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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1929, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATE&MAN, BOWMANVILLE, "THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2h, 1929 PAGE 'FWO LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER EX-REEVE THOS. BAKER LOSESI M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL-D. Some weeks ince we had giyen a As Described by an Edit.oial Wrter CAE______TWNHI Barrister, Solicitor, Nat817 brief talk to a company of young on a Mtropolitan Daily. (Continued from page 1) Money to boan on Farm and Town folk from our ripe experience when ih:operty. Royal Bank Buildinig a middle-aged gentleman came and (Fromn The Toronto Globe) cession in the Township of Darling- Bowmanville. Phone 351. offered congratulations, saying 'i The annual meeting of the Cana- ton, and the 6th Concesion line <>f W. R. TRIKIEsee thore are compenisati #si for age dian Weekly Newspapers Associa- the Township of Iarlington lying in W.R SRK of which you give evidence. We tion bas again ýbeen held. The busi- front of the said Lots .27 and 28,1 Successor ta [&te D. B. Simnpson. K.C. have frequently ineditated on bis re- ness has ibeen discharged with the and the gide line between Lots 27 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary mark since, and in reading our fav- usual despatch. The affairs of the and 28 in the 5tb Concession QI the Solicitor for Bank of Montreal orite weekly magazine lately, we organization are entrusted to cap- Toiwnship of Darlington, was affect-1 Money to Loan Phone 91 came to a contribution headed "Com- able bands in t.he election Vo the ed. The parties conoerned having Bowmanville. Oritario pensations of Age" from the pen of executive posta of Messrs. Da'vid flailed to agree wjtb the views of Mr G. M. Twitchell of Mane-a man in Williams, George Legge, (,eo. W. Baker, Mr. E. M. Proctor ïwas duly W. F. WARD, B. A the octogenarian class with ourseif. James, A. W. Marsb, C. V. Charters, appoint.ed engineer Vo inquire into Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Ris article opens thusly: A. H. Seller, G. M. Goodfel1owi and the situation, and on the 9th -May, Money Vo lban. Bonds for aale.1 One of the greateat compensations C. E. LaBranche. .1928, made bis award, finding the Offices-Bleakley Block, King St, granted us as time passes and we Theb eti a *eider o the deepening and widening and other- Bowmanville, Ontario. Phons- drift towards the sunset is that of. wise improv'ing of the said ditch Office 102; House 409. having ibrought more and more vivid-! continued and growing imnortance through tbe said lands of the said ____________--- ---y bfor ustheminte etal'~ Ofio the weekly press. Recer.t years Tbomas Baker is not required, and' lyeacre ong goe Toonten popbes 1 have seen a decided imprive'ment in assessed the and charges a,I talk about the hardships of old age,jtecmeca osto !m tOf $23.00 ,of -whicb the said Thomnas, DENTAL1 but wbile we realize that we willj these journals. But ever more im- Baker was diected to pay $15.00, DR. . C BONYCSTL mis te grnd orwrd arc oftheportant is the growtb of tbe influence iand tbe Townsbip o! Darlington Hoorgrduet i DntstyToonoyeara before us, there is rich coin- 1o hese papers in elle shaping of $8.00. Uniersty. Grauat oftheRoyl pensation in reviewing the roads we ersblic opinion Weekfor te bspap- From this award Mr. Bakerap Unvesty Gauaeoftb oylhave traveled. er lasno~dfo teb~t pealed and tbe matter fist cae on College of Dental Surgeons of On-l ness of their editorial expression, for bearing at the village of Harnp-1 tario. Office King St., Bowmant'ilIe. Alo u readers wbo ike ti Recent years bave -WitrieS-sed nlo ton on the 26 July, 1928. Mr. Baker Office phone 40. House pbone 22. Alodortiintoinhsdreinb'!o X-1Lay Equipment in Office. veteran have ravelled life's busy diminutionnisdcy ti on, but ain- nt this time clainied that hie had re- bighway for four-score yeara, more a akependenc mpy to omplete1T ceived no formaI notice of tbe ear DR. J. C. DEVITT or leas, will echo his views, and like1 idne rmpry ed~e ng and asked the hearing be Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson the old pioneer farmer wbo bas lived A proïminent politician recermtly j dore oaau7cun ae h is Graduate of"Royal Dental College,l close o Nature, out in God's great referred Vo the journals in question was done and the matteir came on for Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- counltry, remnoved from town or city as "ome-borse weelies". 1V was an he4ring at the village of Hampton' manville. Office bours 9 a. m. to' nois, rusb and worry can quietly unfortunate expression. But it was' an the 8tb Nevember, 1928, wben 6 u. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 1view the works o! God manifest in nfot received by tbe editors concern- W. E. N. Sinclair, Esq., K.C., ap- 90. House phone 283. Nature and find rich reward, and so ed with as inuch anger as amuse- peare~d on behaîf of the appellant, X-Ray Equipment in Office. lit is witb tbose of us a littie nearer mient. Tbey were under no illu-1 and H. Fk Beckett, Esq., Toronto, ap- ýthe "hub." Great as are tbe coin- sions as Vo the greatness or WeaknessI peared on bebaif o! tbe Tomwnsbip. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL 1 pensations of the present, rich as[lo! their papers. No "inferiirity Bsefoxre proceeding with the takinig Honor graduate o! Toronto Univer-: are tbe rewards o! the years, richerj complex" made tbem supersensitive. o! the evidence I viewed the pren-. sity and member o! Royal College if still is the promise o! what is certaimn! ises in question, acconipanied by tbe' Dental Surgeons. Licensed VolVo co-e o the younger generation Tbere are in Ontario alone haîf isolieitor for tbe parties intere-ited,l p ractise in Ontario and the Dominion, if alive Vo the cal o climb. Tbis a dozen weeklies carrying editorials land by tbe parties tbeniselves. There I ijen tigtry in aIl its branches. Office-1 was our thouglit in the brie! address o! wbicb neither The bondon Tinmes 1isl a creek or large ditch running in an King St., Bowmanvîlle, opposite 1 we gave and we urged tbe young Vo1 nor any other great mer<POlitnj easterly and westerlY direction thru Bsink of! Montreal. Phone 301. I individually strive fromn their al newspepers need fee.b 55bafld.i Lots 27 and 28 in the 6th Concession years o put the very best ability of While not aIl attain equa2l liteararY cf the Township o! Darlington, and MEDICAL jwhich every one L% possessed intol excellence, many more mnake valu- to this ditch or creek is jo'ined a ~.~.SEMNMD. C. tbeir studies, and work in whatever able weekly contributions to the furtber creek or ditcb running from Craduat o! TrnyMeDicalCollege calin in if e t.bey choose and suc- thougbt o! the nation. The editors the 6th Concession ine northerly Tootfrel fEi cess will be sure. of these papers are usually men who tlhrough the lands of the appehiantl Offiendfrerl f niaîlen . take orders only from tbeir 04wiicon- Thomnas Baker, and being in or about Offcean RsieneDr Bit'ssciences. They are close Vo tbe six bundred and thirty feet (630') former residence on ChurchStet We can se fully appreciate this I realities ef everyday hile. TbeY in ength. This latter ditch or Bowanvlle Pnne259 44.tpat o Mr Twtcblls mdîtatîn:write witb knowledge and sympatby creek may 'be said Vo be a natural J. CLARK BELL "The memiory of wehat bas transpired from the standpoint o! the ordinary water-course, although a portion o! MD., Ch.B., F..C.S.. (Edin), D.P.H. during 80 years floods in wth satis- people. Tbey are no longer the it 'beig that part eading froni the (Sucesor o D. A S.Taley> faction as I sit in the gathering twd- "yes men" o! the big political part-, concession line to the nortb, was dug (Sucesor o D. A S.Tiley) light o! life, sure that the daya for ies or the city newspapers. They do out by the appellant Mr. Baker, fions. Graduate in Medicine, Aber-I adventure, for extension O! effort, support wortby policies wh3revermayersg.A24icbuleta den nvesty ebo o heRya~for planning for -future activities, proinulgated. But hey, even more,1 conetructed acroaIs concession ine, Çolbege o! Surgeons, Edinbu.ab.î have gone, and that we may quietlyt originate idems and makre suggestions which carnies the water whîcb con- Office and Residence, Queen Stgatiier up the threads in the patteirrnwhc r ubeunl ae pblegsa htpitit h ic Bownîanville, Phono 89. mhwe reshaveetl akn been weavinga pntino hedie OffceHous:Z t 4p.m..6 e 830P.en. hae bck o teai nd fOllow others. or water-eourse in question. T'here OfieHus a4p.m,6t -0P -:teebc oterstarting point, is a very decide.d fall ini the lard, be- W. H. BIRKS, M.D. seeing more cbarly today than years i.gLt 7ad28 oad h OffceHors:I o ad 7Vo8.0.ago the drift o! the oom at its work. PASS IT ON gLts2 an 28to rd th Tefce leph:1 o4ne 108. 830.Instead of regrets over the past, notV tcb ohfmte a ndrm Ofie n eliene1Dr. H1lwod'to be recovered, it is for us Vo, find A most sensible suggestion en te west, and this cbaractenistic is formerandresidence We.lbingto 's!re, cause for thanksgiving over the one that sbould appeal to every continued into Lot 28 in the 5tb Con- forer esdeBoW lngto Sree,. many opportunities partially improv- tbinking iCanadian la imade by the' cession and there is a natural de- and whatever services we may Manitoba Free Press when it editor-' presion on the 'western houndary o! DR. V. H.STOREY 1 bave rendered towards lifting the aily rnakes the suggestion that in Lot 27 in the 5tb -,oncession, and Office hour 2 o 4 and 6 o 8 p. m 1 ivea of those wimh whom we have ve'w o! our cliniate there sbould be at a point in or about two-fifths dis- After 8 p. m., by appoin'ment ýnny'1come in contact toward a ittle higb- some otber way of showing respect tant from the 6th Concession ine. Exception-Office will be open 9 Vo or level and sphere o! usefulne.,s." at outdoor services for the dead so, that water cast upon the land nat- 10 Saturday nigbt. 3-t than by uncovering the heaA. It urally ifinds its way Vo the diteb or 36-t, * ..epoints out that the present iliness creek in question. DR. R. W. CLARK With bi., too, we Vruly f eel real cd the King can be traced to a robd. The appellant lived on Lot 28 in Physicien & Surgeon sorry for and pity the man who in bis caught wbile standing rareheaded at the 6Vh Concession o! the Town.-hip Office-Division St., Bowmanville. ripe age feels with regret increasingi a memroial service and goes on o of Darlingten for about sixtiy-five <next to Trinity United Cburch) 'weakness and failure Vo carry on as s3v that there is scarcely anybody yen"s, and aiso lived On Lo't 2 8 in Office Hours-3 Vo 5 and 7 Vo 9 p. m. of &Id while by bis side is the coin- Jwho bas noV contracted a severe il]- the 5th Concession o! tbe Townshi.p $uzadays by appointinent onîy. j panion o! the years. The richesti ness or at east caught a bad cobd o! Darlington for about eight years, Phone 24 compensation a man can find is thatI froii such a customn. sai'd last mentioned lot bing now in 45-t jof sitting in the quiet o! a confort-j Tbe Free Press says: "Any inno-1 the wnership oof Mr. John Baker, able home wit)h one wbo for alm4osa vation o! so delicate a nature can a son of the appellant. DR. D. A. CAMPBELL ;60 years bis heen helpinate and in-lIonly be advanced witb the greateet There is a drop in the ditch or 191 Oakwood àLve.. Toronto aspirer Vo better deedas. Then, too,idi!fidence. Whibe it commcnds goodlcueck ina question froin the conces- EAR, NOSE AND THROAT there la a sense of j,oy in living over!sense, and -may bave Tnany justifies-, ion ine o the main creek and in the Firt and Tii;-d Saturdays 2 p. m :,vars long past. tions that warrants its acceptance it six hundred and thirty feet as above B&wman Hou '-. Bowmanville. 2-tfi Those o! us who have liveb ij also touches upon our susceptibibities mentioned o! about twenty feet, and through the past 70 to 80 years have I that are traditional. But wI'lhere the there la no question but that any wat- DOCTO iS' HOLbDAYS witnessed several great achievements !chance of afficting those who 1 er tbat niay find its way Vo this ditcb 'n inventions both in farina andi mourn would be the lat wsh o! the or creek is very readily conveyed Vo The Physicians o! Bewmanville ihomaes and in general for the use of 1 mourned and where customn may be te main creek. Froin my inspec- have agreed o close their ofcsjn n- ereo hmndvl!wigely cbanged without diminisbing t'on andb froanVthe evidence as given Wednada aftrnons. In case ofî opinent neyer before reaîized in anvi the respect ts observance bas con- icannot sec that any water bas been emehency piat hi Voeenu te ageofo!the world. Witat a story 0f veyed, IV shouîd at last not Se ne-1oonwveyed to tbhe d>tch in quesion tehsiaortelephone Operatorladvanceincnt the historian o! titis garded as' any diminution in devot-, tifca en hc mi n for a docter. ipeoicnufl onal synipathy for a mou nro rifca enyhihbsi n perid cn unc,]I! unert'>way increased the volume o! watcr Iremain witb bis bcad covcr ed wbil' j in the ditcb Vo the detriment o!fte in the open air i lands o! the appellant. Sec in re Many an old farin boy can match I Re!erring Vo titis te Collingwood~ Township of Elma and 'rownsbip o! ,rHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS' titis experience of Mr. Twitchelb :1 Bulletin complains titat in thus Wallace, 20 W. R., 198. THEROPY1 When a lad he was sent with a creu-icondemning the practice the Freei h vdneo h peln a DURWINE. STEKLEY ito hoe a large field -o! potatoes. I1Press does noV offer a sumbstitute jnT il evidenc o the appeblws hoo rDUWINE.ofTEConLEY 1was on land just broken, the fieldiand suggests "Soinething in thoe nthat r as aisfack or Vrcsaish ohorracte wo! Toron tCollegeihad noV been cultivated and thereliway o! a Milit.ary Salute." Thetattrewsny]c !earn- o!Chrorti ille ffbeT ed n the Bow- 1 spet fgrs n ed.W i prposal is surely a ive one. The quiring contribution froi te owners and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. s-turt.ed, a crew o! four, each to take 'vritenbas within memory the deatb fteuprlns vri h ic ne 41J! orse. Tiee appelaturwasa cm- Resientl cbîsinad duingfor- is turn in front. Thte manino several excellent men whose de- o re eentantrlwtr nonn. charge was a natural worker wbo mise sureîy ,esulted froi exposure bro h owsi -uclfr nover halted. When te onby boy at funerab services. There M; o bro h onhp Cuclf - ____ __________- ~-'in the crew started hi.'> ead, titere lesa respect shown by the nlftd'inany years, but during aIl that time I were inany side remark-s as to bruis- I and than in the TeMovab of themade -no conplaint whatever as Voi FUNERÂL DIRECTORS cd heels. The cciv was hoed Vo thte hiead-covering, while if the temperat- lack o!f repair or as Vo contribution1 satifaction o! the boss, but there ure is, as it often i tnuch below hy< the other owncrs -i! propertica., F. F. MORRIS CO. was one in the crew wbo was *ihty zero the result las pt Vo be senbouS. As said ahove, bc dug a portion o!f, Comlet Mtororgla te non ou hal trukm i ty er like bra refonni, old the ditcit in question himself aind al orsletEpet 1 or hefiedladinshd thno obobs]strck. Hoe e harial' ie states is that the ditch collapsedt Horse Equpmenlyt. on the ofied w ay tnihe bothe ss ci> ~~a bout six years ago, entaiîing the laS-I A alîs prdompl o ie wo opyVtebytei-jo r of -one man some four days to attndd o. san>as ho paid thte men, and finally.1 cdean it, assisted part o!fte time Private Ambulance. ibis wa.s donc. MY PURPOSE iyteaplatadbssn n 10wmandile3pone that now the ditcb is again filbing in. BramcbStoes- The writer had a very tiimilar ex-IT> guard my healtb and keep ;inY Frointe evidence produces] it would j --irs. As w><.'(ri,,-,-in j the he itole ivorîs] hecomos a miseraihle chargeable Vo the appellant for the VEEINR "hr T~TTliilf pening on ev- fiark-hlue place quit-e unfit for s;itting-. on Juby 26tb., 1928, for thte VET-ni t hRY ;Wh are o take iman habitation. WelI, al titis is rpason that the appellant had not ne-1 E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. i crplaces ami d],tc r' ite, oft, n. onby te result o! a negleet Vo ceives] proper notice of said sittings. Orono > r1dle't~ us. wbo are y>'4 by te Pnoperly titose muscles o! L. V. O'Connor, Judge ilonor Graduate wf Lniv-ersity o! xc-v. Iend i(ýtrtv s;ulppI*t t, eve-Y te body--and of te soul-whiicht Teot. AhI caâse- given prmtshsahlpojcas]ht tn have Vo do ivitit honesrt Iaug'nten.',' Unites] Counties o! Northumberland and carefal attention. Offce-Dr.' w:le te dosno! orIportunitv. titat Thtre ii a bot of scund and valu-jaid ura. lècElroy's former office. Phones: 'hoj wnrk o!fte world may be ita'ten-j able philoopby in thia huma wel- j1L)ated at Cabourg ths aSth day of Clarke $921; Orono 18-1. cdndbteda V fane statement. i Febmuary A. D., 1929. Would You be a Magnate On $216 a Year?. The Bell Telephone Company is owned by 15,300 shareholders and 95 per cent of them live in Canada. Over 50 per cent of them are women. The average shareholder has 27 shares and gets $216 a year on his money. The largest has 1,510 shares, which is less than one-quarter of one per cent of the total. The company has grown f romn a few telephones to over 700,000, but it has neyer split its stock and neyer departed from its policy of the best service at lowest cost. The mont hl rate» pais] by talephon. tours in Ontario and Quebec today ae. the Iowest rates in the aworld for comparableaservic. THE BELL TELEPHONE 'r COMPANY 0F CANADA SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA A TOWER 0F STRENGTH 1928__________ _ Assurances ini force (net) - $1,896,915,00- Anw Increase of $408,925,000 N wAssurances Paid for - 441,244,000 J An bncrease of $112836000 Total Inconie - - - - 144,747,000 An Irîcrease of $4 1,972,000 Surplus earned during the Year - - - - - 40,264,000 Payments to Policyholders and Benefîciaries - - 49,920,000 Surplus and Contingency Reserve - - - - 66,938,000 ; Total Liabilities - - - 422,020,000 (Incbuding Paid ni> Capital)I Assets, at Decemiber 3 lst, 1928 488,958,000 An Increase of $87652,000 Rate of Interest earned on- mean invested assets (net) 6. 58% DI VIDE NDS To POLIC YHOLDERS INCREA SE!) FOR NIN TII SUCCESSIVE VEA R The Com pany has aise ixaugureUcd the practice of payi,îg a special niaiurily dividend on parttcipatng policie.s, ten orT 0107f years in force, termiaating by dcath or* maturit.v. EXTRACTS FROM DIRECTORS' REPORT *... After dcducting annuelts re-assureb, lthe total due either as interest or as divîdcnd, us in arrear fer assurances in force now atnouîît to $1,896,9 15,934.57, a single day; while the dividends accruing to commen an increase of W48,925,254.48. Policies in force stocks cxceed by several million dollars tose pay- nuniber 633,240, and in addition 130,293 certificates ahle on te saine stocks at tht ime of purcitase. of assurance are hels] by ernployees of corporations rTîe surplus earneb <îuring te year, bascd on the and] firins under te group plan. values given in te accounts, aumountes] toe$W,264,- Wiie every field] of operation coutrbuted its full 088.52. share to these impressive advances, the rapis] devel- $1O0,000. lias been deducteli fron te atready opnut of our business in Great Bitain ans] the itcavily marked-dowîi value of securities, as addi- Ulnited States isespecialby notcworthy. Thegenenous tional provision against possible fluctuations, ini- reception of our Comnpany in counitries serves] by creasing thte amount so set aside to $20000,000. powerful donaestic institutions is particularby graVi- Teseilaon e sd salaiiyt !ying, as esti!ying Vo mwide'>preaappreciatiotlnTt seibanon eosfea iaiiyt our ecor an . srvics.rovi(be for unforesecît centingencies bas bc-en main- .. . The amoaînt pais] Vo policyholdeni since organiza- t$l5,82 2,.5bs0e,0 pi00r.lote a ro tien, togetlmer wiVh te amount at presetit hels] for t 1,2,3.5bsbe ado lotda rft their socurity or berefit, exceeds the total amnount V pobîcyholders during te year. reccived front thei in îremiinms hy$111,370,229. 10. After making ail deductions ans] allocations, The tregthand esorce ofthe ompny avr $9157,966.34 bas been added otte undivides] sur- he st reng u dr e sou ce ont e C un anih ve plus, bringin g te total over liabilities, continge cy he e t ratfunth er et a ed o te . a i- accounts, and capital stock, Vo $54,43 8,862.48. vested ss .>'eta, .îter inaking provision for investinent Th otneprsriyfteCmayeabs experîses, ha'> isen Vo 6.58 per cent. Dividens] in- your Directors Vo annouumce, for te nintit successive creasles, bortuses and stock privileges, accruing on year., a substantial increase in the scale o! profits te manyof he ompny' hodins, ontibued ub- be ,istibuted Vo participating poliyholders during m a uîy o f ite t C o n m a niy's hin g s , ot ni u e ui - t e e u su in g y e a r. sA n t a protitisf $1a,0i! 8i 4.g9re subt. le ied In addition, your Directors have inaugurates te A ne prfit ! $l,02,85.59h.>sbeei relizd jriuîciple o! gr.anting a -Special Dividend on partici- freinte retiemption or saýle o! accirities wbirh bas]1 tatiîîg policies maturing suter baving been in force isen Voeitigit preiniums. tee ycars or longer. Titis new bonus wilb curable The secuities listes] in Vie assets have been value(i policyliolders or beneficiaries whose withdrawal is at figures substantialby bcbow thec values] places] on eccasiones] by te uaîturity of policy contracta, to thein by te Governenit. Titis uuider-val uation o! participate iunte accumnulated surplus which it has our securities represents an important safegard nelt as yet iteen consideres] prudent Vo divide. against possible adiverse market fluctuations, t i The effort Vo provide 1fr assurance at te bowest ioc-il Vo the reserves specificaly provides] agait net cost obtainable bas beeti increasingly apprm.a titat contingticy. ates]. Our policyholders wil be gratiies] by t"i We are again able to report tat on te bonds anid furtiter evidence o! our desine titat te Compeny's preferres] stocks listes] in the assets, net one dollar, proaperity shaîl be fully sitares] by its members. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA

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