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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1929, p. 7

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i'HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BUWMANViLUi., THURSDAY, JANUKRY 24th, 1929 PAGE BEVi The Bell Telep,,hone Company and the American Company RIE relationship between tbe Bell Telephone TCompany of Canada and the American Tete- phone anid Telegrapli Company consist et- 1. stock-the American company owns thirty-one per cent et Bell '[etephene Companyv ahanes. 2. contract-tiie Bell Telepbone Cempany 0w-ns a centract by w-ich the Amarican company sup- plies research preducta and other services an a siding scale ot paymant. The stock eiationship bas existed since tbe Canadian compaîîy beýgan in 1880. One-third et the $400,000 nee'ied te torin the cernpany was net available until the American cernpany agraed te, pro-,ide it. The contract was made in 11923 te put dealings ha- tween the two cempanies on a definite business basis. It may be terrnin.ted at the end et 1932 if the Canadian cempany se deFîres. ejJect of stock relotionship T HE telephone systam in Ontario and Quebec today is ewned by 15,300 sharehoidars. Of these, 95 par cent live in Canada and ow-n 62 per cent et the total si-aras. The targaît individuat holding is 1510 ahanes which is oeaqu.arter et one par cent et the total. The average individual holding is 27 abares, wbich yiald an ùicome et $216 a year. The Bell Telephone Cornpany is thus a great enter- prise which has beconie thoroughly democratized and te, this the American nelationship has contributed two dotinite aýlvznti"-es: First, it la., been a scurce et ncw monay for devel- opment. Vie Americnin cnmpany, as a sharelbrider h..s caver v%'lcd te respond, in gooci tinies or had, when meney wus nlies-ld te extend the systea te mecet publie deraaxds upon it. Secondly, it has iieen a safeguard ag-ainst exploita- tion. Atteni-pts on tL2. e f:.te promnotrs te secure control efthtte teicphic:ie cystern have failed because the American holding ef tha e onpt:y's shares bas bean in the bants et men who are interested in the telephone business for the pregi-ss of the industry and nt for its tinancial exploitation. effect of the contract TL1IE Bell Tetephone Company bas secured thret chiet advantagc's by the contract of 1923:- Frst, it obtains aIl prnducts of the BAIl laboratoric's, wlich are the largest industriJ reseurch laboi-atories in the i wîIl ith a staff of five ttwusand. No single cornpany could hope te stip:lcrt suuh an org-anization. It is possible only by cnoperatien ef many asseciated cempanies. One ex-impIe ef resea'eh mwerk is the "loading colt" which bas liminuted the nead for he-:ivy wiras in- crea5:ing in size with distance. This bas saved inil- lions et dollars. Similar discoe-eies have saved other millions for the telephene user sud given birn a t'ctter telephone. The research clausne of the contract alone more than balances the centract tee. Secondly, the Canadian cempany bas rights te the use ot ail inventions. The Ainerican company now owns more than 5,000 patents essential in every phase et telaphone operation. The centract gis-es the Canadian company use et thase patents and placas the Ameica compnny under obligation te take eut Canadian patents on any naw inventions the Cana- dian company wishes. Thirdly, tbe ceutî-act gives the Canadian Cern: ainy a steady supply et reports and statistica regarding new oprating matheda under trial by the asseciated comparues of the Ainerican syatern. Dangerous axpe-iments are thus avoilecd. WI.en the Canatiuun cenupany miakes a change in înethod it is te a watt tested mnethod and the servic-cs of specialists troni the Ainerican cempany are available, by con- tract, te assist in making it. An example et this ta the change t;om mranual te dia] systeni. Bath in the stock holding and in â the contract pï ovs cona Canadian N. tctephone usersarae prolotec and , assiste-! hy the reatiornship witI:l 4, I the Anierican conuj.any. 323 If you bave PDILE S Many suffrers froma piles beieve PML REMEDY after giving up that theirparticutarcases are either hope vwit h other treatrnents. hoptes o cn nly be rclieved by Il o have piles, no raatter how hnope riC.C IoRpc pe have stubborn or hopeless they may neyer itid NATU SPL setm, give this remedy a trial.I t REMEDY. has proved auccessfulinii 9717 of This old herbni preparation net oxIy cases, te the great gratitude of relieves thesuffrr,but it acisupon tl'ouqzýndý3 of uers. Cet a bex from the cause of the disease and effects yonr dzugist nt once. 'rake accoïd- a znuch more lasting riddance than i ig to dicîectioiis-if you vro net any other ferra of treatment. In the satisf ed mith the results after a p ast 20 years hundreda and ha- f r tr:iai, retturu the c;-.pty box and aedsof men, women andl childrcn v;e wiii refund your monc.y. have succeeded in clearin them. JForest - nFe]d IRemedies, Linuted, WoVes of piles with PA RE'SiorDatoA JURY & LOVELL, Bowmanville A. E. MELLOW, Ph. 3313, Newcaste OBITUARY William Leach, Taunton A highly respected and long re,;i- dent of West Darlington, in the par- son ef William Leach, passad away in Cobourg on Saturday, January 12 in h's 79th ycar. For the past 12 years he bas been in poor health, un- able te take active part in public and privata work. The funeral teok place on Tues- day, January 15, frem the residence of his son, Norman Leach, near Taun- ton, and was iargeiy attended by old friends and neigbbors. Service was conducted by Rev. J. R. IBick, Past- or ef Hampton Circuit. The pali.bearers were six nephess -Messrs. Roy, Russell and Evarett Leach, Lewis Cryderman, Ailan Fish- er and Eugene Martin. The interment teok place in Bow- manville Cametery. His wife w-ho was Miss Elizabeth Joli, predeeeased him eight years ago. Surviving are oe son, Nor- man of Taunton ,and two daughters, Beatrice ef Oshawa, and Wilma of Haipton, aise seven grandchitdren, and one ýbrother, Jabez of Aslaburn. The floral tributes included:- wreath, Wilma Leach; sprays, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach, Mrs. Arthur Leach and son Roswald, Beatrîce Leach, Mr .and Mrs. George Keanan, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. John Challis, Bowinanville, and the Trustee iBoard et Zion Church. Mrs. Stephen H. Shart, Whitenille, * N. C. The senior editor w-as very sorry te read in The News Reporter, Wbiteviile, North Carolina, U. S. A., et the death et the w-ttce ofbis aid friend, Mr. Stephen H. Short, on Sunday, Janiuary 6, 1929, aged 74 yesrs. The bereaved husband is a brother of Mr. W. D. Short, Con- cession Street, Bowmanvilie, wbose boyhood home w-as southeast et Hampton. The News Reporter ot January 10 says: Mrs. S. H. Short, who lived in South Whiteviile, died at her home there Sunday niorning, at the age of 74. Mrs. Short had been in ili heaith for some tirne, and a short tume ago contracted influenza. Mrs. Short w-as before her mar- niage te S. H. Short, Miss Mary Jane, Prescott et Ontario, ýCanada. With! ber husband she moved te this coun- ty tbirty-two years ago from Michi- gan, and bas since that tume resided in Whiteville. Deceased is survived by har busband and one daughter, Mrs. W. J. Covington of Washington, N. C., and one son, Ira Short, of Pliilacteî- phia, Ps. Mrs. Short was a member of thei Methodist Cburch and as long as ber bealth would permit, was active in carrying on the woricof the cburcb. Funeral seraVices w-re conducted from tbe home in South Wbite'vilte Tuesday atternoon a- threae o'clock, by the Rev. W. T. Phipps, paster et the deceasad and pastor et the White- ville Metbodist 0nurcb. assisted by Rav. A .F. Gibson ',f the Westmin- ster Presbyterian Cburch. Inter- ment was made in the Whiteviilr. Cemetery. Ar-thur W. McDougall, Hamnilton Arthur W. Mcflougail, a very well- knewn resident ef Hamilton, passedý away on Wednesday, January 9, at' bis late residence, il Ma.ple Avenue, aged 54 years. The deceased bad been aiting for soe time. He was born in Bowmanvilie, Ont., and bas resided in Hamilton tourteen years,, whera his ganiaI personality inadei for hum a very wide circle -of friends, w-ho wili moura bis passing, being a son ot the att Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDougall. Xr. MeDougait commenced his business career in the office of the Rice Lewis Wboiesaie Hardware Company, and sbortly atterwuards becamaeonaetftheir travellers in whicb capacity ha acted for quiteaa number of yaars. His aim, bowever, ike miany young man was te attain the bighest possible position in bis particutar sphare et business. Ha tharafore, acceptad a position withý the Wood, Vatance Wholesaia Hard- ware Conmpany et Hamilton, whicb in racent years bas bean knewn as the Wood, Alaxander and James Company Limiited. His ability w-as son racognized by tbe latter firm as after acting as a commercial traval- fer for the shoft period of thre years, he was premotad te the posi.. tien et whoiesale manager at the main office in Hamilton. This posi- tien ha beld witb considerable sue- casa until the commencement et bis long ilînasa. Daceasad was a mam)ber et St. Paut'a Presbyterian Church, an aId- er et the church; aise a member of Georgina Ledge, A.F.&A.M., Tor- ot;teSens et Scotland, and the Comri Travellars' Association. Ho leavas te meurn his loss his wife, Mabel C., and one sister, MTs Harry Cola, Bowmanvitle. THE PAPER PROM HOME When I packed my portmanteau 1 said I am aick et the evaryday gind; 0f dissension and scandaI and blame; And I'm geing te leava thain behind, For a m'entb l'Il terget there is augbt Save harmony under God's dame; But I flnd that I can't eat or sleep If I den't gat the papan tram home. The best minda have cemmended, I said, AUl the bocks I amn taking to read. There's biography, fiction and verse. With a pipe they'll hcalal that I need. But I ait without turning a page 0f the likelteet quarto or tome. And there's ne joy at ail in a amoke If I don't get the paper troni home. Tbougb the sky may be cloudlesa, the surf In ailways h haest for a swim; Though a naw- friand I'veafound makes ane teel That I mean emrething te him; And another new- friend snugglea close, Oct the beach tn the gathering gloai True as truth, le, the day lu a du<t Whon 1 don'tg et the paiper frein homne. -EdwaTd W. 'Barnard. BOWMANVILLE FAIR TO BE TelIls Dyspeptics HELD _____ADSAURA (Continued from page 1) What To Eat Moinwspse ehl Fait Wheat and'Eartey. At requiras Strict diets are often unneceesaaiy 12 entries in each claýss W warrant in stomach trouble. While some i a competition. Seven prizes from foods 'le iproduce excessive acidity $20 te, $4 amounting te $75 tn each and many stornachs do generate clas8 make the"e events attractive "1tee much acid" causing «as, sour- and .worth wbite. Through lack of nese, and pans sufficient entries and interest the the trouble may be safaly and quick- Competition fell through last year, ly corrected by the use of a geod alk- the first time in many years. Geo. alime. Bïsu*rated Magne9ii-pow- F. Annis, Russell Osborne, John der or tablet--is ideat for this pur- Baker and A. W. Annis are a ceom- pose. Just a lîttle after mneala neut.. sittee te secure entries for these ralizes att the excees acid, prevents comnPetitions. souring, breaks up gas and ends in- Department judges will be engag- digestion. Fvorite foos ne longer ed for fatt fair where needed. upset stomach and digestion is easy Attractions ýCommittea w-i con- and painless. lt wili do ail this for sider off er of 48th Highlanders Phy- you or money back. Druggiste sicat Training Class, Toronto, te put everywhere seli Bisurated MagTXeialon exhibition at fair. withthisguaante. IThe offer of a handsome silver ___________- -- ttrolby from the Bank of Coemmerce for a prize was gladly accepted.1 Motion changing days and datesi COLD WEAT ER f fair and admission fee as above WILL NOT STOP President and Secretary we're ap- YOUR ENS LYING pointed delegatea to meeting of Faira YOUR ENS LYING and Exhibitions Association Conven- IF YOU FEED tîoii in Toronto, Fébruary 7-8. p Question of forming Driving As- .1 8 (È r4 sociation was lef t with incoming dr 'Fil-the-Baset "Newîy Elected Officers President-Gea. F. Annis. ggMashlst Vice-W. H. Carruthers. 12nd Vice-Russell Osborne. It builde up elhndDirectors supplies thenouriuh Darlington-John Baker, S. Chas. are made. den, Harold 'Skinner, H. E. Tink, K. Squair, J. F. Osborne, H. G. Mack- No ,ther"Just as Coul' lin, G. A. Stephens. F. C. VANrS'rO'E Ali, HowardGibson Robt. Gray BowmavilleAustin Turner. _____________________ 1 Bowmanville-T. Wesley Cawker, INeil Mutton, M. J. Elliott, E. P.1 Bradt, Jamnes Nokes, R. M. Cale' Gee' W. James, Col. L. T. McLaughlin. Honorary Directars-F. W. Bow-1 en, M.P., W. J. Bragg, MJ'P.P., May-* or M. J. Etliott, J. A. MoClellan, R. F. Aitchisen, D. L. Weese, F. F. Mor- ris, Dr G. E. Reanian. Lady Directors-Mrs. John Spen- cer, Mrs. Alan Camapbell, Mrs. M. J. Etliott, Mrs. W. F. Rickard, Mrs. R. V T. Stephens, Mrs. G. F. Annis, Miss S Marion Belînian. Meeting of Directoru witb îst Vîce-President, W. H. Car- ruthers presiding. They appointed these offilcers: TTeasurr-R. F. Aitchison. Secretary pro tem-C. H. Masen. Auditrs-G. E. Chase, G. L. Hall. Executve-Past President, Prasi- dent, lst and 2nd Vice'Preidents, Secretary and Treasurer Matter of selecting a secretary was ieft ~with the Executive te anake a recomniendation at Feibruary meeting. ..q iqéd-m rninCommittee te erganize a Driving if Association are Alan 'Camipbell, John Baker, R. F. Aitchison, T. W. Caw- atone, M. J. Elliott. Next meeting of directera will ha W Eri eleven o'ciock cornes beld the tast week in Feibrua.ry. and you grow a littie weary -Ruceiptu -tht'thtimfoasea- ILegislative grant ......... $396.00 ingnouishig cp ofOXO Municipal grants........... 217.45 -IT'S BRACINGI Memberships paid in 1928 .. 48.00 Membarships paid for 11929 118.00 lI E-ocS. Flanke and IDonations ...................39.20 TIuof4aidIOCubeo Gate receipts at fair....... 845.05 Rent of stands, etc........ 211.30 Concert receijpts........... 448.65 Grand Stand receipt.s........ 41.00 RentaI ef tenta recovered ... 1 18.00 Sale ei hay ................10.00) Poultry and herse fees . ... 68.40 'Dominion Savings Dividends 15 7.50 It'n*«A«t " Drnle toyon$29 18.45 It'.'Meu .ndDrin" tOyenExpenditures 66 Debit balance frein 1927 ..$ 118.85 ItMay el Ilime- Children Ciry font- Ca ra s s. corfort when Baby in fretful. No sooner taken than the ttie one is at case. If restless, a few drops soon bring contentment. No harma dons, for Castoria. îs a baby rernedy, nîeant for babies. Perfectly safe te give the yeungeet infant; you bave the doctors' word for that! It is a. vegetable po duct and you could use it every day. îrut it'a in aIn ernergency that Castoria mens mont. Sorne night when constipation muet be relieved-or colie pains-or other suffering. Neyer lie without it; soe mothers keep an extra bottle, un- opened, to make sure there will always be Castoris. in the houes. It is effective for eider ebildren, tee; read the book that cornes with it. -0 P-rzes: Hersas $383; cattle' $287; sheep $157; sw-ina $31; poultry $260.25;- grain & seeds $19.80; vegetablas $53.60; fruit & flow-ers $166; dairy & deenestic science products $114-75; Ladies' work $57-50; fine art $19.50; beys' and girls' exhihits $28....................$1577.30 Expenses te Fairs Conven- tien......................10.00 Department Judges ... 6.00 Services ef other Judges . . 35.001 Keep et stock ...............4.85 Attractiens................30,9.o0 Upeep et buildings . 116 lt.42 Repairs tance, insuranca. . 372.36 Intiei....................105.65 -ecreý,r'ss aatary ..........150.00 La ý)I .. ... .. ... ..... 79.30 1Pri-it'ng ànd advertising. ..- 272.55 Postag~e........... .........18.11 1Rent tents . .............. 156.001 Sundries..... 1..............2G.06 $3354.45 Dcbit balance............ $ 436.00 As sets Valae et land.. ............$2900 M1ain-Building ...............1900 Sheep and Sw-tna Pans....... 500 Poultry Heuse----------------800 $6100 Liabilities Debit balance ............... $ 436 Owing on notes............. 1500 $1936 Membership Statement Memibers paid in 1927 for 1928. .115 M6mbers paid during 1928. . . 18 Mamibers paid for 1929 ........ 118 Liut of Entries 1928 Fair Herses........................ 166 Cattie........................ 194 Sbeep.......... .............. 124 Swine........................A Pouitry............ &............212 Grain and Seeda.............. 25 Roots and Vegetablea.......... 182 Fruit and Flow-ers............ 443 Dairy and Domestie Products. -.446 Ladies' work...............- ..321 Fine Art................... ... 51 Boys' and Girls' Exhibits.....35 Total 2215 Nearly ait children are nbete worms, and many are bora ith them. Spore theniauffering by un- ing Mother Graves' Wcrni Extemin- ator, an excellent reniedy. To Whom It May Concern Special prices and ternis on Home-Made Harness for the month of January. MASON & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowrnanville Are You A Crank ? That's a rather personal question? But there are a lot of people who are down right cranks about their baking. Yet we don't seem to have any trouble in satisfying their demands. There's a reason. Try our "good things to eat" and you'll know why. The Bowmanvilie Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMAN VILLE When making adjustments, if you re- move a cotter-pin, replace it with a new one and spread it well. Loose or brok- en pins on transmission or motor assem- blies may cause trouble that will send your car crashing into another car or up on a crowded sidewaULk No matter how caref ul Yeu are sucli crash«s are likely to occur. In- surance wiII make good your loua, bath for damage ta your car and te the porion or property of others if involved in a nixup. Get automobile insurance here covering fire, theft, collision, liability and proper- ty damage. J. J. MASON & SeýiON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville N ot Spasmodic Bargains B3UT Every Day Values in D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite "oTo" Domestie Coke for stoves and furnaces. Blue Grass Cannel-for grates. Pocahontas (Smokeless) for general use. Hard and Soft Wood-sawed and split also Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring Oak-Maple-Birch B. C. Fir. Flooring, Ceiling & Trim B. C. Red Cedar Shingles-ail grades tJohns-Manville Asbestos Roofing and Shingles Beaver Best Wall, Ten Test Fibre Board, White Pine, Spruce, Hemlock and Jack Pine Joists, Studding, Sheeting and Flooring, Cernent and Lime. Quotations cheerfully given upon application. Your inquiries solicited. McClelIan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phones 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bowmanville Wook's R.gulatlng Compound A safit . #WabL. t.gqaUs ~ sudiino.. @old in threes de- gmof etrength-Na. 1. 818 283- No , 86 per baL. " s~~a6 511 it, or seu on tofPries. pmhL Addreïmi THE COOK MEIrDCINE CO.. 103S#l.S5. ("ooesdyWindw %n ODS, Grc.ut Englial: Prparation. ýr.Tones and ,rvigerates the whale nervous syste'n makes new Bleod in old Veins. Used for Norwws for 5.1Soldby u dnggis, o nid la plaiet p&g. an recelpt-cf pic*.7 NéiwpampA w salfs 'roo.U WSMDO leuom u.m . ME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL". THURSDAY, JANýUARY 24th, 1929 PAGE OBVEb

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