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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTHCAAINSTEANBO AVILTUSAYFEURY2,12 PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTOR Art and Writing BLACKSTOCK REVIEWS YEAR'S WORK The work in Art in ail schools is 1- rea.'.onably good and is steadily im- Mr. Earl Iorreil visited in Tor-1 Bowmanvulle Teachers Receive High- proving frorn year to year, but 1 re- onto last week. est Average Salaries in the gret to say thât in Writing the i- Mrs. Griffin of Omemee, la visitingI aInspectorate. provenient is flot at all encouraging. ber sister, Mms. Jas. Marlow. Scbool Libraries Mrs John Byers, Ottawa, is visit Every ratepayer in the United Increased stress is being laid on the ing friends andl relative.- in t b is Counties shouid be interested n sst f providing suitable books vicinity. in the very interesting and informa- forSupe messiRaigtnteyr nOMs laec Mr(> tive report of Col. E. E. Sniderr ir Suemtgaesnt Rd ing elfin teMr. aned anM br oCarien Mone~ Public School Inspector for Divisiondiern grds antheblf netrindanierofrndoe 1, wichwas resntedat he Jnu-the need for helping the childiren to vngrenty was resetedat te -culti;vate right reading habits * vnigrcety ary session of Counties' Council at gro-wing, as is shown by the fact that r andMrs. Geo. Nesbitt, HaroldF C obour. I rad- h sxt pe cntof the school boardsan roie visited at the home ofj Gentlemen :-1 have the> hono""Iur q iefortlhe Special Libray Smith rs recently. to subm± the following report o n t uigtepeetya.Tersl ftehce - o ~the conditions of the Puiblic SehoolsCgant ssiges peetya.Tereuto h okymatch be-r of Inspectorate No. 1 of the UnitedFEt lse tween Blackstock and Nestieton oni Counities of Northumsberland andý The work of the Lower School of iThursday night was 6-4 in favor of IDurhalm for the year ending Decem- the High School Course of Study is Blackstock. ber 3lst, 1928- being Carried on in eleven rural Miss Myrtie Brunt of Enniskillen, * zcz Teacliers schools. While the attendance On spent the weekend with Mr. andMs A BOK There are at present one hundred some of these classes will flot be suf- Austin Lanmer and Mr. and Mrs. Si Wie heCorMARchrsdoig h od.ay ubi ficient to qualify for the SpeOial Russell Larmer. I WeC.,rnite od, tahr on h odnr ulcgran ta for Fifth classes, the work la * Pau t. We4st. cof Music, bman in pca eaers being willingly and reasonab]y weîî Mr. Oliver McCul]och and Miss Ida Pau st, of Msic beng a inxeas oftwodone by the teachers, and the neces- of Enfield, and Mr, and Mrs. T.1 lin numer of egul tacrswh sary extra equipment pro>vided by Smith motored to Lindsay on Wed- the .mbr ofreglarteaceý,s *the trustees for the benefit of the nesday of last week. he sanea or127smal] nuniber of chdlîdren who would Mrs. Ha.rry Grahami of Toronto, -- forCet192ati. not otherwise receive instruction in is with her mother, Mrs. H. Mount- Twety-oe nice fforaypr fteSecondary School joy, who bas been under the doctor's mm m m ~ ovr 1927, teacheoes hold first class Course. care for the past week. * * certtifictes, while the remaining sev-iSchool Fait', *enty-nmne hold secondj class cee-tfi- 'Theinterest in these fairs s .n Mr. and Mrs. A. VanCamp, Mr. f~O be 1hI7 ~ ctes. While the increase in the mitie an inr<j idgfland Mm. Percy Van Camp, Mr. and number holding ~first lass certificates froim the attendance. The cmei-Ms .Wrypn udywe does nt apper to bcvery etiediwith Mr. and Mrs. A. Bailey. d oes n th apear to b we nve corked tions in m arching, chorus singing, * p sdur tng the yneasill when ern physical training, public skn,1 Misses Margaret Proutt, Crystal sîdr hatth inrese asbee oeretc. have proven very much worth allia, Frances Mountjoy, Messrs. H. * four wnrdprcetdrn heli. First Aid work is also beng Swain, G. McCut.cheon and Lawrence * a vh £iiVito(odLWr~ kM past five years, it shows that the encouragec] by giving small prizes 1Mo untjoy spent Snnday with the 0 a sho>l oadsare realizing mo<Xir in connection .with demonstraions of; Misses Susie and Olive VanCamp. i M COUGHS, - ~~full th value of securing a teacher this important branch of education., TeFbuymetno!he ic and o R CO DIS stn ighesand ble. taadmcAccommodations & Equipment torian Women's Institute was held at * m B ON HITS jSupply off Teachers The accommodations and equip- the home of Mrs. Powell on Wednes- Thesuply f tachrs t pesritmen hae ben ateialy mprveddayaftrnoinof last week witb a _________appears to be greater than the de- rn th er ineshoispnd aednc. A ngtsl - -- rnnd. A nnibr if taehrs er-grounds have been enlarged so as to present froni out of town were Mrs. ,tfiatd. dun teresnt >eair er proide btter play-groiunds for thej John Byer, Miss Maud Hooey, Win- 'weUl as soane experience<i tii'55 obuîhdren, new and better water clos- nîpeg; and Mn. Griffin of Omnemee. I Ca010 N withescersyen ets have been erected or sanitarylIThe roll cal] was answered with a M O F Rrespective minor municipalities weoee single movaible desks, while a nuni- rict. Arrangements were miade for _________ as follo'ws:1 ber of schooi buildings were repaint- a social evening andi progressive WORK FOR alar il..............$11i107 1ed and re-decorated vsie a e e gav eiu« theato3750haslon i T S Nwasl ....... 07 OfcaFVst riday, 1l5th. Miss Kathleen Phoe- ___________Darlington.............. 1042 cia Vlgtave a paper on "The Rainy Riv-I________________ Cartwright.............. 1039 l schools weevstda e r District" whore she formerlyl R.sto>red ta Health by Port Hope................ 1023 twice, andI a few three tumes, durngtaught. Mms. John Byers, a former ORONO Clarke..................... 1017 the year. At the tn fteevs ebr aeaslni ake h Lydia E. Pinkham's Manvers............... 99, its and at other tumes, I had the membe, geand splo enitln thae Fo h esoflbur 4 Ve«etable Coneohnd ahedaweraeof theyIintthe ruralFromiTheoNethe sfhFebruboards th) Vegtabe C mu d Te aerae alay i th Ipleasure -of meeting mnany represen- Lunch was served. lMiss Alma Foster la visitîng ber Poet igcho. B.-For $1221,ver thatas of 197 bietefound tihem anxious and willing to1 AsthIra Cannot Last when the aunt, Mms. Hunter. --- ~$12 veresaarnt hef ur9ancholshe carry out any improvemnent deemedligreatest of ail asthima speciics is Hoiloway's Corn Remover takea pcrtElg% tree aveagesalry n te ubarscholsessentiai to the best interests of theljused. Dr. J. D. Kllogg's Asthnia the corn out by the roots. Try it mmb,1ws rieo d fea dt was $1061, an increase of $20 over hdrnRe dyauely esrsthiexatIpovit feeIîý.and that -o! the previous y3ar chiTownheeyasrdy eevsti x-adprv t * ot ownshred h vrgesir ai nalj ip Boards alteti titie. It has to its credit1 Mm. Campbell of Toronto, la iedme to take schoois was $1035, an increase of 1 had the pleasure of attending aaa thos ad fcasldtees w ioter p ro- Mmi 0.fw ees it hert. E. Pink $15 ovr that n 1927.meeting o! the Trustee and Ratepay-patnsbcfaedebeet SEgetabne- Changov Tachenr927.ors Associationi held at Cobouirg on brings help to even the most severe Miss Louise Cowan of Toronto, re- ... egeabl Chngeof eacersDecember 1lth., where the discus- cases and brings the patient to a con- centîy visited ber parents, Mr. andI d andooc r1 While 27 per cent of the teachers incetdonhe ownhpBrdition of blessed relief. Surely MrGeorge Cown PU tad were changed in 1927, only 20 per Bill, and while -the feeling of those suffering from asthma la needless M.W .Biutbsbuh h enii o cent made a change in 1928. This present was almost unanniousîy Y- sen re d like this iss a silyjMr. George Glass farin, 100 acres, ......erm- it to is encouraging and shows a tendency posed to it.s enactirent. 1 amr strong- ia ensCres otio hst'n I ~~~R Pr El- ini the rigUh directon, but the nuraber1 ly o! the opinion that the opposition, - m .A op tedd Hr gin. N. B.endabf.changes i til oo great i tethough stilI strong asveymaterial-J _____A._A.____________________ ....... Tis dpable best results are to he obtained fromn W decrea-sed since it was flrst pro- fIto ulualStoeci etyCnegnti oni Tr medicla . ad b7 rgit vy the work of our schools. In aU too psed. ontol8 ek eeaefS h many cases, experienced and success- j*~oa oit.te _______________________ fuI teachers are lost to the commun-,Coanc lusion te u e t Ms taCoeduhe !M ity for the sake of a few dollars i In conclusion 1 wish to thank th, B y the B s Ga«eoret Cooper, etSday heveningr salary, and when it la too late, thel Chie! Inspectoir, Assistant Chief 1GoreCIn-, ItSndyevnn trstestld ha t.yhae e al pecter, the Counities andTonsip W a If.1 Los Angeles, Calif., Where she an equivalent salary te an inexper- jOfficials, the trustees and teachers, wll ii ihhrsseMs D. iecdutied teaoher. jfor, their valuable assistance, as We-,'otatHiyod Wotaf te ec1r as t.heir kindiy courtesy extended o Maei apit1ase btî M tr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples, Mr. Aad5h.. ~40 a.n~ a The work of thetechers a ame at ail times. have befoe selecting your Wall and M.Ade nxadM.O ?LetbÀh whole deserves commendation. Asj Papers.i A. Gamàby attended the Cincinatti Mdtnatljudsi wykn the Public School is the only school -nadiin o 1 a Orchestra recital at Massy Hall on our" childrenua are 090oni adetioitoTroubles can Saturday afternon Ist. Orme e Prevents ~' teattendOurthilraeP c homl ed î<j5~1ue Iyugoods from some of the *mained over tW hear theMedlsh bMtboa..u Bls is. 11esaeth nyoe hocreit best YWali Paper Houses in On- choir in the evening. W. I Lk1, Lidirect contact with al the youth o o tne Ma y P st 01 ast. er :es r rie o Mr. and Mrs.Alfred ChaPman, 142Maua et = J Our country. Théir opportun ity 1 rselI f it, onal kinds of MllSt., ebrtd he gln 5 l ote gae fedctos adaon rie Tls o "rtas Bîgtherefore la greater than that o!fe.ny j Seven out off Ton Are Victims Butj painting and decorating. , -on Pebruary llth. The 13UÇ L M ohergrad ofeducato.,;,andalonl W-ite Tels Hw "Uatarriag 1e fifty years ago took place A~.U&a~.. j with this greater opportunity there Swifft Amazing Relieff With Âh r tv at the boîîme of the bride's parents, 1 us whesaio a theyanteavoid Renewed Vital Force. 5J. H. A e n t y telate Mr. and Mms. John Birch, d9dedp lt 38 sp ncs ily h go hy anngrear re-jy, heoff______clrgman_ as5c AND om in daily touch w it "No one knows btter than I, the Concession St., Bowmanvillo irby the officiating clery an be-o 75cAND40etheir pupils and the people of their horror o! joyless days and sleepless Phone 431 in icto the Re.W .Enld ey, past comnionities. TPhe teachers of thslghs There have been times when ___________________ Ooocrc ui T ohe old smanwthde inspectorate, I believe, w-ith few ex-j 1 felt ho peless and helpless--and when r---John Belwoad, and the brides- Icetins ae e 1m w- eseas me t I sý 1maid, Miss Annie B«wen, (now Mrs. to hei oportn- tense humiliation. On]y those who 1,(r)Ptesm Ucsibility of doing their work faithful-'possibly realizo my great storursfacan e0A.YjM A so Ohw A c ninig Iiead ly and effcientiy, and thereby incul- when Dr. Southworth's U7jTABS A Y. M. C. in s t roo una-w TaI. neZUOOTABE' md u f>cating the high ideals of good citi- brought me quick relief. URATABS J der the auspices O! the Memorial minutes, the pain le jonc end you feel eshp are truly wonderful ,and 1 give them. Pr oiite nTusaFb Bn.. ttend nce jful srvise ., uc h nvi ng e] 4 / ofruary 7, before a good audience. M r. ZUTOO will &top amy Hondohe, SicIt The figure., foir tue present year!dne rvsa o nvnigpo f Nenvous, Dysp.pteo. Monthly-inà are not av4Ul as yet, but it la en-te *oerfURT Bi eieH.arold Smiith acted as interlocutor thethose distressng ailments so often a n 5vd isl obeefceti 25o et desloma couraging te note that in 1927 anse otoein'ideHe that capacity. He rendered two Overorural.ugish Kidneys,1 recitations, "The Shooting o! Dan sch(ooLs showed an increase o! 15 per1Bder eans, nd Pote McGrew" and "An Old Sweetheart jcent over that of 1925, the aggregrate 1 lndTouble hring on so many dis-ofM-e. esr.N ma hot ttd h prtres.,ing aliments whh s e d!o!, Mine".damsCar.ermetandbbt Don't Sufer from possible atteridance, in these ,;ch(xls, r to seriou.s diseases that every suff erer BEd. Jeffery were funny end ne,the1 whlpier anc eing Iii.... cen o! ron Lah s, andnTr- in Ofa!,lad lttson iAdni, Cla renKet )uan Cruel PILES! !.ch-1;sof the inspectorate was 94.6 Oi9wn through groins, scanty but f re-~ . a' lm efrta" ___percentof___he____________ attendance. quent urination, "Getýi1g-up-Night~ I~ - by the entire conpany. Messrs. Gilb- rMusic in the Schoolsros Irritab;ihtv and Iack oj"f hie andc MacDonald as the Banjo No natter what rcnem "you hleti c T Ta teinera tkn y h pr Frc-hoîotr h aain1vle,. ;-wn -o e1r-!etrtinr; h _ha aooe Lu-vl, 1ca< be0- 'Y 01X;,1I>Yljg.k 1ik'Yj! :i:i mealand very-al:iyou ne 'ct j s Of ccOi, or constipation, or diar- tHsMnQulisTema Srîr 'sway without coat to the ratepayers. get fr&m the neart d sgtora [tfyfremilonforlserc bouge. ho s'osesses aboilitreodr.against ni w!Iv.'-ri tfipcag f Beuae n« a .st a.many ills. It wil relieve a cough, ruîi i .i. iW7us1~s Th. ujetwstagti either tabiets c4r powder. Give it* break a coid, prevent sore thiroat; it reitrial and you may soon be et. ilrdc h wligfS orî.îkk -i-<ou ~mn oîirfcett of thtearui>ral s hoo<s during 1928 img I ea wil reuco ise weflng fom y Ilier -d s other G; i .glisr and the autihorized grnswr e hc o iarewt oiz ih-I_________________ prain, relieve the most persistent Yul id _______a,____________reTe-_______ iageewih Yuwi-sores and tI ii pee'clily boa] cuts and heba ui. IdIt-MuiiU~~iLY ~ ceived by the Boards and teachersotteshhetfaro% -.ah_____ cnuin. tl edcn ha JURY & LOVELL, B.wvill.concerned. il u te Igtt- i-fsmacicntionsl. I saMdcn h "RJ*ENDLY CO-OPERJýTION with FPR4I There is a spirit oÇ%service and co-operation about the ]Banik of Montreal wluich appeals, strongly taoOur Parmer.'cusromers Y are corctially invitecl to cal1 at tliis IBankýanc discuss your financial problems with the manager 'ANK 0F MON TREAL Established 18l7 ~lwA&Çets in exceas or è870.000.004 And when millions like It botter It must be so. "SALADA!' TEA 'Fresh from the gardesW' The bout oats as -c prescribed by physicians for Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept211ly "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Hand " boxescf 12 ablet luof 24 and 100Dugit .srlrln Ilm t1wIrtiemark (regasseyca sinssa&a of Bayer Manufactre o f Moacsetlc. ordeilr f al>cylleacid (Aeetyl BUfie ji& À LA") hc llawl nw th& 1 Api>rin measay s.amue.ta ssL &"tt 5h "ule âtIiaios h alt or Blayer Compimy wilIl te stamped wltà thêi rsra trsa1e mark, the."Bayer Oints."1 Colds Neuritis Neuralgia p THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929 Pain Toothache

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