TAGE FOUR E CANAULAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24th, 1929 OBITUARY TYRONE MAPLE GROVE COURTICE ENNISKILLEN SALEM HYO Mrs. Isaac Elford, Fenelon Mrs. J. Heiidricks,-, Trenton, isi Miss Corsina Samis and Mr.Mal-I Miss Velma Gay visited lher grand-i Mr. and Mrs. Mervin <;iahami, Blustery weather on Sunday niade Sunday Schooc n hrho Thr,1Is to r- ,ai .iy.j isiting her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. colin Law are attending the Winter1 parentsv Mr. and Mrs. T. Jackson,'Oshawa, Miss L. Flett, I3owmanvjlle, home firesides look good and the Sunday,lagnubrbinpr- Pen ' 1 ~ip n riaJ_ anurofytB'. F. Gardiner~..M. and .rs School at Cobourg ..ev. Mr. ,owanville, and attcnded a C. G. 10th. i - a %lfrd vhoer,îiocas,<li icad Hawkey and Miss Breta Stewart very accept.ably occupied I. T. meeting in Triitv Church ..were recent visitors at J. H. Froc- congregation at the afternoon Fer - nt at both servcsMrln Iath. i, l,î irt ~r, o diýtcI oier l ich l , ont wer Xxas ' ' b I on h :l..lKh. s Han key, Glidden, Sask., are visit- the pulpit in the aid of the Frohibi- Mr. Hovr1Cutco inio orn's..... Mr. and airs. J. E.. Virtuel vcvs sinail, but those whjo ventur- Ms onbaa,.u.ad me an ,rwas boi j N.\o' rltve ee...M. ad to no nSunday, inth a * ho his - ( ' o r n i % a . I n g a n d , Aî s a'3, , - . T r n r , G r e e n w o o d ,s n c a s0rc s pn e lni î c u r e f o e a. J . W .No r a a l , O h a a as t d a Shro oi une,,visited sneot the pao. Christmas V1Ln his lather and mot- neToronto, vstdtermother, j Bunndr BowmanvillefhitemehJ. r. D rnm . r n Sh ~ c. . o C ion la n~ O î w 1839- th ir d a u g h te r, M rs. F lo y d D d y A r,. il bo d Y b u l r- Cr,ztm o f la ri,.y . ' h e r, M r. a n d M rs. W . E . MCo u rtic e, e . . M . n dMghi intf C h i t . . ...J,3r d e ,~ i i e 184.7. oh rttlr o iftm . r and Mrs. W. J. Dudley, - took a relapse after having the flu,lTaylor, Stayner, n hi) were <nhin n th e iiiyo Crs.îr J rdeE Fantfi Rho tosnna iorB aille, Sundayed ith his par- vhich rsltdin n oi. Ho' oneymoon isi dM..and M.nE.i"hbo 184. 'in, ifan lsettilofisosna Par-owniai IAok"~~eetd rYn w lv- u d re stan e pncu oniS a yl . C o . . r. W lim H r ing i gh rhood, Mr. A. Wilkins is in Austin Larmer, B ckt k, t Mr ry flOV. O v il l8 L, s h w s-. ed M r. a n d M rs. F . I,. y a i , D o e e n 1inthem aO s h a wao h o sp- itis n o n d nd ea theY s w i h A .e ,j îa s w ,.o o h a u in mrrnewih snandiîrt sn Yrvonne, Sn ni ;t hrpar-1"Mr. a rs.Mmî in s as anl ospIand, is doing j iulîer n afw as i he! fD.Hzeod r .A tph fSna colae ut-r On.anuýrabry 15shc -asuhîdan dd t hrran Wler ri eî e ed. îl We du'er, Mrs. uîti Wotten, Union.' n ssSeigfon ottobeCcl Senion;AstSpt-r.H tr.oni is beEfr, iianmp- en', Mr andi Mrs. J. Lilicrap, Cali- son, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. L. wish him a speedy reccvery ..Mrs..11ev. J. M. Whyte spent a fewad rdotrsdic.h npua stn;Srtr-r.R.ro- tO, it ernya beungwhe rnc bningt(n. r. Wmi. Saples anîd Rahnî, Raglan, were recent guests Of S. S. Brooks la in Toronto iwth hon days in Toronto. . Dr. Fergusonîto fate r .Cto' aivmn st z, riir. r. and NMrs. Eford firgt 1I- are shut in with flu and nuensiesMaBehahl TreasrrMs. Teo settled on uts, farinear the churcli no'- brothor, Mr. J. J. Virtue, Hamîpton, their monthly meeting at the home Sunday morning Mr. 'Stuart of Tor-' Siemon, Jr., Howard PeadF a~res utintherfrd isdiiiat th e out; Orni-Ms Mae > occper by . i t eo e, bt n ya ho is !i . M r. ard M rs. Floyd of M rs. Russel Ormiston on Thurs-, onto, preached a fine s4iionii i tie Dorland attended the hockey gaieM rs. f he rordaughtcr, Mrs t. e m ar e echnjo; A s. O g ns~ M s e aL ~ ~~r'î~tSiaposa th -* îey ureinToronto. Mr. Dud- iday. A good program was gîven.'intere.sts of the Priohibition Unio-nlnTrnoo hdy. n.Johnruher daghMrs. .Mrs. Ct, . O rono sBnae; Lbrrin-itRm Iox-I 0 iiv Nwimer.- ,e tho oughmi nti loy s attending Military School ..1Some new members added and al j At the Sunday School scsion in theljSlenon is still confined to his bed.;~Bwnnil optladhrtjBalc;As.LbainMs n settied on the' farm whie h was theirMr N. J Woodley bas reîurned h1 wr slndidly entertaine. M ftrnoisrss. .1 1i sngaMiss Evelyn Brent, Tyrone, is in a,-intle son are hsta and i teir Oic Brade; Crdl RîlSut. homeîtnil emoel y teath. lore! af ter visiting his sister, Mýrs.h E'd. IdcCulloch has been under the Most appropriate solo "Ninety andîttendance. Miss May Lamb taias-iet n niMs F .'Ms.Seo;Msinr sinrios eoid hý oiti of ihoso eariv m a es.Gorrie. .The sympathv fdco'scr...Congratulations t ine i ood vie. M. Surt1wthhrbrother, M.LreLam-b. . S"ar .. nWdedyevn' ut-ýr.H Five sons anti nine daihters grew up 'th'is conîmunity is extendeslte M r. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith on thelpneached again in the evening. . ... .. The heavy nain on Friday niliti flitwe h ae eehn Mrl olnRm rdeM to biess the utnion, tîmu liv.- sons andt se - Wi. Little and fml, Osa._, in arrivai of a new hb gr.Sevenal from here attended Snco id mucb amgeI Cr o elits annuhe alm ele at th- e Tolii emeaceut tein ither iocrîters ea r pr ni aIthe death of is wife. Chunch1 A r-ai body uider-Crea m , of B îriy. St- Church Sun da ve i g and IM oorey's m iii dam .M. . iss M aud ore of M . F. Honey. After bisi- Ben Faxington, L us A h n, re pr ti ce su d h r - R o se, on C h i tr us ras se rv"" ce on S u n d a y m o rn in g nw as n-il _ _ _ _ _ _h a rd R a b b i Isse m a n , L ea- d rn f H O ly~a r a r n ess m a tte rs se e a t e n d ed to th e B e ch ; G ra d în ff c rs M s. D Day, 19i1, antiE- May 22nd, 1!4,1. ationd-d. 11e. J.hR.arupour BtossowTokonto. 4 rie ,.c. Rv J .TuporBosmSynagogue, Toaronstwo .et.te.ve.-n..a gentlemen joincd the ladies and a1 Grahani, Mrs. E.Ba1y eces Te datt-itors an.- ýlis-s TLîrio, MNiary, M Mr.SineydTrewi Kae istuîer, Adtlie, Lena antd Mrs.pieacîiea splendid sermon ,taking HAMPTON Our young people go te Cobour-gM. 1ElisAho'. .adMs pleasant social time was spent, the~ Bible Clas-Mrs .Semn on J a mn s i e ' a mi T fr i s - e s n .nd a l . o 9 : 1f o r b i s T e x t s cL u k e 1 0 : 2 0 ; t h e m iLhoin t r S b n , e n s a e v n n g jb et e t a i e d h o s t e q s s e r v i n g a v e r y d a i n t y l u n h - j Mg e n 1 s l a s s - . C x e y ;t r Jo n, Wilam T on-s tt (t ri s : 7. Th s c a m nt of t e ot ss M r. and M rs. R oy M etcalfe and to pres enit their play "A rnold goesboys o u - a , J n 15 h Broiilit n, ientChritMn. rpar-jpp e hr of ts on els, J a . bcon and ail agrced that business andI, i iediate Boy's CasleFai tiarliest nild Iooti Annat IMtaii E of orther servadice Teed Win the oe ilrn asend , st h r-- t uinss".. euyReeG roerprshvngago ie lauewn eli aig a imliton lived iindr qood inluencF. wAnnisvitet..dinhe Ciuntnes'ntCoMn. aEdvenyone Treports rhaFingnnasgoodtttinie. cvenien , the-1onlyinregretonbeirgretirl'sgCilass-Mna. GMount- bro ught forth fruit in bitr own CîristianIClass" had election of officers on cently. Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Horn cil at Cobourg this week..........League meeting Wednesday phone message that calic.d Mn. an d loy; Junior CIas r.H stn cýhrît,,r. Witl a Chmristian btstui iia-afternoon n-hen they n-ere!and Mn. Wallace Horm spent Sunday A real body bulider-Cre-tuitfitreyjngtasnchgefMss yteMs.Crterhoenacutof st-isAalTrwn;Bi- toeterthy ro'd1i titsbentertiincd at the home of then nwith Oshawa red... Miss Mar- -____ Brunt. Alter opcning exercises brmte' udniles idnr ls-r.E lte ht n d ut-minbsc i uîtl ite -- fri ends.R. rMiDatn- l ma . Bradie'viln-s la nrsChs-r il was Iliir prtvileg- te train. Ilos-1tahr n. Rv)J .Trumpour. jonce Martyn, Enniskillen, visited ber Misd in e n prayer; bilue les- to report her condition much immcv Officers of YoungPol' ege pialt, r,(rlnekindnt-ss ami g-fl- New- officersai-e: President-Miss arnsM. and Mrs. A. Mry... SOLINA ica ea yMs 0 efre;tp maiyawasiervîîed ilit'r hmýal .Mparent ic Peidn isMn.iel Moortynieson y hae ws hO e qurey;tob _d aitimre of writing... Wcddîng President-Mr. e Faxntn the spiritl 0f unimy w-iilmith-t.. cCiogbie rsietiMsnMuilMon Enniskillen, ubells h-ave menriychimed in a near- Vice President-MisMblBeh thie ftumily bas iteen an e\amCie uan', j Miss F. Gardiner; Secretar-M,iks spent Sunday with Miss Grace Messrs. Jack and James Reynoldsj lem," was spendidiy given by Mrs.j by vicinity ansd ne hope soon to ivei- Seecttai-y-Mr. Fe ec;Te in te nî,n ior 96 yt-qmtrsrs î i- Mnc Brent; Treasuer-Mrs. F. Dud- Hastings. ..Mn. and Mns. A. Mar- spent the weekend in To'ronto ith .J er;Ms ni k aecm h arrd oSlm ford maintained lier thoughtfulness for le Miioa,,res;e-is' a reading; Orville Ashton and JohnbCo-ue Mr hi boln rs wad tt,îtrt estwt-, in :Il tre. CofortradCheen Conit- in Bowmanviiai ereon Sund a. nilI. .. MissMine ry a gn thleo sn adetweaig Misgratulations Wreford! sMr.Te-n outy;ltVc lier by lier cbiliren, ant iteste dut un ltee- Mîss B. Bigelosv, Mns. D. Hodg- WlrdSalwsatnin itnWitytteie isNh er àilMorf oednibaslo-IPe.MisAneTcw;2dVc whtch site was h-Id ity ail w-ho sn.-w ber. son Miss L. Burgess- ...Women's Scbool at Cobourg.Considenabie ry attended the funeral of aRyunt.!aote raig hmai ucesintei e hm hon by MrsliRoy Mciii; Pnes.-Mr. FrerStannard; 4th Vic tomoura lier ioss îwo grantictuilr nstttn ais i e ttedaaewsdn otemi yteMrs. Maria Elfodat1mna iby Milton Stainton; a short businessadta heryassahIeco--Pnes.-MIssR.FemaBaiy;dVc iisdsierctiie Msl :friv ' lnt iutperioadiesolio etdatand dMiss wDadutono tecdilw-ithh Gord't Cgoody n ssadansitthbiessim-srallbe cr Pr%-n M..Fra-nk vice- Oshawa, andttIrsn Ai n home cf Mrs. E. Wight on Wednes- flood on Fniday night.-The sym- Monday. - . .A number of oun ladies'pro olwdadMs jtnwsed-t o1tgons n lsigq Brown. i:ch iîo ,Ab-t; orgoýt day, January 16th ith 45 present. pathy of the community is extended anc attendingtecase nrsdeiected president, Miss Myrtle Brunt' growi ntlci iteima JeWii, TontoJeanAn rntenesting report of the Institut,-. to Mrs.W.JClmnad farniiy work conducted here hv Mns .îîl avmng nesigned. The meeting clos -_________________________________ BrowandTeFrnJwilma aontio;i W.c Jit thebeage beedncion and On, s3;sir, Nirs. G ;torgt- Vieý of o.qh- Convention necently held in Toronto on the dcatb of Mn. Clernens... ards cf South Waterloo ... . Mn. B. jdwt h egu eidcin geawiwos lit lainw em6îtr cf tuatIn-as given by Mrs. H. E. Rundie andl Mn. and Mrs A. Trenoutb entertain- G. Stevens who has taertght the Adult Enniskillen Churcb and Commonity ge o ine raîbon sd i ne %vaus c f tela te M s C J. Kerslake, Hampton, also d a numben of friends at their bere Bible C ass for the past two v eas b s s sa n da1itn t b s b' t the home of Rev. H. H-. Mution, Cam- a splendid paper by Mrs. R. Hodr,- on Satunday evening. ..Young n-as very picasantiy nemenîlbcrcd onj nemoval Of two of their most highly bray. wbmo gave an appropriai(- adçlress son. Avclde vsne]rn-Pcpesmeigo a.lt a udaywe n.W-..alr n esteemedJ famiilles. Mn. W. G. Smnith tas td on lanialu66: . Ifelit- ias tsist Fvclodudw lcy en- Presideeineo J nt, behSunaf nM. .Tylr nand family bave ncmoved to Oshawa Nwne R ed by Rev. W. G. Smith, Glcnarm. ered b-t-Mns. FodDde and Miss in change of 3nd Vice Pe dnMn. bh cff the ciass presented hilm AmisIb.auifl loer wtiiîet-'Margaet Moore. An exebange of Fred Billett. Miss'Jessie Knox read wîth a new tcachen's bible. . League breismtra gne some loved so muet, ant iwlt a fr.-sivi9omn - it was a pleasan t featune cf *he the lesson, and Mn. T. A. Bon Ot- meeting n-as y imepoiu.Terhm a heI htorfehsoko giftses BmlieofnvritMondityeevening wtsimeeiu. Tei on a eartly reraains of titis motter in Israel pnogram, aise a demonstration of tawa, took change of the devotionai change ef the 3rd Vice-President, scene cf many happy gatbcnings ininatorfehscko werc lusadenî-l ii d o r-st lanlt- fttnîîly candy making by Mrs. Russe] Wrigbt. pcniod and gave a splendid taik. The Mn. Ernest Debarn. The devî)tional connection witb the work cf the ploti n te eemelery by mion Citurei cf A rt-tii boty ituiter-Creamoo itle oi,"byoraeba iuntook tefom flne 0isie Ladies' Aid in whicb Mrs. Snîith and whîch ghe was a memit-r for so ma ny o Briy.toic antiu ae aHaotqor th f Bofottiesli'so years. The bearens Mere six neigiitré:e y>orWne Ca n r o problern," was taken by Mn. F. j. the lire cf Moses, presented and cx- Miss Ruby teck a veny active part. H t Wt r B t Mesrs.Jaes aurnen, itmasCur i-sbalarnce hS tMkast siiingoff Great. A chenus by the Youngiplained by Rcv, J. R. Bîok. Mn. B. They wfli becral isdi i Duncan MeLean and Arcitie mMMillan. People was w-cil given. Meeting G. Stevens took the topic on"b tecuchgteinsadhh u ae c nin, ntreg MKethle.sMea anprtaanepfniestckatlrrgan oiesnlse wthth Mz-ahBeedcton or geba alauondrbail Wsdyocciaal al ocalfucto e av tempnce a Mrs. Jame1s Vice. Mnf. and Mr,, Franik OSHAWA VS. BOWMANVILLE ......Hampton Wornen's Institute expeet a visit frorn Ebenezer Lengue for the weifare of the churcb an d Vice Mr an %Is. eore VveMis comunty. We re app inthe$1.00, $1.50, $2.50 and $3.OO Vlizae.hMn. and. rs. aogeVies, MissdJUNIORS met at the home of Mns. Bruce Fer- ncxt Monday evcning . ..M%1r. and cmumy eachpyi h Elizbet . lfo d O ia w ; 'Ms .oandgrisonon Thursday, January 7th, M s. Bert Hunt and Ernest, Bw- thougt that thy anc not fan e- different sizes but ail guaranted. They're a muh ee d -' ~A M I o Tr on i t , , a w o d i s L a _ _ _ _g s n 0 1- m n i l vsto ;dMr. M naSk B u s b's m v e d a n d k n o w th a t th e ir s e r v ic e s , KCilscatiy, Albterta: MNr. H-. Haneock: Watery BtieWnBy Frmr residcnt Ms .E. - l pei-manviennviie aiskr S B'th . will be cheerful" mvente the cause article at this season. Mrs W W. od. M Nis. Titos. ('ory, %Irs. îng. Meeting opened by snging the :-MisJnieLakmet wt a 5cr-Ige Timos. Sheritdan, oshtwnaf. Mn cii vice Our Junior team lost to Oshawa Opening Ode, foliotwed 'by the bord's ious accident on Sunday w-ben she t of the Master and the United Church We bave fittings for using themn as fountainsyngwhh P. Werry. Mn,. John Larmer. Mis@ Annlie aain Friday n-ight, but you couidn't Prayer. After a lengthy business fi nteie nuin e i. Ohw. Mn. Smith n-as a mem- Wright Blackstock; Miss Noma Werry, blame them. They weren't as good session n-as he.ld at which it was de- She is at present in Oshawa Hospital ber of the Trustee Board of Ennis- makes one bag do tmwo bags' work. Add '75e telbbg ic M sol n : M . r d S iî e a . M . a n ti s w im m e r s a s th e O s h a w a b o y s . c d d t a e a S m e u e r , i e e y rb e r m a y f n c n daws h e ra e' ar ad c a r a f t ea d y u h v h n c f c m i a i n onPrsoagelBs;d. Mn. and Mns. Ysyugtteea Mr. WT. fiake. Littie Bnîitaun; Mn.R Th aewsvr close, finisbing and aiso arrangements made for niscd eoey John McGill aiso have removcd te e o etteea P. Hill, Weodville: Mr. Harry Pearni 3-2, witb 10 minutes overtime, but oysten supper t ehl tornxl elbd ule-ý'emo aly Orono. They were bighly __eee C'amernr Point: Mr. and Mn,. George it was dead frain stant te finish on meeting for members and their fam- _____ by ail, but owing to the prolengedK l.N I AK 1 Plett, Oakw-ood. account cf the ice, or rather, its' ah- iies te, celebrate the twenty-fiftb lnh fMsMGi' ohnte _ ~AAK ~-4 Scha~sence. The garne should neyer have birthday of Our Hampton Branch. Clarence S. Mason le ofenbng lte hbl- were unabeteakave cieTEDENABE RU SOE lvs are In S. M asn eoiand Ah o nienplayed. A piano sole w-as rendered by Mrs. ance THEhe Winer CaIe ati Dessesc __ G o v s, nit ei E n g a n ~ ~ oa a dj s ou aî ed int t e n nk ai C . J. K ers ake, alter w ich M rs. C . a I r ea l B argain P ie s. p art in chu rc b w ork, b u t w ce tru c bee0n i$.0 ardrn J oa n syuwledit h ika Ara oybldr-Cemo ayj and loyal supporters. Wews flreeg Sale. Whitby you could sec a hall inch cf J. Kenlake and Mrs. H. E. Rundle ca bd bile-Cea f ane M4essrs. R. H. Pickard, Rings-ville, water ail over the ice, and by the gave splendid reports of the Toronto -________________ ___________ aadC. .CP. krR.Winsor rcen- ed cWindgseoremaysafly e envn ton. "TndLtof Betnhe___________we_______ __________________convention.________"The____Little______Brown__ ly visited their brother, Mr. A. W. that it was ne boss than tbree incheslCbuncb in the Va le" n-as sung and __ ___ Piekard. deep in one cerner. 1 the meeting closed with the Mizpab _________ A real body buiiler--Cream cof Barley I Thene wasn't much lying around benediction. Refneshments were on tbe ice.OAs soon as anyonc went scrved and a social time enjoyed.. . d own , he nas rigbt on bis f eet again '- Januany meeting cf the W.M.S butevns the water bad usually was held atsthe borne of in.J Cl ToAi ntretdn eachedbis bide before be was right W Ili o Tuesay, Jan. lStb, President CodF l ct TH eKil ________sidc up.The reports frorn Oshawa tr. Bickttaking charge. Delegates Tak noicetht Iam ow e-say that there n-as net a drop cf te resbytenial in Oshawa on Jan. Take n otiers fth I rn n re-bl water on the ice. No there wasnt, 29th and 30th arc to be Mrs. Bick. ee1 igodr orteerlal there n-as a wbole ake; Thcy should 1 Mrs. C. H. Wallace and Mrs. W. W. geoods have said, "Thene rnay be a littie Horn. Mna. Stephens, Treasurer, ice left but we can't sec it. The gave a very enceuraging financiai BISSELLS & COCKSHUTT nater is tee deep". statement. The newly elected offi- Selling-O ut Sale of Groceries Tillage and seeding impIe-ments, Weil, se much for that. The boys weeinrduean hefl i t ndtbat's ail there la te it. Th, oing ncwiy appointed Heralds __________ FROSivti & Wan d avStig rsife ne excusebt thcy'v e sy hcafn-M: Tempeanlce;MianK- The time is drawing short wben we must vacate our store for the A. & P. Stores. The groceriesae o r cled te -nly w sgext tme. eyin Wron J .A - . W aaer ; Inian o k r e n e u e . S o e w i e h o n s g o n e o r s a machines, on such ice, I gucas. The tearnas Miss S. E. Virtue. The prcgramme fat S seerned te be having the time cf thein n-as under the leadership of Mrs. place them at these prices. Make out your list now. Phone in your order or corne to the stoewir J -CANADA FAIRBANKS-MORSE lives. If a manin-cnt te check you, Avery and n-as veny intencsting: hundreds of bargains await you. PGam and cil Engines; also home of course you spiasbed water in bis solo, "The Gift of Ged," by Mrs. H. electric light and watcr plants. eyes andi centinured on ycur wateny Peters; a good naiper on "'Steward- - __________ Repaira always kcpt on hand. n-ay. AiI's fair in war-the nefer- ship la the Soul cf Religion," b y Mrs. ce couldn'î produce any ule n-hicb E. H. Cole; several membens led laiTnas R~lr2cNw1c rys n *eua .~c forbade such procedure, s0 it n-as the prayen and jeinej beartily 11 in- ger Ctup, R ................................... o 19FryBentos Cor BeefRgla ONTARIO FERTILIZERS onder of the night. inz. A contest was then entcred LmnOl aeRglr6c........ o ý ..o 5 for ail silla and crops. Weil, tbat's ail for now. The into, Mrs. Bîck baving pnepanedLmo OHae, eulr6c. ..No 48 lads play again Monday night. Osh- questions with anan-ers taken frnmWthplhngcoh' Buk oIe Qt-euar 4/ lb. 5, an-a is their rival once again and, the annual report. These papei- vrSa-us Wth si, R g 5or 25c, Now 5-21 j Now 4 lb.1/2 19c METAL & ASPHALT ROOFING -cil, there may be Sýome fun, but it's had been distnibuted among the IoySa -us ie e.5fr2c o -1 l o Pediar metal and Murray made I.sure to be a goosi game fromn start membens some days previeus, but I Sani Flush-Regular 35c, ................. Now 28C Mazola Qil-Regular 35C size,..........o 8 Amphaît Roofing for ail kinds ef to finish. The lads bave positiveî y net te be neferred te in the contest, e u rNw2fr2cg 6c0 6 !Cac tail. Se iet's everyrbody old-fashioned apelling match. It M zguar Reulr$1.25,..........Nw..1.0 ALET &U . Otot, pthio edfavnelsany prore th internd icipl: 0f Bockrd nM'lkRI 2 fr 2c ..Now 2 for zoaOiu3.......... Odr ilda esnbepie.1bonron- oosin etalady the humeve. Liquid Ammonia-Regular 18c, Now2fo 25 Inacor wtbmoem buinss and n-cil see you there at 8.15. fMs W e. Oh Boy Hand Cleaner-Reg 3 - 25c3fo2cStrA onaRg ar3or3c, Now 3 for 22c uiethods attractive pices on al - - r-i.o. yhruî01-ram Buly Split Peas for Soup, Reg. 2 lb. for 25c Toilet Paper-Regular 6 for 25c, Now8fo 5 unes are made to cash buycrs. DO YOU LIKE TO DRAW Now 3 lb. 24C Keen's Mustard-¼/ lb., Regular 30c, .. Nw2- D Tînafîsqmen li ve big ay. sisals- iosi - - Mustard-.-'/ R.E s on ion.Sîuare lime, practical honiti-anil lb., 55c £0...ar75 RoseLe Ken'sMu a -1lb. tins, Reguarc, c Bowanill sevil ffe. ommrcal ngneeinW Mt.Pt fet'rr. oxir 1"S.Eowca]illsGoblin Soap--for Mechanics and rough work, ____________________ Pon 45WRegular 3 for 25c,............. Now 5 f or 25c - Johnston Floor Wax-l lb. tins, Regular7c ~--~---! Wash Boards-Regular 55c, .............. Now 34CNo 5c ________ ____ - I Cauliflower--largze tin. Reg. 25c Now 1&, 2 fr3c Gue lu-o ibts e.5c o $295..a95c$3.25Oxpr. -s-inpentl$298 or. uwnlar 45c,................................... Now 3Mc jJelly Powders-Pure Gold ..........N o r 3 b cîflethrSpratts Dog Biscuits-Regular 40c Bag, Now 34c j Youth's, Il te I -ý" s ' s Broken sizr-s on ba-gain table,1T H S I T E E K O G T P C .4 io $.00P. lpe-, 9 5 r.$.9P.Spratts Dog Biscuits Ovals--40c bag, Now 34cTH S S TH WE K O G T PC L D $25t- 30 r oiomSipc-,5c&8cp.$5 r Spratts Puppy Biscuits-Reg. 40c bag, Now 32cI We are going to have a very special priceo i --- ___Welsh's Grape Juice-.Reg.lar35cbo, Now 28 thces n umrDik.Gty PHONE 200 Shoes That Satisfy W. CLAUDE IVES, Manager Welsh't; Grape Juice-Reg. 3r 5c, bo..le, Now 54 cklhe aandSume.rns e orsaeo VAGE FOUR