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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1929, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BoWMANVILLEý THURSDAY, JANTJIY 10, 1929PGEDV t-' The Only Exclusive Sbop For Women Whbere you are nover in Bowmnanvîlle urged to buy.Se G o CATN Phone 161, Bowmanville One Door West of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 26 One Door West Bell Telephone Office Bowmanvjlle TRINITY W. M. 5. LOCAL AN4D OTHERWISE BROOKDALE NURSERIES BIRTUS _____RWNGBUINS Articles For Sale W mted The regular cmeonthly meeting ofNMisYRuthRregory BUSonNESSasGEORGE-At Smthfield, Jan. 3, 1929,M' $> MssRuh reor, ornt, asta Mr. and Mrm. J. Frank George, a APPOTATOEISFORkSALE-60e a bag. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED-A co- TriBityr W. M. S. heid on Thursday, been guest <of Mrs. E. H. Leighton. Engae .Exprieed tiura.snan ndaughter. ApyHrldIakI, hn w0-2. tit wo an . M.eA. a one Ornl Jaimuary 3, took the formn of the an- Miss Susie Bailey is visiting ber and SpecWaist in Landocape SNOWDEN--On Sunday, Jan, 6, 1929.,_____________.VilCnr1tre.2t U flaimetig. A hr' proramsse r.J .Ach*a Belle- Gardeuing. to Mr. and Mm. Foster Snowden, VillaEPISenORreAStreet. S.--e H was given consisting of vt:sierMs.J th. devoin il _________d Taunton, a son. C. Mljin, Bowmanville R. R. 4, phone alPrtb Ms (r) lmo ndvle.Whodes' amreama h SMITH-In Bowmanvllle Hospital, onl 136 r 12. 1-2w* BOARDERS WANTED-Room an, ai p yMrs. (Dr. ReSieW .nAandu.n* aand aissW.iv Sunda, January 6, 1929, to Mr. and Mre. -___ board for ladies or gentlemen in private E i e S o t Roins, a poem 'iby Mrs. W. H. R .A Bne n Ms î-makes a succesofabsns tHkeSmhEikleasn.(y FO Arg d a adasoooobyMiseHele n f Buner rcenty viited withas f a busiess telsonenS) t, Enlskllen a sn. (ay FR SLE-Psva lesalf0f ouseold omewhermthee ar ailmode con-are________modern___con-_ BuMritesschrpot fo . n Ms R .SyosWl which others had failed? ThereNeon)urtr. Apply Bert Bleus Store, veniences. Convenfent to centre of the, ratr issi reorntsrin Mcr. n r.R.C yonW were ail kinds of obstacles to over- BENNETT-In Bowmanville Hospital Bowmanvllle. 2-1- town. Apply M. F., Drawer B, Bow- cheme but eachsidifficulty andi TebomIffnFrfday, Januamy 4, 1929, to Mm. ana ---manville. 2-1w* F.ollowing every season the were given as foIlows: W. m. S. ai- Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Cox, Charles, provd tepng .tone to eventual er), a son. readyatowean. aply to F.W. Smlth lotinent $720, raised $3.1;Y.W. Catharine and James, Toronto pn dasep always a few broken liF.neSmithn $735.13;t success in the career of Mr. E. J. BLACKHALL-At St. Michal's Hos- Enniskillen, phone 197-6. 2jýok oti ekw r A. ailotment $200, raised $217.00; Sunday with his parents Mr. and Wood since lhe took over the-,act,ie PhLal, EtoroAto, n sundyJahnuI1ca OR6, MrBYco,6 ers arflcre ofoUPeWAnTeDn Toingsmf hsyne tvr 1929,Tor.ntan Me.Jnd Bakhl, O-SL-ere-cw cyar i, tAe Euh CrehOE, onTED -In ttactmeilye Mission Circle aliotnient $45, raise.d Mrs. Charles. Cox, Ontario St. mng etofteBodae ur- (ne9éE aScrlpture), a son. U5 enewed. Apply to T.-W. Cawkem, Very easonable termis to right parties attrctive oprices iesa $59-3; Mssin Bad alotrent 25,1mangemet oftheBroodaleNu Bo)wmrnanvllle, phone 64. Si-t Option of 10 acres of land. Wlthin one $5.5; isio Bndalotiet 251Mr.C and Mrs. T. E. Washington, series in 1922. It was a bard upill_____________ mile of Bowmanvll- on Governmeni Misses Oxfords, black or bron raisedj $40,25. - S. and Mr. T. C Washington, fight in which half a dozen exper- PUPS FOR SALE-Thorobred collie 1-fghway. ApyD.W ]maeB. rknses.. .*59P R Newiy eiected officers are :- Torotvste i rter e.WiecdadpaciaCotiutrsaPupe, seven weeks oid. Phone 451w, Bowmanville. t. boe sis Prridside rsJ.t. Rbis; s. C..a.hi.ton]MRAbinhscotiuesor arenes tckidMhe ob., DETHSGe. Msononthinuesan or 2ga___________________ ilkan WoltHsiryin oo Vice-M.ýrs. J. W. Bunner; 2nd Vice iquite jll. quit. e o ad STORIE-At Tyrone, on January 8,1 FoR rangeNveroreee" iqu fo -Mrs. C. W. Sieimon; Recording Miss Lena Diliing entertained 'Phen aiong comes Mr. Wood, an 19-19, James Storle, aged .74 years. ato. R Th-ebest yetadnepeiq Funeral from his ate reedence atT- Local agent: Geo. Brooks, Duke Street, To Let rneo oos Secretary-Ma-s. J. E. Elliott; Cor- about 35 young friends on Friday office man from a big city who kne-,v rone, on Thursday, January 10., at 2.30 Bowmanville. 2-3w* Mena bheavy Rubbers, lace sE, responding SecretaryMiss Flot evening at hiem home on Queen St. as much about running a nursery as p. m. to Betheeda Cemt4ery. . - . APARTMENT TO RENT-Smal l bat- Rickamd; ¶'easurem-Mrs. A. E. Mc-1 The evening was pleaan tly apent a farmer does a bank. Il o was a BAI LEY-ln Cartwright on Monday, WHEAT FOR SALE-Famous new Lod apartment, aIl modemn convenlences. insoles freea..*2.79 PAI Cready; Secretamy Christian Stew- wvith music, gaines and contesta end- real tenderfoot as a professional January 7, 1929, Robert Balley, aged s2 Garnet Wheat, igown from leta8-d. Apply to Phone 358, Bowmanville. 1-tf ardsbip and Finance-Mrs. B. M. ing with refreshments which all growem of flowers and sbrubs. Yet Ycu;eral from his late residence, Lot Mountjoy, R. R. 1, Burketon. 1-2w- WANTED TO RENT-A small fur- Wanica; Strangers' Secretai-y-Mias greatly enjoyed. he was endowed with a lot of borse 18, Con. 1, Cartwright, Thursday, Janu-1 -- nished house or apartment wlth ail con- $2.89 PAI Peters; Monthly Secetar-Mýrs. W Mr. McPherson, Toronto, who eense wvhich combined with bis exe- amy 101h at 2 p. m. to St. John's Cerne-A CHINCHILLA RABBITS FOR SALE- veniences. APppy to H. E. H., General C. Ferguson; Literatume Secretary- 1 bas been acting manager of the o-I cutive experience, an inclination to icmy, Blackstock. chilla rabbits of choice quality at rnodî- 24f key Boots, Men's, Boyss......'$325 AND Mrs. F. H. Morris; Supply Secretaryi cal branch Bank of 'Montreal since dig to the bottom of a problem and DUSTAN-In Bowmaxille, on Mon- rate prices. J. R. Philp, Scugog St.. -Mrs. Wasigo;PesSce r1 r.J .MCelnwstknsc build up on a solid foundation, be- day, January 7, 1929, William H. Dustan. Bowmanvilîe. î-tr Oversboes for every menrbero -M s. R. H. WaPrem Asscte a beenr. appointCed an aae side eiga mtt ai.tuet f OVERLAN-AteErin,vSaturday, Jan- _the_______-. - e Hlprs u adr soit a enapitdmngro hýie en rtyfi tdn fary 5. 1929, Robemt O0erland, in hisI FOR SALEOn e set of heavy tohog- Hepr ertr-r.F. A. Had- Brampton banch. '2r.Wila human nature hie set about his task 81st yeam.1 gan sleighs with 12 ft. platform. Vili H O CK EY $I 1.85 TO $300 PER PAI dy; Temperance Secretary-Mrs. L. Prowem, a native of Bowmanvleto make Brookdale Nurseries a pro- TENNANT-In Leekard, on Friday, selam Mme. N T urther u otr nvîl-eTPhner, 170. teejFull Fashioned Silk Hosieryi A. Tole; Mite Box Secretary-Mrs. and brother of Mrs. W. Blake Mc: fitab le business. Many other nice IJecember 28, 1928, Matthew Tennant:, Bomwmanvllle. h17. 49-tf M. A. Balson; Pianist-Mrs. W. J. Mrri now filig tbe position of thinga, and tuthful, too, migbt lbe a;'d 82 Yea"'--- ______0- . H. A. INTERMEDIAEPopular colora. Thesear Mormison; Assistant-Mrs. W...tmoay aae ee aid about Mn. Wood, but hePs a very POWERS-At Brantford on Thursday, FOR SALE-One Shorthorn Bul, 2 bgeat grde sold for $1.0 W- J. temporar manager here.Jan Ird 1929, Thos. H. Powere, Orono1 ,years old, Allan Browndale 186951, alsoOU RC $16P Flett; SUPt. Missionarv Band-Mrs -,etyugmnadsc pb nhs8r ex Mary Llnd helfer T. B. Teeted, and a TAYLOR' .JAlft WodeCt yvegsmanuantsuchbpubBandhienumdbyear.TAYLORfC.UR PRICE 1.65 PAI W. C.Ivs; Sut. Ba y an-.Nlrs. M . and M s. W ilfred Addinall, licity no doubt embarrasses bm, be- WILSON-In Belleville, Jan. 5, 1929, n mbrof TrshY ig. A p oSale Agents for Murray M1 I R. Holmes; Finance Committee- Dorothy and Jack, Blenhejm, Ont., ides this write-up wasn't intended Elizabeth Emmina Barr, beioved wlfe 0ofMark BlackburnR. R. 2, BowmanvIlle, d o. Mrs. W. A. Buniner, Mrs. Slemon, M. and Mms. Charles Cox, Jr., and for him at aIl. It's about another j Rev. J. P. Wilson. Japone18-24i12w-f r Mn nd nt Mrs. T. C. Jewell; Delegates to Pres. Donald, Emporium, Pa., Miss Ruth young man wbo bas recently joined GIMBLETT-At Whltby, January Sth., F i a ,J n 1 "u*btSosFrCide byterial-Mrs. Robins, Mrs. R. K. Cox, New York City, Mm. and Mrs. the Biookdale staff-M. L. Hancock. 1929, John Gimblett, beloved husband of "- Friday, e Sho.s For . Bragg, Mrs. W. H. Argue, Mrs. J. E. J. D. Fluker and Joan, Cobourg, Now that this firm bas gone over AER-haM ronylir Osh arn el satporSl Elliott. Quarterly tea was serveci have retumned to their homes alter the top its business momentER-Is go- SundayshJan. 6, 1929, Mary Emma Pick tbe proceeds of which were $5.19. spendîng Christmas holidays with ing at such a rate that assistance ell, widow of the late J. H. Bakrer, in NEW HOUSE FOR SALE-Rug brick, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles was required to keep up with ts hem Siet year. contalning seven roome wlth ail modemn Peterboro S o sT a aif Progressive local mercliants are Cox, Ontario St.1 activities and demanda. GLRIHfn wanilF ida ovnecs a los rnhd e e h e h tS t offering many tempting ýbargains in W. Willard, Port Perry:,;ed It isn't the easiest thing in the January 4th. 1929, John Edward Cai- side entrance. On Wellington Street. their advts this week. .,ou will findS2.OO fr -nyîenew'al womîd to find a man to fit such a psi etbrait, n m.D. E.Gbrii-Easyteme Apy o . . l tf 1o m nvleW lud aae ery tret ge 4 yam.tre St., Bowmanville. Wn-Claude IvesM n saci 11ion?îyu aubepp to. Btbr' a hse FRY-In Bowmanville on Frlday, Jan.f FOR SALE-10-roomed brick house, 21 Bowxnanv.ille ____________________________ er. I -eo I cannot lo without it qualifications and expeience juSt 4th. 1929, Jennie Bickle Fry, belovedIgodbiin ltoncreOnao as I flnd a great many ;napiring and seemed to be what was needed. wf fM.Sl rae 6yae n and Wellington Ste.' Al modemn conven-î ADMISSION 35e useful lesson.s to be !earned fmom Mm. Hancock was bora in Kent, terred in Welcome cernetery. tences, stable sutable for double garage.i your Editor Tak. t is a long time England, and as a boy bad been COWLING-In Darlîngton, on Monday, apple trees and smaîl fruit Easy terme, . Is ' tsince I knew Moses James as a little tained as a nursemyman. He came Jan. 7th, 1929, Charlotte, beloved wlfe Apply to Howard Couch, R. R. 4, Bow- »:1 fM.W.Cowling, ln hem 73md year. manville, or phone 146-13. 3t Isn't. Itboy living at Campbell's Steain Milis. out to Canada in 1914 and attended lonterment at Hlampton Cemetery. I amn now in my 88tb year and will Ontario Agicultural College atMATNIthHopalfrnc- il 1EvLt. 0thins. b inmY 9th uelh. ithoutrea ofwarlieables. Duna Ave., Toronto, Jan. 4, 1929, The T uthfromt ache and pain, and tbe years I.), and witb a vaied and scrappy Intemmeat at Bowmanvllle Cemetery. are getting better and brigter as experience at the front in wbicb be 1DINGLE-At 111 arkhm St., Tr W:ben pu get bold of sonie- they go by. My wife and farnîly got bis commission on the field lie did onto, Jan. 6th, 1929. Edna Jane Pedlar, £ ~ 'hWd d thing real good it is acting ar sîl well. I wish you a Happy not retumn to Canada tili 1919. He wldow of the late W. T. Dlngle, lnnlhem "TeGodSmaia" hny__eYa.92dyar eSid. Chair j an TeGoodSmrtn in o e er then resumed bis studies at the O. A. 9a em tel] other fellow sufferers. C., specializing in horticulture. STROWGER-In Brantford, Jan. fth, Here is an unsolicited testi- OBITUARY Graduating froin there he apent a 1929, Mme. Maria Strowger, widow of the imonial that will speak for itself: ____yeam in the United States Depart- late Philip Stmowger, lnnlhem 95th yeux. MteofMme. J .L. Howand, formerly B ee Howlog asVAUR ben M, R. M. Saxby, Toronto ment of Agriculture at Washington. of Bowyanville. How ongbasVAPRE eenIn Septembter 1923 he offered bis, on the market? Why don't TedahtoplconCisnassvce5asutvont VAN CAMP-On Saturday, Januamy 5, VIL Sl Servie asa stuent oluneem for, 1929, at the esidence Of is sister. Mme. suffening bumaaity will know dya irhm,4Hg akBue Iso ai a ap eoe ubn fi ne l ther la ucha reieffor urvard, Toronto, of Agnes Helena Han- sent to Nanking University in China'DvdVnCmboedhsadf thee i suh arelef or ur na, wife of Mr. R. M. Saxiby. Mi,. wvIere bie succesafully taugbt and es- Emma Sanders. colda? Your local duggist Saxby some years ago spent the tablisbed nurseries and gardens. The SMITH-In Orono, on January 6, 1929, sold me a -bottie the other day aummer seasons bere, and bas a nu.m- .proceecls from this work went to the S- Charles Smith, aged 73 yeare. Service IPi and la four boums a bad case of ber of warm friends in tiis town, support of the Horticulture Dept. at hie bnur the, 8 .m.o. ISmntO-i~~* u ~ ~ . S watemy eyes and nose was coin- and also at IBownanville and Osh- Wbile at Nanking lie had the good ln Saskatchewan. at 8P.h e ltermnt o f th e T o wniLII pletely relieved. awa, as well as in Toronto. Mms. fortune to meet bis wife, who lsa PATERSON-At Richmond Hill, on A few drops of §lie is survived by bier busband, who medical missionary. Paterson, son of the late Mm. adMrs.1 is a frequent visitor to Cobourg, in Wben the nationalist trooips start- Alex. s.e.rWiliagd,4Liyea Sreeew, o e t V l e - o e a d S e - connecton witb bis position as Pur- ed the uprising in China in 1927 bie Bowmanvile.1 Ilas treIFu s Va u ecbasng Agent for the Hydmo Electric witb many other nissionaries, their POLLARD-Suddenîy at hie late resi- & ~ ~ 1 ou hbe handkercbief will relieve Power Commission of Ontario; and failles and fomeigners were forced dence, 109 Eaetbourne Ave., Toronto, on hie mont stubbomn cse of head- by two sons, Fred and Frank. to leave the country. Upon return-i Tuesday, Januamy 8, 1929, George Pol- fin Lthe G rea Bargi ns.I@ e9ld. The syxnpatby of many friends îng Vo Canada be resunied bis activi- lard, beloved hueband of the late Mar- 60c A BOTTLE here goes out to Mn. Saxby and snsties in the nursery business. Hunter, Vancouver, and, Mme. J. T.1______________________ in their very sad bereavement. There H e will devote much of bis time Coombe, Toronto, late of Durham Coun--________ Whea in need of drugs '.phone are those bere, too, wbo feel tbey witb the Brookdale Nurseries to spe.. ty,lin hie 77th year. Interred la Mount b ave sufered a distinct loss in the cializîng, in landscape work, drawîig P saant Cemetery. E ' OVERCOATS l Jury & Lovel deatb of one Whom tbey regarded so Plans, ue prints and garden con- Ju yig]ly t struction work. There was feita Regular $40.00, Sale Price $28.50 Phn i8W eie The funeral took place in Toronto' real need for 'such a sPecialist and IN MEMORIAM j Poe7-eDivr on Thursday afterncon.--Coboumg counsellor to give real practical nur-1 eua $5.0SlePi 2.0 I_________________World. s ery landcape service to ustmersN Rgula $3,00,Sal Prie $o.f of ti im Prom Mm. Hancock's non, who passed away Jaauamy 4, 1925. Regular $30.00, Sale Price $19.50-7 wide and varied experience ho is evi- We are thinkîng of you todaý dear dently the igbt man in the igbt therigo nps.$5.O aePîe$65 place. ofthe at place. ~~~~~~Picturing you l memomy eua$2.0SlePi 165 Mr. and Mrs. Hancock are taking As in Yeame now Past. on full citizensbip in Bowtmanville, You left behind soine achlng hearts baving purcbased the fine new resi- That Ioved You moet sincere Buying a Harry s Allin s crner ofWellington and George Oh how oft you corne before usBO S V R AT Buy ng t H rry s A l jl Sdene b!ltby m. . E Fltt r face nom fond adtn:e BOSi Oe RC8 o AT, Inbanding out the bouquetetic ng now In peace wlth Jeeus IS LIKE BANKING YOUR MONEY Mm.Woidmn heInrodctonrecaîmaw wlong for you. 1 ________ ~~~~mention should have been given to Our friende fmom day ta day,Rgua $10,Sle -rc Mr. Dunn for the excellent ser-vice Bot neyer shall the one we love Size 2 to 6 years If you need convincing on this fact read the money-sav- and co-operation be bas rendered as Prom mernor3' fade away..- ing values we offer you this week: oen f the 'B'rookdale Nurser- Sadly mleeed by Muaband and P'amiîy. Reua .65,SaeJie$49 of aIl of Mr. Wood's good____________Reua $.650 SlePce$49 B. C. Red Salmon, half or whole...................1ce lb. 4ualities as manager he admits the Pearl White Naptha Soap, 6 bars........................ 23e success the firm enjoys woul<j not have been possible without the loyal- M N UT For health's sake est carrots, peck........................ 23e ty and untiring efforts of Mr. DunE MEN'S SUITSUN ER EA Bee !Brand Jelly Powder wilih silvemware 3 for..... 23e and bis staff of willing workers. Kt ~L Reguar$35.00, Sale Price $26.50 S IT N R W R Mince Meat, a special buy at 2 lbs. for ......... 25ce'Besides the local market in Bow- glrS IT N R W R Sliced Pineapple, Circle 'Brand, 2 tins ..........................fron i byndtoe Cob or tBook- Broen rane eko Te-weba toget29he frshmaon ieandthe lkosourte BooknsSILVER Regular $30.00, Sale Price $22.50 .Regular $1.00, Sale Price 7Uc Brok men t Orange Pko e ruseh at o.. ...he .r5fes b dale Nurseries ave establised valu- -S I A M hi p ieBr n t o s u p 2 l a r t e 2 r u s h . a t . . . . . . . .l . . . . . . .. 9 c l b . a b le c o n n e c t io n s i a M o n tr e a l a n d i DMR g l _ __$2 5 .0 0 ,_ _ __Sa l e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __$1 7 . 5 0_ Tige Bmnd Ctsu, 2 arg 26oz. ottes, nly.......45c Toronto and other important centres raÂega$2.0 SlePie 175 Sheoeiff's Lushus. Jelly Powder and 12 oz. jar Pineapple tbrougbout Ontario. For the further pem mwnM NSB A K O E A L preserve, ail for ................................. 23c convenience of Toronto customners as II _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ M N8oLAKdmRA L Ayliner Asparagus Tips, fancy quality................. 50c tbey bave recently opened a etail -no rubbing-M NS EA Y RB D N- Regular $ 2.00, Sale Price $ 1.50 Eggo Baking Pewder, lb, ............................. 85c store on the Danfortih. C E ' E, IB D P N FreahScal Crem Rih Male Srup MAN'S MAKE UNDERWEAR MEN'S WORK SOX Frs cl ra ihM peSrpHorticultural meeting Tuesday, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Rglr3e aePie2i January 15th at 8 p.m. Don't stay Rr r3c aePie2 MISTAKES WILL HAPPEN, Blamne this one on the printer. Last away because you're not a mnember. week's adyt. quoted one tin each of Carn, Peas, Tomnatoes at 28c. This You will be made as welcome as the - , 1.505c Sale Price 35c fowers in May. . Regular $ 2.00, Sale PriCe 1$ 5 ReuL 60 s h o u l d h a v e b e e n 3 8 c . T e m n r e d f M s e r eR g i r $ 1 5 , S l r c . 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wednesday, Ja6ua.y Saleat the PaAIL hoeoT bbohe r in Millo..10TeRglrPie$,0 .1 i 4 Ni C, 't 'i... I j t~.. <j. N jJl 44's'

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