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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1929, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANULAIRY 10, 19294 Bladder Weakness Makes Life Misery! Dailiy Annoyanice, Troublesome Nghts Wreching Liv.. of Thousande States Writer Who Tels What To Do For Quick Relief. Backaches ,Headaches, Pains in fret and legs, Nervousness, Restless- ness, frequent but scanty Urination with burning and pain, gettîng-uip- night-are soene of the more troub- leaomne signa that should have prompt attention before they reach a more serious stage! No matter huw stubborn your case May seern to be or. how niany medi- cines you have tried without resuits --don't think your condition ia hope- less or the natural consequence ofý advancing years until you have tried' the amazing value of Dr. South- worth's "URATABS". On a strict guarantee of rooney back on first box purchased if you do not receive swif t and satisfying relief-any good druggist will sup- ply you with "Uratabs" in sealed packages containing a ten days' sup- ply. If they bring great relief in- aide of 48 hours and a wonderful improvenient inside of ten days, you will be greatly pleased-if they do flot help, they cost you nothing! Ask your druggist to-day. Drink Hot Water To End Indigestion INSTANT RELIEF Thousande of tinfortunate people sufer almost daily from stomach acidity, gas, sourness and indigestion after eating. lIf they would start the agreeable practice of taking a glass of hot water containing a tes- spoonful or four tablets of pure Bis- urated Magnesia, they would soon find their stomach so strengthened and improved that they could est the richest and most satisfying ineals without the least syruptor of indi- gestion. Nearly ail digestive troubles are aaused by an excess of acid and an insufficient blood supply in the stoni- ach. Food ferments and sours be-f fore digestion can take place. A glasa of hot water dra'ws the bluod ta the stomach and Bisurated Magnesia neutralizes the'stomach acids and keeps the stomach strong, sweet and healthy and promotes normal pain- las Idigestion. 'Bisurated Magnesia is not a laxative, la harniles, easy and pleasant to take, and can be ob- tained from any well stocked drug- gitin either powder or taiblet forni. rythia today and enjoy your meals hm peace..1 Entirely Herbai WorksWonderson Peevish Stomachs and Lazy Bowels 'The old, reliable Gallagher's Tonic and System Bui.der All the goodness and heahing virtues of herbe, Natures own medicine, are in this tonic. No minerai drugs. Sets every orzan working 100'70. Brings back thet <ld joy of living. Good for the. ùerves. Clears up skin troubles--even kcen .Builds yuu.Sold, ÉE Remedies are, by 29 jURY & LOVEL, Bowuianville Anly Ieadache -Sick -Nervous Relleved by Zut(* FARMER'S WIFE GElSSTRENGTH By Takip. Lydia E. Pink- >r-VegetabI. -%~pound Wflton, ont.-"! am taking Lydia M. Pinkhain'isV egeal ompound thoghtheChange oLie. It helps me and I cannot praise it too highly. I was troubled with heat flashes and mY limbe were heavy s0 I could hardly waik to do mY farmn work. I saw ini the newspapers your ad about the Vegetable Corn- ound and thought to give it a trial. T e frst bottle gave Me relief and I have told others what it do.m for me. I amn willing for you to Urne uy letter il o chose."-MRS. 1>.B.PwrIi lt7,1%;Ontari. Am TMe New"bo NEWCASTLE UNI.TED CHURCH The pastor delivered another dir- ect and heart-stirring address on Sunday evening, the subject of which was isFirst Thinga Firat". Life's tirne and life's energy are lixn- ited, he declared, therefore we have the chance. There are many sbould seek "First Things" while we have the chance. There are niany dangers which must be overconie, among tbem the danger of preoccu- pation. The choice of reading matter is an illustration-when we read trash we can not read worthwhile books or articles. Mr. Rogers as- serted that what many young people need is flot scolding but examples, for some parents are so preoccupied4 with theniselves, their pleasures, their business, that they iihaver't the time" to attend to their chldren and send theni off to sorne organiza- tion such as the Boy Scouts, Tuxis Square, C.G.I.T., etc. ,to lie tra'ned in the way they should go; whereas the purpose of these is not to take the place of the home but to supple- ment it. Then there bs the danger of 'postponement, which iE a ve ry great danger for time wait,- for no mian and our chance is gne befcre we know it. Thus it is veryimport- ant that we chgose "First Tbings First" while the time and energy te- mains to us. The pastor concluded wîth these words froni Matthew 6, iiTherefore take no, thougbt, saying, What shall we est? or, what shaîl wu drink? or, Wherewithal sIjaîl we *be clothed? ...But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righte us. nEass;" In addition to an anthein by the choir, a male quarte: was sung l'y Messrs. W. J. S. Ri.'kard, W. D. Bregg, Mark Alun and Hacrlo Allun. HOCKEY SCHEDULES Junior Group Section B Jan. 11.-Bowmanville at Oshawa. Jan. 14-Peterboro H. C. at Bow- manville. Jan. 18-Bowmanville at Oshawa. Jan. 21-Oshawa at Peterboro H. C. Jan. 25-Peterboro H. C. at Oshawa. Jan. 28-Oshawa at Bowmanville. Jan. 30-Bowmanville at Peteiboro H. C. Feb. 1-Peterboro H. C .at Bow- manville. Winners of Section B play off witb Section A winners which in- cludes Bobcaygeon, Lindsay, Peter- boro, St. Johns. ýIntermediate Jan. 11-Oshawa at Port Hope. Jan. li-Peterboro. at Bowmnanville. Jan. 18-Bowmanville at Port Hope. Jan. 18-Oshaiwa at Petemboro. Jan. 23-Port Hope at iBowmanville. Jan. 25-Peterboro at Oshawa. Jan. 30-Bowmanville at Oshawa. Jan. 31-Port Hope at Peterboro. lst and 2nd teiains play off and winners to be decided by Feb. 8th. Osbawa Simcoes play aIl home gaines at Bowmanville Rink. It was the time of the year in wbich men felt it good to be alive, for there was in the air that tang that gives speed to the bi-ood, spring to the muscles, courage to the soul, ànd zest to l.......the aipple time of the year.-Ralph Connor. A Remedy For Earaehe.-To have the earache is to endure torture. Theý ar, k o a dli,,ateDraon and fa,., care to deal with it, considering it i Iwork for a doctor. Dr. Thomnas'c The most obstînate eorns fail to Eclectric 011 offers a simple remedy.1 resist Hollowiay's Corn Remover. Try 1 A few drops upon a piece of lint or it. medicated cotton and placed in the sear will do anuch in relieving pain. NewcatlIe Board of Educatior' UNION PUBLIC AND HIGH SCHOOL BOARDS RECEIPTS AN'D EXFtNDITURES FOR THE YEAR 1928 RECEIPTS Balance on hand December 31, 1927 .......................* 868.59 Legislative grants ....................................... 2050.43 Countiee' Grant, H. S ............................... ...... 1875.74 Counties' Grant, P. S ........... .......................... 21.99 Fees from outaide pupils, P. S ............................. 50.00 Exarinations ................................ 33.851 Nora Coleman Legacy ................................... 100.001 Interest on Bond, % year's................................. 2.751 Men's Canadrian Club, Bowmanville...............**,,**»*,,,,*****,**,,* 100 Sale of outhouse, Wea. Noden ............................. 10.00 Local Municipal Grant........................ .......... 6000.00 Total *11,018.35 EXPENDITURES Teachers' Salaries ............. ......................... $7540.00 Janitor, H. ;Brereton .............. 6...................... 300.00 Secreatry-Treasurer, H. K. Pearce................ .......... 60.00 School Attendanco Officer, Jos. Tcims........................ 15.00 Fuel and Supplies .......... :............................ 639.701 Repairs, Painting and Decorating............... .......... 111.36 Exaaninations......................... q................. 147.70 Stationery, Printinc, Postage, Etc .......................... 118.18 Equipmnent ............................................. 186.70 Insurance .............................. ................ 27.90 Sundries ............................................... 71.85 School Fair ............................................. 20.00 Dom. of Canada Bond and Int., N. Coleman Legacy........... 104.71 Prizes..........................................14.50 $9357.60' Balance on hand...................................... $1660.75 Total $11,018.35 Receiptsansid Expenditunes in foregodng statement received and expend- ed on account of the High School during the year 1928. RECEIPTS Legislatuive Grant...................................... $ 971.44 Counties' Grant ......................................... 1875.74 Examinations............................................ 33.85 Sale of outhouse, one haîf .................................. 5.00 Net cost to Municîpalty ................................. 2457.02 Total $5343.05 EXPENDITURES Teachers' Salaries ......................................... $4400.00 Janitor....................................................150.00 Secretary-Tre&-surer........................................... 30.00 Fuel and Supplies........................................... 319.85 Repairs, Painting, Etc....................................... 55.70 Examinations........................................ .......147.70 Stationery, Advertising, Etc.................................. 55.05 Equipinent.................................................136.05 Insurance..............................................;.....13.95 Sundries................................ ............. 34.75 Total H. W. DUJDLEY, Chairman. E. C. HOAR, Chairiman Finance ýCoro. H. R. PEARCE, See'y.-Treas. I NEPTUNE iN rMODERN GARB VIEWS QUEBEC - N oýW that Shakespearean produc- wbeel in place of horse and dolphin. tions are staged in plus fours, This part icular effigy rnay be evening celothes and kb aki there tound on Mountain Ilil and dloes not. appear to lie any souid oh- appears to replace one wbich up to jection aigainst Father Neptune 18-50 bad place of bonor over tbe discarding bis traditional garb of entrance to the 'Old Neptune seaweed in favor of seahoots and Inn" then a noted coffee bouse in Baîlor togs, and the Canadian St. Peter Street frequented by National Railways photographer sea-faring men. Time was wben recentiy found the son of Saturn carved wooden figures frequently and Opa gracefully lounging inI marked hosteiries and commercial Quebec City asi depicted above. It establishments in Quebec and will be noted that the old gentle- Montreal but only a scant few mxan retains trident and helm but h ave withstood the advancing bas adopted a modern steering years. VAGEISmm MAxp it a habit ta have a steaming cup of " OXO " with your lunch. You can prepare it in a moment, yet it is delicious. wholesome, and invigorating. Just what busy workers want I 76 Ever time a full ezg crate socs out, the dollars corne lni. The fauter the crates fill. tiie faster you rnake egg-moriey. The plan that filla egg cratm@ fautent is ta tend your henaadaily doseof REGULATOR. A teaspoonful a lay added ta the feed fa enough. It crhs a cent a mnonth per hen. or a cent a day foi tiirty heu.. One extra egg a month g .,,s nice profit. It paya ta ask for PRATTS, the real eu iiiaker, and taIre no ohr pett FoaCa. of Canada. Ltd. 0 BLACKSTOCK Mr. Bircheli recently visited ini Toronto. Mrs. Jeffrey Chapman of Toronto, visited Rev. and Mrs. P. G. Powell. Miss Beatrice Waldon, Toronto, was a recent guest of Smith IBros. Miss Gwendoiyn Devitt, Brooklin, bas returned home after bolidaying witb Mr. and Mns. S. A. Devitt. 'Miss Pearl Foster of the Windsor teacbing staff, spent the holidays with ber sister, Mrs. S. A. Devitt. Mr. Lawrence Mountjoy of Port Penry, spent the holiday with his piarenta, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrm. A. Rabm and f an- ily recently visited Mrs. Rabm's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Brown of flow- manville. Misa Kathenine Jones and Mr. Ray Ed.wards, Toronto, recently visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mms. Oscar Edwards.' Mr. John Hamnilton and Miss Phy- Ilîb Hall, Brantford, have returned home after a visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mms. R. Hainilton. Miss Laurs Bailey, Miss Susie VanCamp and Mr. Perey Hamilton were in Peterboro on Thursday ev- ening of asat week attending an Old oy'and Girls' Re-union at the Normal Schiool. The play entitled "The Country Minister" put on in the Town Hall by the young people of the United Cburch on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of last week was a splendid succesa. Cast of chanacters was as f ollows: Helen 'Bnrleigh, Miss Susie VanCamp; Roxy, Miss Esther Strong; Jeruaha Jane Judkins, Mms. Chas. Venning; Granny Grimes, Miss Dorothy Stevens; %ln. Henry, Vict- or Sbortridge; Fanny the Maid, Miss Frances Mountjoy; Rev. Ralph Un- derwood, Norton VanCamp; Gregory Heath, John Venning; Pardo, Donald Beare; Tinxothy Hodd, Norman Mc- Curdy; Tom Sparrow, Lonne Lan- sing; Deacon 'Ponter, Herbert Swain. Splendid music between acta wasi furnished by "The Porteous Girls" of Nestleton; Miss Ferne Thompsoni of Cadmus, Miss Effie Wright o Blackstock ,the Armstrong girls, Seugog. Officers of R. B. P. 398, BIsck- stock, for 1929 are: W.P.-Dr. J. MacArthur. D.P.-Herbert Hooey. Chap.-M. V. Malcolmo. Secretary-H. Thoanpson. Tnreasurer-Wm. Hooey. ist Lect.-A. G. Hallîday. 2nd Lect.-E. Nesqbitt. lst Censor-R. McGiil. 2nd Censor-Thos. Sellas.. lst S. B.-Harold Henning. 2nd S. IB.-.-B. Hyland. Pursuivant-R. Haimilton. Otter Guard-F. Allison. Committee-D. Heaslip, C. Gat- chell, W. Robinson, Jas. Howe, E. Mitchell, Fred Hyland and James Byers. The .Faznily Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal holda a record for Smbscribers renewing voluntarily and continuously yean aiten year. Mfter ail it la not surprising wh-en one considers the quantity and quai- ity feast the neaders are given each week and at a price ridiculously low-$l a year or three years fcîr $2. AVIATION GASOLINE BLey. George -Mason, Bo'wmanville, garve a very interesting address in Centre Street Church on Sunday last, the subjeet ibeing "Let Hlm Core ne"'. Specis.l musical nuxn- bers were given by .Mr. Poster, solo, and Miss Rosaline Rennie anmd Mr. O. A. Gamsby, duet. Ita Quality Sells It-The fa.ct Fthat so many thousands of intelligent rpeople continue to use Dr. Thomnas' 1Eclectric Oil speaks volumes for its bealing efllciency. Ever since it was first introduced it bas grown steadily in pulblie favor, owing en- tinely te its manifold usefulnesa in relieving and healing sickness. AS a sp>ecýiflc for cuts, burns, scalds, and various inflarygmatory (pains its re- cord la beyond reproach. Mr. William Patton and mother, Carnduff, Sask., are visiting bis cousin, Mr. John H. Morris, Cburch St., and old friends in the Leskard district. The Patton famuly left Leskard 29 years ago. Their fax-n of 640 acres at Carnduff la but a few miles froin the farros of Messrs Ed. Bircb and John Tbornton, fox-m- er residents of Clarke township. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Horswell, Miss Jennie McCullougb, Mr. W. H. Mick- le, Toronto, and Mn. R. C. McCul- lough of Milwaukee, motored into town Thursday last and visited old friends. The latter who at one time carried on a generai store huai- ness bore, bas for some years beld tbe position of Inspector of Dining Car Service, Cbicago, and Great Western Ry. A nuxober of the brethren of Or- ono baedge, A.F.&A.M., No. 325, paid a fraternal visit to Dlurhami Lodge at Newcastle on Wednesday of last week on the occasion of the installation of W. M. Bro. Frank Branton and the officers of that Lad ge, the ceremony being ably tak- onb y Rt. W. Bro. Frank Rickard. A hountiful banquet was served after the work in the lodge room. Mrs. John H. Allin passed away i v.ery peacefully on December 26th.,ý 1928, at ber bome in Redlands, Cal. Mrs. Allun leaves behind a sister, Mrs. F. W. Stuutt of Rediands, and tbree brothers, Albert Odeli, former P. S. 1. for Northumberland; Colon- el J. W. Ode]], P. S. I., Cobourg, and Herbert G. OdelI, jeweler, Toronto. Mrs. John Allun was formerly Miss Emily OdelI, at one time a resident of Orono. Asthma Victims. The man or woman subject to asthma is indeed a victini. Wbat can bc more terri- fying than to suddenly be seized witb paroxysmas of choking wbich seem to fairly tbreaten the existence of life it.self. From sucb a condition Dr. J. D. Kellog£r's Asthma Remedy bas brought ýmany to compietely restored bealtb and bappiness. It is known and prized in every section of thîs broad land. The Orono Women's Institute heldý their regular meeting on Friday, there being a good attendance. A very full report of the convention recently beld in Toronto n'as giveni by Mrs. Hall, the President, sbo.wing very clearly the many activities in connection witb institute work. Vo- cal solos n'ere ren<leretl by Miss E. Allin andI Miss Dorotby Rowe. A very interesting letter n'as read by Miss Walsh froin Mrs. Cowling, tbanking the ladies for clothing sent ber, also one froni the Port Hope Shetter. A q uilt is non' being made for the neighb orhood n'orkers. Next meetinr vill ho held in the evening, January l8tb. Children suffering froni worms soon show the symptamq, and any mother can detect the presence of these parasites by the writhings and fretting of the cbild. Until ex- pelled and the system cleared of thein. tbe cbild cannot regain its boaltb. Miller's Worm Pwdems are prompt and efficient, not only for the eradication of worms, but also as a toner up for children that are run down in consequence. Phone 110 King St. East, Bownianvilte Are you satisfied with the coal oil you are using? If not, we would like you to give our high grade coal oil a trial. Price is only 27e per gallon. Use Sheli Aviation Gasoline and enjoy its easy starting qualities. C. A. Bartlett ORONO (Prom The News of January 3rd) Miss Glen Ga.mey visited Mrs. Fen- ning, Toronto. Mr. J. D. Zavitz of Toronto, spent the weekend at Mr. John Atfleld's. Mms. George Mitchell is visiting friends in 'Belleville, Napanee and Wellinîgton. jMr. and Mrs. Derrick Robb of Guelph, recently visited Mrs. H. Cas- well and other friends. Miss Eva Tayùr of Oshawa, and Mr. Wesley Hawke of Toronto, re- cently visited at his father's, Mr. J. E. Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Hughson and son Glen of Toronto, recently visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hugbson. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Walsh, Mrs. Ada Morton and Miss Amber Mort- on, Port Hope, spent New Years day at Mr. Howard Walsh's. Mrs. A. A. Rolph and Messrs. O. W. Rolph and O. A. Gamisby atte3nd- ed the funeral of the late Mr. T. H. Follick, Toxronto, on Saturday asat. Mr. Peter Davie, Youngstown, Alta., son of the late Thos. Davie, Ballyduif, who recently arrived in town la remaining for the funeral of bis uncle, the late Capt. Angus Staîker. Mr. W. J. Stutt, teanister, for F. J. Hall, was tbrown froin bis wagon [Wednesday afternoon, to the frozen ground, receiving bodily injuries when bis teain became unnianage- able and ran away. The former Board of Police Trus- tees for the village of Orono, Messrs C. C. Cain, F. J. Hall and W. H. Ban'ett were re-elected a.t meeting held in the Council Chamb- er fer another year. At the annual school meeting on Wednesday evening, Decemnber 26, the retiring trustee, Mr. A. J. Knox, was re-elected. The annual state-1 ment was presented by the secre- tary- treasurer of the Board, Mr. A J. Staples. Prof. J. H. Billings and daugbter Jean of Philadelphia, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Inch and sons, Carman and Weldon, Weston, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings, Edna and Aud- rey, were recent visitors at the Bul- lings h*me, Soutb Main St. Clarke Township Junior Farmers had an enjoyable evening at their annual dance in the Town Hall, Fni- day, December 28tth., when nearly two hundred people gathered. Music for modern and old ttme dancea was furnished by the Moncrief Orchest- ra. i More cups to the pound, more ilavor in the cup, more tang to the taste. That's what makes Red Rose 1ea so popular. Every package guarante-Çà e IRED ROSE TRAýis good teâ» RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire Syatem il King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calla At Our Expena. FA&,M HAZARDS is the titie of a new 84-pate bookiet which the BA141Ç0F MONTggAL has issued and is now distributing frce to ail who ask for aàcopy. This booliet is cci-. cated to the prevention of accidents A copy may be obtained on application to any 13ranch of the BANK 0F MON TPR.AL BANKOFMONT-REAL Established 1817 Total Asfets in exceas of $870,000,000 I BOWMANVILLE BRANCH J J. A. MeCLELLA&N - Maae

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