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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIX And the hilltop gardens yleld this fragrant tea. "1SALADA" TEA &Fes rom thUe guidon' AWonder fui New Highboy $260 COMPLETE EASY TERMS The IlFour-Ten"I Roger& Batteryless Radlio TJLUST at the heitht cf the radio season, camnes this wonderful JRoger-,'sFour-'Ilen" Highboy for "the hne Ibeautifuî." The cabinet of rit . Ibrown-u wittibiti, r p inels f niatched butt veneer, rests ulsîn grace"ully turne'< legs t 'nnected by a cross-runner with inedallion ce ntre-a true -highbbv" inode. & This proven Rogers- Battery! ess Receiver is equipped with Rogers A/C Tubes tbroiLutdîut (incîtîdint: the lamonus Rogers A/C Power Tube). (liber 1929 fe:ttures inde Single Dial Tuning, Illumninated Diai, Autonimaîî'Vu ie Control, Rogers Output FUtur an(i]l'bonuîgraph iugi"jack. The newly developed built-in ('net S,:ia1,er gi%,us faithînl rplroduiiion. Hear it ini your home tonight IVe invite you ta examnine nand test thi~ ,mn]rt k.,Iii In your homne tonigh. j c 'iti r o- r . vno obligation. But its oniy fairt%- 'nnyn you wY-Uior't want to send it backl xWe J. BAGNELL, King St. West Bowmanville ST. JOHN'S A. Y. P. A. Members of Newcastle A. Y. P. A., alont, v. ith our own members en- ure given on Mondna' nigbt in the Parish liall by Magistrat0 J. E. Joncs of Toronto. His subject real- y \vns Hvminology but covered a great niany songs as well as hynins. For about art bour bis listeners were most attentive and wben the talk was closed aIl expresàsed regret that it anis over. The Magistrate in ai very plensing manner intro(lue da book "Songs for old and Young" piaying numerous selections and ex-1 plainin g severni. Rev. R. J. Shires, Rector. tendered the 'Magîstrate a vote of tbnnks whicb was beartily endorsed by nl pre-ent. During the evening Mr. C. C. Bruaton in a neat littie speech wel- comed our gucsts £rom Newcastle. He also, on bebalf of A. Y. P. A. presented Miss Audrey Lamb with a pen and pencil set wisbiag ber everyI success in ber new work at Royall Victoria Hospital, Montrel. Miss Lamb has been secretary for A «Y for some tume and will be greatlyl missed at St. John's. Refreshments were Served and ný social bour enjoyed by ail.r On Sunday, January 13tb., A. Y. P. A. members attended a Corporate Comunion service at 8 a. ni.. In the evening severai of the members assisted in the service and our Rect-ý or, Rev. R. J. Sbires, gave a wonder- fui sermon on the text "Reniember now thy Creator in tbe days of tby gYouth", speaking on the adventure l of finding God, tbe most isspiring and satisfying adventure open to man. Poultry Wanted Pay higbest cash price. Don't sel! till you se-e me. 1. Stein Phone Si Whitby YOU CAN EARN $3- to $10 v "F'r1lA L,oro md rn P 'rt tifi, ', n - NIot .or Mtech - ani,i, tlattery, WIF Vuc,'nizi?1g and Il 'a Wirîng. aiso 1Uricklay inç ing and Beautv Cu: ur Work. Be Prosperous o , God Positions now. ' ope n Write or "ail fP re instructivebock. Dominion Chartered Schools 163 KingSti e v LFee Eroplovir., nt S.r ( ttj COAL Stop guessing about what your winter's fuel is costing you. Just go outside and Look at your ashpile. If it is ail ashes, wvell and good; you may î'est assured you have received good value for your money, but Listen-If it is full of clinkers and slate and unburned coal, something is wrong. It may be in your equipment or in your method of firing, but most likely it is the fault of the coal you are using. Lehigh Valley Anthracite Will give you the greatest comfort and heat value, with less waste, which in the last analysis means true economy. Our coal is delivered to you proniptly and in perfect condition. Best Grade Coke For Sale J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville BLACKSTOCK ISite offers ber healing herba Miss Elizabeth Collett recently t 'psforn visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. DeMill. Xhefl Anierir"t v'assw,'en., Indians Our rink opened recently under Ywere qlsif~ig ri's su~uI From th, lieda, i,,.7,1 vîrs agi,, .Tamee the new man5.ger, Mý- A. h. Bailey. i Gîll r liml ier 1,:l 5O,' srts and Mrs. E. Montgomnery visited in Iclputîe (t'lc sIlrlail iese- Toronto witb bier son, Dr. R. J. h bll d ff'. lis fanious Kîdney Montgomery. 1 emedy bas lo"Iped maîsy a sufferer Miss Florence Fair la spendingi froni Rheuwi:tie'în. the winter in Cobourg witb ber uncle, Titis fine, titîîe-proved remedy. drawn Mr. Geo. McLaugblin. froni thec heort of Nature, heaIs atnd M.and Mrs. Geo. Richardson cfd et osnes ,tv.Quiokly stops.,îtîrk- NrhPortal, Sask., are vliting ache, dlizie.sidobr nagging kidney witb relatives and frienda iBlack- anti hladder ailmencs. 't-y it! For stock and vicinity. We are pleased sale by 31 to welcom-e theini back. 1JR OEI omnil The annual meeting of the Young' JR OEL omnîl People's League of the United Cburcb was beld on Wedr.esday ev- enîng of iast week and 1-hfoilowing Wol ntbe' ihu officers were elected fui the coming W udntb ihu year: President-Mis.s Olive Van- CaeSam in; Srec'yn-Mress .--Misa Z utoo T ab lets1 Camp Vie-.Pesient-Mies Mar- Susie VanCamp; Pianist--Miss Effie A n 'C s mittees-Misses Dorot'av Beliman Mr. A. 0. Norton, the mllionatre andI Frances 'Mounitjoy; Messts Har- jack Manufacturer, ai Boston, who t-e- old Birchill and John Venning. cently died, was a great "booster" for Deathbhas again entered aur midst Zutoo Tablets. and claimed another bighly respected Bc suffered trots headaches f rom child. pioncer in the person of Robert hood and when be found Zutoo Tahiets Bailey wba passed away sitting is bis stopped th-eheadachesin afew minute& chair, on Monday, January 7tb. The and left nio bad effect, hie began recoin- funeral was held from bis home on mending tîteni to bis farily and friends. Thursday aftcrnoon, January 1 Otb. In an unsalicited letter, Mr. Norton Baya The service wvas conducted by Rev.tin cloin&: P. G. Powell of the Anglican Cburch My family use thein when ever ne e Blackstock, and the remains laid to with equally good results. 1 have fre.. t-est in St. John's Cenetery. Deceas_ quently given thena ta friends who were ed was 82 years of age and leaves suffcring front Headache and they never to murnhis oss twoson andonefailed ta give quick relief. 1 always carry dato mornbi os, t Bwo son aoneZutoo Tablets imy gri on the roail ad auter ,hoe. a uttoHatyanid WOULD ,NOT Bý WITHOUT JThe January, meeting of the Vict- TFIA N OT1 orian Women's Institute was beid at .95 cents per box-at ail dealers. î the home of Mrs. John Wright, on Wednesday afternoon of Iast week witb a good attendênce of members in spite of the prcvailing flu. TIhe A meeting opened with the "Institute II Ode" and devotional exercises, fol-i O H R O lowed by the reading and adoption ~ ah. 1 of the minutes. An apeal for I8I~ was rend and arrangemients it erelH IE nmade for nncking a haie. Tbe 1 fruit and gift coninittee have beern Reutored to Heafi~ by Taking t busysendng fuit P thkhia a'd prî'se;(nting baby spoons btý,ýhe nîn' da inhis ee bihies and fruit spoons te the bridesý,ta"le Comffound The spoons werc al cngraved w.ith,_______ 1V. W.1. The prograni consisted of a very interesting andI eîItational Mitchell, Ont-"! had ittle twin address on "The League of 'Jaticwsý" babies and for uta whie after 1ws by the Rev. J. F.. Griffith and corn- not do m1 ork niunity singing and cioec i tb not do ai pains ! "(Xd Save The King"'. Luncb was mi ),. t pains served as usual. a su t the back.My Cause cf Astbmna. Noune cari a' und t ery lite say witb certainty cxactly wht gt l elt kLiae causes the establisbing of asthmntie -s lee 1 t 's Vla- conditions. Dust fromn the street, B. ha>î Cm'ond froni flowers, fron grain and variouseal omon, i other irritants niaY set up a trouble an co a impossible te irradiente expept thru aItagt up and a sure preparation qucb a., Dr. J. D. doY work. hbave Kellogg's Astbnia Reniey. Uncer- and T arn fine, do my work without tainty anay exist as to. cause, but trouble and ama rainini n wegbt and there cas be no uncertainty regard- strength. I wifl glal recommend the y ing a remedy whîcb bas freed a gen- Compound ta anyone.- eration of astbmatic victinis f rosi Mita F. STÂTTONB=x 2M, Mitchel this scourge of the bronchial tubes.j Ont.* It is sold everywbere. ORONO (Froni The News of January 17th) Mr. James Cuttel is visiting i daugbter in Toronto. bs Mr. and Mrs. E. Benson, Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.' 0. W. Rolph. Mrs. M. Breslin who basq been iii x;it;h flu 'n Toronto Hospital re- turned homne Tuesday. Why suifer from corns wben tbey can be painlessly rootcd out by using ýHolloway's Corn Remiover. Miss Calherine Hall, Toronto, ae- companied by M E. ogzs, spent Sun- day at her father's, Mr. 'M. C. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clemence and her sister, Miss Smith, Wbitby, spent Sunday wvith Miss Fiora Cobb]edick and Mr. Howard Walsh. Mr. Arthur Welsh, who spent the Dast three weeks bere witb bis motb- j er, Mrs. Stutt, who has been il] witb k, bas returned to bis home at Sal- em, taking his motber witbhlhm. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rolpb and Mr and Mrs. John Thompson spent Sat- ur-cay at the bome of Mr. Frank Lhompson, Taunton, where tbey bad dinner with Mr. Will Leask wbo is bhortly ]eaving for Florida. nternally and Externa]ly it is Good -Tbe crowning property of Dr. [homas' Eclectric Qil is tbat it can be used internally for many coin- plaints as well as externally. For ore tbroat, croup, wbooping cougb, iains in the chest , colic and many kindred alments it bas qualities bat are unsurpassed. A bottle of icosts littie and there is no loas in lways baving it at hand. MrS. W. S. Moffat was taken ser- iuslY 1l1 iast week witb appendicitis nd otber complications. At Bow- manville Hospital where sbe la be- ig treated we understand an opera- ion will not take place for a tnie at east.1 John F. Cbapman passed away at is home in Toronto, January 10th., Eollowing a short illness. Internent =ok place at Orono Cemetery, Sat- arday. Deceased was a former rsident of this town, leaving here more 18 years ago. Orono Public Scbool entertain- nent la the school on Friday, Jan- iary 25, is to consist partly of muai- ,al competitions. There are to be rizes for solos ---Boys' uncbanged ices, girls' voices ,and also prizes or Juniors wbich will be donated by cal musicians. iMr. Raymond L. Clark, Newark, N ý visited last week at bis aunt's, rs .T. Smith. Raymond la tbe ddest son of Mr. Albert Clark of )anville, Calif., an Orono old boy vho left here over 40 years ago and vho bas been Judge and Postmaster ýDanville for some years. Muscular Rbeumatism Subdued.- Vben one la a suiferer from muscul- ,rheumatism he cannot do better han to bave the region rubbed with r. Thomas' Eclectric 011. Let the ubbing be brisk and continue until, ase is secured. There is more irtusi in a bottle o-f it than cas be .lly estimated. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry attend- dthe funeral at Elizabetbville of ermother, Mrs. John Snowden, wbo ied suddenly on Saturday f rom luro pneumnonia. Interment took lace at Welcome cemetery. Deceas- dwaa in ber 80tb year. She is sur- ied by ber husband, two sons and 'o daughters. Anniversary services Sunday last, iPark St. Church were of a high rder. In the morning Rev. G. E. sco of Port Hope, very strongiy monisbed bis hearers to continue the straight and narrow patb that îds to life. In the evening, Rev. J. Stainton of Courtice, occupied le pulpit. Both delivered forcefu]l ?mons. W. M. S. of Park St. Churcb beld 8annua] meeting Tuesday, Jan. 8. 'ports sbowed a very successfu] ýar-sent to Brancb Treasurer in- uding $60 froni Mission Band, 319.34, being $35.35 more than the (ocation. Annual members 91 ; re members 21; increase 2. MsS avy, Nirs. Gco. Waddell and Mrs. Ussel Best were appointed dele- tes to the Presbyterial in Oshawa'1 January 29th and 30th. Officers cted were: President-Miss M.I E!vy; lst Vice .Pres. - Mrs. R. Sher-1 i; 2nd vice-Ptres.-Mrs. (Rev.) ;rling; 3rd Vice-Pres.-M'ýrs. Rus;- 1Best; Rec. Secretary-Mr.s. J. A. ren; Cor. Secrctary-Miss F. Cob- dick; Treasurer-Mrs. W. M.1 utt; Sec. of Fin. & ('on.-Mes-1 esA. J. Knox, WV. M. Stutt, Mj. Staples, Geo. Waddell and F., imblyn; Sec, for Strangzers-Mrs.j A. Roliph; Sec, for Suppli es- s. Kersiake; Supt. Mission Bnd ,trs. W. H. Rowe; Supt. Bab ind-Mrs. C. Wood; Sec, for Ms )nary Montbly and Lit.-Mrs.! incy; Pianist-Mrs. 'M. H. Stap- ý;Asst. MNrs. Haw; Auditors_ -,.0O. W. Rolph, Mrs. Sterling. i Bladder Weakness Getting-Up -Nights QuicklyRelieved! Pleaaant Home Treatment Works Fine; Uaed by Doctoe For Many Yeara Wbat a wonderful comfort it is toi sleep aIl nigbt and not get up onceI frein Bladder Weakness and Irrita- tion. The daiîy annoyance, restless I nigbts of misery, backnches and ner-j vous irritability that result froni Blad- det- Troubles are wrecking the lives of thousanda wbo might otherwise bei in the best cf bcaltb.1 To he at your best ,you mnust Lave peaceful, health-giving sleep and freedom froni daily irritation-that'si wby Dr. Southworth's URATAIJS)rive such wonderful satisfaction. Made froni a special formula and used in the Doctor's succvissfui p-i vate practice for -nearly 50 ý7ears--URA- TABS, now obtainable from your druggist for inexpensive bhome use, bave brouzbt quick belp andi conifort ta many tbousands. No natter wbat your age may he or bew niany medicines you bave used without succegs, if you want ta forget yau have a Bladder andf njoy the rest of peaceful, unbroken Pfleep, try URATABS today. Your drîgigist wiII refund the cost of very first boex if you are not well pleased! "f M A L4L 9 oitD 94 ROYAL BANK OP CANADA - "Money Order Enclosed"91 Fo- R safety and convenience in sending mnoney by m-ail anywhere in Canada, the United States or the British Isies, use Royal Bank Money Ordlers. They may be obtained at any branch of this Banik and are issued payable in either dollars or pounds. G§18 The Royal Banlk of Canada Bowmanville Branch - AVIATION GASOLINE Are you satisfied with the coal oul you are using? If not, we would like you to give our high grade coal oul a trial. Price is only 27e per gallon. Use Sheil Aviation Gasoline and enjoy its easy starting qualities. C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King t East, Bowmnanville R. F. Aitchison, Manager FORP. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Pain Neuiralgia Toothache Rheumatisn-i î rDOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept only "Bayer" packa which contains proven directio Handy "Bayer" boxes af 12 tab Also bottles of 24 and I00-Drug Aspit la the trade mark (regtstered in Canada) of Bayer Manufactureo f Mono& acidester of alcyltcacd Acetyl Saticyll Acid, *A B. A,,). WhiIe i las weII tbat Aspirinman Bayer manufacture. tuiculot the publiceBaga! stimitations, teT of Bayer Company wtlt be stamped wlth their teacral traie Mark, the "*Bayer THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2-ith, 1929 CATRGTAGRICULTURAL W OL*TRC0 CE*e The sixty-fourtb annual meeting0 OIL0 of Cart-wright Agricuitural Society* MOST EFFECTIVE Wîm - was beid Tuesday, January 15th, POIJLTRY IN TREATING President C. Wright, presiding, wit]h COLDS AND ROUP. SIMPLY POUR A a fair representive of members pres- 1fSm L UANTT ent. EN DRIN KING The financiai report showed re- WATER. ceipts of $2077.86 witb an expendit- ure og $ 1983.72. Auditors report-,i* ed that they had carefuliy examined j the cash -book of Treasurer witb vouchers pretaining thereto and 'found tbem correct, witb a balance '" Iof $93.84 ,and a paid up member-r S sbip of 68. As Port Hope, Sunder-' orTh.'uat Hat liand and Blackstock fairs bave falien A qiII night and znornig ' "liey on sanie date this îast few years, aur sorenes and hornemsà..and vre. senti toor,, serjoua developmnerit. directors bave decided to hald' this A bottle of Buckleys-40 dose-s fur years fair on September 27tb and 75 cents-is aneonomical gear- 28tb Sujee, bweve, t chnge whole family. Pleasant to take- i later if found necessary.I insâtant in action-,oeitjve in r.. Newly elected afficers and direct- lief. AU drusgista sul it. W. I. Bockley, Llmited. sz3 ors are: President-.-Roy Fergu- 142 Mutuel St. Toronto 2 son; lst Vice-R. R. Byers; 2nd Vice-L. E. Mountjoy; Directors- BUCKLK'Y3 J. H. Forder, I. Wbitfleld, W. A. VanCamp, Jas Marlon', W. B. Fer- Acu like a lash- guson, F Taylor, R. J. Parr, W. e"' $,îP VovesI le Campbell. R. J. Mcbaugblin, J. Jobb, s E. Dorrell, R. Hamilton, N. H. Mar- 75e AND 40e low, C. Devitt, A. L. Byers, C.______ ______ Wright, N. Taylor andl A. W. Wrigbt. Lady Auditors-Mesdames S.* Jeif- eryv Jas. Byers, R. J. Crozier, J. iR e m ~ " IJolyb, 1. Whitfield, R. Ferguson, P. h um110 n VaCmC. Marlon', F. Stinson and Pr Miss F. Part-. Auditors-S. Jeffer and Manager Bank of Commý,ere,iPa t f ature s Blcstc.Jas. Byera, Se'y.-Treas. P a £ oel Z-ICI Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago pi

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