rHE CANADIAN SIATEIIMAN, BOWMA.NVILLE, THURSII>AY, JANUARY l7th, 1929 PAGE FIVI COMING EVENTS Look out for a nicht wi Burns at St. Andrew's Preshyterian Church on Friday, January 25th. Splendid mixed program will be given. Women's Canadian Club will meet' Monday at 3.30 p. m. in Trinity S. S. Room. Speaker, Mr. Moore of Toronto University. Subjet- "Canada's Minera] Wealth". LOCAL AND OTHERWISE INVITED A SIXTH YEAR Money found. Enquire at Statesinan Office. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and Lusa Hamm, Toronto, spent the wcekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamm. Miss Marion Warder has returned1 ta duty at Peversham. Hem achool wvas closed for tome days on account of the flu.1 Mr. F. C. Clmer was called ta Brantford this week owing ta tb e, death of bis mother, who passed away as the result of a faîl. Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., and: Messrs. A. P. Pollard and Mr. Will1 Bickle of Canton, attended the fun-i eral cf the late George Pollard ati Toronto on Thursday. The first sleighride of the season took place Tuesday eve ning when about fourteen frorn Bowmanville went ta the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adainson, Hampton, and enjoyed a very jolly good time. ________________ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wobber an- nounce the engagement of theiri REV. J. U. ROBINS eldest daughter, Miss Myrtle Helena 1Who received a unanimous invita- Wabbem ta Mr. Harold Wreford'tion at a joint meeting of the Frankland Conish ,youngest son of' Quartcrly and Trustee Boards of Mr. and Mra. George Cornish, Sa]- Tri nity United Cburch ta romain for em, the marriage to take place the the sixth year as pastor. latter part of January. _______ ______ Mrs. J. B. Mitchell received or- asat week of the death of ber sister- LOCAL AND OTHERWISE in-law, Mrs. Chas. McLean of Buff- I____ sic. Mr. and Mrs. Mebean resided Have you renewed your subscrip- in Bowmanville some years ago tion? wbere they were highly respected. Miss Ethel Webber bas accepted and well known especially by thel congregatian of the M ethodisti a position as teacher at Sudbury, Cburh wbre he tok n aciveOntario. in t wer he oo rkactve Mr. and Mms. Lawrence Kerr, Tam- part intewr. onta, apent the week-end with Mr. The many friends In Bowrnanville Roy and Miss Minnie Webber. and surrounding country wîll be1 Mmer .OieCbat avstn pleased ta learn that Mr. LaVerue ber mother, Mrs. S. S. Edsall, who Hoff, busband of Greta Van Nest, bas been seriously mIl witb pneum-1 frrnerly of this town, now of Man- ona THE Elite Shoe Store F.ollowing every season there are always a few broken lines in stock, ta this week we are clear- ing tomne of these lines at very attractive prices. Misses Oxfords, black or brown, broken sizes ...$1.59 PAIR Silk and Wool Hosîery, in good range of colora, SPECIAL PRICE 85c PAIR Men's heavy Rubbers, lace style, inscles free ...$2.79 PAIR Men's 3-Buckle Overshoes, $2.89 PAIR Hockey Boots, Men's, ;Boys' and Ladies ........ $3.25 AND UP Overshoes for every member of the family, $ 1.85 TO $3.00 PER PAIR Full Fashioned Silk Hosîery in Sopular colora. These are est grade sold for $2,50, OUR PRICE $1.65 PAIR Sole Agents for Murray Maid Shoes for Men and Women- Huribut Shoes For Chidren. "Shoez That Satsfy". Shoes That Satisfy W. Claude Ives, Manager Bowmanville Groceries for Less COST 0F LIVING TAKES A BIG DROP In a stock reducing sale we are eertainly get- ting the glad hand from old and new customers who know a good thing when they see it. If you t~have any doubts about these weleome values corne in and see for yourself: Tornatoes in jar, regular 25e ..........Now 15e Star Ammonia Powder .............Now 4 for 25e Pineappie Marmalade, regular 25e....Now 20e Classie Cleaner, regular 2 for 25e .... Now 4 for 25c Horne's Puddings, regular 3 for 25c Now 4 for 25e St Charles Miik, farnily size, reg 15e Now 2 for 30e Fruit for salads, regular 35e ...........Now 25e Jam, 4 lb. tins, regular $1,00 ............Now 35e Cut Mixed Peel, regular 20e ...........Now 14e Diii Pickles, in tins, regular 33e .......Now 25e Soaps, special lot ,reg. 4 for 25e . ... Now 6 for 25e Vi-Tone, regular 65e .........................Now 55e Vi-Tone, regular 40e ...................Now 35e 2 in 1 Floor Wax, regular 45e ..........Now 35e Clarks Soups, regular 2 for 25e ....Now 4 for 25e Crystal Salt, regular 10e ..........Now 2 for 10e Dalley Baking Powder, regular 35e ......Now 20e Liptfon's Coeoa, 115 size, regular 10e Now 2 for 15e Burford Saur Kraut, Regular 20e ........Now 13e These are only a few of the bargains that await thrifty shoppers. Folks are floeking to our Croekery and China Dept. picking up any and everything they want at eost priees. You'll wait a long time to get bar- gains equal to these. Archie Tait Estate, Phone 65 Bowmanville treai, Q1- ue., lias returneel ta auty St- ter bemng laid off for five weeks as a result of being knocked dowu a block froni home by a Ford Truck that skidded on the icy road ta the curb as a companian sud ho were wslking along the sidewalk late one afternoon. Mr. Hoff was picked up unconsciaus sud ushed ta a hospital where after sanie boums be recovered consciausness but suffering severe pain in bis head for sanie days froni the concussion caused by the fal ou the bard pavement. His coni- panion walking on the inside escap- ed the compact. t 2 "p m.-"rtee teBondliea Ce- rate pics. J. -R .- Philp,.S, gog tery. 'Bawmanville. -tfi AWDE-AtIltagersviile, Ont.. Sunday. ,---.---..- Jantnamy 13, 3929, John Awde, in bis 52nd POULTRY FOR SALE-Regai-florcasI year. Wlhite Wyandotte cock and cockerels.I ARMSTRONG-In Ponfyol on Sat- Large viigoraus birds. Three genemations i Armyoer22oegs Prize winnc-ms et locail strdongJ. 12199Mm. arre shows.' Priced $400 up. J. Lawrence strong.Cyderman, R. R. 4, Bowmanvilie, phone G EORG E-In Millbraok, Wednesday, Illr5. 3-2* Jaqnuamry 9, 3929, Mary Ellen George, agedi 56t yesrs. STEVENS-In Hampton, on Friday, January 11, 1929, Enoch Stevens, In hi. elEtteFrSl Sth yeam. R a saeFrSl LEACH-At Cobourg, on Satu rday, Januamy 32, 1929, William Leach, Taun- FOR SALE-1O-moomed brick bouse, 2 ton. aged 78 years. gaod building lots, an corner Ontario SAMONS-At Part Hape, .ianuary 10, and Wellington Sts. Ail modemn conven- 1929 Jams Saons in us 8nd yar endes, stable suifabie for double garage. 1929, JarneqSamons, Ippie t2dyar rees and emali fruit Pasy termes. Intemment at Caîbormue. pply aHwm och .R ,Bw HOGARTH-In Exeter, Ont., on Janu-manvIllteordone 146-33 . 43-tfw amy 10, 1929, Emuma A. Hogarthb, daughter mnilo hn 4-3 3t ai the late Septimus Hogarth.______________ CHAPMAN-Af Toronto, Tbursday, January 10, 1929. John Fletcher Chsp- man, aged. 72 years. Intemment at Or- ana. WESTINGTON-At Quays Cossing, January 14, 1929, Deborah Victoria Rob- Inson ,w1'dow of the late William John N ow 15 the Westington, in hem 67111 yeam. SANGUINS-At Part Hope,Jnum 9, 1929, George Sanguins, beloved bs band oi Jane Kinsman, aged 85 yeams T i and 8 days. Intemment at Welcome. T m REDOON-At Weston, an Wednesday, Januamy 9, 1929, Mary Taylor, widow oi the laIe Philip Reddon, aged 63 years, ta build up your system i ater the formerly af Bowmanville. Interment at 'i"b tkn« dpna Mildmay. 'l"b aiga dpnal KNIGHT-At Newtonville, an Sunday, January 13, 1929, Ann Rabinson, beloved T C wiie ai Sidney Knight, aged 71 years O I and 1 month. Interment 8f Newton- ville Cematery. COX-At Port Hope Hospital, Satur- day, January 12, 1929, Mary Mlecia Tun- stead ,beloved wife of Henry J. J. Cox, KprsCo LveOiwthml In hem 62nd year. Interment ln Bow 'KperasC......er and $1,50al manville Cemetery. 1 xrc ... 5 n 15 Word bas been received of the death of R. W. Clarke, of Weyburn, Sask., a former resident cf Mill-j brook. A montb age a brother, Dr. Samuel Clarke, died in Lindsay, and a month previous, anather brother, Dr. W. H. Clarke, also died at bis home n Lindsay. They were sons of tbe late Rey. John Clarke. Another brother, Dm. Adami Clarke, resides n Winnipeg. Tri.ity Cburcb Junior Missionary Auxiliamy commenced the 1929 terra witb a supper meeting held Tues- day evening, the appetizng supper being provided and served by Group One, Mrs. W. C. Ives, convener. Miss Spargo presided and after the wor- ship peiod the scripture lesson was read by Miss Nellie Montgomery; Miss Rilda Slemon read tise leaflet on Stewardship sud the third chap- ter of the Study Book, "Drums in the Darkness" was taken very inter- estingly by Mrs. Ross Strike, follow- ed by a short discussion. Next meeting in charge of Group 2, Miss Florence Werry, convener. Tbe members of Miss Minnie Webber's Sunday Sehool Class spent, a very pleasant evening at lier home on Saturday, January 12th, when tbe winning group in a recent con- test was entertaîned by the losing gmoup. A dainty supper was served. As the class is leaving the Junior Department they took tisis opportun- ity of suprising their toacher sud .sbowing their appreciation of hiem work with theni. Miss Mary Thorupson read a ncely worded ad- dressansd Miss Alice Purdy present- ed Miss Webbem witb a very pretty sud useful gift. Misas ebe thanked tise girls for their k1dns ta ber. Thse remainder of the even- ing was spent in games sud contests. Doctors recommend Creani of Barley COUNTIES' COUNCIL MEMBERS Twenty-Four Councillors EI.ct.d by Acclamation. Tweuty-four of tise thirty-nine members that will comprise tise counties' counicil of the uuited caun- ties of Northumberland sud Durisani were elected by acclamation, five of tisese 24 beiug uew men ta thse coun- ties' council, althougis one of theni, J. Nelson Stone, deputy-reeve of Campbellford, bas been in tise caun- cil on two previaus occasions, once from Percy township sud on suother accasion fromn Campbellford. Tise meumbera of tise counicil are as fol- lows, this yesr tise number being one less tissu formerly as Manvers town- sip loses its deputy-reeve, tise towu- ship not having 1,000 names pn its votera' ]ist: Milbrook-W. T. Wood. Cavan Township-Gearge Hooton sud R. J. McKnight. Hamilton Township-W. J. Jibb and Tisas. Davidson. Campbellford-J. M. Sygott sud J. Nelson Stone. Hsldimand Township-Ziba Hamu- den sud James Smiith. Cartwrigtht Townsiip- Fred Hy- land. Clarke Township-M. J. Holman and A. E. Morton. Hope Townsiip-tMontford Wil- son sud T. Andmew Finnie. Colbone-C. M. Finkle. Hastings-Dr. W. E. Wilson. Newcastle-W. F. Riekard. Bowmanville-W. H Thickson snd W. H. Carrutisera. Cobourg-George Tisomupson sud A. R. Willmott. Cramaise Township-W. Murphy and Chas. Quinn. Brigiston Village-J. Mille. Manvers Townsip-Fred Gray. Brighston Township-scr Mor- gan sud W. Goodfellow. Dsrliugton Townhip-Silas Wil- liams and G. F. Aunis. Aluwick Towship-Gordon Park- er. Seymour Township-George Van- Volkenburg sud Robt. Fanes. Murray Townsiip-N. R. Hartt Herman Morgan. Souths Monaghau--Joisn Perrin. Part Hope-Fred Rosevear sud G T. Hancoek. Percy Townsip-W. H. Nelson and W. H. Curtis. TOWN COUNCIL 1929 Mayor-M. J. EUiott. R.e.-W. B. Thlckson. Deputy-R..ve--W. H. Carrutihers. Counillor,-W. A. Edger, C. E. Rshder, Geo. W. James WP.Cor- bett, E. J. Gibbs, J. W. hunnr. Squibbs Cod Liver Cil, mint flavour .......-- .50e and $1,00 Puretest Cod Liver Oul, Vitam- ine tested... 50c sud $1.00 Scott's Cod Liver Oul Emulsion 49e sud 98e Wampole's Extrsct Ced Liver 011 ...................$1.00 Rexaîl Extract Cod Liver Cil twith Creosote ........ $1.00 Lot us deliver a Neilson Ice Creamu Brick (Ouly 30c) to your convalescent frieud. Jury & Loveli Phsone 78-We Deliver Lost or Found LOST-Masonic Ernblem Stone, gold letters. Finder please return ta States- mri Office and receive reward. E-tf AUTO ROBE LOST-Black Buffalo I~PY~T robe Iost ln Bowrnanvilie Saturday night. Finder please leave at Statesman Office and receive reward. - BIRTHS Articles For Sale iOUCK-ln Clarke, on.'mriday, January CTE O AEApy, .W 4, 1929, ta Mr. and Mme. Robert Duck, a, OuTE O AEApyt .W son. Soch, Hampton, phone 382-21. 3-ff GISSON-tn Clarke, on December 28, 119-1, ta Mm. and Mms. Alden Gibson. a FOR SALE-A quantify of good hay. son. W. T. Symons,phane 160-5, Bowman- STACEY-in I}owmianviite Ilospital, n' ville. 3-1w Januam9y 4, 1929, ta Mm. and M'.. aAlvin Staccy. a son. jFOR SALE-Jersey cow, 6 years aid, GRIFFIN-Xear Union, Enniskillen, on just enewed. Apply ta T. W. Cawkem, Tuesday, January 8, 1929, ta ŽMr. and Bowmanville, phone 64. 51-tf Mifs. Rt. Griltin, a daugbtem, (Cella Jane) ___________________ ____________________FOR SALE-Mans coonskin coat ln gaad condition, also a Buffalo robe. Ap- DEATHS pIy Ait. Bickeli, Duke St., Bowmnanville. 'nuary16, - 3-1w CROOK-In Damlington, on Janmy1,-_ _______ - 12,Shirley Doreen, infant d."ughter of FOR SALE-New brick residence witlh '.%rand Mrs. Maurice W. Cook, aged ail modemn conveniences. Apply ta Jas. 8 months. E. Flett, Centre St., Bowmanville, phone 384. 41-tfl l'unemai trom the ianrily rSdne _________ C,én,-tmv Road, on Satumday, January, O I l9th at 3.30 p. m. ta the cemietery. FO SALE-"Never Fmeeze" iiquid for b Taont, o Wedesdy, utos. The beat yet and flot expensive. MOISE-I Loctal neda, agent: Geo. Brooks. Duke Street, January 16, 191-9, Laura Marie WValton llawmanvilie. 2-3w* b eloved wife ai B. E. Moise, aged32--- ycams. CHINCHILLA RABBITS FOR SALE- Funeral from family residence, Beaver A few choice paims af pedigreed Chin- St.. Newcastle, an Saturday, January 19 chilla rabbits ai choice quality et mad- We Invite Comparison Keeping up with the trend of modern retailing we ha"e gone over our stock of fresh high quality groceries and repriced and ticketed every article. Everything is in plain view Mid attractively priced ta mieet the closest competitian. We want to assure our customers that we realize on their best Intereffts depends aur success. Week-end Special-Lorna Doone Cbocolates, hard and mîft centres, lb. box, Regular 50e f or ................. 39c British Columbia Salmon, whole fish . ................ 18e lb. Fancy Salad Plates, few left at...................... 15c Jelly Pawders, ail flavors..... ................... 4 for 25e Wheatsworth Grahami Crackers.................... 25,e box Prunes at............... 2 Ibs. for 25c; 16e lb and 20e IL. Broken Orange Pekeo Tea, very delicious.......... 59e IL We aLso sell the famous Oriental Tea Quaker Flour and Quaker P.oultry andi Stock Feeds. Fish of ail kinds ineluding Superior Hemring and Smelta LPTOWN REPRESEN4TA1MIVES BROOKDÀLE N4URSERIES Cut Flowers are now more plenêtiful and in greater'varieitY. Specialists in flower design work for ail occasions. FREE DELIVERY SERVICE HARRY ALLUN, (irocer PHONE 188 DOWMANVILLE SALE Ends Saturday, January l9th. OnIy 3 More Days --- Buy Your Overcoat or Suit January l7th - l8th - l9th.i TWEED WORSTED AND NAVY BLUE OVERCOATS AS FOLLOWS: Values up to $22.50 .......... FO... R $14.95 Values up to $25.00O.............FOR $17.75 Values up to $30.00O.............FOR $21.95 Values up to $35.00O.............FOR $24.95 IN MEMORIAM In ioving memorw af Mrs. Mary Dow- son wha passed away on January 16th., 1927. Days af sadnesa sti11 corne a'em us, Tears In silence often flow, Memaory keeps ber ever near us. Though she died twa years ago. Sadiy missed by Son and Daughter. NOTICE Owlng ta Illness of aur deiivery man, we were unabie to finish aur deliveriesa before Christmas, but wili be on th. lob again In a f ew days. VictoriaA n etitute, Port Hope. 3.w CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Inaugural meeting was held an Monday, January 14, 1929, niembers 'aIl present snd had subseribed ta, the necessary qualifications and declara- tions. Minutes of last meeting read snd on motion a.dopted. Communications froni Ontario Municipal Association and Hospital for Sick Children on motioni reeeiv- ed and filed. I eo Saig applied ta have rodalwance Con. 12, Lot 23, oni Island closed. On motion, commit- tee of counceil ta, inspect sanie Sat- urday January 19, 1929.1 By-law passed requesting Gount- ies' Council ta, impower Cartwright ta collect its own armears of taxes. IBy-law ýpassed appointing H. Thompson and Roy Fergugon, audi-1 tors. By-law passed appointing R. W. Philp assessor for 1929. F. A. Bailey's tender for bridge tumber accepted at $30 per M. Clerk instructed ta put up tend- ers for eight single cords of green wood for Hall. Ordera signed as follows: H. Emerson, prexniuins on Insurance .............. $ 28.50 R. W. Philp, sheep killed . . 15.00 Division Court fees......... 11.10 Dog tags........... ........ 11.12 Municipal World, 9 copie. . 9.00 Medical Heakth Officer, sal.. 100.001 N. H. Marloyw, Sehool At- tendant Officer.......... 10.00 Reeve services, T. B. of H.. 8.00 D. Galbraith, Sanitary Insp 8.00 Clerk Sec. T. B. cf H....... 8.00, Jas. G. Marlow, roads, et.... 71.50 Adjourned ta meet February 2nd at 2 p. m. W. B.mcock, Clerk. QUIT YOUR MEANNESS Put the hammer in the lockem; Hide the sounding board likewise; Anyone can be a knocker; Anyone can criticize, Cultivate a manner winnlng, Though it hurts yaur face to smile, And seemsaswkcward in beginning, Be a ibooster for a while. Let the blacksmith do the pounding; That's the way he draws bis pay; You don't get a cent for hounding Saint and sinner night and day. Just for solid satisfaction Drop a kînd word in the aIot, And l'Il warrant you'll get action On your effort on the spot. Kindness every time beats kicking; Mirth is better than a frown; Do not waste your time in picking Flaiws wlth brothers who are down And it izn't an distresaing If you give the littIe booat To the man the fates are pressing When the chieka corne home to rout. Yez, the aId world wouid be bri htr If you'd kîndie fiendship'sfRame. And thus make the trouble lighter Of the man against the gaine. Send your grouch on a vacation, Give your Crumbling tones thse shako And wth grim deteminatien Throw, thse haimner ln the lake. Dfr.ctlyOpposite Bu*k of Montreal phone 61 Bowniavlile 1-__ MEN'S TWEED AND FANCY WORSTED SUITS AS FOLLOWS: Reg. Values up to $22.50 ........FOR $14.95 Reg. Values'up to $250.......... FOR $17.45 Reg. Values up to $30.00O........FOR $19.75 Regular $35.00O..................FOR $24-75 Regular $37.50 ..................FOR $25.95 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS Regular Values up to $25.oo ....FOR $19.75 Regular Values up to $30.00O.....FOR $22.45 Reg. Values up to $35 and $37.50 FOR $26-95 Overalîs, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Shirts, Sweaters, AT BIG JANUARY SALE REDUCTIONS T. B. GILCHRIST To Let APARTMENT TO RENT-Sînali heat- ed apartment, ail modern convenlences. Ap)plY ta phone 358, Bowmanviile. 1-tf WANTED TO RENT-A smali fur- ni9hed house or apartment wth ail con- veniences. Apply to H. E. H., Generai Deiivery, Bowmanvilie. 2-tf Wanted WANTEO-Baby's push sleigh. Appiy Fets Jewelry. 3_11 BOARDERS WANT7E;-Room and board for ladies or gentlemen ln prlvate home where thWre are ail modemn con- veniences. Convenient to centre of town.- Afppy F. Mclndoo. Church St., Bowmanville. 2-1* LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kinda of iaundry work done prompt- ly. satisfactorily and at reaeonabie prices Write Post Office Box 12. or ealiU M. W. MarJoram, Klng St. B. Bowmanville. Phone 478W. Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE-In Township ai' *Clarke, being Lot 23, B.F., 90 acres, more or less, the best oai day boain, beautîful- iy situated on lake front, convenient ta C. P. R. trains. Owner givingUpo account af poor health. Appiy ta Fra)nnk Bone, Newcastle, Ont. - M Gilchrist's JANUARY You Cannot Buy More Nourishment For The Money Than la Contained in a Loaf of CORBETT'S WHOLESOME BREAD Its aplp tizing. appearance, delicious flavour and digestibiiity wi il appeal to ail members of the family. Cakes For Ail Occasions W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowoeaaviile Bowmanville Dairy Pasteurized M~ik is the Hagh Hoisted Stand- ard of Health-Food. Purity-Pasteuriltion- Food value-Cleanliness---and Promnpt Delivery-are each one a sani- tary and service 8afeguard, around which a long story could be written. But we wjll sum it Up in brief form and say-"they are the reasos why your should phone us to double your milk or- der". Call us today. BWHAN VLLE DAIT KING ST. PHONE 44G PAGE FIVIR THE CANADIAN SIATIMMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1929