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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1929, p. 4

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PÂGE FOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVI'LLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929 MAPLE GROVE enjoyable time last Thursday, Feb. ENNISKILLEN 14, at their residence, in hel'ping Miss Dora Eames spent the week- them to celebrate their 23rd wedding' Mis. R. A. Asbton is visiting Mis. end with fîiends in Toîonbo. anniversary. Lloyd Ashton. Mi. Ernie baird, Toronto, spent Congregational meeting will be' Mis. C. W. Souch, Hampton, risit- the weekend with bis parents. held on Friday evening of this -week. ed his sister, Mrs. John Pye. Maple Grove Young People are Everybody is welcome to come. A Miss Viola enner, Buîlington, pareparing a play entitled "Take My varied program will be given along was guest of Miss Marion Orchaxd. Advice". They expcet to present with ail church reports, after wbicb Mr. and Mrs. Pethick and family it about middle of Marcb. asoial time will be enjoyed and re- ite frnd inNwovl n The brothers and sisters of Mr. frshments will be served. SitdfinsinN'tnvle o and Mrs. C. H. Snowden spent a very 'Creani or l3ariey makes h)one and flesh. Mr.unday. . o Lm etr - - - -tained a number of fxiends to tea. or _________________________ ~ Thursday, ail report having an en- Il- Il oyable evening. Helping To Keep Down Thé Family Budget -It's quite a problem we know, for we're raising a family, too. That's just why we're doing everything possible to enable others to buy more groceries for less money. The pay envelope bas to go a long way these days, but the values we are offering every wveek are gladdening the hearts of rnany housewives. This week we offer: Ay]mer Soups, 10e tin or ...............3 for 28c 1 can eaeh Aylmer Peas, Corn and Tomatoes 38e Sweet Juicy Oranges, 2 dozen in basket ....55e Aylmer Marmalade, large jar ................45e 1 pint Maple Syrup andi pkg. Aunt Jamima Paneake Flour .................................5,9c Cooking Onions, while they last, peck ........59e Bulk Coffee, our own special blend, we've featured for 20 years, recommended by particular people and only ........65e lb. New Fresh Vegetables Just Arrived FISH FOR LENT We are headquarters for fish of ail kinds for the Lenten season. FLOWERS AT REDUCED PRICES Our Horticultural Dept. is becoming more popular every day because we give exeeptional values and personal attention to your orders. Sweet Peas, large bunch ..........................25e Double Daffodils, eut, per dozen ..............50e Single Daffodils, eut, per dozen .............60e Single Daffodils, in pot ....................$.00 Carnations, per dozen ......................$ 1.00 Marigolds, per dozen ..............................50eC Orange Paper Whites, per dozen ............60e Potted Plants, great variety, from ..........25c up We DeIi'ver Without Extra Charge HARRY ALLIN, (irocer PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLEl FEBRUARY RODUCTIONS IN FURNITURE Just one week left in February and we are making some very decided reductions in ail lines of Furniture during balance of month. 1 MeLagan Dining Room Suite, 9 pieces, very latest pattern, Regular $300.00, FEBRUARY SALE FOR $225-00 1 Walnut Suite, 8 piece, Regular $150.00, FEBRUARY SALE FOR $130.0 1 Solid Oak Breakfast Suite, Regular $100.00, FEBRUARY SALE FOR $85.00 We have a good lune of Occasional Chairs in different coveîings anti ail at redueed prices for this month. F. F. Morris Co. Phone 10 Bo wm anville Mr .and Mrs. Theo Slemon and son John, Mi. and Mis. Hugh Annis, -,is- ited their father, Mi. John Slemon, in Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. and Mis. Wilbeît Smith and 'son ,Oshawa, Miss Mae and Mir. jClive Lamb, Bowmanville, spent Sun- day at Mi. borne bamb's. Our Pastor, Rev. J. M. Whytel preached an excellent sermon Sun- day evening on Baptism, those who did not bear him missed a treat. The Adult Bible Class are holding a social evening in the basement.rof the church on Tuesday, FIebray 26th. Come, bîing your basket and bave a good time. jSorry to repart that Master David Siinpkins, a boy employed by Mr. Fred Ellis had to be taken to Bow- manville Hospital on Sunday and op- erated on for appendicitis. We hope for bis recoveiy. The W. M. S. held its monthly meeting in the basement of the church on Wednesday, February 17. 3fter devotional exercises, readings were given by Mis. Cook, Mrs. Roy McGill, Mis. Lloyd Ashton and Mis. J. A. Weiry; a vocal solo was well rendeied by Mis. Roy McGill. A splendid report o! the W. M. S. Con- vention at Oshawa was givenby Mis. Sidney Trewin. The next meeting will be beld in the Churcb on March lSth. Blackstock League visited oui League on Wednesday night. Thel Leaguîe opened with a piano duet byt Misses Marion Orchard and Audrey Dorland. Hynin was sung aftei which Rev. Whyte led in prayer. Miss Reva McGilI gave the scîipture îead- 1 ing. Miss Susie VanCamp then took charge and the Blackstock Leagners gave an interestinçr and he1pful pro- gram. A social bour was then spent in contests, gaines and lunch. The League closed with the benediction. CrFam of Barley makes bone and fle.h.1,j SALEM CONCERT AND LECTURE 3. Mr. and Mis. E. Doidge visited Mis ln Eldad Church, Mai-ch Ist J. Storie, Tyrone, on Sunday. Mi. W. Symons bas been disposing A concert will be held in Eldad of bis last year's fine crop of hay. Church on Friday, March lst at 8 several loads being deliveîed ]ast P.-nm., consisting of an iilu.s;tratedl, week. lectuare on "India" by Rev. J. H.« y Mrs. C. Pollard contracted 1ku while Stainton, Courtice, together with a nvisiting in Tooonto and was indispos- number of musical and literary seIer. ed for a few days, but is better tions by local talent. Admission. -again, glad to report. 25e .and 15c. L Proceeds in aid ofj ri R-v. J. W. 'Bunner took charge iaîîy invited. 8-2I -of the Sunday afteînoon service and delivered a splendid discourse to a large and appreciative congregation. . TYRONE Miss Gladys Cann and Miss Ella Collacott were weekend visitois at Mi. and Mis. Floyd Dudley have their homes and attended the wvud- retu.rned home after spending several ding anniversary celebration at Mr. weeks in Toronto where Mi. Dudley and Mis. W. G. Weriy's on Saturday was attending Military School ... .evening. Miss Viola Shortt, Enfield, visit.ed at jMis. Rutherford is very iii again Mi. R. Burgesa'.... Mi. and Mrs. at the home o! ber daughter, Mrs. Lionel Byam attended the funeral of C. M. Carrutheirs. Dr. Graham, ber uncle at Cannington on Frîday. . Specialist ,Toronto, was called in at- Miss Elizabeth B'igeow has entered tendance on Satui-day, we hope a training in Bormanville Hospital; speedy iecoveiy will follow. We wisb ber eveiy success in ber new On Valentine night the Y. P. 'L work... . Congratulations to Mi. and MsHenyMleontearvlo held a Valentine Box Social under . ny ilr nthsrivo the leadership o? Mis. F. Honey and a baby boy. .. . Miss Florence Gard-1 Mr. . Combs A oodl nubermer is visiting at Mr. George Mc- turned out and a splendid Lime en- Laughin',Ohw.. r Rbt sued, witb much nierrîment over the Burgess and Miss Viola Sbortt visit- saleof oxesandquit a ice ed with the foîmer's mother, Mis. realized for League puiposes ' tEohSees .,-po ut Cram ! Brle mk*~ 0o' a- l.a nuinbeî attended the valentine con- CreniofBareymaiusboL nd leh.cert at the school on Wednesday. One o! the featuires o! the progxam I was a debate, "Resolved that women COURTICEj have done more foi Temperance than IMen", the affirmative being taken by Mis. Androw Minto and little Miss Myrzle Brooks, Adelaide Annis and' Katherine, Toronto, are making af Nina Hodgson; the negative by Clar- lengthy visit at her father's, Mi. Axi-lence Hatheîly, Lorne Annis, Francîsi chie Muir. Mi. Minto spent the Thompson. The decision was given weekend at Mx. Muirs. .Miss Fran- in favor of the affirmative.- League ces Hancock, Bc>wmanville Hospital, Tbursday evening was in charge o! was home on Sunday.... Mir B. O.2nd Vice-President, Miss Alice Young was in Toronto over the j Tonpson. Prograim consisted o! weekend .... Mi. and Mis. A. E.i topic, "A great people in a great Rundle are visiting thei son and his1 Land", by Mis. Russell Wright; read- wif e, Mi. and Mis. Elmer Rundle inin g by Mi. Francis Thomiupson; reci- Toronto..Oui young people weîeltation ,M iss Edna Cameron; ieading given a fine reception in St. Paul's] Miss Irene Cameron. Chuîcb, Bowmanville, on Thuisday i Crnmof Barley rmakes hone andfIl,sh.I evenîng when they presented theîr They hada ulhousend a most ap- Notice to Creditors pieciative audience. After the play oui people weîe right royally enter- taine in he bseme~ o! he cuiohih îesons having any cdaim against taind i th baemet o th chreh1 h esateo! the late Enos Wooilward, to a delicious lunch wbicb evei-y one laie of PowmanvIlle, Ontario w-ho died enjoyed ... . S'unday ser-vices wr at Bowmanville, on February ,-929, are -e uired to file the saine wiih pro! there- veiy well attended. Oui Pastor, or with the undersigned exedîiors nol Rev. J. H. Stainton, preacbed a fine' later <han the ninth day o! Mai-ch, 1929, 't ter which date the esiate wiil be(dis- sermon in the morning and in the îtributed, and al daims o! which the exe- evening gave an illustrated talk on cutors have nothrecelved notice will be "Job and his Pioblenis". Service Dated at Bowmanville this 19th day is being heIn in' Mi. Goodell's -hall of February. 1929. one bal! mile west of Courtice each CECIL. WOODWARD AND o ..n ma;n -Q ý0 AD--- JOSEPH WOOWARD. HAMPTON Mr. Petiey, Secretary Y.M.C.A., Osh- M ~awa, is in charge of the opening ser- Mrs. Harry Clayteon is visiting her vices. Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Oshawa, sister at Windsor. preached on Sunday evening to a Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cowiing vis-. very good attendance ..Mrs. A. F. ited at Mr. S. Hockaday's, Solina. Rundle and Miss Annie Hoît enter- Miss Laurra Virtue, Toronto, spent tained a nuniber of their friends on the weekend at Mr. J. J. Virtue's. Friday. Mrs. F'red Densein, Bowmanville, ('rram of Bariey makg Ion.ý and ffiesW visited friends in the village recently., M r. and Mrs. John Wakely spent SOLINA the weekend witb Mr. Arthur Wake- ] y, Oshawa.MrJaie jMiss Vera Cari, Orono, bas been Maro. JmsSae iie tDn spending a few days with her sister, Mi. nd i.JhnKvl vstda Mis. C. Shaw. IT n r.Jh ielvstda Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker and fam- Mr. Ehner Wilbur's, Zion. ily, Solina, visited at Mr. J. D. Hog- Miss Edith Pascoe, Hampton, vis- arth's îecently. ited with Miss Evelyn Tink. Mr. and Mis. J. B. Horn and fam- Miss Edna Reynolds is visiting ily, Peterboro, spent Sunday with Toronto and Scarboro friends. relatives ini the village. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. Rus.sel Luke and son, Miss Florence, Shaw's, visited at Mr. Earl, Oshawa, were recent guests 'fH. E. Tink's. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cole. We are very pleased to report that Mrs. S. Mountjoy is visiting ber1 Mis. Sid Hockaday is home again mother, Mrs. Brimacombe, and hier fromn Bowmanville Hospital. isister, Mis. Bird at Hamilton. Eldad Church is planning forit Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilbur, Mrs. congregational meeting to be held j Greenaway and Messrs. Wilfred andi Tuesday evening, March 5th. ;Elias 'Greenaway, visited friends ini Mrs. R. J. MeKessock açd Mrs. H. Oshawa recently. E. Tink visited their mother, 3Irs. Mr. C. H. Wallace has motored to Thos. Pascoe, Hamipton, who is under British Columbia where he intends ithe doctor's care. staying for the next couple of' Mr. and Mis. Frank Thomnp.son, monhs.Taunton, Mr. L. C. Snowden, Maple The first meeting of the W. C. T. Grove, and Mr. C. H. Mumford, Zion, jU. was held at the home of the Pres,*- visited at Mr. T. Baker's. dcnt, Mars. A. Peters, on Tuesday af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Taylor andr fMr. Vivian of Toronto, has been Miss Lena, Mi. and Mrs. E. R. Tay- busily engaged putting in a Frigid- lIr and Mater Bruce, Messrs. Allan aire plant at the butter factory. Mrs and Russel Balson, visited at Mr. Vivian accompanied him here. Ernest Larmer's, Blackstock. M.and Mrs. Hilton Peters enter- Mr, and Mrs. John Pascoe, M. tained the choir at their home on and Mrs. J. T. Rundle, M1r. and Mrs. Wednesday evcning last ,when a verY H. E. Tink and Mr. and Mis. Jack enjoyable time \vas had by ail. IYellowlees attended the funeral of Mi&s Helen Argue, Bowmanville,1the late Mahel Allun, Newtonville, Who was a weekend guest of Mi.-,.;on Monday. Lillian Jebson, favoured with a solo Mran Mr.WJ.Ryodad at our Sunday evening service whCh 1babyRtM. i enldrted wa.s lnuch appreciated.byRtr.Jm enodatn- Mr. and Mrs. Cory, Mrs. R. Hooe<v ed the Reynolds-T1orpp wedding at: andM.r F.Wesawa hae rture~1Simcoe on Saturday, where Mr. Jim tnd thMrh.mestaa afteîsedin Reynolds assisted bis brother as best pleasant week with Mrs. J. Clat.wor- eman oe'ratmatinsln red thy and Mr. Westaway.exndcgrtlios The monthly meeting of HamptonI The autograph quilt of the C. G. Wonien's Institute will be theld at the II. T. was purchased at auctioni by home of Mrs. John Cowling, Thure- I.Mr. Sidney Wright. Mi. B. G. Stev- day afternoon, February 28th. Will iens then auctio-ned Off the many the memibers kindly notice that this beautiful baskets which found ready date is a week earlier than the regu- ,and generous buyers. Proceeds Of lar meeting. tie evening wvere nearly $60.00. Much sympathy is extended Mrs. I HîryPaye o Osawa inhe League meet;ng Monday evenîng cent bereaveinent in the loss of beriws< hreo h r iePei hushad. Beore br mariagdent, Mr. Erne.s:t Débar. Hymn was husbad. Beore hr mariagsung; bible lesson was îcad by May Mr.s. Payne ,(nee Alice West., was jWestlake. Devotional period was a resident of this village, making hier taken by Alan McKessock; pianýo homewithMrs.W. Geenaay. solo, George Werry; reading by Evel- A very sucessful basket social was yn Tink. The topic on "Alcohol in hel<l in the Sunday School Room last the Bodly" xas taken by Mr. B. G.1 Friday nigbt under the auspice-S Of Steven.s. After a short contest, the the Mission Circle. A splendid pro- metingclse with the League gram was presented by the members henediction. We are expecting a of the C. G. 1. T. of Enniskillen. visit from Maple Grove February 25. .Mi. C. W. Souch made a very able auctioneer at close of the programi Solina Sons of Te'mpeîance had a The Woîld Day of Prayer was Oh- very successful basket social on served hy the W. M. S. Auxiliary in Thursday evening lsst. A good the hasement of the church. The program hy ]l>cal talent wa.s giveni prograin followed was mostly that consisting of v. cal solos, .Mrs. Johnî suggested hy the lrter-Broard Com- Baker and Miss Evelyn Milîson; vo- mittee, witb the President, Mrs. cal dueLs, Misses Mary Millson and (Rev.) Bick as, leader. A paper Isabel Yellowvleps, Messî,s. A. J. and "Women of the Bible Who Prayed" Allan Balson piano solos. Mrs, Isaac was read hy Mrs. L. Allin ,which wqs Hardy and Mr. George Werry, piano very suitable to the occasion. W. duet, Misses Evelyn Tink and Ruth M. S. Atzxiliary will hold thëir an- McKessock, readings, Miss Jean Mill- nual "'At Home" in the basement o! son, Messrs. B. G. Stevens and R. J. the church, Wednesday evening, Feu- McKessock, while Mr. A. L. Pascoe, ruary 27t)i. IPast G. W. P. ncceupied the chair (reani of Baîrley makes bone and flesh. _rt-am o!f BarIpy makes bone and flesh. 8-2w rso ns odar ii rFurther Celebr Big February Hosiery Sale presenting values neyer before off ered to the publie of Bowman- ville and district. "The story" we have too much stock-but in. or- der to get these stand-out hosiery values ,we had to buy in huge quantities----that is instead of buying dozens-we houglit case lots Starting Friday and Continuing to Thursday we offer the following remarkable values-and advise you to buy your hosiery requirements for some time ahead. Remember these prices are only for one week on these welI -bought, profit -sacrificed, less-than -mill-priced Hosiery Specials 25 dozen Ladies' Clinton-Knitt Cotton Hose-in Black, White, Sand or Grey, Regular 29e ..............................FOR 19c 2)2 doz. London-Knitt Plaited Silk and Wooi Hose, aIl colors and rsizes-this is our regular $1.00 line .........SPECIAL 49c 40 dozen London-Knitt Plaited Silk and Wool, also 60 dozen Penman's Plaited Silk and Wool Hose-two extra fine num- bers that seil regularly at $1.19 pair ...SPECIAL 69c PAIR 25 dozen Penman's Super Grade Silk and Wool Hose, regularly worth $1.29, also 15 dozen Pure Botany Wool Hose worth $1.39 a pair, al] gràuped for big se]ling at .......79c PAIR Children's Cashmere Hose Penman's best quality, in Sand or Black, and infants sizes in cream-three ply heels and toes-get your requirements for future needs at these special pnices. Regular 39c FOR 29c; Regular 49c FOR 39c; Regular 59c FOR 49c; Regular 69c FOR 59c; Regular 79c FOR 65c Full Fashioned Silk Hose Your last chance to buy these at less than the mili price. We have about 300 pair left în the two grades-we guarantee everv pair lst quality-a good range of colors in aIl sizes. NO. 1-REGULAR $1.49 FOR 98c NO. 2-REGiiLAR $2.00 FOR $1.29 NELSON'S STORE of Bigger and Better Values WaIk A Block And Save A Lot j.-. - Home Furnishers PAGE FOUR BOXING ANNUAL CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT FRIDAY, MARCH Ist 8.15 p .m Boys' Training School (School Building) Adm ission Free The public is invited ALL FOR $7OO DON'T OVERLOOK THIS OFFER For One Week Only We will supply Wallpaper, Labor'" and material to de- corate any size room ff up to 12 x 14 x 9 for only $7.00. This offer stands good only from Feb. 2lst to Feb. 27th. A splendid selection of papers await your ap- iproval. Estimates given on all classes of painting and decorating. GEO. PRITCHARD Phoe 489 Bowmanville rating Our First Anniversaryj with a ,dé 'N"

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