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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1929, p. 2

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'j 'I 'f whih yu hveresided aIl your life . or cbildren and devotion cf your You have aise taken a deep inter- 1 relatives- and friends. est in the welfare of our Nlaster's: Signed on bhbaîf of the guestsaos- Kingdom, and in bis church, ai- sembled this 25th day cf Decc.mber, ways regular in your attendance ati 1928. wrship in the courts cf the Churcb Mrs. J. D. Brown presented Mr. and the Sunday Sehool. We are1 Stainton 'with a purse and Mm. likewise reminded that Mrs. Stain-:Stainton witîb a silver butter dish ton bas been a consistent member of. and butter knife. the choir, thus helping te render, in Mr. and Mrs. Stainton made a a particular way, interest in the ser- suitable repiy (as this part was a vices of the sanctuary. We congrat- total surprise to theru), thanking ailý ulate you both upon having reached for their generous gift. Speeches tii happy 25tub milestone of mutual were made by Mms. A. Tasablyn, confidence and happiness in wedlock, Messrs. James Stainton, John Tamib- and that your cildren rise up and lyn and others. After singing cail you blessed. "Blest be the tue that binds" and We ask you tic accept tii gift as "They are Joily Good Feilowi;," aIl a alight token of our sincere apprec- dispersed to their homes, happy toi lation of you both and we pray you meet and sorry to part. SILVER WEDDING JUBILEES PRETTY YULETIDE WEDDING. Mr. and Mrn. Elias Ashton Complete McGil-Werry Twenaty-Five Years of W.dded Life Onofteptis fthyue On Satuoday ovening, Dec. 29th, tide weddings took _place at the home the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Ash- of Mr. and Mrs. james A. Werry, ton, Enniskillen, was the scene of a Swrain Farm, Enniskillen, on Satur- very pleasant and happy gathering day, December 29, when their eid- when thoir chiidren, relatives and r daughter, Rhoda May, was joined friends met to celebrate with them in the holy bonds of matrimony with the twenty-fifth anniversary of their Harvey Joseph Edward, eldest son wedding day. of Mr. and Mrs. John McGill, now The children had planned to sur- of Orono. Prise their parents and consequer.tly The ceroinony was performed by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore had the pastor of the contracting part- ed Mr. and Mrs. Ashton to theïr ies, Rev. J. M. Whyte, the bridai home for tea and when they return- party takung their places, bof oe a ed at eight-thirty their home -,as bank of evergreens trimmed with crowded with people and the bridai white wedding belis and bolly. chorus (Lohengrinu) was being rend- The bride, who was given in Mar- ered by Mrs. Geo. Hannah, Fenwick. iage by ber father, was char-Ming Theiebouse had been prttily dee- in rose beige satin faced crepe, car- orated and the table was tastefullyirying a bouquet of roses, carnations laid with silver tilimminga and cut and maiden-hair fern. The bride flowers. After a musical program, and groom were unattended. The which had been previously prepared, wedding music xas played by Miss was given, Rev. J. M. Whyte calledi Audrey Werry, Oshawa, cousin of the conlpany to order and ittle June the bride. Ashton presented ber mother with About 25 guests, relatives of the a bouquet of roses. Rev. Mr.lbridai couple partook of the sumpt- 1 Wbyte then read the following ad- ucus wedding dejeuner, Msses Reva' dress: 'McGill and iBernice Werry serving,I1 Dear Mr. and Mr&. Ashton:-Yourjand Miss Vera Sîsmon pouring tea.1 family, relatives and a fe-ow of your Tbe tables were tastefully done in mnany friends, knowîng you had pink and white. reached the twenty-fifth anniversary, The toast to the bridai couple was Of your wedded life, desired to ex- proposed by Rev. J. M. W'hyte and press their love and esteemn for you responded to by the bride and by assombling together this evening.,groom. We rejoice to know that our Later the bride and groom left by Father in Heaven bas blessed you in motor for Toronto and pointa west, sparing you to your family, and foiiowed by sbowers of confetti and tbere is no more befitting timie tbat, hosts of good wishes. we could meet, than this season of' On their return Mvr. and Mrs. Me- the year, when xve have been wish- 1Gli wiil reside on their farmi north ing each other the biessings and! east of Enniskillen, recently pur-, peace which Christ brougbt to the . chased fromn Mr. J. McGill. world. Tberefore, ive wiý4h to con- gratulate you upon reaching this N SKLE milestone in your lives, and wîsb forl NIKLE you the season's greetings and that YPLau nWensa vn you shahl have continued bappinessa .P egeo ensa vn througbout the years that lie bef ore ing, Dec. 26th, was in charge of the you., C.G.I.T. There was a full reýpre- Your family f ot that in some way' sentation of the neighborhood pres- they would like to show thi ent, the especial rea.son for so large preciaiion f ail the ilan acr- jan attendance being disclosed at the lrilioyoufavegtve o irbnd arf, close of tbe meeting wbhen the pas-j and yu ailvsemble bere it b the tor, Rev. J. M. Wbyte, took charge.1 and al &sembld her wit the Placing a few chairs on the platf orm rejoice that you have reacbed thsi i period of lhf0 enjoying a goodly .rilled on representatives of the mneasure of heaith, the love of your to come organizatiions of tbe cburch famiy, nd he stem, f yur elato omeforward as foliows: Trusteeý failys, egr and eete feur ia-B oard, Mir. John Siemon; Cboir, Mrs. tive, nigbbrs nd frieda !Lloyd Ashton; W. M. S., Mrs. (Dr.) Furtbermore we desire to express1 H. Ferguson; C. G. I. T., Miss Elva our feelings of gladness in or rhard; S S., Mr. W. H. Moore; tangible way liban mere words a.nd Ladies' Aid, Mrs. Tbeo. Siemon; Y. tbofrefore ask you to accept this sl- P. L., Miss May Werry. Mr. and verware as expressing in a smali way, Mms. James A. Werry were also re. the warmtb of our hearts, and wbiie quested to take front seats. After t you require nothing material te re- a few wel-chosen remarks, expiain- mmid you tbat you bave many friends ing the purpose of tbe gatbering, as weli as the love of your family we and a personal tribute to wbat ho trust you wili over regard theso as al bas known of Miss Werry's work,. token of this ba4ppy occasion and vo- Rýev. Mr. Whyte caiied on Miss gard this anniversary as one of the MYrtle Brunt who read a most ap- brigbtest spots in y'our mnemory and preciative address. Miss Reva Mc-1 we pray you may long hc spared tO Gil presented Miss Werry with a enjo thesunsine f th Fater1 purse of gold as a token of the es- love and care, the fellowship of Jesus teem in which she çis held in this Cbris, and the love and esteen Of: co'mmunity and recognition of the your nY friends and relatives.! faitbful and valued service rendered At'tihe proper time Orville, their' in ail departiments of the cburch and lde"tson, presented tbem with al community life. Taken by surprise cab,.,Jet of silver and Mr. and Mms. tho' she was, Miss Werry -ude a Ai'j<on botb suitable replies. sutberpygh oresettvs Shi'ft speeches were then made by of the various organizations then Mr. Wm. Stainton, Mr. W. H. Moore,t paid tributes to the work and char- Dr. Ferguson, Mr. F. Witehead, Mr. acter of the bride-eiect, on bebaîf îWin. Pointon, Rov. Harold Stadistoni of wbom response was made by bier and Re'v. Mr. IWhyte. 1 father, Mr. James A. Werry. Coin-1 T1he bride and groom wero thon munity singing, refreshments and a showered with confetti and every social bour were enjoyed. After one sang 'For tbey are jolly good rePeating tlhe Mizpah Benedictiün,l feiiows". This part of the program ail parted for their homes, wishingl was then losed with "Blest be the Miss Wer'ry much of joy and pros-i tie which Binds". A dainty buffet perity in ber new sphere of life. luncheon was then served anîd every- body returned to bis home feel- The. Acdress ing that an ovening had been 'well Dean Miss Werry:-We are as- apent. sombled in this churcb this evening to bonor ourselves and te do honor to you. Evoryone of us recognizes tho fact tthat you bave taken parti SILVER WEDDING in ail activities represented in the ___.___cburcb. We therefore, tbought it Mr. and Mns. W. J. Stainton, Ennis- wouid be the most 'befitting way to killn, nterain Relaive onshow our appreciation of tbe many kulenEntilan Rlatve. O. services you have rendered by gatb- Their Silver Wedding Ànniv.rtany lering together in tibia way. M.adMrs. Wmn. à. San You have always been ready and Mr. andn willing to take your full share of re-1 entertained their brothers, sisters, sosblt naldprmnso and families, it boing the twenty- the ork of then chudeprctnie hi o fifth anniversary of thoiir weddingj1 'ok ftechr n the on Christruas Day. The dinîng-. Sunday Scbooi you have proven room was gaily decorated in red and yourseif a loyal, painstaking and Silver. TPhe 'bride's cake centred very efficient teacher. In the the table, also a bouquet of roses League you have given leadership gie yMr. ad Mr.W. G. Sih and inspired us aIl tic truer devotion giv tenbycan. vr50 ato to God, and the work of His King- oforn theaoccsion. ov ers arokdom. In the choir as organist no of n iealsuperof Ystrsandoe could bave been more faithful,l other good tbxngs. After beig en- aoeebendrgariatnane tertained with games, and music y or moe aînrg t ren te ra efi-' the orchestra conaposed of Messrs. ordentrervice. t ede el fi Tabynad S-0int-n, brothersiand ' ~ ~, j . x y, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3rd., 1929 Al-K Here's Weîcome News For Thrifty Shoppers Nelson's Store of Bigger and Better Values Announcing the Great OPPORTUNITY FoIIow le Wise Buyers to Nelson'& New Wut End Store DAYS Mid-Winter Clearance Sa1ë Corne Early and 0f ten - Starts Friday, January 4th. -Be Here the First Day ül We bave been planning f or weeks to make this our "First January Sale" a memorable event to the residents of Bowman- ville and district and f eel sure our efforts will be appreciated as we f eel sure we are offering values that have neyer been beforej attemptedl in this town. ' Only Those Who Have No Regard For Value Will Miss This Sale. JASPER BLANKETS 40 pair only extra heavy Irnported English Blankets, just the thing for extra warmth for the bed or for a cosy couch cover-or at the price we are going to clear thern they are cheap en- ough to keep the horse warm-They are worth $2.25 each blanket, WHILE THEY LAST 98c EACH $8.50 PLAID BLANKETS FOR $5.00 Only 4 of these warrn soft Blankets left, out they go at haîf price, you can use them of a comforter or as a couch Regular Value $8.50, fieecy nearly instead cover, FOR $5.00 EACH COMFORTERS 6 only left, a Comforter that has sold for $3.95, the first 6 buyers takes these away at $1.98 A better quality Comforter in satin panel effect, in Blue or Rose, only 5 Mef. A cornforter we have sold regu- Iarly at $4.95. We are clearmg these at a $3.79 ________________________ NELSON makes another Scoop in FLOOR COVERINGS. 100 Congoleum Ruga-One size only, 4"6x7"6 in four designs, suitable for bedroorns, halls, dining- room, kitchen or bathroom, ail guaranteed perfect, the regular selling price of these rugs is $3.50. We offer these at a price that should clear the lot in one days' selling $2.1 9 JASPE LINOLEUM RUGS-do you know what these Jasper Rugs are-if flot let me state that they are the finest grade of rug made and we purchased these in such a way that we can offer them at almost haîf price -nothing can possibly give better wear-they corne in two colors only and there is only 25 in the lot. These should ail seil the first day. 6x 9-45.95; 9 x 9--$8.50; 9 x 10"6-$10.00; 9 x 12-$10.95 FELTOL SQUARES in 2 designs for bedroom or liv- ing rooms and priced for.quick selling-you can't afford to miss the big savings offered here-brighten up the home at a very small cost. 71/2x 9-45.25; 9 x 9--$6.25; 9 x 12--$8.50 9 x 10/-$7.50; it CURTAIN NETS Nespiece Imported Nottingham Ntspecially purchaesd for January Sale and priced to sdil atIt than the regular cost, 36 inches V.' 22ecYJ 5 pieces of finer quaiity Imported 0 tain Nets, in beautiful new desigi, just put into stock and specially pifor speedy clearance 33c YR~ 4p iece Extra Fine Quality Nets thý wI appeal to the woman who likes something nice. Specially imported for our January Sale, 36 iches wide, 45c YARD LUSTRAY CASEMENT A rich S\iiky casernent cloth the regu- lar price,.-'f which was 75 er ard. Cornes in lovely shades of mie, uîe, and Gold, 36 inches wide 49c YARDl 33 eRAINBOW DAMASK For window drapes, a rich lustrous fabric that will give etxra good wear and always retain its good appear- ance. Cornes in Rose, Blue or Gold, 36 inches wide, Regular 79c FOR 49e Corne in and See Our New House-Furnishing Department. I 3000I 250 PAIRS SILK AND WOOL'HOSE 59c pr. London Knit Silk and Wool Plaited Hose, the wool on the back and silk faced-they neyer wear rough and knotty-all sizes and colors and perfect goods, Regular $1.00 Value 59C PAIRS PENMAN'S HOSE 79e pr. Pure Botany Wool and Silk and Wool Hose, val- ues $1.19 to $1.39, in al the new Faîl colors, the finest hosiery value ever off ered you. Don't fail to get your share of these at 79e Heavy School Hose Penman's Heavy Black School Hose, just the thing for these cold days, cornes in sizes 6 to 10. These can also be used as an overstocking for skating, etc. A real buy, Regular 50c FOR 33c pro 111e.Il different designs and colora for House Dresses, 1000Yard EnlishGingamsAprons ,Etc., Reg. Value 29c, EXTRA SPECIAL 19C HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASES 25 dozen, a very special purchase, 42 inches wide, made frorn good circular cotton that will give good wear and launder well, Regular Value 59c pair., FOR 47c PAIR LADIES' GLOVES 29c PAIR About 100 pairs only, a line that sold foir 79e per pair, fine quality chamois- ette, in Grey, Sand and Beaver, A REAL BARGAIN AT 29c PAIR Silk Lingerie Specials We had lots of Silk Lingerie in stock but we could not resist the bai-gains the maker offered and bought these following specials for this Sale and pass thern on to you at nearly haîf their regular value. It wifl pay you to buy these ahead for your future requirernents. 100 dozen fine grade Vests and Bloomers, in a lovely range of colors and in ail sizes, Vesta, Reg. 98c for 59c; Bloomers, Reg. $1.19 for 79c 40 dozen Lockstitch Vests and Bloomers, a lovely quality that will give extra good wear, Vesas, Reg. $1.19 for 88c; Bloomers, Reg. $1.50 $1.19 30 dozen lace trimmed Silk Vests, made from extra heavy glove silk, vests that are worth $1.95 each, WHILE THEY LAST 98c Silk Nightgowns, $1.95 Value For $1.39; $2.95 Value For $1.79 MILLINERY CLEARANCE 25 Ladies' and Misses' Hats, values to $1.95 FOR 29c 30 Wornen's and Misses' Feit and Velvet Hats that have soid for $2.95, FOR 59e 25 best Quality Hats that are frorn $3.95 to $7.50, worth EVERY HAT TO GO OUT AT 98e Nelson' s Store of Bigger and Better Values WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT / t t' t, - s; ~ ~* -~ 4 -

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