go to bcd, take' a 4'lse of re- laxing med'c:nc castor )il, saîts or1 sennta, and a hit drink, preferably1 milk, and remain in bed until yo)u are practically normal, or until your family physician considers you are1 safe in getting up. If these pre-i cautions are taken ,three or fouri days, in a large percentage of cases. will comnpletely overcome and con-] t-cl the condition and save you much1 more time and Possihiv disastrousi results through complications. 1 Let us repeat again that the( gens responsible for these diseasesi are found in lhe ipper respiratory tract, that is in th, nose, throat andt mouth. It must be .perfectly apparent tnen that these germs are spread to oth- ers by sneezing and and also by the cemmon eating and difinking utensils, hence the -.iecess;ity for careful sterîlizing of al eatin-, and drinking utensils, and, if any member of the family contracts - fiuenza, he should be quarantined ard isolated ns carefully and as thor- oughly as if he had sinallpn t, in or- der to protect the other mem bers of the family, and aIl of his eatinF md4 drinking utensils sbeuld be carefully sterilized. How frequen.tly we have hoard, wben speaking to an individual that we have met about his havingaol - Oyes, I have a cold; in fnct we have aIl had one-it l'as jîîst run througb the family". Now that is a very common occurrence and it i, merely because, ns I have already pointed out, we have no more con- tagious or communicable disease thn hecomo cldorin*tènzà Hon. Stanley Baldwin, Premier of Great Bitain, said in speech in the House of Commons on February 16, 1923-. "The English language is the richest in the world in thought. The English laoguage is the nichest p n the wonld in monosyllables. Fouýr iwords of one syllable each, are words Iwhich contain salvation for this we are most ,thankful that at Bownianville High School Com- mencement on Friday evening Prof- iessor Alfred Tennyson DeLury, M. A., F.R.C.S., Dean of the Faculty of Arts* in the University of Tor- onto ,and a di.stinguished graduate of B.H.S., coupled our naine as a friend of educatiion with those of îProf. John Squair, M.A., Inspector A]bert Odell and the venerable Chairman of the High School Board, Mr. W. B. Couch, for, although it is over 50 years since we changed the school rostruni for the editorial sanictuni, we are very grateful that our interest in the education of Young men and Young women has înot waned and in recognition of our interest in education we have been elected to serve on boýth the High and Public School Boards of Bow- manville; and also on the Board of Managers of Albert College, Belle- vifor 12 years. When we laid down the master's pointer for the editor's pen we adopted as our pro- gramn of operation The Home, The School, The Church and The Farm and our intere-sts stili centre around these four institutions ,as our week- ly Talks on this page evîidence. This week we shall talk on educa- tion. At this season of the year niany young persons are consider- ing how best they can spend the winter months in an effort to im- prove their education. We speak from our personal experience when we state that the best value we ever received for money spenit on our education was the amount a mionth's attendance at the old British Anieri- can Business College, Toronto, Cost us away back in 1872. We sincere- ly believe that cýompared wîth the op- portunities and life-long benefits a thorough course in a modern busi- ness college spreade before both sexes of Young people the cosit of obtaining a business training is small; indeed, we know of no >ther educ-ation that costis so little and is worth so much. With reference to book-keeping alone, we belie,ve that many a busif- ness man today wou]d he better off if be woul take a vacation for say two montha and take a course in book-keeping, or attend a night school for that pumipose. "Too busy to keep books" is ofttimes the rea- son why many business men have failed in business. They think thati lookkeeping is a bore, and aIse that it is a useleas expense. A modern business college teaches many valuable suhjects that aIl per- sons would bc better foIr knowing about business, but by al means learn bookkeeping, study commer- cial Iamw, learn bow to jugigle the keys on a ty'pcwriter, and, if possible, study shorthand. With these things and a fighting disposition and a de- sire to get along and make som e money, even a lack of capital will net be a bindrance. "oit is the most vital part o' a' man's business knowing howr to run a set of double entry books and be- houses in towns and cities with th er- oughly competent office help. Thous- ands of men and women can test ify to the usefulness and good work done by t1hee business schools, sorne cf which advertise in this journal. Now ,young man, young wonuan,, have you made plans for the fu'ure9 If you are looking forward 1 a car- eer in busness, you shoulti 1k yur- self this question, "Where ain 1 go- ing to be in business thre years from now--five year' lfrom now-- ten years froni now?"ý Have you thought definitel:7 andi intelligently about how you may dc-1 velop yourself into that kind of a man or woman for whom organized business to-day is constantly seek- ing? You mnay be s universfity student or college graduate and stiflho un- prepared through lack of special training to do a definite work in a business office; or you may be among the many men and women who left sehool wben a mere boy or girl in order to go to work, and you feel that the lack of an educa- tion is a hindrance to your advance-I ment. It is not the educational, test that is your stumbling block. But are you willing for a compar-1 atively short tume, to set aside cer- tain definite hours every week f'or I class attendance and study, lettingi nothing in the way Of plleasure or other interests interefere with youri purpose?1 Have you the courage and the de- cision to inake an investment of money ,time, and encrgy which will, almost positively insure your business I advancement and increas5e your earn-' ing capacity? If you answer "yes" to these two questions, and if you wîll thon stick to your decision once made, it will be only a question of hume beflore. the Businessý World will search fori you ,and finding you, say: Enter bore and take up properi work; important policies are to bel discussed, and important changes in matters of organizatiion are to be determincd and carried out. We need a man who bas breadtbî of view and a scientif'ic understand- i ing ,not only of the smail aspects of business ,but of the big aspects as well-a man who knows and can achieve and develop. That is why we have seught you and brought to you-Opportunity. Since the foregoing was put ini type, we have read an aiticle in i World Wide on "Qualities fra Business Career". An Engis;hmar.n asked several successful business men, among o:ther questions, "What training is necessary for a young, man entering a business careeir what qualities does he need to mak hini successful and what are the op-1 pertunities offered to 'him?1 conuy n orti wil oridVL and îng able to makRe eut a profit and Aseswr eyvnes nte they are: "Faith", "Hope", losa atàtement is a very fine thing. fiAt wo e tions ry a the nte ment in this country today, which Perbaps yeu, like so many others, a business requires specific training, has not faith in the people, hope in think that bookkeeping consists of but on what qualities make for suc- theo future, love for its fellowmen, keeping track of the cash and those ces these were given: Persever- and wbîcb will net work and work who have net paid, and a few de-j ance, honesty, tact, imagination, in- and work, wl ever rn this tais9 like that. That is just detaîl itiative, enterprise, concentration, country through ete days, bookkeeping. Real brsokkeeping i nhuis, oa courage-quali- and better tinîca, or will ever bring i net only keeping accounits, but an tufaal quper -rters e thaine- IEurope through or the world alyzing the business and mak-ing a eta qimn-r oec h h thr ough". Here is foed foi' thought. statement at any given Period show- virtues without which success is im- S* *i ng just exactly the condition of . possible. May we hc permitted te make a business and if it is making money For young people wvho posseas; purely persenal reference? Weî as tihe prescrnt law demanda of buaï- these qualifications there were never ceanni)t feel otheî'wise than îlcased ness finms in Canada. It is the more openings than in thes"3 days. and grateful when a gentleman r-.nd punipose of overy business college te memiber cf the Faculty cf one of the give young people a most thorouglb Wc may mention that in this Dom- highest institutions of learning in and practical business training that ien the business, colleges are th " this Dominion publicly beara test:- will fit tbem te enter a business office supply depoits foi business bouses, mony te our interest in andl zest for prepared te do a definite work. TheyJ and thousands cf graduates cf heth the welfare of th, yeung people cf aIse train the middlc-men for execti-1sexes, are found positions hy the Bownanville and viih, Si) tive positi ,ns and supplv the business i principals cf colleges annually. TheTalk ofthe Town W. T. AIIen's Display of Unusual Christmas Gifts Each Gift Daintily Boxed for Presentation-Present Giving and Present ReCeiving Keep Friendship Forever Burning-Gifts Priced to Suit Every Pure- GIFTS 50c TO 75c GIFTS AT $1.00 GIFTS AT $1.25 i Mosaic Blocks, very colorful, Doli Dress Hanger ,a new Hammered Brasa Finish Cig- i a splendid gift for the smaîl French novelty, very chic $1 arette Box, jewelled top i boy or girl............ oc French Brocadd Silk Card $1.25 Knife Sharpener ,a useful gift Case, good looking and reas- Clcth B ruon, 1, . s fcr lady- or gentleman.. Ï0c Smokor's Lighter, very damn- ty and ornamental ...7 c Smoker's Set, includes tray, two asb receivers and match stand .................. 75c Combination Pin Cushion and Tape Line, hand sewn, velour ,assorted colora . .50c Cbild's Beaded Bag, a smal one just like mother's .. .60c Cat Pin Cushion, an orna- mental & useful nevelty 60c GIFTS $2.50 TO $3.50 Iland Painted ('andy Jar, varionîs colonings and de.signs $2.50 Brocademi Silk ('biteleinv variuuus attractive pal- terars.................3.50 Fluuwcr Iolder, fan shape. Hand painted ....... $2.50 onable-.. .. ... ..-. .. ..1.00 Party Table Numbeis, 1 te .4 as minature golf courlse markers.......... $.00set Novel Cigarette Stand, with cempartment for matches, assorted colons. .41.00 Brasa Teasting Fork. The ideal fireplace ornament.$l. GIFTS $2.00 TO $2.25 Library Set, a useful gift for lady or gentleman....$2.25 lEtcbed Brasa Memo Pad. English manufacture, for lady~ or guentleman ..$2.25 French Mannequin Cigarette and Match Stand. Very novel and ornamental. .2.00 Two French Briar Pipes with Alunîinum Inner Tubesý $2.00 Set Cube Teapet old Paislev (le sign, very quaint . $2.25 hote oudoir colora .$1.25 Cellapsible Decorated Cigar- ette Holder with Ejector feature, in brocaded case $1.25 French PoI'(r Doîl for my lady's dresser, Geotrgian style. 81.25 Selid Brasa Pcrforated Tea Pot Stand. Oxidized finish. $ 1.25 GIFTS $1.50 TO $1.75 Caîalith Vanity Case. Jew- elled, various colora . .$1.50 Feather Party Bag. The new French novelty .81.75 Newport Cake Plate with platuul handle, aserted de- signs ... . ... .... ....$1.75 Roll Up Teluacce Pourb, leathei- cever, rubeized silk iinine . . .... ......5 Eextend to ail our Cu&' Wishes for a Happy Christ- mas and a Prosperous New Year.1 't Q~naika SPIRIT 0F CHRISTMAS Predominates Our Store T he time of giving is here again. What a wonderful s pirit it is-this idea of Santa Claus with ail his h undreds of gifts! Buyers and thrifty shoppers are doing a very generous share of their buying at our store. We offer: Gift Stationery, in fancy boxes ....25c to $3.00 Dandy Picture Books from ................5c up Toys to make the kiddies happy ...........5c up Christmas Greeting Cards ..............2 for 5c Doll s, ail sizes from ............................2âc up Decorations-Beils, Garlands, Tinsel, Etc. GEO. PRITCHARD, 2 Doors West of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 489 Bowmanville Say it wit/i a "Rogers" If you're planning te say "Mierry Christmas" to your family witlî a Radio-say it witb a Rogers and be sure. Vears before any otber electric radio was successfulîy marketed anywhere on this Continent tbere were tkousands of Rogers- Battcryîess Radios in every day use right acresa Canada. The Rogers bas been tried, tested, perfected and more Rogers- Batteryless Radies are soîd tban alI otber electric sets combined. Just ask the owner of a jour-year-old Rogers.Bateryes how be likes it and wbat service he has had! Tbere is notbing, in aIl the worîd cf gift, tbat wiII bring the spirit of Christmas into your borne like a Radio. And the programs tbat wilI flood the air during the holiday season will more than compensate you for the saîî cost of a Rogers. «"'Four Twety " Table Model * Same radio equipmenz as t he "Feur tz Hundru.d" Highb oy, tuilhoeut Speaker. Geniine lVainut cabinet b,' Mal- coln. Price complete <except Loud Speaker) ...*...............$ 165.00 Corne in, choose the new 1929 Model you want, and insure get- tmng it for Christmas by mnaking a smnall deposit now. The balance can bc arranged on ternas to suit your coavenience. W. J. BAGNELL; King St. West Bowmanville ntenaland External Pains are prom ptly relieved by DB IOMAS'ECLECTRIC OlL TIHAT IT MAS OEEN SOLO FOR NEARLY FIPTY VEANS AND laT-DYA RATER SELLER THAN EVEA BIEFORE 18 A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR IT MUMEROU CRATVE UALITIES, NEW YEARI Ter-ni fin!i January :2e %i y, hin- tcrest a fine lot ('l M;cr eluýant,; and High School students in the work of rquaifying for a bu.sinî. pition thro'ugth onù of SHAW'S BUSINESS SCHOOLS. Why flot ;go? îbink it ovei and oct. rate for syllahu. , -f o location.v <of uur 12 school., nd] list of rI(Iuateç; placeîl.. Adres-s W.]. lhawv, Registrar, 1150 Bay Street, Tocronto. 50-3w Books Galore-The latest books of fiction rnake mnost acceptable gifts. Gift Table of 25c Articles-It's the Big surprise of the store. Be sure to see this. WA. Ir. A LLUEN "Big 20" Bookstore and Gift Sfiop ý ýi l THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1928 PAGE TWO