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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1929, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24th, 1929 PAGE CIGRI The C. G. 1. T. with their leader, MIgs. (Rev.) Rogers, paid a visit to Orono C. G. 1. T. on Sunday even- ing on the occasion of a chumch service conducted by the latter. Miss àlarshail, Travelling Secretamy of Girls' Work Board, gave a vecy helpful and inspiring address. Mrs. Rocgers took part in the service ini scripture reading and prayer. Minnie Pearce contributed &,solo to the musical pro- gralu and assisted the choir, coin-1 posed of menibers of Orono C. G. I. T. Dale's Estate Cut Flowems, floral designs fer funerals, and weddingi bouquets ordered at Mellow's Drug1 store. 4-1 Ptenewal suhecriptions to The Stateaman have been coming in nice- ly the past week, thank you. SToIBIE, FOR] IlSTOCKS BOl Head Office: R Bay and Wellingtc S. F. EVERSON, Private Wir il King Street East, Osha'v Phones 143 Phone Calîs At SEEIN G IS]1 GOODS ALL PRICED Keeping up wîth the trend gone over our stock of fresh high and ticketed every article. Evi attractively priced to meet the e te assure our custoniers that we depends our success. Week-end Special-Lomna Doone centres, lb. box, Regular 5( British Colum.bia Salmon, whole f Fancy Salad Plates, few left at JelIy Powders, ail flavors... Wheataworth Grahamn Crackers. Prunes at................. 2 lb Broken Orange Pekeo Tes, verx We also seil the fa.mous Oriental Quaker For and Quaker Poultr Fish of ail kinds including Super LU'TOWN REPRESENTAI'IVES Cut Flo.wers are now mûre ple Specialists in flo-wer design work1 FREE DELIVER IiARRY ALI PHONE 186 The Ne caseInride pgenrde rit THURSDAY, JANUARY 24th., 1,929 The annual election of officers of NEWCASTLE OBITUARY the United Church Choir was held ofl Misses, Hei.'n and Marjorle Lyeett Laura Marie Moise, Newcastle Friday evening, resulting as follows: spei tht weekend with their father. Mr. PresdentMr.W. H. Cooke; Secre- Af. Lycett, Oshawa. PreidetrM and Mrs. Frank Rouge and chld- The death of a young wife and1 tary-Miss Lillian Clemence; Choir ren, Cobourg, vsiteil Mr. and Mrs. Percy mother always casta a paît of sadness 1 Leader-Mr. W. J. S. Rickard; Look- Riare over the weekend. over a coimmunity and evokes th'e Out Comiittee- Mrs. Walter De- Miss ElsLe Wallace, Newtonville, clerk deepest syxnpathy of every resident.1 *, înBr grocery lias been ii wlth the line and Mr. Mark Allun; Speecîs.îîuind a beBree e dte In the passing of Laura Marie Moise, Music Comn.ittee-Mr. Cooke, Mr. by her sister Iilida. second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Riekard ,Mrs. L. M. Fisher, orgaflist, Mr. J. A. Smith, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Anson Walton of this village, and'j and issM. E Perce;Audtors J.A. Smith, Jr., anti babe, and %Ir. andb and Miss M. . Perrc.;Iloitord Toms spent the wewckend beloved wife of Mr. iB. E. Moise, in Misses Hancock and Pearce. w itît relatives in Toronto. the Toronto General Hospital, on St. Georges Church, Rev. E. R. James, Wednesday morning, January 16, flot --Rector. Sundî.y, Jan. 2th: 8 a. nim.- only the home on Beaver Street, but HoIy Communion; il a. m.-Morn mg1Iseveral other homes within the vil-j Prayer. 2.;il1) . im.-Sunday School; î P., m.-E-vening Prayer. I age and neighboring centres were, Uited ('hurcli, Rev. W. P. Rogers, thrown into mourning while a wide I I tr. Sunday, Jan. 27th: il a. m-' oommunity was swept with sorrow. LONG .z & C OMorning Worship anti Juvenile, Worshiip. This, was narked by evidence in the pers' Recognition Service: 2.30 p. m.- Sunday School; 7 1p. m.-I-Evening Service. great numbers of relatives and NDS RAINMr. anti Mrs. Frank Gibson report îîav-' friends that gathered at the resi- ~DSGRINing soid their tarin and orchard. liOusfe, dence on Beaver Street on Saturday barns aînd share in the' fruit house at the eford Building iCiN. R. station to the' Port Hlope Or-I afternoon on the occasion of the fun- ihr Company, the transfer in proper-leral service which was conducted byl DR ~ ty te take place M.%archi lst., when Mr. Rev. Thos. Wallace of Newtonville, on ta, oronto and Mrs. Gibson andi farnily will be mov- botebablltanfied fth ing to Toronto. Irte aeals adfin ftý The Tuxis Square held its regular diamond of the 'bereaved widower. Loca Mangermeeting un Monda>- evening when fivet Among the numerous floral trib-1 Locl M nagr new members were intiated. As th"" lutes which literally enveloped and, re System brings the list up tO 20, tie regulationi nuinher for an autlîorlzed group, the buried the casket were pieces from wa-A oveC. . R Ofice memibers ip roll is closed for the' pres-1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson, Miss ,wa-Above C.P. R. Office ent. N Ineteen members have heen 'r-J eSneMse lc n in itiated !into the Trail Rangers' Camp and aeSigrMsesAiead in and 144 two or tret' more are on the waitjng nie Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl list. Walton and Douglas, Mrs. and Miss Our Expense The' heavy floods caused by the rain Lockhart, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jamie-1 of iast Frltlny and the' br' akUna ui of 5 i lanleys Creek îlid such daima-'to the son, Mr. and Mms. Fred Graham, Mr. new concrete bridge over the creek at and Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, Mr. and Mrs the lake that Il: is now Impassable and Geo. Gaines, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie wilrequire consîderaie .x,)ns, 10te - . 'o, .Mr. n r.OcrLxo, pair or posslbly te rebuiidj.t. Tie rush-î î.o., .adMs sa utn ing waters undermined tih' forth foun- Mrs. Geo. Gray and Mrs. Glenden- dation wall causing the whole bdge to nirig, Misses Gwen and Alicia Wil- B ELI N IN Gsink anme distance on that side. hiamas, Mr. and Mis. F. Lbved'Ly, MrB.E.LoelE V INe, G IsetlDrhmLog .F&,MNo 6 aMr. Letoakin nn nY îtentsueogeAF&AMNo 6 acoi re in Peeboo aing anc., ittevMr.adMs .S TtoMj IN PL IN FGURE DeLavai Company, in now in Toronto, and Mrs. H. W. Dudley ,Mr. and Mrs jwhliî lie is making lis headqu:îrtei's for A. Walton and George, Mr. and Mrs his nt'w position nfiliock Superintenti- R .W en', of Salesmen for the' Cotinties of R.W li, air. and uT5. udîîf id of modern retailing we have York, Peel andi Ilalton. It wilI be Mr. Garrod ,The Wdiman's Association of h quality groceries and repriced Lovetin's dutit's t sh and supt'rin- the United Church, Mms. Mclntyrel rerything is in plain view and tend thilgMnes f i tus areawtIir and daughters, Olive and Irene, The i losest competition. We wait its total of 8f,000 dairy cows. Mr. Love- Moîse Family, Mr. and Mrs. C. R.1I realize on their best interests kin wiil haveta large numiber of local1 Carveth and Rupert, The Bowmaii- agents workinr tîntier hlm throughoutvilHokyCtbMradMs.D the thlree countie-s.tvilHokyCu Mran s.D Chocoates har and softMis. L. M. Cola'ill of Wintdsor an-' J. Gibson, Mr. and M.irs. L. C. Wil- nounces the' marriage of lier elîlesti cox, The J. Anderson Smith Corn- Oce for.................. 39e daugltrAlberta Manti <tirdie). forin- pany, Mr Walter Couch and fani,.1y,l 'ish..................lSce lb. erly of Newcastle, Ont., to William Hiar- Mrs 1. E. Bo.well and Miss Ida Park-'I vey Soan of Phoenix, Arizoni. Prev-- t ............ 5 ious toelier marriage Miss CoIwili was er, Mrs. Wmn. Cowan and family. j onutralned on a numiter of occesions. Miss Ruth Hoît, Mr. and Mrs. us- ...........4 for 25e A personal ishower and britdge itincheon tin and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. ............25e box was gî'.en lier lîy tue nurses of tht De- troit iBoard of ileaih. Mrs. Charles Bowdler, Mr. B. E. Moise and Marie, bs. for 25c; 15c lb and 20c lb. CnIwill. Waikerville. was itostîs.sat a Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Matchett. 'y delicious............ 59c lb. 'V ieeneti- hy 'rs. Chita In addition -to the many notes and, LTes McCaffery, Walkervillp. Mr. anti Mrs. letters of sympathy was a telegram Snan wiul reside at Phoenix, Arzona. fromn Mrs. Barber, TPoronto. ,ry and Stock Feeds. The reguLir meeting Of the' Young The pall-ibearers were R. W. andi com Herring and Smeltsols Lanigue was hled on Monday Er atn .C osHrl a evening, with a gootl attendance. De- Er atn .C osHrl a S BROOKDALE NURSERIES votional topie was given hy Ms Annie king, H. S. Britton and Herbert Drummoîtt. The t.eague dccidedtiet Colwill of Bowmanville. lentiful and in greater variety. 1 give a play in the spring, the' commltttee te entak lce i for al occasions. api~nitý te butrespnible tJ prisng IHeCmetery. -lce i Bn ýRY SERVICE Asva Robianiinrd George Stîarrow. Tht' programt in charge of rii Vice Presideni, Besides hem sorriowing husband and li3George sîîarrow. consisted of piano duiet,, little six nonths' old daughter, Fran- Minnie Parce and 11,ln Lycett Temn- M îîer.îuce topie,tIl. R. Pearce: readings, ces M arie, deceased is survived by LI , G oc r Charlie Thackeray and Ernest Crisp; ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. atn1 L I , G o e duel, mouth organ anti harp, Austin North St., ber brothers, Earl, R bert Il trer antd Annie Wragg.Ath'coe BOWMÂNVILLE of ihis s1lentlid program. Rev. Mr. Ro, - and George, and two sisters, Mri j îsconîiucte-d a number of very Inter- Leslie Nichols and Mrs. Oscar Luxton - estinga nd novel worîl conteAts. - of 'Bowmanville. j Real 1orehoundrT4is, 15ca hlfi Theat-Mr.Msewasborin Sid. Chartran' s Big Sale In Fuit Swing Look at the Prices In My Windows Compare them with others then you will buy here. S. G. CHARTRAN One Door West Bell Telephone Office Phone 26 Bowmanville A Few Remarkable 0f ferings W-hich Should Not Be Overlooked Kiddîe.,' Black Fleece Lined Bloomers........ Sale Price 19c Children's White Toques,............ Sale Price 25c Bahies; Silk and Wool Ves'..................... Sale Price 25c Boys' Wttol Golf Socks. ....................... Sale Price 45c Little '. Jockey Caps,..................... Sale Price 69c NOW IS THE TIME FOR Bioya *Sktiog , , 5;izr- Itut 6 -ý, Reg. <t1.00, Sale Price $1.98 Boys' Heavy Mair~ e.................. Sale Price 69c La<lie' W;nt('r \Wight \. ortc13.tte . Sale Price 49c Ladies' Hat. .. .................... Sale Prie, 79c and up "i - i ap it tifîr !:ne(] bands.................98c Men's Moclia ti<~ t; c$.~......... Sale Price $1.39 Don't. foiget' Eveiything, iIues. I t seUl ttC woidh your while to ctuîîî'andIo1> k ai-ttund. You Will Get Real Values At Rosner's Dry Coods Store King St. West Phone 276 Bowmanville pound, at Mellow's Drug Store. 4-1 the' Shaw's School Section and me- ceived hem education at Shaw's and Newcastle schools. After leaving i LOCAL MASONS VISIT school she clerked in tumn in the late TORONTO LODGE1 Wm. Waçstaff's, Britton's and hem, _________ brother R. W. Walton's grncery W. I7ro, Frank 13-.îniton, W. M. of stores and later in tihe Post Office, Dr) am(otgp A. F. & A. NI., accom-1 and in aIl places and at aIl tianes she I ranied hy'W. pros. F. W. liickard. Pt-).j was distinguished for ber unfailing 1îG.M., ani H. W. Dudley, P.W. M, andI itros. ilownrti Gilison antI Percy ,gGod nature, ber attentiveness and iare moinoel to Toronto iti i.rilay her obliging spirit. mveeig r.yn ulyth Maoetning anti attendod a meting of toY or Quinte Lotîge, A.F.&A.M.. attshlch. son., Nvs initiatedI into the ' mstîries tif OBITUA.RY Mî tthr,îe Major anti W. riro. Frank Vtcan'Oron iaklng Part in the, cercniony. Mrn. Chat. A. MeLcean, Brockville Bmr. Perey lhart' took ftie party in has car antI hrought everyone itcfeiy iîomtt Éagain aiihnugh tht' s-conti Janîîaryfht The many friends of Town Treas- anti the lretuo a hdhfuttr mr Charles A. Mehean and family ing ..vening suhmtrgeti portions of tht'mahz wt hmi roat] i tî Pckering and Oshawa and mada will deeply symptie ihthm n ith' Irisýrs ta8k no easy one. itht' loss through death on Thursday, i Jan. l7th, of their fond wife andj mothem who passed away at the Gen- SKATNG CUB RGANZED eral Hospital aftem a short ilîness. SKATNG CUB RGANZED Deceased was bomn ini Ottawa 68 fAiîhnuith it was rainiflg hard anti years ago, daughtem of the late Rev. we.tlier condtiionil wOuld seernî to sug- and Mrs. John F. Wilson. She geat the formîng of a swimrnîng or almoved to Brockville with hem family rafting club. yet a nîîmht' of hopefîîl t an earîy ageadrsddhr ritizenq mr-t in tht' Counili Chamber ofagead meiedhm ('ommtînlty hlall last Friday evenlng sînce making and etainng friends anti sucoeedt't In organlzlng a skating continually during the intervening cli ) r. J. tter. Ch,întnn tht' Sports C-ommitte.e, with which the years tbrough hem exeniplary lif&- riew'cluit w1lilli aflliii.preslded over and many fine qualities. the org-.nIzatlon. tht' election of officers Bes-ideg lhem she is surviv- and tue trafting and atioptlon ofIla codeI of nues.. Th., ioiiowlng will constitu.' .ed by four sons and two daugbters: Jih ouf.,ttt'tn tht' Club: Gen. C Messrs. Charles Wyatt MeLean and Wrrît Iresîdeni. '.'t'mnon ruoheson. Donald C. Mclean, Brockville; H. S-t'r-tary-TreaFsîîrec: ('lacenci, T. l3stty' isnMLuPti;LodR Ai' Rtier tînd Chas. Tliackrav Di r-W io MceaPtoa;LydR -ctor.4 Tht' exectiîve set to work next Mebean of the Department of Nat- Iay touîlot the' hoarn wail around tht" ional Revenue, Rock Island, Que.; rinit on the wosf sitieof Community iaill anti now tîli if renhuiire- s s ame cohd Mis. (Rev.) J. B. Hotwe, Humboldt, %% atht-r and some Icée Sask.; Mrs. Mervyn Maitland of Kil- marnnck. Hem only surviving broth-1 er la Mr. Robert Mead Wilson of ________________________Boise, Idaho.1 _____________ -For many years she s'as active in' ail departnionts of George Street' Do You Consider interst inthe Barbara Heck class. J yet she maintained a deep and sol- j LILEJjIASSiELa icitous interest in all matters per- taining to cburch work and %%a- re-i , rdda, a.valuable memben of the' A Ni'sanlces congîregatiîîn. Seas m rn _________joy in ber boime life and was a de- voted wife and niother. , A Great Many People Do. The' funeral took place Monday ~ . .flernoon fromn the resîdence of ber Dont Make This Mistake. -on, C. Wyatt McLean, 7 Pearl St. Think This Over. East to Wall Street United hureh W. E. Doîînelly, asisted hy Rev. In this world to-day is a great John A. Waddell of Winchester, a ammy of people fighting for a liv- wacm friend of tht' family, botb mi'-j ing, who would not lie able to do fercing la fitting ternis to the ex- so were it not for the' assistance emplarv life of decelased. An atg- they get front scientifically fit- popriate solo was sung by Misaý Relia ted spectacles or eyeglasses. Fonce. Interment w'as made in TH EA ALEOakland Cemetemy. The Tnwn, THE REA VALUECouncil was, repreqented in the larirel tif glasses would be more fully hody of citizen% who attenlt'îl. aprtreciated if more attention Among tht' very large numben of we ne given t) the floral trïhute-, was a spray fnom Mnl.1 GARE OF THE EYES an<l Mmi. J. B. Mitchell of Bowntan- 1 Do you know tht' condition of ville.-Brorkville Recorder. yor yes? Our Optometriat, Mrs. Melean is a gister-ini-law of R. M. Mitchell, can tell you. r.J BMicelBovivlp Have Your Eyes ExaminedI n . 1. 1' met on Tiiesday eveningt ls ua~i. Ater tht' openlng ceremony t R. M. Miitchell & CO. ý,nti, tievprtioniai perclses8. thp trîe girls suprIn Orofo on Monday evening Druggists and Optometriets lielerîe Hayes, Rosa Cowan anti Evely, fliekard, n)resented spiendld reports, anti, Phone 92 led tht' girls In a numbeç of new songe Bowmanville O)nt. which they leanneti there. It was de- cided to hoid a Mother and Daughteri ________________________Banquet later on. 1 _______________________A real body builder--Oreein of Barley. Clearance Winter Clearance Clearance Sale Extraordinary NOW GOING ON R. J. ROVAN'S SHOE STORE Sale Now On-You Can Buy Shoes and Rubbers at Astonishing Low Prices. MEN'S SPECIALS Areh Support Oxford ,in Black and Brown, extra double sole, in Good- year welt, regularly sold at $7.00, Our Special Sale Price $4.48 MEN'S WORK BOOTS $2.69 Made for real service and eomfort, built on an easy-fitting last, with paneo soles or leather soles, sizes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, no haîf sizes, Sale Price $2.69 MEN'S BEDROOM SLIPPERS 79c 100 pairs of odds and ends in Men's Bedroom Slippers, left over from Christmas, On Sale At 79c MEN'S BLACK AND BROWN BLUCHER BOOTS $3.19 Extraordinary value, a man 's fine boot that will give miles of wear, made on a good comfortable fuil-fit- ting last, sizes 6 to 11, Sale Price $3.19 MEN'S OXFORDS In the last style Black or Tan, extra double sole, English and wide toe lasts ,sold regularly $6.85, sizes 6-11, On Sale $3.75 We have on our racks 250 pairs of Women's Shoes in Pumps and Straps, in cuban, *low and high heel that have been reduced to the astounding low price .......................$1.98 Black Patent or Black Kid Arch Sup- port Shoes, in E or EE width, sizes 3 to 7 ,Regular $6.50, On Sale $2.98 Women 's Zipper Overshoes in black only Bargain Price 98c Pair BARGAIN TABLE SPECIAL Women's Shoes, in a variety of styles To Clear At 89c Pair ON THE BARGAIN TABLE 100 pairs Women's Bedroom Slip- pers , in different styles and colours, To Clear At Astounding Low Price 49c WOMEN'S COMFORT OXFORDS $2.25 Here's a ra bargain in Women's neat black dongola kid blueher ox- fords with cushion insoles, sewn soles and low heels, "E" and "EEE" width, size 3 to 8, On Sale $2.25 WOMEN'S DRESSY PUMPS In jýlack Velvet, Black Patent Leath- er or Black Satin, also in brown with snakeskin trim and are marked at an entieingly low sale price, sizes 21/2 to 7, Regular $6.00, Clearance Sale Price $2.89 Women 's one-strap house shoes, made from fine black sheepskin with sewn soles and low rubber heels, sizes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, On Sale At $1.39 BLACK OR BROWN CALF OXFORDS Fine Black or Brown Caîf is used in making these Women's modish 4 eyelet tie shoes, and they certainly are a big value at this low price, neat- ly trimmed, sewn soles and medium heels with rubber heels, sizes 21/-7, On Sale $2.69 MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Sale Special 5c Each MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Inî latest English stripes and colors, On Sale $1.69 MEN'S SOX Silk and Wool, variety of shades On Sale 29c Al Wool Work Sox 19c Extra Heavy Wool Work Sox 39c Made in England, ail wool fine hose, Regular 85c, On Sale 39c Lumberman Sox At Reduced Prices 35% Reduction on Ali Trunkas, Suit Cases and Club Bags During The Sale R. J. Rovan' s Shoe Store j- Opposite the Bowmau Honte in the .ld McMurtry Block-Phose 828 t 1 SALE Boys' Rubbers 49c Sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4 only Men's Rubbers 79c Sizes 5½/ to il Women's Plain Over Rubbers, Special 65c Pair low heel, cuban heel Timely offering of Women's Black Overshoes, in popular low cut pat- tern, cuban and low heels, sizes 21/21 to 7, Bargain Price Pair $1 .89 MEN'S WORK RUBBERS With heavy extra white sole, Special $2.49 Misses' Rubbers, sizes il to 2, 57c pr. Childa' Rubbers, sizes 6-101/2, 52c pr. Children's Knee Rubber Boots On Sale $ 1.75 CHILDREN'S OVERSHOES In the new low eut style, Regularly sold at $2.75, Special Sale Price $1.69 Men's extra heavy knee rubber boots in flrst class quality rubber, Regu- lar $4.50, On Sale $2.95 300 PAIRS 0F CHILDREN'S LAC- ED BOOTS AND OXFORDS In the "Hurlbi.ýt", "Bun ny-Foot", "Pit-a-Pat", "Baby Hustler" makes, To Clear At Astounding Low Price 98C Girls' 1-strap and Oxfords, sizes 11-2 On Sale $1.69 Men 's Work Rubbers 7 inch top Special Value $ 1.98 MEN'S DEPARTMENT A variety of Men's Caps in the new shades, On Sale 98c 300 MEN'S TIES ,Regular $1.00 Ties Special Value «t 35c Each s' p r

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