THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929PAEFV ,dé. L CARD 0F THANKS iM John Cox and family and the brother and sisters of the late Mrs. Gox desire to express their sincere thanks to ail their friends and neigb- bors for the synspathy and kindness extended to tbem duiring their ber-1 eavoment and for the beautiful floral tributes. SAVE WIT AT1 REXALL DR Guaranteed Hot Water Bottie 89c 8 Cakes Pure Castile Soap 2.5c PERFUMES Coty's -Origan . . .. $3.50 oz. Ben Hur............ $1,50 oz. Jonteel ............. $1.50 oz. Coty's Muget........ $3.50 oz. Deauville........... $3.00 oz. Djer Kiss ........... $2.00 oz. SPECIAL 75e Coty's Face Powder 65c Coty's b-Origan Parfumie ALL FOR $1.00 Auto-Strop Razor ..........-0c Strop.................... 50c Biade...........O Shaving C!eam ............50O ALL FOR 39c DO YOU KNOW-that you ci tract and Insulin at Jury & L( JURY & WHEN WE TEST EYES 1 PHONE 78 The Elite SHOES THA' Footwear Tha Our stock is compos( styles in footwear to suit fittings we have to make. pleasing to the eye and bi Our shoes are not bou but are priced to seil at p WE OFFER THIS WEEK Men's genuine broguec calf leather with slip sole Pl Young Men's Black Ox Black caîf leather. Ev Just 0. K. Women's and Growing( with low heeis and roun SPRING 15 COMING-BI Better step into a pair of etc., and save some docti ular price. Heavy rubber ity at Just Arrived-WOMEN'S Spashers-Get a Pair No Phone 200 Wanted LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE WORK WANTEO-Farm hanti mar-1 Good Friday is on March 29tb. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Hall, Mimico,I1 riei,O neetis work. Flint, lo 'Mr. A. .Willson, Enniskillen. Ont. 4-tf Miss Sybil Burit, Toronto, spent1 spent Sunday witb ber parents, Dr.. 1 Stsnday at home. 1 and Mrs. J. C. Devitt. _______________- --You are invited to the S. O.1 . eV J. U. Robins and Rev. J. R.1 HOUSEKEEPER1 WANTED-For homel Euchre Monday, Feb. 25th at 8 p n.Bick wvere in Brooklin on Monday n iîowmanville. Two aduits. Ail con-',atnigacmitemeigo veniences ln home. No washing. Apply Mrs. Morrison, Barrie, is visitin.-tedn onmte etn f in writlng to The Statesman, Bowman- bier son, Principal W. J. Morriso, B United Churcb. ville. S-tf A. Mr. W. J. Bragg, D.D.G.M., ac-1j ________________Mr. Jos. Stephenson, Aurora, spent companied by menihers of Jerusalenij the weekend with his cousin, Mr. W. Lodge, A.F.&A.M., paid an official Carir. visit to Brooklin Masonic Lodge on Mrs. Lewis Irwin, Detroit, Micb., Tuesday evening. was recent guest of Mrs. W. G. Rob- Citizens wiil again have pleasure E AYbins. of hearing Oshawa Citizens Band Hr SA E YSnAye.LchrTrno spent and assisting Vocal artists in per mELockihart. 8.30 P. M. Silver collection. LU G T O R EMrs. Annie Widdis, Garden Hill, is Mr. John Davis, wbo has had LUG ST REvisiting hier sister, Mmrs T. Brown, charge of Felt's Jewelry Store since _____________________ Centre St. it opened bere last summer, bas sev- Eyes Sometimes Seem Mr. Rhys D. Fairbairn, Toronto, ered bis connection with this fiin e pent Sunday -with his sister, Miss B. and left Monday for Cornwall where IH. Fairlyairn. he bas accepted a Position witb Mr. To Have IMr. J. Frank Osborne and Miss J. A. Graham, Jeweler. Mr. Davis PERFECT VISION Edna Osborne are visiting relatives bas the best wishesof mansy friends Thatis her grve angr i ~ Iaiys.success. Mr. R. W. Reveil, Toron- lies. Miss T. Maude Penfound spent to, is now managing Feit's Jewelryý With tbe aid now provided by Sunday at Mr. E. J. Ferguson's, Ring Store. 1 scientific instruments, it is os St. East, Oshawa. Master Donald Sanders was a pop- sible for the Optometrist te, Mr. Norman Eliiott, Coilege of ular young bost to a score of bis boy diagnose accurateiy and, in PameTrnosetSna tcbum., on Saturday afternoon wbenli most cases ,to correct and re- M. . E. Eiiiott's. tbey were treated to a good oid- lieve the refractive troubles of Miss Leta Jackson and Miss Edîtb fasbîoned sleigb ride. Just tbînk ofi the eyest Bennett spent the weekend with 1il! A great big sleigh filied with LetUs xamne our friends in Oshawa. by one of Grandpa Geo. H. Bick-i Misses Best, Toronto, were recent liis beavy draft teamis, jingle bells Eyes If In Doubt. guests of their brother, Rev. D. W. and away thiE bappy noisy, singing, _____________________ est at The Manse. yelling bunch of bealthy Young Can- 1 1.Ge.Lckntn n o adians were off on a real joyi ride in- STATIONERYi Donald, Toronto, visited bier inother, to the c ountry. Rut-s, pitcb hoies, Writing Pad !Ms Wn Maynard. snow banks, snow-iballing, 'n every- 100 heet Mr. Wf'l.tbing ail contributed to mnake a sleigh 100 sheetsMr. and Mrs. C. A. Jobnston are ride long to be remembered in theirit and 2 packages Envelopes îrvisiting their daugbter, Mrs. (Dr.> young lives. Then back to the bouse ALL FOR 39c W. T. Veale, Harrow, Ont. the came witb tremendous appe-p __________________ T Mrs. Mari orie hurston, Toronto, ttes whicb were satisfied with a bot an prchae fesh iverEx- spent the weekend witb ber parents, supper served by the bost's mother, I în urhas feshLier x- Mr, and Mrs. J. Westaway. Mrsý. Lorne Sanders, who was assist-le ,ovell's Drug Store? Mrs. Geo. C. Foster has returnedled by Mrs. Chas. Bagneil and Mrs. from twio weeks' visit with friendsj W. P. Corbett. in Stouffville and Uxbridge. Créam of Barley makes lione and flesh. N~TI~1IMr. Wm. F. Quick lef t Monday toi LO V ELLspend a few montbs in the sunny at-' BASKET SOCIAL AT SALEM T IS DONE PROPERLY mosphere cf Hollywood, California. ____ BOWMANVILLE Thcre's many saving items tucked Salem Y. P. L. meeting took tbe away in the advertisements but to form ofd a basket social on Thursday find them you'll bave to read Caire- evening, F0bruary 14, under thbe _______________________ fully. directio.n of tbe 2nd and 4tb Vice-t _______________________ Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Beecroft andiPresidents, Mis. F .Honey and Mrs. _________________ 1 Julian, Whitby, were guests of Mr. ,L. Coonibes. After the regulart and Mrs. J. Hamilton Batenian over meeting which coasisted of music.1 Sunday.discussion, readîngs and a valentine1 Miss Dorothy Somers and Miss contest, our genial friend, Mr. Luke Shoe S tore DoSunday Sbirley, Toronto, spntte Bte mounted tebokt off- weekend with tbe former'ssaurit, ciate as auctioneer. The terniso T STIFYMrs. W. J. Bragg. sale were announiced as "Ail suma of LT SAISFYMrs. D. T. Morris, Misses Ethel ten dollars and under, casb; over and ele Moris pen theweeendtbat amount interest provided at 7% andtH Mr.nd Mors. G. hW Gaer, on approved joint notes". Then *sD ff r n . wt r adMs .W anr followed a baif be'urofectdb- Bd Mr.JB.EStpean ding as the gaily c'loured baskets, of may ifernt Ms rotd M. JamB.EsToro no, iany in nunlber were auctioned offc ýed f may dffernt iss orohy M Jaes, oro to the higbest biddeoes. After par- the needs of the various spent Sunday wtih Mr. and 'M"s. aking of the refreshments, the mieet- Every shoe though is Norman S. B. James. ing was dismissed by tbe League1 ujitto ft prfeciy.Miss Margaret Kitson, Oshawa, Mr tbenediction. boeat Iuilt t fit pefectly.Wilfred Kitson ,Sonya, Mr. T. H. Cream of Barley makeBbn ndfeh Light at a price just to seil Ne-,xman, Lindsay, visited at Mr. G. rice tht ar riht.C. Foster's this week. liiesta aerih.Mr. RohI. Clark and Mr. Merrili BIRTHS Ferguson <of Victoria (Jollege, Tor- BONATHAN-At Wiliowdale Rest jxfod, adeoftoa, spent the weekend with Mr. Home. Newcastie,don Monday February and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson. a1s. 99 Mranir.A.s. aa, eand rubber heels, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Garfield and - 'riced At $4.90 Per Pair son Ted, Stratford, and Mr. Max, MRRIAGES 1 Quick, Toronto, visited their father, dfords for sehool wear. Mr. Wm. Quick on Sunday. RENLS-OP-t S.Jamnes 'ery pair like O. K. car. Mrs. Margaret Staples, Newcastle, W. Davitison, Nellie Coral. daîîghter of Pricd $,95 er air is visiting bier brother-in-law, Gen- Mi- anti Mrs. Everett TOPP of Canfielti John ughes$3.95asPeeovPaidrOnarloand Joseph W. Reynolds, Bon o eral JhHuhs hba eoe< the l.eMr. anti Mrs. John Reynolds of Girls' Black Caif Oxford nicely from bis recent ilîness. Solina, Ont. Mr. anti Mrs. Reynolds M llresîde InToronto. id toes. Just a real good Mr. P. G. Pozier of the Bank of j__________ >îe t$.0PrPi Montreal, formeriy on the staff ofij rie t$.5 e ar the local bank, was guest of Mr. and DAH UiT NOT HERE YET Mrs. J. A. McCleilan on Sunday. 1DAH Miss Gladys Bateman and Miss Dor- HILL-In Hope township, February 15, F ovrshos, flt rbber, . 1929 Ann Irvîne, beloved wife of the otlhy Scarboro, Tooonto, spent thE late«Samuel H-i11. ageti 100 years, 1 month ,r bis and save on reg- weekend witb the forme's parents, anti 15 days. rs ,all number one quai- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bateman, Scugog FBARNETTA LusvleKet i, 10% Discount St. I yea ' interment St. John's Cerne- GEN INE ZIPERMrs. J. A. Gunn was in Toronto on tery. Port Hope. Tuesay atendng ht fnera of WILSON-..on Friday. February 151h.,l 5 GENUINE ZMr. T os. Piaerdon wthe died at the 1929, at 406 Gainsborough Road, Toronto, Only Per Pairn hodid t h Margaret Wilson. witiow of laie James :)wOnly$3.2 PerPair residence of hier, Mrs. pat-1 Wilson, ageti 65 yearsi. 1 terson. LILLICRAP-At St. Mlchael's Hospit- W. C. IVES, Manager. Toronto, on Wcdnestiay, February 13. j M.and Mrs. Fred W. Allîn and 199. Luke Lilllcrap of Cannington, ageti ___________________ Mr. and Mrs. Tbos. Culter were in 8 Yeirs Uncle of Mrs. F. L. Byam, __________________________ funralofntbe lyattend au theMs.ALLIN-In Clarke, on Friday, Febru- .......... funeal f te lttS' amt, îth, 1929, Lula Mable Allin, daugh- James Wilson. ter of Mrs. Ailin and the late Thomas -~~~ ~Miss Faith iBaxter, Dr. N. B. Cow- n afn,le eed8er. nertIno- ard, Miss Muriel Deeb, Hospital for ALLIN-In Bowmanville, at the resii- Sick Cbildren, Tbistletown, Ont. dence of ber son-in-law. Mn. Sydney! wer weked istor wbhthela: enton, on Thursday, Febnuary 141h,1 wereweeend isiors iththe at-1929, Ellen Sophia. wldow of the laie ter's grandmother, Mrs. John Grigg. Thomas Allun, ageti 66 yeans.1 IOINI-lt the resîdence of ber daugh- er. Mr.. C. Melvin Scott, 10039-lîSth St., A GRAND 0UD MOTHER Edmonton, Alla., on Friday February 8, I 1929. oi-cae, witow of the late Dr. Rob-1 - PASSES INTO ETERNITY: cri Young ofw]3owmafnvllle, In ber 9ist year. Mra.(Dr) Rot. oun Ednonon, TlILLEV--On Thurstiay, February 14, Mrs.(Dr) Rbt.Youn, E-onon,1929, at Hospital for Incunables, Toron- Alta. t0, lzabeth Ann, beloveti wife of Ed- lward Tllley of Mitchell, In her 81st year. From tbe Ed.monton Journal we Sisler-in-law 0f ihe laie Dr. W. E. TII- learn of tbe passing bo rest of a c.BwmnUe LALJNDRY WANTED Ail kîntis of laundny work done prompt. [y, isatisfactorlly anti aI reasonable priées Wriîe Post Offce Box 12. or cal Mr& W. Marioai-r, King St. E. Bowmanvllle. Phone 478W. AMBITIOUS MEN Learn drafting Quallfy for 411 to 70 dollars weekly. Practic-al home study anti sbop training. Pree Employment Service. Write for Information Com- mercial Engineering, Suite One Hun- dreti, 57 Qucen St., West. Toi-onto. 8-2 Lost or Found Key f ound. Enquire at States- mnOffice. BUFFAL RO&E LOs-on rdy February 15th about 5 p. m., between AlUn's Grocery andi Maple Grove Corn(.r on the Highway. Pinder return t0 Statesman Office or to Frank Michael, Oshawa. 8-tf To Let FrURN ISH ED APARTMENT FOR RENT-Box 51, Bowmanville. 7-tf IN MEMORIAM In sati andi loving mernory of oui- dea- niother ani fathi-. C2a1herino Wakelîn _ ho passati away February 1ld. 927. ani W m. Walln, who passed away Janua-y 23. 1914. Years have passeti but none can tell The losa of those we loveti so well, ýAnti while they lie in peaceful sleep, IThei- memory wL, wlll always keep. in oui- hearts their memory lingers 'Sweetly, tender, fond anti truc: The re is not a day dear parents, vhat we do not think of you. Satily misseti by lovlng Daughters and Sono. Articles For Sale FOR SALE-A quantlty of gooti hay. W. T. Symons. phone 160-5, Bowman-1 ville. 3-1w C0W FOR SALE-Durha-m anti Her- ford, reatiy to renew. T. Wesley Caw- ker, l3owmanvllc. 8-1 FOR SALE-One pair second hand de- livery sleiglis. ln gooti condition. Bai-gain. Rice & Co., Bowmanvllle. 7. if FOR SALE-Seei Barley, No. 21, 85c bushel to Mai-ch 1. Apply t0 J. L. Met- caîf, R. R. 2, Bowmanvllle. phone 183-5. 8-1w- FOR SALE-Splendid brood sow; (breti). seven pigs. Sau, mandrel anti circulai- rip saw. C. J. Mitchell, New- castle, Ont. S-1wv FOR SALE-Gooti work horse, quiet. ,so gooti McLaughlin cutter. Apply to N . S . Plummer Liberty St., Bowmanville. phone 187. 8-2w FOR SALE-Cutter, rubber tirerl top ýbuggy, single rubber mounted ilai-n'es. Apply to Mi-. Wm. McReynolds, pihone 1223, Bowmanvllle. 7-tf GRAIN FOR SALE-Banner Oats anti Engllsh 2-i-owed Barley, also Reti Claver, ail] gooti dean seeti. Apply 10 C. A. Blan- chardi, ilampton, R. R. 1, phone ISOrS. 8-2w- FOR SALE--Ci-osley R. 2 Radio with tubes andi two sels phones, operates on dr-y batteries. Reasonable price. Jack Living, ('hurch Si. East, phonc 560, Bow- manville. 8-2w- SEED BARLEY FOR SALE--Gooti two- i-owed aI $1.00 per bushel. Corne early lanti avoidti he sprnn rush. R. W. Ma- lowe, Nestieton Station. Ont., R. R. 2. 6-3w cow iFOR SALE-%WeýIl hired 1)uiam ýduai purpose cow, gooti gzo, otmI îikci-, uMiller in fine condition ,carriylag fourih caîf, due 10 freshen this wcek. ply io 1W. J. Clemence ,R. R. 4, tibowmatnville, phone 111-33. 7-2w FOR SALE-Cedar rails. $8.00 pcr 100 on $10.00 per cord cutl n 4 fI. lengihs, tielivered. Also good Yorkshire sow due April 121h anti two young boars. A. An- thur Gibson, Orono. phone 4 ring 6. 8-1 Country folk are in'vited to, read the advts in Ibis paper, then corne t Bowmanviile and buy-niany real bargains are offered. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-New brick resîdence with ail modern convenlences. Apply to, Jas. E. Flett, Centre St ., Bowrnanvlle, phone 384. 41-tf FARM FOR SALE Ô OrTo RENT-70 acres, belng Lot 24, Con. 3, i-ailington, of the Provincial Highway, 4 nill.'s west nf Bowmanvllle. Apply 10 A . .1. ut;- gins, Countîce, Ont.. phone 1.11-13. 7-3 FAÂRM FOR RENTr OR SALE-00 acreý farrn, south halves of Lots 31 anti 32, Concession 1. Townahipo0f Darlington. for ment or sale. Full possession April 1. 1929.. Oven 50 acres fali plotighlng done. Apply Conant & Annîs, Bari-- ei-s & Solicitors, Oshawa, Ontario. 5-13w SALESMEN WANTED To Live In Bowmanville Good position, good wages for good men Appiy at once te Thicksn Motor Sales 9 Bond Street West Oshawa Ontario 5-t 03,6 a. . . . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . . .. ...*** f [SOCIET'I4 BRAND CLOTHES - MADE IN CANADA Lo1,for amh Label i. eh* pooef. , DUBLIN TWIST A brand new fabrie idea for your Spring suit New ... definitely new 1 But that'. not the only argument in its favor. It's exceptionally distinctive i ture .. . in the cleverness of its dein@.. . in the marvelous blending of its rich coloms Furthermore, it's a twisted yarn fabrie and will give excellent service. Smartly cnt and aldllfulIy tailored, Dublin Twist suite are LEclusive with T. B. Gilchrist Sole Agent, Bowmanville j, Rev. Dr. Thos. Mitchell officiated and' SMASON &em;wssenEmto Saturday, Feb. 23 For Women ~Mrs. M. Nokes, IBlwmanville; Mr&.foiS 06P ivilleP. McDonai, Westîon; Mrm C. M.1 Mternoon Tea served ini F. Morris Co. Mr Albert E. Youn, WinnipegCftri tl Man. pull THE NEW SPARTON EQUA.S ONNE THE SENSATION 0F THE RADIO INDUSTRY Entirely different ....a new musical instrument-new in con- ception-new in design-new in basically patented fundamentals .....magnificentiy new in range, power and richness of musical expression. The new Sparton EQUASONNE is heralded as "the greatest advance in radio since AC reception". hear it before deciding your radio purchase. Be sure you Sold By Phone 337 HARRY C. ALLIN King St. W. Bowmanville ROOMS TO RENT-Fumnisheti or un-I furnisheti. Box 51, Bowrnanville. 7-tf FURNISHED HO0USE TO RENT-Six rooms. ail modemn conveniences, electrlc etiove, garage. Apply Mrs. W. F. Quick. Box 462, Bowmianville, or phone 19. 8-t SPARTON RADIO "The. Pathfinder of the Air" Il PAGE FIVE 1