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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1929, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUAÀRY 10, 1929 Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE-In Townlship of Clarke, being Lot 23, B.IF 90 acres, mort or less, the beet of clay «Ioam, bea6tif>- !y situated on lake front, convenient te C. P. R. trains. Owner giving p en account of poor health. Apply to rmk Here Cornes Rosner's Mid m Winter Sale Now is the time to «et ail your Winter Clothing, Ladies' Wear, Footwear, Etc., at greatly reduced prices. Seeine la believing. Corne i and look around. Boy' Winter Jockey Caps, ail colors, Reg. $1.25, Sale Price 69c Ladies' Velvet Strap Shoes and Oxfords, Regular $4.50, sale Price $279 Now is the time to get your Overshoes. Men's Overshoes, one or three buckles. ...... Sale Price $1.89 A lot of B'oys' Skating Boots up to size 6V%, Regular $4.00, To Cleaîa At $1.98 MKen's Tweed Pants ,Regular $2.98.......... Sale Price $1.49 Work Shirts and Underwear at Bargain Prices Men's and Boys' Winter Caps to clear at .......... Haif Price For Real Value. Comn. To Rosner's Dry Goods Store King St. West Phone 276 Bowmanville FELT'S GIFT SHOP January Specials ALL OUR STOCK 1S REDUCED Bo we can make rooni for our Sprlng .tock that we are now, ordering. Now in the time to bu>' that watch that yen didn't «et for Chritmaa. W. etili have a good variet>' of watches to choo.. from at redueed pricea. FELT's ,.JEWELRY W. Teach Your Watch To Tell The Truth PHONE 33 BOVWMANVILLE When You Have Decided To Use Better Bread Try-- CORBETT'S WHOLESOME BREAD and enjoy good health during 1929 and years to corne. W. P. Corbett Phone 3 Baker and Confectioner Bownianville KING ST. 'I TeGreat English,,:war. Tones and *higora e howhol Ui~1~ nrvôus sYstem». makes new Blood Sin ld Veinis. used for Nervous .ddo.itity. Mental and Drain Woryl DkspondncacyLo.of EcfyZ. Palpitation a-J hefHeari, Faitin£Mca.9,. Prioe Spei h'. 3. for h5.1 Sold by ai# druggise, or naiIed in pein 'kg On reveiPt Of price. No a PNel h~miait SKATING SEASON HERE Wear C. C. M. Skates 1 We have a big stock of skates for men, ladies and chidren. See our large assortment before buying. Then we have Hockey Sticks, Hockey Gloves, Shin Pads, Pucks and everything else to outfit the skater and hockey player. Headquarters for Sport Goode MASON & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanvlll, 6,tmk's Retulating Cornpound A. #of#. iftabL. roouIdda a.dieno.. old in thrce de- g-e of Btrsiith-..No. 1. $Il 5.2l; o .85 per ba. Sod H rm ita. or out on roit of prioe.. COOK MEDICINEC06~ PRESENTATION 0F PRIZES ECKARDT TROPHY AWARD LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Pupils of Public School Reeeived Won B>' Prominent Darlington Mrs. M. Apsey of Somierset, Eng- Awards Monda>' Moruing. Fariner and Hie Sono. land, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. W. Bunner. The Public Schools re-opened on One of the outstanding features Monday with a coniplete staff on of Bowimanville Fair laat Septeniber Miss Kathleen Leask of Ontario duty and a good attendance of was the contest for the magnificent Ladies' College, Whitby, has been pupils. - Silver Tea Service generously given visiting Miss Helen 'Bunner, Carlisle The presentation of prizes that for conipetition b>' Mr. A. J. H. Eck- Ave. should have taken place before the ardt of Toronto. P'ull details of the M n closîng of school was miade Monday contest were published previous t Mrs. Samuel Jeffrey, Port shortly after fine o'clock. They the fair, but the prize winner of this Perry, have gone ta St. Petersburg, include the following: great event sa far has not been given Fafrtewne. Te itr Prizes by the Woinen'a Canadian Iptbiicity. So on the policy of bet- ed aIl the way taking about ten days.. Club ta highest standing pupils inj ter late than neyer we have secured Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Clemens hav the Entrance Class in Canadiani fromn Mr. Chas. H. Mason, Secretary returndhm fe pniggvr History. Winners-Gordon Jollow of ethe Fair, complete particulars of pleat hrieataspndinwà Yer's and Charles Cawker. This presen- onteawih epbis ee holiday with relatives in Treeport tation was made by Mrs. (Dr.) J. Wtl.and Chicago, 111. Clark Bell, President al the Wom- Messrs. J. Frank Osborne & Sons,j en's Canadian Club. Darlington, known pronunently as Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle has donatedi Prize by the Men's Canadian Club breeders of Shorthorns, have thela prize to the pupîl of the Boys' to the highest standing pupil in thelhonor of being first winners of the Training School xnaking the highest Junior Fourth Classes in Canadian E ckardt Silver Trophy. In sevenimark in Canadian History for the History. Winner-Mary Towns. classes they secured a total of 1668 coming year. This is similar ta the This was presented by Dr. J. C. Dev- points. Their nearest competitor1 prizes being offered the town schooi ittPreidet o Me's anainw as Harold G. Mackiin, outstanding by the Canadian Club. iClrub. t fMe' anda Darlington township breeder ofi_________________ Club. H erefords, who obtained 1305 points Prize donated by Principal J. H. in four classes. The prizes and I ANA ETN Johnston ta the pupil taking the points are as follo'ws: ANA ETN highest marks in Arithnietic at the Entrance Exaniination. Winner- J. F. Osborne & Sono HORTICULTURAL Phyllis Challis. Shorthorn Cattle Silver 'Medal presented by the Prize Pt SOCIETY Stratheona Trust ta the pupil ob- Bull, under 2 years 1 100' Tuesday, January l5th. taining the highest score in target Bull Caîf, senior 3 50 ONCLRO shooting in the County of Durham- Bull Caif, junior 2 75 CUCLRO Leon Gunn. Cow, 3 years and over 3 50 A large attendance is requeeý ed. Mr. C. F. Rice, Chairmnan of the Heifer, 2 years old 1 100 Election of officers wiil take place School Board, presented the pizes, Heifer, under 2 years 2 75 and plans discussed for the yeaics contributed annually by the Schol H eifer, under 2 years - 3 50 work. Board to the highest standing pupili Bull and 3 feniales 2 751 Dr. D. W. Beist, J. H. H. juryj in each rooni. They were: 2 Offapring, anie sire 3 501 President. Secretary. Room 1-Highest standing at the 625 Entrance examin.ation June, 1928-I Grade Cattl. Elsie Carruthers and Charles Caw- I__ ker, equal. ,Co'w in milk 1 100 Heifer, 2 years old 1 1001 Room 2-Teacher Mr. Brunton- Heifer, 2 years old 2 75 Jr. 4th-1-Leonard Wilson, 2- Heifer Cal! 1 1001 Mary Towns. Rocom 3-Teacher Miss Jennings 375j --Jr. 4th-1-Sidney Dillick, 2-I Beef Cattle Rcen4eJ her is.ori-Steer, 2 years nId 21 751n0 Maein o n-es. Ms Mr iSteer, 2 years nid 2 700 - - Sr. 3rd-1-Chester Jury, 2-By- Steer, 1 year old 1 100 ran Vanstone. Steer Caif 2 75I Rooxn 5-Teacher Miss Wickett-. Beef Bull 2 751 Jr. 3rd-1--Tomrny Duatan, 2-. Beef Femnai. 2 75' Fred Wood.i R. J. Rovan Co.J Room 6-Teacher Miss Robins.- 500. ST. 3rd-Jean Morris%; Sr. 2nd- Appen Audrey Elliott. MiollBction ~dessert 8 51Friday andci Ro-o<m -eacherMie r- ClMctoncooking 21 015 Sr. 3rd-Eiieen Hately; Jr. 3d enohRd1 1 John Morrison. 11- R- --- Roon 8-Teacher Miss Jewell-1 Sr. 2nd-1-Dorothy Ri0hards, 2-1 Bert Jobtiston and Grace Childi, equal. Room 9-Teacher Miss Moore--- Jr. 2nd-Class A-1-loey Caver- ly and Helen Foster; Clams B-1- Marion Scott. R»oni 10-Teacher Miss Bunner -Jr. 2nd-Ruth Ive&; Sr. lt- C>nery Mitchell. Room il-Teacher Miss Mont.. gorery-Sr. lst-Edward Bigelow;, Sr. Primer-Beatrice Kernbring; Jr.T Priaer-Orville Berry.T Rnom 12-Teacher Miss SargentT -Sr. lst-Charlie Churchill; Sr. Prinier-Dorothy Harnden; Jr. Pr. Jean Logan. South WardC Room 1-Teacher Mr. Stewart- Sr. 2nd-Lillian Barnes; Sr. lt-T Dorothy Barton; Jr. lat-Hleen Brooking. Boom 2-Teacher Mss Galbraith2 --Jr. Ist-Patricia Wilson; Sr.Pr --Joyce Large; Jr. Pr.-Lie Wilson. 1jD Theyre ilere WALL PAPERS FOR 1929 The grandest and most attrac- tive display of Wallpapers it has been our privilege to show. When you buy Wallpaper at this store you have the advant- age o! seeing the paper you select right in stock. We have the gonds. No buying fîroni samples at' this store. Prices to suit every demand. W. T. ALLEN "Bit 20" Ribston Piprpin 2 l Gravensteins 1 15; Rhode Island Greenings 3 5: American Golden Russt.. 1 151 Baldwine 2 -10 Peare 851 Tabtlepears i 151 Vogetable Mangoldesua Marngols, u Turnips Table Squash Domestjc Science Elhocolate cake Harold Mochlin Horses 2 year old filly or gelding Hereford Cattle Bull, an>' age Bull Cal! Bull cal! lIeifer, 2 yeara old Heifer, 2 years old Heifer, 1 year old f eifer, 1 year old Heifer caîf leifer caîf5 [erd Bull and 3 feinales1 [erd Bull and 3 females B B. Ci 0 i i 1 2 2 1 16 1 1 Sow, uner 12 onth Sow, under 12 montha Pen' Bacon Hogsa 2 citrons2 Domentie Science V2Baking Powdet- Biscuitsi Aipple Jelly 2 Total points 10 15 1 1 1 4 :1 130 MEDICAL DR. D. M. CAMPBELL 191 Oakwood Ave.. Toronto EAR, NOSE AND THROAT First and Third Saturdays 2 p. m. Bowmnan House, Bownianville. 2-tl Bookstore BAND AT Tay lor's Arena Tuesdays, Thurisdays and Saturdays. Potatoes For Sale If you are needing gond solid potatoes we can supply your wants delivered at 85c BAG J. A. Werry & Son Phone Bowmanille 195.2 Enniskillen P. O. That 151 15t 10 65 3 ol 75 00 75 00 75 0 75 0 71 0 71 501 15. 3 2 MI Troublesome Cough Why let it hang on? You cannot afford to take chances. Negiected coughs usually lead to more serious conditions. Nyal Çreophos Relieves deep-seated coughs and bronchitis. Its antiseptic qualities combat disease germa and Creophos buildis trength. ,Bu>' a bottle tn-day. $1.00 A BOTTLE AT R. M1. Mitchell & CO. Druggiats and Optometriste Phone 92 Bowinanvile O1t LAUNDRY WANTED Ail ktnds of laundry a'ork done prompt- :y. satisfaît tor ilv and ai rpaisoniible price, Wii e Pomt Ottie..Box 1". or cal irs %V Marjoram. King St. E. Bowmianville Phone 478W. When You Want 1the Best Meats1 YOU KNOW THEY CAN BE HAD AT CAWKER'S -BUTCHER SHOP, PHONE 64 Purveyors to people of Bowmanville and Durham County for over 75 years. ouncement" Feature 20 Specials for Thuraday, Saturday. Look Them Over. R. J. Rovan's Shoe Store Opposite the Bowman Hoe*.,inuthe old MeMurtry lock-Phon. 528 ~4s '-Si EXTRA SPECIAL! EXTRA VALUE Women's Black Zipper Over- Men's plain over rubbers. We have shoes, in cuban and high heels, only 45 pairs of this special make only 50 pairs left, size 3 to 7, left, sizes 6 to 11, A I SPECIAL 98c TO GO AT 79c A PAIR WOMEN'S VELVET PUMPS WOMEN'S BEDROOM SLIPPERS High heel, Regularly sold at $5.75 Limited quantity left at THIS WEEK SPECIAL $2.89 49c PAIR INFAT'SCUSHON OLELOOK AT THIS SPECIAL INFAT'S USHON SLE oys' and Girls' Rubbers, only in BOOTS AND OXFORDS sizes 1 2, 3 and 4, guaranteed "Pita-Pat" and a few Hurlbut',s. ruLbers, Regular $1,00, Regularly sold for $1.95, THIS WEEK SPECIAL 49c PAIR THIS WEEK AT 98c PAIR ___________ M MEN'S OXFORDS WOMEN'S OXFORDS In Black and Tan. Special $2.98 In Black and Tan Leather, and1 al- Extra Value in the above shoes so in patent leather, for men wearing sizes 8, 9, 10, il. THIS WEEK SPECIAL $2.69 - MEN'S BEDROOM SLIPPERS WOMEN'S HOUSE SHOES 35 PAIRS LEFT AT 79c In Kid Leather and a comfortable 7 AR ETA 9 last, SPECIALLY PRICED $1.49 MEN'S KNEE RUBBER BOOTS Made by a well-known rubber WOMENS PAENT UMPS concern, Regularly sold at $4.5é, ANDEN'PAETRPUPS OUR PRICE THIS WEEK $2.98 In the short vamp, Regular $5.95, MEN'S 7-IN. WORK RUBBERS Thuraday, Friday and Saturday Black with plain black soles, Only At $2.89 SPECIAL $225 Black with heavy rolled edge, WOMEN'S SHOES white sole, In Black Patent, in Grey Kid and SPECIAL $2.49 various other colors, have 1een Brown with heavy grey sole, reduced to astounding low price, SPECIAL $2.69 $1.98 9-inch Special Black $2.79 YOUTHS' HOCKEY BOOTS MEN'S ENGLISH STYLE This week only, sizes il to 2, OXFORD SPECIAL $1.69 In the "Strider", "Ajax", "As- cot" brand, Regularly sold at BABY'S SOFT SOLE SLIPPERS $7.50, size 5½/- to 11, Onl i tw sads, (lpai lft THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL $5.85 to be sol,.'at 29c PAIR WOMEN'S SATIN SHOES __________________________In pumps, one-strap tie effeet, j ASTOUNDING SPECIAL $2.89 MEN'S SOX SPECIAL____ ________ Work Sox 19e WOMEN'S HOSIERY SPECIAL Ail wool, made in England Sox, Special SiJk and WooI 59c Regular $1.00 Special 45c Pair Full fashioned "Penman's", silk Silk and WooI Sox from 29c up and wool 89c Pair h .ÀI M <~ rAtim rjfý -11 pAr-V. qlTmý > a ý 1 1 ont

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