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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1929, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24th, 1929 PAGE THR!~E No Doubi About thîs tantous Cereal SHREDDED High value at Iow cost Ideal for Winter with hot milk 4Proved by 34 years of growini popularity Miade by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. Constant daily testing and blending of the world's choicest teas give Red Rose Tea its inimitable flavor and never-varying goodness. Every package guaranteed. 64 RE!> RtOSE TEAis good *d RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good The Personal Element in ~~ Banking Aff airs Between the curtness and coldness of printed bank f orms and the human element for whose use they are designed, are vast opportunities for the banker to give valuable personal assistance. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, thru the members of its staff, is anxious to use any opportunity that arises to demon- strate its value in offe-ng personal advice on fin- ancial matters. The local manager of the Cana- dian Bank of Commercewill be glad to give intimate counsel upon money matters pertaining to your bus- iness TrIE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE Ii T-4F fT ND OB F CANADA J 71ëj fcAi When You Want the Best Meats YOU KNOW THEY CAN BE HAD AT CAWKER'S BUTCHER SHOP PHONE 64 Purveyors to people of Bowrnanville and Durham County for over 75 years. FELT'S GIFT SHOP January Specials ALL OUR STOCK IS REDUCED 5o we can. make room for our Spring stock that we are now ordering. Now is the time to buy that watch that you didn't get for Christmas. We still have a good variety of watchea to choose from at reduced prices. FELTS JEWELRY W. Teach Your Watch To Tell The Tnsth PHONE 33 BOWMANVILLE KING ST. WHITE SHIELD CLUB'S SEVENTH BIRTHDAY1' Celebrateci Witb Enjoyable Party! and Pleasing Prpgram. Teregular meeting of the White Shield Club held in St. Paul's School Roomn on Tuesday evening, January 1,5, was in the form of a seventh, birthday celebration. A very interesting and humorous program was presented, consisting., of a negro sketch by Mrs. W. G. Hall,' Mrs. Thos. Gould, Mrs. C. F. Blunt; a dialogue '«Peach Pie", Mrs. W. P. Hall and Mrs. Blunt; recitation,' Mrs. Thos. Gould; a musical number,, "Rhapsody in Blue" rendered on two pianos by Mrs. M. A. Neal and Mrs. i (Dr.) Clark Bell; two folk dances I AIl participated in a game under the I direction of Miss Edith Peardon. The usual refreshments wer< rendered more festive by the addi-. tion of ice cream and a birthday cake, gaily topped with candles! which were lit by the finst President of the Club, Mrs. Fred Lyle, and the! oldest member, Mrs. Mutton. The ceremony of cutting the cake was performed by Rev. Dr. D. W. Best. The singing of the "Good Night" song brought a very enjoyable even- ing to a close. JUNIOR MISSIONARY SOCIETY ELECT OFFICERS Reports Show Very Succoisful Year The first regular meeting of St. Paul's Junior Missionary Society, was held at the home of Mrs. C.1 Lunney, Silver St., on Monday even-j ing, January 14. Miss Edna Jew-1 elI, President, conducted devotionall exercises. The Treasurer, Miss H.1I Carruthers, reported a very success- I ful year, raising their allocution of $150, as well as making several quilts ,and sending layettes and mothers garments to any needy cases our health nurse, Miss d required. The Society has also efficiently remembered any sick or bereaved in our congregationc h officers for the coming year er elected as follows: Hon. President-Mrs. Dr. Beut. President-Miss Ida Stephens. lst Vice-Miss Edna Jewell. 2ud Vice-Miss A. Percy. i Secretary-Mrs. Chas. Rice. Trieasurer-Miss H1. Carruthers. Work Committe-Mrs. M. Mur- dof, Miss Allen, Mrs. Weekes, Mrs. Bingham, Mrs. Webster. Strangers and Flower Committee: -Mrs. Frank Williams, Miss H. Car- ruthers. Decorating Committee-Misa J.J Ramsay, Miss H. Yellowlees, Missi1 Percy, Mrs. A. Williams, Mrs. Bing- ham, Miss Silis. Mrs. C. Lunney, Mrs. G. Chase, Miss H. Carruthers were appointedi delegates to the Presbyterial mieet- ing to be held in Oshawva, January 29 and 30 from our Society and the Mission Band. ST. PAUL'S W. M. S. ELECT OFFICERS Rvegular meeting and election of officers of St. Paul's Women's Mis- sionary Society w'as held at the home, of Mrs. John Morris on Tuesday - ternoon, January l5th. a~ Before the meeting tea was sered by Mrs. Morris, assisted by Ms Frank H. Morris. The Presîdent, Mrs. Wm. Adams occupied the chair.1 Devotional exercises were given by Mrs. Thos. Tod and Mrs. Adams. Reports were given by the secretary, Mrs. W. Quick and the TreasuTer, Mrs. Geo. E. Chase. Election of officers was held, re- sulting as follows: President- Mrs. Wm. Adams; vice-Presidents-- Mrs. (Rev.> D. W. Best ,Mrs. (Rev.> Geo. Mason, Mrs. W. Carruthers;. Cor. Secretary-Mrs. R. D. David- I son; Rec. Secretary-Mrs. W. Quick; f Asst. Secretary-Mrs. A. L. Nicholls;' Treasurer-Mrs. G. E. Chase; Audi-1 tors-Mrs. Ted, Mrs. Alberta Brown; Social Helpers-Mrs. Perey, Mrs. M. Mayer, Mrs. Brown; Strangers' Sec- retary-Mrs. Nichlls; Assisitants- Mrs. C. A. Cawker, Miss Stephens;' Missionary Monthly Secretary-Mrsý Brown; Supply Committee-Mrs.1 Tod, Mrs. Murdoif, Mrs. Morris; Fin-1 ance Committee Mrs. Morden, Mrs.1 Chase, Mrs. Carruthers; DelegatesI te Presbyterial at Oshajwa-Mrs. Best ,Mrs. Davidson. Mission Band officers are:Hn Pyresident-Miss Margaret Allen; Superintendent-Mrs. Wm. Adams; Assistants-Mrs. Geo. E. Chase, Mrs. C. Lunney. The society had a suc- cessful year and are looking forward to even greater activities during, 1929. i HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY To Maie Town Improvemnents With Surplus Funds. At the annual meeting of the Hor-1 ticultural Society, held in the Coun- cil Chamber on Tuesday evening, January 15, very encouraging re- ports were given. The Secretaî-y, Mr. J. H. H. Jury stated that there was an increase.d interest ini the society shown by tclwnspenple during the pat year,1 and an added cnthusitsm and zeal among the niembers. The latter were urged to increase the member- ship by canvassing among their friends and neighbors and to further the aims of the society by taking an active part in its work, for in pro- portion to the public meetings, flow- er shows, town imaprovements, etc., held and accomplished, the govern- ment grant is given. It was decided to use part of the finances on hand, $75.00, in beauti- fying with shruihs and flowers un- sightly corners about town. Tribute was paid to the late Ar- chie Tait who has been for yeàrs an enthusiastic and active memnbe,- of the Society. Officers elected are: Hon. Presi- dent-W. B. Couch; President-Rev. Dr. D. W. Best; lat Vice-Alan Campbell; 2nd Vice-Miss Helen Carruthers; Secretary-J. H. H. Jury; Treasurer-J. A. McClelIan; Treasurer pro tem-Dr. J. W. Bald- win; Direto rs-lMrs. R. T. Stephens, Mrs. (Dr.> V. H. Storey, Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, Mra George Webster, Mrs. T. C. Jewell, Neil Yellowlees, C. A. Cawker, T. Lockhart, A. J. Edwarde and Harry B&imaoombe; Auditor- A. L. Ftagerman, Geo. W. Jamee. Sale Nelson's Stock-mTaking Swing s Hundreds of thrifty people have avaiied themseives of the big savings offered. Hundreds more will take advantage of the foilowing slashed below the production cost. iow-priced, "Corne in -I Hosiery Bargains We have stili some Pure Silk Full Fashioned Hose left-this is your last chance to get these at iess than the miii price, every pair guaranteed lst quality. Service Chiffon Weight, Regular $1.50 ....98c Heavy Service Weight, Regular $2.00 .......$1.29 Green Stripe and Wearwell Silk Hose, both de- pendable weaî'ing qualities and priced below eost, Regular 79e and $1.00 ..................FOR 59c Wool Cashmere Hose, Black, Grey and Sand, Regular 79e for..................................... 49c 500 PAIR PENMAN'S SUPER BOTANY PURE WOOL CASHMERE HOSE The best grade this well-known maker produees, in a fuil range of colors and sizes. The regular value of this hose is $1.35, SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS SALE 88c 3000 PAIRS 0F SILK AND WOOL HOSE We have grouped these 4 Speelal purehases of Penman's and London Knitt Hose into two groups. Group No. 1-We offer 1200 pairs, none of whieh are worth less than $ 1.00 a pair, ail sizes and col- ors at per pair ...................................... 59c Group No. 2-The finest S11k arnd Wool Hose you can buy, values worth $1.19 to $1.35. You should buy your season's suppiy now, all sizes and lovely colorings, all at ..................................... 79c CHILDREN'S WOOL CASHMERE HOSE 75 dozen Penman's best grade-they have three ply heels and toes and mnade from super botany yarns ,in Sand, Blaek and White, sizes 4 to 9½/, REDUCED PRICES 29c TO 69c MEN'S SOX AT CLEARING PRICES Heavy WooII Work Sox, Regular 29e . ... FOR 19c Heavy Wool Work Sox, Regular 49e . ... FOR 29c Ribbed Wool Sox, Regular 50e ..........FOR 39c Pure Llarna Wool Sox, Regular 79e ....FOR 59c 3 Big Towel Bargains 20 dozen White Terry Towels, individual guest size ............................................ 19c PAIR 25 dozen White Terry Towels, medium size FOR 29c PAIR 15 dozen large size Terry Towels, haif price at 29c PAIR Flannelette Blankets 75 pair-full double bed size, they cost $2.10 at the miii to-day .... WHILE THEY LAST $1.88 PR. (Not more than 2 pair to eaeh customer). Extra Big Size that sel for. $2.75 a pair-not many Ieft and no more at this prce-we are giv- ing yoii something to carry these away at $2.19 PR 5 Doz. Crinkie Bedspreads Rose, Blue or Yellow, extra large 80x105, Regu- lai, $2.39,......................................... 17 I NEILSON'S STORE of Bigger and Better Values WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT M -f. I Triumphantly dependabie nierchandise, prices of which are and join the busy throng". Silk Lingerie Hundreds of thrifty buyers seized the opportun- ity last weekend to buy these superb values-we have some left so get your season' s supply now. Silk Vests, Regular 98c ........FOR 49c Silk Bloomers, Regular $1.19 .... FOR 75c, Lockstitch Vests, Reg. $1.19 FOR 79c Lockstitch Bloomers, reg $1.49 FOR 98c Giove SiIk Lace Trimmed Vests, Regu- lar $1.95 .......................FOR 98C Silk Nightgowns, Reg. $1.98 FOR $1.19 Silk Nightgowns, Reg. $2.95 FOR $1.98 Siik Nightgowns, Reg. $3.95 FOR $2.95 Hiundreds of other bargains odd lines-not en- ough to detail, clearing at ridieulous prices. Corne in and see. Silk Slaughter This weekend we are going to clear the shelves of ail oui siiic stock and are pricing them f ar below cost in order to do this-this is a chance to buy your new Spring Dress at a big saving. NOTE THE BIG VALUES 500 Yards Natural Silk Pongee, our regular 69c quality, HALF PRICE 39c 750 Yards Fugi Silk, worth 79e yard, ioveiy color range .............FOR 49c 25 Yards Only, Black Crepe Back Satin, Regular $1.98 .................FOR 98c 200 Yards Plain and Fancy Rayons, Printed Creschenes, Plain Celanese,, Etc., Regular Values to $1.29, FOR 59c 350 PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS Including Fancy Celanese, Plain Crepe de Chenes, Plain Georgettes, English Printed Siiks, French Printed Fiat Crepes and Georgettes, Etc Regular Values fo $2.98 Yard ..........FOR 79c French Fiat Crepes, our best selling number, lovely colors, regular $1.98, FOR $1.29 Crepe Rack Satins, in ail the newest shades, Regular $2.50 ........FOR $1.59 Pussywiliow Fiat Crepe-very heavy- best French dye and lovely coloring, Regular $2.95 ...............FOR $1.79 200 Yards Crepe Romaine, a beautiful heavy quaiity, in lovely French tones, 'LRegular $2.29 .................FOR $1.4 250 Yards English Broadcloth A new shipment, speeially priced for this sale, Regular 35),................................... FOR 25C 100 Yards Fast Pile Velveteen, two or three col- ors ieft, Regular $1.75,..................FOR 98c 200 Yards Extra Heavy Cretonne, in 15 colors, Regular 39e ................................... FOR 25c Winter Underwear Haif Price Watson's Sample Garments in Women's and Girs'-we have eut the price in haif so corne early, Regular 59e to $2.98 ....FOR 29c to $1.49 ME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24th, 1929 PAGE THREZ

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