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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1928, p. 6

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r ( PAG SIXTE CANADIAI4 STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THTJRSDAY, DECEMJBER 20, 1928 Sunday night after church Both the Hcnderson boys are far awav fraîn the oId home. But Suoday is still a very esjýccal day for Father and Miother, for every Sunday night after church the tele- phone bell rings and the aid folks kiîow that one cf the buoys Î.,; alling them f rom the distant city. Harry alls one week, and Fred the next. Long Distance is wondenful for keeping famiiy ties stmoog. It is se simple, se ine\llnslve, ta rail distant friends for a feNw minutes' chat. And how weiceme is the -:ound of their vices! Po yn cali fnîends by Long D)istance ? The Evening Rate after 8.30 is very iow. "Every Bell Telephone i8 a. Long Distance Station." 715 J. HERMON Buys Poultry & Apples At Fair Prices Phones: Bowmanville: 235 Toronto: Trnity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 47-4w The Natural, Herbai Goodness 0f Gallagher's Clears Up Eczema Stops Indigestion. Tonea en tire system. There are ncý minerai drugs in Gal- Iagher's Tonie and System Builder. It isenîirelv herbs. Natural. Amazing- Iy healing. By purifing the blood and gently simîlating l),wels, kidneys and liver, this reliable oId rpm.ýdx clears up kidn troubles. Pc-rfect for Int !- sston, rundown conditions, nervousQne_ýs, roî;,hs or colda. Sets vou on your feet and keeps you there . old, ns other Gallaglier HerbaillHousehold Remedies are, by 35 JURY & LOVEL, Bowinanvile EVERY MONTH MANY WOMEN Take ZUTOO Tabletsanmd are friso of the Gxlping Pain and Sick Headaches. R.Amd what Mrs. Wrlght salea 01 roeved your sample o Zuto Tab- Iota. &M took them for savern pain (mothy) and headache. At the end of je minutes. I wua entireiy free of pain and exporlenced ne more througtiout tiie pe ro&Isiîfrer a groet dea iat these timer and foui grateful that I have a rexnedy wheh affords qukk relief. Every woman & thu and skouid rnaw about Zutoo Taesadwhat they w1indO.» Mm re.LLN WRIGHT. PUWhd, Que. TAKE ZUTOO MEDICINE FOR YOUNG GIRLS Mothers End«rs Lydia E. Pink- baz's Vegetabi. Compound 0Sydney, N. S.-"My seventeen year od daughter took Lydia E. Pinkhax's 'Vegetabie Compound for weaknesa ana pains. She could not go about much with the other girls as she waa flot strong enougli. We got six botties and it did ber a great turn. Sheis work- ing eut now in a store and walks three miles every morning and back in the evening."-Mas. M~AYV»Ncic, 44 Lingazi Road, Sydney, N. S. Pinewood, Ont.-"I constantiy had pairie Ii my back and aide and spent two days i bed eveny menth. I have taken three boxes of Lydia E. Pink- hax's Vegetable Compound Tahlets. They have done me good and 1 always have thesa i the house. 1 have recom- mended your good medicine to neyeraI fiends and have given it to my 17 year-old gfrl."-MItS. AI.nm Oua- I»Mpin.woo& Oro ?AGI six Newi'Year. Gobcurg ratepayers will vote on, J i daylighit eaving on Jan. 7. J. H. Ji ernetny Mr. IH. Il. lbrsey, Ottawa, whol Concession Sit., Bowmanville was recently appointed to the- Dom-; Phone 431 iin Scoute, i.- a cousin cf Miss: Margaret Harsey of Bow'manville. Mr . BLACKSTOCK T jENW Mr T A. Orton, Orillia, spent New W. M. S. officera are: Presi- > Tuesday with Mr. T. Smith. dent-Mrs. (Rev.> J. R. Trurnpourý Mrs. S. Fergusan, Cartwright, vis- lst Vice-Mrs. L J. Goodmhan; 2ni ited with hier sister necently at Scu- Vice-Miss F. Vrtue; Recording gag. SecretarY-Mrs. Sid T. Hoar; Cor- Mr. Leslie Lansing's car was ai- reponding Secretary-Mrs. HBarold mos detryedhyfir wilegetin Sinner; Treasurer-Mrs. A. W. mat etee b iewil etn Annis; Suply Secretay-Mrs. W. gaS. Stewart; Supt. Christian Steward- Mrs. A. L. l3ailcy anîd Mrs. Frgnk shiP--Mrs. H. Hills; Stranger's Sec- Harris are zýome bitLter after zheir nfitarY-Mrs. R. Hodgson; Ass. Help- iecent ilîness. ers-Mns. C. Bigelow; Mite Box Miss Jessie Slute, B.owmanville, Secretary-Çîana Woodley; Mission spent the weekend with her iister, Band Supt.-Mrs. A. W. Annis; Mrs. A. Rahm. Miss. Monthly Secretary-Mrs. Jas. MI--. Osmond Wright who is iîl Dudley; Organist-Miss Mary BDight- in the Bowmanville Hospital is pro- well. gressing favorably.1 In ail infantile complaints that are Mr. Harold Larmer has gene ta the result of the depredations ofi Sudbury te spend the winter months woî-ms in the stomacli and intestiines in the lunîber camp. Millen's Worm Powders will lie found W. A. of St. John's Chu rel met1 an effective remedy. They attack at the home of Mrs. Rolit. Mahoiod jt he cause of these troubles, and by an Thursday, December 13th. expelling the wormis from the an- The first regular meeting of the igans masure an orderly warking of Ladies' Orange Lodge was held in the system, without wihich the child the Orange Hall on Thursday. cannet maîntain its strength or Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willan, Mia. R. thTive. These powders niean health Spinks and Mr and Mrs. S. Jeffrey and inprovemnent. spent Sunday at the home of Smith ____ Brothers. I-_1__ Public sehoel pupils and their RN teacher, Miss Kathleen Phoenxar busy preparing for their concýert I(Fr.. The News of December 13) this (Thursday.l Mn. M. A. Carleton lias opened Young People's League of the out a boot and shoe repair shep, United Church Îheld a successful succeeding the late Harry Hooper, banquet, the chief speaker. beinglin the old stand west aide Main St. Rev. Roy H. Rickard, Pickering. Paring a corn is both risky and Mn. and Mrs. T. Smith apent a1 ineff ective. It is much better ta very pleasant evening at the home' use Holloway's Corn Remover and of Mn. and Mrs. S. Fariner, Port nadicate thein entirely. Penry, when tliey entertained the W. M. Gardon with a number of staff and carrespondnts of The Star. the offilcers of Onono Lodge A.F.& High School concert held ýn the A.*M., No. 325, nmade a fraternaFyj-i township hall on Friday evening was it te St. John'a Lodge, No. 17, at a splendid success; the praceeds Cobourg an Tuesday last. amounted ta $80.00. It was decidedI Rev. and Mia. Sterling and daugh- te devote $5 0.00 of the amount ta ter, MIssa Eleen, spent the past weeki a soholarshîp. at Tillbuny and Blenheîm, his fermeri Young people of the United and appointîments. At Blenheim they Anglican Churches are busy with toek part in the dedication and op-i their piays "The Country Ministen" ening services of the new chunch and "In Cherry Time" which will be started under has pastonate. put on two niglits during Christmnas Complete in itself, Mothenr Graves' and New Years week respectively. Worm Exterminator does not ne- December meeting of the Victor-, quire the assistiancee f any otheoe ian Women's Institute was held atlmedicine te make it effective. Iti 1the home of Mrs. Leslie Graham on 1 dues not fail te do its work. Wednesday, Decemnben 5, with a For quality and quantity the Fam- - splendid attendance. Mter the bus- ily Henald and Weekly Stan, Mont-1 inmess session thene was an exchange real, is the prudent farmer'a lirst1 «>f pretty and useful Christmas pies-1 choice. At $1 a year or three yearsc ents. Mrs. Leslie Graham and Gent- for $2 it is a marvel of value, and alI rude Henry, gave excellent reports members of the family get a wealthi of the Central Ontario Convention. lof reading of marvellous intenest. Lunch was 5GflTSd. 1 The Orono Women's Institute will The many friends of Mrs. Alfred1 meet in the Council Chamber on Fni- Bnadburn and Mn. Geo .Medd willj day, Deceinher 28th at 2.30 p. m. bie sonry te learn of their deatli, the IThe report of the Gonventaion will former at lier home in Belgrave and be given by the delgate--Mrs. Hall. tlie latter at 'his h-ome in Brandon. Prograin comrittee-Mrs. Roy, Mis Mrs. Bradb-urn and Mn. Medd bath R. H. Brown, Mia. W. M. Stutt, Mia spenit the earlier p art of their lives Buckley. in the vicinity of Blackstock and Word was neceived here this week leave a nuniben of relatives and froin Pasadena, Calif., announcing fniends here te mourn their loas. the death en Saturday, December 8, On 'uesay venng lage um-of Mrs. J. C. Honey, a former higli- beOc neda avn elare nmet atly esteemed nesident of this town ber f fiens ad rlaiive me atwho lias 'been in failing health for -the home cf Mr .and Mia. Jas. Lai- &orne tume past. Slie is survived by nimer and pnesented their son Russell lier husband, two sons and two and hi&i 'bride with a miscellaneaus duhes shower of beautiful and useful gifts à aghes ,After speeches by the cliainman, Mr. ThlieFriend of AU Suffre'r.-Dr. Wannan, the bride and groom,' Mr: Thoinas' Eelectnric OÙ is a valuable Jas. Larmer and Mr. Jack Smith,' remedy te ail these wlio sufer pain. the evening was spent in a quiet so-j It holds out hope te everyone and cial time and senvng of refreshments ralizes it by stilling suffering every- __________where. t is a liniment that has the blessing cf haîf a continent. It is OBITUARY on sale everywhere and can be ________found wherever enquired for. Mns. WM. Pa.rr, Toronto. John Rountnee Winter, yeungest son of the late Isaac Winter and Mrs. Sophia Parr, 76t, wdow of brother of Mn. Isaac Winter of this Wm. Parr, formenly of Blackstock, town, passed away Sunday, Decem- died at the home cf her daughter, ber 9th at hie home ait Winnipeg, Mis. S. B. Graham, 27 Castle Frank Man., follo'wing a short ilîness. De- Crescent, Sat'urday morning. De- ceased was born in Clarke in the ceased was barn in Cartwright town- year 1868. Before going ta the ship, and came ta Toronto 16 yea-'s western province lie was mianager ago. She was a member of. St. of the Spinks Milis at Pickering, Stephen's Anglican Church. Mrs. Ont. He is survived by his wif e Parrisi survived by one son, W. H. and thnee sons. of Tarante, and five daughters, Mr Friday evening at the home of Mn. R. J. A,.nill, Holsteihi; Mrs. R. B. Neil Smith, a number of friends Hane, Swift Current; Mna. F. W. gatliered and enjoyed a real niglit Brock, Port Penny; Mrs. S. B. Gra- in Scotch sangs and 'music. Old hamr, Toronte, and Miss Matry Pari, Scotch airs were rendered by Mr. Toronto; also eight grandchildnen._ Donald Smith with aIl the spirit of Funeral service was held on Sun- ha youngeî da.ys when lie was lead- -day evening at the home of W. H. er of the Clarke Union orchestra. Parr, 74 Harper Ave.. Moone Paxk. Mn. S. M. Billings, violinIist, and Mn. Interment teck place Monday ait St. Fred Cowan alse assisted very cred- John's Cenneteny, Blcslc. itably in sevenal violin duets. Mn. William, Si., sang "rhe Laird O' Gackpen" and "Came Un- NATIVE 0F CARTWRIGHT der My Plaidie" in voice and gest- DIED IN OSHAWA une that left nathing te, be desired. At Park -St. Chuncli, Sunday Charles Wesley Marlowe iast, in the absence cf the Paston, Rev. William Sterling, Mr. Baker Charles; Wesley Marlowe, weil of the United Ohurch Publiahing known nesident cf Oshawa, died at House at Toronto, teck the services his home 255 Bruce Street on De- in the nîonning, and at Kirby in the cember l2th following a lengthy ilI- afternoan. In the evening, in the n ess. He was in his 53rd yean place of the regular service, a ne- and was theesecond .--on of Geolrge part of the recent Provincial Tem- Marlowe and the late Mns. Marlowe perance Convention held in Toronto, cf Nestleton.1 was given by Mn. Colin Taylr n Born in Cartwrigcht Township, a talk on "BSoy Life" by Mn.Ci i The ushers were Mn. S. Wright and Mnr.Erie Chitty. During the ai'gning of ithe regiter, Miss Olive Payne sang "O Promise Me". The bride's gift te the groom was a sterling silver cigarette case. The groom's gift te the bride was a sterling ailver mimeor, ta the brides- maids, gold bracelets, te the be t mani, Pearl Vie pin, te the pianist', silver meali bag, te the soleist, a neeklace and ushers, cigarette liglit-I ers. A reception ws hleld at the home of Mn. and Mia. J. H. Antliff, 40 ýSherwood Ave. Mia. Antliff wore a ýhandsome gown cf brown lace witli bunch of violets. After congratulations a dainty buffeit lunche-on was served. The ýbride tlinew lien bouquet and was caught by Miss Elva Gnillin. '»The remainden of the evening wss spent in dancing and euchre. 'The happy couple !eft amid show- ers of confetti and streamers for "I arn he C.ri:-C:X. van'.- ders through she "wr peace andhape-. ren", He s~.~ ut~ me ýr.i7, cared for Me whe was a poor ch. .: a - have rny b1e&.g. Breaking a twg i :- growing near -he ~g.He s ed it in the ground. ai-vre:-. - . twig shahl become a a-d bring forth fruit ytJ.r 'Dy :. you"I. The legend â1is --a- fir-twig grew and bc a a mas tree, and every Yu!et'do tý - hung on ;ts bru.iches go!,den apres! and ailver nuts fo the wtosdeu::e children. their own home, 503 Balloil St.. dte bride going away in a brown hat and brown breadcloth coat srimnîed with fur and brown kid shees. Previeus ta the marriage a mis- cellaneous shower in lien honon was given at the home of Mn. and Mns. S. Wrighit whene the bride received sonie lovely gifts. ,ook's R.gulating Compound men. Sid i. he e . .8;No. 3, 8.5 per bx Mairpi.on reoeipt of prios. F..pmphlet. Addresa: TH4E COOK MEDICINECO..' THOUGHTFUL That Gladden Hearts Christmas morning-the glad happy climax of feverish an- ticipation-those hours of revelation, when love, thoughtfulness and judgment flnd expression in a single gift. And how happy the choice when the gif t does express thoughtfulness and judg- ment-when, the comfort and convenience of the recipient have been a first consideration. Here is a list of attractive Electrical Appliances, whose beauty and utility combine to form gifts that lighten tasks and make homes happier. Electric Curling Irons.................................. $ 1.50 and up Electric Hair Wavers.................................. $ 3.00 and up Combination Curlers and Wavers ...............$ 3.50 and up Electrie Irons ............................................ $ 1.50 and up Electrie Toasters ................. $ 3.00 and up Electrie Percolators..................................... $ 6.00 and Up Electric Heating Pads................................. $ 6.00 and up Electric Hot Plates..................................... $ 3.50 and up Electric Vacuum Cleaners complete with al attachments ........................................ $45.00 and up Electric Heaters, ail types .......................$ 6.00 and Up Electric Floor and Bridge Lamps ...............$ e.00 and Up Electrie Table Desk and Boudoir Lamps ..........$ 4.00 and Up Electric Washing Machines .......................$75.00 and up Electric Grills ........................................... $10.50 and up Electrie Fixtures for every room in your house $ 4.50 and up Electric Ranges ranging in, price from ..........$50,00 and up Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Ref unded You may see these Electrical Appliances on display at our shop. Make your selections early. THE HYDRO SHOP Phones 192 or 229 Bowmanville >WÇCWSPHOSPHODIN4e The O,eai English Preparat#m&. t omes a,,d ,r.ýîgorates the whole ~t~4nervous system» makes'new BIood i dVeins. tjsed for Nervous 1e'ltMental and Brain Worry Tesr'o.-ienrv. Lass of Energv, PalpitationOl ,h 'Irirt. Çailin Memory. Price$2peebox,3b orl 15 lS Id by a1Idniggists. or mailed in plain uSe e un aipf!nçecNe,.'p.;mpIzJjtmaited Il Ir '41z IIP0io rf'CIME <CO.ZORONTO.Ony. WEDDIIIG TRUE SPIRIT 0F CHRISTMAS Jonea-Gordon Stuart IS IN MAKING OTHERS HAPPY The customn of celebrating the Fairlawn Avenue United Church, Yuletide with a Christmas tree gaily rToronto, was the scene of the inax- decorated, it is said, originated in riage on December 1. 1928, of Laura Germany. A pretty legend which Jane Gordon Stuart and John Wil- is related regarding the first Christ- liam Jones. mas tree in Germany tells of a hum- ble cottage home where two children1 Rev. Mr. Panrtridge oficiated. Miss lived, near the wood. The children Lillian Wilson played the bridai sormetimes helped their father in his chorus. labor of cutting wood. One w inter The rid wh wa gien n tar-night, with the storm howlinç Out- riage by Mn. J. H. Antliff looked sîde tewocte aîystî chanining in a go-wn of white silk their hearthside eating a frugal s-i;p- crepe de chene. Her long veil of per of dry bread. tulle was worn in cap fashion and There came a tapping at the door. caug1ht at each side with orange and a childish voice criad: '*Oh., let blossoms. Her slippers were of me in, pray! 1 arn a 13oor child white kid and~ she aIse wore long with nothing to ear and no home te white silk gloves. She carried a go te". The children of tne, rot- shower bouquet of Sweetheart ros- tage opened the door ti the "st7*rang- es, lily-cf-the-valley and maiden hair er child". and bade hini weleonie.1 fern. s haring their dry brend wîth hin. The ridsmais wre Mss lvaThen they took himi in,,o theïr sleci-1 Thebriessaid wee Mss lvaing chamber and gave hirn their bei.i Griffin, gowned in snrimp pink geor- while they slept en the liard beneh. gette trimmed with lace with an un- Iiuring the nîstht the .ehîldren e even hemn line ,silver slippers an] wake b wetn1. chiffon hose wearing long white silk singing te the nîelody of a harpý gloves and carryink a bouquet Of under their window. 'When thev bronze chrysantheinuins, and Miss tip-toe-d te the window they -saw a 1 Alice Stephens, gowýned in pale group of children. cýad in garmntn.s green georgette trimmed with lace, of silver. w'th goideh narpc, hi the:r hat of green feit, silver slippers and hande. sanling beforeý the 'huinî .e, chiffon hose with long white silk cottage. Aga:n a :ap at th,, d,--'. . gloves and carried a bouquet of yel- and as biefore *te s:range'r low chrysanthenuins. stood on h :h resd.a M. Ki=l (v hitv ate a bstgleamýng -around h:s curn,g a. 2k GIFTS if 'xI~ AVIATION GASOLINE Did You Know? The w~orld's longest Air Mail Route was re- cent-ly opened. using undoped Sheil Aviation Gao,- oline anîd Sheil Golden Oil on this flight of 8600 miles. Give this high grade, easy starting gasoline a trial in \-oui car. You wiIl be pleased with its per- f ormance. Sold by Ce A, Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville

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