THE CANADIAN STATESMA.N, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANU&RY 10, 1929 LEGAL THE EDITOR TALICS BOWMANVIL.LE BOY HEADS NEW B. T. S. HEADMASTER IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL M. G. V. GOULD, BA., LL.D. The gospel of health la timzely no(w. BIGCHANO___EL Mau of Wide Exporienco and Special H. E. Reynolds, Granby, Que: En- Barriater, Solicitor, N2tary The excessive use of food or the Another native of 11Bowmanville Training for Boy&' Work closed find $2.00 for The States- Money to loan on Farm and Town excessive use of food as a mere &en- who is lraking good in bhis chocen man. Hope your family and your- Property. Royal Bank Building, sual gratification as too niany profession bas been located. He la Mr. William Dnbson, B. A., a self have been fortunate enough to Bowxnanville. Phone 361. Statesmnan ýreaders have been doing John McEntee Bo'wman, Preaident native of Beaverton, Ontario Coun- miss the prevailing epidemic. Glad the paat festive season may b. re- of the -BQwman Biltmore Hotels Cor- ty, bas been a4pointed Headinaster to note by your lat issue that your W. R. STRIKE garded as a reproach to intelligent poration, New York City, recognized of the 'Boy&' Training .School, and fatber waa able to take his usua] Successor to late D. B. Simpfon, K.C. folk. Prof. Huxley was a 'w îe man as the best and largest chain of hot- commenced his duties with tbe New place in the holiday festivities. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and he once said: Whateiver the els in the United States. Year. ____ Solicitor for Bank of Montreal circumstances, if the quantity of This fac-t wss revealed to us in JMr. Ddlbson is a graduate -of ]aise Berbara C. Williamson, 21 Mone to oanPhon 91food taken exceeds the demanda of a letter received frein Mrs. Wni. F. Queen's University, Kingston, and Suffolk St., Toronto, daughter of the Moay t Lon Pon,91the systern, evil consequences are McAdie, 24 Celina St., Oshawa, wbo while attending college was Captainî late W. Williamson of Munson & Bowmnvile.Ontaio ureto fllo-whch sateentsent the following clipping from an of the laCu Hockey Team, wB.5 Williamson, IBo>wmanville, writes: W. F. WARD, B. A. fr thousands today can endorse toAmnerican magazine which hatj been a tennis champion and played on the Like ail tbe other Bowmanville old Bariser Slicto, otry their sorrow and painl. frarded to ber by a friend in Chi- college rugby teain. He bas sinceifolk I cannet do witbout the new Barite, olcior Ntay Overtaxing the digestive organs cage, stating that Mr. DBownan wa retained a keen interest in varlous bag. More power te Dave Morri-J Money to loan. Bonds for sale. soon deranges their functions and is barn in Bowmanville and the tow forma Of sport. During the war he son', pen. Wishîng tbe eld town a] Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., a common and efficient cause of dys- was named alter his grandfather or Berved overseas with the Camieronigood New Year and ail the James'. Bowmanville, Ontario. Phonea:- pepsia. If tbe food is net absorb- great grandfather. Highlanders of Winnipeg. He bas ____ Office 102. House 409. ed from tbe digestive apparatus into 'Th ril ed: HOe us been Y.MC.A. secretary of Queen'si Mrs. E. J. Minrs Bo 81, Ext ______ the system it rapidly undergoes de- Teatceras oe uss University and at the University of1e. . m-Aoter y, ox i , iet- composition and large quantities of- tmaaes took the initiativeinAlberta. He bas aIse done peda- er, Ont 1-a emer er ba gideds DENTAL gas are thus generated. If digesti* h ise¶e t bin eiin iegegical work in Saskatchewan and ad Iarreiddttitl DETLbe strong and its products are ab- ftehtl Manitoba, and for four years was onin t ieSto emn, ew Oususcit- sorbed an excess of nutriment is They were two traveling salesmen the staff of Upper Canada Coltee ok Th ud ie Satnanbe witOut DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE thrown into the blood and circula-. and an imnurance agent, who hap- He carnes here from Port Clon Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto tien la overloaded. If food is not pened to be crowded together in ene High School staff. ifth i moe. Althther arse. University. Graduate of the Royal expended in force, the natural alter- hetel rorn, in Boscobel, Wis., 30 Mrif ns dcto adpa-mnyoth e artesofintere aan Gollege of Dental Surgeons of On- native ia its accumulation in the s yeyars ago. AIl earnest Cbristians, tical experience shouîd be of speciallIwell worth reading, besides. tarie. Office King St., Bowmanv'ille. tom, preducing plethera and an ah~-i they lamented that no Bible wasS advantage to hlm and an added as- ____ Office phone 40. House pbone 22. normal increase in fatty tissue. Tbis handy. They organized the society set to the scheel in further promot- X-Ray Equipment in Office. is accompanied by congestion of im-1 of Gido-ons, which aims te place a! ing the splendid work of directing A. A. Bowerman, Hope Bey, portant organs, mal-.assimilation of 134,ble in every betel roem in tbe the unadjusted boys into useful ac-1 Pender Island, B. C.: I arn enclosing DR. J. C. DEVITT nutritive material andj increased world, and bas distributed nearly a* tivities and citizenship. He is also1 postal note for The Statesman. We Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson pronenesa to derangement and dis- million copies, a commercial specialist and wlll fit in! are having a very fine winter out Graduate of Royal Dental College, eased action. Last week it was a hotel manager nicely with the broader curriculum here, net a fiake Of snow yet, only Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow-* --John McEntee B«ewman, President of the school wbich new includes ; had 8 degrees -of frest e far. It is of the Bowman Biltmore Hotels Cor- bmg'b and public achool subjects, com- a fine country to live in. I would nianville. Office hours 9 a. mn. to iAnother phase of this Health talk poration-who teok the initiative in1 mercial, agricultural and vocational like te corne down to Ontario once 4 1. nm. daily except Sunday. Phone' orthe new year is prbap receiv- a new effort,.or udse1I 90. House phone 283. fo1 e y 1p training. mr n e l my relations and X-Ray Equipment in Office. ing less consideration than overeat- On the third floer of the Hotl We welcoe -eMr. and Mrs. Dobs.on some of my old friends t:hat are stii! ing after the festive season. We Biltmore in New York a "ýMedita-1 and feaaily to Bowmzanville whe have living. The paper la, getting bet- DR.R. . DNNIELL have read an article by Dr. Josiab tien Chapel" was opened ,for guests, rented Mr. W. J. Furze's house on, ter every year with se mach boe DonR.RduaEofTontoUiver Oldfield that held our attention as it and empleyees alike. It centain2d, Scugog Street. news. It sure is like getting let- HnrgautofTrnoUie-will that of our reader, we fancy. benches and a small altar, on which' ters from berne. sity and member of Royal College af He insist.s that the great secret of a fiowers will be kelpt fresb every Jay. DcenaiSrgons. Licensed. to heathy life la to keep one's feet Over the altar was the inscription, ORANGE COUNTY MEETING rcteinntarîo and the Dominioni. warmn and dry, adding in confirma- "Cerne unto me ail ye that labor and, C. Melvin (Bill) Scott, 10039-ll5th entîtry in aIl its branches. Office- tion tbat "Very few persons die with are heavy laden and 1 will give you ln Bowmanville Foluay t St., Edmnonton ,Alta:-I tbougbt I King St., Bowmanvible, opposite .arn eet,,wbich la probably cor- irest". (Matthew: 11-28). would drop you a ine and send it by Bank of Montreal. Phono 301. rect. Similar "meditation chapels"' will The annual county meeting of the air mail. Some few weeks ago the - -----This famous English physician on, be installed as soon as practicable in: Loyal Orange Lodge in the Coun- Government and the Western Can- thia warmn feet question says: I aI- aIl other botels operated by the cor-* ty Of West Durhamn comprising the ada Airways started a mail plane ways cdaim that a doctor should ait jperation. Said Mr. Bowman: "'The 10 lodges of Darlington, Cart-~ carrying letters as far as Winnipeg MEDICAL at the fountain head where fashions. presence of oee spot in the. hotel wright and Clarke townships and thus saving roughly seventeen boums. C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. are formed, and be one of the mem- i ciated from the wordby' tbing', Bowmnanvil]e and representing over A plane left Edmonton daily at 7.30 Graduate of Trinîty Medical College, bers of that rnysterious ceuncilefle and dedicated te the làod we 500 rnemnbers, 'will be hebd in Bow- a. lm., fiyinmg te Saskatoon then to Toronto, formerly of Ennskdblen. wbose decrees decide what the wo- profe-ste serve, lanwrcgied manville, Tuesday, Fe'bruary 5tb. Regina where the mail was changed Office and Resi'lence, Dr. Beitb'a en of the West shaîl wear. Let uùs asasirtal nces.ity .h rc eretan fLOL eaohrpln iigfenRgn former residence on Churcb Street, assume that we are discuas-ing what 2384 wîll demonstrate their effi- te Winnipeg, arriving at 4 p. in. the Bowmanville. Pnone 259. 44-t shall be the footwear vogue of thel iency in ritualistic work by initiat- saine aftemnoon. J. CARKBEL fuureandthâ whn th deisin 1ing candidates and conducting pro- I just noticedj in the Edmonton M.D, C.B, FR.CS. (Ein) DP. mai about te be given my opinion is SHOULD GROW MORE BARLEY ceedingsalal from tmemory. A large Journal this evening that the exper- ________ representation la expected frominment bas been rather cestly te botb (Succehsor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) * * *oo aleThnOas every primary ledge in West Dur- Governiment and Air'ways Ltd., and F d aleThn at-ham. The fac-t that it bas been the last plane beaves bere December iffons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- The great fashien exnert ef Par-I Ideal Crop.-Seed Important many years since a county meeting 29th., theugh the mayor and several deen University; Fellow of the Royal i, declares it la time that women had'____ bas been held in %'wmanville aIse other preminent citizens are geing College of Surgeens, Edinburgh. a change from the boots their grand- - th0 degree demenstration sheuld te try te have it centinued. Office and Residence, Queen St., mothers wore; tîme fer semething of' Accerding te many of our agr -magnetize a large gathering. .j Many of the people of geed old, Bowmanvîble, Phone 89. 1 which a weman may be preud, '-I cultural au therities Canadian fatn- Office Hoturs: 2 te 4 p. m. 6 to 8.30 p.m. n, - - ;il frý,A 1- 12M.1Aers wold-hp---pli ..,:1i -tý -- --- ýV....ý - 1 . M . umuig whien wmu affrd noma 'ense ; ers '""' '-De wel visem LU grow W. H BIRS, MD.ef artlatic distinction. The great more barley, particularîy in the W. . BRK, explains that tbey have tae place of feed oats. The Ontario Office Heurs: 1 te 4 and 7 to 8.30. the Russian boot as a primitiveida Departinent of Agriculture, for in- Telephone 108. got rid of its cearseness; made Itastance, in a recent bulletin peints Office and Reidence: Dr. Hazlewood'su watertight by rubber'e aid, yeti eut that barley yields fro'm 15 te 20 former reaidence, Wellington Street, caught just a touch of th? wild Tar-I per cent more peunds of grain per Bowmanville. spirit and mingled wîtl' it a spicel acre than oats and nine per cent DR. V. H. STOREY of gay Prince Rupert and bis rollick- mnore digestible food mnaterial. It .ng cavaliers, lai further asserted that if ene third Office heurs 2 te 4 and 6 te 8 p. m. 'In this fashion have tiaey evolved 1 the total acreage at present deveted After 8 p. m., by appoinment only.1 the modern Wellington. What do fte oats and barîey sown abone or te- Exception-Office wibl be open 9 teoi a doctor, think of it? - Are the gether was sow-n te straight barley 10 Saturday night. 36-tf fashion folk in a hygienic senset farmers would be richer by 185,000,- DR .W LR i 'ht or are tewPi., j 000 pounds of grain or the equival- DR. R. W. CI.&ARurgeton y wOn.nt of. 6,000,000 bushela of eats or Physiian Sureon * *approximately $3,000,000. Ne more Office-Division St., Bowmanville. Dr. Oldfiebd la a practical man s0 greund would be required and ne (next to, Trinity United Church) h, flace, the footwear problein by more everhead te get this additional Office Hours-3 te 5 and 7 to 9 p. mn. submitting tbis new style of weman'a ameunt of feed. And wbile this il- guundays by appeintment enby. boot te a test both for t'w-n and lustration refera te Ontario it la ap- Phone 241 country woar, saying I have got iny plicable in every Province wbere 45-t daughter te give me ber Jserva- grain is grow-n for feed. DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS tiens, and I have used these te check I aly codn oArelua DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS and inquire in many other directions.[JBreacrin eArclua The Physicians of Bowmanville Wbat then is te be said for the nowau1thorities, offers the f armer an- have agree.d te close their offices 1 popular Wellington? The ;great other cash crep, and by long odds Wednesday afternoons. I aeo secret of a bealthy life la te keep thel the surest cash crop umong tbe cer- emrnrency at this time nureofeet warm.f Very few peo'ple dieieals. There la ne winter risk. It gy . gee omniuually after the other gva;n thehopialorteep o eperatorwmbamfet in the spring when there i.q a hreath- for a doctor. A popular fallacy la that it la get- ing space between the seedirmg of ____________ jting the feet wet that lase danger-I early grain and the putting in of ------- us. 0f course, that la nonsense. Aljbuckwheat or hee crops or, the start- woman can't get inte ber bath with - .ieo umrfloig si CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS! eut wetting ber feet. It reminds mg of sume mer allwing. husre THEROPY Ime of the Russian ýmether whe was'evenly ever the summer and it is net horrified when an English nurse off- , sbject to the rust hazard. It ls DURWIN E. STECKLEY ered te bath ber baby. "Bath aj admitted te 'be the ideal nurse crop honor graduate of Toronto Collegeibaby!" she cried. "Bath a baby! fer any clover or alfalfa as it does of Chiropractic wiII be in the Bew-i Why, you must be mad te think ofj not spread eut much o- lodge like manville Office Tuesday, Thursdav 1 such a thing! The poor little thing1 oats. It helps in the centre: of and Saturday evenings, phone 141j. 1would catch bis death of cold!" wesbcue ieigcrirta Reintilclsmaedrn fore-I(* * * ild oats, mustard, cockle and simi- j lar pesta it is cut before these other ,Our readers will profit by the doct-I pants get a chance to spread their or's advice herewith wben he says:I1 seed.- about the fieldl It isn't getting tbe feet wet that la ______ FJNERAL DIRECTOR S dangrous, it is allowing them te Te- 1 F. F. MORRIS CO. main wet, se that as the moisture 1 The fam-mer's best friend is the S Complete Motor or evaporates it carnies away the heat Family Hertald and Weekly Star, S H orse Equipment. of the body and the feet becoei Montreal. It cesta only a dollar ( J Ail calîs premptly cold.I a year, and the famlly circle gets attended te. If ordinary leather boots were a I ebmgzn re \U~~' Private AmbnLlance. changed the moment they were pene- aspebmgznfr. y1 Bowmanville phone. trated by the wet there would be ne'All mothers can put away anxiety Branch Stores- it la net practicable te change leatb- f when they have Mother Graves' O:'ono & Newcastle.I er boots wbenever they are DeneB-tWorm Exterminator te give relief. trated by the wet. Hew, then, may Its effects are sure and asting. ALAN.M. WILLIAMS 1 the feet be kept dry and, above ahl,1 Embalmer and Funeral Directer. warm to avoid the risk of illnesa;?lI~--- ______- Calls given prompt and persenal ~at-iThe rubher Wellington answers the j tention. No extra charge for dis-1 question-se long as the wearer re- I tance. Mtor Ambulance at Our membc-rs that feet perspire ail feet service. Phones 58 or le59,B.w- ppîebusme oethn ths manville, Ont. 3-tf. and an excellent habit la te ash AUCTIONEERS feet thoroiy twice or three times ai~ ~a in Ai _____- ---week--daily would be till better. C n d a l AUC*IN*EI THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. -Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. k Phono 197r.'3. 1-tf VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono Henor Gmaduate of University of Toronto. AIl cases given prompt and careful attention. Office-Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. eAcýts Like a Flash la Rellevlng Colds That', whY SomsiY iPeuplme buy 8guekley's" to end couzhs. fBron- Ilchitis and amm Throat. Chest and Il Lng troubles. It'. ,ntan:, plesnt, 1k'gusranteed. vou'im note its un'Que =4pwra in the very fir,t d.-and // tesare 40 doseo in a 76-cent botte 1 W. K. Buckley. Limlted. 142 Mutuel t., Toronto 2 asMode ip rovs It 78c AND 40c It is an ail important peint te be remembered that a weman may get hem feet wet frem without and she may get hem feet wet from within. Wellingtons are splendid te pretect, from external wet. The wearerl may %plash aleng muddy st-recta, she may trudge along rnarshy lanes, she] may stand under drmppmng umbrellas or mackintoshes, feariess and happyl in that she is safe and that hem feet and ankles and calves are dry. The point that must neyer be for- gotten, however, is that foot per- spire and se become wet of them- sev~and wîth this wet there will oûîf,.Ilow the danger of cold feet. i Naity wonien know xvell wbst toi i(,, whtn feet are sweaty and do It. But rnany more seoianont te know or <le not do it. Se. Dr. Oldfield sa ys: How is this te be avoided?i Just by changing the stockings fre- quently. Whencver there la a sense of coldnesq corning on, put on a frsh pair of qtockingns, and the girls wbo have to face the weather, be it for sport or duty, for exorcise or ap- pearance. wlll the h'.7h priests of fashion who have issued the de- cree that every girl who wants te be correct must possess a pair of modemn Wellingtons or other water sbodding footwear. 'naro , stIiIi h£ruEmoJnonis mn AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY the banda of the Eskimos but far bie lit freint thus. Just haýve them mark Annual meeting of West Durhamn down in their diary that on Decem- Agricultural Society will ho beld in ber 25, 1928, Edmontonians enjoyed Council Roomn, Bowmanville, on Fmi- golf and tennis and had wonderfub day, January 18th at 2.30 p. m. for 1 gamea. Our son Robert was one election of offi.cers and annual busi- iof the tennis enthusiasts and if ness. AIl mem1bers eicpected te t notbing else came home with a won- tend,.t- derful appetite. Our weather bere no f ar bas been remarkable. Early L. T. McLaughlin, C. H. Maton, in Novem-ber the mercury fell te 30 President. 1ertay degrees bebo'w but that only lasted ________ -2wl two or three days and since thon the - curlers have been werrying about UseThi Clbbig Lat theîr winter sport. I have bad 3 UseThs _____ g is curling gaine so far this season. The The anadan tatemanmercury hasn't been te zero since The anadan tatemanwiIl be the first week in November and we clubbed with any of the followinglIhave ne snow. Salesmnen used theirl publications for 1929 at tbe folIlow- cars making their c-aIls through thej îng prices: i country up te Cbristmas and b y the Globe....................... $6.501 looks of the weather will drive in Mail & Empire.............. 6.50 January. We are having wenderful Toronto Daily Star............ 6.50 sunny days and beautiful rnoonlightl1 Famer's Advocate ......... 3.00 nigbts at present. I gueas that wilI New Outlook................. 4.00 do for Edmonton but as a parting Christian Herald............. 4.50 shot might say that I expect before I Ladies' Home Journal........ 3.00 very long that we will bc growingj Saturday Evenmng Post . ......-00, bananas mn Edmonton ? ? ? Family Herald & Weekly Star 30 Grandirna Young keeps, muchi the Family Herald 3 years for $2,00 sanie. 0f course she la failing but Weekly Wîtness.............. 4. 00o she is down stairs every day. Grand- Canadian Home Journal. .. ...00mastinhecirndus wy Farm & Dairy................- a2i.5nt01hirad ua wy Canadian Countryman.........00 as she did wben you saw ber. Farmer's Sun..........5 0! Yur,vrite-up in "Seeing Canada' Fis"was- lovely, George, and vas Candia Maazie.........3.0 jcertainly true. We enjoyed your MeLean's Magazine........... 4.001 weekly letters and were sorry wben Toronte dlailies cannot ho celubbcd( at, they were discontinued. abevTroto rae le USrlCslv n Kind regards te aIllBowmanvile Toronto.friends. Poultry PRAYER FOR THE NEW YEAR Sent hy Miss A. E. Bond, Winnipeg W anted"Make 'me tee brave te lie or bel W an eciMake mue understanding tee, te Psy highest cash pries. The little hurts companions give and Don't elI tlI yousee m. Thefrienda.qute Don'tselltillyou se me Thecareless hurts that no one ut intends. Make me to.o tboughtful te hurt 1. Stein othera, se. Phane81 Wlitby Hebp me te know Phone______1 _____________ The inmest hearts of those for Temr seëct mwhes, ail the loads they bear, That 1 may add my courage to theiri ewn.i I May 1 make Ionely folk-- feel ls alone, 1ss jAnd happy ones a little happier; yetj M'%ay I fomget1 1 What aught te be forgotten and me-I cal] Unfailing, all augbt te ho recalled, each kind-1 Iy tbing Forgetting what inigbt sting. To all poli ny w:my. Day ater day, Lot nie be joy, be hopew, let my life 1929 Papers The new vear papers are the mot leautfuI yet. 1 bave a full line of Sunworthy and Senii Trimmed Papers to choose frein. Do your decorating new te avoid delay in the busier seasen. J. H. Abernethy l Concession St., Bowananvll. Phone 431 ianac m1929 PUI3LISHED ANNUALLY FOR 82 YEARS A NATIONAL DIRECTORY With Map of Dominion. Partial List of Contents: Custorns and Exci.-e Tarili'. I)irectorieýs of Post Oi'ces an<l Railroad Staitions; Banks-; Trust and Loan ('ompanies. Dominion an<d Prmovincial Cov- (mrnents; Senate; H o usoP o f ('omnon.s; Provinmcial ei1- tures; Principal D)epartmeîmital Officiais. Postal Information; I ncoine Tax; Succpession Duties; P~at- ent and Copyright Acts; As- tronornical Calculations. Directories of Munic ipalitie.s, with names of clerks and Sec- retaries. Lýegaij Directory of practising Law Firnis. L(eglai and Judicial l)irectorie,;; Judges; Court. Off'iciaIs; Regis- trars; Magistrates; OffilcialtI Ro ceivers, etc. Nùws;pmper anid Magazine Dir- ýctf)iY; I'lrîncîîoml Clubs~; Edîea- tionai In.stitution-, Socletiîe.,; Rcliious l)enomna:tions; C(oni- plete lijt (of ('anibers of Coni- more, mand lBards of 'brade. ('anadian Defense, Forces; MiI- itary Districts; .British Arniy and Navy. Briti.îh Government and Em- pire, etc., etc. Large Octavo. Cloth Bound. 600 Pages. $3.50 net. For Sale By Ail Bookselieoe Published by The Copp Clark Co. Li.ited TORONTO 2, ONT.1 Big Rush Now On For China and Glassware Our selling out sale in the above department has caused a big rush for the bargains. Why shouldn't it? when you can Cet The Best At Cost Prices This week we are featurinig DINNER SETS-OUT THEY GO Regular $38.00 to $25.00 Clearing at $27.00 to -$16.00 Only a limited number of sets left which cannot be repiaced at these low prices. Stock patterns in Blue WilIow, Marie, White and Gold and White also going at cost. Glasses Clearing 60c to, $1.50 dozen Egg Cups ................45e dozen Cups and Saucera ........10e each LOOK FOR BARGAIN TABLE 0F GROCERIES Archie Tait Estate, Phone 65 Bowmanville [Now You Cari Get Delivery On The Famous «Four-Twenty» ROGERS Batteryless RADIO eLJl Only $165 Complete (except Speaàer) The Biggest Value in the Whole Field of Electric Radio IT would have been nice, of course, te have had a Rogers ia time for the Holidays-but even some of the folks wh. ordered sets early were disappointed this year. The flood of orders from those ' who wanted Batteryless Radio was more than the Rogers factry-even with its enlarged faciities-. coubd cope with, temporarily. Now, however, you can get delivery on practically any of the new, 1929 Modelsk-including the famous "Four-Twenty"' Model shown above. This Model "Four-Twenty" Rogers is, just as our headfline states: "The biggest value in the whole field of electnic radio." The model that preceded it was first introduced te the public in 1926 and outsold aIl other electric sets in 1927 at $2251 The present price of $165 is only possible because of Rogers greatly increased production and you c-an rest assured that àl any other comparable electric radio could be soid at this prioe you would soon hear about it. Ask Us To Show You... Test this famous model as te distance, selectivity, volume, toue- quality (any way you wish) in your own home at our expexnse. If it doesn't perform te yeur entire satisfaction send it hack. If it does-and it will-we'll make it easy fur you te keep kt. W. J. BAGNELLI, King St. West Bowmanvill. b. -- -_ COAL Stop guessing about what your winter's fuel is costing you. Just go outside and Look at your ashpile. If it is ail ashes, well and good; you may îrest assured you have receiyed good value for youî' money, but Listen-If it is full of clinkeî's and siate andý' unburned coal, something is wronig. It may be in your equipment or in your method of firing, but most likely it is the fault of the coal you are using. Lehigh Valley Anthracite Will give you the greatest comfort and heat value, with less w-astc, which in the last analysis means true economy. Our coal is delivered to you l)romptly and in perfect condition. Best Grade Coke For Sale J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanvil. rý- PAGM TWO ; 'S k 4 --- - -il 1 - -1 --- -- --- . -