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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1929, p. 5

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TEE ANAD~ SATESAN. OWMANVI..E teLét l' JV ANUIAXY_3r HOCKEY SCHDULJS RPETTY YULETIDE WEDDINGj TYRONE BLACKSTOCK ORONO Junior Group Martin-McNoil Report of the Christmas Examin- Recent visitors toaIBlackstock we77e (Prom The News of December 27.) Section B ations for S. S. No. 18, Darlington: -Misses Hazel Mountjoy and Hel- Mr. Fred Sisson is homne frnan De- Dec 28Osaw~atPetrbro c A very pleasing ceremony was V-Myrtle Brooks 71. en. Fowler of Petesrborc o rml troit, Mich. Jan. 2l-Oshawa at Peebowiman . . soleinnized when Miss Mrart Sr. V-HeIen Trivsn 78, Edna lrnc cauhiNo h oron-; Jan. 4-Peterbora o .c.atvfe Theresa McNýil, cnfly daughter of Mr Cameron 74, Adelaide Annis 74, ta teaching stýaff;hVera£Hooey,oVerahmessforieh isonToono,.a Jahos. M cNeiH.l. o O la a .f O o o n . n i a H d s n 6 .'F ord er , M arjorie M arlow , P he ra h M ei forM u ril M s as.o to w s Jan. -4Bowmianville at P hoMr.Godnei rnOtadNn ogo 4 oeo ootaludrprna r9 .M itni oef H. c. ebooMr oro Campbell Martin, young- Jr. IV-Francis Thomlpjson 67,Hoy0 ootaludrprnal Ms .M itni oefo Ja. l-~wmnH. C t hw. er son of Mr. Robert iMartin Of-New- Lorne Annis 64, Clarence Hatherly roofs; Rev. and Mrs. Milton Sand- three weeks' visit in the citY. Jan. l4-Ptebo'ro H. C at sh w castle, Ont., were united in marriage 63. ro an snRyofBehCif Jan. 14-eterboToH. C. erson- ind sonreRoye of Bir hlCe jif, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Awde, Toronto, Ja. H i te reeceofa ewclserea Sr. III--Jackie Trimm 76, Verona with Mrs. Sanderson's parents, Mr. spent Christmas wjth his parents. Ja.1-Bwavlea " a tives on Wednesday, December 26 Worden 73, Eva Collacott 60, Clar-j and Mms. S. Swain; Miss Laura D.M .Tee fNw Yr Jan. lS-BOswavle at troro H.a. i or.w-anle ib evGe. as ence Bradley 59. Bailey of Holstein, with her 'parents, City was home for a mew days re- Jan. 25-Peterboro H. C. at Oshawa.oocitn. Jr. III---Bobby Caineron 65, Vl r n r.F aly r n ety fri iting V,,_, M. a Ms W A . anCamp, Mr. ancen y Jan. 28-O0shawa at Bowmanville. The bride was utiattended and ma Bradley 62, Donald Thoanpson MsWeryAd augte anr. FnithMs M.M rsinwscle oTr Jan. 30-Bowrnanville at peterboro was given in iarriage by lher fathe'_ . 62. Florence CamJeanl 50. and tr.Monday, onwascle aTr ne. . C. She wore a gown of white satin Sr. II-Susie Thim]psoný 72, Mil-ln Mrs. A. L. Bailey... . The Liter onto Mn'î,ong to the death of Fe. -Peterfboro H. c a ýlced crepe with tulle veil caughtjdred Bradley 70, Howard MeRobi ar oit fteHihS-oto his niother. manvlle wih oang- bossos ad se cr-lrts56.their verY Popular play, Oh Kay! to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moat, Oakville, W i n d ci nvi Ble p layh oîang . blo soins an'l he ca - ert 56.C adm us on T u rsd ay even ing of aSt pen t th e h olid ay at b r ro h 's W i n e rsio A w iS e w chin- a o f r :)-e d s o qe.f A . a ~ i t r l B l i a a e 9 a r e k C r s m s services w ere M r. R . Z . H all. t h r b o e 's wihScinAwneswihjr.e.ICampbell 67, Billie Brooks '62, Jun- ..JhismsSrr aherta cludes Bolbaygeon, LdsaPtr Aftcr the marriage ceremony thelIior Collacott 59. held in the United Church on De- Sryt erta Capt. Angus boro, St Johns. naPtr bridai party returned ta the Balmor- Sr. I-Grenfel I'rumnpour 79 cember 23rd and special mnusic frur- Staîker is suffering from the effects alHte hreaSupuusrpat1Jean Trumpour 77. nished by the choir, assisted by the of a slight stroke. ntreit ai Hel wE i heasplimuosbaut J v o 0 pastor, Rev. J. E. Griffith ... . Misses Miss Louise Cowan, Toronto, .as 'lu eri e d atew a e n o y d i t e s le n id b a n u e Jr 1 E v a Y o k e 0.D o ro t y 1'e l m a n a n d K a th le e n h o m e a t h e r fa th e r's, M r. G e o rg e Dec. 28-.Oshawa at ýBowmanville. chamber which was ýittinçgly decor- Sr. P -Joyce Trumpouir 80, Nor- Ponxo h ecigsafaetCwn o hitms Dec. 28-Peterboro at Port Ho pe. ated for the occasion. man Thompson 73.Phei01teeainsaf ptCo norhitm. Jan 2-Bowianill atPetrboo. he app coplelef amd sow- Jr.Pr.B.-oren Bam 2 he holiday at their respective homnes Dr. and Mrs. Demaray of Detroit, Jan. 4-Pot o p.nvle at POahawa. ers apof cotti via C. P. PraB.Dle o9 ra amp8el in Bowmanville and Greenbank.. Jan 4-Prt Hop at Osawa. es of cnfettivia C.P. R. or a HwMr. andleMr9, IWm.ampteeler.rad ert Mich.,eleandIiMissanEdnas Stutttu arerevis- Jan: il-Osbawa at Port Hope. short honeymoon trip to Toronto and 62. visited their daughterW.Mrs. Russeil Jan. il-Peterboro at Bowmanville. other points. The bride travelled Jr. Pr. A.-Ross McRoherts 86, vitigasMr'. . ttts WLla fPr er...W r Mr. George Armstrong of Colum- Jan. 18-Bowmanville at Port Hope. in navy blue satin dress ih a Lillian McRoberts 68, Jean Davey sorrlynto ose Por bank maneageMrbOhoan MisJArntng Jan. 18-Oshtawa at Peterboro. to match. 60. Corner ,wife an so n ag e or vil:buHarfo, Con.,MiseArstrsnat Jan. 25-Peterboo at oshwanl. Beatrice M. Bigelow, ece.Cre ifansofom u vlHrtrdCn.,pn hitast Jan. 23-Petrt Ho at Ohwanie.- ____ _ acr. lage who have mioved to Nestieton.. home. Jan. 30--4B.owinanville at Oshawa. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL . ih Sunday Sobool iBoard of the Miss Viola Gilfillan, Listowel, and Jan. 31-'Port Hope at Peterboro. lran Ms.BtFeel,8 QUEEN MARY UNVEILS United Churcb have enlarged their Miss Viola G. Gilfillan, of Toronto, Wi EMRA primiary room wbicb speaks well for spent Christmas at Mr. John J. Gil- lst and 2nd teis play off and Sixtb St., New Torono: Please find _ _ __Mth r.gresllfac e M Sund ays col . . J inss. ah rn al a d ld winners ta be decided by Feb. Stb. cheque for The Statesman. We Miss Maud E. 01;e, Northam,..M.WlaeMro a odhs Ms ahrn aladld Oshawa Simcoes play aIl home1 look forward each week for our Devon, England, who heard Queer house, store and business ta Mr. N. friend of Toronto, apent Christmas gaines at Bowmanville Rink. 1 paper and you have not disappointed Mary's voice very clearly over te MeNally. While wve are sorry that with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. . _______________________ us Wishing you and your staff as radio sends The Statesman a report hMr.usnearlo w ih best egieNp Cl Hll _______________________happy new year. of tbe interesting cerexnony and hirsuiness we ish Mr.venture y Mr. H. MacDonald of Wellington, - ~says this was tbe fiîst time theeersucsinbsewvtre Prince Edward County, spent Xmas Mi-s. H. A. Bird. 68 F.ast 24th St., Queen bad 'been broadcasted and______ with his brother, Mr. H. G. Mac- BAJ7 d)Mi. Hamilton: Find enclosed $2.0 she aheahr, ber pleasant voice «"clearj Donald. ] B A N ýý o - e = a o f h e 'a t s m a f e r a s b e l " . T h e e r e o n y w a s o n 'M is s E le a n o i- M îl îs o n a n d M r . J n o . AT E. BriXnacomIbe, %ishe6 sa y jDeemer12 128 _____at their parent's,' Mr.and Mrs.Har- ifranv Tv asnan bas tenjoyed (LoTde Daily Express:) Seected by Maud E. Oke. ry Millson. e-aýn Te tueinin y heher, Th Queen stood on the raisediThe Lord bless tbee, and keep thee. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rolph attend- 'Cut s:-nce her fa:l in July shte has dais of the 'war mernorial ta the The Lord bless thee-- ed the wedding annivergary of bis Teen c:nsne+ito er bied, and bas mercantile marine on Tower Hill How shaîl He bless thee? cousin, Mr. and Mrs. T, H. Eversoîî, ni-, 'en able to read nearly asliwhich she bad came to unveil yes- With tbe gladness that knoweth no Oshawa, last week. .r-cen u: s-he stili felt she mnist terday and sang " God Save thedeyJ rW. ato sbenr-p A rena 1 ~.u ~ ~ ~ ~ do<hKzg ihtenhsta antps pointed manager of the Orono Skat- Tuesdays, Tburadays and her demeanour nias dignified and 1 endless day- Iirectorate, Clarke AgriculturalSo Saturdays. OBITUARY brave. Thus may He bless tbee. Mrit~.F.W abywotefis, __________________ _____The bearts of the men and wonîen 1 ndrSC. F. W.secndsanbayn ion tenOsawa te John Hornibrook 128grouped round, with the rain falling o IlHe eepthee? P. t Shcow. Fredd a third5 ie OnFray. of Mr. J 2811. 198Horn their fimbs, ten ot to t.h Quen With the all-covering sbadow of His off prizes on al bis entries at Royal lse . b'oolk. an Id' res I1ent of in a deep niave of sympatny. There Andth srog lovWinter Fair, vile tokplce Athug M~.L as neyer been an occasion through-Antestng letatgad Mrs. Jennie Stanton, whn bas vis- * De THOMAs- Honîbrook nad been in poor health out the King's reign when the an- W. thfre evil tbings, i tedrnl nTrnoadPny tb bn as been sung in an atmos-Wtbbesr oerttsaeo pool, spent the weekend in iPeter- for a long r.-ne dearh canei. dny1 lr big br it hemdMs.J ageo ECLECTRIC on Christmas Day, asresul, of yj phere so charged with emotion. Tglormy brHg-eor wthMr ad rs J Egls C)1Lirk.nnemn a ade n. aEach word rose like a fervent sup- Tu a eke he and will visit in Lindsay before re- CUE AEAOSMLFeter's Anglican Cemetery, Cobourg ]lct' j trig oe k.SR.SF 1LStanding in the centre of that dais, - -- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knox, Kings- jLNTSOUOFALWAY ' B ST.P before a crimson and gold chair, the ton, and Mr. Charlie Knox, Detroit, CNHrND A AM SRMS. D. N. MeCAMUS' DEATH Queen looked tenderly at the nmen USE THIS CLUBBING LIST Mieh., spent Cbristmas witb tbeir Unn imn c rn. Sn ir rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Knox. L. DL' i.NTv. D. N. MeCamus of Lno, ogdk modecot timme wi "'TheCanadan r'rankîsil Lodoasog r mre a îme, aa.înStianw,, on the staff of professors 1( -.. bonored minister of the Ray mole fur, and a dark bat, wbicb ac- clubbed witb any of the folloniing at Queen's University and Charlie 1 , -~- of Quinte Conference, is well known centuated the intense palier of ber publications for 1929 at the f olloni- engaged at electrical work ini the V. ~i LL NE Il vtoanany of our readers and these face. Behind bier nias Princegs ing prices: Mter City. wll syinathize witb hisi in the los ary, in a fur coat and a bright Glb...............0o A. A. Pirners, a former reeve Mrs.n McW amus ewhose maiden Suddenly, the the nidst Mail & Empire .............6.50 United on bp, ad en of the n- e wa onthMon a esopssefm ' nity nth is o h TrnoDaily Star ... . .........6.Orno resident,, the past few years ed severon montks' ilinemer 24,1 forinalities whc copantied the ame' Advocate........... 3.00 living at St. Paul, near Stratford, is after vrlmnh'iles Her's, unveiling of the rmenorial-noticed. Newi Outlook.........4.00 reported in a very serious condition A aeod ebinas a beautiful and he1pful irand urng the singxng Of a hyrnn two Crsin ead.......................4.50 of health fromt beart troublean À Sa e od H rbal lie meory s fagrnt o al thftiy boys, attached apparently to Ladies' Home Journal........ 3.00, complications. charges where Mr. MeCamus labor-!one of tbe lads' brigades mhich had Saturday Evening Post........ 5.00 thsbebruttaheten Re e o k ed. His last charge, before remov-'been on duty ini the cold and main Family Herald & Weekly Star 3.00 binofteeOrn bo uhtyAsoate- ]Rem dy f r S ck igto the London Conference, waslfor many hours. They were suif- Family Herald 3 years for $2.00 tion tof there O mrkePbcty Aocia-o J ~~Cobourg. 1 ering from- such fatigue that they Weekly Witness.............. 4.00 tin thatteeie aktfrgo A funeral service was heîd in Dun-. nere almost in 'a fainting condition. Canadian Home Journal...... 3.00o dean straw which is used i h Kisdats Centre United Church, London,j Immediately she spoke to on fth Parc- & Dar.y.........2.50 manufacture of strani-board for Kidn ys nhereMm. cCaus, houg onobee offiiI tbr ie io hre Canadian Countryman........ 3 .00 paper boxes at Trenton, Ont. if Rich in those healing herba retired list, is doing excellent work down the steps and ordered the' Farmer's Sun........ ........ 350tisnfraonsofayuetth Indians used as assistant pastor. boys ta be led away and givon bot Candhaaie.......0frimes ustrict nie elasstn People sa crippled by Rhetimatism te The service was in charge or the drinks. McLean's Magazine........... 400 ChrayitmarvicS. niered hld is oudntalhave taken Gallaghe' minister, Rer. E. W. Young. M.A., It nias discovered that une of-Dr___- The evening service was la thé foi-ni Kidney Remedy and got welî. I1'is B.D. Rev. W. R. MIntoshi, D.D., them bad not had any food.ineof a sng service, a large choir with wonderfully heaing and cleansing ta President of the Conference, and early morning. Wben the officiaI ALA IETBEpreoscnrhtn pý kidneys. Coames right from the heurt of Rev. H. J. Uren, Chairînan of the returned the Queen inquire4 nihetheri RALWYTIE ALEnmmuscsolole ts.contrsbuting pea- Nature. Presbytery, assisted and a very ap- ail nias nielI wtth the boy. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY cd a violin obligato to tnio of the _ Tbrobbing backaehes, dizzy spelîs, rhu- propriate address of coimfort and It was the first niar niemorial that GOINO EAST vocal solos, also a beautiful number Imatic pains and na ig lad<ler ils apprecation nias given by Rer. John Queen Mary bad ever unveiled. The 12.40 a. n.-Flag. *Daily during the offertory. Mrs. Sterl;ng mflîncl îdnvs aruttnib bd kov.n rs.Mc-grat ton bildng y ir dnin8.42 a. mn.-Except Sunday. 'gave a very appropriate address. are usuyuaed y me idesGabtiwo a kon 1.Me retsa. bidigb SrEdi.Te-nfe evcawlllngrlogi Gallagbees herbs soon ends ohese ills. Camus during a pastorate of four Lutyens, with its vaulted corridor 1.34 p. m.-Except Sunday.Teetieerceniligrlogn Iin one of James Gallagliers famous years in Dundas Centre Churcb. and its bronze panels inscribed niith 2.46 p. mi.-Flag Except Sunday. the memory of ýaIl wbo were prir- 5-year-old Herbai Hounehold Remedies. Rev. Dr. E. A. Pear.sun of Toronto, the naines of those attached ta the 7.04 p.fl.-Except Sunday. ileged taolbe there. SBIidnwby ai who retired in Juný last, froin tU merchant service niho died during 11.24 p. m.-Flag. Except Saturday. Again the schoolboy outgronis bis pastorate of the cburcb nias unable the war, nias decorated hravely with 9.13 a. m.-SundýayuIonly. clothes. Publishing circles report JURY & LOVELL, Bowmanville tao be 'present but he sent a message flaga. *-Stops te piceu passengers going the expenditure of the Family 11cr- which nias read <uring the ser-vice. Wbe te bmn"OGod orelto .aId and Weekly Star of close upon Many representatives of former in ages Past,' had beer, sun._ and the GON1ETa afmlin olr1orhg ei __congregations of Mr. MCamus and Archbishop had ýoffered a prayer, Sir 4.12 a. m,.-Flag. Daîiy printig presses to cope nitb their - thr minîsters niere present. Laming Wortbington-Evans invited .33 a. m.-Daly fstgrwig uiscipio lst A HereS rroof ihat brohe the latter niere Rer! . F i. the Queen ta unveil th-3 memorial to 1.47 ip. m.-Exc.pit Sunday. their neni loni subscription rate f ___Chapman, Rev. J. N. Ciarry, Rev. the 12,000 men nihose gallantry iti 7.11 P. m.-Flag. Except Sundiey. tbrec ycars for $2, one is prompted Samuel Salton, Rer. G. W. Dewey nul perpetuato. The Queen stepped 6.26 p. m.-ExtSunday i.taskHo lngbfr hyu- .57 p. m.-Excep Sndy.tosk Ho lngbfrthyo- SL and Rev. David Rogers, St. Thomas, forward and toucbed a button. --Stops to let off passeng-ers from eass groni this one-?" Z UO who lîke Mr. McCamus and Rev. A bell sounded ard a great Union of Trenton enly. The Ridgctown, Ont. Crea:nery is John Garbutt are former members Jack fell instantly from the pedi- CANADIAN P ACIPIC RAILWAY proud of their butter maker, Mr. G. E d e d c e of the Bay Conference. ment of the building, leaving bare N. Powers. At the recent Royal Mr abLeTa are a Ex-Mayor of Coati. In Lomndow n. of ndCee the bsne.inscription t he<ro. Standard Tinte) Winter Pair at Toronto, butter from eo&, Que. proves lit . tery,Lodnoftesa Simultaneously a man 5.28 a. m. Daiiy tbe Ridgetonin Creamemy, 14 lb). box,; ,vorTbesaeasale and effective of the merchant serv'ce ]îauled up 7.i,, a.. S5unday Oniy nias awarded third prize in' an "intry sumedy for hiadache" j lags signalling a code of renîem- 82 a .Daily Except Sunday jlist of 587 from aIl parts of Can:tda M..eo ego@ Edtor 01ths"Granby rnc~"enlntfre" .1 .n.DiyEcp Sudy .and the United States, and also bad Xr eo. er- provo# It. YEARNINGS Sort and loni, but distincct as a bell COING EAST tbe bonor of coming wîiIii: <ne andl "Tour Zutoo Tablets deserve to I>. io cm te oceo te2uen Ta1 . 19 . m, aliy Ecp Snaone-eigbth points ocf winnir.g the 1 nown am & remedy that wil A frugal room, j aetevieo h ue;"o102.39 a m. Daîiy xetSita Istpthe Glory of God, and in lconour of 8.25 p. m. Daiiy Except Sunday George S. Henry trophy fo.- tie ha b."A broken chair, I these brave men, 1 tunveil thiF me- 11.27 ). nm. Daiiy Excert Saturday higbest scoring butter. Gordon is A. C. Hansen, B. A. A cuphoard dlean Jnînrial ,on bebaif of those for wbom 12.26 a. m. Sunday Only an Orono old boy. theNuasara, jrove It X *C., Colonel 0'Of 6f uuries bare.Tb Dicorofte rnoP- kk:::?ý tiedLyda E. Wr ansiinesis ofrnoms"hut avo oa". h fon ' . in teopnfeathers. RTSLC 1 thousands mîserable. Night after _ Pinkbamn's Vege- ithe stmach ad tstný fwilpugesbHated c oann".rotlno n IS I nigbt the attacks i etuî n and <yen table Comrnoundl. 50 tIefftivelY andl so eaily and<lpain- The Qucen's voico nias hroadIcast JpninuJbtkj l. i.~yamrr hn bifmept pe b I got four h)ottles lesl 'at tho mrst <llct.soc-fr the lirst time whon she unveilcd ind is still ici torment froini con- ut first and it did lach %vill flot fisel any foneiî teMrhn em ' eoiio tinu-il anticipation. Dr. J.D. Kel-àip -me aworld<oftgood. froîn their action. They recomniend Tonier Hill. Iogg's Astbma Remedy changes aIl ..... I would flot 1)e theni.selves <to mot bers as a prepara A this. Relief comes, andI at oncea ýWthout it in the house now, and have tion that sili retore strengh ad Nn iolsee-ccoul<1dotert l oher sixwoulsanI n .-ns T vigî)r to their cildren and protect a trace of tbe strain sho bas suffcrcd IdhDa.s U.C.aalcaving tbe afflicted one in a state toeeywmnIko.them fio h eilttcgP O117... ..... o, f peace and bappiness he once be- and XA* 4ý l'ie'ved be could neyer enjoy. mcx- BuulrBo 14 AhuoOM f , wi.orn%.ul fo tederdainsdrn tepattlre 1iy Hm ______________and sold almost everynbere, The only rally National Farm Journal ùs the Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal. It bas as mayraders ici Nova Scotia as ini Sakatcbewan, and laisi its neni foi-m the talk of the Dominion. Theremay be other cor-n removers, but You nill not bc cmpletly satis- ficd until You have used Hol]oiay's Stock - Reducing Sale I This makes a grand opportunity your stock at wonderful savings. Phone 65 to replenish Bowmanville Sweet and palatable. Mother Graves' Worm Ertermninator is ac- ceptable to cbildren, and iL do".ita niork surely and promptly. It -Bids Pain Begone.-When neur- algia racks the nerves or lumbago cripples the back is the timce to test the virtues of Dr. Thomas' Eclectîric Oul. Well rubbcd ici it will still the pain and produce a sensation of ease - - - - - la Rgulating Compound , OD'S PHOSPHODINEt A sfé, reliable repuld isg7'he.Cireat Engishi Preparatin. ,,,dicne. Sold in thrt de. ' n s a d l, io a e the w hol 'eeof.t2. ng8.1; .No. à e'bx n old Veins.Used for Ncrvoua U4 reajon 11.e P fpieD e Dsnden?,Luf Ener , P.lpiain W . e. p a n p h l t . i A d d r e m : ' t h t N a r t , a l 3 I ianj M n o r , i e 8 p , o z . a THE COOMMEOICINE co, far Soid 'ofallrugglisî, Or mail in pain tOtUTG.ONT.<"ýomeryVidorl9kt. on r ci P c oc a m puj ai '~w.m WO@ MEDCWE O.* NTO,Owv. PAGE SMx Fi - Noute 'Sala ,taila 31118 Letti GLASS WARE Until further notice we are offering our ful stock of China and Glasswtre At Cost Archie Tait Estate, For Real Values Corne To Rosner's Dry Goods Store Here Are A Few Specials: Children's Rubbers ..............................60 Children's OVershoes ............................$1.59 Ladies' Ov'ershoes ............................$1.98 up Ladies' FeIt Boots ...............................$1.49 EVerything else great]y reduced. Rosner's Dry Goods Store King St. West Phone 276 Bowmanvjfle AVAIONGASOLINE Are you satisfied with the coal oil you are using? If not, we would like you to giVe our high grade coal oil a trial. Price is only 27c per gallon. Use Sheil Aviation Gasoline and enjoy its easy starting qualities. Ce A. Bartlett Phone 110King St. East, Bowmanillîe THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. T11URSDAY- J,&ýNTTýArv QýA liorý King St. West Phone 276 Bowmanville CHINA and AVIATION Phone 110

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