-Vol. LXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, publishers. LOKOUOR______Wgt__ Wl e ope o x paerwil foindiMbr. and Mrs. Ale XVgt nceilnWi b TCopolL ofp scito bak hich YuCelebrate Golden Weddno 1 uUaMto~Mua p lenSe Use to send in your renewal lI lgtyoe 0 aeaese t., he tatsma- Mny aveal-cisd teirfranchise on MondaY i Event oiL th~~e tartethame. Many pae rIele hele som eterWsaantei B u i n h n:ratce - WIGHTBELL.WOODAt the resi-' If h t ace vteey've olld f a un e T h e G r e a t B u y i n ge d Y E v e n t o f o t ' lth erir fap a e n ts te ahN e w -x fo r i u st ei ag h -ct e 0 0 t e 1 8 e x r ni atter, whieh totalled means an dence of the brde pre t , 179near NeonW- acig hn hre1 tip ra titem t, the publisherst caseon WedfledaY, janu atY Sh 9 r iniprin t r Tb esrowt imepoertJ.nto l . Mr. Alexander To oY Ol ah r i e "ee tO U es t.ig w e th r s n lgt ! rvieae oMisa Elizabeth kind mayoralty contest. hole ear. ellwod daughter Of Mr. John Bel'- ;To hlmsurpaisesmuat boYe Tr m rghaet c m r e o n o c s a d isWME C A T 0F V N C " Wood and the late IMm. Bellw od. True friendsbip a sacred thing sout ev rafo r isOUes whi n c a y ANT Oa veryCpleasaxit occasion on Fn- People cThe'tomesoftMr.yand at.thisXaAnduai same."WW A.iflge-rny h aded the poldi g o C e r Plye r P l e d rin C igo -Bo - a lie, was the scelle la worth far more than gold. )lA.ider sa prd d by aeoplencanYt4thiit beyngytae cele -nYoar caeerfui dispositions have m rif o11c>wed by C.E R her tak en By i enCk.deyonner C o .- Tbe home of M r. and m . C. A. A n to poSSet yu rie ds i y oll the ret rs.P th n os n ana s o c knowteth hy we do this: T ore- J.d. Bu ne du e ur s oc a i w as e. po ss bl c n ef re ta ul s oc ; i--W v rary of his p re t , -ad I V \ Y r bright and hapPY W aYs. latter two are the onîy mrn bersW h T uesdaYi evy c s o c ; l -T e i ng k w as gnn r et ed a i t er s n w o h r n ar f i n a a i o n s a e o r u l h ve n t era di cri W i. b« c a st k ewor s t c e a n d s i b lh e a c h se a o r e i v r a t c ec o p n w ' y e d ' Tih e e c a t e . W i h -b o e r a nri i i z n i n lisedisa raige uife araifan agret avng o hecu ti .cfle n îce"inWhe eaBos 0W A ooclock.t rothers and e travels îifb's patlvway 1h ve terv ncuci eoe du efrs o k a O v o lrinance prote b e Old oubt e o t fve t.ur n ither eta f d But wh n h a f nd t obe g t a oly five (ballots Short o0b in j oo-eZeiadine. Thir pe- n rlaiV S ette cnielorltI qnie aONla ampbell wa on ce of mod-j, ws gee edy a ri e ad.a Tew er t.us h ae n n ahcnawy e eie a nswr efrbbfdt dranaama beas iteflelYinteest-thety yars ho ad aso en mvi adhiwa listed is a rgae tenwer brWhiieasgrud-eied auonencee'shweary wayretheyvshomed not be dButcwuea hd as It i th bi chnceof he earto ake your hard earned the akeptical that ihkBe~n ase iled the bride and groom 0 Rs arP ade away like a bubble.~ point behind MrYrc. h te 1 ng to the average audien ovd hywr see a lasri efIihdiversion seekers as te t e1 to'the roowhere he he cassed asoalso rn". Bn- lD51Ct testanso Lhngrina W d Tetm htbsbogtge ttes the leader this Year was OnS aol wages buy tethosttfornourodollar highiy lending Maroh, played by their daugh- plesr the misil" BatflSylish Dresses literature, especialiy when esr I9wl Beautiful St ý ~~~~e OPnY he iutethe utin firMr. Neosepb wight, yastenl e bsenones abin f aroff lngdey onCun o 9 Jesys it rpe 1n Georgette niaterlalsl specialiy O'Connlor playera be the exponenil. sO pikdfo u rglrsok Il for this seas0f's selliflg, origin- Mp osed MaOf-M . li ai price is marked on every garinent as well as new low clearinlg rose until the close of the final act,oe present 'who attende h e- 1oae50na n da Myr---M. J lit th eu in ce onte y sp l In m m d an d tb o u g bt a re h e re . îie p titY R ev e W . C a r - h out pric. Make slection early a stock s limite. boundin moments of breathless sua- hgr,,nno htmmnosCuilrýW -EgT 12 D e s s e e p i e p o $ 4 5 , N w S l i g $ 5 9 5pense, shook w itb laughter at the occasion. Y u dC ounciily r t i ki g ý e d e , os- W . a mde , . E Selling ~~~~rollicking antica of Launcelot Gobbo, Later the guestawer ý ou lea to-dafy yars einng ehrGe..JaeWP.C- 12 r esce s M ae eliec ti o $1ear 50as s ock selimi td. e e ir e t . ib , e -J - owSligAt $5.95 1tecowad(befse asrn mst ong oraed wpith f aa orlif es ba gnet O ba eutOE' J* Gi(b ote* unr enjoyment and a keen intereat ndnsuerteabsaddiil drealning 7 Dresses, were priced Up to $18.50, N wain.9iteclwad aiete eei sît dete aes reard w-Whose ml .cn95fivemkig in keeping witb the golden occasion. along.ezZ 1.5 Dresses, were priced Up t 2.O o eln t$99 iloisbsstvUaRsI fMna' oe 14 D e s sler r c cM O'C onnJ i h e o h ag ed ng ck ,w ih - sC i date lcthe Jw money-lender and prettily decorated and sirrounded We, too witb pleasure recal it 1 usurer, proved s dramatic ability by fifty yeliow candle5,; had the hon And wished our thoîlghts to expresscddt by a very clever portrayal of a diffi- our of the centre of the table. We wanted to bring a reremlbrance. AHBakD fl sSeicuit character. For hiu, fair For- At the close of the repast, Rev But didn't know wbat would be best. 17 1Z 16 Exce tio laiealu s trhe$ 95Edger 143 10 6 8 1 6 Fiat Crepes, Jerseys, Charmefles, varloUS styles to suit vr tia, in the impersollation of teJ.U. Robins, their paston, acted We thought that these were the bestl Rehder 1397614 Valus fom ...... $.95Up. learned young doctor, "A veitable tatmsepooigatat 01Jms16 9 3 D a n el o m e t ow a s a n th e K in g , th e n e c a lle d u p o n W egMe ter .o y o n y u i ' b b s1 3 teC orwopooe at And hope they wil1 prove an Bxe-liunnear 104 69 184 5 to te rdean i io ambel 907 rieand sgiero.Boh n tu ion njy thein the Test Of Smith 7 3a fa ny nd e ma ond.tt r C h p rso asa i, te o edd. H 2 ýp ak a-1Yon abo h con ntno ampIll > 26 42 3 the Merchant of Vncsbryu i .D2 es. Tis lt mâ and habit but generus off who ater making a f ew remarks,Arson Ans Gothr oetter CeeRmansadCloed Dressesihepart s of assahe io, the le, Witalepn bis wisecrsondd. Bhe And asyou ill rvlif'pah Teinurlmetg sprghty orezofrndhoensbis a useonddaghte d . yo si ravnd ies peth. jlnrm 1,troOgend hasben mrkd ownsoheartu avefras5.0 we$.00onwas the es i, Jean whopresented each of her way 1*lThepleet1a.= g a r m e n t . th J e w'sprig htlr , w ,ee to m e J ss a , ý S a i g i s w Portia'1 Then f ollow ed a period of chit chat We hope that God will still biessa you J ay 1 raton mOf ,ben5 vil has been m rked downso that yoisave fro $5.OO to 8.OO on d day. take the decia inito iees p La nclo'sd ecf.W8itin i Gl bih eeyoe ejoe kAs he bas snce your weddig.point striking cmn est eua rn la-pi aibiind" father, and thbe stately Duke At eigbt o'clock the nieces and h appiness becyoma nend Standing Cnmtsfo19. No orGy a ealth and h ýe g e , t i e s n sw e re ail p la y ed w it b a rea l is I l on ch n e p e w s w ith th e ir w iv es a n d bAs- su n alilile lig bt y o ur w a y I Every coat ini the store os i hssaol5cas ieyan, prfctn1derst.andiflg hbcbbande and a f efw near neigbbors s rihtaso Bo ef e teafial t M . O Coio e red inn. W hn ai l a g the d mi od n e dn ay u u a .d rs o be, o lu d f ur trimmed, sizes 16 to 48, you'll be glad you waited frti aewn the approbation of the audience.gabeedt frtrrceeraeohlAdenyit edas nght as on j when aye EUtt ilgyOht seeset rm e d c i o s elIe a e a t a yi e o e t e f n l e r , ' o n r (, c s o . - ail-aief d bride Sîgned in behaf of co m m-r ittee- transaction of Tegular busin s to he tisstepped -before the cartaiml and ex- and paid their respects to theie Mebourne Wight., FredC.Br,. Be taed ha i wa te itetinhadem.Rusei Wr«h rad CeAtthe prperti e Jt.e is beiow pressed bedeemi e t el h m l -ad tis as iippreciation of the en- and groom, Mr. Robins called the B. Mutton. w i l l d o i t . A i h r p r t m i t e M s Ifh Mcbt." 'wa ffy ereao o-a ftyrwtbagdheatd e cran - bit. For R-. esh. EIU5L Darglalo hat LemcLa" of'He st' o repeat the tour of On- f ollowing address: RLNT EEI« sta e adAtnintario neat yar wt Mceh"Eleanor W!,ghteened hcand- j WilIzmFoDfeatsC. A.Wigh J u t a F e w B rA t t e n t i o n -er s a o o - a f t e r w i h a 0 D ress G oods, regular $1. 00 to $1.75, N ow SOC ta 75 e Y ard The co pany came here under That the bridegrooni to the bride <dîd Jean and Eileefl jresented their i - aj -y Co t st i Cuti aeils eil50c to 75c, Now 26c to 50c Yard Auxiliary whîhsl eYi oh ih Let's have the minister tie the knOt grandmhr wi ae autfu caid 1r. eelve y ont e tinDrlgtf auspcesrtltdo hefrsgtTe you can wear the ring I've Mr Wight for hiraseif and 1if 71.1 Rev wa th (ing kisSasW- an ne g o ts m mb r . very af l ing a n s uiere iy . Y i" .A .igho t iee l'h il Ladies' Wo........................... .50........................ For $10and energy ofeeingan its membetsn.ut 2 mjo Runrsceriga ................. :7Cf r50;4ce r30 Iin ber mother's home so dear, made by M MT. - r« ou.ca.iatey T ane't. To bea the bride and groom declare Mr F. W. ýBowen, M.P., Mr. George poitonw a.oicior. ha.A S l an o l H s w ere $A.0fpai , relations.....g.atbetedg 7near w ir. F. L. Squair, M . G A Stepheils, , Fitor n iaes C an for te Yard ~ ~~~~The promises asked b teprsOn Wight and n.uar.s Wig h elncargian apra.f thrrasetoesandTheegspechs 1reby a g0od Margil B* a h 15c Up ~~~Tho-e Ifty eventful years have pas- interapersed by instrumental solos 1 1 mgtt emdai-mdomax, R oe r et n , ly in ga iipl yin e yf r d . . ...................... . Now 35c a s n n s h s p e h s w r i h e t r id a s l - firt 3 siwiy b t nw s fat, Mm. Neilie Gar'butt. . e k, m i na wokth e ld in te Og et s D argai s i T ow els ,. ... 75c f or 60c; 50c f or 35c; 30c for 20c. R o y a l T h e a tre sed, o , â -h r o ke ,h l nt Yes, and grandcbildeIl, one twe' daughter, Mm.Garbutt. Rev. Mn . u Mc evt . A. L. eacosé Phone 589 iAnd so we'vers Ofprayer. Luneb caPsble councîl. ~ te An ow'egathered here to-night m- bms e odso indeT o menbers Of counci.WlaeMi To make this spot in1 your f e shine was served and the TIthezf atd ca f brigofbt a n s f o M nthe eveni g was spent in social i 1-er. t e d f a e an i a> , l e With memeries of happy days gone' tereOUme- township to be a seriocr~~idT Thr' o fcl eteraeds o'lwloeby on Tuesday, January sth., the The resuts: Ths ees alto odwahraha 0yul ecm FridaySatufâay, Jau&ry 11.12 And hopes for the future running bride and groom held a r&cePtiOi1 s ~~~~ Ken Maynard (The King of out- high. at their home, 12 Carlise venue. R~ECUCL0 Jya~.-a s anaYoung ens Ovrcoatsdoor Western pîctuneis) and This 1fei ahthti bce'dMany friends, oid aldnw ec ha we ve blund- and Mm. Wight on. attaîlirkg theini 0- wonder omse "TARZAN" In -ith acs f itad fha s opounY of ogrtlin M.i To akequck elingan togiv btte vlue tan ou"THE PHANTOM CITY" The shades show were evbln fiftieth weddi'g anniversaslT liave yet had Our overcoas are listed'as follows:You wiii see Ken and is fanions The ler e scesswleiae Twdig ck, s1rudd i borse do daring tricks that bas Iibisfit ade, gi d ed jY 'v1te centre of the dining table. Tbe 1pirovidence 9 10 6 2 ' oae qck s eligand t19g.e0beFor 4values than youcndesaginadTT9 0 kaver yetnhadn ouroovernoatsofare iistede aas fnllowr westen thrl. paked uil ~ That tth ike silorstruccrshene of the room,,s Was gren'rrn $24.0 Fr $1-50apllde.Grolle 10 45 3 Overcoats, Regular $9.0 or$4.0 nyr een one berein h ay ofInsusbineand i7st46 Maynarotrr$19-50 m dy and ro- 1"7.' h jun nug fshdW ray ad ylo . M s.BnY G rut iman 97 29 19 3 OvrotRglr$7Maae. To makin vte you fsky more bgueoured tea -while Mrs. Melbourne305 vecasRegular$32.50 For $24-50 bis peviu ctrsinbslTet, saiiedyu k oebu. WgtadMs C .Wgtsrecuto 54 2.30 p. n. CY.drc 5c.rsd oo.D rig te afen1n svr Ovecoas, eguar 32.50 For $25.00 Matinee Saturday afternon at Yu ave shared each other'sbud and Miss Jean Wigt answeted the ~BalY~ 4 0 62 Fialchptr f cnatsyuhvpoed elneals from a distance, andeCMNGEET Overcoats, Regular $331.50 Forig he f$25on eOOa Ove coa s, Regular $35.00 For $26.50 "T E H U T D I L N " W ihe be at ebylo hve r ove. rofec ngia ulatonse M eig o u ic td lb w a n u la r p r o g rI S A N D"i . n h a t s b o e a e m o e .r c i e .b e l d i n S t . P a u l ' s L c u e R o n Wray Shieid Club ov. n T ed auarY 1 COuch1jlhustonl& Crydermnf. ý-vj sMnaS Phon eO 14 2 .2al kinda ofgola"a o t a aowmmvile Ln Jany In thbuten i fdy<cd. Ti "«WEST OF ZAN4ZIBAR" fn do nte n d toe lln MR. ANO MIS. AL«.- WIGHT timne u he hyd dnane PC 1 -' 1-J.,, ~ ~'-uoe