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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1929, p. 7

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r- I'AGNZ EIGHI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUBSDAY, JAN-UARY 3M., 1929 OBITUÂRY 0W AND NEW Edwin Dunstan, WincSa, Mississippi The old year dies, The N gevvc aeýu t1 Irndgie ridgent The entire citizenshiip of Wmnona Memncry cries- was shocked Tueaday morning, De- "Do flot forget, here at the parting cember 18, to le'arn of the sudden ways, H R D Y JA U Y3r.19 . and unexpected death of one o our Do flot forget too soon the happyTH S A ,JNU R 3d.19 . most beloved and regpected citizens, days- Mr. Edwin Dunstan. Swif t hours that flei-NECSL NEWCASTLE Y. P. CHOIR ~Monday night when Mr. Dunstan Nor ail the h'ipes and dreains 1WASL retired lhe was in perfect health, but VVe shared wah you* r.PryHr.i adu wn ENTERTAINED RTOPC while hie Gýod called to hini, 1________OSEC and lie answered. Next morning The new year lives, to injuries sustained in falling irom A very rnerry and de]ightfiil ev- early lie was found 'by members of And, echoed by thc bells, a chair last week. ening was spent by the menibera of Through the shadow of the years, h36 faTnly peaeefull.y sleeping Ilis This messagaý gives-- Miss Addison, Dean of Women, the United Church Young People 's Tru ha nmy cofnes t aunt myyhig gi Iast Bleep. "May joy be yours, and health, for Annesley Hall, Toronto, is holiday- Choir on Friday evening, at the home wait you'n t hun m MT~. Dunstan was boxa, 87 years good luck cease. ' ng with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Beman. of the choir leader, Mr. W. J. S. dreanis to-nîght. wator yuI ago on Noveniber 23, 1841, in Truro, And for your heritage glad months M'rs. Ballagh, Cobourg, is spending Rickard, Shaw's. Gaines and con- It was in a late December, F)ngland. He camne to Canada when of peace. Christmas and New Year hoîidays testcnutd b i InnD ~~ ~ ~ IBarg fifteen years of age and settled in So fears dapart- with hier niece, Mrs. J. E. w. philp. Rickard, proved very enjoyable and Dropped fron i tmes ýmost graclous Bowrnanville. And it was there hie As faith illumes your mind, IMis Elsie Wallace, Newtonville,ý highly entertaining. Each one en- fingers in his flight. wms married to Miss Ada Cawker. And love your hea'-t." 1 s leking in Britton's grocery, re- tunt songa old-timte ngie nd of In the pure white winter weatlier, Underwear borrn.h5uinevn hidrn er-hoe Ms th anck wo popular music, led by Miss Beatrice lBy the fire we sat together, Sweaters Ris second niarriage was to Miss' h1n19 sjck with the flu. Brgg Dew fnas theein o May aifrdo Wnso, aad.11e9 uv.e y i wdrwad United Church, Rev. W. P. Rg- Brag. Deainfas theeeihusTosr Mary oved drdeotf Wnr, 1-the ifollwig c yhjîn isses Mi n- ers, Pastor. Sunday, January 6: Last, but flot in enjoyment, Sometimes talking--gay with latagh-To eris HeMiissippi wet re e Cenagda in the andLougcise Mr sses. aaril11a. m.-.vo-rning Worship and Sac- i were the delicious refreshmen ts, ter, O ea Missisippiwhere ie enaged i thejnie.anrament, se Evice.all2.30rasandwiches, b30ipscuits,- scakehscoiseetscake, offloteewhat oto]lt wedow afterr epr u erbsnsrtrng i iiiG hthad ioa Ms a cho. 7p . m.Snin - and ice cream, served by the hestess. Ail unthinking friendships hour 1 Work Shirt expot lmbe buines, etii JiH. E. G. Wieed, WinnA. r. day cbe l . .Eei e The appreciation and gratitude of wouîd soon be past. Eupora, and Chas. E. Dunstan of ~Gog' hrh c the choir for the evening's Fora ltte sadw gew Port Arthur, Texas. StJ Gore s unday ianiE. .InI were voiced by Miss Beatrice Fraltl hdwge Ev MALE AND PEMALE HELP '1mesratrggentSeparating nme froni you, WA NTE D iFunerai services were held at the 16: 11 a. im.-Morning i-rayer andI Ah, my dearest, you I neyer can Ean$2 o 5 PrWekIresidence at 2.30 p. m., Wednesdlay 1 Holy Communion. 2.30 p.n m. d an forget, King St. West Positions open in city and contry by Rev. Melville Johnson, Pastor ofiprayer. 1 Whernge otewondrsiyU wl Bowmaniville towns. 1Be an expert. 1arn part teMtnitCuco hc e- isEle ok eund tiUNITED CHURCH SWhelre ou armandnif ove al tltne whileleearning. We guarantee theMetoStili remeonwhch berMssmelenandkerlovee ta teachlng follovving trads:- nomination the deceased was a mni- Tweed on Monday after spending itey? House Wirlng, Indutrlal Electrie. ber. a very pleasant holiday with berl The subject of Rev. W. P. Rogers' littie yele'tBa Vulcanizing, Brick-Laylng, Plasteri ng, Interment took place in Oakwood many friends in Newcastle. Eileen morning sermon in the UnitedLarBee. RihByCl'Ba Barberlng and Hair Dressinlg. Cemetery with Masonic honors, Mr. also occuriied hier old position in the Church was, "Time's Changes", sug- Employment service trom coatto usanbigheodst tome fYugPeiesCe.u udy gested by the Old Testament state- coast. Big demand. Write ioday ment otnd n Exods the, "Noe_____________of__Young_______ _____Choit__on__________ for free catalogue to Dominion Trade the local lodge. Iment_______in_________1:8,_____ SoertnHmhiiraeShoolss imHis hoatsof frienda extend heart-ifr Mrs. J. S. Anies has been down there arose up a new king over Eg- ohools irn eillT ro ana e S an ferisymh to tedberteavd a- rom Bowmanville lending a helping yit, which knew not Joseph". There Canada and U. S. A_ bath Dom in ion etsmahtahebrvdfn- hand to bier friend, Mrs. Percy Hare, is sadness in this, there is tragedy Government Chartered Companlea ily in their dark hour of sorrow and who is nursing a badly injured and in it; but it also marks progress. The DOMINION TRADE SCHOOLS, Ltd. bereaveme-it.-Winona, Miss., Tines. painful limb ,caused by falling froni I o cag sa efoidn at Head Office 163 King St. W., Toronto ifcto1cagei aslfeviet a Eastern r3ranches: Deceased was a brother-in-law ofi a chair just 'before Cihrstmas. Wthtcanetreanbnor- London,. ontrea . Ham ilton , Ottawa 1Mr.hoC.chnM. Cawker *ofn pr _______Mr.__C._M.____________ Bownianville. The Sunday School session proved gress, the fact of change makes pro- ________________________________________________ jto sickness, Mrs. J. C. Hancock and divided into two great classes of J oa o __________________________________________ Mrs. N. L. Rieckard, who wvere .ta people, people of the closed mind take part in conducting the review, and people of the oipen mind and ah i lesson on the life of Paul, were un progress is made by this latter class.I able ta attend. In their absence, New c stl 's N w D u S orehowever, Mr. Jonathan Awde, Sen- Turning froni the general to the; eca, South Dkoa ad . (Rev.) ûeseii hepece pk (Opposite Conimunity Hall) Rogers, lassisted Miss Lâlian Cleni feelingly of the changes ,,rought.py1 ence, the third member of the coin- 'the years in a local church; vh FOR THOSE WINTER COLDS mite ygvn ey iterestîng1 maturer folk keep passigo nd and informative talks. 1 the younger take their places. t is Try Wampoles Extract of Cod Liver Ou........ $1.00 Bottie ___-_ a seemiy, wholesomce and encourag ~j ing thing ta see the ageing folk ex- Scott's Emulsion ....................... 60c and $1. 20 itending the welcoming and lpingi Squibbs' Pure Cod Liver Ol, imint or plain flavor MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS hand to the younger generation, andi1 turning in the direction ef the choir! 50C ta $1.00 There will bc no change in the loft where choir leader W. J. S. Rick- Ali Kinds of Cough Drops complexion of Newcastle Council ard, saittin the midst of about aj Ifrent that of hast year. Reeve W. score of young people irembers ef j To Our Many Present Customers and More Customners-to-be F. Richýard and Councillers J. H. the Junior choir, the pastor gave( we extend Best Wishes for a Prasperous New Yeax. Gibson, J. H. Jose, J. E. W. Philplexpression te bis thought that here I and A. O. Parker will again constit- w-as a commendable tbhing, this work u-~ur' ~ ute the Council ,having bcen given of Mr. Rickard in bringing the young A . E.M ELL W , P m .B .a clear mandate hy the ratepayers1 singera along ta ftll the placees in e on Moiîday evening te continue tbeir1 the choir inevitably made vacant by PRESCIPTION SPECIALIST good work in the management of the Time's Changes. There was natur- i_________ Phone 3313 village's municipal affairs. The ally a touch of pathos in the sermon, ____________________ I i Council can not be accused of heing as in the text, and the preacher's extravagant; it has been careful of ýthoughts reverted quite logicaliy in the public neney and reduced th-, the course ef the sermon ho the' __________________________________________________ Itax rate from 500 nuls in 1927 down1 grand old ministers of the past and 1 ta 48 milis fer the year just ciosed. the retired and agcing ministers of- Altbough the Treasurer's balance.-the now United Church of Canada,1 sheet shews a deficit for the year cf men who have given mach and ro- $3,11.94, the detailt-d statemiert of ceived littie. r cf adexpenditures shows oltiqhuch-adAher Purchase of1500 iPa B ig g e 13lu in e ssuid asýuts ef uncollected taxes for In closing hie spoke of the need 1928 amnounting to $161835 and cf of s upporting the aged and disabled arrears oftaxes for previeus vear:s- ministers othehC anadian Band kruj paici to Counties' treasurer cf $1334.-1 widows and orphans and miade an t e C n d a 3 rk u WTe enjoyed the Iargest business in our history 29, making a total of arronra cf earnest appeal on behaif cf the pen- ithich wiilf ev6.64onyreaccrr o! tndhi ne ed a n ed tch in last year. By continuing to put the best ingred- 1$300.0 one cf $2962.64 ollrnearly sieofund hich is adesin te akare o f rmg t er jents in our goods, baked under best conditions thep local treasury. In addition toi is takon care of hy the larger Ivs- Io [ rn this there are arrears cf taxes re- sionarv and Maintenance Fund. 1 and backed up by prompt and courteous service, turned to Cobourg, amounting toi twsaohro r oes 1 678.61. These large amnoutcf Lt as noter o Mr Roers we hope to increase our turnover this year. With Itax arrear.s keep tax rate much hih-1 carefuil .y thought eut, forceful and a t u d n o your co-operation it will be done. toethan t ould uheforand viaof-1 recing in the îinterests of- toehrt'1ahfravlaec the church's iîcperative niissionary this size. Soine moasure cf reforni and maintenance work.20 PAR L DE5 PU P ThehesytBioowmanvilie Uakery0PARS ADES PMP T e B w a v ie a e ypears te bc advisahle. InBlc and Tn ihadcb i Mr. R. W. Walton wvas aIse noni- nBlackTn ihadcb i Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville inated as a councillor on M îfýnday ST. GEORGE'S CHRISTMAS an heels, in satin, velvet, kid and oivening but expressed hiniseîf asi SERVICES patent. Shoes that sold as hioeh -- -having ne desire ta lho the Donald Th ogeain fStGor's4î _______________________McGrgor cf the- locali council or te h ogeainoot ores as $6.00, exercise his vocal talents at theChrhauntdby ayvitrs Blending Red Rose Tea is an art. To obtain the fine couci e>ar. ,I the reîigious significance cf, Special Price $2.89 and f lI-b died rich ess equi ed y ars ~ ex eri- R tv. E. R. James and NIr. H. El I Christ nas and cel obrated the birt b I _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _- flavor adfl-oidrcns eurdyaso xei Hancock were re-c-iected by acclama- cof the Hely Child at both morningj ence. Every package guaranteed. 61 ton as public school trustees on the and evenin- services on Sunday, Board of Education, while Mr. How- December 283rd and at special ser- ard J. Tons wiil bc a new nember, vices; on Christmas morning when1 SHOES P,ition eft vacant by the vluntaryj ducted Hely Communion at 8 V reyo he o o e n reieet fM.Ge.Gies om ' clock and preached at 11. Chldn, rnte.On the Sunday the Rector deliver- SeilFo 9 pt 19 oloigteanucnet ed finely apprepriate and he1pful SeilFo 9 pt 19 Folowig t e luiein ac-messages a ohservices cf worshÂp, R E OEthe- nominations adpreoorty cn- wiete hi nrdrci o o 66*Counicihiors and nombers of t th1t- asgsevcbed 'or shippe'rin heReduction in Women's Bedroom Board cf Education for sehs.Praise and Rjiigwr h o- PrAs o d ea The. speakers had a good audience, inant notes. Tht- special featurel r e Slippers '1 ' E S. i ~the Coulicil Chaniber being filled tftc he îtsevig ervicngwere the- R ED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good xho anife.-ted hardly the- siîghte st wh: h tht- whole congregatien join_________ ReeveRickrd seakin at ome d hertilv with tht- choir. N r Reex Rikar spakig a SOllO(Ro. iScott Howard and Mr. A r-- _____- ____________ lengh reviewed the gent-rai work cf, thr 13e1Ilsaiz the stanzas cf onr-ieM NSlU BE S the- coioncil during the past, yearjand car "*in du-t, Mri. Fank 'ranmi ,a,-,] id maintenanceFrgrkntrateoi j isure hooanî tt-Coîîie' - n Thuî,-.'ly 1in, eeîhrjei1 au 3 T~ J I I Dr. D. M. Campbell, Ear, Nes;el orations, suited te the season andi1 A . D ILJ ..IC Kt and Throat Specialist, 191 Oakwood 'the ovent, make their appeal to eye R eR v n s S Il CAve., Toronto, wishes te announce and mi. Mrs. Mathew Brown of1 King and Division Streets, Bowmanville that he will be ut tihe Bowman House, Gîenwood Cottage ,has a large share Opposite the. Bowmau Ho Bowmanville, on Saturday, January in these labours of love which de __________ _______________day. AppointTnenta niay bo made of God ,the interior of St. George's by phoning above Ihotel. 51-2 as well as the. adjoincing Pairiah Rall. BELL'S d Clearance ,ain reduced for quick selling. Don't mniss it. Corne and get some of the gains-All Men's Goods: Overcoats Suits Work Pants Shirts Gloves Ties, etc. verything Must Be Sold. A. J. "Bert" Bell Men's Store rber Shop ,Announces tirs of Shoes fron- pt Sales Co. and mnto you at vf prices. 250 PAIR GALS ppers in black only, 75 prs. onlyi 98c Pair Iarious other designs ail at Special Low Prices VOMEN'S ARCH SUPPORT SHOES Black Kid and Patent Leather, Regular $6.50, Special Value $2.98 [EN'S BEDROOM SLIPPERS Limited quantity left, Special Value 79c MEN'S WORK BOOTS g. $4.50, Special Value $2.69 MEN'S HOCKEY BOOTS cial Value "Lightning Hitch" $2.98 and $3.85 EXTRA VALUE i 's Oxfords in Black and Tan, Regular $6.00, at $3.49 rioe Store oUSe in the. houe 528 t' IPhoý rook'si: ýytees" in Black and Br n $1 .89 1 ililý -W - r ý - 1 . @mmmý @!ýe n-_ r k, r ta Brown

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