IAGIC FOUIR g ies' l will meet a te 8IO .l ust tOt aes-c opy icthis nicb uuiiweii made' worth All Wool, light and dark grey Aidet he om ~jp~to~uicpra.Na ffie s cm- O LEA $125WHIE TEY$ 1.25 each, shades, Regular 50e pair, IJanuery l6tb et 2 (p. m. Report of M's a e uly on W d edy sdbook. Sep pag-- 2. LAST ON SALE 89c EACH ON SALE 2 PAIR FOR 95c tha convention in Toranto will ho Mr. Arthur Wright, Osbawa, wbo Kn x' S oeStr given hy Hampton ladies, also pro- bas been confined ta the Oshawa h e6 Phoe 20 ownanile gamby local brancb. Rail Cali General Hospital fýor e week witb in- Phone120 wman ill g h'le an excbnnge ai gits. Every- fluenza, bas recovered sufficientiy to Directly Opposite Stant the day igt with a beap- Boulevard, wbere he is meking T .mavii ing dish af Creem aof Bariey. steedy progress.J I CARDS 0F THANKS HAYDON MAPLE GROVE INTERMFeIATE HOCKEY TEAM MUNICIPAL COUNCIL.S HMTO OSEBY AED 1_____ BY EXPLOSOON Ladi.. and Gentlemen:-I herebyl Mr. Carlyle Ashton is visitint in Anniversary June 16th and 17th.' OET PTROOMillbrook Mr. C. Hastings and Miss Grace wish to tender My hearty thanks to iToronto. Quite a nunbber fro«n here attend- Peterboo0. H. A. intermediates Reeve W. T. Wood, acclamation. Hastings motored ta Toronto on A mysterious exP)Oain OCrr the rtepayers for electing me to the Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. ed the funeral of the late Miss Annie won their firt game in the group Couneil-T. Stinson, J. R. Eakins, Monday. 1 i1te hSundfMraW position of Councillor for 1929. Austin Larmer on their recent Mar- Cox on Friday. race Monday night at Petexrboro T. J. 'Bentley, W. E. Bail. The sympathy of the comnmunity1 MurtrFy about 2 OeC 7 niheeygo ws oal' rage.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thickson, when tbey defeated 'Bewmean-ille 7 Manvers is extended ta Mr. W. Cowling and morning which blew ont eeni- JW.Bne. Church service on Sunday was flot Kathleen and Elienor, Oshawa, vie-to 3 in an interesting battie. Bow- R - .GryfiyintedthoMr.Cwig north waii of the houtrmati 1 desire to thank ail the electors largely attended on account of sa ited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R. manvilie ecored the only g î n Rev--R Ge fmlyGote diho Ms C in g-ro omdatnd keaihno e mi wh cmeou ad av ne her much sickness. D. Trimble on Sunday. the first poriod, but were outplayed bettunciliors-.-McNeil, McGiil, Cor- Mrs. Milton Siemon, Lloyd and tofndteaing-rerponded then Wh aeotadgv m hi u-btYoungman. Gardon, Haydon, have been ý; end- floor and bathroom and teromo Port by their vote on ody Mran rTeo onoy TeanametgofheSdy in the second and third sessions, the ing a f ew days with Mrs. C. JZhn. Thouh no sucessuln being e ntertained a number of friends lest School was held Friday evening esladn5to3tthedofCbugecdfor.Teie1 wababendn.Ftbemidle period. fe h om ao-. .MAtusogauaiost r ia i-cleod ofl or ein biadwa among the finat six, I appreciate Friday evening. with a fairly good attendance. New-end fertlioe Maa-msJ MAthm onraulains let Mr usWl-cle utt xinus ir h waba endn.Mr. Eugene Beech bas retunrned to ly elected officers are: Hon. Supt.- outfit got under way they had a big Reeve-George Thompaon lai n en lctd ReeOf basement wbich spread lath e W. E. Armstrong. Queen's University, Kingston, after Thos. Snowden; Supt.-H. G. Fre edge, altbough the visitars neyer Deputy Reeve-A. R. Willrnott Darlington township for the ensu- room on the first floor. spedin te Crisma hoidas t mn; ss. Spt.A.LaidSr; gave up trying. Bot'h goalkeepers Council-O. H. Taylor, A .E. Càuj- ing year. It ia tbought the eroianwa Let me thank Fou very kindiy for bis home. Secetary-CIifford Swaliow; Ast. played great hcewieLbr y .Jcsn aoe .Pat Mrs. T. A. Brown, Ottawa, and cue ~ a eon gie you su por on Monay est It St.rtthe day rigt wth bep-Secretary-Edward Foley, Treasur_ and Foley did -most of the scoringi Whitby Mrs. Elmen Boyd, Toronto, are with1 from a Pipe leading into te cla yorsuprto Mnaylst t trtte a rgt ih e r -L. C. Snowden; Libraian-Ethel for the homesters and Osborne, Cam-1 Maa-LevDdly Mr. and Mrs. E. Stevens. Mn. from an old acetylene tan n h go si pe m r e n o go a o t o r i g d af Creamnd 1of Banley.n- Axford; Assts.-N . I. M etcalf and e on a d Densem looked good forj Reeve--Jas. M. Kenny. Stevens bas been very ill] back yard which had been o t o s Bowmanville. for over 25 y as lgoaotte otehs teet1Ross Stvn;PaitEle.He- Deputy Reeve-C. E. Bowman. Mr. Albert Allun, Mr. Tomn Sykes,l The only occupants inthbue of ail. Again tbanking you for en; Asst. Da--Margaret Ao'rcjethy:.j wanville-Goal, Caldwell; de'1 ounillors-.James Ormiston, Mr. Frank Hastings, Miss B. Wal-1 t time of explosion were r c Teachers: Primnary -Mrs. S. Snow-1fense, Hooper, Densen; centre, Lux- William Pringle, Charles Broughton, lace and Miss'N. Johns ave eturn- Mrtry and is brother-i-aw Mr your support nd wishing you ai ENNISKILLEN den; Asst.-Mrs. N. Munday. Jr.;ton; igbt wing, Moise; left wing, William Davidson, Robert Reid, R. ed to Toronto after spenin tb William Prower, who had credw Happy New Year.I Jr. Gils-Edna S wallow; As3t.-i Osborne; subs., Cameron, Tun r Devenall.i o e irfo oot h a Siues Williams. Miss Marjorie Martin, Hampton, Mrs. Roy Trull; Ir. Boys--Hilda McMillan. Por Hpetae ve tmpoan iangteneo ar aigti potnt fvisited et Dr. Ferguson's. Foley; Asst.-Jack Cator; I.iteýrmed- Peterboro-Goal, J. Lebarr; de- Ma ort HJ. ens Start the day rigbt witb a beap-Jtk vrtmoaymn elarting tDe ppreevenin of1 aate -. dmnd.Bank of Montreal. Mrs.MMr thanking the electons for gi Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. it Boys-H. R. Foley; Ast-Llo-vd fense, Lackey, T. Lebarr; centre, ReeJ .F oeen ing disb of Cream of Banîey. try and daugbters who hlu 'eni eetn meDpt-ev ya-Hoskin Smith on the arrivaI of a' Snowden; Inter. Gl- r.F. Maudsley; right wing, uds ef eyReeve-. .F.GReo T. Hnok ___ -Dtotvstn ic hita e cimain7e iî cnine ~ a-baby boy. ISalw st-Mrs. A. Laird; Mis- wing, Foiey; subs, KenýDnea;l efp: ConilrtjmsSnottGo uned home Sunday afternon 1 orkunijloCarneli, L. V. Ge tu in the best interests of Bowmanville' Mr. and Mrs. R. Stinsan, ilc-sînr Supt.-Mrs. A. Laird; Home Referee-J McFaiden, Oshawa. Ho,*.Mrifed1Sde ckelll L V Disney, C. Harman, Tedmg atebueadcn bath inathkTownoCounilaandoattaHkMspen Sunday StMr.eJaneskepll-The.d.aDagStevesthMrsouS Couh n tes' ownCouncil.d Frsock ern SundSnoMrden,;e Tet m p . .en , M . ndS.- -W. J. Cno>wburst, G. A. Smith. ' Geo. Hart, E. Jackson, Robt. McDon- tents due ta explosion, fireenwar I I s onel reon'.Sodn;Tmeac M udyviaid, C. A. Mason, A. S. McLee.-e. will be very material. Fo h W. H. Carruthers. MT. and Mrs. Fred Spry, Bow- Jr; Cradie Roil-Mrs. Ivison Munday,I Miss Galbraith, Whitby, is visit- Oshawa Board Education-Rosa mcKin- force of the explosion it em ai manville, visited witb bier pairents, Mrs. Bruce Metcalf; Busy Workers ing bier aunt, Miss Jean Galbraith, Mayor-T. B. Mitchell. non, Alex. W. Bell, Dr. F. J. Dono- most a miracle that theocuat 1 desie to hank al theelectrsý'-Margarets. .AA.rnoktbyarMret.AW.neJ.y QueenW.St.QuIeCSt.ncilciorss-F. JJ.PPen, Sy,.S. nG.evan, AcGeo.. C. Alebin thEousL.ecVickernju o d e i r e at an k s p c a l th e la e tos M . n d Mrl . .1oo .S n o w d e n ; W id e -A w a k e C la s - - - _ _ - fof r e sl nion supec t ia y elaie,! Miss My te Page, Cartwright, Teacher-M r. A. Laird . Sr.; Presi- f o r t h e s p l n d i S p p o t g v e n n ie at s p e n t e r h o lid a y s w it b bi e r g r a n d - d e n t- W rm . L a ir d ; S e c r e ta r y -T e a s -o f t e h u e e c i d i n r y the poils on Monday wbich placed m6aentsM._nd____ev_________GrlGibltt confidence of te ratepayers, 1 prom- 1ep ise to serve tbe entire townsbip ta itbe mend again. We hope this coldf ing disb of Cream of Bariey. or favor. ýthe flu. C. A. Blancherd.i Glad ta repart Mr. Thomas MONTYPOO i home from a five weeks' stay in PNYOLr7C i wisb to tbank the electors for Toranto Genenal Hospital. Wei the splendid vote given me on Mon- hope hie will stili continue McillI Mrs. A. J. Adanms af Bownmanvil!e, S atisf ied B u y ers A ttracted day at the polis. 1 will continuel prove.1 was a visitan bere on Friday. to give the municiD)ality tbe atten On account af bad weather and 1Mr. James Masters is much better tion the position demands and to ike onSna acr-Iater an attack of tbe prevailing prornote the best interests of the iment was pastpaned until next Sun- maay town.1 a when we hope for a larger con-1 Miss Ida Payne, Peterboro, was W. P. Corbett. 1 reatian. ýwitii friends in Pontypool over thel To G ilchrist's January Sale - . iNewly elected officers of tbe Young l weekend. Although '.he predoninating wish People's League are: ?resident-i Mr. Fred Grahami, proprietor of ai the electors was not expressec1 in Myrtie Brunt;'lst Vice-Mrs. Har- the Latonia Hotel, was in Burkelon my favon I eheerfully accept thejvey McGill; 2nd Vice-Mrs. Lloyd ion Wednesday. verdict and wisb ta tbank the many Ashton; 3nd Vice-Milton Stainton;j 'Miss Eva Staples is home after votens for their efforts ii my bebaîf. 4th Vice-Audney Doriand; Secre- v isiting bier sister, Mrs. H. Patter- Yours for a higger and better Bow- tary-Edgan Wright; Treasurer-! son in Bethany. S l o tn e ilJ n a 9 h CA.Smith. Ain ih ofeama ney nThe lcldit id. "an Ev ry Uve co t M sfin-,u A Stant the day right witb a heap-, isbed a veny fine year witb a balance B .~viuLAa thanks for the generous supportî - - Miss Ceceal Knupinsky retunnedTT g,.uri given me in the recent municipal1 Torothe, on Sunday.mm re n e r e r a k i a o t a d Se t r o t t a r m n elections and hope ta menit this ex- Toronto, on SvvaI, pression of confidence. As one af COURTICE iTbe final Board meeting of the 1 Yorrepresentatives in thed U cun<-il 10 United Churcb will be held anMon-u in P ie t Cl rat hS le- Only a Few Items from Las wili gladly weicome duning my termn Mr. Frank Walter is quite busy I ay afternoon, January Cu i4th. jCla a t i S l af office any sugges!)ns.-or con- these days selli ng radios. MissGaeadPtii In structive citicism-which will lbe Glad ta"see ur teachers .Mss Mnie estaeinand P a stia Dunna e i l oe i h h O h rs O - t r hepu nadvancing the: best inter- Arnold and Mn. Young, back again adCltom usel et nMonda-W T e' aeBh o n ih t e Ot e st u tr enillehe visio d tedwthfind ee fvnoihraughoteCntinatorS. Rv>T GoW.James., Mrs. George H. Bickell, Bowmnan- Mns. W. H. Hooper is visiting Stock Up for Now and for Next Fali. --the weekend. W. F. G. Andrews, Sault Ste Marie. There was a typographical errorý Mn. Rae Brooks bas gone ta Flint,. School opened on Monday with a in Harry Alin', edvt iast week of 1 Micb., again ta continue bis course fair attendance. 10e in favor of the customer. Harr.y' with General Matons. A greet deluge of rein, witb wind, ME N 'S S U IT S E ' OV RA sold the goods "as advertised"l rat- Congratulations ta Mn. George F. feul on Saturday aftennoon and ev- Men'saMEN'S OVEenCOATS ber than disappoint his customers. Annis an bis pramotinn to te de-1 ening with the nesut that the two 1 Fa's Tweeds and Men's Sui Seo what you missed by nat reading 1 puty-reevehip for Darlington town- ponds froni which tbis town gets To Choose From Brown andGryc cedp thse advts. 1 sbip. its namne, are et Spring flood levels. 1Mrs. Hugli Fitsijmmons and son~ Twa wagons in the saw.mill yard are In Fancy and Plain Tweeds and terns, heavy ail wool B1ne returned home to Detroit aiter a frazen in up ta the axles. This wi hds o Ilegty isi a hr fthr', M. . flood bas caused mucb inconvenience Woisteds, i hdso Grey, ltsdobe ratd'\ye Segty istetbeookns'.Mn. ta Mn. J. C. Woods and bis men. The Fawn and Brown effects, stripes Only 2 lots left and n id as The op larOwing to s0 mucb sickness in enswp i the aa wt t and check patterns, double and flos T eP p lrcommunity the services wene not Stant the day right wîth a beap- single breasted models. TheseO WS well attended on Sunday and the ing dish ai Cream i Barley. suitsare etVanuest cses$b-5.00 Question 1s evening service was witbdrawn. 1 utaretinmscssb- FOR $14.95 TO CLEAR l"Hr.endYou. H.d. ThettFln?" 1Iow manufacturers' prices. Hae o HdTh lu- Hill, visited et bis brother's, Mr.i SOLINA Jc o Fide, lstJeanud4,teb9rdt-1 Priced for quick clearing as RglrVle o$75 _____ Jckon rtta, let weand celteb9rt- Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Reynolds wene follows: FOR $18-75 TO CLEAR This is e much asked question birthday of bis mother, Mrs. Susan1 in Toronto necently.I j u st n o w . . A n t o h o s e W h o S h o r t t, w b o , is q u ite am a n t a n d î M is s E lv a G n iffi n , T o r o n to , v is it e d R g l r V l e p t 2 . 0 AY BU ~ist n w. A d a t;s w o brig t for a wom n neaiing tej Reg.ulaa W te s.F R Va le Y p $14 . 5 0 have had it we would say hundred mark. Those who gathen-1 isMnNervayWten tteateORONL $1.9 NV Y BLUE Take Creophos or e~ d t ler birtday paty wee ler e M iss Minnke r ayg aent the weeal esk- 25 00 Talc. Creophos or 'son and wife from Tony Hill, lber son edwt iknn ned.RglrVle pt 2.O Wampole's Extract Cod Livers James and wife and Jack and wife 1 Miss Myrtle Vice visited bier sister, FOR ONLY $17.45 Including Society Brand and or Kepler's Malt with Cod and iamily with whom she resides. Mrs. Harold Jebson, Bnaoklin. Regular Values up to $30.00, Cambridge Coats as follows: Cod Liver Oîl. And again we Later in the evening Mn. and Mns. Mn. Arthur Baker is et haire con-FO ONY$97 say Il~~~~Fnank Braund, Mnr .and M r&. Gea. valescing aiten bis recent i:mîe;s. F R O L 1 - 5R g V l e o$ 2 5 o 1 . . Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Will Shantt andi Mrs. James Smales visited relati- Regular Values up to $35.00,Re Vaust$250Fr$45 Take Creophos or family, ail of Oshawa, came and a ves and fiends recently in Dunhant- RgVle o$50 o 1.. Etndrdze Cd ivr i midnigbt aysten supper -was enjoyed, on. FOR ONLY $24.75 Crophos builds against colds by ail. te t Mrs Sbar an man M. and Ms. Clarence Tink vis- Regular Values up to $37.50, ReD Vlus o 3.0 Fr 219 St nd n iz d c uLi e od ipre nt~ e auM r . S rtifud fia w ers w ere I heg V al u e s to MF orCh arles and drives out the cuea other presents. Mn. and Mrs. R. C.ie tbrbahrs n ne FOR ONLY $25.95Re Values to $35-00 For $49 ooughing. ISbartt spent the weekend in Toronto White, Oshawa, necentiy.IRg$29 Iwitb their daughter Mariôn, and sonI Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Cod Liver Oul, cancentnated Bei-t, wo reside there. Evere Iyera ntei hit wetamibe.0 eesartant the day rigbt witb a hep mas gift oaf a young daugbten. M NS N Y U GM N in iha rama aly n.adMs oathan Awde a MEN'S WORK TROUSERS AT STANFIELD'S RED LABEL ______ouhDkoa set e $1.95 SHIRTS&D ES (al ol NAVY BLUE SUITS One Dllar buys any One aiof___1 days et bis sister's, Mrs. il. G. Pas. l okToseso aea ON SALE FOR $1.95 GARMENT 95 Suits to choose from nl P TYRONE Word w-as received here ai the follows: Men's Combination Underwear, ing Society Brand Suits and KE -seLaKES Mr. N.ndJ.eWewdleoisavisitingnbis r, nt aiM. Arhie Arfot of LMn. Regular$2.25, $2.50, $275 values, ail reduced s fllows. Penmas, Cambridge Suits, in stripes Thé Dependable Drug Store itr Mrs.E.Jms ore 1Ant spent bis boyhoad days soutb FOR $1.95 EACH> 1Mn. W. F. Parks was elected! af Saline. _________________-___ - son s Make. AIl sizes in coin- diamond weave e ects. Al You snay need Quinine, I achool trustee for the ensuing year. We extend congratulations ta Mr~. 1 binations as follows: suits on sale and ail must be Aupirîn, Brama-Quinine on Mrs. J. 'Ball, Leskard, is witb her, councillor and ta Mn. Chas. Blaji- ~A. L. Pascoe on bis re-electian as MEN'S SEPARATE PANTS Regular $2.00 For $1.59 garment sold as follows: Laacold. We seli theni ail. mother, Mn,. W. Virtue, wbo is quite1 chard on bis election as councillr ai NaVy Blue Serge, Grey Serges, Pin Regular $2.50 For $1.98 garment Regular Values to $25.00, ill ngo owsi. tieeffects, also T edsad Reglr $. Fr $29 gretF R NYQg jMr. H. His and Mn. A. Hilsat1'rigntonip adFrgamn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ te n d ed th e fu n e ra l o f M . T o a t- M rs. W illia m C o w lin g ai H a m p - ~ n eT e d 3 O Pawers, Orona. on Sunday. iaas ton, wbo bas been ilI et the home ai Worsteds as follows: Regular $4.00 For $3.19 garment RegoilurVaust h ler daughten, Mrs. Sidney Hockaday, Vlu 'I-'- ~ 4f t-' z4 fOTHE CANADIAN STATEMAN, BO WANVILLE, TURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 19291,