C7 ýb p e urnnMtrn ~t~te~m~n With Which Is Incorporated Trhe Bowmanville News__ Vol. LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Pub1isherq. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21st., 1929 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No.8 Speciald Prices In FOOT WEAR FOR February 21lst to 23rd Womien's Overshoes, ini different styles and colors, PRICED FROM $1.95 TO $280 Mises Overshoea, Black, in two bulde or four buckle, AT $200 Boys' and Youths' 1-buckle Over- àhoe PRICED AT $1.50 Women's Silk and Wool Hosiery in three colors, PRICED AT 50c AND 75c Men's Black Oxfords, new last, rubber heel AT $375 Knox's Shoe Store. Phone 120 Bowmanvillei WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB Tie menibars o! the Women'si Canadian Club ware delprived o! the opportunity o! haariug Mra. Waa- gen of Alberta, at their ragularl meeting on Mouds>' afternoou lu St Johnu's Parish Hall, ou account o!f the speakar's ilîneas. After the reading o! the minutesl b>' Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, refreshinanta î"ere served, witli Mrs. W. J. Mor- rison as liostsansd Miss A. Blaak- la>' pouriug tas. Iu spita o! their disappointimant, the ladies rallia.d sufficieutly Vo an-1 je>' the dahcous sandwiches sud Vs providad sud Vo indulga in s sociali bal! bour o!f fiendi>' intercourse.1 The President, Mrs. (Dr.) J. Clarki Bell rose galîsutI>' Vo the oecasioul sud filled the breschb b> describiug s visit VoiBlarn e>'CasVleansd thel famous Blarney Stone, in Iralaud.1 Sha also read s sebection "TPhe Bal-1 lad o! Blasphemous Bill" foia book o! Robert Servlce's poanis wbich abe fouud lu a bock staîl near thare. The stor>' o! Blasphaïmous Bill'sa destb sud Via efforts made b>' a coin- rada Vo fulfil s coutract Vo bur>' bu decantl>' in s shiuiug coffin with a silver plate, in s grass>' plot witb a touibstona ovar his head, no matter where. ivien, or how lie died, ivare rnost graphicaîl>' ralated b>' Vie poat, sud, read lu Mms. Bell's own inimit- able mauner, brouglit te Vie bearers a revealiug gliuipsa of the climate sud lifa o! the great Cinadian North W est. THE POLICY 0F THIS STORE IS: Not How Cheap mmBut How Goodl The large business and good will toward this store for re- liable dependable merchandise goes back nearly 50 years- several generations. We cherish this confidence of the buying g ublic and it will be our aim to continue to give our customers the est merchandise at reasonable prices. No cheap shoddy goods are handled at this store. LADIES' SPRING COATS placed on display this week. ALL NEW DRESS GOODS Make your selections early. Just a Few Ladies' Winter Coats Left at Haif Price BLACK Spccially grouped AND COLORED DRESSES and marked down at further reductions. DRESS GOODS, ýHOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, ETC. Remnants, short lengths, Ieft overs, discontinued limes. OUT THEY GO AT COST PRICES AND LESS GRAND CLE AN - UP of Men's and Boys' Overcoats Everyone in stock marked *uikcl earance. Pick out rhe'prices will tiekie you to down for pour sîze. pieces. BOYS' BLOOMER SUITS Sizes 33 to 36 Were $10 and up to $15.0 while they last HALF PRICE MEN'S NEV! SPRING OVERCOATS AND SUITS Just opened up for your inspection. Over 25 Years experience in fitting glasses bas enabled us to not only supply the correct lenses, but to fit the face also. This is quite necessary if the lenses are to enable you to see comfortably. If you are having difficulty in seeing with your bi- focal glasses consuit us. We bave helped others to Eyeglass Comfort KE RSLA KE'S The Dependable Drug Store SPECIAL Day Dreani Powder .50 Locs. Povwder Vanity Case .50 $1.00 THE TWO FOR 59c "A Shady Lady" Wednesday-Thuraday, Feb. 27-28 George Bancroft and s wonder cast Lu "The Wolf cf Wall Street" Bahin<j the frauz>' o! Wall Street looms 'Phe Wolf"! The stock market gisut! The ruthlesa fight- eor! Rosring in to hattIe sud loviug it. 'Pie finest pictura Bancroft bas &ver offared Vo movia fans. Match 1 and 2 Peter B. Kyne's "Tide of Empire" WitL "R.... Adore" ----! 1 . . i Couch,Jiihnstofl & Cryderman. Bownanvil1. Phone 104 Llmiteci EX-REEVE THOS. BAKER LOSESI CASE AGAINST TOWNSHIP 1 Judge 1- V. O'Connor Disniisses Ap. Peal With Costa Stating Appellent Not Warranted ini Inatituting Pro. Ceoedings. The much talked of and discussed case of Ex-Reeve Thomas Baker of Solina, vs. Township of Darlington, regarding water froni a ditch affect- ing bis property bas fina]ly been dis- .posed of. The complete text of the case as reviewed by Judge L. V. O'Connor and has decision follows: In the niatter of the Ditches and Water-Cou.rses Act, and in the mat- ter of an appeal of Thoinas Baker of the Townsbip of Darling'ton, in the County of Durhamu, farmer, from *an award made by E. M. Proctor, Enginee.r for the Townshi.p of Dur- lington, dat.ed the 9th day of May. 1928. On tbe 9th January, 1928, Thomas Baker gave notice to the corporation of tbe Township of Darlington tbat he as owner of the soutb haîf of LoM .28 in the 6th Concession of the Town- sbip of Darlington, required that a ditceh on bis sadd lands ha deepened and widened, oir otherwise inproved under tbe Ditches and Water-Cour- ss Act, and declared that certain lands, being the northerly part of Lot 27 in tbe Sth Concession in the Townsbip of Darlington, tbe nortli- erly Part of L-ot 28 in the 5tih Con- (Continued on page 2) SALVATION ARMY Colonel Levi Taylor, Field Secre- tary for Canada East, and Mrs. Tay-, lor, assisted by Major and Mrs. Rit- chie will conduct tbree day special services in Bowmanville, on March 2, 3and 4tb. Sunday night seric wi.ll be held itbe Opera House, coinmiencing at 8 p. ni., instead of 7 p. M. On Monday, March 4, a splendid illustrated service will be given in tbe Opera Rouse at 8 p. in, entitled "«Light and Shadows of the Old Land". Colonel Levi Taylor, is an uld Bonanville boy, and we ars sure a nurmber of old friends will be glad to nieet the Colonel again at some of these services. Anniversary serviceS -will be heldý on Mari-ehl6th and l7th. Cobourgi S. A.' Band will attend these ser.-ices. Await further announpoeme.its Gro te the SI O. E. Euchre party On MondaY, February 2th. Bsvwanville Wonien's Inatitute will meet in the S. O. E. Hall on Fliday, February 22nd at 3 p. ni. Prograxu in charge cf group 6. Plan to be tbere. Sonietbing doing. Don't miss the Home-Made Cook- ing Sale and Cafeteria Tea under auspices Reb-'ekah Lodge, on Satur- day afternoon, February 23ird in St.' Jobn.s Parisb Hall. Royal Theatre Pretentinc The Finest la Phetopicys Phone 589 FridaY-Saturday, February 22.23 Ken Maynard and bis faffnous horse Tarzan In "Cheyenne" The champion stunt rider of the films, Ken Maynard ,in bis latest western picture of stuts-thrills and events of the rodeo ,an act- ual rodeo brouigbt rigbt te you. Surpassing ail bis previous pict- ures. Don't miss tbis one. Matinee Satarday afternaon at 2.30 p. m. Children 5c. Chapter 6 of "Whispering Smith Rides" and regular program Monday-Tuesday, Febrmm'ry 25-26 Phyllis Haver in an al star cast 1 PROGRAM 0F CANADIAN MUSIC BANK MANAGER RETIRES I HOCKEY FANS REJOICE OVER TaenedYongBoïnnvll AtitsI AFTER 43 YEARS' SERVICE DOUBLE VICTORY Assist on Prograns of Music Study Mir. J. A. McClelIan to be Succeeded lnterznodiates Win Both Ganses Frein Club. as Local Manager cf Bank of BeIlevâlhe--Now PIaY Off WitL ThememersofMontreal by Mr. F. O. Mcllveen Whitby-High Scisool Tea- Eli- Clhbeas ell s o the Music Study of Lansdowne. minates Port Hope. Clu, s el a anumber Of visit -___1_ ors, enjoyed a real treat in tbe way 'Many people in Bownianville and Belleville played here Monda>' of delectable musical entertaxnient distriot will regret to bear that the night and were defeated 3-1 which nay evglreni, F ebrayl3ton in popular Manager of tbe local brauch gave Bowcmanville the round 6-3. Tlhe nesdy eenin, Fbrury 1th. inof the Bank of Montreal, Mr. J. A. visitors seemed very confident of IL St. Paul's Lecture Room. ýMicClellan, bas been granted leaive win, but were out checked ail night. The program on "Canadian Music" of aibsence on account o! ill bealth As an alibi tbey claimed to ha lack- was a practical demonstration Of and tbat at tbe conclusion of this ing three of their hast muen in W'hal- Canada's wealtb of miusic and ablej leave of absence be will retire froni en, Hagermnan jand Boweu. Tme composers as well as local talented active service in tbe bank. gaine was of the sainie type as in exponents of the art. The convene'rs, Mr. McClellan is a native o! Bow-' Balleoille only mxu*rh faster. 'he Mrs. L. Bingham and Mrs. Cecil H. iile. He started bis banking locals were keyed up anid gave their Dudeyarete e cngrtultedcareer in the old Ontario Bank in best, whereas the visitors seesned to bigblyn o hirdigseumsennd foe- 15ad was statioued at Peterboro, do a lot o! loafing. st in ovingsuh plndd n-Whbty and Toronto for vairious per- There were niany fine rushes and tertînn-ent.iode until be came to Bowmanvîlla displays of combination, ibut the After tbe singing of "O Canada" 35 years ago as accountant. On tbe teams were quite Olten bottled up and "Tbe Maple Leaf" wbiob a-e retirenient of Mr. George McGill in around their own goal. The work dear to patriotic Canadian hearts, 11904, wbo had been manager for 29 of the goalies was an exhibitiomn Mrs. Dinghanî read an interestiuglyears, Mr. McClellan wss proinoted whicb bas not beau surpassad this paper on the if e -of their composqera,lte manager wbich office ha uow re- season. They both were peppered C. Lavallee and Alexander Muir. Ilinquishes after nearly 25 vesrrs wiVh msuy sud varied shots but Miss Jean Ranisa>' sang hrae very1 faithful, efficient and courteous sar- mauaged te get in the road of moat pleasing solos, "My Own Dear Can-ivice. Iu the past 53 years this lo- of theRn. Rooney was very good ada", Chas. F. Harrison; "Land of cal brancb bas ouly hsd Vwo inau- -for the visitors snd mny tumes he Glad To-Tmorro'ws", Gordon V. gers, the late George McGill and Mr. was in dgngerous scoring position Thonipson; "Rush-a-bye iuy Baby"l, MeClellan. only to ha stopped hy James oir a de- by iBertha L. Tanmblyn, a former No inattar bow capable his succes- fense man, sometimes both. Bownisnvilla girl. sor may ha, Mr. McClellan la going First Period Probsbly the items on the prograin to ha niissad in niany ways by a bost This pariod was a little alower whic.h most deliglihtad, aud at the of business associates aud friands. than tbe others. The rushes were saine tume created greatest eutfhus- For bie holds tbe confidence and re- coufined inainly to one or two.nien iaani among the audience were the spect of tbe entire community and and the teaMis were juat 'feeling beautiful duo-piano compositions> his advice and counsel iwere often eacb other out". Shinny Moise reudered by Miss Gwendolyn Wil- souglit on questions apart froni played a great gaina, esýpecially in liams, wbosa genius and skill is uo'w banking and finance. By bis kind- this period and bie deserved several well known across tbe Dominion, and ly disposition and willîngness Vo helpgoals but was out of luck. "Uiik" Mr. Jobn Kent, eldest son oi Post- others be bas endeared bîxuself to the McMullen also was after his mian master C. B. Kent and Mrs. Kent, hearts of scores of youug sud old. every tiine. The Belleville boys mýhc is a pupil of consideraible proýmn- . Some, addrass bum as Mr., othars J. 1bave named him "the worry" and ise and talent of the fanious tece A., Alex, or Mack, (maybe he was' how ha ives up Vo 4hat naine! WeIl, Viggo KihI of Toronto Conservatory Often called other nainies, too, when you should see, that la al 1 cans a>. o! Music. Jack possesses remark- lie refused to renew a note or ad- Thlera is aliso Smrotty Canieron on able ability sud bis fiast appearauca vance s boan!), but whatevar naine left wing who la calied s real goal before a local audience came as a lie was called it demoustrated the gettar for he obtainad sl the goals genuine treat and pleasaut surprise genuine popularit>' of the mnuasd in Belleville. 3ut Monda>'lhe Vo al.'Phase young arbtis played the esteani in whicli le is beld by seemad to have had bis s.pell at Ae two salections by Mozart, -Concerto bis frieuds. Bailey's tricks sud didn't get an>' in D Minor" sud "Rlondo Allegro" in He bas served his communîty well in tbl gainie. um-ster-lY styl.e with Miss Willianis as a public spiritad citizen lu manySeodPio et the Pirst Piano,, aud latar "Hun- vu-ys: Chairman sud meuiber of Pub>- Scn Pr garian Fantasy" by Liszt, and encore, lic Sehool IBýoard for 10 years, mauy Thela net mucb to ssy about witli Mr. Kent aV the First Piano. years 'Pressurer of Horticultural So- this period as both teains were work- Mrs. Huibert Foster fav'oured with ciety, Treasurer of St. Paul'e Cburch mng bard and saeïmed Vo ha milsaine a group ocf three well rendered vocal' for over 25 years, Trustea of Flor- dozens of chances te bulge the net.. solos, "A Good Bye", sud "Since We ence Nightingale Lodge, I.... The Bellaville gang camie in around Pated", iby Albert Raansd ,T',he:sud a Life Menxber of Jerusalem 1 the local -net and ganerally triad to IOpen Rosd", Cens mnm-êe Lodge, A.F.&A.M. Ris bousiness i h<ld them in out the>' would flot be Miss Helen Yellowlaes sang sweet- interests include Secretary-Tressur- held sud broke sway tine aiter tine ly~~~~~~~~ su ietvl'"nIoul erL of Port Darliugtou Harbor Co. only Vo ha tbwarted b>' the defence ly nd",Clece LnIucas iited ,and. s stockhoider in Mc- or goalie, but inm-=et cases they rocks", Healey Willan; "Master I Clallan & Co., Limitad. misse'J the net. Howaver, McGuire Will F'ollow 'fhee", Paul Antbrose. As soon as weatber permits Mr. suaprised the winners by slipping -one and Mrs. McClellau will occupy th>, in during asecrasmbk around the The two cloeing nunibers, "Dreau- liaudeome aud commodicus residence net. ing of My Old Home Sweet Home", of Lieut.-Col. snd Mrs. R. J. Gili, Third Perxod Geoffrey O'Hara, sud "Cheer>' Song"t, Kingeton Road, Fst. Thia wgs the spaîl, full of lifa. The. David D. Slater, wara suug iu aplen- We are glad of the opportunitY of lads began to rough it a bit with the did voice sud style by Mr. George payiug this tribute of regard to Mr. resuit that most ocf the men ware E. Clisse. I McOlellan in s 'bouquet o! words iu- "restiug" a lot of the time. "oDuteh" The program of music was inter-I spirad by warmth and sincerity Vo- Osborne scorad en a fast shot from 'spersed by paipars, prapared b>' Mrs. ward a true friend, sud noV wsi.t un- the wing. At ona tume Bowmsxwille C. Dudley, sud reas b>' various mai- Vil the day, which we hope la far dis- only lied threa men on the ice, sud bers of the club at suitable intervals, tant, wlien bis friands will briug it certajul>' looked lika thse goose wa "Canadisu Musicians", by Miss Gr8Va fiowers to the daparted sud the adi- cQokad but this faithf'ul trio fooled Wickett; "Canadian Bauds sud Band- tor will write nica thingsalater ha is thamn. Anyway no goals were smor- Masters", Miss Aura Caldwell; "Can- gone to bis reward. ae b>' the visitora, and that le ail thset adien Folk Songe", Mirs. C. Arthur Mr. MeClellan's place la to be tak- Matters. Cawkar. an by Mr. F. O. Mcl:vaen, who lsa Then both eanis aettled down te- A vote of thanks wss movad b>' native o! Godarich Township, sud ward the aIsat of the period snd Bel- Mrs. Wmn. Adanis and sacouded by whe bas had wide experieuca iu banlc-1 leville made thair great effort. Tha>' Miss E. Painton to the assisting ar- ng service in inu> parts o! Canada. playad four sud fiva men up on Vhe ists, especisîl>' Vo Miss Williamns sud Mr. MC-liveu entered the service Of forward lina continually and 1V was Mr. Kent wbo had so kiudly given o! the former Marchants Bank of Cau- only tliroueli the suprenne cheeking their tume sud talents. ada in September 1920, sud bas bhad od Osborneansd Dausain on the. de- Delicious refreshmants sarved by sixteen yaars exparieuce with other fence that the gaine was noV bost right the Execuïtiva were the final touci Vo Banks lu Canada. there. Tbey fougbt back and paes- s most enjoysibla eveuiug. At the time whan the Marchants ad the pill up te thair florwrds Who Bau wa taenover b>' the Bank went taariug cdown the lue, around o!f Moutreal, Mr. 'Mcflvaen w's the opposiug nian and shot ou the MISSION BAND BANQUET manager of tha brandi at Arn.prior, net-mnder. Then Moise scored the ______ansd ha contiuued as Manager there final goal with Vbrea minutes to go Trinit>' United School rooni as for the Bank o! Montreal. Froni wlien the puck flippa-d lu at a fa". thescee o a eryhapy gtheing1923. until the date of bis presenti off close to the visitors net. So the Viescea o aver lipp gaberugappointment ha was manager of the game ,ded with ,Bowmauville 3- 0,f the littIa girls o! the Mission Bank' s Lansdowne Branch. Belleville 1. Baud sud tbeir motbers on Monday Mr. MeIlveen bas alwsys taken an afVasruoon wliau the>' hald a supparj active ýpart in counection wlth var- The locais uow play' Whithy lu Vhe meeting. Covers were laid for joapbi ntttineutecx-uxt playoffsansd the gaines nh~ig 'sietyandth talesnide eryatmunities whera lie bas seiwed. Atin-benau ppointed for Thukrada> a tiewitli valentine decorations, Lagnsdowue lie was Paîato i Whitby sud Monday lu Bowmanville. orsandgoo ting Voest îlocal Social Club, Diractor o! Vie The wiuuers of hs plsyoff will prob- The supper bour was made ples-' Business Mena Club and Tresurar sbly play' the winners o! St. Cathar- aut by piano solos by Nellie Mutton, o! the cliurch beatteuds. At Arn- ines group. 'Phe boys are going to d)ora Wood, Shirley Marsdeu, Arlat- orior lie ivR s Diractcer cf the local try liard Vo pîsy at the Arana yat. ta Maynard, Selma Bsrtlett; piano Au'cltrl ociet>', sud at Wat- The teanis: Bownannville Goal, S. luat b>' Joyce Luxton sud Betty fordi, Ont., s meimbaýhr cf the Prog-reas James; defause, R. Osborne sud cdbln b> aMn.d.J Climiber singing 1 Club sud tlie Lawu Bowling Club. Danseni; centre, Moise; ivinga, Cani- 'ed y Mr. D J. hambrs.We welconîe Mr. sud Mrs. Mcli- eron sud McMulleu; subs, M. Os- Aft-er aIl haI eujoyed the supper. veen sud their famil> !sxsud borne sud Rundle. he eguar eetngiva lildope-boys Vo Bom-mnville wbo ivilI short- Bellevill Goal, Curry; defense, ng with the Baud doxology; prayerily nmove liera. Rooney sud Green; centre, Hihibard; )y Mrs. Ives; scriptuire lesson, Ruth wings, Sceesansd Wright; aube, rimi; mnier>' work sud reports.j McGuire sud Weir. Refere-Era. \isJean Spry, leader o!fgrup in j COMING EVENTS ie Wortley. -harge of thus meetirg«, took the1 ihSho In nte ru cha;r and the !ol!owiuz prazrain ras Sons o! Eugland Euchire part>' ou ihSho in nte r nicel>' given: piano solo, Heipu Mas-I Monda>', Februar>' 25th at 8 P. m., W e.have auotbafr chainpionship on; recitation, Doris Dudie>'; vocallin the S. O. E. Hall. Admission tezi in towu lu thbe Righ School solo, Mrs. Chambers; 'vocal duet, 25c intallectusîs. They* defeatad Port -Jean Marris sud Helen ýMason, sc- Home-inade Cooking Sale and Af-1I ope lunVtha firet o! the playoffsansd conîpanied b>' Arletta Msyuard; re- ternoon Tes in St. Johin's Parisb Hll1 now have Vo play Tweed lu the next citation, Dorotliy Richards;:is on Saturda>', Feb. 23rd, froni 3 Vo 61 round so dig down deep fellows sud ____j