PAGE IGHTTHE CANADIAN STATELMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THTJRSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929 PUiSWIN PRIZES FORI MINJSTERS AND CHURCHES U TO SA E PUPILS C1RCSt.TEDANCE 's R. C. Church, Sunday Th e I clia p g r ictie riftAU TO S LE Presentation at St. Paul& Church 1,rie Februat7 24th. M'nrning -~ Wednesday, February 27th-Mr. 13ass 8.30 a. m. Evening devotions James Crossman, Lot 15, Con. 8, Spbendid services were held oni17 p. m. Rev. P. P. Butler, Pastor.- ____- Darlington, one mile east of Ennis-1 2 Bunday in St. Paul's United Church. Trinity Unitd Church, Rev. J. U. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2lst., 1929 killen, who has sold bis, farm ,will sell An initeresting feature of the morn-, Robins, Pastor. Sunday services: - -- - ithout reserve ail of bis farm stock, ing as he resetaton f przes11 .m.and t 7pm. thepasor illimplements, etc. Sale at 12.30. Sec! ingwasthepreen.aton f pize~ l am. nd t 7p~., he astr w]lbuis. Theo. M. Siemon, Auction- for regular attendance at churchW.reach on "The Life of Jeremiah". NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWCSTLE___ 7-2 during the past year, to a numwber of Su.nday School at 2.30 P. m. 1 1dy Fbur 2n.Avr Tudyhe ars chlare ontd y BSt . PD., Minist, er. ilD. . a s 'cSock ditnn e aieneday 25c Fbrat N2ee. -2w rira i n Sunay chol ohlar. t. au's huchRe. D W Mr. . S Bittn ntetanedaIReport for January 1Farmers! 6 Ibs. Cattie Salt for high class auction sale wil] becheld a u c The awads, whili are onatedby Best D. D.,MinisMell11wa'm.DrugsiStoreo Fridayr the Whomesaof2CoulterllwBr s., SCore rlifi the Session and comprise 'Bibles, 3rNorning Worship-"Beware of levening. S.adJ.I eaie n8oli n audy.Frfrtfrmnrho otPer d,_De( Hymn &oooks, etc., were presented to Mcn". 7 p .m.-Evening Worship' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Treleaven and gatory subjects. Namesi reFaii alt lct 5;e - , ben thear ill be d irtPoe Hild RaU Bety Pngl, May M- -Communisrn" 2.30 p. m.-Sun- sons, Toronto, visited their country of menit and in percentage form:- velopes 10c and 15c pkg., at Mel- 40 hcad of Pure Bred and Grade ThSpngsokfwala- Allieter, Helen Williams, Donald1 day School. home here last weekcnd. Edwin Hancock 72, Irene Brereton low's Drug Store. iSotonCtitepr rdb Willianms, John Jury, Chester Jury,l St. John's Anglican Church, Rev. Mrs. Edmund Thackray who has 68, George Graham 64, Huibert A n -1Mc.and rs. uncn Gabrai i the p uc ftere928 herd -, ers whichhaebn reied andErc widels RJ. SihsRtor Seond Sun-ino be * n ood health for some dro64*arBeeon sent the weekend with Major and sound work horses in excellent cn Fihe padr R.s ev.D W e i, rd. yd. in Lent, February 24, 1929. 81 Urne, la now with Miss Rowland at Rickard 63, *Mary Chaplin 62, Dor-1 Mrs. J. .Gae oot.dto,3 uebe ho Nea clrns th and excele D.sic rendeced.Db __m.-Holy Communion, Il a. .Willowdale Rest Home. othy Trenwith 61, *Tc>m Spencer 60, "TeC. Ghrc, onof. dls, itimbon, 30 pure rcsr30p es,1ai elores w aepied8 o c h o ir , a s fo llo w :Th e e , Mis s tlet e I l- M . nd F a y e rS ah o o L ita i- în e a u h e , M c . H . a - * ar a D se1 lo d Y u b e h ow n in C o m nu n ity H a ll F e b . o r s in fu ll la y , p o u ltr y e q u ip m e n t. p ric e s a re v r o o s d r n -o le foll anthen, " Thei Lorl a y o c p a e. o trm ain"l cock, bas recovered from er recent 58, *Audrey Bonathan 57, *M re 23rd. This film takes its title froin A co nplete line of nearly new m a- t e q aiy YýahWednesday at 8 p. m. in Pari-,h ! illness and is now able to be out olr 7 : a,, os57 aodBl rib' ok aerie friue hy ri Light," witb solo ýby Mrs. Charles jHall. Lenten service each Friday'again. -Miltonl Brown 56, *Marie Henning. Th1e Community Rink has enjoyed begins ait 11.30 a. mi. Bus service We alohveJm to ,ithe morsJnin Rmsoly,"I anmOizt 8 p. m. in church. Mrs. R. W. Walton, Mrs. J.' *Gwen Williams 52, *HarryIthis year a populacity surpassîng 10 and fromn Port Perry. Sec bills. them "ILayMy inson 0~~ Th Wold ay f PryersugMathet an Mr. J R.Fiser ereCouch 52, **~Karl Bentz 47, **Myr- previous years. As it has been getd yte eeatdBor fnTrot as etIcenigPr-d Snell 44. Failures in subjects availab le for skating alitost everv brdy ac thDra O DP PR wihsolo pr y isYellowlees, aI tebyt he Fede Mssonrte Boardof lvalor ntontoofsI wek tning Pro- marked with asterisks, the number night for~ the past . vweký a-CountySotonBreeders Associa- suitable foriml ooaa the evening srie h oa' isoaySceisokica ovnino otciua of asterisks denoting numbar of sub-1 cons of the flashing blades have been tion ýwill hold ils Eightb Annual Con- LCtureaRoom on rdiayt. afloo iiss ineSiy ls.j jecîs failed in. Arithmetic 9; Hist-taking uip for the delay in starting, signiment sale of registered Short- as 5 e ol YONGWMELSwenceure oe nivsfrin ah e gîrî1Mis Mnd Mc. lab la o . .ory 6; Spelling 1. iOwing to soft wealber. Several -rs tBit' tals Y U G WMS S A Y1U IA Y wen c r hes e r piv es ent m and the girls ad e M r la t o mmunity1 of Sr. III exa miined la Reading, W rit- skating parties have been enjoyed Vllse. 1 Seale s n 4Iu paSOAY UIIRYtw r he s erie. T e eetadtooingjHl cdyeean njas nIing and Lilerature :-.Jack Rare 74, to the ful there, with refreshmenta p m. Write John r' A Y~ par i th srvie. Themetingial Thrsay veingan alo n-Vera Brown 68, Evelyn Allia 67' lan the C«mmunity Hall "Luncheon Baker, Solina, for catalogue. Duncan l I i L .ii Enjoyable and Profitable Program :wa~s presided over by Mrs. Wmi. A- Ydsorte outdnor sport la the wyGay olr 7 ldsMtht Room" t0 wind upthe evnin Brown, Sheddon, Auctioneeir. W .I _________ a1ms, President of St. Paul's Auxl-,f skating and hill coasting.GadsPlad6,Gdy Mtcet '~~~ The Young Women's Missionarviary. 1 Mr. Clarence Scott, whose home is 6 aodDln 6,CaleBee Friday, March Sth-Dapsîoni Big 20"Boktr Auxiliary ofTriniîy United CuDD BTe i h eeedJ .Richard-iîn M chianada n winjoyingtbisltn5,Mroi yet5 obesl frgsee n ul ctàt ChdteFburymeigo urs-,honTheD.,Righ R of recend t. A. ichigCan ba been en bis hiDuck 56, David Noden 50, Jack ed Hoîsteins, Clydeadales and Perch day eveniag aI the home of Mr. was the special preacher at S-.John'.;brother-in-law, Mr. Snlomon HarriJiTomis 47, Marion Aldcead 76(a2). PUBLIC NOTICE eosanimeetsthprrt has.dBth e Fe rKirng met ng n Tu s. ison n.., îsop o ede A lct n go.ios n e e r . G o m n l , - o f tx m n to s ný of Stanley Bagg, lot 20, Con. , Prga hc a ncag f vit as la conneclion witb the I fmily, and has planned tb remain tilI!child absent for. î~IN PRiIIdI CFI of t..I roIs, Wq o'loc nshp Sa e u. 12 Bagnei, Ki~~t~l chare of hurchon Tusday vcnig As isan bis ieceMca.leo.eLtand aii2l3. L. ofexamiation arPU.îSe'eI: haship Sale at 1 Mi- lrneWrysgroup wasj tensive Msionary Campaign, the, pril. To.A8-2w, ecerL1nt1 ,3 cpened by Miss Lena Haddy. Tbe Bisbop deait with the essentit.l mis- i0r.I1.Bxelan rn-_________________ hYn'Art Thou Wea y, Heavy Lad- sîonary character of Chritiniy daughtec, Miss Ida Packec, wbo bave Co-poratin fi nî :, iofhI ( en henb isGaeTeiThe mninwnosasys bnat be d oea not bene ayn aI Elmburst siace last NWCSTEMISINBANDDaN'iit, < . I n ihe Tc1 aloareby Mf tis Gac Tew , have leased and moved into _NEWCASTLE 1MaSSIOnNiBAND'Ifg IIikte, o- _____ HereAr Ipotn meue o bsgroup, was believe la missions s setting bis (rp-il[fa ti h(-iiiigtlof i soi nicon- sunhg, and tbe devotional period iva. inion against the defiaite command,. estHouse, formerly Gucat House, Itlibas been some limie since any vyîng to C o,111,-1 S\V\.1m i cn- taken by Mis.' E. E. Haycraft, Mi.s. of Jesus Christ; it is bard to sec bow M assey. publicity bashec 1' ento oe f , , 1111 -- A our Mid-Vi(intrpa C. H. Mason, Miss Florenîce Werry, scha person can be called a Christ- tethecaîe oimpoteraet. .ant n geniz on ftheoclor. nd 1 Ton_-h1 0«tf eîîwn A1.;,î-j re Y o Reu Hrvy .iG .on w i theipotntogniajos0fteroad al or îîarticoi;iry1- P i Mise Rilda Slemnon and Miss Haddy,. ian in any reaI sense. So far as our hoRev. Ha rdie J. Gibsof writîg United Ghurcb, the Mission Band, Isrhed ils foîlou-s, iiati s in sav P ic R du tin tbe latter presenîiag in a very own country is concerned, it w-ouldhoefo Idi.sakofwta but we find Ihat the members are isr happ-aod-aoion"it wevern ahd real ofve «,ArcL o IA-IDofIaNGULARillitîriinhiOnAh e I Rubbel oterta interesting form the sîocy of bow seem that patriotism, if no higher 1 occa.Gison aid w-asela then hi of ong sevr ndra lv arclLo aofINGUlAR;inper i,îiaEs A b e "Mrs. EI'wood's Holiday became acnenofdugeu obcitr irs h eer monthe! b Ton shjî f INri ArîIl. iihContil)(Eyes wirea. The od meetingsvd arenipeld 1Tobc ship~v..îvN N ,:x of CatwrBig. Sath.-ngs. bo'yda". Miss Margaret Pollock's jested la the progagation of the ofold and beloved pricipal of Wy -_____the Colie TorodntaurCanoe f I hirliii. in 1the Provine nIofOnlair reading on 'Partaers-hipEs" was much Christian way of living. The high.. 0,ffe Clee ool, Cnnoficers for Ibis year beiag: Super -ibîing eoionpst-f1 of part or 1W' (-onces- elstoortrebei enjoYed as ivas the solo by Mra T iest motive, o f, is the lovei Leca, visited tbem aI their home nedtMr.(.)JA.Blr-"orndrysabeomc e' m W . Cawker, "I've h arb a s etjof Christ. There was an c r cland w-bile thece baptised their littie Ainteaduea i net-M rs. <D.CJ . B tle; s o io;aloanti , 1w,, n ,] op. - Ae y u ys al o m e ard 'a don.' I'I.Vî.stionu TIoIE nt>-h,ý .Il 1 Arte S o n g " M c. W . J. F o a a eI a p a o i s o a y ou tlook, f r 1 or a to them la h at fat w ay 'A ssI. S p e rine an t- o r s. C. T . josi i, L ot N in ahîr rT x n% ilrth e d aily d em a nd m ade on them o v e rsh o e . . . . 2 5 'Batty; Presidenfort-Loreenr laBatty 1h--sii,1ToNait. ilndYior îbniiu1- without a feeling of strain?Mse'3or4ukeoe- gleanings front the Pcesbv-teial e-th ceamiag of large dreama so 'tat, Ms ao n ppi fte icePc.detDoohyBnahn; In;n ;nîno of sait lv n il iwshsesi 8 akorfw tained many practical suggestionsI made. Fblic School are dcligbted with the I Reocdor. Secretary-essie Van- o; Li,iSehrtov ti rn ni n ni- . 4rnlyavietatyi cetl bldlaOsaw qhih on, rgr hrstanadanfoun e F oDre; oraScrtay-are enI arrivknw mi ls ui1 .'fo- intogaewictariedroa heanag; resuerLois HacckI nhni nor pr- w isogl avioiha-yu it dw,- for our wock. Misa Spargo, Presi- Services in Tinity United CburchDiionOgnC.,nwa' ie, M t Box .11 acok:! OMECIG ait lJoint in tIi gvhe-aIiswiangad$3 dent, also added a few belpful re- on Sunday Ivere well aîtended. The: FitdaBox Secretary-Ruby Shaw; Soiitlerly miit of spil i.oinunur have Ibemn examined and kaow I on Fia. It is a Dmno Pian0 o Çot om.-Jean Riekard, 'ar- Tw,*ýnIvytIir, in iii Tn 111ifh onct, 5 whaî assistance they requr marks. Misa Florence Wercy took pastor's subject la bbc moraîng wasCase Walnut Model and is fitted gresom; init-ia ee irelst nul e h Win frton i o oioral :îa up a chapter Of tbe Study Book, the Ricb Young Ruler who tucaed i itblage olimcasor foî asy Rii'icb.Iree Twe ;nst litre HueauW si> ri , f r oforalecolor Ldi s "Dru- sin the Darkaess," as-sisted away la sorrow whea the test was imoving fromt room 10 room. The Twei long Our egîtered Optooretol( 1fivffl iirt tr ,iI u t tt * \. 1,rlv urR . IsTHE LL Me's Sorm Rbbe t... by Mrs. Smith Fe-rguson, whicb givea hlm. Rev. Mr. Robins drew i l rie tth oinl 1m The Febcuaî-y meeting Meshldn' lns uellfllI provd btb itecstia aa hepful soe vey blpfl lesons frm Iis f $50.00 althougb it is coacteivably lstSatur-day aflernoon at the home oshort . 'af iuln.1.utlun, Sonth sha'eey dy raeigo 1wo AI the businessaesinil was de- incident, applicable to preseat day ie0Ii moa. Of Mia. RuIler wlth splendid aI- We'iteriy made jre sesiorth Ihree tmsti nut ih peddat ts, a-ione saîu iî.1- -vuntx cided tocomplete the quilt nos lan conditions. Ia the eveaiag he con- Wne' ci mt1sîtnace o but3 eb r" t mort, or, .55 ta 1h, soithýiy irîvservice la this lune. co Îhaad aînd le hold a quilting la Ibeicluded the series on Bunyaa's Fil- Thrsa fennatM.JonDvinlexcs.,wr odued eI-1,10gsil - ruIaitowc nec iit>hn ast - Sunday SchootI Room on Wedaesday grim's Progress wbich have wit Ie Fca . by the Presideat and Kathleen Spen- d hr1i1i oi-or or 1-s te, th('[ . ,u.,Be adToHae o afternoon, Feb. 271b. Membecs are very iaterestiag tbrougbout. Dfugls'o bt thto 1h, lular nI he-1Cali, Peorinte For M ,Ms.WrJ.. ikadlate cc. The program coasisted of: 1Nrh aLadiatnes'l luc, '.va1 inîe bbl o hseIoquîs . B eggotsang 'Ia the S hai r n necetoal go I ecitaîlon-Garl Fisher; piano solo i t ni. m rt-o , in'..ic.n ,. Apitet RUBY WED~ ANIVERSARY Ris Wig" atthe mocning service.1 tendance. The Association resolved -uyShaw; story by Mca. Batty; 1 gIinn.i(t uu.. niM'h l ngMnsKn.ubes tt_____ ito b its $28ting ________ NNVESAYýsang a duet, andj Miss Margaret A-Iregulrpc thftmeanecuIe Study Book, "Ia the African Mv ir Maiitchell &ror Co.PvIa. arn lin a solo at the Sunday Scboolsc ain h pormpoio yBush" sas laken up by Mca. But1lec. ar rrîr-uî un attnti i t ht, rainopt- rgit n poiti Mee rte d R .n L ot r e y M . an i e, a d M c . . F rg s n ga eA . otw a n 's g o up co nsisted o f A s th e sy nb o l of the B a nd is I e rt. h n h-yi it tu t c" t n m o L'or îhv comnsui1 or soiieiioi- w ýti 'ffr,ýn-, Phone 92 A ~ J J j y Mr. .Luhe ery an address on Temperance. Mrs. a piano solo by Mca. Geo. Honey Daisy, a large daisy bas been made. theroî. iiîion psitioninîu t- 1 u, i 'rr1.IOn.h InMnraFb lt,18,blT.W. Cawkec sang a solo aI the cx'- and readiags by Mrs. J1. H. Jose and wiîb a centre of yellow and pe a' lTI hsNNTIlyn EtI- Bowmanville Ot la M nt e l F b l t , 18 9 * ning service. The choir as usual M a N. L . Ricka d. of white, w hieh is to bie la evidence ARY A. 1). 19-9. Kung and DivisiKinSta Re.. Ewar deGrubyMis E'izaî endered good anthems aI hoth sec- The sympatby of Newcastle at eacb meeting. As eacb member'îiti. i - - owînul betb Watson of Watfocd, to R. 1vices. NexI Sunday ex'eniag a j4 i.lii nim'.'viiliu LiTher Werr ni rsry of . wm il e d 1Ont . Mc R bins will comnmence a socrles lin, Lake Shore, to M c. Normian a petla. So elverybody join lb's The 401h anebrsar ofnIisM e-fOf sermons on "The Life of J'rem- Sam is, Newtoaville, and to Mca. ceaI wide-awake Mission Band andl 1,, .s11ebrted o -nday ev- iah." .fFe Cocieofou. ochbave your namne inacribed on Daisyl enn tteresidence of Mc. RoyE.____ ___ ie och ie fCur.Cu C. Werry, B.('.L., 166 Colbrooke - of Clarke, aiso to their imother, Mrs. pels. IAllia, on the. death lasI Friday of - Ave., Motntreal. Besîdes the bride' TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Ibeir sister, Miss Lula Mable Allia. and groom, th -ýr sons, Royal and i Wilfrid and V< s. Royal Werry therî e 1)1eThe Allia £amily, ;before coming to wece preqent 'q Tresidder, Mr I. coutmajatractons 0f lar ived la Darlington township, an rs oti . hlp Mr ndpracgh fnt.tndne er oib.Ter IeMssAl Mrs. LaVerne Hlof and Harold Hoff. greeted the. c:tizenship (lePal-tmemt after the death of the father contin-1 h i e F s Afte a trke diner ad ben;ITI the preseatation of their progran, ued to live with ber mother and fter atulkeydmnneîbad 1uon Monday .bote Lsie ut dat ccr .HR dispoaed Qf a sheaf of letters sas jbohrLs e u ir et cur banded bto i"' bride bearing congrt- Mr. Fred Graham was cliarmawn iled aIt ehmet r. o- ANDE U ulatonsfrombrohemand sgti, and5 haadled a xe.'y iatecesting pro- man Samis, Newtonville. nieces and aepbews ia Dariangt;uin* gram in an experienced manooàr. _ ___ undle, boway l; f com Mr s.A. Dcmeu Those members takiag prt~ inclutî "i NEWCASTLE Y. P. SOCIETY 1 r sat Or S oom unceBomavile frm rs (i-)'Mrs. G. E. Pritchard and Misses t_____ W. A. White, New York, on bebalf1 Hathway, Lillian Pritchard, Muriel Thece la one good thing whioh sex'- of relatives in that cilv; frujin Mc Baker and Rilda Sîcîin alst- M. eral of Our youag people are miss- V e etables and Mrs. Sam Bray ami faaîily, En- Smith Ferguson. [ho discuqision n these days, and that is, the Young lield, Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. periid wa.s giveni by "Ir. Lorîîe .Iack- j p~pe5Scey wa eotie Wrigt, t. Cîhaines Mc an Mcs tin lu) 1e , bj ,f Jteniperance attractions and other demanda upon I T n J.H.WerY owaniie and aripcuved both . trs:rg t2 ime, the. alteadance bas been rat-I1 ogive greater an J. H. erry, oïmnveand nE, o. tiugbt-provoking, a ~rurnneof, ber amal ately, but se feel justified better service to our Janes, Bowmanville. whicb L.orat.1- isa ,, It customers have ihodo ointe The letters were rend lîy Mr. Ruy' illl d tha-, thi.-î ( are O Inea-,jnsyigta1toewh oc c use, swre hveadded go away declaring thaltbchy wouldn't Werry, one of whicb contaiaed a' i - woîe in atîc'ndianco that are 1bhve nulased it for ntig Th a Fish Dept. and Fresh cheque on Iehalf of tlhe btrothecu. ;lll utejrjn Y'& s ineo Jloints new Vice-Fresidents certain h v gtbeCune- e and iste-. GfLs ere l.sohandd t -tni-ns inýhîr1ý,-1)1« beenbee puttingon son «somet pr- VcellentContpro-e the happy cuple by their sons, Mr.' The. îm.w .'0il xt1. u:Hugam and no doubt tbey will keep us fil] your orders with and Mrs. 1 ilp and Mr~. and Mca. ere pne duriag 'he erecetiori1I p the good -ock. these tempting goods. Hoff. The presenî of the groomi o Pn- (u' the vtiry gol ip D ) wa.-ltiThe acripture reading and devo- the bride \was a bro u)ch, a cuby ;t rna1,b) ha iienhp entmer tol al topic on Monday cveniag I G C r u u y I a t 1~ ia white îrold, la kecpiiîg with tht. ami mttendance mî mail, lb. wece taken by Mc. H. E. Hancock.1 1G C iý x iyBI C a S eveat, it ï7eing a "ruby" wed(din. u grtsups tmok a juivrm. uThe uevOtional topic i.s an in ~ FISH DEPARTMENT Roth Mi-. Werry and Mirs. ',e-rv Nex,_ we'k the l;*r:î'; -m. Muic lion in omir Society and se bave,ý1R G C rP àro i a S a o expcessed their keen appreciation OPf f):îrtmt.î,t undeti '1.2cahn(,f heard spleatlid inessages front thei Fresh Herring tbe kind lelters of congratulationl Mýi.,ss a\ orne O~rîiriin Mr. Fran-1 oldQcr people. Not the least inter- Red Salmon and the appropriate gifla, together1 i' Sutîû)Im are in ehairge. estiag part of the (,venng's rrorm T'S here! At our Showrooml The Pontao c wibh wishes foc future happii,î.s antidl i____s the. business session, for tho regu- Chicken Halibut BIG Six . th car for people who want big. IROtf health. lar coinür:s are al ive-.wires and LaeHrigcrlxrbgcrsyeadbgcrpromne DUe Mrs. Ro:,- Werrv proce iScl îh, u -<Iin't besitate, to express their vîews. Lk ern a uuy gcrsyeadbgcrpromne Dlv.dPIo were pre.seied W'u a noie e i1 IM,. Arhie Middlemost, oielrntu i' i dn stn I "YBaritone V clit & Trombonist !11;lit: !mtrtt l t i iî of, 01411 I UU -n e m iss o live T illey. Mc . a d M c. - wîî t. uarrtî ucm nsî îuS a ] Laigue tbankemd their friends foc the Admission-Adulta 50c; Children 12auel it Fi tnaitnviIiu this 'mii iauuy tufGodFehV etls v o O gift. The remainder of bbe even- 25c Flehrury, 1921)9ods rehVgtbe iwas oln in euce and muLsîc. Set ecv<ia oaia' THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS Phone 248lB ing esrve a Bn-aha'sCORPORATION, Execuàtors mPHONE 21Ph e24 Eefreshments werO served hy a num- Store. James Girven Estate, ber of Ithe ladieS. fly M. G.V. Goulul. îîowmanvîfle,, Ont., p______________PO'U CT OV G19N 2R A L MO TORS 0F CANADI ITD Oreamaof BarIey nmakes bone anti flee. __________________________ 7-1 PAGE EIGHT