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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1929, p. 8

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A*G&iEliGH THE CANÂDIAN STATE8MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR-SDAY, JANUARY 10, 1929 OBITUARY jOBITIJÂRY EDG OIS0 CMariette Regina Woo dloy, Lindsay Mrs. Sol. Fry, Toronto. The I ge'v ccd~a4i tlge In geWEDiJc.le ritTMoVIEh0FtHETLEH Sun1y Deembe 29,1928 atberiilleJams,__the_ Charlotte Regin Wodley died oný There passed to rest in Bowinan- l oumngte efrso r ri n4ate i 45e 29Alber t hLindaferHospital on Friday, January 4, ILcmr-ec iim s h oua n ore rlnssTUSDYWnfi A very quiet but pretty yuletide loca aae fteBl eehu r idence, 4 l et St., L n - at rseveral months' il es frotm JA N U A R Y 1929ni ed at he Ty a te. Tng was soleniized attthe Ty-9aninsight of hl osrcino o iieswr nFia ie sa.Seathe w .f o the wfoftelatelIparalysis, Jennie Bickle, beloved ________________ ________________ rone United Church Parsonage on telephone ansui thsvstpbi Viliamn Woodley, wbo died nine 1 wife of Sol. Fry of Toronta, aged 56 audyDembr2,RvJ..utlt s- years ago. Although only confined years. NWATEITruzupour officiating, wben Phoebe presentationofaersofmvn to irbdfrls hntwp weeks,, Deceased was a daughter of the NECASTLNWATEE EDITOR TALKS Maud, eîdest duhe of Atu pictures. Th she hadl been ailing for more than a' laVe Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Bickle rsc-e: , I a cnrs e.~~~ ft e erBeech and the late Mrs. Beeeh, Hay- at the Rotary lblnhoa h yerJf otHpe hresew on s S. E. SlthorePort HopI har otatt Rv'.P n o h ak f h e erdon, was united in marriage. witb Boys' TrainingSbornteatr andr.livePort ntie, beresm arriage. H. at the hume of hier sister, Mrs. W. Rogers' morning theme on the last is ta, clear away any left-over un-. Charles Austin, younger son of Mr.nonadnthevinatS.Pl' Mr.Wolywsbr n .Pearce. Sunday of the old year, Time's dertakings frum the old year. These and Mrs. John Larimer, Blackstock. Lecture Room ne asieso h Mr. oole ws or ad The funeral took place on Sundayl Miss McDevitt, &choniberg, bas Changes, with bis enunciation of the being cleared away as far as pos- dabr ught er o hlaVe Mrt., an brter, nrM er eo. B. Bic lier- e sediga few days with ber principle tbat Changeiniakes for Pro- sible, to enter upon any new under- The bride 'and groom were attend- Junior 'MissioayScey aMrs htenrfcis. Vy. Sd bt., ervic. eobeing eonce Lby edrMs-. .Gene.gress and is therefore a most desir- takings planned for 1929. It la a ed by Miss Mabel !Beech and Mr. pictures whichaeitneyier Decesedwas fathfu meber ev.J.t.sriebin asor odTnte y The cbances of an open-air rink at able hing, was his morning subject, good business policy Vo decide at the Eugene Beecb, sýster and brother of Ietn n dctv iemc n ofteeen wS. Unitd Cmburh and UnitedRCbuctins aterme riiy ewcastle this year seem-few, ui'ing The Necessity of Stability ,on the start, where it can bie done, to avoid the bride. frmationrony onistru altbougb because of advanced' age, place by the side of bier parents in to the lack of snow andwae. frtunaofheewyr.itanwrketngnaras-ig ae. the Lengtbein of the Ropes, in ail forebanded. Our fo'-hear had no The bride wore a gown of rose- out the world wibg notecn being in her eigbty-seventb year, to ecm emtr.Ti cousui_ emat bv phases of humn life and activity use for "afternoon farmers", bis ane wood satin faced crepe triinmed structian of tepae xei do mcb wrk n conecton 1 Th e paîl-bearers were fourcos sare of "Flu" germns Vo judge by in the present age, sbould go the rule invariably was ta, be always on witb aand and wore a green gold en- ments in televio eeasshn churh, se tok agrea inerea inn s ad tw nemhe's, MssrsfWithtb man wh aredandwittthepiremstengtenin oftheataks, ad th tie hiselfandup-t-; h-mnnutegravd wist atch tht gif of he s wfl ashowaacal istrasaslttc what was done. and Mont. Bickle, Canton, Dr. M. valent ailment. adcide nytigthtwl tegbntewith bis work. "The e'mrly bird groom. Later the newly wedded across the Atani. Smube- tbb. Hwis Port Hope, Cecil Up- Mrs. C. R. Lovekin a td bider stakes that nake for stability and catches the worm" was hi a sloganl couple left by motor for Toronto and cational value tabdV ha I other points.r picturesKtcenr ad rd ryad resenin fw as it erthat s elgontprbadeye-whc*mowdnosghth wetellerpons.pitbe ta sens and tw.o daughters, Mrs. J. F'. ly Bagsley, Toronto. parents ta recover froin the flu, filed. i shown in every s:chooltueshow in Canda Red odod n. r.K .Bsdsle ubn h ssr ro ospending the winter inTr0y sOtireun a reception was Mr. F. Gladwel saaoeae ie lavesMr.tames o::h:r1:ssthr ied Kithener d Fed -BaBck ntopnig rnsfJi . s ~ ~ Iheld attheride's ho-me when athe movie Macie and hi siste, Mrs.Burkel, Torn- ownaffaand "Doiennow is a oidesubsnaofrngatvee an aviess ae St. Sn Perry; and William Woodley of R- of Michigan ,North Dakota. son of Mr. Donald McLeod, formerly the furniture in the bouse of their r.k fad Ms ar wig sde. ausiCs rb ipogamwaOgfe chester. Also a number of grand-ý Beautiful flowers expressed kind- of Newcastle, will regret Vo learn be aunit, the laVe Elizabeth Treleaven,1-- - Mr and rs. LFarmerwreidet.conistngof inodetbrMse Tblden n great-grandchildren. ily sympathy with the bereaved ones. spent Christmas in a Detroit Hos- Mrs. Burkell hating bier share FarmkCarwrigt. LuiseOboreJaNIHazRSRuWIe Teinterment took place on Newl R .FruoCatrgtvtlaaiiga prto.ta Taûronto b y a moving van whicb IN PETERBOROî ______ vocal solos bIl a lx -rle St. Georgen'seheRev.cE. R.ycame down for the purpose. Fred Mr.______E Sersdyi ehsacmtr, R J egsn atrgt ptlat. inog' opch eraio. E._._BILDIG _LTSFR _____________, nd Darlîngton township.Crtrgtbsatoef James, Rector. Sunday, January bas purchased the bouse and land BIDN OSFRSL-he ngt n edn yMs m Catrgt13 otoeo tb:8a m-oy omno.otrgtadwl b ovrig Bowmanvlle Jnosotmre rthefInest building lots ln Bowmanvllle,Aam. efsbntweeerd aider citi.-Hlyensmuinn.the ighersanillof cMr.rtng belthe Peterboro Juniors in the first . on Liberty Street, North. R A lbargaln thedls. e William Lathangue, Manvers Robert John Ferguson wbo passed il1 a. m.-Morning Prayar. 2.30 place into a modemn summer home, H. A. garne of the Lake Shore junior for queck sale. Apply ta Norman S. B. cls.Re.DW.Bt a i away on Christmas morning, De-IP. m.-Sunday Sehool. 7 p. m.- for himself and Mir. Treleaven and group Tuesday night, winning a nice James at Statesmian omnce. chairman. The funeral of the late William cemiber 25, 1928, after a lingering1 E' ening Prayer. their four sons. Although there isgm y3 ol o1 The Peter- Lathangue took place from bis laVe 1 ilîness extending aver a period ofi United Church, Rev. W. P. Rogers, considerabie land including a large bora youngsters outskated the win -_______________________________ residence, Lot 10, Concession 10, tbree years, at the home of bis son-; Pastor. Sunday, Januairy l3th: old orchard and a lot on Miil St., ners, but it gat them Little in the Manvers, on Wednesday afternoon, in-law, Mr. Alex. Johnston. il a. m.--.-Morning worsbip and in- still attached ta the hanse the estate1 face of the better team wark by the Jan. 2nd, ta Riverside Cemetary, Deceased was the eldest son of Mr salto fSna coltahr snVs ag sfrelMr .Bownianville team. ILindsay. Mr. Lathangue had died L. T. Ferguson, ane of Cartwrigbt'siand afficers. 2.30 p. i.-Sunday H. *B. Chaplin having baugbt two Te wsnscrintefs, an Monday, Dec. 3lst, at the age of pioneers, and was bain there seven- Scboal. 7 p. m.-Evening service. filds and Dr. Walton4BIallona field here , utwas n louscored ua 82 years, after a short ilîness. Ha. ty-two yaars ago, where lie bas livedi Miss Gladys Matchett accampan- fromn Miss Treleaven in recent years. the homesters 2 to i1 in the second i gr B- , had been strong and healthy up un:il ail his life excapt for ten yeairs hiejied Ms eo Haffner ta Naw York1 session and accounted for the only B asat Tusdybspt is advanced ived in Dufferin and Simcoe Count- o the .Iatter's return home and 'Sj NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F goal in the last 20 minutes. Chrc. HHewmarrietheinn1882ieMis nwaser ointenst in lsa t vit Mir. James starred for Bowmanvjlle, Vie enjoyed the largest business i u itr he ceaedmn an cHe a ring1882Mis Annj It wshrineto-as ovii r Taheydif, dmanves, was br in MGe f Hrig ilwba Citynd Mrs. Robt. Gibson in Atlantic1 The Board of Education 'met on whila Dallin, a first-year playar forasyer Bycnnun toptheet ne- Blyuf avrthe son of An- deceased bîm two years agc. CtyI Monday evaning of hs week with the Petes, was always promirent.' atya. B otnigtiptt draw Lathangue, who died 40 years He leaves ta moura his lass threej Rev. and Mrs. Scott Howard, Miss the foliowingimembers bresent: H. W! Calladine scared the only Peterboro i ents in our goods, baked under betcnios ago, and Mary Herron, who died 30 Sisters, Mrs. Robert Gibson and Missi Salorne Howard, Miss Beatrice Mc- Dudley, chairman, E. R. James, T..goal. The teama: years ae. Ha was braught Up in Martha Ferguson of Didsbury, AI-' Intosh left on Tuesday on a hree W. Jackson, Cea. Gaines, Win. E. 1IBowmanville-.Goal, James; de- adbce pb rmtadcutossrie Balyd bt mve V Lifod ert, ndMir. ousemanths' trip Vo the Bermuda Is- Beman, John Scott and H. E. Han- fence, Rundle, Hooper; centra, Cand- 1 ope o increase our turnover ths Fos Ver, n, acma; ef wng of neaiser Mro.Mr. arlno;adrreliaIlo C S. of a neat ony ainauary 14 Jodechaîrmn Ddletahepesenf ha llin; sb, Ellis, espie;V ITde-l He h-' ansRysa- ide asuficenbnubetofcoe-1BordottheSurogte outia- Resrh-EwoolCumbbiindaSccesos o Crttoeurakey owmnvll MonLtageo ouarLell tean, alsons itenty s Ngran-'closaewl nubt tedbor o aur 2 lc n dThtrprdca- n e Mnialeetin w lila. ldAt tendapned by e the Jude isfncCalaie55y.n;cnte ais inauguralmeetinfour th year! salayof$15.00 a ar; ansd apoit-one; right wing,aCkman; eft wing, tj j bd C. Bnell f Burktyn; Mirad Elizbtd m o on son, Bruc Ae, Jhntnleatth1a4oc1or av e enty HnormaL.DV. leyConnr fresean___he__________________________________________ ofPeeboo b nesit Chus.Msrul non to, llof pacte .it;r eopl's odiyey was beldnuMary aTaheaf helaV hs.Monagu, MaryJ-an Ganor f P ntypol; b M ich he w a ls a nmb Roof base preve dasfiin u bro cu-B ad at heS rgt C rC - Rfre El o oýb, Ln- fivedauhtes-Ms. Mry uelaedtcChurch. ning.ysix ran-alithe absence of the) atendboupaostauarhictheplaetantsa.theceNewcastleities Higr S e O Fletood Ms. n Jehn drOdabtraith, Bow alane erc is estin Rgercdtathie 'Pincimeapaodgar of the ubl is tapi east thre couicilors ave ecenly n d Pri. 'Cncipal ,fore of th C. Bel ofBurkton; rs. liza era ed ia ilne sJonEdrduca!- I sp ent vry njoyablyhewftlconeosa ng, ath latter meeing the ardof- Ra vr aeo hspp BetieHnesno lewo;hslf:i te Zrealtm fth ong Wur ol ecaniepar.aeSe c i i hraith, eaterad f oroto I rliintr. egt at theag'oe, h adnmessiailycourt he rntoe. i 1 r Mis Clae Lthanue, ho ive at49 ymeoftears Deeased wasa~n ATe etigulofeen-ga tebo g wast ordpagraltmeeingresfetheof29e hom, ad rs.OlaFineyof leo-fhuDo nl E.ian the lacaf Anni lesSityws held on Monday evaning orfthhewilaeThi ord onace, inb woo; ad y treesos--bedahwhihBews aaîhaa s br or n it'engIn the f asncefthe rganîza- 6 et p aftr the NViaslla ge ou Cannngto in 879. Mnstof bs tan o a Txis quar ~-ruo uderchoi a ieCntfis'Cir ouncthe eealxndgt orshr oehsebrgis earlyngyaarfsLoerAngspentCai.n Bowman-h.theslede ,r ehiv of R. . Rogers. b v a h a p ine ib sh o i__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vieiamere bis fatharocarnîed on simla .r e et of os of al trsx-, f an LviLahagu wo ivs tio n the noalrhaa tothhna Rangs M oersea,12 1 ondu14 ea'the )Pricipa _______oftheubli home. NotinstalalatTonakeervicn ofWhenwabouttwanty-ona oîî hadhPrionciparsdayevaninf the Onearsofage hanuleft4,homernd bas The rUnitd Chro heS. 5 Roo. Shw'sHg col ee oha h et Chanes Wth eirasas ila nsitionli witb Stýgealyu ntaeat bjoabn ig con. I inteSatermeetng the BordHES 8 dzen ChilrnsSwaeS aPloersinSiI ndWolad bra__h qualities, ailst colors in athegassesrtment, sozehe 24rto 34, over mucheofnCanadalandeehingnifedhe T929 T oofrSnald E.latn theliing n ASunse ld os n Mnelmeeing fond elet servic edes: 830 . F-Mrnig ary;j egunlar $1.98 to $2.98............................ Mari a whre ah adwaiprtaint uof officsdei theCouncil Cbam6airj p. m.,ver g DaVion.aev.un Tha hast position. Hweal th iin ha can-e lFeadayersinof vhS NVgek.Jr. P. Bav lehoir. . o Bys'JuboKnt Seaer ad PreWo in It IsNot Ncen geryt i at hoame abou thean yea andsi nonthe Januerary 12,. Cameand14yas toraemdsrv g nd basrasiadot wit eisnt-one your emersbonip in ta eaia oinPstr Sdysrice et Brekers, fin sSetr n uloesi kad youce w ere hfa wg ivan fthhaocanhseUhicteasdoneo urch in to' he TrMIniSTERUNitD CHURCH, eS .Pu.reu lar hievy alityi lin tcolsort anmulizcleffects bv ut h ofrada eanih iedak Thengup ndthaeultif Sci ean- il a.St. endph' . . CSunday Scbool glr$198to $2.98 ..........................................$.. Your yes tatesJattrly lvingin Salt Se hol itsannul meeing 2.30lctp. 1mseCordial.3 ainvitationgMass fa nV nn te nsk o unuit Munie t e e en ca a n ira of viersand ad theaon ofth as Vo thpubl-vic Vgal ervies. R I posiiase.tieofn.eal to a lacefr he non Fiaynd png of tcommuai- t. pa. ulesrChurch Re.iD.lW'aod oyen' HeavoJumboSKnatrsand Skaing w eatrs Th bstyo ange i wa hmeabutoe e ad sixnoteetJ i n da t. If ou av enee r eat D.Unisten. il a. R n- Men's yOur eprices arve.draa and o Mnday aftrernon evice isheng had tha o pnth jan eoia Mobin, aWor-Ship-"aseries teBailgursfne ea 100% ure wuinupainsoeof thnse are Penman conducet a ve ted by Rv.oR. ce,iit j oneîday evainhe 8 o'cîoc1laT me". 7 p. m.-Eveng War- i igul $.95ti $395........$ .....for............... .......e aur xpaienc ofover35 aar bMut, miisradof St. eandre wPesI nd aeadthaemberhi card forhei .p. m. P onerdia2.0 .iviain.r--',- yourguaante tht yo wîlbtileriandhucambo. ,dy as.- il9 .ssio nSna f-Sna col alvaserfc eifrtadsai Thea peal took las c esrth 2heandwl5. knofcmmn St.PAdre's CPrshytea ChD. ,Iai facion RaiyrStuttC .Edon<irSt'areet ternoin wConductId by hanaw1 re Tampara Mncseran. CuIcla., luu en'sand esamens in adiesJub n itand YatmnSIpng Ou pJ.s reWoer.'Bn o M n enoservS.J. ein-y, x w stpermntendanit n.To. og er. ev. R. M. Mcrment, .A. inis-e eedie makteein cottonuandwool, pure wo and silandwoor Henduceson and . W. J'MeDl er i V b c eion Misioay Snda, ra s V'co e er . Morning s erv et il a. m.l sa h l rce e $ .5t $ .0f r ......... our xperenceof oer 3 yeas beAut iunforte r ibt nrsPes lc d anaf e ouit a m esti o re d fnor Eving sherPioeer". m.30Sundmy i orgaateta o i wtrah o h aiso t n-ai ea natr the 19s2on IShoa et 2 .3p.n.sz38oy. fyuwertsszeoucnbyorudrea hav prfc ovelndsais-dTe's burhand rom -rela Xes our Trgth . eonon urtesy of-t.ha' at Haîf Price.Chuch, J. Wad'fridnrontoaJ. own . W.M. S. Th sent Ma.Ts, enitld "e. RevJoR.nMs hrcbn, Rev.,R .______________________________________ Lef erine F ericeat Sunda. fme WhnWbet~e tl oeman int oalounn tes ifa 0f a of Heryiures ciohred a Tra",E 'igsrie7p .Sna'sz 8ol. fyuwa hssz o a u oru Whe W TstÊys t s on Lftaamorlynthe ioofaesf atyug1l-oe o Christmas la ee in HanyJanuary 13th: 8 e. im.- 1000 YARDS NATURAL PONGEE SILK-HALF Properly ber and one sistar, Miss Flore Gal- Africa, whera each Christian girl,.oyCmuin l .'.ton RC braith, Toronto. boy and adult acta as Santa Claus toj în erie;230p -uae * ~Owing to sîckness and 'lu, Mi-. D. the poar and unchristian. The ~ho;7p .EaigPryr G. M. Galbraith, Toronto, was the slides warae explained by Mrs. N. L. A generel business meeting of This is the quality we have always sold at 69c a yard. only representative of the familias in Rickerd, with Mr. A. O. Parker "- A. Y. P. A. wes hald on Monday Torntoatthe funeral. erating the lantarn. evening in the Parish Hall. Sevenal tiandelfbifoW mn',Mss'ndC l. Interment took place in th-2 family Start the day right with a heap- items of interet wena discussed and ren'rsPy plt nRomavll Cmte.ý, ig ih f ramofBrly. 1arrangements were ýmada for aur e' Dresses, Middies, Lingerie, Men's Shirt r y pla i Bomavile emtar,' in dsh f rein f airey IA. Y. P. A. services on Sunday. 1V jamas, Curtains, Etc., will wash and launder like new --____________ is urgantly raquested that al nein- __________bers attend Corporete Communion, a real snap, 34 inches wide .................39c Yard Sunday et 8 a. M. Sunday eveningt_________________________________ A. Y. P. A. members will assist in AN OU CI Gthe service. On Monday, Jan. 4h1 MeAsraa . ons s amngt 100 Sample Garments Children's Underwear, in girls' or bOy II;ILprePI~ 4.give an addrass an Hymnology. vests or combinations, in sizes 8 to 10 only. If you canr s 'JilI'Necs'l mmer il É u Ladies' Fine Rulbbars .....59eC _________ erti~ainomt'aadesb share of these at. 79c ________________________-. Men'.s borsehide mitts, wool lin- Men's 1 ta 4-ibuckle Oversaes The musieal service included an- Men's Fine Rubbërs.....95c ed, Regular $1.265.......98C et greetiy reduced pinces. thems by the chair, a solo by MissI __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ __Ï_ __ __._ __ _ __ _ session, and iia the evening ail ' n- joyed the favorite sol, "The Plains I NELS NS S O E o irrradBte V.. ' 1V* su ~~~~~of Peace" beautifully sung by IM-s4. ST R ofBge adBterV le A.DL IK ing an ivisionfl nowmanvile F H. Moody. Mirs. H. M. Poster' WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT A. DLLIC , aci Ss.,and Miiss Dorothy Pîumcer took te . Il a -M M

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